Formation of assortment and display of fruits in stores. Fruit display rules in self-service stores

For earthworks 07.01.2022
For earthworks

Many factors influence the formation of consumer demand. The volume of sales and the speed of turnover depend on whether people come to shop in this particular store. The faster the product is sold, the less spoiled products. This approach is especially relevant when selling fruits. A short shelf life and special requirements for temperature and humidity make it necessary to take into account the slightest nuances that increase the sale of this tasty and healthy vitamin product. The first condition will be the correct display of goods, drawing the attention of the buyer to individual groups and showing all the richness of the assortment.

Fruit types

If we classify the variety of fruits from a scientific point of view, then they are divided into 5 groups:

  • representatives pome groups are represented by apples, pear and quince can also be included here;
  • to stone fruit include plum, peach, nectarine, cherry, mango, avocado, olives, dates, persimmon;
  • subtropical the group is pomegranates, bananas, pineapples and citrus fruits;
  • berry row - these are seasonal crops of raspberries, strawberries, grapes, cranberries, cloudberries, blueberries, blueberries;
  • nut-bearing such as almond, walnut, hazelnut.

The stone group belongs to seasonal species. It is hardly possible to find cherries or plums on store shelves in January. The shelf life of these products is short and there is a risk of rapid deterioration of the goods from improper transportation and storage conditions.

Berries are rarely included in the range for the same reasons. And cranberries, blueberries and other northern berries are more readily purchased by customers in the form of ice cream.

Practically out of season there are pome and nut groups. They retain their taste properties and presentation for a long time, are less demanding for transportation, are attractive to the buyer, and usually have an affordable price.

fruit market

Considering the percentage of fruit purchases, it is surprising that apples, beloved by everyone, are in second position. And the first place, approximately 25%, is occupied by such a “primordially Russian fruit” as a banana. Oranges and tangerines hold the third place, taking the lead in the winter months.

Pears, grapes, peaches and nectarines are also loved by Russian buyers. The rest of the range accounts for only about 13%. Among them are figs, lemon, kumquat, lime, dates, mango, pineapple. The larger the store, the more diverse the fruit baskets and stalls will be. Exotic fruits sometimes wait for their buyer for a long time, slowing down the speed of trade. When placing an order, preference is given to the most popular positions.

Every year there is a slow but steady increase in the share of fruits in the consumer basket. This is facilitated by affordable prices, an increase in supplies of imported and domestic producers. The sanctions of European countries have played the role of a trigger for the development of Russian farms and more and more often you can see domestic products on the shelves.

Buyers also prefer native apples, looking with distrust at too even and bright foreign fruits and remembering that "the worm cannot be deceived, he eats only natural."

In the coming years, further development of the market and an increase in the share of domestic products are expected.

Producers and suppliers of fruits

The Russian market is very attractive for foreign partners, who increase the volume of deliveries every year. Leading countries are:

  • from Poland and China there is an export of apples, certain varieties of pears;
  • Ecuador, Colombia lead in the supply of bananas;
  • Morocco, Egypt, Turkey send large consignments of oranges, tangerines;
  • it is beneficial for Turkey and Uzbekistan to work with the export of watermelons and grapes.

When exporting fruit, strict compliance with import rules, sanitary standards and compliance with international standards for pesticide and nitrate levels is required. If violations are detected, then the consignment of goods is not allowed for sale. Therefore, it is preferable to work with domestic producers: tangerines from Abkhazia, persimmons from Primorye, apples from Russian orchards. This is especially true of berries and watermelons. Cases of poisoning with early watermelons have become more frequent due to the huge amount of fertilizer in them.

Assortment of fruits for a kiosk

The variety of fruits will directly depend on the volume of the trading area. A small kiosk or trade tent is limited in the display area, so the fruits are placed compactly, arranged in groups to open up the best view and create the effect of saturation with goods. Preference is given to the most popular positions, leaders of sales in the fruit market.

A specialized kiosk offers a wider assortment, which will definitely include seasonal berries and fruits. For example, cherries, persimmons, several varieties of apples. nuts, some exotic fruits.

It should be borne in mind that in such outlets the assortment also includes vegetables, so the sales area is divided into several segments.

