Ways of self-fortune-telling with tarot cards for damage. Self-fortune-telling to determine damage Is there a curse on me fortune-telling online

Equipment and tools 31.03.2022
Equipment and tools

In today's time it is difficult to meet a person who has never been subjected to negative energy influence. Corruption is one of such influences that damage the protective shell of a person. Is there damage on it, and who brought it on, can be calculated using the layout on the cards.

The cards will be able to determine if there is damage or not.

Which deck to use

To determine the presence of damage, you can use any card deck, but a new one is best. It shouldn't be playable. Do not use a plastic deck.

The Tarot deck is unique and is used in a variety of situations. And also suitable for diagnosing damage to Tarot Waite, Tarot Shadows.

Divination rules

A sharp deterioration in health, the sudden appearance of a disease indicate an adverse effect. To identify it and achieve maximum effect during divination, you must adhere to some rules:

Do not guess on a day off

  1. For divination, you need to choose suitable lunar days.
  2. You can not give the deck to other people.
  3. Fortune-telling is best done at a table with a red or green tablecloth.
  4. Before starting the session, you should read a special conspiracy that will make the predictions true.
  5. We must treat the deck with care and respect.
  6. It is not advised to conduct a session on a day off. This can adversely affect the well-being and health of the fortuneteller.
  7. Rain and fog outside the window will prevent you from getting a true result.

Corruption on tarot cards

A deck of Tarot cards consists of 78 cards. Many magicians prefer to work with it rather than with any other magical attribute. These cards are limited to symbols, and their interpretation is often ambiguous.

Therefore, Tarot divination is a rather complicated process and not the best tool for determining the presence of damage.

But an experienced fortuneteller can easily determine with the help of Tarot the presence or absence of a curse, damage and other negative programs.

The meaning of tarot cards and types of damage

There are several layouts that will help reveal the magical effect. The following cards will show it:

  • inverted moon, tower - evil eye or household damage from a loved one;
  • death, judgment - damage done to death through the cemetery;
  • magician - a young man brought misfortune;
  • high priestess - the negative comes from an elderly woman;
  • high priest - an elderly man brought damage;
  • hermit - a negative impact was made a long time ago;
  • devil - there is a powerful corruption on a person;
  • dad, hanged man - church corruption.

If several cards from this list fell out, the probability of damage is about 90 percent.

Household damage is applied only to a discouraged person

Household damage is not inherited, they are left by envious people and enemies. It will not harm a cheerful person, because it begins to act only in moments of despair or despondency.

Church damage leads to serious illness and even death, so it is very dangerous. The customer will also suffer a terrible punishment.

Cemetery damage is done through a cemetery or a dead person and is very dangerous. The customer will suffer no less than the victim. A similar misfortune can be brought upon oneself if one brings something from the cemetery.

If the devil fell out, this means damage from which people become addicted to drugs, gambling, alcohol. This is a serious interference in someone else's life.

The layout of the "Black Raven"

A layout of 12 cards will help you find out if there is damage. "Black Raven" provides an answer not only to this question. With it, you can find out many circumstances of magical influence. Before starting, you need to mentally ask the cards to tell the truth and help you find out the answers to your questions.

Before starting the layout, mentally ask the cards to tell only the truth.

In the center of the table they put a card symbolizing the questioner, and the deck itself, from which they remove it with their left hand towards themselves.

Then, 12 cards are alternately laid out around the significator, which are located on top of the second pile. In accordance with their sequence, determine the answers to the following questions:

  • How is the negative impact manifested?
  • the presence of destruction of the human energy field;
  • visible manifestations of the disease;
  • the state of the questioner;
  • who caused the damage;
  • in what way the magical effect is imposed;
  • what is the fault of the questioner;
  • purpose of damage;
  • degree of damage to a person;
  • way out;
  • a way to get rid of adversity;
  • end result.

During the analysis, the meanings of inverted and non-inverted patterns must be taken into account. Such an alignment on the Tarot will reveal the crown of celibacy, love spell, evil eye and other dangerous magical programs.

