More light! Eight ways to brighten up your home. Once again about illumination Increasing the illumination of a room with the help of mirrors

Ceramics, fireclay 10.04.2022
Ceramics, fireclay

Light is necessary for a person for a normal existence. It affects almost all aspects of his life, the state of the psyche and physiology. If a illumination norms are observed, it is pleasant to be in the room, fatigue in the process of work comes more slowly. Otherwise, the mood quickly deteriorates, and other signs of the negative impact of the “wrong” light on the eyes and nervous system appear.

What is illumination

Many people confuse lighting with the brightness of lamps, but this is wrong. The same lighting device can create different light levels, depending on the area of ​​​​the room, the height of the lamp, the angle of its inclination.

Brightness, or luminous flux, is measured in lumens. This indicator is on the packaging of the lighting fixture, but, unfortunately, it is not always reliable. Therefore, when choosing an energy-saving lamp, it makes sense to take a compact RADEX LUPIN light meter with you to the store. The same device will help measure the illumination of your workplace and rooms at home. The parameter reflects the number of lumens of light flux, which falls on 1 square. m of surface. It is very important not to allow non-compliance with its established standards.

What is the danger of too little or too much light?

It is known that employees of some shopping centers often complain of tearing, fatigue and redness of the eyes. The reason is too bright lighting. On the one hand, it helps buyers to better view the product. On the other hand, it harms the health of the visual apparatus of workers who are under such lighting all day long.

When checking illumination level inspectors make prescriptions only if the indicators do not reach the lower limits of the norm. This is because if the light is too weak, working conditions worsen. A person experiences difficulties in doing work, the eyes get tired quickly, myopia or hyperopia appear.

However, not only dim, but also excessively bright light is harmful to the visual apparatus. Consequences of a long stay in a room with too intense lighting:

  • Irritation and redness of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva).
  • Sensation of dryness and "powderiness" of the eye.
  • The appearance of irritability.
  • Feeling of general discomfort.
  • Nervous excitement.

It follows from this: it is necessary to monitor not only compliance with illumination norms, but also in the absence of a significant excess of the established values.

How measure illumination on one's own

Each of us can provide ourselves with comfortable working and leisure conditions. In particular, by creating adequate lighting. To do this, you need to install devices that produce light of normal brightness.

Check if it is correct light level your room or workplace, will help luxmeter RADEX LUPIN. With this device, you can always determine the brightness of light in any room. The measurement is simple. Place the light meter on the test surface with the photosensor pointing upwards. The parameter value will be displayed on the instrument monitor in lux (lx).

The RADEX LUPIN light meter gives correct information, unlike many other models. The error of its measurements does not exceed 10%. The accuracy of the device is ensured by corrective light filters that block ultraviolet and infrared rays that are not perceived by the human eye. Since both are present in the spectrum of some light sources, illumination measurement without filters it is inaccurate. The RADEX LUPIN light meter complies with the requirements of GOST. Its spectral sensitivity is the same as that of the human eye, so it provides complete reliable information about the light environment.

Briefly about illumination standards

Lighting is considered normal, in which a person maintains working capacity for a long time and does not notice an unreasonable deterioration in well-being, mood. For control illumination norms The chief state doctor of the Russian Federation approved special sanitary rules and norms. The document establishes clear requirements for the illumination of premises for various purposes.

Norms for some of them (in suites):

  • Bathrooms, toilets - 50.
  • Sleeping quarters - 100.
  • Living rooms and kitchens - 150.
  • Sports halls - 200.
  • Game rooms of kindergartens - 200.
  • Office space - 300.
  • Training classes - 300.
  • Library premises - 400
  • Doctors' offices and treatment rooms - 500.
  • Trading floors - 500.

The highest requirements are set for the premises in which the work of the highest precision is carried out. For example, for jewelry, engraving and watch workshops, the illumination level should be 3000 lux. Relatively dim lighting can be storerooms, basements, attics, passage corridors and other rooms with a short stay of people (20-30 lux).

You can easily improve the illumination in a house or apartment by correctly arranging the light in tiers. In this article, we will analyze the basic techniques for improving lighting by adding certain light sources. These tips are especially useful where it is not possible to start building electrical wiring from scratch.