Assortment of fruits in the "At Home" format store

These stores are much larger than the usual kiosk, but they are far from a supermarket. Their spruce is to provide the necessary things and the basic grocery set. Therefore, fruits are presented in the main, most sold positions, including seasonal groups. For example, persimmon, cherry, apricot. You can meet a small department of exotic representatives of different countries: pineapple, lime, kumquat. The layout is carried out in the most compact way according to the principle of contrast, but in compliance with product groups.

Assortment of fruits in a grocery supermarket

Large retail areas are simply created for fruit abundance. Ideally, the impression of an "oriental bazaar" should be created, where most of the buyer's requests can be satisfied. Well-known fruits alternate with exotic specimens, bright colors attract buyers and spur the desire to purchase.

Basic laws of fruit display

The art of a spectacular and selling display of goods is to arrange the goods in a special way, stimulating the desire to buy.

Fundamental principles:

  • the product must be of high quality, at the slightest defect it is removed from the window;
  • a massive layout encourages you to plunge headlong into this splendor and not leave the collapse empty-handed;
  • high-quality commercial equipment will ensure long-term preservation of fruits;
  • You should make the most of "points of quick sales" - the ends of the racks and shelves at eye level.

The fruit segment is located on the right side of the hall or in the center, closer to the cash register. The proximity to the department of wine and fizzy drinks is considered successful. Do not place fruits next to juice racks, they will distract attention from each other.

Large fruits involuntarily attract attention, so the central place should be given to large apples, surrounding them with more modest varieties. Be sure to observe zoning: apples to apples, citruses to citruses.

The principle of contrast in color, shape and size has proven itself perfectly. This gives rest to the eyes and draws attention to the various product groups. Packing does not always justify itself, it is better to place fruit in bulk on wide shelves or racks, and place packing bags next to it. Only fragile fruits are packed in the substrate.

The original layout and bright artistic solutions are welcome, provided that the basic rules are not violated.

The brighter the counters are, the more attention they will attract. The fruit segment is practically the face of the store, so its appearance should strive for the ideal.

The high quality of the goods, the competent layout and the goodwill of the sellers will be the key to the prosperity of the outlet, and people will come here again and again with gratitude.

The departments of stores where fruit and vegetables are displayed are often among the most important for small and medium-sized outlets, as these products are classified as essentials. The right one is a guaranteed influx of new ones and an effective tool for retaining regular customers.

Marketers analyze ways to stimulate sales, consumer preferences and options for increasing sales revenue associated with the demonstration of the product, its location on the trading floor and placement on the exposition. The RigMart company, which is one of the most experienced suppliers of freezing equipment, including commercial equipment, takes into account the recommendations of experts when selecting a range of equipment. We help our customers to choose equipment models that, in addition to providing an internal regime and ease of use, will most fully represent the display of vegetables and fruits, and other goods of the store.

Basic principles of department formation

We will not dwell on general rules. It is better to remember how goods in this category were sold before the advent of specialized stores. Buyers provided their needs in ordinary bazaars, which is still quite popular today. There is always a beautiful display of vegetables and fruits that attracts attention.

What are the principles of trading in the bazaar? The product is in direct access - you can pick it up, smell it, even try it. All products are located in bulk, which creates the impression of its abundance. The counter is always colorful and bright, which inevitably catches the eye and stimulates the purchase. All products give the impression of freshness and ripeness.

All this can be realized in a modern shop. Moreover, with the help of refrigeration equipment, which is supplied by RigMart at a favorable price, the correct display of vegetables and fruits is ensured, and their shelf life is increased. The technique makes it possible to efficiently use even small areas of the trading floor, since refrigerated display cases for this type of goods have a vertical design with an increased demonstration area.

Rules for displaying fruits and vegetables

It is necessary to divide the department into zones in which different types of goods are placed. Thus, the entire range of root crops will be located in one zone, greens in another, and, for example, apples and citrus fruits in the third. This is convenient for both buyers and staff, whose task is to replenish the exposition.