Effective tarot spread

Another alignment will help you find out what kind of negative is induced. Tarot is laid out in three rows. The first will be responsible for the presence of damage or the evil eye. If it contains the suit of swords or the Tower of the Major Arcana, this indicates the presence of a magical influence.

The second row shows information about who caused the damage, and the third indicates the method of guidance. Particular attention should be paid to the first row. All divination completely depends on its correct interpretation.

Pyramid layout

For the next layout, you need to put the cards face down so that you get a pyramid.

Before the ritual, it is necessary to light a church candle

Before the session, you should light a large candle bought in the church. Two cards will be at the very top and indicate the one who was affected by black magic. The first is the essence of a person with which he came into this world, the second is what he acquired during his life.

Then lay out the cards below, starting from the left. The first denotes the mother of a person, the second - the father. Under the mother's card, two cards of her parents (grandparents) are placed. The same is done under the father's card.

As a result, the alignment can consist of both 8 and 16 cards. It depends on how many generations it takes to diagnose in order to decipher the knots of karma in the human race.

After the end of the session, you must collect all the cards and put them in a fan pattern up, mixing in advance. Then they take a candle and pass it around the cards seven times. You need to do this counterclockwise and nine times clockwise.

simple divination

For inexperienced fortune tellers, a simple alignment on tarot cards is suitable.

You must ask a question of interest and pull out any card. Sample questions:

  1. Do I have damage?
  2. Has a spell been made?
  3. Who is conjuring on me?

During the alignment, you can ask no more than three questions per day. If all the drawn cards speak of damage, then it is.

Layout on regular cards

If certain knowledge and good intuition are required for divination on the Tarot, then nothing complicated is needed for the alignment on ordinary cards. It is necessary to take a deck of 36 cards and three times to remove three cards that symbolize the past, present and future. If among them are an ace or nine of spades, then damage is present.

The seven of spades speaks of a severe form of exposure, and the lady of spades speaks of a birth curse.

If there is a nine, seven, eight or ten of hearts next to the ace or nine of spades, this means a love spell or an attempt to bewitch a person. Any heart card next to a dark combination speaks of the strong energy of a person of the opposite sex, who can cast a love spell unconsciously.

Curly cards will help you understand who the negative is coming from. Many cards of a diamond suit speak of damage to money. At the end, the final card is taken out. If it is the suit of clubs or the queen of spades, very severe harm has been done.

Despite the result of fortune telling, you need to remember that you can get rid of any damage. To do this, you need to change your attitude to life, directing your actions towards good goals. Do not be afraid of adversity, think about the bad and each time resort to the help of a card deck.

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about who you are predicting for. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Divination Definition of spoilage. By your numerous requests, we publish free online fortune-telling to determine whether there is damage on a person. We want to note right away that it is better not to conduct it for people who are suspicious and with an unstable psyche, in order to avoid unnecessary worries. Fortune telling is quite simple and at the same time very informative, it should be carried out, like all fortune telling in general, only after carefully tuning in. We note right away that the damage diagnosis using our method should not be a blow or a tragedy for you, in this case you need to turn to professionals, of course, preferably not to television charlatans, but to those who have a serious reputation. And yet, a positive diagnosis of spoilage is a rather rare occurrence, and nevertheless, one must be prepared for any result.

Online divination technique:

To carry out this prediction, a deck of 36 unplayed cards is used, which must be thoroughly mixed and then shift some of the cards with your left hand towards you. Next, you need to take cards from random places in the deck with a score of - 3 for the past, - 3 for the present, - 3 for the future and one final card with a total of 10 cards. All of them must be put upside down, if among the drawn cards there is an ace of spades and 9 spades, then there is always magic here, the answer to the question is which one, the remaining cards give if there are 7 spades among them, then it’s bad, someone is on you then he caused damage, moreover, purposefully and intentionally, and if there is also a queen of spades, then a very serious curse is over you, it is possible that a very strong magician is needed to neutralize it. If, in addition to the ace of spades and 9 spades, there is one of the cards 7 hearts, 8 hearts, 9 hearts or 10 hearts, then there is a love spell in your life. And if, apart from the ace of spades and 9 spades, there are none of the listed cards, then perhaps one of your friends or close people with strong energy has spoiled you, such damage is not a big problem, you just need to be more attentive to your surroundings.

