The apartment door faces east. Feng Shui front door. south facing door

colorful compositions 01.02.2022
colorful compositions

The front door of the house The front door is the main entrance and exit for the flow of chi energy. In an ideal situation, qi is accumulated and distributed in the space in front of the house, and its flows are activated by the movement of people entering and leaving.

In ancient China, the front door was called the “mouth of the house,” through which all positive and negative energy passes.

First of all, you should make sure that the “secret arrows” that we have already talked about are not directed at the front door. To do this, stand in front of the door and look around. Pay attention to any sharp corners, drains, satellite dishes, lampposts, or spiers directing negative sha energy toward the front door.

Obstacles on the way to the front door worsen feng shui. If there is not enough space in front of the door for the accumulation of qi, this can be corrected by painting the door in the color of the direction in which it opens, or by hanging a lantern over it to illuminate the space in front of the door well.

The location of the front door at the foot of the stairs is considered unfavorable for the health of family members. An easy way to avoid negative impacts is to raise the threshold by 1-2 centimeters so that you have to step over it when entering the house. The same remedy can be used if the door leads to an elevator, as this also impedes the free movement of qi.

If the front door is located at the top of the stairs, then tenants may find that money does not stay with them for a long time. In such cases, it is recommended to hang a medium-sized round or octagonal mirror above the door to reflect negative energy.

Front door direction

The sector of the house where the front door is located, as well as the direction in which it faces, is associated with the head of the family. Traditionally, in a Chinese family, the eldest man has always been the head. These days, of course, this is not always the case, so you need to think and decide if this direction meets your needs and the desires of your partner.

If the front door faces northwest, this is considered a good direction for the father and the eldest man in the family. It will favor such qualities as leadership and dignity of this family member, trust and respect for him from other residents.

The north-facing door creates a peaceful lifestyle for the inhabitants of the house. However, there is a possibility that calmness will turn into lethargy and apathy and eventually develop into mutual alienation. If you are concerned about this, you can enter the qualities of the opposite element to activate other characteristics of chi energy. Add a touch of the earth element to the water element, such as painting the door brown or ocher yellow, or hanging a small crystal in the hallway.

In the northeast, the energies are quite volatile, and residents of houses whose front doors face in this direction are likely to be actively affected by external forces. But if other indications of feng shui are favorable, this direction is great for young people who want to expand their knowledge and get an education.

The Eastern direction is also favorable for young people, especially if they are just starting their careers and dream of realizing their ideas and aspirations. It promises a bright future for those involved in business and commercial transactions.

The southeast direction of the front door is favorable for those who want to improve their financial situation. Progress will be slow but sure, and peace and prosperity will reign in the family.

The door that faces south promotes active life and social activities, helps those who strive for recognition and even fame. However, in such a situation, one should proceed with caution, since self-indulgence can create a tense atmosphere and lead to quarrels in the family. If necessary, moderate the fire by adding symbols of the element of water to this direction.

If the front door faces the southwest, this is considered the most favorable for the mother of the family. The southwestern direction promotes strong and harmonious family relationships, although there is a danger that the mother's personality will become too dominant and intrusive, destroying the overall harmony. To soften this effect, you can bring in colors or symbols associated with the tree.

A door that faces west is good for families with small children, it provides the best opportunity for their rapid creative development. This direction is also associated with romantic feelings and pleasure. However, you need to make sure that your hobbies do not lead to excessive expenses. Here you can add some stability given by the earth element.

The shape and color of the front door

Having established the direction of the main door of the house, you should choose a color or shade that matches this direction in order to maintain the qualities of one or another element. For example, if you want to emphasize the quality of the stability of a southwest-facing door, you can paint it red; if the inhabitants of the house are more in need of family harmony, you can choose brown or yellow. If circumstances change, the door can always be repainted using spawn cycle elements.

If the door faces west or northwest, then the qualities of the main element - metal can be enhanced with a white, golden or silver tint, and yellow or brown can be used for support. Do not use red, blue and black colors.

The north-facing door can be painted blue, black, or white, as you choose. Avoid brown, yellow and green colors.