Of course, if the room is dimly lit with only one light source, the first thing that comes to mind is to add floor lamps or table lamps as needed. And indeed, in this way we immediately get a multifunctional living room or a bedroom, or a nursery. If you equip the chandelier and floor lamps (table lamps) with dimmers, then there are even more options for lighting the room. Do not forget that the lamps can be placed on a variety of pieces of furniture at different heights:

But let's imagine that the poorly lit room is very small and you don't want to put a lamp or a floor lamp, cluttering up the space. Or that there is not enough light in the kitchen or bathroom. Or that we are in a historic building with its own architectural features. Finally, maybe we just want to make the lighting in the living room or other room richer and more varied. Let's consider these options in order.

1. Cramped room

In this case, a good option would be to install the lamp on one of the pieces of furniture, such as a wardrobe, shelf or display cabinet. Floor space is limited, and such a solution will not clutter up the space. For this solution, you will be fine.

2. Poorly lit kitchen

For example, our kitchen is located in an old building and it is not possible or sufficient to use built-in ceiling lights. An option is to place the backlight on the top of the wall cabinets or inside them, as well as under the cabinets - for work on the countertop. If instead of lockers there are shelves, then install the backlight under or above them, respectively. Again, you will be fine.

3. Bathroom

To improve lighting, add niche lighting (see also Niche Lighting. 5 practical and inspiring examples.). This will draw attention to decor items, and the need to mount additional fixtures on the ceiling will be minimized.

4. Spaces and dark corners

Plug in a floor lamp pointing upwards if you can't run new wiring. Place miniature lamps pointing upwards on wide window sills to effectively emphasize window openings at night.

5. To emphasize interesting architectural details

Use built-in floor lights to illuminate architraves, arches, fireplaces and other architectural details.

6. Living room or other dimly lit room

If only lamps illuminate the room, then you can add lights under shelves, on window sills, along the top of cabinets to illuminate books or decor items. This will increase the degree of illumination and visually expand the space.

Room lighting design is the element that will allow you to turn even the simplest room into something extraordinary. The correct placement of lamps, their accentuation, the choice of brightness and color scheme, the competent play of shadows - and, of course, the choice of the correct control scheme, will create an unusual atmosphere in the room.

But at the same time, we must not forget about the purely unitary tasks of lighting, so that all this extravaganza of colors and shadows does not ruin your eyesight and does not cause a depressive state.

Therefore, before proceeding with the choice of lighting system in our room, let's delve a little into the theory. And let's start with the types of lighting. There are two of them - natural and artificial.


We need light not only at night. You can't do without it during the day either. Therefore, which the sun gives us, you need to worry first of all.

Now you say, what can I do? I won’t remake the windows, and what it is, it is. But it is not so!

  • Natural lighting can be top, side or combined. The name is due to the degree of incidence of light. It is clear that the combined lighting is the best, the top is a little worse, and the side is the worst. But for the most part, it is this type of lighting that most apartments and houses are equipped with.

  • The instruction for natural lighting requires achieving maximum illumination in the corner of the wall opposite the window. Depending on the climatic zone, the illumination in this corner should be from 2 to 5% of the natural light on the street.
  • Does this seem small to you? But natural light on a sunny day is from 30,000 lux. That is, the lighting in the corner opposite the window should be 600 lux. For comparison: the minimum allowable norm in one of the brightest rooms - the nursery, is 200 lux.

But the norms are the norms, and sometimes there is not enough natural light. In this case, there are several options for solving such a problem. The first and most logical is the expansion of light openings.

But not everyone can decide on it, and this is a change in the design of the house, and it requires appropriate approvals. Sometimes it is enough just to change the design of the window to increase the light-transmitting space.

A simpler option, in some cases, may be to increase the distance from the floor to the window.

Even a slight rise of the window a few centimeters can significantly increase the illumination of the opposite wall.

Modern technology allows the use of so-called light pipes or tunnels, through which you can add a level of natural light to any room.

But the cost of installing such devices is still quite high.