If you have suspicions of induced damage, do a divination on Tarot cards. Fortune telling on Tarot cards is a simple and effective way to get an answer to the question about the induced magical negativity.

The alignment of the Tarot for damage will allow you to determine whether you have damage, the evil eye or its absence, magical negativity on your home and property, who is doing you harm. To this end, you can take into service a variety of, simple and more specific layouts on the cards - fortune-telling to determine damage using Tarot will give an answer to the questions posed.

Tarot layouts for damage

The alignment for damage using Tarot cards is the magical way that will help determine the presence of external magical influence. Diagnosis of damage to the Tarot is simple to carry out and even a beginner can handle it. We will talk about the most popular layouts further.

The layout of "3 troubles"

Whether there is damage or not will help determine this alignment - shuffle the deck of cards, focus on your question. Next, draw a card from the deck that designates exactly you, and put next to it a photo of the person they are guessing at. After simply randomly drawing 12 cards randomly and arrange them according to the diagram below.

Then proceed to the interpretation of the alignment.

  1. From 1 to 3 cards show whether there is damage or not, it all depends on the symbols that have fallen out.
  2. From 4 to 6 - the alignment will show whether there is an evil eye or not.
  3. From 7 to 9 - whether you have a love spell on you or not.
  4. 10 the picture will show who exactly brought or ordered the damage.
  5. 11 the picture will show who exactly jinxed the person.
  6. The 12th symbol will show who exactly bewitched the person.

The layout of "Corruption"

This alignment is used if there is a suspicion of damage or other magical influence - it is enough to lay out the cards according to the presented scheme and then interpret the result.

  1. The first character will indicate a high probability of a magical evil eye or damage.
  2. The second character indicates the presence or absence of damage.
  3. It will show that you have obvious enemies, as well as secret ill-wishers.
  4. The last symbol will indicate the internal state of the fortuneteller himself.

As you can see, everything is quite simple and is not difficult even for a novice magician.

How to find out your offender by Tarot

Certain signs will indicate the magical effect of a person, but the alignment on the Tarot cards will help to give an accurate answer. At the very beginning, you can resort to simple divination for 1 card - select cards with figures and Major Arcana from the deck. Ask an internal question - Where does the damage come from, who brought the negative, and so on, and pull out any picture. Already on it you can consider the answer to the question posed to the higher forces.

Damage breakdown

If such a one-word answer to 1 picture does not suit you, lay out the cards according to the following scheme.

The interpretation of the received positions is as follows:

  1. The first position will show the presence or absence of magical influence.
  2. The second will point to its initiator.
  3. The third will reveal the reasons for the magical influence.
  4. The fourth position in the layout will show the time of inducing damage - either this is the past or the current incarnation.
  5. How exactly does a person react to this magical influence.
  6. What needs to be done in order to get rid of the induced damage.

Attack layout

This alignment and its positions will allow you to find out not only whether damage has been directed at you or not, but also indicate the author of this magical influence. The layout and interpretation are presented below.

The positions are interpreted as follows:

  1. The first will indicate the presence or absence of damage.
  2. The second will indicate which area of ​​\u200b\u200blife is the magical influence.
  3. The third position will show who is attacking you on a magical level.
  4. The fourth position will indicate what goals your "well-wisher" pursues.
  5. The next position will tell you in what way it is possible and whether it is possible to eliminate the negative influence at all.
  6. The final position will show the entire final result.

Meaning of tarot cards

The meaning of the position of the Major Arcana.

  1. The magician indicates that there is corruption and its author is a young man.
  2. The devil speaks of the presence of the strongest magical libel.
  3. Priestess - damage is induced by an aged woman.
  4. If a priest fell out, then a man in years brought damage.
  5. If a hermit fell out in the layout, this indicates an old corruption.