The combination of a refrigerated cabinet and a "collapse" is optimal, when perishable products are provided with the proper conditions for storage. For supermarkets, it is best to locate the department at the beginning of the trading floor. At the same time, for the most profitable products, the “golden shelf” rule applies - they should be placed approximately at eye level.

The layout of vegetables and fruits should be perfectly visible even with a cursory glance. The most popular category (cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beets and onions - the so-called "borscht set") should be nearby so as not to complicate the buyer's search for them. It is very important to properly arrange the department and choose the equipment that is used for the exposition.

What gives a beautiful display of vegetables and fruits

Firstly, it is a guaranteed attraction of attention, which means an increase in sales. Secondly, this is a colorful design of the trading floor, including artificial greenery and models, which, unlike the products themselves, do not deteriorate. Thirdly, the use of additional equipment (dividers, baskets, trays, etc.) is the convenience of customer service.

Proper use of information design is also important, including the availability of price tags, information systems that tell about promotions and discounts. A feature of the domestic market is the love of consumers for large fruits. Their use allows both to produce a beautiful display of vegetables and fruits, and to play on the cost, increasing the profit of the store.

The principle of contrast, when the placement is made taking into account the color characteristics of various products. On the one hand, each of them becomes more visible against the background of the others, and on the other hand, the overall attractiveness of the department and the store increases.

You should not rashly place “hanging” or damaged goods on the gold shelves. This may turn off the buyer. It is imperative to ensure that spoiled fruits are immediately removed from the exposition, all goods are bright and fresh.

Install cheap "used" equipment. Be sure to select and install refrigeration equipment correctly. You can buy reliable equipment from a huge range, as well as additionally equip it if necessary, at RigMart, the advantage of which has already been appreciated by thousands of customers.

Showcases with fruits and vegetables should be decorated only with natural fresh goods.

In the season when there is a lot of greenery, it can be used to create spectacular compositions from vegetables and fruits. At the same time, to preserve the freshness of greenery, the trays are covered with wet gauze or sand.

Fruits and vegetables look great in wicker baskets set on the floor of the showcase. This method of placement helps the buyer to see the quality of the goods. To attract the visual attention of the buyer, you should place products that contrast in color next to each other.

Well-washed fresh fruit, laid out in a still life and complemented by bottles of wine, will look seductive. But in no case should you put juices next to fruits: they will buy one thing.

Showcases with vegetables can be supplemented with canned products: bright jars with cherry tomatoes or cucumbers.

Some fruits and vegetables (grapes, onions, garlic, red peppers) can not only be laid out, but also hung.

And most importantly: the goods in the window must be exceptionally fresh! Fading specimens must be replaced immediately, but in no case in front of the buyer!

10 vegetable display ideas

  1. Showcase decorated with greenery. Vegetables lie on it, as in the beds. Arrange vegetable crates so that you can place plastic water containers between them, in which fresh greens are laid. For example, dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, sorrel, rosemary, lettuce.
  2. Installation of goods in a cascade. Such a showcase creates an impression of abundance. You need a wide flat showcase 1.6-1.8 m wide and small wooden boxes. First, install a row of vegetable crates closest to the customer in the display case. Behind them, lay wooden blocks 8-10 cm high, and install the second row of boxes on them. Do this until you get 4-5 steps.
  3. Rainbow showcase. On a slightly slanted display case, arrange vegetables without boxes, in vertical stripes that match the colors of the rainbow. For example, red tomatoes, radishes, lettuce peppers, then orange carrots, yellow peppers and onions, green cucumbers and avocados. Each row of vegetables should slightly overlap the previous one. So the product attracts the eyes of buyers.
  4. Contrasting window. Vegetables are arranged in square boxes so that the products in adjacent boxes have a contrasting color. For example, cucumbers look good next to white onions, red tomatoes with cabbage, and yellow bell peppers with purple eggplant.
  5. Clusters of bananas stacked on top of each other attract the eye of shoppers. It is necessary to carefully lay the bunches on top of each other to the desired height. Beautiful cone-shaped slides are also obtained from other vegetables.
  6. Hanging vegetables. If you tie the tails of onions and garlic with one thread, the resulting bundles can be hung out, and not laid out in a window. Suspended bunches of grapes, bunches of greens look attractive.
  7. Correct lighting. Light up the vegetables in the display case with light bulbs of the appropriate color. So the product will have a fresher and more attractive look.
  8. Goods in baskets. Vegetables sell better if they are displayed in identical wicker baskets. Baskets containing radishes can be covered with red cloth, baskets with cucumbers - green.
  9. Correct packaging. Pack vegetables in small bags, indicating the price per package, and place them on a display case (for example, peppers - 2-3 pieces each, tomatoes - 3-6 pieces each) next to the goods by weight. So buyers will dig less in vegetables, and they will not have to get their hands dirty.
  10. Special decor. Decorative figurines will attract the attention of children, and hence the parents with whom they came. For example, you can attach eyes, nose and mouth from buttons or mountain ash to a pineapple or avocado. A cabbage stump looks like a pig's snout.

