Does treatment in a sanatorium help? Sanatoriums for the treatment of cerebral vessels: how to relax with health benefits. Features of sanatorium treatment: the whole truth and delusions

Calculator 02.01.2022

Our expert - chief doctor of the sanatorium Olga Bogush.

Traditionally, people go to the resorts of the North Caucasus to cure respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, get rid of problems with the musculoskeletal system, improve the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, and normalize metabolism. And if a person is healthy, just tired of work, should he go to a sanatorium?

If tired

We need sanatorium-and-spa rest not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases. In the conditions of a sanatorium, a person can check the state of his body and receive doctor's recommendations on how to live so that his health does not collapse. Such recommendations will not be superfluous to anyone. An internal study conducted in one of the sanatoriums in Kislovodsk showed that more than 50% of the guests before the start of the rehabilitation course have a biological age that significantly exceeds their passport age. “Just tired of work” is an important signal of the body, you should not dismiss it. Constant stress, mental and physical overwork can lead to depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. And stress is experienced by about 90% of visitors. Moreover, people from large cities aged 45 to 55 are most susceptible to it. So it’s better not to complicate the situation and give yourself time to relax. Studies show that 98% of people reduce their biological age during their stay in a sanatorium.

The whole family

Modern sanatoriums offer a comfortable stay for the whole family. So if you want to spend a holiday with your kids, you won't have to leave them. For children (even the smallest ones) health programs are provided, which include both diagnostic services (consultations of a pediatrician, tests ...) and treatment. For example, swimming (many resorts have children's pools), inhalations, a special diet, massages, oxygen cocktails, physiotherapy exercises. The course of procedures is determined by the doctor, taking into account individual indications and characteristics of the growing organism.

In addition, in sanatoriums, as a rule, there is a children's club with animators, where children can attend game classes, various master classes. Some sanatoriums open their doors even for guests with babies, provide babies with the necessary conditions and provide experienced babysitting services.

Is it only in summer?

Mild winters, long summers, an abundance of sunny days a year (over 300) create good conditions for year-round recreation in the resorts of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. And then the body needs rest not only in summer. So do not be afraid of the weather outside the window, especially since most of the procedures are carried out indoors and do not depend on the season. In general, spa treatment is desirable to be carried out 2 times a year, especially for people of mature age.

Main feature

The main feature of the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, of course, is the healing mineral springs: Slavyanovsky, Smirnovsky, Essentuki, Narzan ... Their waters have unique properties and affect various body systems. Water differs in temperature, amount of salts, total mineralization, chemical and gas composition.

The doctor selects water depending on the patient's well-being. So, "Narzan" has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effects, restores the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. "Essentuki-4" affects the gastrointestinal tract, lowers sugar levels. "Essentuki new" has anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic effects. The water "Slavyanovskaya" has the same effects.

When prescribing water, the doctor must take into account the state of the cardiovascular system. If there are signs of hypertension, he picks up less salty water, because salts retain fluid, which leads to an increase in pressure.

The intake of mineral water requires compliance with the regime: water should be drunk at a certain time, in the right amount and at a specific temperature.

Basic set

Well, as in any sanatorium, vacationers can undergo such common examinations as ECG, Holter monitoring, receive electrophoresis, laser therapy, magnetotherapy, bioresonance therapy, massage courses (classical manual, lymphatic drainage, Hawaiian, Brazilian). And water procedures traditional for sanatoriums: Charcot's douche, circular, ascending, Vichy. Now in sanatoriums various cosmetic procedures for the face and body are also available.

nature heals

What types of recovery based on the natural features of the North Caucasus can be obtained at the resorts of this region:

Mud therapy

Near Pyatigorsk, for example, there is a salt lake Tambukan, silt mud from which is good for the joints, spine, and internal organs. It has an anti-inflammatory, resolving, immunomodulatory effect.


These are wellness walks on individually compiled routes. They are especially popular in Kislovodsk, where there is a huge Kurortny park (the second largest in Europe). Such walks in mountainous areas, where the air is saturated with the healing aromas of various plants, help to cope with various cardiovascular pathologies, solve respiratory problems, and normalize metabolism.