Minor arcana and the meaning of their positions

Tarot will reveal to you the answer to the question of who brought and when the damage

Interpretation of wands

1. If an Ace fell out, it will indicate dark damage and where and how it was brought.

2. Two and three indicate a love spell or a magical lapel.

3. The six will indicate a greater likelihood of inducing love magic, and the eight will indicate a love spell.

4. 10 will indicate a negative, but of unclear origin.

5. The page in the layout will indicate the love spell made.

6. The queen will indicate induced magic using plants, and the king will indicate love magic.

Cups and their meaning in the layout

  1. The ace indicates spoilage imposed through the drink.
  2. Two and three will indicate a love spell.
  3. The four will indicate an existing black love spell.
  4. Five is a pointer to the existence of an energy vampire next to you.
  5. Six will indicate damage.
  6. Eight says that damage is imposed through fire.
  7. Nine will indicate that damage is of a kind.
  8. A dozen will indicate a strong damage that is induced at the wedding.
  9. The queen, according to the alignment, will indicate household damage, and the king - damage is induced by alcohol addiction.

Swords in the layout will indicate the following

  1. The ace in the layout will indicate damage induced through the funeral service in the temple.
  2. The deuce indicates the induced glued, the three - the damage done in the cemetery.
  3. Five will indicate a black, dark love spell, and eight - damage is induced through a wax figure.
  4. Nine will indicate that you were buried alive in the temple, and 10 will indicate a strong love spell.
  5. The knight symbolizes a forced influence on the biofield, the human aura.
  6. The queen speaks of a love spell, and the king speaks of the negative influence of an obscure theology.

Pentacles and their meaning

  1. The ace indicates that you are being magically robbed of your luck, bringing on many financial difficulties.
  2. The deuce speaks of induced damage to infertility, and the three - luck was stolen from you with the help of magic.
  3. The four speaks of the induced crown of celibacy, but the five speaks of the negative induced on the human biofield.
  4. Seven is an obstacle to personal and professional growth, and 10 directly speaks of induced damage.
  5. The page points to the damage induced by the doll.
  6. The knight points to the damage induced on the blood.
  7. The queen says that the negative is aimed at damaging your property.

Modern people are not used to writing off a series of failures for the evil eye or damage. There are many ways to determine the presence of a negative program on a person. One of them is card reading. Specialists who use Tarot cards in their work determine who made the evil promise: a magician, someone from a close circle, relatives.

How to diagnose

There are many variants of the Tarot - the Shadow deck, the Black Grimoire, the Demon Tarot, etc. For beginners, it is better to use the classic version for diagnosis, which will clearly show the current situation. The contractor will have to read and understand the layout. Beginners who decide to diagnose damage can use the publicly available symbol values ​​to decipher the solitaire.

Tarot deck rules

To get a reliable diagnostic result, you must follow the rules for working with Tarot cards.

  1. No one should be allowed to touch the deck, look at the images out of curiosity. This rule does not apply to working with clients, when a person himself must pull out the Arcana for alignment.
  2. It is impossible to guess during the period of the lunar and solar eclipse.
  3. The easiest way to protect yourself from the influence of the Tarot is a burning candle placed on the table.
  4. Fortune telling, like layouts of another type, is carried out in complete silence. Quiet background music is allowed. Street noise, conversations behind the wall, phone ringing are unacceptable.
  5. If Arcana opens in the layout, contradictory in meaning, then the diagnostic performer did not concentrate, formulated the request incorrectly. The ceremony should be postponed for 2-3 days.

After each layout, you need to wash your hands: wash off the Tarot information from them. The cards need to be cleaned periodically. Each tarologist uses the most acceptable option for clearing the deck: a circle, a full moon.

The easiest way to diagnose

You can determine the presence or absence of a negative program on a person using an express layout. Fortune-telling is carried out by the senior Arcana: 3 fragments are pulled out of the deck.

