Program for the formation of universal educational activities. The formation of universal educational actions in the educational process as a means of implementing the FGOS Program for the formation of universal educational actions among students at the level of the primary general education

Engineering systems 01.08.2020
Engineering systems

Sections: Primary School

Currently, the main task of education is to educate a person who can study independently. This is important due to the high rates of renewal of scientific knowledge and technologies, when a person constantly has to learn and retrain. The standards of the second generation as the goal and the main result of education put forward "the development of students on the basis of their mastery of universal educational actions." In a broad sense, the term “universal learning actions” means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. The universal character of educational actions is manifested in the fact that they are of a supra-subject, metasubject nature, i.e. each academic subject, depending on its content and methods of organizing the educational activities of students, has opportunities for the formation of universal educational activities.

In other words, universal educational actions (hereinafter referred to as UUD) should provide students not only with the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, skills, competencies in any subject area, but also with the ability to independently carry out educational activities, set educational goals, seek and use the necessary means and methods. their achievement, control and evaluate the process and results of activities.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the main educational program presents four types of UUD: personal, communicative, regulatory and cognitive.

Personal actions reflect the system of value orientations of the younger student, his attitude to various aspects of the world around him.

Regulatory actions provide learners with the ability to organize their educational and cognitive activities.

Cognitive actions provide the ability to cognize the surrounding world: the readiness to carry out directed search, processing and use of information.

Communicative actions provide the ability to carry out productive communication in joint activities, showing tolerance in communication, observing the rules of verbal and non-verbal behavior, taking into account a specific situation.

The formation of UUD in the educational process is determined by three complementary provisions:

    the formation of UUD as a goal determines the content and organization of the educational process;

    the formation of UUD takes place in the context of the assimilation of various subject disciplines and extracurricular activities;

    UUD can be formed on the basis of the use of technologies, methods and techniques for organizing educational activities that are adequate to the age of students.

The task of the teacher is to learn how to organize the educational process in such a way that the mastering of basic concepts by students occurs simultaneously with the accumulation of experience of actions that ensure the development of the ability to independently seek, find and assimilate knowledge, that is, the competence “teach to learn”. The selection of the content of academic subjects, the definition of forms and methods of teaching - all this should take into account the goals of the formation of specific types of UUD.

Each academic subject, depending on the subject content, has certain possibilities for the formation of UUD. Consider priorities subject content in the formation of UUD.

Russian language

Literary reading


The world




meaning formation

moral and ethical orientation

creative self-realization


goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, assessment, algorithmization of actions
(mathematics, Russian, the world, technology, physical education and etc.)

general educational.

modeling (translation of oral speech into writing)

semantic reading, arbitrary and conscious oral and written statements

modeling, the formation of a general technique for solving problems, the choice of the most effective ways solving problems

wide range of information sources

Modeling and Displaying a Transformation Object
in the form of models

Cognitive logical.

Formulation of personal, linguistic, moral problems. Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a search and creative nature

Analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping, causation, logical reasoning, evidence, practical actions

Formation of an internal plan based on a phased development
subject-transformative actions


Using language and speech means to receive and transmit information, participation
in joint productive activities and productive dialogue; self-expression:
monologic statements of various types.

So, the connection between universal educational actions and the content of academic subjects is determined by the following statements:

    UUD are an integral system, in which it is possible to distinguish interrelated and mutually conditioning types of actions:
    - communicative - providing social competence,
    - cognitive - general educational, logical, related solving the problem,
    - regulatory - ensuring the organization of their own activities,
    - personal - determining motivational orientation.

    The formation of UUD is a purposeful, systemic process that is implemented through all subject areas and extracurricular activities.

    The UUD set by the standard determine the accents in the selection of content, planning and organization of the educational process, taking into account the age-psychological characteristics of students.

    The scheme of work on the formation of specific ECDs of each type is indicated in thematic planning, technological maps.

    Methods for taking into account the level of their formation - in the requirements for the results of mastering the curriculum for each subject and in the mandatory programs of extracurricular activities.

    The pedagogical support of this process is carried out with the help of the Portfolio, which is a procedural way of assessing the achievements of students in the development of universal educational actions.

    The results of assimilation of UUD are formulated for each class and are a guideline when organizing monitoring of their achievement.

In each school, each teacher, the content of the UUD should vary depending on different conditions: from the age of students and their individual characteristics, from the class, from the pedagogical style and priority pedagogical approaches of the teacher, subject specificity, etc.