Mineral baths

Popular in Kislovodsk, which is located in close proximity to the mineral spring "Narzan". There you can also take wine, pearl, iodine-bromine, selenium, sage-licorice baths, depending on what the doctor prescribes for you.

Tatyana Solomatina

Features of sanatorium treatment: the whole truth and delusions

Hello dear readers! For a long time I was going to write what features of sanatorium treatment should be taken into account before choosing this type of vacation. And finally, they got their hands on it.

In this article I will try to detail all the pros and cons. This will dispel the misconceptions of people who have a poor idea of ​​the regulations for such a holiday. I will tell you how to choose a sanatorium and with what documents you need to come there, I will give practical advice on staying in a sanatorium, based on my experience and personal impressions.

I must say right away that I go to the sanatorium regularly, at least once a year (there are certain health problems), and I recommend this type of treatment to everyone suffering from chronic diseases.

This article will be of interest to people who go to a sanatorium primarily for treatment, and consider rest as a pleasant addition.

I think that it will be useful for them to present in advance the specifics of treatment in sanatoriums, so that later there will be no such conversations:

“I paid a lot of money, but they didn’t cure anything, they fed me boiled food, they prescribed few procedures, although there is a whole mountain of them on the site, I couldn’t get enough sleep, I was tired of such a rest, etc.”

Have you heard such speeches from friends, relatives and acquaintances? I think yes. And after all, people do not lie, everything was so. However, they are wrong. Why - in the process of reading you will understand this.

The impetus for writing this article was the example of a close friend of mine who has back problems. Before that, she used the services of a competent chiropractor, but doctors are people too, they can get sick, which happened in her case.

A friend, not finding a suitable replacement, urgently bought a ten-day ticket to a sanatorium and, with the joy of a person who successfully found a solution to the problem, informed me about it. Oh, how I did not want to disappoint her, but I had to tell her about the features of the spa treatment.

That's when I realized that there are people who do not understand the specifics of these institutions. They think something like this: “I will come to a sanatorium, I will undergo a complete examination, they will find sores and cure them, I will return from there and the health problem will disappear.”

However, this is a delusion. And not because the sanatoriums are bad, they don’t treat, there are no doctors and equipment (this is also a delusion). But because you need to know the features of sanatorium treatment and purchase a ticket, realizing that this is not an emergency hospital and the task of such an institution is completely different.

How to choose a sanatorium?

90% of the success of treatment depends on the correctly chosen sanatorium. Therefore, take this matter seriously. And it is not necessary to be based only on living conditions, although this is also important. First of all, pay attention to the profile of the institution and the direction of treatment.

Ideally, the main profile should be your disease, but it is not always possible to find a sanatorium that deals only with a narrow specialization, it is especially difficult when you have a rare disease.

Pay attention to the location of the institution. In some cases this is important. For example, if you suffer from a chronic urological disease, then the best place for treatment is. Because it is there that there are mineral springs that help well with this ailment.

The second thing you need to pay attention to is the availability of the specialists you need (I will write about this in more detail below) and the equipment with the necessary medical equipment. A very important point, because the absence of this will lead to ordinary recovery, and not serious treatment.

And only in third place would I put comfort, accommodation, food, etc.

Look for the official website of the sanatorium, read all the information in detail, do not neglect calls there if you have questions. Try to buy tours directly on the site or book by their phone.

Be sure to read the latest reviews, preferably on other resources. Thus, you can find out the features of sanatorium treatment in a specific region you have chosen.

Required documents

Upon arrival at the sanatorium, you must present documents

  1. The passport
  2. A ticket or reservation (sometimes a paid receipt)
  3. Medical insurance policy
  4. Sanatorium resort card

It is advisable to have an extract from the medical card, in some places they require a certificate to the pool.

This list is basic for all sanatoriums. Be sure to check the list of required documents before the trip (sometimes additional documents are required, and for people on preferential vouchers the list is slightly different, as for families with children).