  1. The first card - indicates damage or its absence.
  2. The second - determines the evil eye, induced by a stranger.
  3. Third - indicates a circle of people who can provoke a wave of negativity.

The impact on a person is confirmed if the inverted Major Arcana are present in the layout:

  1. Moon.
  2. Empress.
  3. Devil.

The last two cards in an inverted position indicate the presence of strong black damage. The Major Arcana in the upright position also signal a problem. These symbols include:

  1. Tower.
  2. Death.
  3. Priestess.
  4. Priest (hierophant).

If the Hermit is present in the layout, this is a sign that the cause of the black stripe in a person is psychological problems, and not damage.

Playing card diagnostics

It is difficult for an ordinary person to understand the meanings and layouts of the Tarot, so it is recommended for beginners to diagnose damage on ordinary cards. Fortune telling is considered reliable if the performer follows the rules.

  1. The use of new suits that have not been in the game. No need to buy a new deck before each diagnostic. It is enough to use one card for divination, avoiding their falling into the wrong hands.
  2. Ability to clearly formulate a question. If the suits do not understand the goals set, they will show a confusing result.
  3. During the alignment, you need to focus on the question. Magicians recommend mentally asking the deck to assist in the diagnosis (“help me identify damage”, etc.).

Simple fortune-telling on ordinary cards

The easiest way to diagnose a negative program by performing a layout on playing cards will tell a lot of interesting things:

  1. The deck is shuffled, removed with the left hand away from you.
  2. Pull out 9 characters from it.
  3. Arrange them in three rows.
  4. Study the schedule.

The first row from the bottom is the past. If there is a peak suit in it, then the evil eye has worked. The combination of 9 of spades and an ace of this suit is a bad sign. A strong black corruption was made.

The row in the middle is the real one. The spade suit indicates the presence of negativity at the moment. Having studied the suits lying near the black one, they determine the scope of damage.

  • tambourines - business;
  • worms - with family, love;
  • clubs - money.

The combination in the top row predicts the future. If there are no spades cards in it, this is a good sign.

Fortune tellers sometimes offer to draw an additional card to determine who caused the damage. If the younger ones fall out, this is an evil eye from an outsider. Jack, queen, king - close people, environment. Black ace - damage was caused by an experienced sorcerer.


Fortune telling on cards is one of the ways to expressly diagnose a person's aura, which allows you to determine the presence of damage. But the result on playing cards cannot be taken seriously. The reason to turn to the magician to remove the negative is the recommendation

Corruption is a powerful verbal hypnotic message with a wish for harm to a specific person or group of people. A targeted effect that a professional performs according to a certain ritual. A negative effect on a person’s biofield. An unconscious energy entity programmed for a specific task. Corruption usually has a program of harming the health or physical destruction of the victim, as well as blocking the communication functions between higher bodies, which destroys personal life and / or business affairs.

Damage in the house

  • if you find suspicious objects near the door, in the house or in the courtyard (earth, water, blood, sand, feathers, needles, dead animals or birds);
  • find wheat, corn, tied or stuck together feathers, threads, sharp objects in featherbeds or pillows;
  • one or more photographs are pierced with a needle;
  • find someone else's scissors or knives;
  • a sense of fear in the family, constant illness and scandals;
  • incurable alcoholism;
  • consecrated salt heated in a frying pan crackles and darkens;
  • an unburned candle, taken from the church on Friday, smokes when going around the house;
  • dogs bark, and cats tend to leave the house;
  • incomprehensible or, conversely, very clear drawings appearing on the walls;
  • guests do not like to visit.

Signs of damage in humans:

  • if a woman has age spots on her face, and the tests are good;
  • if a woman cannot get pregnant, but everything is in order from a medical point of view;
  • if a young strong woman does not menstruate, constant delays or very scanty discharge;
  • if a person quickly loses weight (dries) or gains weight for no reason;
  • if a girl meets guys, but cannot get married;
  • if doctors make different diagnoses, but there are no results of treatment;
  • if you don't like looking in the mirror;
  • if one pupil is larger than the other or the pupils run;
  • if things get bad in the church;
  • if the pectoral cross is lost or a constant desire to remove;
  • if there is a prolonged breakdown, there is no desire to move, work and live in general;
  • "black streak" in life;
  • if there are a lot of cockroaches or ants in the house, but the neighbors do not;
  • if during rest or sleep unclean people come;
  • if you don't like pets.

