Korean language lessons. How to learn Korean. Homework after watching the video

Sewerage 31.08.2020

In Russia, not so much really good textbooks on Korean language for beginners from scratch. And this is despite the fact that they give a fairly good explanation of the grammatical material, a lot useful vocabulary. The disadvantage of textbooks for a Russian-speaking audience is that some of them do not have audio recordings and even keys to exercises. That is why it is better not to limit yourself to self-study, but to additionally attend courses and seek acquaintances with Koreans to develop conversational skills.

Proven Textbooks for Learning Korean from Scratch

1. “Korean textbook. Basic course" Kasatkina I.L., Chon In Sun, Pentyukhova V.E. The book is intended for students who are studying Korean for the first year. There is enough material in the manual to master good writing skills, learn grammar. The textbook is designed for approximately 180-200 hours of classroom work. The manual is recommended by many students who have studied Korean, but it does not have audio and answers to exercises.

2. Textbooks written by the teachers of the Korean Won Gwan School for students with different levels of training: Introductory Course 초급한국어, Korean Intermediate Course 중급 한국어 And Basic Korean Course 고급 한국어. These textbooks are among the most famous among Russian students. In the manuals, the emphasis is on grammar, there are answers to the exercises. The books come with discs with texts and dialogues. The downside is that there are no listening tasks.

3. "Korean Language Textbook" Verkholyak V.V., Kaplan T.Yu., Galkina L.V., Kozhemyako V.N. and "Textbook of the Korean language" by Verkholyak V.V., Kaplan T.Yu. Benefits for beginners. The books are designed for approximately 400 hours of classroom work. They contain material on phonetics, grammar and vocabulary of the Korean language, but there is no audio for the books, so it is better to study them with a teacher or use them as additional materials for classes.

4. Textbooks of the National Institute of International Education of the Republic of Korea NIIED. There are only four such textbooks. On the plus side, they correspond to the levels of the Korean TOPIK exam. There are exercises in the textbooks to work out all the language skills, but, unfortunately, there are no answers. Therefore, you need to find someone who will check the execution of tasks.

5. “Korean language (Introductory course)” Choi Yang Sun. This course will be a good addition to your main textbook. In addition, this book can be used as a self-study, as it comes with an audio CD and answers to the exercises. The advantage of the textbook can be called a large number of dialogues.

6. Manuals for learning the Korean language author Kogay Yu.P. - "Phonetics", "Hieroglyphics", "Morphology", "Syntax", "Conversational Korean", "Phraseological units of the Korean language", etc. Not all of the manuals were published, but the author posted them for free access. The books are really worthy of your attention.

7. "Basic Korean: A Grammar and Workbook" by Andrew Sangpil Byon. A textbook for those who study Korean for the first year. The manual contains grammar exercises. You can study on your own or with a teacher.

8. "Korean grammar in Use"- a series of three textbooks that are compiled in the same way as English grammar in Use. Those. in the book, in each lesson, a grammatical construction + rules of use with examples + exercises for working out the material are given. These benefits are not to be missed.

Here is a small overview we have. By the way, most of the Korean textbooks listed here can be found on our website. page Vkontakte

Living, working or studying in South Korea requires compulsory knowledge of the language. The local dialect is difficult for Europeans to perceive, so it is best to study it here, in its homeland, with immersion in the local culture. Almost anyone can do this today - free Korean courses are organized by many institutions with government support or on a voluntary basis.

Teacher-assisted language learning program

Even initial course may seem very difficult for a beginner, so all classes are held with the active participation of the teacher. You will immediately have to get used to numerous features - for example, the construction of a sentence does not occur from the beginning, but from its end. Many expressions are not subject to literal translation into European languages ​​- the volume of idiomatic turns in Korean speech is colossal.

Usually, free education Korean language is held with the participation of teachers from among local residents, which turns into obvious advantages:

  • Obtaining structured and holistic knowledge through an integrated approach.
  • Business writing and reading skills.
  • Comprehension of oral speech at a level sufficient for free communication and understanding of television programs.
  • Self-confidence and the ability to carry on a conversation.

To learn Korean for free, you first need a desire, because at the end of some types of courses a certificate is issued that exempts from passing the exam when obtaining a residence permit in the country.

Where is free training organized?

