Job description of the head of the PTO in construction. Job description of the head of the production and technical department. What is a production and technical department

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Any project in such a responsible area as construction is a complex process, at each stage of which the necessary documentation is developed and maintained.

From the presented article, you will learn how the abbreviation PTO stands for. In addition, the structure of the department will be analyzed, its tasks will be listed and the key responsibilities of specialists will be indicated.

What is PTO?

Abbreviation for PTO stands for production and technical department. This is an independent structural unit directly reporting to the Deputy General Director for Operations.

Creation, reorganization and liquidation of PTO occur through the orders of the general director. A person with a higher technical education is appointed to the post of head, head of the VET, or at the discretion of the head, while his professional specialization must correspond to the direction of the company's work. Also, the official must have at least five years of experience in positions (or at the discretion of the company) that imply the performance of engineering duties.

Practice shows that a competent foreman or foreman can also become (if he is noted by the head of the technical department or director), since it is precisely such people who have a complete understanding of what is happening directly on the construction site (route).

The purpose, goals, rights and responsibilities of the VET are deciphered in The work of the unit itself is based on the following documents:

  • Legal documentation regulating the construction industry in the Russian Federation;
  • Methodological materials, which should decipher the requirements for production planning and operational management of the enterprise;
  • Decrees and resolutions of company executives.

VETis considered a mandatory structural element of companies operating not only in the construction industry, but also in the energy and industry. In addition, it is formed in installation companies, and also exists in housing and communal services organizations.

Why is VET needed in construction?

The construction process involves the presence of an intensive document flow, both between the contractor and the customer, as well as third-party subcontractors and operating organizations.

For the division of functions and the distribution of work responsibilities between employees, the job descriptions approved by the direct superiors of the VET and the general director are responsible.

Functions and responsibilities of the PTO department by construction stage

The area of ​​responsibility of the production and technical department includes a wide range of functions and responsibilities at each stage of the construction of the facility.

If the company does not have an estimate and contract division (pricing department), all obligations for the formation of estimates are assumed by the production department.

Preparatory stage of construction

The VET team needs to research the initial information about the project implementation. Study and prepare tender documentation, determine the risks of the company, conduct the necessary official correspondence and take part in the preparation of negotiations for the conclusion of the contract. Form a package of documents for obtaining and signing the Certificate of admission and permission to carry out construction and installation works.

An important task of the PTO department before the start of construction is to analyze the estimates and submitted working documentation with the stamp “for work” to detect inaccuracies and work not taken into account by the contract, since it is at the initial stage that the above miscalculations are agreed upon and formalized much easier than during construction.

Also, at the initial stage, the employees of the VET department form separation sheets for the supply of materials, draw up special schedules for the mobilization of human and technical resources, work schedules, both basic and daily-monthly, indicating labor costs and energy resources, develop a work production project.

Stage of construction of the object

During the construction of an object or objects, the department with the abbreviation PTO maintains and forms a list of mandatory documents, including as-built documentation. PTO employees analyze incoming applications and evaluate them in terms of compliance with current building codes and standards. By decision of the management, the PTO can hold tenders and select, based on their results, organizations, subcontractors capable of performing the necessary tasks.

At the construction stage, the production and technical department has to work as intensively as possible, since the financial security of the company depends on it.

One of the main duties of the employees of the department is to exercise control over each stage of the execution of work, and track the consumption of material resources with their further write-off in the M-29 form. At the end of the next construction period, upon the fact of the work performed, the PTO forms and signs forms KC-2, KC-3 with the technical supervision and the customer, based on the results of which the corresponding payments are accrued. If discrepancies with the agreed estimate are identified, they are instructed to develop a corrective action plan.

Also, during the construction process, all deviations from the design or working documentation are agreed with the design institute through official correspondence with the customer. All data obtained from the results of analytical work are used in accounting documentation and in the preparation of internal statements, guided by which, they carry out settlements with subcontractors and calculate the salaries of personnel involved in the construction.

The final stage of construction and commissioning of the constructed facility

Upon completion of the work, the employees of the department are obliged to eliminate the comments and hand over the executive documentation to the customer in full. After that, a working commission is created to put the object into operation, they sign an act of the working commission with a conclusion on the readiness of the object. Further, on the basis of the act of the working commission, they sign the form KC-14 (Acceptance certificate of the completed object by the acceptance committee) and the form KC-11 (Acceptance certificate of the completed object).