How to find out who caused damage with wax.
For this, you will need:
A bowl of water, it is better if it is spring water, at least not chlorinated. The point here is that you need to use natural materials.
Wax. Be sure to wax, in no case can not use paraffin.
Melt the wax in a water bath. Pour into a bowl of water with the words: "I pour wax, I pour out the enemy." You can repeat this several times.
If you see such figures as: a flower, a moon, a month, then this is the work of a woman. And if the figures look like: a bear, a raven, a wolf, a square rhombus, then this is the work of a man. Often, a specific image looms, of the person who caused the damage.
It is also worth saying that there is a way to remove damage using wax casting, it is also similar to this method, but looks a little different. This method is designed specifically to find out who brought the negative program.

How to find out who caused damage by calling him to the nail from the cemetery
To implement this method, you need a nail from the cemetery. It can be either a nail found in a cemetery or a nail that was used to hammer the coffin lid. Remember the precautions, you should not take such a nail with your bare hands.
Next, drive this nail into the threshold, with the words: "Let my enemy come in 3 days, and if he does not come, he will die in six months. Cemetery, coffin, nail, an invited guest is waiting for you." Soon your enemy will come to you himself. Usually the person who comes is not himself, all nervous, tired. In general, you will immediately understand that this is the right person.

How to remove damage from yourself.

Method 1. At 12 o'clock at night, go to the place where there is spring water. Lay your underwear turned inside out next to the water, draw full palms of water three times and wash your face, only from the chin to the forehead.

Throw the last drops of water that remain in your palms into the water and say: "As the last drops of water go, so the last drops of my tears will go."

After that, turn your back to the water, take a little water in your right palm and throw it away over your left shoulder, while saying the words:

"Just as water flies quickly, so do evil corruption fly away quickly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Underwear must be worn for 3 days without removing.

Method 2. At 12 o'clock at night, you need to put the pan on the fire, throw three handfuls of salt on it with your left hand, and watch how the salt is fried for 20 minutes on fire (strong).

Say: “You are 77, I will feed you, I will give you a drink, show, tell who, for what and when evil was done to the servant of God (name), not by a beast, not by a fish, not by a bird, but by a man, show, tell, what? "

If the salt crackles strongly, turns black (sometimes a groan is heard), go outside, count 21 stars to your right and say: “Give back the queens-stars, return the evil that they brought me, not by fish, not by birds, but by man. Return to him I forgive him."

After that, do not take anything out of the house for 24 hours, do not lend anything.

Method 3.

Three sips of water to drink, the remaining, wash. Immediately set aside a coin (for alms). Continue treatment like this for 40 days.

Then order 3 prayers in the church: to the healer Panteleimon, the martyr Tryphon and the silverless Kuzma and Demyan, distribute 40 coins in the church to the poor for health.

4. Removal of cemetery damage. If you know that you have been corrupted with the help of cemetery land. Order in the church three masses in a row for health. If this is a man, then on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, if this is a woman, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. On the fourth day, give alms in 40 different places. And having come to the cemetery, standing at the gate, read the spell three times:

As the truth is that Christ is stronger than the forces of hell, so it is true that I saved the slave (name), the slave (name) from these forces from these forces. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen.

All the evil that they have done to you can be returned back. Take a glass of boiled water. Insist on the new moon.

First, read the prayer "Our Father."

Then say the words: “I’ll burn out the eyes of an evil person (light a match and throw it into the water. I’ll fill the eyes of an evil person with salt (throw salt into the water), I’ll cut an evil person with a knife (cut the water with a knife), I’ll mix all the evil and return it. Throw out a glass with water to the street.