Consider the activities of students at each stage lesson and select those UUDs that can be formed with the right organization learning process.

1. Goal-setting.

The teacher leads the students to the awareness of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson and their formulation. It is important for learners to realize at this stage the boundaries of their knowledge and ignorance. This activity contributes to the formation of cognitive, regulatory (goal-setting), communicative (subject communication) and personal (motivation) UUD.

2. Planning.

Students plan ways to achieve the intended goal, and the teacher helps them in this, advises. At the same time, the students develop regulatory ECD (planning).

3. Practical activity of students.

Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan. Here it is possible to use group work or individual work. The teacher advises the students. At the same time, cognitive, regulatory, communicative ECDs develop.

4. Control.

Students exercise control themselves (this can be self-control, mutual control). The teacher also acts as a consultant.

UUD are formed: regulatory (control, self-control), communicative.

5. Correction of activities.

Students formulate difficulties and carry out their own correction. The task of the teacher is to provide the necessary assistance.

UUD are formed: regulatory, communicative.

6. Assessment of students.

Students assess the performance based on its results (self-assessment, mutual assessment). The teacher advises.

UUD are formed: regulatory (assessments, self-assessments), communicative.

7. Lesson summary.

Reflection is carried out. In this activity, UUD are formed: regulatory (self-regulation), communicative, personal.

8. Homework.

It is useful to offer students a choice of tasks (taking into account individual capabilities). At the same time, cognitive, regulatory and communicative ECDs are formed.

Of course, UUDs are presented here in a generalized form. But it is this kind of work that helps to see at what stage of the lesson what metasubject results can be formed if the students' activities are properly organized.

And now we will consider more specifically what methods, techniques, teaching aids, forms of organizing students' activities can be used when conducting a lesson aimed at the formation of not only subject, but also metasubject results.

1. Goal-setting. Conducting a problematic dialogue.
2. Planning. Working with a lesson map.
3. Practical activity of students.

a) Group, pair, individual forms of organizing the activities of students.
b) Work on solving design problems.
c) Conducting role-playing games.
d) Working with the textbook. It is necessary to make maximum use of the capabilities of the main teaching tool - the textbook, because all textbooks have passed the examination for compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the LEO and allow you to achieve the necessary results.
e) Application of dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, ICT technologies.

4. Control.

a) Application of the methodology of mark-free teaching ("magic rulers" - by GA Tsukerman).
b) Self-control and mutual control by in advance certain criteria.

5. Correction of activities.

a) Organization of mutual assistance;
b) the use of various memos.

6. Assessment of students.

a) Application of the methodology of mark-free teaching - by G.A. Zuckerman;
b) self-control and mutual control of oral and written answers according to the criteria determined in advance.

7. Lesson summary. Reflection using:

a) Reception "palm" (the higher the activity in the lesson, the higher the position of the pencil on the palm);
b) emoticons;
c) colored circles in feedback sheets, etc.

8. Homework.

a) The use of creative assignments, practical assignments;
b) the use of differentiated tasks.

Of course, these are not the only possibilities for constructing a lesson aimed at the formation of a UUD. The new standard, defining the requirements for educational results, requires the teacher to build a lesson in a new way. However, if the methods of work used by the teacher before can work for new results, they certainly need to find application in the new educational environment.

So, the success of training in primary school largely depends on the formation of universal educational actions. The development of UUD ensures the formation of psychological neoplasms and abilities of the student, which, in turn, determine the conditions for the high success of educational activities and the development of academic disciplines. If in elementary school, universal learning actions are fully formed for students, then it will be easy for them to learn at the main link of the school.

To control the mastery of the learners of UUD, it is important to diagnose them (twice a year). The criteria for assessing the formation of universal educational actions should take into account two components:

    compliance with age-psychological regulatory requirements;

    compliance of properties of universal actions with predetermined requirements.

Age-psychological standards are formed for each type of UUD, taking into account a certain stage of their development. The properties of actions to be assessed include: the level of performance of the action, completeness, consciousness, generalization, criticality, and mastery.

Let us dwell on those positions that we diagnose when studying the level of formation of the UUD of younger schoolchildren through the performance of tasks.

To study the formation of cognitive UUD, the following skills are diagnosed:

    determine the need and sufficiency of information to solve the problem;

    select the sources of information necessary to solve the problem;

    extract information from their texts, tables, diagrams, illustrations;

    compare and group facts and phenomena;

    determine the causes of phenomena and events;

    draw conclusions based on the generalization of knowledge;

    present information in the form of tables, diagrams, diagrams.