The simplest, but far from the most ineffective, is to increase the amount of reflected light. As you know, light has the ability to reflect off surfaces. And the brighter the surface, the greater the spectrum of light will be reflected. Therefore, in rooms with insufficient natural light, a bright interior should definitely be used.

artificial lighting

But, of course, the main focus when choosing lighting systems falls on artificial lighting. It would seem that everything is simple here, but it is far from being the case. After all, in order to create the right artificial lighting, you should think through every detail.


  • One of the first tips: how to choose lighting for a room, is that the lighting system should be thought out even at the stage of repair. By this point, you should already know exactly the interior of the room, its color scheme and the main accents in the interior. Without following this rule, all your efforts will go to waste.
  • Only then can you start planning lighting. In any room, the main thing is general lighting. It should provide the required illumination throughout the room or in a separate area.

  • Usually, general lighting is made top. It can be a multi-lamp chandelier and spot lighting. Side lighting for these purposes is used extremely rarely, and only in exceptional cases. This is due to the fact that side lighting casts too many shadows, and to create a complete lighting system, you will need a lot of fixtures on all the walls of the room.

Note! Spotlights are diffused and concentrated light. For general lighting, diffused light fixtures should be used.

  • The second most important is zonal lighting. It is used in rooms that have several multidirectional zones, and when each of them requires its own type of lighting. It is desirable that these zones have not only light, but also interior restrictions.
  • For zone lighting, any lamps can be used. But as a rule, each zone should have its own general lighting - and sometimes lighting that delineates the zone boundary. And in some cases, local lighting.

  • Almost all options for lighting a room should assume the presence of the third most important - local lighting. It is best realized through adjustable directional luminaires.

  • The last option is decorative lighting. It does not carry any functional responsibilities, except for creating comfort and focusing on the details of the interior. For it, lamps of any type can be used. It all depends on your preferences.

Examples of lighting in different rooms

But a theory is a theory, and the best question is: how to properly make lighting in a room, consider specific examples. To do this, let's analyze the lighting system and its regulation for each specific room.


Let's start with the most intimate room in the apartment - the bedroom. It does not require too bright lighting. According to the norms, 150 lux is generally enough here.

In this case, it is desirable that the light be warm. Light in the range of about 2700 K is considered warm. You can find the light range of the lamp in the product data sheet.


  • The general is better to implement through several spotlights of diffused light. You can use a not very bright chandelier with a small number of lamps. The light reflected from the ceiling will also look good in a multi-tiered suspended ceiling.
  • An almost obligatory attribute of any bedroom has become lamps on the bedside table. They should give a soft diffused light and completely eliminate the blinding effect.

  • If you are a fan of reading in bed, then you will need a local lighting lamp. For these purposes, it is better to choose products with adjustable light direction. The lamp itself must give a directional light flux. By the way, for these purposes it is better to choose lamps with a neutral white color in the range of about 4000 K.
  • The last element is decorative lighting. There are several options here. If there are 1 - 2 elements that you want to highlight, then it is best to do this through a directional flow of light from the ceiling. If there are no such elements, then you can use fixtures installed at floor level. They will illuminate the wall and create an intimate atmosphere in the room.

The lighting in the room can be adjusted using dimmers. Now there are such devices on the remote control that allow you to control the dimmer from a distance. But here it should be remembered that diode lamps, as well as some other types of lamps, cannot adjust the brightness of the light flux.

Living room

Next in importance is the living room. There is no single style of lighting system for this room. After all, the purpose of this room can vary significantly, depending on your preferences.

If you need a living room to relax in an armchair with a book or just lie down under the TV, then this is one thing. If you need a room for meetings with friends and noisy holidays, then the lighting system requires a completely different one.

  • However, any living room should have overhead general lighting. As in a small room, side lighting will not work here. Depending on the style of the room, you can install a huge beautiful chandelier here, or you can get by with diffused spotlights. Sometimes general lighting is made two-level. One level for quiet gatherings with the family, and brighter lighting for a noisy company.

  • If part of the room is reserved for an office or has another purpose, then it is allocated with zonal lighting. The style and type of this lighting entirely depends on the interior of the room.

  • Local use is extremely rare. However, if necessary, a directional luminaire can be installed. If the place that requires additional lighting does not change, then you can use a directional spotlight, which will be directed to the desired point.

  • Decorative lighting in the living room can be represented by directional lamps - to highlight certain interior details. Luminaires installed at floor level with wall lighting can be used.