Method 5. Before reading the plot, put the spoiled man on a chair facing east. Baptize the back of his head with a church candle and first read the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos “Indestructible Wall”, and only then a conspiracy. On a candle, you can draw with a new needle - “from damage”.

Prayer "Indestructible Wall".

"My Queen, My Hope, Mother of God, Friend of the orphans and the strange, Representative of the Sorrowful Joy, offended Patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow. as if you will: as if we have no other help, except for You, neither another intercessor, nor a good comforter, only You. O Mother of God, so save me and cover me forever and ever. Amen."

"In the name of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Blessed be day and night, every hour and now, and my word, and my work for success. I will go with the cross, being baptized and praying, bowing to the Lord God, water, earth and to all four sides of the white world. I will bring out the evil spirits with the help of the Savior, John the Baptist, Gabriel the Annunciator, Michael and Gabriel the Archangels, Elijah the Prophet, Mary Magdalene and all the saints. spinal bone, violent head, neck, from fast legs, hands, eyes, mouth, tongue, from a zealous heart, from all veins and veins, from skin and flesh, joints and sub-joints, from hot blood, from desire, vision , from talking and singing, from ear and hearing, from thoughts and thoughts, how to sit down and how to eat. So that no one could drink this blood, stir up the mind. How it is impossible to count the frequent stars in the sky, how it is impossible to harness the moon, how it is impossible to keep red sun, how it is impossible to put it in your bosom, how it is impossible from now on and forever and ever to spoil, feed, drink, with words and de scrap to harm God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

6. Protected from damage to the family. They read once in the morning and once in the evening, standing at the family icon “Hope, Faith and Love”: “In the sea, in the ocean there is a white fish - a raft. As that fish is sick without water on a dry shore, so let my enemy be sick. So that my family is strong, strong, whole, whole. Whoever eats that whitefish will not sleep an hour, will not live a day. In the name of God Christ, no one will break my family. As the scales adjoin the fish from head to tail, so is my family be strong and whole. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

7. From damage to destruction. " King Solomon, your sermons are known in the world. They read about you in the gospel. You are honored for your mercy and for your wisdom. Remember also the servant of God (name) about health and for a long good life. And who will destroy the servant of God (name), King Solomon will remember him for the rest. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

8. Conspiracy from damage. In calm weather, go outside, raise your eyes to the stars and say:

"My mother evening dawn, look out from heaven for that enemy who ruined me (name) with corruption, who muddied my bright soul. I bow to you, evening star. And how you are always clean and bright, so that I will always be clean and bright, and my damage to my enemy came down. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

9. Conspiracy from damage. They read on the first stars in the sky in calm, cloudless weather.

"My mother, evening star, look out from the heavens of my enemy. Remove the damage from me, but they found the enemy. Amen."

10. How to reduce damage through a round mirror. On the full moon, light three candles, take a boiled egg in your right hand, sit in front of a round mirror and say three times:

I look in the mirror at my images, from eye to eye, from face to face, from the mirror to the egg. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then, slowly, gently roll yourself with this egg. Be sure to burn the egg at night; your damage will also burn with him.

11. Family protection from spoilage. This conspiracy must be read on the day when all household members are at home and none of the family is absent. The plot is read by the youngest in the family (who already knows how to read well).

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Michael the Archangel walked from heaven, carried the Life-Giving Cross on his head, put this Cross on a stone bridge. This Cross stands for centuries, the Cross is fenced with iron bayonets, the Cross is closed with thirty-three locks. No one will open these locks , no one will spoil our family either in the morning, or in the afternoon, or at the evening dawn, or on the silver moon, and you, devil, Satan, get away from me, from my blood people, from adults and children. for you, here is a holy path in a holy clean place, fenced by the Holy Spirit for now and forever. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