You can start free Korean language training at the embassy of your country - most of them have similar programs. After arriving in Korea, you have the opportunity to choose paid and free education. At the same time, the latter is in no way inferior in quality. The most famous and popular is the program of public association under

These free Korean courses include five stages, and before the start of the lesson, those who wish to study are tested to determine their current level of proficiency. In addition, it is worth mentioning three more organizations that allow you to learn or improve the language:

  • « seoul global center» - Seoul, phone 02-2075-7147
  • « International Center» - Ansan, phone 1644-7111
  • « Support Center» - Daegu, phone 053-654-9700

*For registration questions, please contact the international center directly at the numbers indicated above. (The presence of an ID card is required, age: from 18 years old)

The educational departments of international centers do not issue invitations and do not provide assistance in obtaining an ID card. You can find out about obtaining an ID card and types of visas

In addition, you can learn Korean for free at monasteries and temples. Currently in Seoul, you can contact the Russian-speaking Christian Community. Information about new courses regularly appears in the local press and the Internet.

Want to watch original Korean shows and sing along to popular K-Pop groups? Or maybe you want to immigrate to South Korea or go to the DPRK (hardly, but anything is possible)? It's time to learn the language! It will be difficult, but it is really possible to master the basics in just 3-4 months. Let's talk about how to learn Korean for free and on your own at home in just 5 minutes a day.

What you need to know about Korean

Modern Korean was formed in 1443 and today it is spoken by more than 80 million people worldwide. The alphabet consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels, in addition to them there are 16 diphthongs and double consonants, for a total of 40 hieroglyphs.

But do not relax: to make your life even more interesting, the Koreans carefully borrowed another 3,000 characters from the Chinese and use them within the Hanja dialect.

Fortunately, they are used mainly in names, religious treatises, business correspondence and classical literature. In North Korea, by the way, hancha is almost never used.

Korean is not at all like the Indo-European languages, which is why it is especially difficult for a Russian-speaking audience to learn it. The main thing is motivation, which is determined by the goal. The goal will determine the model and the training program.

Answer a simple question: why do you want to learn a language? If you want to sing along with Korean artists, just learn the alphabet, listen and translate the lyrics. If you want to communicate with Koreans or go to South Korea as a tourist, learn basic grammar and about 500 words. But for immigration, study and work, regular classes with a native speaker will be required.

Motivation, program and learning model

After setting a goal, start looking for motivation. What benefits will you derive from knowing the Korean language? You will be able to freely communicate with its carriers within the framework of work or study, get a promotion at work, have a comfortable rest in Seoul, and so on. Define specific benefits. Unfortunately, for most people asking these questions, their only motivation is to fall in love with K-Pop and popular artists. But the music-inspired euphoria is quickly shattered by complex grammar and even hieroglyphic writing. Therefore, it is important to determine substantive, somewhat even mercantile benefits.

When the motivation is found, proceed to the choice of a training model and the preparation of a program. You can achieve results only with regular classes and a plan that is correct from a pedagogical point of view.

Take as a basis a program compiled by language school teachers or textbook compilers, then adapt it to suit you.

It is best to study at the same time 3-4 times a week and repeat the learned words and phrases daily - this is easy to do in 5 minutes using a mobile application.

The learning model directly depends on its form. It could be:

  1. Passing courses.
  2. Self-study at home.
  3. Learning a language with a tutor.
  4. Education in foreign schools.
  5. Classes with native speakers.

It is better to choose the form of training depending on the goal that you are pursuing. The Korean language is characterized by a high complexity of pronunciation and grammar. It is almost impossible to learn it to a level worthy for immigration and work without classes with a tutor and long-term residence in South or North Korea. But learning to read, write, understand lyrics and watch TV shows in the original voice acting is quite within your power.

TOP 5 services for learning Korean from scratch

Learning Korean on your own is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. But if you want to master a basic level of and only in the future to think about improving conversational skills - use free training services. We've selected the best resources and mobile apps to help you.

Online Korean language tutorial with completely free functionality. There are several levels here - you can start from scratch or choose a course to continue learning. All site options are so simple that even a child can easily understand them. At the same time, the material is well structured, built on the principle “from simple to complex”. The service is perfect for comprehending the basics - the alphabet, basic grammar rules and creating an initial vocabulary.

Language courses in a classic format, which include theory in text and audio format, practice and Additional materials. You have to master 100 topics - from greetings and basic grammar to complex sentences, adverbs and vocabulary groups. The theory text is always accompanied by an audio recording, which helps to improve listening and speaking skills.