You can also experiment with the color emitted by the fixtures and use a diode strip to highlight individual elements - for example, a multi-level floor. Or, as with attic lighting, try creating a pattern with light on glass or a wall.


Children's room should be filled with light. The minimum allowable level of illumination for it is 200lux, and is one of the highest values ​​for an apartment.

For general lighting, it is better to use lamps that give white color in the range of about 4000 K. But in the working area, you should use lamps that give cold light in the range of about 6000 K.


  • For the general, its uniformity is extremely important. Therefore, the best option here would be to install diffused spotlights. A variety of subdued or reflected light systems will not work here.

  • For children of younger preschool age, the presence of a night light is important. It can be a decorative lamp on the bedside table, or it can be a muted lamp on the wall. For such lighting, you should choose a warm light in the range of about 2700 K. At the same time, care should be taken that it gives a minimum of shadows.
  • A separate issue is the working area for school-age children. There should be enough lighting for fruitful work. It can be realized with directional spotlights. They not only provide the proper level of illumination, but also visually highlight the work area.

Wall lighting of the room and directional lamps can play a decorative role. But from a variety of floor and low-lying lamps, it is better to refuse in favor of safety.

To create a fairy tale atmosphere, you can use fiber optic lighting or other similar devices.


The very first room your guests see is the entryway. It should be cozy and light here. At the same time, too bright light can cause irritation. Based on this, in the hallway it is better to use warm colors in the region of 2700 K.

  • General lighting in this room can be done with diffused spotlights, like lighting in a dressing room. If the room is spacious enough, then you can use the type of lighting reflected from the ceiling.

  • Local lighting is not used in this room. But decorative lighting is quite possible to apply. This can be done by means of lamps installed at the floor level, the lamps on the wall look interesting as in the video.

If you have decorative elements that you want to highlight, then you can use additional lighting from niches, or use spotlights. Through the skillful use of shadows, you can visually enlarge the room.


The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in any home. This room often becomes not only a family gathering place, but also a place for discussing news, gatherings over a cup of tea and, of course, is a purely unitary cooking room. Therefore, in the kitchen it is necessary to combine functionality, convenience and beauty.

  • In order to fulfill all these requirements, this small room is usually divided into two zones - directly the kitchen and the dining area. Lighting for these areas should also be made separate.

In the photo - general lighting for a small kitchen with division into zones

  • General lighting for the kitchen should be bright, but in the dining area it is better to dim it. This can be done by uneven installation of diffused lighting spotlights. In addition, lamps of different color ranges can be used. For the kitchen area - these are white lamps, about 4000 K, and for the dining area - lamps about 2700 K.

For the dining area, general lighting is now fashionable to do with the help of low lamps. This has its own reason, because in this way the light falls only on the table.

At the same time, special brightness from such lamps is not required. Here you can focus on their appearance.

  • One of the main ones for the kitchen area is the lighting of the workplace. Even the standards require that it be at a level not lower than 300lx. You can do this with your own hands. To do this, you can use the lamps mounted in the wall cabinet. An interesting solution is aprons emitting light, as well as fluorescent lamps or other luminous strips installed in the upper part of the apron.

Note! When installing fixtures in a wall cabinet, make sure that they are slightly recessed into the furniture. If the lamp protrudes, it will give a blinding effect. The same applies to the luminous stripes on the apron. But drowning them will not work, so you should use lamps that muffle direct light.

  • Decorative lighting for the kitchen can be very diverse. But here a lot depends on the size of the room. After all, decorative lighting in a small room is extremely difficult to implement, and often useless. Therefore, only the owners of large premises should think about decorative delights.

The entire reserve can be used for this. These are directional lamps installed in different places; this is contour lighting; this is the illumination of niches and the use of lamps of different colors.


Any advice on lighting a room, without a detailed floor plan, furniture arrangement and color scheme, is doomed to failure. Therefore, in our article, we only outlined the basic requirements, and focused your attention on important aspects.

At the same time, if you draw up a plan of the room, up to the arrangement of books on the shelves, then the most correct and convenient lighting system will be visible at a glance. The main thing is not to overdo it with decorative elements. After all, in lighting everything should be in moderation.