The most important workflow tasks are entrusted to those who have to compile complex documentation, carry out calculations, generate estimates and give their breakdown, and participate in negotiations. They are also entrusted with the function of controlling the production process and the execution of installation work. That is why the most stringent requirements are imposed on the professionalism of these people.

The main tasks of VET

As mentioned earlier, the responsibilities of such a unit are quite wide. Its employees, including engineers, are responsible for ensuring smooth and non-stop construction through the performance of numerous tasks:

  • ensure the successful execution of documentation at all stages of construction, evaluate and take into account technical and economic indicators;
  • draw up and adjust work schedules;
  • control compliance with standards and the expediency of spending energy resources and building materials in all areas of production;
  • coordinate and adjust the work plan with the customer, general contractors and subcontractors;
  • draw up permits, executive documentation;
  • ensure coordinated work in different areas, as well as within the unit and the company as a whole;
  • ensure the timely transfer of constructed facilities to operation;
  • save the company's financial resources through the efficient use of capital investments.
  • close the completed volumes to the customer in the appropriate forms, for further payment
  • Also, employees of the unit are required to establish and maintain cooperation with the accounting department in order to be able to quickly redirect financial flows.

The structure of the VET department and the organization as a whole.

The organizational structure is a conceptual model of the correct organization of labor, it is on it that the coherence in the operational solution of certain tasks depends.

Each VET specialist can be conditionally assigned to one of 3 categories:

  1. Document preparation group at the tender stage. On her shoulders are the preparatory work before the conclusion of the contract.
  2. Estimated and contractual group (pricing department) Its members draw up and analyze estimates, provide their breakdown to company executives, draw up and check contracts before signing, conduct and draw up factor analyzes and other financial documents.
  3. Production and technical group. They develop PPR, permits and as-built documentation, maintain and control the document flow from the beginning to the end of construction.

Regulations of the VET department (download)

You can in the .doc format, for review or implementation in your company. This format will allow you to edit the position for your field of activity.


Production and technical department- this is one of the most important departments of a construction company, since it is in it that they analyze and draw up most of the documentation required at each stage of the construction of an object. VET is headed by a technical director, who at the same time is able to have the status of a chief engineer in the organization.

The fundamental point when filling the staff of the unit is the ability to fully replace any absent staff member if necessary.

It follows that all employees of the department must be highly qualified professionals with higher education in their direct specialty. Compliance with this principle will increase the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

About the head of the production and technical department

The production and technical department (PTO) at the enterprise is designed to ensure the smooth operation of all structural divisions. PTO is engaged in planning and managing the production process, and the management of such is carried out by the head, who is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the department. That is, the head of the VET must properly organize the work of his department and the enterprise as a whole. The rights and obligations of this employee, as well as the requirements for the applicant for this position, are specified in the relevant job description.

About the job description of the head of the production and technical department

The job description of this specialist consists of several sections, the main of which are those that stipulate duties, rights and responsibilities. However, the instruction usually begins with a section of general provisions.

The general provisions indicate that the position of the head of the VET is leading, and also contains requirements for the qualifications, education and work experience of a specialist. In particular, the qualification handbook, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 3, recommends that a person with a higher technical education and at least 5 years of work experience in engineering positions be hired for this position.

  • management and control over the implementation of the production plan for the release of products or the performance of work;
  • control of supply contracts;
  • management of the development of schedules and programs related to the release of goods / products by structural divisions and the enterprise as a whole, as well as their adjustment;
  • coordination of work of all divisions of the enterprise;
  • organization of operational control over the production process, the provision of the enterprise with the necessary equipment, materials, tools, components, vehicles and other means;
  • development and implementation of new technologies, as well as measures aimed at increasing labor productivity and improving working methods;
  • management of employees of the production and technical department, dispatch services, etc.

