Test to determine the level of English pdf. English language test to determine the level - Placement Test. How to determine your level of English proficiency

Jigsaws and circular saws 09.10.2021

Tests are a great opportunity to find out the level of your knowledge, therefore we have prepared for you a whole collection of tests in English on various topics. Why is everyone so fond of taking tests? This is the easiest, fastest and most accurate way to determine a person's level of knowledge.

At the same time, our tests are focused on determining knowledge in those areas of the English language that are most difficult to learn, for example, articles, grammar, vocabulary. One of the most popular tests is the tenses test, of which there are a lot in English.

Our advantage is passing English tests online, that is, you immediately get the result and correct answers to questions in which mistakes were made.

List of Online Tests by English Topic

When passing tests in English, it is important to follow certain rules, then the test will be passed with the maximum level of success.

These simple rules will help you pass the test more efficiently. Also, do not mark the answers in the test at random. This method will not help you pass the entire test at a good level. It is better to use your knowledge and logic, try to find the correct answer from the knowledge that you possess.

  • One of the basic rules is that if you do not understand some question of the test, do not dwell on it- take the test further and answer the questions that you understand.
  • If you do not know the correct answer to a test question, then look for the correct answer by contradiction- discard all the answers that you are sure of incorrectness, then you will quickly find the correct answer.
  • Do not think over the answer, a variant of which is not suggested in the test. So you are thinking in the wrong direction.
  • Don't use hints when passing tests. Even if you cheat the system once and pass the test with a positive result, this may incorrectly affect your further training.

If you were taught English at school or university, then you have already received a certain amount of knowledge in English. Believe me, even inveterate truants can remember a couple of words and phrases. Therefore, if now you have decided to thoroughly take up English and start regular lessons, then we suggest taking a free test on the level of English on the Internet: check your memory and find out your ability to communicate in English. This information will help you organize your classes correctly and understand what will need to be emphasized in your studies.

Let's start by describing what our proposed English test looks like. The fact is that, according to the international standard, there are 6 stages of learning a foreign language:

  • A1 (Beginner, initial) - level for beginners. At this stage, they study the alphabet and sounds of speech, learn the basic vocabulary, learn to read and make up the simplest phrases.
  • A2 (Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Basic) - the stage of mastering elementary knowledge. Students are taught behavior in everyday situations ( acquaintance, study, work, tourism, shopping, etc.), what special lexical topics are used for.
  • B1 (Intermediate, medium) - knowledge of the English language allows a person to confidently communicate on everyday topics, it is easy to compose speech structures and pronounce them correctly. In addition, intermediate learners are able to comprehend English speech and respond to the interlocutor.
  • B2 (Upper-intermediate, post-average) - at this stage, basic communication skills are brought to perfection. Expand vocabulary, "polish" grammar, remove accent in pronunciation. As a result, while communicating with foreigners, students do not feel constrained or lack of language means: the conversation is easy and relaxed.
  • C1 (Advanced, advanced) - the penultimate step in language acquisition presupposes a significant expansion of speech culture, going beyond basic knowledge. At this stage, slang, idioms and specific vocabulary are learned ( scientific, outdated, business), and also parse complicated grammatical constructions. It is not difficult for a person with an English level of C1 to express any thought, both orally and in writing.
  • C2 (Proficient, perfect) - in fact, this is the level of a highly educated netiv speaker, i.e. a natural native speaker who knows English from A to Z.

It is for this graduation of levels that profile exams are taken, which are carried out to issue an official certificate of language proficiency. Such tests consist of several parts, and in our test we offer an identical scheme: to determine the level of the English language, we will assess versatile skills - translation, vocabulary, reading, writing and listening skills.

Thus, you cannot get the B1 level just if you translate or read well. You will need to confirm your knowledge of grammar, writing, and listening comprehension. In general, what to say for a long time - let's move on to performing tests to determine the level of English proficiency.

Test for the level of English according to 5 criteria for testing knowledge

Where to start if you learned English, then gave up, and now you want to seriously take up classes again? We recommend that you first find out the level of English that you have mastered. Surely you can boast of a hundred learned words or a couple of memorized grammar rules and exceptions. A versatile and quick test for the level of English will not take you much time, but it will show a real level of knowledge and show you at what stage of language learning you should start your journey.

Why is it so important to know your level? Because this is the only way to effectively structure your studies. Too light information ( alphabet, letter combinations, sounds) will bore people with a level Elementary, and interest in classes will be lost. At the same time, if you don't know how to read English, learning topics and grammar will become sheer mockery, with no results. Therefore, the study load must be correctly selected, which can be ensured only on condition of accurate knowledge of one's capabilities.