To study the formation of regulatory ECD, skills are diagnosed :

    independently formulate the goal of the activity;

    draw up an action plan;

    act according to plan;

    check actions against the goal, find and correct mistakes;

    check and evaluate the results of work.

To study the formation of communicative ECD, the following skills are diagnosed:

    read information given explicitly;

    explain the meaning of words and phrases;

    read information given implicitly;

    understand the meaning of the text as a whole (main idea);

    interpret the text (through creative retelling).

To study the formation of personal UUD, the following skills are diagnosed:

    evaluate actions from the standpoint of moral values;

    explain the assessment of an act from the standpoint of moral values;

    to determine the rules of conduct that are important for themselves and those around them;

    choose behavior that complies with generally accepted rules;

    to separate the assessment of the deed from the assessment of the person himself;

    define an act as ambiguous (it cannot be unequivocally assessed as good or bad).

It should be remembered that a personality-oriented approach to the diagnosis of UUD does not imply a comparison of the student's results with the results of his classmates, and personal results are not assessed individually, but only in the whole class.

The diagnostic results enable the teacher to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the educational process, to adjust, if necessary, his own activities and the content of education, to see the possibilities of implementing an individual approach to the development of each student. Repeated diagnostics allows you to track the dynamics of the formation of universal educational actions and influence their further development.

In conclusion, it should be noted that if proper attention is not paid to the formation of ECD, this will lead to acute problems of school education: the lack of formation of educational and cognitive motives and low curiosity of a significant part of students, difficulties in the voluntary regulation of educational activities, a low level of general cognitive and logical actions, difficulties in school adaptation. , the growth of deviant behavior. It is the purposeful systematic work on the formation of the ECD that is the key condition for increasing the efficiency of the educational process in the new conditions of the development of society.


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Universal Learning Actions (ULE)

    Provide the student's ability for self-development and self-improvement

through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experiences

    Functions of universal educational actions "Learning in communication":

1. Regulation of educational activities

    adoption and setting of educational goals and objectives,

    search and effective use the necessary means and methods for the implementation of educational goals and objectives,

    control, assessment and correction of the process and results of educational activities

2. Creation of conditions for self-development and self-realization of personality

    readiness for continuing education based on the ability to learn ,

    formation of civic identity and tolerance of life in a multicultural society,

    development of high social and professional mobility

3. Ensuring learning success

    the success of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities;

    formation of a holistic picture of the world;

    the formation of competencies in any subject area of ​​knowledge

    Types of universal learning activities



    General cognitive


Name of UUD

Document, program

Student actions


Sample OOP

Program "Formation of UUD"


General educational;

Brain teaser;

Problem statement and solution

Reflective reading;

To pose a problem and argue for its relevance;

Conduct research independently, test hypotheses;

Organize research to test hypotheses;


general educational,

logical learning activities,

statement and solution of the problem.

Make hypotheses:

Prove or refute the hypothesis put forward;

Conduct an experiment, research

Generalize subject concepts;

Compare, analyze;

Establish causal relationships;

To structure the text, to highlight the main, the secondary;

Uses various information resources.


Planning of educational cooperation;

Asking questions;

Construction of speech statements;

Leadership and coordination with a partner.

Consider different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

Formulate their own opinion and position, argue and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation in developing a common solution in joint activities;

Planning educational collaboration with teacher and peers

Asking questions, proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information;

Conflict resolution, decision making and implementation;

Partner behavior management - control, correction, assessment of his actions;

Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication;

Expresses his own opinion and position, establishes and compares different points of view, argues his own opinion, organizes, exercises mutual control, mutual assistance.

Carries out control, correction, assessment of the partner's actions, uses adequate language means, displays the content of the actions performed in speech, fully conveys information to partners.


Goal setting;





Setting goals, setting new goals, transforming a practical task;

To independently analyze the conditions for achieving the goal;

Set target priorities;

Be able to independently control and manage your time;

Adequately independently assess the correctness of the action

Goal-setting as a formulation of an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and assimilated by students and what is still unknown;

Planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result;

Forecasting - anticipating the result and the level of assimilation of knowledge,


Correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments

Assessment - highlighting and understanding by students what has already been learned and what else needs to be learned,


They plan, reflect;

They are oriented in the situation;

Predict the result;

Designate a goal;

Make decisions;


Self-control is carried out;

Assess their activities.