Also, the job description of the head of the VET contains a section on powers, which determines that this employee has the right to:

  • take part in the preparation / development of orders, instructions, instructions, cost estimates, contracts, instructions and other documents related to production management;
  • interact on production issues with managers and employees of structural divisions of the enterprise;
  • receive the information necessary for the full functioning of the enterprise from specialists of all departments, workshops, divisions;
  • endorse local documents within their competence;
  • demand from higher managers the creation of the necessary conditions for the performance of their duties;
  • enjoy social guarantees provided for at the legislative level;
  • take part in production meetings, meetings of the labor collective;
  • improve your skills, etc.

The section on liability usually states that liability may arise in the event of:

Don't know your rights?

  • non-fulfillment (untimely / improper fulfillment) of the duties stipulated by the job description, negligent attitude towards them;
  • non-compliance with orders / orders of higher management;
  • disclosure of trade secrets or information that is confidential, and disregard for corporate ethics;
  • causing material damage;
  • violations of labor discipline, internal regulations in force at the enterprise, safety and fire safety requirements.

About the job description of the head of the technical department

Since in a number of companies technical departments (and not production and technical departments) can also be created, we will tell a little about the instructions for the head of such a department.

The general provisions are approximately the same as in the previous case: the presence of higher professional education, at least 5 years of work experience in managerial positions, etc.

The duties of the head of the technical department include:

  • systematic acquaintance with new documentation directly related to his work (decrees, orders, orders, regulations, etc.);
  • work with technological maps to control the compliance of manufactured products with the standards provided for by them;
  • monitoring the proper operation of buildings, equipment and timely repair;
  • control over the provision of production with the necessary materials, raw materials and their rational use;
  • responsibility for maintaining in working condition the technical means, electrical equipment, water supply, sewerage, ventilation systems, which are on the balance sheet of the enterprise, etc.

The rights granted to the head of the technical department include:

  • organization and introduction of new technologies and developments into production;
  • the right to give orders and demand compliance with the standards of production and quality of work performed;
  • the right to make proposals aimed at optimizing production costs, increasing labor productivity, improving labor discipline, etc.

The liability section states that the head of the technical department may be subject to disciplinary liability in case of non-fulfillment of instructions (or their improper execution) or violation of internal regulations. It is also mentioned here that for the disclosure of information that is confidential, failure to comply with the orders and requirements of the general director, exceeding his official powers, etc., he may be brought to other types of legal liability.


We have brought to your attention general information that may be useful in the preparation of job descriptions for the aforementioned technical workers. However, each enterprise develops them taking into account the specifics of its activities, so the list of rights, obligations, etc. may well be different.

Moreover, in addition to the sections mentioned, the job description of the head of the VET may include additional sections, for example:

  • on working conditions (established by the internal regulations in force at the enterprise);
  • on the conditions of remuneration of his labor (such is determined in accordance with the regulation on remuneration of personnel).

The instruction is drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is given to the employee, and the second remains at the enterprise. A cadre worker must familiarize the applicant with this document even before signing an employment contract with him. If the applicant agrees with all the provisions of the instruction, he must attest to this fact by putting a personal signature on the last page of the document. In the process of work, the necessary changes and additions can be made to the text of the job description, but this is possible only on the basis of the order of the general director.

  1. Forecasting and planning the progress of the construction of the facility.
  2. Organization of work, linking their sequence, drawing up calendar schedules and production programs.
  3. Managing the work of the department and the distribution of responsibilities between its employees.
  4. Coordination of contractors, subcontractors, suppliers of raw materials and materials, equipment operation and resources involved.
  5. Control of design and working documentation, its completeness, quality of work performance, cost of expenses.

The production and technical department (PTO) is the fundamental structural unit of a construction organization. Processing of primary information about the planned construction site, acceptance of design estimates from the customer, execution of permits for the execution of work - all this is done by PTO even before the start of construction.

2.8. Ensuring daily operational accounting of the progress of production, the fulfillment of daily construction tasks, monitoring the condition and completeness of construction in progress, compliance with the established norms of backlogs in warehouses and workplaces, the rational use of vehicles and the timeliness of loading and unloading operations.

2.5. Management of work on operational regulation, using computer technology, communications and communication, the course of construction production, ensuring the rhythmic release of construction products in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts.

Managers of a housing and communal company: certification of the head of a housing and communal services management company

Only the director of the entire enterprise has the right to appoint or remove from office a person occupying it. In order to cope with his duties, the head must be well versed in various resolutions, orders, and orders that are related to the organization's housing stock.