If the door faces northeast or southwest, brown or yellow should be used as the main color, and red or orange as the secondary color. Green and white colors are not recommended.

For a door facing east or southeast, the best colors are green, black or blue, not white.

The south-facing door can be painted red or green; blue and black cannot be used. To a lesser extent, yellow and brown should be avoided.

In addition, the forms associated with the basic five elements can be used to improve the qualities of qi passing through the front door (below).

Door shape according to five elements:

a) water (north),
b) tree (east, southeast),
c) fire (south),
d) land (southwest, northeast),
e) metal (northwest, west).

If the front door faces north, use the symbols of water to enhance its cleansing properties and the symbols of metal for strength and support.

If the front door faces east and southeast, you can use tree symbols to activate growth and development opportunities and water symbols to cleanse and renew.

If the front door faces south, the symbols of fire will give liveliness and good spirits to the inhabitants of the house. Additionally, tree element symbols can be used.

If the front door faces the southwest and northeast, the symbols of the earth element emphasize its stability. As additional, you can use the symbols of the element fire.

If the front door faces west and northwest, the symbols of metal will give it strength and strength. Additionally, you can use the symbols of the earth element.

Entrance door style

Since the front door is designed to protect the house, it should be solid and strong, but in no case glass. In addition, it should be the largest in the house in order to ensure the maximum flow of qi energy into the living quarters. In height, it should exceed the tallest member of the family. In this case, no one will experience inconvenience when entering the house or going out.

Well, if the front door opens inside the house. If it opens outward, it is better to hang it by placing hinges on the other side. This is what Feng Shui masters think.

If windows are located on the sides of the front door, then the qi energy, having entered the house through the door, can freely exit through them, bypassing the house. In this case, lace curtains on the windows or potted plants on the windowsill will protect you.

Where does the front door open?

Ideally, the front door should be hung from the side closest to the wall of the house or apartment and open towards this wall. This creates a sense of space and promotes good hallway feng shui. If the door is hung on the opposite side, the person entering is momentarily enclosed and feels uncomfortable.

If the front door is opposite the back door (i.e., the “back door”), this creates a powerful flow of qi, which, passing through the house, practically does not stop in it. To correct the situation, it is necessary to install barriers in the form of mirrors, screens or decorative lattices on the way of qi movement.

If it is difficult to build a physical barrier between the front door and the back door, then you can improve the situation by hanging a curtain in front of the second door. Moreover, it does not have to be a heavy velvet curtain, it is too expensive for a corridor, an ordinary muslin curtain, which has an attractive appearance, is also suitable.

Entering any building, be it your home, your friends' home, or even your work space, you immediately feel how harmonious the interior is. If you immediately bump into the corner of a wall or the edge of a large closet when you enter, you will almost certainly have an instant spoiled mood. Such a negative impact can be mitigated by using a decorative screen, plants or ornaments.



The entrance hall is not the center of family life, so a neutral yin-yang balance should be maintained here in both design and lighting.

If the hallway is very bright and angular, this can be softened with pastel colors and curtains, or the brightness of the light can be reduced. If the hallway is too dark, use more saturated colors, increase the lighting and hang pictures or photographs in rectangular frames on the walls.

You can use rugs when attracting beneficial qi energy. Choose a color that matches the direction of the front door: red for the south, brown for the southwest, etc., as well as additional colors: green for the south, red for the southwest.

You can also use wall decorations, dim lamps, hanging pots with climbing plants, if space permits.

As a rule, corridors cause problems more often in office spaces than at home. But if you have a large apartment or a separate house, you should pay attention to this.

Both in the hallways and in the corridors, cleanliness and yin-yang balance should be maintained, using a relatively neutral tone of wallpaper or wall upholstery.

In this article you will learn:

Life energy enters the house through the front door, according to Feng Shui, its location and other characteristics matter. Therefore, there should be a lot of free space in front of the entrance in order to accumulate and pass positive energy.