Meaning formation;

Moral and aesthetic assessment;

Self-knowledge and self-determination;


foundations of civic identity(including cognitive, emotional-value and behavioral components);

fundamentals of social competence(including value-semantic attitudes and moral norms, experience of social and interpersonal relations, legal consciousness);

Willingness and ability to transition to, including readiness to choose the direction of specialized education.

Personal, professional, life self-determination;

Meaning formation, that is, the establishment by students of a connection between the goal of educational activity and its motive, moral and ethical orientation, including the assessment of the assimilated content, which ensures a personal moral choice. UUD: shaping... planned results in program formation UUD... For formation personal universal educational ...

  • Explanatory note The interdisciplinary program for the formation of universal educational actions at the level of primary general education (hereinafter the program for the formation of uud) specifies the requirements of the fgos noo to the personal and metasubject results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education,

    Explanatory note

    ... programs and serves as the basis for the development of approximate programs subjects, courses, disciplines. Program formation UUD... and the nature of the types of universal actions. Program formation UUD for primary general education: sets ...

  • The program for the formation of universal educational actions among students at the stage of primary general education Explanatory note (2)


    Process. Theoretical and methodological basis of design programs formation UUD in general are system-activity and ... way, quality and efficiency of implementation programs formation UUD

  • The program for the formation of universal educational actions among students at the stage of primary general education of general education


    Prevention of school difficulties. Target programs formation UUD regulation of the processes of mastering metasubject skills ... sociological surveys). Quality and efficiency of implementation programs formation UUD heavily dependent on awareness ...

  • Slide 1

    Slide 2

    What is the purpose of the school?

    Formation in every child of the ability to learn - to teach YOURSELF.

    Slide 3

    The priority goal of school education:

    development of the student's ability to independently set a learning task, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate their achievements.

    Slide 4

    Slide 5

    How can this goal be achieved?

    Thanks to the system for the formation of universal educational actions

    Slide 6

    inquisitive, actively and interestedly learning the world; possessing the basics of the ability to learn, capable of organizing their own activities; loving his people, his land and his homeland; respecting and accepting the values ​​of the family and society; ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions in front of family and society; friendly, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position, express his opinion; complying with the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for himself and those around him. (FGOS NOO, page 7, section I.)

    "Portrait of a Primary School Graduate"

    Slide 9

    meaning making actions

    actions of moral and ethical assessment

    Personal UUD

    Self-determination actions

    Slide 10

    provide value-semantic orientation of students and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships: personal, (professional), life self-determination; meaning formation, i.e. the establishment by students of the connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive; moral and ethical orientation, including the assessment of the assimilated content, providing a personal moral choice

    Slide 11

    Personal universal actions

    Allows you to make the teaching meaningful, provide the student with the significance of solving educational problems, linking them with real ones life goals and situations. They are aimed at understanding, researching and accepting life values ​​and meanings, they allow you to orient yourself in moral norms, rules, assessments, develop your life position in relation to the world, people, yourself and your future.

    Slide 12

    Cognitive UUD

    general educational, including special-subject actions

    logical, including sign-symbolic actions

    posing and solving problems

    Slide 13

    Cognitive universal actions

    include: General educational universal actions: - self-selection and formulation of a cognitive goal; -search and highlight necessary information; -structuring knowledge; -sign-symbolic modeling - the transformation of an object from a sensory form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object (spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic) are highlighted, and the transformation of the model in order to identify the general laws that determine this subject area - the ability to consciously and arbitrarily build a speech utterance verbally and writing; selection of the most effective ways to solve problems, depending on specific conditions; reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and assessment of the process and results of activities, etc.

    Slide 14

    Universal logical actions

    analysis of objects in order to identify features (significant, insignificant); synthesis as the compilation of a whole from parts, including with independent completion, replenishment of missing components; selection of grounds and criteria for comparison, serialization, classification of objects; summing up under concepts, deriving consequences; establishment of causal relationships; building a logical chain of reasoning; proof; putting forward hypotheses and their justification.

    Slide 15

    Statement and solution of the problem:

    problem formulation; independent creation of methods for solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

    Slide 16

    Cognitive actions

    They include the actions of research, search and selection of the necessary information, its structuring; modeling of the studied content, logical actions and operations, methods of solving problems.