Major Newbie Misconceptions

So that you understand everything and do not take rash steps, I will dispel the myths about spa treatment and reveal the whole truth that is better to know before making a decision on such a trip.

The disease worsened - I will go to a sanatorium

Imagine such a situation. Exacerbated chronic disease. You run to the doctors, you drink medicines course after course, but it doesn’t get better and the acute condition is not removed. Tired of knocking on the thresholds of different offices, take the last money and buy a ticket to a sanatorium, in the hope of rest, daily medical supervision, consultation and competent treatment.

Unfortunately, such a scenario always ends in disappointment. The thing is that the sanatorium does not treat diseases in an acute form, they undergo rehabilitation here when remission occurs.

Simply put, one of the contraindications to treatment in such institutions are diseases at an acute stage of development.

You have to come here in remission. Then you will complete the full course of treatment. And during the exacerbation of the procedure are contraindicated, you can only relax and receive minimal medical treatment.

I will buy a full ticket, everything is included in it

However, if you look closely at a long list, you can see that 10% of them are done only for men or only for women, another 20% are generally accepted by type - climate therapy, health path, drinking cure, herbal medicine, etc.

Or, for example, everyone sees a massage, but no one pays attention to the fact that 1.5 units are written next to it, this only means a massage of one and a half zones (for example, the neck), and all other zones are no longer included in the cost of spa treatment.

I give these examples so that you understand that despite the fact that the list is quite large, especially valuable procedures are not included there, and the doctor usually prescribes not the entire list, but one of the directions (mud therapy, physiotherapy , hydrotherapy, etc.), and you are not always allowed to choose, usually at the discretion of the doctor.

All this is neither good or bad, you just need to know that it is really possible to improve your health in a sanatorium, but you must immediately focus not only on the cost of a sanatorium and resort voucher, but also have funds in the amount of at least 30% of the cost of the voucher for additional paid procedures (solid conclusion from rich personal experience).

If you accept this fact in advance, then there will be no disappointments about the cost of treatment and the number of procedures either.

I will come and go through all the specialists

Another misconception that can ruin all plans. The fact is that there are almost no such sanatoriums in which all narrow specialists work on a permanent basis. As a rule, there are therapists and 2-4 highly specialized doctors. All the rest go to work under the contract.

Well, if they work twice a week for 4 hours, then there is a chance to get to them in a week, there is also a record and a queue. And if they come less often, then it will be possible to consult only before departure.

To understand how the situation is in the place you have chosen, you need to look for such headings on the institution's website as "Our employees" or "The team of the sanatorium". Usually there are photos of the staff, their specializations and hours of work are published. From which you can roughly understand how staffed the institution is.

If there is no such data on the official website of the sanatorium, then read the latest reviews or call the sanatorium and talk to one of the doctors.

Do not forget that the cost of the tour includes a maximum of three specialists (including a therapist), you will have to pay for the consultation of the rest.

I will make a health resort card on the spot

Of course, no one is reluctant to stand in line to the local therapist, take referrals, take tests, do fluorography and go through narrow specialists. The practice of free medical institutions now is such that it takes more than one day to get a sanatorium and resort card.

Buying one is also not an option, because the topic of our article implies that you need treatment not for show. Therefore, it is not in your interests to go to a sanatorium with drawn analyzes and fictitious conclusions of doctors.

Based on the foregoing, many people make a mistake when they expect to issue a health resort card upon arrival. The point is not that not all sanatoriums have such a service, but that in this case, you will spend at least two days on all manipulations. After all, there, too, you will have to collect an anamnesis and take tests.

Accordingly, you will lose the paid days, because at this time the doctor will not prescribe you any treatment. Plus, you will have to pay for a health resort card, because such a service is not included in the price of the tour. Perhaps money doesn’t matter to someone, but the lost 2-5 days (sometimes you won’t get to a narrow specialist quickly) should make you think.

Two weeks is enough

I often hear such words: “I was refused to do 10 sessions of procedures and was prescribed only 6, although I came for 14 days.” Then comes resentment and complaints about a bad attitude. Who is guilty? Definitely not a resort. Surprised? I'll explain now.

