What is success in German for me. How to achieve great success in spoken German. General wishes in German

Paint rollers and brushes 09.10.2021

Tip one

Remember the gender not only with the definite article, but also with the adjective.

Often, when we speak German, we use the German word in the same gender as in Russian. This happens automatically. Well, if the genders match, and if not.

You all know that there are nouns in German such as:

Geld, Zeit, Geduld or Mut, Kraft, Intelligenz, or Bier, Limo, Cola, Säfte, Mineralwasser und Wein, which in most cases do not require the use of an article.

Usually students are very happy that they do not need to remember the gender of such nouns, since they are used without an article.

But when we add adjectives to these words, the adjective must be in the same gender as the noun it defines.

And then difficulties arise, how to correctly say, for example, hot or cold water.

Remembering a noun along with an adjective helps to avoid convulsive recall of what kind of noun it is.

Video “Was ist das? Das ist ein sonnengelbes Fahrrad.”

Tip two

Never learn new words separately!

Always teach them with examples!

As a rule, we write down new words in a special notebook, where we write German words on the left side, and the translation on the right side. If you already have such a notebook, look through it and you will find that there are words that you wrote down several times.

Why does it go like this, you write out all the new words, but you can’t remember them. Nobody likes to memorize words from their vocabulary, I think that you do too.

Memorizing 20 - 30 new words for a lesson is a very painful and very boring way. I'm right?

And the most unpleasant - this method gives a very weak result.


It is very difficult to remember words if they are not related to anything. Our brain needs an anchor to remember any information. Memorization is much better if there is any story or situation associated with this word. A separate word does not contain any story and is not connected with anything.

There is also a second reason inefficiency such a way.

In our dictionaries we write and then memorize only the basic form of the word.

For example like this:

geben- give

However, there are many other, varied forms of the same verb, such as:

gebe, gibst, gibt, gebt, gab, gabst, gabt, gaben, gegeben

It is very difficult to recognize them later in speech. It is also difficult to use them automatically without remembering the rules.

Why is it better to memorize words in a sentence?

Memorizing new words in sentences, we pay attention to their changes and remember all their forms grammatically correct.

For instance:

Was gibt es heute Abend im Fernsehen? What is on TV today?

Wenn man ihr den kleinen Finger gibt, dann nimmt sie die ganze Hand. (proverb) - Give her a finger, she will bite off her hand.

Using the same word in different sentences, our brain again and again determines the connection between them and highlights the commonality. The brain does this on a subconscious level.

Thus, you will firstly automatically memorize new words, and, secondly, you will be able to use them correctly.

With sentences, you will memorize new words much easier, faster and more efficient , since the sentence makes sense and you can imagine the whole situation with which this word is associated. You will remember much better if you have an image of this word in front of your eyes.

So, if you come across an unfamiliar word in a book or newspaper, write down in the dictionary not only the word itself and its translation, but the entire sentence as a whole.

If you follow this advice, after a while you will feel what is right and what is not. You will react instantly to what is wrong.

For instance:

"Ich geben ein Buch " - spelled wrong " Ich gebe ein Buch" - sounds right.

My advice

Learn new words in sentences.

Never teach them separately!

1. You will easily and quickly memorize many more words than before.

2. You will remember these words for a long time.

3. You will develop a sense of language.

4. You will automatically know the word order in a sentence.

5. You will speak fluently.

To date, I have created more than 100 audio lessons that have already helped many people learn to speak German.

If you have not yet signed up for free trial lessons, there is a subscription form on each page of the site at the top right. Enter your name and email address in it and you will receive free conversational German lessons for 4 days. Listen them and deal with them.

Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß mit meinen Lektionen.

Step Up in Conversational German

The German spoken language is very different from the German used in books and writing. It is the difference between book language and ordinary speech that is the greatest difficulty for students.

The problem is that students learn German from formal texts in textbooks that are very far from live communication. Students receive excellent reading and translation skills, but experience great difficulty in understanding live speech.

Therefore, if you want to communicate with people whose native language is German, you need to learn the spoken language used in everyday life.

Our lessons are focused on natural spoken language. Their goal is to develop natural speech skills, teach them to communicate freely and naturally, and also develop the ability to understand living German.

Films are a great help in understanding spoken German. You have to listen to how people talk to each other, how they communicate, how they express their feelings.