The health benefits of vegetables cannot be overestimated. That is why they occupy the lion's share of the diet of many peoples of the world. With their help, dishes are given freshness and brightness of taste, and the irreplaceable properties of these products enrich the body with all the necessary substances.

The meaning of the term "vegetables" in cooking has some differences from the botanical one. And sometimes what is usually called a vegetable is actually a fruit or a berry. As a rule, a "vegetable" is something that does not grow on a tree or bush. With the help of selection, new types and varieties of vegetables are discovered, but their classification remains unchanged.

Types of vegetables and description

The main feature of the classification of vegetables is what part of the plant they are. A huge variety of vegetables is divided into several main groups.

tubers- plants in which modified shoots (tubers) containing nutrients are formed on underground stems or roots. This species includes sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke and the most common tuber crop - potatoes. This vegetable is grown in all agricultural regions of Russia.

Root crops - This is a type of vegetable crop, the edible part of which is the root. This group includes carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, radishes and more. Spicy root vegetables are parsley, dill, parsnips, celery and more. These vegetables are suitable for long-term storage in winter and spring without losing their beneficial properties and vitamins.

Cabbage. This group is defined by several types of cabbage, similar in chemical composition: cabbage (white, Brussels sprouts, Beijing), cauliflower (broccoli, cauliflower) and stem-bearing (kohlrabi).

Salad. These vegetables are cold-resistant and early ripening. They go on sale all year round and are consumed fresh and dry. This group includes lettuce, chicory and watercress. They differ in taste from each other and are insipid, sour or bitter.

Spicy - fragrant plants with a specific taste, which can be any part of the plant. Spices are used only as an additive to the main dish to give it new qualities. In turn, spicy vegetables are divided into two types: classic (those that are generally recognized by all cultures of the world) and local (used in certain areas depending on the climate and culinary preferences). Spicy vegetables include basil, dill, ginger, horseradish, and so on.

Bulbous. This group includes all types of onions (leek, slime, shallot, batun, etc.) and garlic. These vegetables contain essential oils in large quantities, which gives the plants a specific aroma and pungent taste.

Tomato. A group that combines tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers and eggplants. These vegetables are widely used both in home cooking and in the food industry.

Pumpkin or gourds. The group of vegetables of this type includes cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, and so on. Pumpkin vegetables are low-calorie, fresh aroma, pleasant taste and useful vitamin composition.

Legumes. Cultivated plants that can be eaten fresh, canned and dried. This includes peas, mung beans, beans, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas and more. These vegetables are very rich in vegetable protein, which makes them nutritious and healthy. They are very popular among vegetarians, as they are able to replace animal protein obtained from meat.

Cereals or cereals. This group is represented by a single plant - sweet corn or maize. It has a high content of essential amino acids, which makes corn a valuable food product.

Dessert. This name was given to vegetables for their use as a dessert, but most of all this "title" deserves rhubarb. Jam, compote, candied fruits or wine are made from it. Other species, asparagus and artichoke, are used as ingredients for second courses. They are also marinated and made into side dishes and salads.

Thanks to the developed international logistics, a huge variety of vegetables reigns in the market. It is a natural source of essential substances, vitamins, vegetable proteins and fiber. The benefits of vegetables cannot be overestimated, and therefore the demand for this crop never subsides. On the contrary, with the particular manifestation of the popularity of a healthy lifestyle and vegetarianism, vegetables in the diet of modern people are taking an increasing place.