The fact is that in all sanatoriums, the number of prescribed procedures directly depends on the number of days you have purchased a voucher.

10 pieces of each procedure are offered only if the voucher is from 18-20 days. If you came for two weeks, then most likely, such a course includes 6-7 procedures, for 16-17 days - 7-8 procedures. And it's not the harmful character of the doctor, it's just such an official regulation, and it's physically impossible to do more. Below, you will see it.

Six procedures for a full-fledged spa treatment is not enough - a fact. If your goal is treatment, and not recovery, then you need to come to the sanatorium for at least 21 days, and preferably out of season, fewer people, not twitchy staff, no queues. I wrote about this in detail.

There is another point that confirms these features.

It should be borne in mind that many procedures cannot be combined, so they are prescribed every other day. That is, today you go to the mud, and tomorrow to the physio, then mud again, etc. Accordingly, if you need to do ten of each, then it will take 20 days, add another day of arrival and departure. How much will it take?

Well, when to carve out a couple more days for a sanatorium-resort card, I wrote about it above. Do not forget that Sunday falls, most often the medical building is closed. So consider for yourself, I discovered the real state of affairs.

Usually, all this is written on the official website, only not everyone goes there, or not all of the information is read, hence resentment and disappointment.

I'll finally sleep

It is not at all a delusion if your goal is only rest and recovery. However, for those who go to be treated, everything is a little different.

As a rule, many procedures are prescribed, they go one by one, starting at seven in the morning, the schedule is so tight that even breakfast and lunch are limited time. The running around the offices ends at about three o'clock in the afternoon, and then, if on this day there is no evening appointment of a narrow specialist or ultrasound examination.

It becomes a little easier with time after ten days, when the procedures have already been done, which are daily and remain those that are done every other day.

Therefore, get ready for the fact that the first half of your stay in the sanatorium will be very busy and it is unlikely that you will be able to sleep longer in the morning.

But in the second half of the rest, you will have a great opportunity not only to sleep more, but also to devote time to walks and sightseeing, unless of course you arrive for 21 days.

How does everything really happen?

We talked about delusions and features, if I remember something else, I will definitely add it to the article. Now I will try to briefly describe how everything actually happens. In any case, this was the case in the places that I visited (six different sanatoriums). Of course, there are differences everywhere, but they are insignificant.

You arrive at the sanatorium, register at the reception, they give out the keys to the room and a card for meals. Sometimes they immediately say in which office and what time the doctor will take you. If not, it will be announced later.

Come to the doctor, give medical documents, they examine you and make appointments. It is advisable at this moment to resolve the issue with paid procedures, to inform about your preferences. The doctor will immediately add them to the list of appointments and there will be no need to come again.

Then you go to the head nurse or other employee (sometimes at the reception), give papers with appointments and after some time you will be given a book (slider) where your spa treatment is scheduled by day and hour for the entire period.

As a rule, this is not the final version. Procedures can be canceled, replaced or added after tests, new appointments from narrow specialists or at your request if a certain type of procedure is not suitable (for example, you do not tolerate it well).

However, changes are made by the attending physician, so it is imperative to go to him for this.

Meals take place depending on the schedule (at the allotted hours).

Keep in mind that food in a sanatorium is also part of a spa treatment. The food is strictly balanced according to diets. Nothing fried or smoked. But this is only for the benefit of your body, you can endure three weeks.

In the evening, there are usually entertainment programs in the spirit of the USSR. Singing to the button accordion, discos - for those over 50, performances by local amateur groups, watching movies, etc. Please note that entrance to some events may be paid, add these costs to the holiday budget.

Conclusions on my example

After reading the article, you might have formed the feeling: “I never went, well, there’s nothing to do there.” On the rights of a person who regularly visits sanatoriums, let me disagree with you and prove the effectiveness of sanatorium treatment by example. Trust me, the benefits are huge. Read my story.