  • Head of the Department of Housing and Communal Services. There are some peculiarities in the work of a person holding this position.

    If mutual claims and demands arise between departments and enterprises, then such a head should monitor their implementation.

  • Head of housing management company. A citizen appointed to this position undertakes to conclude contracts with persons who can organize the supply of energy-type resources.

    Job description of the head of PTO in housing and communal services

    The head of the PTO performs the following job responsibilities. For a certain salary and a contingent, the corresponding one goes, is eliminated, more or less specialists are nurtured from it, and just as often they run away, having gained experience and seniority. and as a result, at the end of the facility, the PTO suffers from write-off. Organizes operational control over the progress of production, the provision of production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, handling equipment, etc.

    Job description "Primary school teacher"
    General requirements for a basic school teacher
    1. The teacher must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and education authorities on education issues; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; the fundamentals of general theoretical disciplines to the extent necessary to solve pedagogical, scientific, methodological, organizational and managerial tasks at the initial stage of a general education institution, pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, school hygiene; the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation and recommendations for their implementation in general educational institution; methods of teaching subjects and educational work, programs and textbooks that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard; requirements for equipping and equipping classrooms and utility rooms; teaching aids and their didactic capabilities; main directions and prospects for the development of education and pedagogical science; fundamentals of law, scientific organization of labor, design technologies and effective means of business communication; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
    2. Job responsibilities A basic school teacher performs the following job responsibilities: 2. 1. Carries out training and education of students, taking into account the specific requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standards, conducts lessons and other classes in accordance with the schedule in the indicated premises. Provides a level of training that meets the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standards, and is responsible for their implementation not in full. 2. 2. Supports and accompanies the personal development of students. Identifies their educational aspirations and needs. Collects data on the plans and intentions of students, their interests, inclinations, motives, strengths and weaknesses. Helps students in identifying and solving individual problems associated with the development of educational programs. 2. 3. Draws up thematic work plans for academic subjects and extracurricular activities for the academic quarter and a work plan for each lesson and lesson. 2. 4. Controls the availability of notebooks for students in academic subjects, compliance with the procedure established at the school for their design, maintenance, compliance with a single spelling regimen. 2. 5. Follows the procedure for checking students' workbooks in accordance with uniform requirements. 2. 6. In a timely manner, in accordance with the schedule, conducts the number of tests established by the program and curriculum, as well as the necessary educational excursions and classes. 2. 7. Checks tests for the next lesson. 2. 8. Puts down in the class journal all marks for tests for the day of the month when they were held. 2. 9. Carries out work on the mistakes after checking the control work. 2. 10. Keeps notebooks of students' tests during the school year. 2. 11. Ensures the inclusion of students in various forms of extracurricular activities. 2. 12. Works closely with other teachers, parents (persons replacing them). 2. 13. Ensures the compliance of curricula in subjects, as well as programs of extracurricular activities with the new GEF. 2. 14. Masters and implements new educational programs, uses a variety of techniques, methods and means of training and education, ensuring the achievement of educational goals.
    3. Rights. A basic school teacher has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Model Regulations on a General Education Institution, the Charter of the School, the Collective Agreement, and the Internal Labor Regulations. The teacher has the right to make decisions that are binding on students, and to take disciplinary measures in accordance with the Charter of the institution. 4. Responsibility4. 1. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the teacher is responsible: for the implementation of incomplete educational programs; for the life and health of students during the educational process and extracurricular activities conducted by the teacher; for violation of the rights and freedoms of students defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and local institution's acts. implementation of the orders “On labor protection and compliance with safety regulations” and “On ensuring fire safety”; safe conduct of the educational process; taking measures to provide first aid to the victim, prompt notification of the management of the accident; instructing students (pupils) on labor safety at training sessions, educational activities with mandatory registration in the classroom journal or the Journal for instructing students on labor protection and safety; organizing the study by students of the rules on labor protection, traffic, behavior at home, etc.; monitoring compliance with the rules (instructions) for labor protection. 4. 2. In case of violation of the Charter of the institution, the terms of the collective agreement, the Internal Labor Regulations, this job description, the orders of the director, the teacher is subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 4. 3. For the use of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student, the teacher may be dismissed under Art. 336, paragraph 2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Job description of the head of the VET, job duties of the head of the VET, sample job description of the head of the VET

    In job responsibilities head of the VET includes the management of all production departments of the company - from planning to the introduction of technical innovations. Without the appropriate authority, such a volume of work cannot be done, therefore the “Rights” section plays a serious role in the job description of the head of the VET. Both the duties of the head of the VET and his rights - you will find all this in our sample job description for the head of the VET.

    — legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on production planning and operational management of production;
    - production capacities of the enterprise and its production base, specialization of the enterprise's divisions and production relations between them, the range of products, types of work (services) performed;
    - organization of production planning at the enterprise;
    - the procedure for developing production programs and calendar schedules for output;
    - organization of operational accounting of the production progress;
    — organization of warehousing, transport and loading and unloading operations at the enterprise.
    - legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
    — Charter of the organization, Internal Labor Regulations, other regulatory acts of the company;
    - orders and directives of the management;
    - this job description.

    Head of PTO job description in housing and communal services

    Organizes operational control over the progress of production, over the provision of production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, handling equipment, etc. Provides daily operational accounting of the progress of production, the fulfillment of daily tasks for the release of finished products in terms of quantity and range of products, control over the condition and completeness of work in progress, compliance with the established norms of backlogs in warehouses and workplaces, over the rational use of vehicles and the timeliness of loading and unloading operations. Coordinates the work of the departments of the enterprise, takes measures to ensure the rhythm of the implementation of production schedules, the prevention and elimination of violations of the production process. Ensures timely registration, accounting and regulation of the fulfillment of orders for cooperation and inter-shop services.

    Controls the fulfillment of mutual requirements and claims of the company's divisions, analyzes the results of their activities for the previous planning period in order to identify opportunities for a more complete and uniform utilization of capacities, equipment and production areas, and to reduce the production cycle. Carries out work to identify and master technical innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions, best practices that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity. Supervises the work of production warehouses, ensures the participation of the department in the inventory of work in progress.

    Duties and rights of the chief engineer of the housing and communal services management company according to the job description

    1. Selection of performers who have a license corresponding to the direction of activity to perform maintenance work on a residential building and control their performance in accordance with contractual obligations.
    2. Creation of maintenance work schedules.
    3. Carrying out repairs and monitoring the operation of equipment (elevators, boiler room).
    4. Drawing up passports of the readiness of a residential building for the winter or spring-summer period.
    5. Permanent control of fire safety.
    6. Maintenance and control of the completeness of technical documentation.
    7. Issuance of orders, orders.
    8. Timely signing of contracts with contractors and those who provide services for resources, making amendments and signing additional agreements.
    9. Development of plans, schedules for scheduled preventive repairs
    • higher technical education, preferably a heating engineer, electrician;
    • experience in the housing and utilities sector;
    • work experience as a chief engineer either in housing and communal services or in another related industry, for example, in construction;
    • a set of knowledge of building codes and regulations, rules for the operation of networks, including electrical ones;
    • organizational skills;
    • developments in terms of coordination actions with subcontractors;
    • the skill of drawing up work plans both for the foreseeable future and for the future.

    PTO engineer: job description (sample)

    • performs technical supervision of how construction and installation works are carried out at the site, facilities;
    • checks the scope of work performed and compliance with those drawings and design estimates that are approved and accepted for work;
    • inspects compliance with building codes (SNIPs), labor protection requirements and regulations, approved standards and specifications (TU);
    • checks estimates, accounting and calculation of the cost of completed construction and installation works, including for required additional works or services;
    • draws up schedules and plans for the production of works, makes adjustments there;
    • checks estimates, calculations and contracts received from contractors and customers;
    • takes part in the technical acceptance of construction or installation works performed at the facility, checks compliance with the estimate, project, intermediate solutions;
    • draws up technical documentation after completion of work and acceptance of completed objects;
    • Responsible for reporting on completion of work at the facility in accordance with construction plans.
    • knowledge of the rules and regulations for the production of works on sites;
    • the ability to draw up, correct and accept design and estimate documentation, as well as contractual and economic;
    • rules for conducting work at the facility;
    • quality control methods;
    • conditions for the delivery of finished objects to the customer.