A convenient service, available both in the format of a mobile application and in the desktop version (for computers and laptops). Here you can learn dozens of languages, in particular Korean. An interesting option is the ability to ask a question to a native speaker. You can ask how to translate this or that phrase, how to correctly compose a sentence, how to choose the right words in accordance with the style of communication, and so on.

The largest community for Korean language learners on the social network Vkontakte. Thousands of materials are presented here - among them are grammar lessons, textbooks, the secrets of speaking, articles on phraseological units and speech turns, fiction and much more. Additionally, you can communicate with people who also learn the language and actively help each other, share links to useful services, translate texts and speak Korean.

How to practice speaking

When you start learning a language on your own, the most difficult thing is acquiring speaking skills. It is for this reason that educators recommend studying with a tutor or visiting countries where Korean is spoken. Otherwise, you can master hundreds of words and even learn grammar, but native speakers will not be able to understand you during a normal conversation. If the issue of tuition fees is fundamental, and you do not want to spend a single ruble on it, use the Internet.

5 ways to practice speaking for free:

  1. Communicate with native speakers - it is important to speak with your voice using instant messengers, social networks, services and video chats.
  2. Visit countries where Korean is spoken - we are talking not only about tourist trips, but also about conferences, seminars, volunteer events.
  3. Compare your pronunciation with the speaker's speech - to do this, say some phrase under the recording and compare the result with the pronunciation of a similar sentence by a native speaker.
  4. Sing along to Korean artists - mute your favorite song and sing along, gradually you will begin to notice defects in your pronunciation that you can correct.
  5. Attend themed clubs - if you live in a big city, then there are probably community meetings in it, where native Korean speakers are invited.

It is possible that over time you will decide to resort to the help of a tutor specifically to correct oral speech.

Then it is worth giving preference to teachers for whom the Korean language is native. Do not forget about the possibility of taking short-term courses - even in a situation where you prefer to study on your own, they can be useful for correcting mistakes. Do not miss the opportunity to participate in free webinars, which are often held by volunteers and language schools.

In the process of self-study, you will surely form your own methodology. However, you should definitely listen to the advice of linguists, teachers and the Koreans themselves. We have compiled for you universal recommendations that are important to consider in the process of training.

1. Start with the basics

First you should learn the alphabet, then move on to the greeting and introduction, then master the most common verbs and travel phrases. Only after that you can proceed to an in-depth study of grammar and vocabulary.

2. Consider the set tone

There are many nuances in Korean that are important to consider. Among them is the tone of address, according to which it is worth choosing certain words for communication in everyday life, in a business and respectful style.

3. Immerse yourself in the language environment

Start by changing the settings on your phone - set the language to Korean. You will definitely be confused, but then you will get used to it. Listen to Korean radio in the car, actively communicate with native speakers, try to watch any show and even sports events with Korean commentary.

4. Try to think in Korean

Every time you want to think about something, and even when you calculate the cost of shopping at the grocery store, try to do it with the help of the language you are learning. Russian words and phrases will, of course, slip through, but the perception of Korean will become more natural.

5. Watch series

Turn on TV shows in Korean dubbed with Russian subtitles and watch them as often as possible. At the same time, do not cling to every incomprehensible word - try to catch the meaning of certain phrases and the dialogue as a whole.

6. Use learned words

Otherwise, the brain will quickly begin to forget them. Read original literature, write essays and letters, and communicate as much as possible in Korean online. Regularly repeat already learned words, make sentences with them.

7. Exercise Regularly

It is better to give classes for 5-10 minutes every day than to learn a language once a week for 2 hours. The more frequent the lessons, the better. The faster you will master the basics and be able to move on to expanding your vocabulary.

8. Try to diversify your activities

If you constantly sit over textbooks, then over time there will be no trace of motivation. Diversify classical lessons with communication, listening and translating songs, reading Korean media and literature, watching movies and series.

9. Constantly work on your pronunciation

Compare your pronunciation with how the announcer reads a similar phrase, strive to achieve the maximum match. Practice speaking while communicating with Koreans, visit language clubs, participate in webinars.

10. Take advantage of the Internet

Surround yourself with resources that will help you learn the language - install mobile applications, add learning services to your browser bookmarks, subscribe to thematic communities on social networks. Use them as often as possible.