Having an unpleasant chronic disease, I ignored this type of rehabilitation for a long time. Seven years ago, after a long and difficult treatment in a hospital, the head of the department told me at the time of discharge: “You have a chronic disease and in order not to bring your body to such a state, you must definitely undergo a spa treatment in Zheleznovodsk once a year. Try Tatiana, I guarantee you will forget about your illness for a long time.”

At that moment, I was so tired of feeling unwell and endlessly taking pills that treat one thing and cripple another, that I took his words seriously. And I didn't guess. The spa treatment really helps me. But subject to regular visits to the resort and the strict implementation of all procedures.

If it’s as difficult for you as it once was for me, try it, it definitely won’t get worse, but you will feel the benefit immediately. And if treatment in a sanatorium is initially perceived not as a vacation, but as hard work (early rise, not always pleasant procedures, unusual food, etc.), then there will be no disappointments and resentments that I wrote about above, reality will be perceived quite differently , with understanding of the situation and humor.

Dear readers! With all my heart I wish you health and long happy years of life!

I wrote practical information for guests who are going to rest and treatment in Mineralnye Vody for the first time in an article.

If you have your own experience of visiting a sanatorium, share it with readers, write a story, send it to me, I will definitely publish it in the new section “Readers' Travels”. Read more about this.

Now I say goodbye to you for a while, see you soon!

Tatyana Solomatina

You should not listen to those who convince you that rest and treatment in a sanatorium is the last century. In good health resorts and boarding houses, almost everything is like in the best hotels, only instead of clubs and bar counters there are mineral waters, massages and mud baths. Domestic sanatoriums are no worse than foreign ones, and somewhere even better. In addition, getting to them is much easier and cheaper than to European health resorts.

Let's try to designate the rating of the best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment for 2017, which includes the most popular boarding houses and health resorts in our country. From this article you will learn where you can spend time with benefits not only for the soul, but also for the body. In general, it is rather difficult to make ratings of such a plan, because almost all health resorts have some specific direction: somewhere they focus on cardiology, someone treats the gastrointestinal tract, while others are engaged in the musculoskeletal system, etc. Therefore, the list will be generalized, and one or another place of the list participants will be determined based on the feedback from visitors and expert opinions of specialists in these areas.

10 best health resorts in Russia

  1. "Altai-West".
  2. "Kivach".
  3. "Baltic coast".
  4. "Plaza".
  5. "Rus".
  6. "Volga cliff".
  7. "Red Talca".
  8. "Voronovo".
  9. "Poltava Crimea".
  10. "Aquamarine".

Let's take a closer look at some of the participants.


The city of Belokurikha is located in the Altai Territory. "Altai-West", which is located in it, is included in the rating of the best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment due to the purest mountain air, the presence of hot springs and the silence that is completely unusual for a city dweller.

A cozy and small town is surrounded on all sides by centuries-old forests and mountains, and the sun in Belokurikha shines 260 days a year. In fact, this is the same Switzerland, with the only difference that you do not need visas and passports. "Altai-West" does not lag behind Europe not only in terms of the quality of treatment, but also in terms of service, therefore it rightfully takes its place in our rating of the best sanatoriums in Russia.

If you booked a treatment package, then be prepared for mud, leech treatment, radon baths and a dozen other useful procedures - here you will definitely spend your time with benefit. Those who consider themselves healthy, but a little tired, are invited by the organizers to various wellness programs, which include proper nutrition, yoga classes and walks along the health paths. Procedures of such a plan will not only smooth out the sides and remove extra pounds, but also increase self-esteem. The health resort is included in our rating of the best health resorts in Russia also due to the availability of year-round recreation: in summer you can safely splash in the outdoor pool, and in winter go snowboarding on the ski slopes.


For rest with treatment, the organizers charge about 3,200 rubles per person per day. You can get to the health resort by plane to Barnaul or Novosibirsk, and then by bus to Belokurikha. There are no problems with transport, so you won’t have to stand idle or wait somewhere.

The sanatorium works on the following profiles:

  • general health improvement;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • urinary system;
  • leather;
  • endocrine and respiratory directions.