    Slide 17

    Regulatory universal training activities

    Goal setting Planning Control Prediction Correction

    Volitional self-regulation

    Slide 18

    Regulatory educational actions of children of primary school age: 1. Ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities (planning, control, evaluation): - the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in learning activities; - the ability to act according to plan and plan their activities; - overcoming impulsivity, involuntariness; - the ability to control the process and the results of their activities, including the implementation of anticipatory control in cooperation with the teacher and peers; - the ability to adequately perceive grades and grades; - the ability to distinguish between the objective difficulty of the task and the subjective complexity; - the ability to interact with adults and with peers in educational activities.

    Slide 19

    Regulatory training activities

    2. Formation of purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals, life optimism, readiness to overcome difficulties: - purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals; - readiness to overcome difficulties, the formation of an attitude towards finding ways to resolve difficulties (coping strategy); - the formation of the foundations of an optimistic perception of the world.

    Slide 20

    Regulatory UUD

    Regulatory ECDs include self-control skills, the ability to solve an educational problem, the ability to work according to an algorithm, and the level of development of combinatorial skills.

    Slide 21

    Regulatory actions

    Provide the ability to manage cognitive and educational activities by setting goals, planning, monitoring, correcting their actions and assessing the success of assimilation.

    Slide 22

    Communicative UUD

    Planning educational collaboration

    Asking questions

    Construction of speech utterances

    Leadership and coordination with a partner

    Slide 23

    Communicative actions - interpersonal and business cooperation, a positive and responsible attitude to the world of nature and culture, small homeland and Fatherland. These include: planning educational collaboration with the teacher and peers; posing questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information; conflict resolution - identification, search for solutions and its implementation; partner behavior management - control, correction, assessment of his actions; the ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and and conditions of communication

    The monograph contains theoretical and practical materials of experimental work on the creation, substantiation and testing of the intraschool system of educational, methodological and managerial support for the development of universal educational actions of students. The ideological, substantive, didactic, methodological and managerial aspects of solving the problem of mastering the meta-subject content of education by students are considered. Creation, theoretical substantiation and testing of the presented materials was carried out within the framework of the network experimental platform of the Moscow Pedagogical State University.
    The monograph is addressed to school leaders and teachers, students and teachers of pedagogical universities, who are aware of the importance of purposeful development of students' learning skills.

    The reader can get a general idea of ​​the content of the proposed monograph by reading the title and annotation by looking at the table of contents. Nevertheless, we felt it necessary to write a few words addressed to the readers and acting as a lightning rod, so that this work avoids more severe criticism than the one it undoubtedly deserves.

    We considered it necessary to demonstrate once again the relevance of universal methods of obtaining and applying knowledge and to determine the place of this publication in the process of developing and substantiating an intraschool system of educational, methodological and managerial support for the formation and development of educational and cognitive competence of students.

    Today, no one doubts that the point of growth of the ideological and organizational foundations of a modern school should be the rights, interests and abilities of the child. School is, apparently, the only social institution that is obliged and can take upon itself the realization of the child's rights to his full-fledged personal development. One of the conditions for the realization of this right is the student's possession of the ability to learn.

    Lyrical digression.
    Toffler E. "The shock of the future"
    history of determining the priority component of the content of general education
    Lyrical digression.
    V. Soloviev “Letters different years»
    activity component of the metasubject content of education
    Lyrical digression.
    Gessen S. I. “Fundamentals of Pedagogy.
    Introduction to Applied Philosophy "
    project of a holistic intraschool system of educational and methodological support for the formation and development of general educational skills
    Lyrical digression.
    Ilyenkov E. V. "School should teach thinking"
    definition of key concepts and basic procedures
    Lyrical digression.
    Florensky P.A.Letter to V.I.Vernadsky
    management of the creation and implementation of an intraschool system of educational and methodological support for the formation and development of general educational skills
    Lyrical digression.
    Likhachev D. S. "Reflections"
    6. CASE TASKS:
    determination of the level of formation of professional competence of teachers in organizing the development of students of universal educational actions
    Lyrical digression.
    Mamardashvili M. K. "The problem of man in philosophy"
    Lyrical digression.
    Bruner J. "Culture of Education"

    Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
    Download the book Development of universal educational actions, Thieves S.G., Orlova E.V., 2012 -, fast and free download.

    • Metasubject lesson, Resource of mastering universal educational actions by students, Thieves S.G., Goldberg V.A., Novozhilova M.M., Averina N.P., 2015
    • Theory and practice of metasubject education, Search for solutions to problems, Thieves S.G., Goldberg V.A., Vinogradova S.S., 2017
    • The school should teach to think, design, research, Management aspect, Thieves S.G., Novozhilova M.M., 2008

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