Lighting for offices is an important component of creating a working atmosphere. Therefore, in recent years, more and more attention has been paid to it. But sometimes such attention leads to disastrous results.

Therefore, in our article, we decided to understand all the norms, rules and principles for the formation of lighting in the office, and we will try to make it as simple as possible.

For some reason, when it comes to lighting in the office, everyone immediately forgets about natural light. And, by the way, this look is completely free, natural and sets you up for work. Its only drawback is the possibility of its installation.

Light openings can only be changed or added during the planning of the building or its major reconstruction. But it is still possible, so we will devote a few words to this topic.

There are two types of light openings - windows in the wall and skylights on the roof of the building. Skylights give an overhead light that is more natural so they are preferred. At the same time, you say that this option is only possible for floors adjacent to the roof, but this is not always the case.

At the moment, there are so-called light pipes. They are able to bring the natural light of the sun even to the first floor of a high-rise building. The essence of this device is the installation of special pipes, the inner cavity of which has a reflective coating. Therefore, the light that enters such a lantern on the roof reaches the premises we need with practically no loss.

Of course, the price of such lighting is quite high, and from a technical point of view, this option is quite laborious, but it exists and should not be forgotten. Moreover, all costs can then be more than paid off due to free light and increased efficiency.
One of the main parameters of natural lighting in any room is the so-called coefficient of natural light - KEO. It characterizes the ratio of natural illumination indoors to illumination in an open area outdoors. It is measured as a percentage, so the resulting ratio should be multiplied by 100.

So, for office premises, KEO should be equal to 1. This parameter is measured by calculation and entirely depends on the width of the light openings, their shading and the type of glass. If this indicator is lower, then artificial lighting is used in addition to natural lighting, this type is called combined. Moreover, artificial is used only in those areas where the KEO does not meet the norm, and not for the entire premises.

artificial office lighting

Now let's take a look at the lighting requirements in an artificial type of office. After all, no matter how much we would like to, we cannot do without it, especially if the working day in the office can continue even in the dark.

From artificial lighting, we need to achieve maximum comfort, create a working atmosphere and, of course, profitability. And to achieve these parameters, we will have to take into account a number of parameters, which we will discuss in this section.

From this video you will learn about the correct lighting of the office and not only.

Types of office lighting and its standards

In order to better understand how to organize lighting for the office, let's look at what types of lighting are, and what standards apply to it. It will help in this SNiP 23-05-95, which normalizes lighting in buildings of any type and on the street.

  • For the office, we need general, local and zonal lighting. Let's look at each of them separately.
  • General lighting provides the required level of light throughout the room. It can be top or side. But let's be honest, the side is practically not used in view of the large number of shadows that it gives. With it, the lamps are installed on the walls, that is, from the side.

  • Overhead general lighting is used much more often. For it, you can use chandeliers, built-in lamps of various configurations, as well as reflected lighting. That is, the light that is reflected from the ceiling.

  • Local lighting is necessary to increase the intensity of illumination of each individual workplace. It can be implemented with table lamps, pendant lights above the workplace, or spotlights mounted on the ceiling or wall.

  • And finally, zone lighting. It is necessary to visually highlight certain areas in the room. Often it is used for recreation areas. By the way, the so-called decorative lighting can also be used there, the main purpose of which is the visual design of the zone or the illumination of design elements.
  • Now consider the requirements for office lighting. They depend on the type of work being done. In various forums, you can often find the recommended office illumination rate of 300 lux. But it is not so. According to SNiP 23-05-95, this is the recommended minimum illumination of offices and rooms.

There are many ways to make a dark and sad room brighter. Small changes in lighting and color palette will transform any dark corner. Add bright colors of the facade of furniture and decorative elements to the lighting, and the room will not only become lighter, but also visually increase in volume. If funds allow, try expanding the windows and replacing the flooring, and get a cozy corner instead of a gloomy den. To learn more about how you can lighten a room in different ways, read the following tips.


Color and lighting - get creative

    Paint the ceiling white. Dark woods and dark ceiling paint darken the atmosphere. Buy 1-2 cans of white paint and apply it over the old finish. White color does not absorb, but reflects light, so you will immediately feel the difference.