So check your level of English online, find out the quality of knowledge and start classes with a competent approach and clearly formulated goals. And our small tests on knowledge of the English language in various aspects will help with this.

Take a pen or pencil and write down your results. At the end of the test s, add up the total points and check your level of English proficiency.


First of all, we suggest that you find out online your level of English using a vocabulary test. The test consists of two tasks.

Translate the words into Russian. Each correctly chosen word is equal to half a point, i.e. 2 correct words = 1 point.

So go ahead!

Choose the correct translation of words:

he we all

light painful cheerful peaceful

sister niece cousin wife

assert equal reject sharpen

Nevertheless -

by the way nevertheless shorter relatively

year age time period

right above around below

in front side down behind

shout talk argue respond

future yesterday present

We continue to translate English words into Russian.

walking driving jumping running

no way any very much

hand palm finger heel

son brother niece nephew

office worker job boss

twelve eleven twenty nine

over over about under

result opinion conclusion dispute

world success failure prize

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Now the translation is in reverse order:

Heart -

hurt heat heard heart

First -

one ones first firstes

Beautiful -

good beauty bad beautiful

noisy nose nos noise

Forever -

ever always forever never

A life -

love nice life soul

Nearly -

exactly almost absolutely surely

Bother -

undo disturb destroy put down

Advocate -

judge driver colleague lawyer

Gossip -

buzz gossip whisperer rumor


Our grammar test will give you an exhaustive answer to the question, what is my level of English. It contains 20 questions, each of which focuses on one topic of English grammar. Note that the questions are arranged freely, and not according to the principle "from simple to complex." So if you don’t know the answer, don’t despair: skip the sentence and move on to the next item. After passing the test, check your answers, and for each correct item, credit yourself 1 point.

Other English topics: Past perfect continuous exercises: a little practice won't hurt

Let's continue!

Test number 2-1

Take the English grammar test

Convert this sentence into an interrogative form: Last Sunday my sisters went to a karaoke club.

Went your sisters to a karaoke club last Sunday? Did your sisters went to a karaoke club last Sunday? Do your sisters go to a karaoke club last Sunday? Did your sisters go to a karaoke club last Sunday?

Substitute correct articles where necessary: ​​best rest is change of activity.

Use the adjective in the appropriate form: My brother wants to be (famous)

a famous the more famous the most famous the famous

Soccer player in the world (My brother wants to be the most famous soccer player in the world).

Put this sentence in negative: He works as a couch.

He doesn't work as a couch. He doesn't work as a couch. He works not as a couch. He don’t work as a couch.

Write the verb in the form you want: The famous singer said that his children would be (sing) together on his concert.

Add a suitable adverb of the tense to your statement:

Yesterday Tomorrow Every day At this moment

Jessica is cooking dinner and I am playing tennis.

Choose the correct translation of the sentence: This church was built by Vladimir Smirnov in 1895 (note the voice of the verb).

The church built Vladimir Smirnov in 1895. The church were built by Vladimir Smirnov in 1895. The church was built by Vladimir Smirnov in 1895. The church is built by Vladimir Smirnov in 1895.

Test number 2-2

Continue with the English grammar assignments.

Add the missing element to the statement: What

Form the correct adjective: My brother is seven years (old)

eldest old older the oldest

Put the sentence in an interrogative form: My mother has been living in this city since 1997.

Does your mother has been living in this city since 1997? Do has your mother been living in this city since 1997? Did your mother has been living in this city since 1997? Has your mother been living in this city since 1997?

Complete the phrase with an appropriate modal verb: The driver

is to must has to can

Meet the delegation at 6 o'clock (The driver must meet the delegation at 6 o'clock, i.e. there was a preliminary agreement).

Indicate the number of mistakes made in the sentence: While we repaired the roof of our house, Kate and Mike was playing in yard.

Put the verb in the desired form: They (need)

not need didn’t need to didn’t need don’t need to

Buy food, because their fridge was full.

Choose a noun that is always used with the definite article the:

Lake Baikal Europe Elbrus Atlantic Ocean

Choose a sentence without grammatical errors (note the alignment of tenses):

Jack didn’t want to say who those people were. Jack don’t want to say who those people were. Jack didn’t want to say who those people are. Jack doesn’t want to say who those people is.