What is the direction of the door

According to Feng Shui, the entrance to the house is the Qi gate. There is a connection between where the main door points and what the energy that flows through it is, so before buying a house, it is worth arming yourself with a compass and studying the Bagua map.

The northern direction is good for those who prefer a calm and measured life, but there is a risk that such a way of life will turn into indifference between family members and constant apathy. To prevent this from happening, it is worth painting the entrance with brown paint or placing a small crystal in the corridor.

The northeast direction is influenced by active external influences. In such a house it is worth living for those who seek to learn new things and actively learn.

The Eastern direction attracts forces that help in promoting business and building a career.

Southeast for those who want to strengthen their financial condition.

The South is a direction that will help people employed in public professions. If there are too many such forces, then people will quarrel. Water signs will help to weaken the energy of Fire.

Southwest - for happiness in love and harmony in the family.

The western direction is a good condition for the life of families with children and the creative development of singles. Mindless hobbies can play a cruel joke and lead people to spend a lot of money. It is important to ensure stability: add an earth element.

The shape of the door in accordance with the cardinal points also matters. It is necessary to apply the symbols of Fire, Wood, Earth, Water, Metal. Then it will be possible to direct the energy flows where it should be.

Invalid door position

The location of the front door in Feng Shui is of great importance. If there are windows on the sides, then the energy that enters the living space immediately flows out through the windows. To fix this, you should put plants on the windowsill or hang curtains, and preferably blackout blinds. This method will allow you to fix the positive energy inside the apartment.

It is unfavorable if the entrance group is opposite the toilet room. A bathroom is a place through which energy can flow, so the favorable flows that enter the house will immediately be sent to the sewer. Due to energy losses, family members will feel apathy towards everything, weakness.

If the entrance group is opposite the toilet, it is worth hanging a sparkling wind chime between the doors. Then the energy will be dissipated. It will also prevent negative energy from entering the home and affecting the well-being of family members and relationships between them.

It is bad if the main door and the one that leads to the plot are located opposite each other. Then positive flows immediately flow out of the house. On the way of energy flows, it is worth installing flowers in a pot, a round table.

It is better that the door leaf does not open outwards. If it opens inward, it helps to let good forces into the apartment. It is important that the door opens easily, does not creak, is not skewed, otherwise it can block positive energy flows.

Color spectrum

The entrance group should be beautiful: this attracts happiness to the house and contributes to the prosperity of the family. Above the entrance, you can hang multi-colored lanterns that will protect the apartment from negative energy and create additional lighting.

The color of the front door in Feng Shui is also important: brown for the northeast and southwest contributes to harmony, red shades - stability. East doors can be made yellow, green, blue, or black, but they don't have to be white. Northern ones can be light, but not green or brown.

Mirror at the entrance to the house

Positive Qi energy will enter the apartment if a small mirror is fixed in the hall. It is also good to do this in the case when the entrance is opposite the toilet or bathroom. In such cases, additional techniques for a favorable flow of energy flows will not interfere.

But you can’t hang a mirror in front of the front door so as not to drive away favorable energy flows.

What to do in case of unsuccessful door positioning

If the door leaf opens outward, then energy leakage occurs. If possible, you need to outweigh the hinges so that the door opens inward.

If there are windows nearby, but it is impossible to wall them up, they must always be tightly closed.

Drains, corners, wires and antennas of satellite TV and the Internet, poles that look towards the door carry bad Sha energy - they should be avoided. All sorts of talismans help to establish the flow of Qi: coins, horseshoes, bells.

Input feng shui doors play an important role in the overall atmosphere of the house. There should be no barriers to the full movement of energy flows.

Some of them have a positive effect on a person, others, on the contrary, carry a continuous negative. It is important that the energy channels are not cluttered, otherwise stagnation occurs.


    Entrance doors serve as a connecting link with the outside world in each residential building. It is through this place that all energy circulates - both external and internal.

    Following the advice of Feng Shui experts, you can choose the right doors - this will help solve many current problems.