Visitors get up at five in the morning and after a cool shower they immediately go to breathing exercises among the pines, then they run for body wraps, peelings, inhalations and even enemas. Such army orders in a matter of days will bring your body to life and relieve many of the accumulated problems.

The clinic is included in our rating of the best sanatoriums in Russia also because it is ready to accept everyone from young to old - children, teenagers, mothers, adult husbands and pensioners. As compensation for such a difficult everyday life, patients have billiards, hobby clubs, musical evenings and other entertainment at their disposal. But judging by the reviews of the guests, there is not so much free time there: during the day they will squeeze all the juice out of you, and by the evening you would get to bed.

The cost of a tour per person per day ranges from 12,500 rubles. Although the prices bite, the health resort is very popular with our compatriots, so you need to book three to four months in advance.

What is being treated? How to get there?

  • general health improvement;
  • detoxification;
  • weight correction;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ENT organs;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • urinary system;
  • allergies;
  • endocrine and respiratory directions;
  • varicose veins;
  • the birth of a healthy child.

You can get to the health resort by plane or by train to Petrozavodsk, and from there - by the branded bus of the sanatorium to the place.

"Baltic Coast"

This health resort in the Leningrad region from year to year takes first place in the ratings of the best cardiological sanatoriums in Russia. "Baltic Coast" is especially in demand among core and lung patients. Despite the rather narrow focus, people come here without a visible pretext - just to relax: breathe in the clean and specific air of the Gulf of Finland, drink herbal tea, look at the salt caves and please your body with an aroma sauna.

If you are not in the mood for serious treatment, then you can choose for yourself short three-day programs, which is quite enough to feel more cheerful, younger and more beautiful. Many guests book rooms on the upper floors in advance: the view from the balcony is simply fantastic and mesmerizing.

For one person you will have to pay about 2000 per day. If you want luxury, you can stay in a VIP apartment and get yourself a personal "guide" who will guide you through all the procedures and monitor your condition. The cost of such a service is negotiated on an individual basis, but the fact that the pleasure is not cheap, that's for sure.

  • general therapy;
  • cardiology;
  • nervous system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • gynecology.

The sanatorium is located in Zelenogorsk and only 60 kilometers from St. Petersburg. You can get to the place both by minibus and by train.


The famous Kislovodsk resort in the Stavropol Territory also took its place of honor in our ranking of the best sanatoriums in Russia. The atmosphere in the health resort, though nostalgic, but without a clear taste of the USSR. Separately, it is worth noting the “Resort Park”, founded at the end of the 19th century: lush greenery, competent work of horticultural designers and crystal clear air.

"Plaza" got into the rating (top 100) of the best sanatoriums in Russia for the whole family according to the versions of specialized magazines. It extremely successfully combines a spa hotel and a sanatorium with an intelligent medical base. It is better to come to the health resort with the whole family: while grandparents treat their hearts on brand new equipment from Europe, parents can relax in a Turkish bath. For children, there is also something to do: salt caves, swimming pools, kids clubs and other entertainment.

For one person you will need to pay about 6000 rubles per day. Children under 9 years old are served free of charge, but if the child needs a separate adult bed, then you will have to pay extra.

  • general health improvement;
  • cardiology;
  • respiratory system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • urinary system.

You can get to Kislovodsk by train and bus or by plane to Mineralnye Vody, and from there transfer to a minibus.


This health resort occupies the top lines in the ratings of the best sanatoriums on the Black Sea coast of Russia. "Rus" is located in the city of Sochi and offers its visitors a wide and high-quality range of services. Interiors, exteriors, food and treatment - everything is at the European level.

If you have no desire to buy a classic ticket, then you can choose separate programs for recovery for 3200 rubles per day: get rid of accumulated fatigue in a week, and straighten your waist and hips in a couple. Separately, it is worth noting the building "Forest" with cozy rooms and excellent service. Although it is far from the sea, walking to the shore through the sanatorium park will not leave you indifferent: blooming and well-groomed greenery, clean air, as well as the company of singing goldfinches and the pleasant tapping of woodpeckers.