    1.1. The head of the VET belongs to the category of leaders.
    1.2. The head of the VET is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director.
    1.3. The head of the PTO reports directly to the general director.
    1.4. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of head of the VET: higher professional (technical) education and at least 3 years of work experience in operational management of production in engineering and technical and managerial positions.
    1.5. During the absence of the head of the VET, his rights and duties are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
    1.6. The head of the PTO must know:
    - legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on issues of production planning and operational management of production;
    - the production capacities of the enterprise and its production base, the specialization of the enterprise's divisions and the production relations between them, the range of products manufactured, the types of work (services) performed;
    - organization of production planning at the enterprise;
    - the procedure for developing production programs and calendar schedules for output;
    - organization of operational accounting of the progress of production;
    - organization of warehousing, transport and loading and unloading operations at the enterprise.
    1.7. The head of the VET is guided in his activities by:
    - legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
    - Charter of the organization, internal labor regulations, other regulations of the company;
    - orders and directives of the management;
    - this job description.

    The head of the PTO is responsible for:
    4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
    4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
    4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

    Job Descriptions

    2.9. Monitor the fulfillment of mutual requirements and claims of the enterprise division, analyze the results of their activities for the previous planning period in order to identify opportunities for a more complete and uniform utilization of capacities, equipment and production areas, and reduce the production cycle.

    2.1. Organize operational control over the course of production, providing production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, handling equipment, etc., as well as preparing for the production of new types of products.

    08 Aug 2018 1543
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    Job Responsibilities Supervises the work on operational regulation, using computer technology, communications and communication, the course of production, ensuring the rhythmic release of products in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts. Manages the development of production programs and production schedules for the enterprise and its divisions, their adjustment during the planning period, the development and implementation of standards for operational production planning. Organizes operational control over the course of production, over the provision of production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, handling equipment, etc., as well as over the preparation for the production of new types of products. Provides daily operational accounting of the progress of production, the fulfillment of daily tasks for the release of finished products in terms of quantity and range of products, control over the condition and completeness of work in progress, compliance with the established norms of backlogs in warehouses and workplaces, over the rational use of vehicles and the timeliness of loading and unloading operations. Coordinates the work of the departments of the enterprise, takes measures to ensure the rhythm of the implementation of production schedules, the prevention and elimination of violations of the production process. Ensures timely registration, accounting and regulation of the fulfillment of orders for cooperation and inter-shop services. Controls the fulfillment of mutual requirements and claims of the company's divisions, analyzes the results of their activities for the previous planning period in order to identify opportunities for a more complete and uniform utilization of capacities, equipment and production areas, and to reduce the production cycle. Carries out work to identify and master technical innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions, best practices that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity. Supervises the work of production warehouses, ensures the participation of the department in the inventory of work in progress. Organizes the development of measures to improve operational planning, current accounting of production and mechanization of the dispatch service, the introduction of modern means of computer technology, communications and communications. Provides methodological guidance for the work of production dispatching units of the enterprise, supervises the employees of the department. In construction and geology - the head of the production and technical department with the functions of technical management. In addition to the duties listed in the description, the head of the production and technical department manages the conduct of research and experimental work in the field of construction, the preparation of title lists, the preparation and execution of contracts with customers and subcontractors. Provides a high technical level of construction, linking the technological sequence and deadlines for the performance of work by contractors and subcontractors. Controls the timely provision of construction projects with design and estimate documentation, compliance with building codes and rules for putting objects into operation on time.

    Must know: Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on issues of production planning and operational management of production; prospects for the development of the enterprise; production capacities of the enterprise and its production base; specialization of enterprise divisions and production relations between them; product range, types of work (services) performed; basics of production technology; organization of production planning at the enterprise; the procedure for developing production programs and calendar schedules for output; organization of operational accounting of the progress of production; organization of warehousing, transport and loading and unloading operations at the enterprise; means of computer technology, communications and communications; economics, organization of production, labor and management; fundamentals of labor legislation; labor protection rules and regulations.

    Qualification Requirements Higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience in operational management of production in engineering and management positions for at least 5 years.

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