    • If you don't like pure white, use a light yellow or cream shade.
    • Even if the walls remain the same color, the white ceiling will make the room much lighter.
  1. Limit colorful accents. You may want to paint everything in your favorite color, but try to refrain from deep and rich tones. Let the main surfaces be light, and color accents are used only for individual decorative elements on the walls and ceiling. Remember that a saturated color will not reveal all its richness in a dark room, and the overall atmosphere will darken even more. If the design of the room cannot do without dark shades of blue, green or other saturated color, you can paint only one wall in one color, and use a lighter shade for the rest.

    • Use a patterned stencil. Decorate the ceiling around the perimeter, so the room will be lighter and the color accents will match your favorite palette. Use your favorite color to spice up your ceiling with leaves, florals, geometric abstractions, or other patterns. You can use ready-made stencils or create your own pattern.
    • You can only paint the ceiling plinth and door jambs with a more saturated color.
  2. Make the most of natural lighting. If access to natural light is limited, it is necessary to carefully treat every ray of the sun. If dark curtains block light, you can use the following methods:

    • Hang light, airy curtains on the windows that can let in light. For example, cream curtains or tulle will provide a sense of comfort and privacy without blocking the sunlight from flooding the room.
    • If you prefer blinds, do not use blank options. Plastic or wooden blinds completely block the access of light. Look for a fabric product made of light-colored fabric that can let light through.
  3. Replace the central overhead lighting with several lights around the perimeter. The harsh light of one chandelier further emphasizes the overall darkness of the room. Use soft sources of artificial light instead of hard lighting to make the room look as pleasant and natural as possible.

    • Use track lighting. To fix track lights, not wiring is used, but a frame with an electrical conductor, which allows you to fix the light source anywhere. Thanks to track lighting, the room will become much brighter, and the atmosphere will remain soft.
    • Place several floor lamps at strategic points. Use light-colored lampshades so that the whole room is saturated with soft light.
  4. Use diffused light. If it is impossible to install a lamp in a dark corner, install several spotlight lamps on the walls or ceiling, directing their rays in the right direction. Reflecting from the walls, soft diffused light will expel a gloomy atmosphere and gloomy shadows.

    • Don't forget the candles. It is a noble and pleasant source of additional light, allowing you to create a warm and friendly atmosphere. Candles can be lit even without turning off the artificial lighting.
  5. Add functional lighting. If you often do a certain job, add some light to your work area. For example, you can separately illuminate the table top, sewing corner, library or piano.

    Use brighter lamps. Replace your lamps with more powerful ones, such as compact fluorescent (CFL) lamps. Such lamps emit more light, and their energy consumption is less. If you simply use a higher wattage incandescent bulb, the overall atmosphere may remain dark.

    • You can experiment with the color of the lighting. Daylight lamps differ in saturation. Depending on the power, they give light of different temperatures, and daylight can be cold or warm - closer to the yellow or blue part of the spectrum. The soft color of the low temperature lamp gives a warm, yellowish tint to the light.
  6. Sometimes it's better not to change anything. If you can't hide the overall shading, use that to your advantage. Drop the idea of ​​brightening up the room, and try to create a cozy shaded corner. Use dark and thick colors to paint the walls, as well as massive interior elements in the style of an old-fashioned office. If you want to evoke a feeling of majestic atmosphere, steel and gray-blue shades are more often used for the interior.

    Add gloss to furniture and decorative elements

    1. Evaluate all interior elements, including decorative details. Look at the wall paintings, the bookcase, and all the other objects in the room. Some details can overshadow the overall atmosphere. Perhaps the replacement of the black-and-white poster with something brighter will return vitality? Shelves crammed with books, the dark greenery of a greenhouse, a collection of dolls and other things can also bring dark notes to the overall atmosphere. If you really intend to make the room brighter, you need to be determined and say goodbye to old things, or rather, to their location in this room.

      • Don't expose the entire library for display. Choose your top 10 favorite books and put them in the best light. Use art and bright design ideas to fill the empty space with something more cheerful.
      • If you love plants, consider changing your range. Discard large plants with dark green leaves, replacing them with lighter representatives of the flora. A few succulent leaves or ferns make a beautiful accent, but an excess of greenery makes the room darker.
    2. Hang mirrors. The vacated space can become even lighter if you hang a few mirrors. They will reflect every ray of light that managed to get into your room. In this case, it is better to use light and airy mirrors with light frames, and the room will definitely become lighter.

