Larisa Guzeeva spoke about the divorce from her husband: “Igor, goodbye! I will not keep. Larisa Guzeeva was married three times and the actress cheated on each of her husbands, which she later openly admitted. Do you admit that Igor is cheating on you

Pest control 02.01.2022
Pest control

Larisa Guzeeva has been the host of the program for several years "Let's get married!", in whose studio she, along with her colleagues Roza Syabitova and Vasilisa Volodina, helps the heroes find a mate. The celebrity regularly talks about family life, about the relationship between a man and a woman, and gives advice that millions of fans across the country like.

During the last edition of the show, Larisa made an unexpected statement. She spoke about her personal life and problems with her husband Igor Bukharov whom she suspects of cheating. According to the TV presenter, her husband has recently begun to actively take care of himself - he has lost 27 kilograms and spends a lot of time at the mirror, admiring his slender body and rejuvenated appearance. As it turned out, the man expresses unpleasant remarks and reproaches to the star wife.

“He comes up to me and says: “Why are you so blooming? In the summer it was normal. Why are you so pissed off again?!" - Guzeeva admitted in the studio "Let's get married!". This behavior of her husband is very disturbing to the actress and suggests a possible divorce. But, despite the experiences, Larisa admitted that she did not intend to suffer for a long time from parting with her husband. “Igor, goodbye! I won't hold on!" - a celebrity publicly addressed Bukharov.

- Larisa, what brings people to the program "Let's get married!"? It seems to me that this is some kind of unhealthy exhibitionism - to look for a mate in front of television cameras.

There are different people. Some even go to the registry office for some unknown reason. Of course, there are those who come to us to "cheat" and then laugh with relatives and friends. But they are few. And sometimes they come to us with such pain ... They grab us right by the hands - help! Therefore, I would not talk about everyone indiscriminately, what - ha! - came exhibitionists. If this were the case, there would be no marriages and no children born after the program.

If you are over 30...

- Even famous and successful people are often among your clients. Can they have dating problems?

Where do they meet? In the Internet? In nightclubs? What if you're over 30 and don't go to clubs? I'm not saying that we are the only organization where people get to know each other. But if they go, then they hope for something. By the way, radio host Alisa Selezneva found a husband on our program. And they are doing great now.

- Do you feel that the percentage of happy people in family life in our country is getting higher?

You ask me if I'm a psychologist or a marriage expert. I am a theater and film artist... It seems to me that the percentage of people who want to be happy is getting higher. People are losing the idea that they must sacrifice their happiness at all costs. Today, a person is focused on happiness and is more comfortable with the fact that he will not be raising his own children, but someone else will be raising his children. At present, a second marriage, common children, holidays with the former are normal. Before, as it was: the mother pulled the strap all her life, the father suffered. Both were unhappy in marriage, but lived together all their lives. What to be proud of in this case? That they lived, roughly speaking, spitting blood? I believe that it is necessary to break such relationships as bad teeth. The Lord did not call: “Suffer and be tormented!” Like, nothing that beats and drinks - be patient. You don't always have to be patient. But something else is also scary - when people dissolve marriages with depressing ease. They don’t even name the reason and don’t think about children at all. They got married, as they say today, "for fun." And divorced, too, "for fun." And they don't give a damn about this at all. From this, of course, the hair at the withers moves.

- There is a saying: "A good leftist strengthens a marriage." Do you agree with her?

No. Why bring impurities into your life? Leaving go. But if this happened due to momentary stupidity, encrypt to the end, say that nothing happened. All this repentance and crawling on your knees is not needed by anyone. All this does not go anywhere and remains between two people to the grave. And if you fell in love, you need to go to the one you love.

- As a man, I sincerely believe that the main asset of our country is not oil and gas, but women. Agree that they are one of the most beautiful in the world?

Of course. Do you know why? For almost 70 years we lived under Soviet rule, when everyone was equal, no one had much money. Therefore, marriages were often made out of love and passion. The beautiful married the beautiful and gave birth to beautiful and talented people. There was a right relationship between a man and a woman. And in other countries, they still turned on the head. Parents told their son: "Look, John, this girl is from a good and wealthy family." John is genetically programmed that marriage is also a deal, and he married an ugly Mary. They had ugly children.