You will not find a living language of communication in textbooks

In Germany and Austria, I met many Russian tourists who graduated from the faculty of foreign languages ​​in their country, could communicate in a formal language, but in the most ordinary situations: for example, on a bus, they did not understand what people around them were talking about. They had no idea how ordinary Germans or Austrians speak to each other in ordinary life.

They learned formal German from textbooks, focusing their efforts on grammar. This is a very backward approach to learning German.

The purpose of learning any language is to communicate with other people. First of all, you need to learn a living spoken language.

If you want to communicate with people in transport or in the theater, make new friends and understand them, establish good relationships with colleagues, understand films and various shows, then, first of all, you must learn spoken German.

Your first task is to learn to understand and use living spoken German, the language that people speak to each other, and only then proceed to the study of the academic language with all its complex grammatical rules.

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In today's article, we will analyze the wishes in German. After all, you can wish something to someone not only on holidays. Every day we wish something to our relatives and friends. For example, have a good day or bon appetit.

First, let's take a look:

General wishes in German

Before the trip, we wish loved ones the following:

Gute Reise!— Happy trip! / Happy Travel!

Gute Fahrt!— Happy journey!

Guten Flug!- Have a good flight!

Kommen Sie gut nach Hause! — I wish you a safe journey home!

If familiar people fell ill, then we wish them:

Gute Besserung! — Get well soon! / Get better!

Bleib gesund!- Be healthy!

Before a meal:

Guten Appetite!- Bon Appetit!

Lassen Sie es sich gut schmecken!- Help yourself! (wish to one or several persons with whom you are on “you”) Bon appetit!

Lasst es euch gut schmecken!- Help yourself! (if there are several people, with all of whom you are on "you"). Bon Appetit!

Lass dir es gut schmecken!- Help yourself! Bon Appetit!

The following wishes also have their place in our everyday life:

Gute Erholung!- Have a nice rest!

Gute Nacht! Traum süß!- Goodnight! Sweet dreams! How to say “sleep” in German and many more phrases on this topic, read here

Einen schönen Tag! — Have a good day! - in Germany, you will hear such a wish many times a day: both from good friends, and from sellers, doctors, and educators.

Einen erfolgreichen Tag! — Lucky day!

Schones Wochenende!- Good weekend!

Ich drücke fur dich die Daumen!- I wish you success! = I keep my fingers crossed for you!

Viel Spas!- Have a good time! - every morning a German mother says to her child, sending him to school instead of instructive ones - study well, listen carefully! (What else does such a mother do, read here

You will hear the same wish from theater ticket sellers, from cashiers of entertainment establishments, and even from librarians - who wish you a pleasant pastime with a borrowed book.

The Germans, too, may wish "no fluff, no feather" - Hals- und Beinbruch! — only the literal translation of this phrase is very rough: “break your neck and leg” - they wish. But on the other hand, in response to this phrase, the Germans do not send anyone to hell, but only pronounce - Danke!

And what to wish for a birthday and other holidays?

Wishes in German for the holidays

The most universal German wish is Alles Gute! — Best wishes! Most often, the Germans get off with this - after all, EVERYTHING is already included in it - in this short wish, what else to overwork?

You can complicate things a bit by saying: Ich wünsche dir nur Allerbeste! - I wish you all the best!

Another simple and often used phrase is - Herzlichen Gluckwunsch! — which translates as "congratulations".

And what do we most often wish our loved ones? Happiness, health, success ...

Do you want to wish a lot of happiness? - Tell: Viel Gluck!

And if - a great success - Viel Erfolg!

Good health wishes can be expressed like this: Ich wünsche dir beste Gesundheit.

If you want to wish something else, then here's another small selection:

May all your dreams come true... dass alle Wünsche in Erfüllunggehen.

Or a lot of joy: Viele Freud!

You can wish for harmony - Harmonie, and you can - a lot of interesting ideas - Viele interessante Ideen. Also, the strength Kraft. Or maybe optimism? — Otimismus.

Wish the people of creative professions the following: Begeisterung- enthusiasm inspiration- inspiration, Creative- creation

And someone will be happy if you wish him surprises - Uberraschungen, Adventures - Abenteuer and a miracle Wunder.

And you can wish everything at once, as in this postcard:

And if you want to express your wish in German more poetically, you can say this:

Ich wünsche dir…- so you can start each of the following sentences.

…gute Laune und farbenfrohe Stunden.— good mood and colorful hours.

unzählige Sternschuppen für ganz viele Extrawünsche.- countless starfall for numerous desires.