    • In no case should sharp corners be directed towards the doorway. Tables, unusual wall designs, figurines with sharp corners are best placed away from this place. And in general, to attract positive energy to a living space, it is recommended to choose interior items with rounded corners.
    • According to Feng Shui, the front door should always be clean: without stains and dirty marks. The nature of the attracted energy depends on its appearance. Harmony will live forever in your home if you hang a symbolic oriental sign (for example, a horseshoe) on the door.
    • Perfectly ward off evil spirits and negative Sha energy small hanging lanterns. In addition to the protective function, lighting accessories will greatly decorate the front entrance to your home. Remember that damaged light bulbs need to be replaced on time - like all broken things, they negatively affect a person and his condition.
    • According to Feng Shui, the door must be durable: glass as a manufacturing material is not suitable here. Grease the hinges in time to avoid squeaking.
      • According to Eastern traditions, the door must open inside the house. Only under this condition will the favorable energy not encounter obstacles in its path.
      • Do not allow windows near the front entrance. All energy flows, not having time to penetrate inside, will evaporate. But the problem is completely solvable: you can fix this planning error yourself. Put a house plant on the windowsill - choose your favorite.
      • In terms of size, the door must also meet certain criteria. It is desirable that it be medium in size. If the doorway is wide, it will create financial problems for your family. If, on the contrary, the passage is very narrow, conflict situations cannot be avoided.

      What should not be in front of the front door?

      1) Bathroom

      If you are going to buy a home, keep in mind that the front entrance is not opposite the bathroom or toilet - the constant leakage of water takes with it all the energy - both positive and negative. This will cause a lot of trouble.

      First of all, the health of all family members will suffer. You will constantly feel tired, joyless, apathetic.

      The next problem is the lack of funds. Energy that favors financial matters will also be washed away with the water.

      What if the bath (toilet) is opposite the door?

      Of course, if you are just going to build your own housing or are engaged in its arrangement and repair, then the tips will make your task much easier.

      If there is no possibility to change the layout, then a couple of secrets that experts in the oriental sciences talk about will help.

      • Hang wind chimes on the door leading to the bathroom. It is desirable that it be large, bright and shiny. This will create a reflective effect - the energy tending to the water will not be able to penetrate inside the bathroom. It will spread throughout the house.
      • A horseshoe pointing down, a small rock crystal ball hanging from the ceiling, or a crystal chandelier can also be a good solution.
      • Various bells or crystals will perfectly protect and protect from troubles. Their reflective surface and pleasant melody will drive away all bad things and invite prosperity, happiness and mutual understanding to your home.

      In this short video (02:28), the most famous Feng Shui master Natalya Pravdina will tell you what to do if the toilet door is opposite the front door.

      2) Mirror

      The mirror has a great influence on a person's life. This is mainly due to the fact that the mirror surface is able to change the direction of the energy flow and give it the right push. This piece of furniture perfectly copes with energy stagnation and normalizes circulation.

      Remember: it is strictly forbidden to hang a mirror in the hallway opposite the front door!

      Positive energy will not be able to get inside the house. All family members are affected. This will affect health, relationships, and financial well-being. Luck will just turn around and leave the house.

      The best solution is if the mirror hangs in the corridor on the wall to the right of the front door.

      An example of the correct location of the mirror

      Direction of the door to the cardinal points

      In the works of Feng Shui experts, the front door has a special name - the gate of Qi. The direction of the main entrance also has an impact on the nature of the incoming energy.

      • The most favorable is the eastern part of the world for the location of the door. This guarantees the owner of the house success in all areas of life, constant professional growth, and financial well-being.
      • The southeast contributes to the elimination of financial problems. Slowly but surely, the money will return to your home - you just have to wait a bit.
      • According to feng shui, a front door that faces north will provide a calm and quiet homely atmosphere. A small crystal on the wall in the hallway will perfectly complement the symbolism. The relationship of a married couple will improve the brown color of the door.
      • So that your children always have a craving for knowledge, for the new, the door should be directed to the northeast. Information will be absorbed very easily and quickly.
      • If the front door is located in the northwest direction, respect and tolerance will always reign in the family.
      • The southern part of the world awakens activity and the desire to take the initiative. Thanks to a special flow of energy, residents receive a charge that increases their inner strength.
      • Love and eternal romance will definitely settle in your home if the Feng Shui door is directed to the southwest. You will understand your loved one perfectly, you will find agreement.
      • The Western direction contributes to the development of creative abilities, so this option is perfect for young people who are looking for themselves, families, as well as those who have small children.