Learning Korean at home is quite difficult. But if you are not planning on immigration and employment as a translator, then getting a basic level at home is quite possible. To do this, it is important to determine the motivation, choose the optimal program and ensure regular classes - at least 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes.

The modern Korean alphabet consists of 40 letters - 24 main and 16 compound. Of them 19 - consonants and 21 vowels.
There are 14 simple letters and 5 compound letters in Korean. consonants sounds. Among vowels There are 10 simple letters and 11 compound letters in Korean.
consonants - 19 (14 main and 5 composite).
Vowels - 21 (10 basic and 11 diphthongs).

The basis for the creation of consonants included 5 initial letters:
(to- at first / G
(n )
(m )
(from )
(not at the beginning / ynn- in the middle or at the end of a syllable)
Then the rest of the consonants were formed:
(T- at the beginning of a syllable / d- in the middle or at the end of a syllable)
(R- at the beginning of a syllable / l- in the middle or at the end of a syllable)
(P- at the beginning of a syllable / b- in the middle or at the end of a syllable)
(zh )
(h )
(kx )
(mx )
(ph )
(X )
These were 5 main consonants and 9 consonants formed from them, but there are also 5 double consonants:
(ky )
(you )
(py )
(ss )
(tsy )
As we can see, each double consonant is formed from two basic consonants. The pronunciation of these consonants is very short but stronger than that of ordinary consonants. In total, we got 19 consonants, 14 main and 5 double.


The basis for the creation of vowels included 2 letters:
(s )
(And )
Then the rest of the main vowels were formed:
(oo )
(yo )
(at )
(Yu )
(but )
(I )
(about )
(yo )
These are basic vowels. There are also so-called diffthongs, these are complex vowels:
(uh )
(ye )
(e )
(ye )
(th )
(oh )
(oa )
(oh )
(ui )
(wow )
(ye )

Everything is simple here, diphthongs are formed in the same way as double consonants. So, in total we got 21 vowels, of which 10 are basic and 11 are diphthongs.

ATTENTION: Before moving on to the next lesson, learn Korean alphabet. It can be downloaded and printed at . Work out in writing letters. A simple 5 minute workout will help you master reading in Korean.

P.S. The Korean language learning materials on this site are written by one of our users who is studying in a Korean school. Since such lessons were created by an unprofessional teacher, they may contain errors (typos in Russian) and inconsistencies (in the rules of the Korean language, such as: "zh" and "j" or "wa" or "wa"). We ask you to treat such materials as an additional tool to test your knowledge. Basically, these lessons are published on the site for users who cannot attend Korean courses in their hometown.

Korean is easy to learn if you immerse yourself deeply in culture and society. Russians aspiring to learn Korean from scratch, turn on a good relationship with Koreans.

How long does it take to learn Korean

Many people wonder if learning Korean is difficult and how long it takes to understand it. All training takes place as individually as possible. Each person has the right to determine the required level of knowledge of the language. Also, not all people have the skills to learn languages. The city where the training takes place is also of great importance - the capital provides experienced teachers, small towns do not have such specialists at all. Is it easy to learn Korean - only with great motivation, the training will take place without problems, because a person is maximally interested in getting a high result.

Is it difficult to learn Korean as a beginner?

Learning is different for every student. Everyone who has previously studied German and English finds Korean quite difficult. However, comparing it with Japanese, Vietnamese or Chinese, we can confidently say that its development is much easier. The characters of the Korean alphabet are simpler than the Japanese, and sound pronunciation is also easier for all students.

Ways to learn Korean

  • Learning vocabulary. To top up lexicon it is necessary to use Korean literature, newspaper sources, television programs, films and series. Experts advise starting with children's books, which are usually written in simple language, and only then move on to the press, literature and cinema;
  • Grammar Mastery. It is necessary to focus on reading newspapers and books that have a written Russian translation, this will allow you to understand the accents as correctly as possible;
  • auditory perception. You should start listening to music, watching Korean programs, and best of all, dialogue with native speakers;
  • Colloquial . Foreign guests living in Korea have a great opportunity to have conversations with the people of Korea. But even while at home, you can find via the Internet an interlocutor who speaks Korean, who during the dialogue will correct and point out mistakes;
  • Mastery of writing. Through online learning, you can get Korean writing skills. Finding sites where Koreans can check and correct shortcomings of texts written by students can significantly improve the study of writing.

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