…Kraft, damit du alle deine Sorgen zur Seite schiebe kannst.- the power with which you can push away all your worries.

.., dass du jeden Tag wenigstens einen Grund zum Lächeln hast. So that every day you have at least one reason to smile.

Mystery of feelings * Remembrance * Desire * Dream * Pleasure * Loneliness * Expectation * Fall * Memory * Victory * Defeat * Glory * Conscience * Passion * Superstition * Respect * … Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

SUCCESS- SINGING, SUCCESS, SUCCESS In the evolution of the language, no less important than the facts of interaction, struggle and coexistence of homonyms, the phenomena of potential and usual homonymy. These phenomena are unstable, sometimes flashing, then extinguishing. Meanwhile, and specifically ... The history of words

SUCCESS- success, m. 1. Good luck in the planned business, successful achievement of the goal. "Our successes in the field of socialist construction are really enormous." Stalin. Be successful. Succeed. The search was successful. Long sought, but without ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

success- See victory, happiness, luck meet success, have success, fail, succeed... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. success, achievement, victory, luck, ... ... Synonym dictionary

SUCCESS- "SUCCESS", USSR, Mosfilm, 1984, color, 93 min. Psychological drama. This tape seemed to anticipate the period of perestroika in the Soviet empire. At the time of its release in 1985, it seemed not without a certain courage to a film with a double bottom, ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

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SUCCESS- SUCCESS, ah, husband. 1. Good luck in achieving something. Succeed. Develop at. (to maintain a high rate of advance; also trans.). 2. Public recognition. Noisy at. performance. The book has 3. pl. Good results in work, study. Good,… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

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success- fabulous success insane success unparalleled success wild success great success stormy success great success impressive success impressive success outstanding success dizzying success tremendous success tremendous ... ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

success- to achieve success possession, began to achieve great success existence / creation, began to achieve success possession, began to achieve some success existence / creation to achieve success possession, began to achieve ... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

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Is your name Vyacheslav? Then, most likely, your German partner will have difficulties with this name. As a result: he will trust you less than his colleague Nikita. The difference between these two names lies in the pronunciation. For Michael Zürn, a social psychologist from Cologne, the name Vyacheslav is difficult to pronounce. He and his colleague Sascha Topolinsky are conducting research to find out how a person's first or last name affects the degree of trust in him.

Game experiment

The participants in the gaming experiment had the opportunity to earn money by trusting another player - a stranger. For these virtual players, scientists came up with names: easy to pronounce, like Schultz or Ivanov, and difficult to pronounce, like Tverdokhleb. Many names do not actually exist. During the experiment, the Cologne researchers noticed that the easy names were in the favorites and their virtual owners received more money.


It turns out that people with easy names are more likely to make a career, negotiate a higher salary or get a loan? "Yes, in a real situation, - says Michael Zürn. - This is also evidenced by the study of an expert group from the United States. Lawyers with simpler names turned out to be more successful." Scientists from Cologne did not distinguish between given names and surnames.

Based on the results of the experiment, scientists with firm confidence declare that complex names cause less trust. And this is a universal conclusion, regardless of culture and country. "Of course, culture determines which name a person pronounces easily and which makes him difficult, but the effect is the same everywhere - the more difficult, the less sympathy," says Michael Zürn.

But what about his colleague, with whom they worked together on this project? "Fair remark," Zürn laughs. "My last name is lighter and more typical of the German-speaking environment than Topolinsky, but I already knew that he was a reliable person, so we had no trust issues." In a game situation, people did not have any additional information, and therefore they made their decision whether to trust the money or not, solely on the basis of the name. Players with easy names received ten percent more money.

German scientists are sure that in real business decisions are made in the same way. They are ready to give such advice to Russian-speaking employees: if the name is difficult, you need to warn the partner about this, and if possible, offer him an easier, shorter version. Vyacheslav can offer to call him Glory.

For parents choosing a name for a child, the recommendation is simple: the shorter, the better. No need to chase new trends and give rare names that are not typical for the child's environment. And what German names cause difficulties for Russian businessmen? "Hans will be able to pronounce everything," the scientist from Cologne believes. "But the double name Dominic-Christian, for sure, will cause difficulties." German families seem to follow the advice of scholars and tend to choose simple names for their children. So, in 2017, the names Ben (Ben) for boys and Emma (Emma) for girls became the most popular in the ranking of the Internet portal for parents Elterngeld.de.

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