Market analysis

vegetable market

The total volume of vegetables and fruits eaten directly characterizes the well-being and health of the nation of any country. FDFgroup conducted a study among 300 Muscovites. The results say that residents of the capital regularly consume fresh vegetables and add them to the grocery basket. About 90% of respondents buy vegetables at least once a month.

Rice. 1. Frequency of shopping for fresh vegetables.

The demand for certain products is formed on the basis of local traditional dishes and food preferences. On the territory of Russia, potatoes, cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, greens, and so on are especially popular among the respondents. Over the past three months, the choice of Moscow residents among fresh vegetables has been distributed as follows.

The main feature of the vegetable market is its seasonality. About 78% of the varieties are grown exclusively in the open field, and therefore these vegetables are available to customers for only six months. Below is a table of the seasonality of vegetables and the period of their desired consumption during the year.

Producers and suppliers of vegetables

Consumption of vegetables in Russia is much higher than domestic production, therefore, from 20 to 40% of products on the market are imported. In terms of vegetable imports to Russia, the leading positions are occupied by the following countries of near and far abroad: Turkey, China, Belarus, the Netherlands, Poland, Israel, Spain, and so on.

Among the domestic companies engaged in the vegetable growing industry, the leading producers stand out: the Moskovsky agricultural complex (2% of the market share), the Yuzhny agricultural complex (3%), the Maisky agricultural complex (1.8%).

Also popular on the market are:

  • LLC "Agrosoyuz Romanovsky", Krasnodar Territory;
  • IP "KFH ZHAK", Tula region;
  • LLC "GREENHOUSE FACTORY "MAYSKY", Republic of Tatarstan;
  • SPK "KOLOS", Yaroslavl region;
  • LLC "Infresh", Moscow.

Today, Russian farmers have a harder time than foreign ones. In Europe, farmers only care about how to grow quality vegetables in a volume that satisfies all contracts. Domestic producers, in turn, face such problems as finding profitable contracts, logistics and providing products with storage places.

On the one hand, new projects are constantly appearing in Russian farming, which gives hope for successful import substitution and an increase in the share of domestic products on the market. But on the other hand, high production costs, underdeveloped infrastructure and logistics, high competition do not allow manufacturers to meet the demand of the population. Local products attract consumers with freshness, naturalness and high quality, but still they lose to imported analogues in price.

Assortment of vegetables

When planning an assortment of vegetables, the main attention should be paid to the area in which the outlet is located and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises. It is from these factors that the variety of goods and its volume depend. Consider some of the options for business premises.

Assortment of vegetables for a specialized tent

This option is great for trading in a market with a large crowd of people. Here you can sell both your own grown products and goods purchased from wholesalers. The assortment should preferably consist of seasonal products. It is generally accepted that vegetables grown in the open field are the most healthy and tasty, but you should know that in mid-April all these vegetables were brought from abroad. In May, domestic greens, radishes, sorrel and early cabbage, spinach, lettuce and other leafy vegetables can be put on the shelves. By June, potatoes and carrots ripen, and at the beginning of the next month, tomatoes. July is rich in pumpkin vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, squash), eggplant and legumes.

Assortment of vegetables at the grocery pavilion

Typically, the area of ​​the food pavilion is from 20 to 60 square meters. m. This enables the owner to offer customers goods of wide demand. Along with food, you can sell essential vegetables here. These are potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage, any kind of greens, onions, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers and so on. When choosing varieties, one should also take into account the seasonality of these vegetables and give preference to the local harvest in the summer.

Assortment of vegetables for a kiosk

Unlike pavilions, the kiosk area is not intended for a large volume of goods. Therefore, its quantity is strictly limited. In a food stall, the assortment of vegetables may consist of dried and spicy vegetables as condiments such as dill, parsley, garlic.

A feature of the sale in a kiosk is that all the goods are behind the showcase and buyers do not have the opportunity to touch the products and smell them. Therefore, it is better to display products that are bought most often in specialized kiosks. These are potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, different types of greens, onions, carrots, sweet and hot peppers. The product must be clean and pleasing to the eye. As for other vegetables, in August you can sell ripe pumpkins. zucchini and squash, and in September - eggplant, bell pepper and green radish.