Expand the brackets by putting the verbs in the desired form: If he (win)

This game, he (become)

became becomes become

Form the plural form of the noun knife:

knifes knifs knives kniffes


An online English-Russian translation test will also help you determine your level of English. This task will show how fully you understand the information presented in a foreign language. Here are 5 mini-texts of varying complexity and the correct translation to them. Your task: to make an independent translation (you can orally) and match it with the key. For a completely identical perception, you credit yourself 2 points for each text. If your level of English proficiency only allows you to outline the main idea, then the mark is accordingly reduced to 1 point.

Translate the texts into Russian. There may be differences between the translation provided by us and yours. Do not be discouraged, as the main thing is to determine that you understand the meaning. If you think that the translation is correct and differs only in the permutation of words, then consider that it is done correctly. Don't forget to add punctuation marks!

Other English topics: How to learn conversational English: motivate and set yourself up for language learning

We carry out the translation!

Test number 3-1

Beginners level text (A1)


My name is Mike and I want to tell you about my Grandfather.

His name is Daniel Korpell and he is a great traveler.

My Grandfather has already been to many countries.

Now he is traveling in the East.

Yesterday he called me from China and said, that he bought me a gift.

My Grandfather is very kind and funny, so I love him very much!

Translate the texts into Russian.

Test number 3-2

Elementary text (A2)

America's music culture has been growing and spreading its popularity for many years.

The best known American singers are those who sing to the rock beat.

Rock revolutionized music in America in the early 1950s and nowadays, shows no sign of slowing down.

Translate the text into Russian. Don't forget punctuation marks.

Test No. 3-3

Intermediate level text (B1)

Of course, some parts of the country are cheaper than others, of course

But the cost of renting a home is horrendous, especially in London and the South.

Normally, the only answer is to share a house or a flat:

Beginner. It is also called initial. This is the level of knowledge of a student who starts learning English from scratch. At this level, they study the alphabet, basic grammar and elementary vocabulary, especially the pronunciation of sounds. Your vocabulary is about 500 words and phrases.

Elementary. This level assumes that you can discuss elementary topics in English. You can express your thoughts in typical daily situations. You can also tell about yourself, you understand simple English texts, signs and simple content. Have basic grammar knowledge. The vocabulary ranges from 1000 to 1500 words. This level is also called the "required minimum" level.

Pre-Intermediate. Owners of English knowledge at this level are guided in standard concepts, but they also do not get lost in new topics, and also know how to maintain a short conversation in an "unusual" situation. You can understand fairly complex texts such as magazine or newspaper articles, travel guides. Your vocabulary is about 2000 words and phrases.

Intermediate. This level assumes that you can understand and communicate with native speakers with little difficulty in everyday speech. It is also called "average". With this level of knowledge, you can conduct friendly or business correspondence in English, read adapted literature and watch films in English with subtitles without much difficulty. You have a good vocabulary, about 3000 words, but you are not always confident in using it.

Upper-Intermediate. This level is called "above average". You understand spoken language very well and communicate in English on a wide range of topics without preparation. This level assumes the ability to read unadapted literature and understand complex content in English. Your vocabulary is 3500-4000 words and phrases. You know complex grammatical constructions, but sometimes you make lexical and grammatical mistakes.

Advanced. This is an advanced level of language proficiency. You can communicate on any, even the most complex topics, understand complex texts and retell English-language content or someone else's speech without losing meaning, although sometimes you have to resort to using subtitles when watching films. Your vocabulary can reach 6,000 words and phrases. You know a lot of idioms, expressions, acronyms. In conversation, you use complex grammatical structures, operate at all times.

If you want to take a more in-depth test of the level of your English, namely: listening comprehension, your spoken English, we suggest taking a free lesson with one of the methodologists of our school.

Do you want to take an English level test right now and find out your level of language proficiency? What are your strengths, and what else is there to learn? We invite you to take an online free test (no registration or e-mail required), consisting of 60 questions. You will receive the result as soon as you answer the last question.

English level test - instructions

The test determines the level of knowledge in English and divides students into 5 groups - from beginner (elementary) level to advanced.

The test checks knowledge of language constructions (36 questions) and vocabulary (24 questions). In total, you need to answer 60 questions, each of which is given a choice of one of four answers. If you do not know the correct answer to a question and do not mark anything, then the answer to it will be considered incorrect.

There is no time limit for passing the test, but try to keep within 40-45 minutes - this is the time for which this test is designed. For a more accurate assessment of knowledge, it is better not to use dictionaries and textbooks.

Determination of the level of English

You can independently determine the result in accordance with the table below, depending on the number of points you earned. Read also our articles on how to prepare and take international tests: and.