  • general therapy;
  • cardiology;
  • nervous system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • urinary system.

You can get to the city of Sochi by plane or train, and then by bus or minibus to the sanatorium itself.

"Volga cliff"

This health resort in the Samara region occupies a leading place in the rankings of the best sanatoriums in central Russia. If you miss the original Russian nature, then be sure to visit this place: beautiful trees, fabulous sunsets on the shore, the calm bank of the Volga - everything is like Fet and Turgenev. The only difference is that you will not live in a dilapidated house, but in an elite boarding house. Moreover, the status obliges to treat, groom and cherish the residents.

In addition to the classic spa pastime in a boarding house, you can breathe in plenty of fresh air and work up - the area is quite conducive. If you want to add extreme notes to ordinary walks, then bicycles, snowboards and even a horse yard are at your service.

For a day of stay, the owners ask from 2800 rubles per person. If you want luxury, then you can look at the rooms and services of the premium segment with the corresponding price tags.

  • general therapy;
  • cardiology;
  • nervous system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • endocrine and respiratory systems.

You can get there by plane to Samara or by train to the Syzran-1 station, and then transfer to a bus or minibus to your destination.

"Red Talca"

Another health resort from the Krasnodar Territory, which was included in the list of the best sanatoriums in Russia. "Krasnaya Talka" is conveniently located on the outskirts of the city of Gelendzhik. The latter, by the way, is constantly "prescribed" to asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

"Krasnaya Talka" is not just a big sanatorium, but a real "city within a city": eight buildings in two lines, its own impressive beach, several large swimming pools, signature restaurants and cafes, as well as sports grounds for children and adults.

Competent doctors and excellent equipment will quickly put you on your feet. The free sweets that are distributed on the beach break the rhythm a bit, but the consequences, if any, are easily offset by a large number of simulators.

For a day you will need to pay about 3000 rubles per person. There are rooms and services that are more expensive, so those who want luxury have something to spend their hard-earned money on. Related equipment for beaches, training in the gym and other activities is distributed free of charge, of course, with a return.

  • general health improvement;
  • cardiology;
  • weight correction;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous system;
  • ENT organs;
  • respiratory system.

You can get to the health resort by plane to Gelendzhik or by train to Anapa from Novorossiysk, and then by bus or minibus to the place.


The list of the best sanatoriums in Russia included the noble estate "Voronovo", which is in the Moscow region. Wealthy boyars, counts and princes lived here, so the places are thoroughly saturated with the spirit of high society. By the middle of the last century, the estate was converted into a closed boarding house, where important people of the USSR rested.

Those who like to drink tea by the fireplace and go fishing in a clean pond will find this place very useful. The main building of the sanatorium is slightly different in style from its rare counterparts, but everything is at hand in it: a spacious swimming pool, a dining room, clubs and, of course, doctors with their own procedures.

For a single room you will need to pay a little more than 3000 rubles per day. As in other cases, VIPs have where to spend their money: everything will be brought, brought and treated in the best possible way.

  • endocrinology (diabetes, thyroid gland);
  • urology;
  • cardiology;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous system.

You can get from Moscow along the Kaluga highway - about 35 kilometers from the ring road. Buses and minibuses run from the Teply Stan and Yasenevo metro stations.


We reviewed the best sanatoriums in Russia with treatment. The choice is yours.

The best ways to improve your health on vacation

When I say "the best", I mean the most popular restorative procedures.

They are good for a person who does not have severe chronic diseases (I believe that the lion's share of http://www..

Classic massage

No matter how modern the equipment of the sanatorium may be, it cannot completely replace sensitive hands. The great invention of mankind is the classic massage of the collar zone.

I always ask him first - for deep relaxation. After it, it is so physically pleasant that even the mood changes for the better.

If you have posture defects and have suffered sports injuries in the past, other types of massage - back, legs, etc. will help you a lot.

I share a secret: it is better to sign up for the procedure in the morning, while the specialist has not had time to get tired.

Pearl and whirlpool baths

These baths are, by and large, a type of massage. They relieve tension, stimulate blood circulation, and normalize blood pressure.