      • Another advantage of mirrors is the visual increase in the volume of the room.
    3. Replace dark furniture. Perhaps the feeling of darkness is caused by bookshelves that filled the walls from floor to ceiling? What about the dark mahogany pedestal on top of the TV? Do heavy canopies around a massive wooden bed burden the interior? Dark and massive furniture can overshadow even a bright room. If you need to add light, use light wood furniture.

      • You don't have to buy new furniture. Think about whether it is possible to paint the usual elements of the interior with light paint?
      • The dark upholstery of upholstered armchairs and sofas can be hidden by throwing a light coverlet on top.
    4. Hide all wires. Power cords are usually black, and letting them snake around the floor will make the room look darker (and messier). Hide appliance cords in the walls, or at least tie them together using Velcro tape. You can fix the reins near the plinth using construction tape or light-colored electrical winding. Such a tiny change can make a big difference in the look of a room.

      Install wall shelving. By reducing the amount of furniture, you will make the room brighter. Try replacing your standard bookshelves and desk with wall-mounted shelving. Use light colors and woods. Such shelves will get rid of heavy furniture, besides, they cast less shadow.

    Major changes

      Lay a bright floor. The quickest way to cover up a dark floor is to use light-colored carpeting. But in the long run, it's better to invest in a complete floor replacement or repaint. If you are serious about brightening up your room, consider the following options:

      • If there are boards on the floor, you can remove a layer of paint to reveal the color and texture of the wood. Another option is to repaint the boards in a lighter color, such as pearl grey.
      • The concrete floor is durable and practical, while the dye of the desired color can be added to the solution. Polished concrete looks smooth and shiny.
      • For the floor in the kitchen or in the bathroom, you can use light-colored tiles.
    1. Install a glass door. Stained glass windows allow you to add more light to the room, and glass inserts are used for both internal and external doors. Even massive doors are perceived much easier if they are decorated with glass stained-glass windows. To further increase the flow of light, cut a window above the door. If replacing the doors isn't an option, try just painting them a lighter color.

      Eliminate extra walls blocking light. See what objects or walls stand in the way of the light. Can they be removed? For example, there may be a small partition between a dark corridor and a living room. It can be removed (if it is not a load-bearing wall supporting the ceiling), and the room will become much lighter.

      • Having decided to remove the wall, contact professional builders. In some houses, even internal partitions have a functional value. It is also possible that the wall was built using asbestos or lead, and demolition work is hazardous to health.
    2. Cut through the big window. If you plan to live in this space for a long time, it is worth investing in window extensions. Such an ultimate solution will leave no room for darkness, and its implementation may be easier than you think. Check with a construction company. Only a specialist is able to determine the possibility of installing another window or expanding existing openings. In addition, builders will orient on the cost of materials and the amount of necessary work. At the same time, you can expand the doorway so that more light passes through the stained-glass windows.

    3. Modern models of fluorescent lamps are quite compact. They give a lot of light in warm colors and consume half as much electricity as incandescent lamps of the same power.
    4. ! Light! Camera! Shooting! Make your room decor worthy of the best movie. The intriguing contrast of light and dark will create the impression of a special "chic" in the interior. Focused light focuses attention on individual elements, while the entire surrounding space seems brighter. Highlight some subjects with directional lighting. Use track or pendant type LED spotlights (LED MR16") with a beam angle of 10, 15, 25 or 60 degrees to correlate the beam width with the size of the illuminated interior element. As a rule, the light source is installed at a distance of 2.5-3 m from Set the angle of the luminaire and the required lens.It is not necessary to illuminate the entire object, sometimes it is enough to highlight only the main details.
    5. Don't banish darkness completely. Reading, sewing and other activities require good lighting, but semi-darkness is sometimes helpful. For example, for a romantic mood, a few candles or accented lamps are enough.
    6. Wash your windows! Get rid of dust, and more light will enter the room.
    7. When planning the placement of lights, think about how you will use the room and where shadows (including your shadow) will fall. Use a portable lamp to experimentally determine the best location for fixed fixtures.

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