      But everything should be in moderation - an excessive amount of unnecessary energy sometimes affects the emotional state of a person negatively. Water symbols that can be hung on the door or placed on a shelf in the hallway will help to slightly reduce the effect.

      feng shui door color

      Feng Shui experts say that the color of the door is directly related to the geographical direction. Therefore, before deciding on this issue, you should find out which direction your front door is facing.

      The red color of the front door is suitable for the south side of the house

      • The northern direction harmonizes well with white or black. Blue color options available. But green tones should be avoided - they are not at all combined with the cold part of the world.
      • Gold or silver colors (or any other color of metal) are suitable for doors facing west or northwest. Red and blue options are not recommended in this case.
      • White color is not suitable for east and southeast directions. Here it is better to give preference to the doors of black or blue shades.
      • The southern part of the world is combined with green, which represents flowering and growth. The red version works well. But don't use black tones.
      • Northeast or southwest are in harmony with brown. It is believed that this color option will bring prosperity and stability to your family. But white doors are not suitable for these geographical areas.

      Live Feng Shui!

      Alexandra Kalashnik, specially for the site ""


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In feng shui, life energy is called qi. There are thousands of rules in feng shui books on how to attract qi to your home. In this article, we will talk about how to choose entrance metal doors from the point of view of this philosophy, because it is through them that qi enters the house.

Feng Shui does not help a person in material life - says Alexander Anishchenko, head of the Russian Academy of Feng Shui. This teaching is part of the Taoism religion, and the task of any religion is to help a person grow spiritually. Feng Shui helps to organize space in such a way that it gives a person additional energy that can be directed, among other things, to obtaining material benefits.

In feng shui, life energy is called qi. There are thousands of rules in feng shui books on how to attract qi to your home. In this article, we will talk about how to choose from the point of view of this philosophy, because it is through them that qi enters the house.

Doors to the house and feng shui

The height of the opening should be sufficient for all family members. According to Feng Shui, the entrance steel door in the apartment should be larger than the interior doors. Choose a rectangular canvas, arched structures are best avoided.

What is in front of and behind the threshold also matters. Columns and pillars are undesirable in front of the entrance. This slows down and blocks the flow of qi. So that energy does not stop at the threshold, keep the hallway clean. Remove trash and excess furniture. Well, if the hallway is light. So, if there is no window, turn on the light more often.

These rules are clear even to a person far from Feng Shui. They are dictated by the comfort and safety of residents. The following recommendations cannot be explained rationally, but the followers of the teaching are sure that they work.

Feng Shui door energy for careerists

In Feng Shui encyclopedias, a lot of attention is paid to the choice of the location of the entrance group. These tips will be helpful if you decide to buy a new home.

  • If recognition in the professional field is important to you, pay attention to the southern direction. This option is also suitable for active, purposeful people.
  • Also for those whose aspirations are related to a career, the eastern location of the door is favorable.
  • For those who dream of financial well-being, the southeast direction is favorable.
  • If you strive to gain knowledge, the northeast direction will favor this. But such an arrangement of the entrance group is not always good for older people.

Favorable location of the front door for those who prioritize family and children

  • For families with children, the western direction is favorable. Feng Shui experts believe that the qi energy that enters the house from the west contributes to the proper development of children.
  • If you strive for harmony and happiness in the family, choose the southwestern direction.
  • Northwest is the direction of the head of the family. So the flow of energy will be directed in his direction. This location is suitable for families with a traditional way of life.
  • If you dream of a quiet measured life, choose an apartment facing north. But here there is a risk that the calm course of life will turn into indifference.

What to do for those who already live in an apartment whose door is located in the wrong direction? You cannot change its location. But the Feng Shui teaching is good because there are other ways to influence the flow of qi energy.