I already said that two years ago I was in Switzerland at an expensive resort. And she could not understand why mom and dad are beautiful, all in diamonds and furs, and their children are long-nosed, thin-lipped and nasty. Then I realized that rich parents put themselves in order: they shortened their noses, pumped up their lips. And their children are born genetically the same as their parents were originally - ugly. I'm not talking about everyone. But today it is not uncommon when a woman wants to cover her rear by marriage and the birth of a child ... She thinks: I’ll marry this terrible woman, give birth to a child from him, divorce. He will pay me child support. And then I will arrange my life the way I want. And so she goes to bed with this terrible and old, and an ugly, unwanted, unloved child is born. And it is not her life that begins, but the division and scandals. Because men understand that they have been swindled for money, and they are trying to punish such women.

They are weak

- You said that in Bulgaria, where you often visit, any, even the most ugly woman, is a queen. And we have...

We have a man - the king. Anyone, even the most useless groom. In our country, a woman gives a chair to a man, opens the door, puts a napkin on his knees, looks into his eyes, pays for him. Cleans, washes, irons, cooks, earns. Loves.

- Do you talk about it with regret?

What can you do? This is life ... I said more than once: I feel sorry for our men. I have a daughter and a son. Therefore, I understand that a man is actually not as strong as we used to think. He is also human. Weak, afraid, doubting, etc. For example, I feel sorry for my husband. I can see how he "plows". Therefore, I tell him: "Yes, give a damn, leave it, rest." How else? I'm not saying that I have to carry bricks, and he will hang curtains. But men need to be protected.


The other day Larisa Guzeeva celebrated her 56th birthday. In this regard, journalists have collected the brightest quotes from the popular actress and the host of the Let's Get Married program.

For example, Guzeeva is philosophical about betrayal. She admits that her husband Igor Bukharov can cheat on her. However, for this, Larisa's rivals will need to try hard.

“The girls who tried to flirt with my husband in front of me later regretted it very much. With me, you can’t flirt with my man. Even subtly and, as it may seem to someone, veiled. They tried. But death came to them! me regularly, then yes, it would be humiliating for me.And if something somewhere and I was not disgraced by the fact that this woman would sit with me at the same table or enter my house, then it would not be insulting. The main thing is that it doesn’t happen that everyone around knows about it, and I, like a fool, never sleep or spirit. It’s normal when a man cheats sometimes. But my Igor is the best, he is golden! I appreciate in family relationships, caring for each other. My family knows that I can chop anyone for people close and dear to me. I have received so much love and attention from men in my life that I am no longer afraid of anything, even old age and wrinkles, " - quotes Guzeeva ProZvezd.

Moreover, according to the actress, she can only love what belongs to her. “I even came up with a happiness formula: I always loved what I had. And I advise everyone to live the same way. Yes, there are rich, handsome husbands, but they don’t belong to you, so you can’t love them. I can only give my love to my man ", - said Larisa.

Guzeeva admitted that before meeting her current husband, she had no mind. She explained: “Those who say that happiness is a moment confuse this concept with an orgasm. I think happiness is a long period of time when you realize that you are happy. But it’s definitely not a moment. I didn’t have as much intelligence as appeared at the age of 37, when I married Igor Bukharov.Before him, I simply did not have intelligence and intuition for men, which is why I was not very happy in previous marriages.Maybe my guilt. After all, for a woman, humility and humility are the main thing. I was rebellious and unruly. And without this it is impossible, apparently. Well, who would like such a rebel?

Today, from the standpoint of my age and experience, I would not measure strength. If you live as a family with a loved one, it is stupid to compete who is more important and earns more. For me, happiness is absolutely earthly things. Mom and children, thank God, are healthy, everything is fine in the family. There is a place to live, there is something to eat, there is work. Isn't that happiness? And I haven’t experienced anything sky-high, and I don’t even know what it is.”

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