% LevelLevel on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR)
0 – 20 Beginer, ElementaryA1 + to A2
21 – 40 Pre-intermediateA2 + to B1
41 – 60 IntermediateB1
61 – 80 Upper-intermediateB2
81 – 100 AdvancedC1

Please note that the English test is a rough estimate only and cannot be used for admission to educational institutions. In addition, this test does not assess your writing, reading, and speaking skills.

CEFR level ( The Common European Framework of Reference - the level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is a unified system for assessing linguistic knowledge, using which you can even compare your knowledge of different languages, for example, your English is at B1 level, and Chinese is at A2 level.

So get down to the test

TEST (60 questions)

Choose the most appropriate word or phrase for each question

Start quiz

Determining the level of English proficiency online is usually not enough. Your restless curiosity must be eager to find out what your result means. Below you can read what this or that level of the English language means. Ready? Then go ahead!

    • 60-70 points. If you scored from 60 to 70 points, then you have reached the level Advanced (Advanced) in his teaching English. This is a very high level, which means that you can easily communicate in English in almost any situation. You perfectly understand almost any text, enjoy watching movies and TV shows in English, sometimes even forgetting in what language you watched them, calmly read books in the original. While the Advanced level is undoubtedly a great achievement, it is not the highest level of English proficiency. There is also a level Proficiency (Professional), which covers absolutely all areas of knowledge and makes it possible to use English as a native language. Therefore, do not give up, the goal is already close!
    • 48-59 points speaks about the level called Upper-intermediate (Above average)... As a rule, this level is indicated as the minimum for admission to a university and employment in an international company. Knowledge of English at this level implies that you have a good vocabulary to express your thoughts, opinions on a question or problem. You can intelligently build sentences using complex structures. You understand most of the English songs you hear on the radio, usually without taking into account slang and various dialects. If we compare this level with human age, then in English you are entering the phase of an adult between the ages of 20-23, your English seems to be independent, but not always confident and has not acquired the wisdom of life. You think in English, albeit sometimes with mistakes.
    • 36-47 points is the level Intermediate (Average)... At this level, a person already has a good understanding of the system of grammatical tenses and constructions, knows the words of the main everyday topics. He willingly enters into conversation, can express his thoughts in most everyday situations. He can already watch films in English, but at the same time he is experiencing obvious difficulties due to the lack of passive vocabulary, that is, words that a person can recognize in a text or conversation and translate. With the Intermediate level, you can already travel safely. You will definitely understand the locals of non-English-speaking countries and will be able to have a lively conversation with them.
    • 24-35 points. Level Pre-Intermediate (Below the average) indicates that your period of "childhood" in English is over. You have already seen some of the many complex grammatical constructions with your own eyes, and you can even apply some of them. You have already learned a couple of three bulky, creepy words and in all likelihood you can find synonyms for some expressions. Orientation in simple language situations (in a restaurant, hotel, shop, airport) does not shock you, because you can already cope with it. You can read the first adapted books "in the original", but sometimes you still feel horror before unadapted films. Pre-intermediate is an excellent level after which a lot of interesting things await you. Therefore, do not deviate from the intended path!
    • 11-23 points - Elementary(Base)... If you learned English “at school once upon a time”, then in 90% of cases your residual knowledge just reaches the Elementary level. And this is already a positive moment, since you already have some kind of base and you will not have to “raise the virgin soil”. At this level, you already know how to read, count up to 100 and know (you can find out in the text) up to 500 words. You are familiar with the basic tenses, you have even heard or know the 3 forms of irregular verbs (do-did-done). While building a proposal, you still feel insecure, but you can already order lunch at a restaurant and ask for directions. Cheer up, the most interesting is yet to come.
    • 0-10 points indicates a level Beginner (Beginning)... You are still a complete beginner in English, but you will definitely not give up. It is so?

How to check the level of spoken English?

In order to most accurately determine the level of knowledge of the English language online, it is advisable to pass an oral test. After all, knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary does not yet guarantee that you have good speech skills and decent pronunciation. Unfortunately, there are also cases when a person passes the test by 90%, but can hardly construct a sentence orally. Or, when the written skills are head and shoulders above the oral ones. Such situations occur when a well-motivated person has been studying for a long time and persistently on his own, re-read a large number of books, redid hundreds of exercises, but did not have the opportunity or desire to put his skills into practice and talk to someone in a foreign language. It turns out that there is knowledge, but it is impossible to say that a person speaks English. Therefore, if you want to accurately determine your level of knowledge of the English language and receive recommendations from a specialist on how to improve it, sign up for free oral testing.

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