Front door color if facing south or north

According to Feng Shui, color can enhance positive factors and neutralize negative ones. Therefore, it is important to coordinate the color of the door with the direction:

South. patron of fire. Direction is associated with fame. To enhance the effect of positive energy, paint the canvas in red, yellow, green or brown. This will contribute to recognition in the professional environment and growth in popularity.

North. Water protector. The direction is responsible for the career For a north-facing door, cold and contrasting shades are suitable: blue, white and black. Avoid yellows, greens and browns.

Door color if facing east or west

East or southeast. Patron tree. Responsible for financial well-being. Suitable colors are blue, black and green.

Southwest or northeast. The direction is patronized by the earth. Responsible for relationships. Use all shades of yellow, brown, orange.

West or northwest. Here the element is metal, so all shades of metal are suitable: bronze, silver, gold. The direction contributes to the development of creative abilities.

In the pursuit of happiness and fortune, all methods are good. Try putting these tips into practice. Moreover, the rules of Feng Shui do not contradict common sense.

The front door in Feng Shui determines what quality the Qi energy will enter the house, whether it will be favorable or unfavorable. This is a very important factor, one of the most important, because if a place to live is initially filled with unfavorable energy, then in the future it will be quite difficult to improve anything in such feng shui at home. So what should be the "correct" feng shui front door

feng shui front door location

The main door leading to the house should be on the facade of the building, should be solid looking, massive, in a word, be the largest door in the dwelling. feng shui front door must be sure to bring good luck to the one who is the main breadwinner of the family, that is, to the one who brings more money to the family budget. If everything goes well for him, then other family members should not experience material need.

If the main door and window are in a straight line and "look" at each other, then this arrangement is very unsuccessfully in terms of feng shui at home. Then in the house the favorable energy Qi, and therefore good luck, will not linger for a long time. The same is true when the front door and the doors - to the toilet, living room, bedroom are opposite each other on opposite walls.

Then, to improve the situation, install a screen or some kind of barrier between them. This will allow the rectilinearly moving flow of energy to slow down somewhat, become smoother and more favorable. Hanging windchime chimes can also help with this.

Nevertheless, the means of correction only soften, but do not completely eliminate the unfavorable set. When windows and other doors are placed on the wall, perpendicular to the front door, feng shui is much better. Then the Qi energy will settle, collect and flow smoothly through your home.

The influence of the external environment on the feng shui of the house and the front door

In addition to the direction of the door, the surrounding environment also matters. feng shui front door should not look towards the church, cemetery or hospital. In these places, a pronounced Yin dominates, and this creates a very strong Yin-Yang imbalance. If it is not possible to change the place for the door, then paint it in red and add illumination- this will strengthen the yang component and help to balance the yin-yang.

If you want to achieve a harmonious flow of life and good feng shui, the front door should not be cluttered with cabinets and boxes, and in no case should it open towards the bathroom, a blank wall or stairs. Especially if the staircase is double, one part of it leads up and the other down to the basement. All this will prevent the flow of Qi energy to flow harmoniously, which can cause interference in your life path, difficulties in implementing plans. The inhabitants of such a house will feel uncertainty and insecurity.

To compensate for this, add lighting to the hall. Bright light, representing Yang energy, compensates for the Yin energy of indecision.

One of the main recommendations is protect entry from poisoned arrows. If they are aimed at the front door, feng shui at home, no matter how wonderful it may be, can come to naught because of this one factor. What about "poisoned arrows"? This is everything that turns the favorable Chi energy into dangerous Sha-chi, everything is sharp and straightforward, under whose "shelling" is the front door.

For example, a standing lonely tree or pole can lead your life to loneliness, cause childlessness (but if there are several trees, then they do not represent anything terrible).

Other examples of poisoned arrows: aimed ridge of the roof of a neighboring house, a cross, a sharp turn in the road, the edge of an overpass. Feng Shui at home, under the threat of such objects radiating deadly energy, can be subject to a whole bunch of troubles - failures, quarrels, illnesses, and financial losses.

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