In pearl baths, the effect is given by small air bubbles, and in whirlpool baths - streams of bubbling water.

Water can be:

  • simply fresh;
  • fresh with aromatic extracts (coniferous, etc.);
  • mineral.

The temperature is usually set so that the body is comfortable.

If for some reason you do not want to undress and dive into the water (for example, it may be inconvenient for girls during menstruation), ask your doctor to prescribe local hydroprocedures - for hands and feet.

Cold and hot shower

The alternation of high and relatively low temperatures tones and tempers.

Do not be afraid, you will not be disgusted by the cool water. On the contrary, it will seem as if with every change in temperature you feel an invigorating rush of adrenaline.

Along with the contrast deserve attention circular and fan souls. All of them help not only to cheer up, but also to get rid of excess weight. They are often prescribed to people with an initial degree of obesity.

Doubt whether you need to lose weight? Calculate your body mass index.


The good thing is inhalation.

The procedure is not very pleasant, but useful. You are handed a plastic nozzle, put on the tube. The tube is connected to an apparatus through which vapors of various useful solutions and suspensions are supplied. The nozzle should be kept in the mouth and inhaled through it for about ten minutes.

It is worth asking for inhalation if you often suffer from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections or tonsillitis. The procedure will come in handy before the flu season.

Should I drink mineral water?

Usually large sanatoriums operate at mineral springs. Each vacationer can look into the pump room and draw some medicinal water.

I warn you: with mineral water, everything is not as simple as it seems.

First, waters vary greatly in properties. Secondly, it is a drug with its own dosages and contraindications. It is checked up on own experience.

I was prescribed to drink half a glass of mineral water, I did not notice this recommendation and drank a whole glass at random. As a result, my stomach was very offended by me, grumbling all day.

Not by single procedures

For vacationers who are in a sanatorium without serious health complaints, the doctor necessarily offers physical activity - lessons in the pool or gym.

At least once in their lives, doctors advised many to take care of their health and go to a sanatorium. However, some urgent business constantly arises, and the trip is postponed until later. Is this attitude correct or is the value of such institutions overestimated?

The effect of spa treatment: observations and figures

Sanatoriums are specialized institutions designed for the treatment and prevention of various diseases with the help of natural factors. You may have noticed that people who periodically visit such establishments look much younger than their peers. This is all thanks to the long-term and effective result of spa treatment. Such pleasant "consequences" are practically not impossible in a hospital setting.
I recommend to undergo treatment in Europe. Namely, treatment in Lithuanian sanatoriums in Druskininkai is of very high quality and affordable for any resident of the CIS.

If you do not believe that treatment in such institutions is effective, pay attention to the numbers. Statistics show that more than 90% of people who suffer from chronic diseases, after undergoing a course of sanatorium treatment, no longer face such a problem for several years.

What provides a unique effect of spa procedures?

First of all, it is worth saying that the sanatoriums provide comprehensive treatment, which combines the use of natural factors, medications, proper diet and good rest. It should be noted that today most institutions have a certain specialization in the fight against certain diseases, for which unique programs of wellness procedures are offered.

In what cases is it necessary to go to a sanatorium?

Indications that your body needs a comprehensive recovery should be considered general fatigue, a constant feeling of overwork, as well as diseases of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. However, this is not the only reason to visit the sanatorium. You can go there in order to undergo a full diagnostic examination, which is carried out in calm conditions.

The main thing to remember is that treatment should take place at a certain stage (most often during remission). Doctors strongly do not recommend visiting spa facilities during an exacerbation of the disease, since the procedures in this case will not give the proper powerful effect and will only disappoint the patient.

What follows from this?

From the foregoing, the conclusion follows: going to a sanatorium is not just worth it, it is necessary. After all, this is an opportunity not only to improve your health, but also significantly rejuvenate both body and soul. In addition, sanatoriums, as a rule, are located in resort areas where you can have fun and have fun. Here you can relax from everyday worries and stress, forget about problems and be inspired by new experiences. The main thing is to choose the right time and the right place.

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