Planet of english vocational education. How do you spell "homework" in English? The best modern English textbook

PVC panels 01.08.2020

The textbook is developed taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards of secondary general and secondary vocational education, as well as the profile of vocational education. The structure and content of the textbook allow you to summarize the material covered in secondary school and ensure the development of knowledge, skills and abilities at a new, higher level. Particular attention is paid to the formation of the educational and cognitive component of communicative competence, for which project assignments were used. When compiling tasks, the requirements of the Unified State Exam were taken into account. The textbook is integral part educational and methodological set, including workshops for socio-economic and humanitarian profiles. The disc is a collection of audio materials for the textbook. The textbook is intended for students of professional educational organizations, mastering professions and specialties of secondary vocational education.

Study the grammar.
I am
I am in the reading room. I (am) in the reading room.
I am a college student. I am a college student. / I am a college student.
I am fifteen. I'm fifteen).
Not is he is (is)
She is
It is he / she / it / it (about inanimate objects, animals) is
The textbook is on the table. The textbook lies / is on the table.
It is new. He's new.
It Is for college students. It's for college students.
We are
We are in class. We are in class.
We are good at Chemistry. We are doing well in chemistry.
We are excellent students. We are excellent students.

Introductory Unit. Welcome to the Planet of English!
Unit 1. A United Family Is the Best Treasure
Unit 2. There Is no Place like Home
Unit 3. What Do College Students Do?
Unit 4. A Dream Classroom
Unit 5. What's Your Hobby?
Project 1 (Introductory Unit, Units 1 - 5). Discovering Celebrity Life
Master Your Skills 1. Youth Camp Application Form
Unit 6. How Do I Get There?
Unit 7. Eating Traditions’
Unit 8. Shops and Shopping
Unit 9. Sports on Land, in Water, in the Air
Unit 10. What Are You Doing Now?
Project 2 (Units 6-10). Planning a Hop-on/Hop-off Bus Tour
Master Your Skills 2. Application for Schengen Visa
Unit 11. Moscow: Its Past and Present
Unit 12. “Russia - our beloved country
Unit 13. A Glimpse of Britain
Unit 14. Customs, Traditions, Superstitions
Unit 15. The Countryside or the Big City?
Project 3 (Units 11-15). Submitting a Manuscript to the Publishing House Master Your Skills 3. Writing an Article About Your Home Town
Unit 16. The Olympic Movement
Unit 17. Art and Culture
Unit 18. Wonders of the World
Unit 19. Man and Nature.
Unit 20. The Way into a Career
Project 4 (Units 16 - 20). A Real Professional Needs to Be Well-rounded
Master Your Skills 4. CV or Resume?
appendix. Irregular verbs.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Planet of English, English textbook for institutions, Bezkorovainaya G.T., Sokolova N.I., Koyranskaya E.A., Lavrik G.V., 2017 -, fast and free download.

  • English, Practicum for the specialties of the humanitarian profile of SVE, Sokolova N.I., 2014 - The workshop is aimed at developing reading, speaking and writing skills on professional topics of a humanitarian orientation and the formation of not only communicative, but ... Books by English language
  • Planet of English, Bezkorovaynaya G.T., Sokolova N.I., Koyranskaya E.A., 2012 - The structure and content of the textbook allow you to summarize the material covered in high school and ensure the development of knowledge, skills and abilities in a new, ... English language books
  • English, Planet of English, Bezkorovainaya G.T., Sokolova N.I., 2012 - The structure and content of the textbook allow you to summarize the material covered in high school and ensure the development of knowledge, skills and abilities in a new, ... English language books
  • Practical English course, 1st year, Selyanina L.I., Gintovt K.P., Sokolova M.A., 1998 - A series of textbooks is intended for students of pedagogical universities and implies continuity in learning English from I to V courses. Target … English language books

The following tutorials and books:

  • All the rules of the English language, Matveev S.A., 2014 - A convenient, compact, universal reference book contains information on all the rules of English grammar and spelling. The rules are illustrated with examples with translation into Russian ... English language books
  • English for Beginners, Level B1, Matveev S.A., 2016 - The book is dedicated to mastering the B1 Intermediate level of knowledge of the English language according to the scale of language competence of foreign language proficiency used in the European Union. … English language books
  • English for Beginners, Level A2, Matveev S.A., 2016 - The book is dedicated to the development of the level A2 Pre-Intermediate knowledge of English according to the scale of language competence of foreign language proficiency used in the European Union. … English language books
  • English for Beginners, Level A1, Matveev S.A., 2016 - The book is dedicated to mastering the level A1 Elementary knowledge of English according to the scale of language competence used in the European Union. Level A1 includes: ... English language books

Previous articles:

  • English grammae, Nekrasova E.V., 2010 - This book will help you get acquainted with the practical mechanism of mastering the main phenomena of English grammar. This guide contains answers to the most common questions... English language books
  • Russian-English phrasebook for petrochemists and inorganic chemists, Yu.R. Kuznetsov, V.M. Sloushcher, 1985 - This phrasebook is part of a series of Russian-foreign phrasebooks for specialists. summarizing literature... English language books
  • English for technical universities, Kurashvili E.I., 2012 - The textbook is intended for students of I III semesters who begin studying English at a technical university, and has a clearly defined professional orientation. … English language books
  • Learning English Articles, L.P. Khristorozhestvenskaya, 2014 - The manual systematizes the main cases of using articles in English and provides numerous exercises to consolidate them. It continues the series... English language books

is a modern English textbook designed for effective learning and obtaining the necessary theoretical and practical skills. Educational material summarizes the structure and content of the material covered in secondary school, and provides a sufficient basis for further successful studying of English language.

Year: 2012
Publisher: academy
Bezkorovainaya Galina
Format: pdf

Course composition:
Textbook Planet of English PDF
Planet of english - All exercises PDF
Planet of english — All DJVU exercises
Audio material in MP3 format
The size: 132 MB.
Download the whole course

The best modern English textbook

« Planet of English. English textbook» also contains audio material, which will greatly simplify the perception of new material and contribute to the development of natural speech skills characteristic for English. At the end of the course, you will be able to talk on the most popular topics, as well as correctly form grammatical constructions and use them in various conversational situations.

English textbook

Answer the questions.
1. What's your name?
2. What's your short name?
3. What's the name of your best friend?
4. Are you from Germany? Where are you from? What is your nationality?
5. Can you spell the name of your hometown?
6. Are you 19 years old? How old are you?
7. Are you a first-year student? Are you at college now?
8. Where is your best friend?

Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
1. Alexander has a younger brother.
2. His brother studies in a theater school.
3. Liudmila Mikhailovna is a cook.
4. She spends a lot of time reading.
5. She sometimes checks Alexander's and Alexei's homework.
6. Konstantin Alexeevich is a professor at a medical university.
7. He arranges the free time of his sons.
8. Alexander's grandparents do scientific research.
9. Alexander likes everything to be in order.
10. Alexei's duty is to clean the rooms.

Contents: exercise with answers

Introductory Unit. Welcome to the Planet of English!
Unit 1. A United Family Is the Best Treasure
Unit 2. There Is no Place like Home
Unit 3. What Do College Students Do?
Unit 4. A Dream Classroom
Unit 5. What's Your Hobby?
Project 1 (Introductory Unit, Units 1 - 5). Discovering Celebrity Life
Master Your Skills 1. Youth Camp Application Form
Unit 6. How Do I Get There?
Unit 7. Eating Traditions
Unit 8. Shops and Shopping
Unit 9. Sports on Land, in Water, in the Air
Unit 10. What Are You Doing Now?

Teaching material summarizes the content of the material in high school

Project 2 (Units 6 - 10). Planning a Hop-on/Hop-off Bus Tour
Master Your Skills 2. Application for Schengen Visa
Unit 11. Moscow: Its Past and Present
Unit 12
Unit 13. A Glimpse of Britain
Unit 14. Customs, Traditions, Superstitions
Unit 15. The Countryside or the Big City?
Project 3 (Units 11 - 15). Submitting a Manuscript to the Publishing House
Master Your Skills 3. Writing an Article About Your Home Town
Unit 16. The Olympic Movement
Unit 17. Art and Culture
Unit 18. Wonders of the World
Unit 19. Man and Nature
Unit 20. The Way into a Career
Project 4 (Units 16 - 20). A Real Professional Needs to Be Well-rounded
Master Your Skills 4. CV or Resume?
appendix. Irregular verbs.

Correct design homework in English plays an important role in the assessment. Every student in a university, private or public school should be able to do this correctly. The rules for writing homework are taught by teachers from elementary grades. But many do not attach much importance to this, therefore they forget and start looking for a translation on the Internet or make ridiculous mistakes.

Writing instructions

  1. The number must be written in the middle of the line.
  2. If the page is blank, start writing on the very top line.
  3. If there are already entries on the page of the English notebook, indent 2 lines or 4 cells, depending on the type of notebook.
  4. The date is indicated as follows: day of the week, day, month

Example: Friday, the 13th of September, where 10th is short for tenth.

Translation: Friday, 13 (thirteenth) of September.

Sometimes writing the date is simplified and written like this: the 13th of September.

Translation: 13 (thirteenth) of September.

  1. After the date, the type of work is indicated in writing:

Classwork. Classwork.

homework. Homework.

In our case, this is the second option. The word is written below the date, also in the middle of the line.

Everything is simple and easy.

At the end, it should be noted that the phrase " homework”, in English is denoted by one word “Homework”. The word consists of two roots "Home" - house and "Work" - work. Often the word is written separately - "Home" and "Work", while making a serious mistake. So remember: the word "Homework" is always spelled together!

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