A profitable solution is to open a kiosk with organic farm vegetables. High-quality products will attract loyal customers and ensure stable profits.

Assortment of vegetables in a neighborhood grocery store

Young mothers, pensioners and people coming home from work usually go to small shops near the house to buy bread, tea or milk. Therefore, the assortment of a point of this type should consist of the most popular products. These include vegetables that are used to prepare main dishes, gravy, side dishes and fresh salads. These are popular tomatoes and cucumbers, onions, garlic, various varieties of potatoes, carrots, beets, white cabbage and greens in the form of dill, parsley and green onions. In season, you can put sweet peppers, eggplants and zucchini on the shelves of shops.

Assortment of vegetables in a grocery supermarket

The supermarket is distinguished by its huge area and high traffic of people. There is also a place for seasonal vegetables, exotic, dried and dried products. Customers may be offered several varieties of the same species and products from different suppliers. Supermarket shelves can be occupied by various varieties of red, orange and cherry tomatoes. Cucumbers, zucchini, squash and corn. The sale can also include all types of root vegetables: carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, radishes and spicy vegetables such as parsley, celery, basil, dill, ginger, horseradish and so on. To include in the assortment it is worth including several types of lettuce and cabbage: watercress, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and so on. Dessert vegetables like asparagus, rhubarb, and artichoke are also good additions.

To simplify the life of buyers in a supermarket, you can sell already processed and peeled vegetables in bags, canned and pickled products.

Laying vegetables - basic laws

Product promoters agree that fruit and vegetable display is the most difficult. This is due to the fact that you have to deal with perishable products, which clearly show damage. Therefore, some rules and secrets of successful placement of vegetables have been formed among professionals.

  • When choosing the color of the showcase, it is recommended to avoid yellow and brown tones. The most suitable in this case will be green shades. They attract the attention of buyers, as they are subconsciously associated with fresh herbs.
  • Vegetables should be placed accessible and preferably at eye level. Customers should be able to see and feel the product.
  • Vegetables of different colors should be placed next to each other. This will make the window brighter and more attractive. Particular attention should be paid to its purity, as this directly affects the opinion of buyers about products.
  • To create the impression of ripeness and freshness of the goods, it is better to place the vegetables in a pyramid and turn the best side towards the hall. This display demonstrates the abundance of goods and makes the overall look organized and pleasant.
  • Spoiled and damaged vegetables should be immediately removed from the display case or put aside in places that do not attract attention in the first place.

To preserve the freshness and presentation of vegetables, it is necessary to store them in a certain way. For example, root crops (carrots, turnips, beets, etc.) should be placed in ventilated boxes, preferably wooden or cardboard. Potatoes should be stored in a cool place from +5 to +10 degrees. In heat, it sprouts and loses its taste, and in the light it turns green. Cabbage is preferably wrapped in paper. Dry upper leaves should not be cut off, as they keep the inner layers from drying out. Fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini and sweet peppers are well stored in the refrigerator. Parsley, dill and green onions must be dried and preferably removed in a cool place. Some sellers leave the greens in the water to keep them fresh and marketable.

We present an interesting and at the same time simple design of a vegetable store. Its color scheme is dominated by a light green tint.

Everything here is very ergonomic. Every detail of the interior was worked out with great responsibility. The range of products is displayed on open shelves and racks, which gives the room simplicity and comfort.

Buyers seem to find themselves at an American farmers' market. It is this design of shops selling vegetables and fruits that is used there. Here you will feel comfortable.

You can also purchase certain products with the logo of the store. It is presented in the form of packages and coupons for discounts.

The main showcase of this vegetable "miracle" is decorated with pots of sprouted grass and hanging baskets with gifts of nature.

Even the sign is decorated simply, but quite original. You can't get past her. She amazes with her eccentricity. There are no “screaming” symbols or letters on it, but it seems to be calling to go inside.

The presented design leaves the impression of a domestic interior of a rural house. I immediately recall the childhood that almost each of us spent in the village.

Materials courtesy of Beregova A. db “Vozduh”

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