12. Prayer from evil and corruption. " Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect us with Your holy angels and the prayers of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the holy, glorious Archangel of God Michael and other incorporeal heavenly powers, the holy prophet and of the Lord, the Baptist John the Theologian, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Mir of Lycia, Wonderworker, Saint Nikita of Novgorod, Saints Sergei and Nikon, Abbots of Radonezh, Saint Seraphim of Sarov, Wonderworker, Holy Martyrs Vera , Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, the holy and righteous Fathers of God Joachim and Anna and all Your saints. Help us, the unworthy (names), deliver us from all the slander of the enemy, from all evil, witchcraft, magic, sorcery and crafty people, may they not be able to harm us. Lord, with the light of Your radiance, save us for the morning, for the day, for the evening and for the coming sleep, and by the power of Your grace turn away and remove all evil unclean actions at the instigation of the devil. Who thought and did, return their evil back to hell. For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen." And then read like this:“For the first time, an honest, holy hour, God’s water flowed from a piping house through the city of Jerusalem from a sorcerer, from a heretic, from a sorceress, from a heretic, from scientists and initiates, from those blessed by the Church, baptized in a silver font, ran and got tired, stood before the Throne of God "From the Throne to the royal gates there was an angel. He cuts corruption with a fiery sword, he protects me, God's servant (name), protects. Mother of God, come and help, free from evil and corruption now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. And who will go against God's word, he will find his own death. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

13. How to return damage to the one who created it.

To remove damage from yourself and return it to the one who did it to you, you need to do this. Go to the forest on the thirteenth day of any month and look for a lonely dry wasp-nu there. Break branches from it and fold these branches in a cross.

Putting the branches crosswise, set fire to them from four sides. When the fire flares up and smoke comes out, look at it and say:

"I, God's servant (name), I will get up, shake myself, I will turn to gray smoke:

- Be you to me, smoke, at least a matchmaker, at least a brother, At least a father. Circle me, smoke, with your smoke ring. Take it, smoke, all witchcraft work was white from my body. Go, smoke, and find the one who is responsible for my grief. Throw, smoke, my dryness on him, dress him in my lantern. Put my damage, ruin, put the culprit in the belly. Word, go to word, deed, go to deed, so that nothing hurts in me forever and ever. Dym Dymovich, Veter Vetrovich, remove the damage from me, and take it to the guilty one. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

14. Amulet: it is also done once a year (best of all - on the day of the Angel). Read it while holding a lit new church candle. I speak to the slave (name) From all sorcerers, sorcerers, From sorceresses and sorceresses, from the croaking raven, From the skhimnik and the skhimnik, From the old man and from the old woman. I send from the slave (name) Everyone to walk through the forest, Tolnik to take from the ground. Wrap your head up. As long as the slave (name) is alive, do not mutilate her, Do not bewitch, do not drink, do not spoil. Not by word, not by deed, not by spruce, not by aspen, Not by stake, not by candle, not by Kupalna night, Not at Christmas time, not on one day that is given for spoilage. Word and deed. Amen.

15. Amulet for the eve of Shrove Tuesday. If you were exaggeratedly praised or envied, or maybe they said something bad, and you are a suspicious person, read this amulet on the eve of Shrovetide. It will protect you from possible negativity for the whole year. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mother of God Madam and you, four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian. Save and save me (name), Protect me from a dashing thought. From the devil's thoughts, From secret destruction, From the evil eye and the blind eye, From the envious eye, Who hears and who does not hear, Who swears aloud and who writes denunciations, Alatyr-stone lies in one place, He does not hear, does not see, not a knock , not afraid of the sound, not hiding from anyone. So no sound would have touched me, Knock and the word did not touch. I didn't worry about any damage. My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded. Neither the first of a kind, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

17. Protection from fear. There are people who are constantly or at least often in fear that they can be jinxed or spoiled. It must be said that partly because of this fear, they are really susceptible to such negative phenomena. If you belong to this category, then, going to a crowded place, especially if your ill-wishers are there, speak into the water, which then wash yourself. God is in heaven, God is on earth, God is everywhere, And my amulet is on me, God's servant (name). Just as living people do not gnaw a dead bone, So no one's evil eyes will take me. My words are the key. The key is in the sea, the lock is locked. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

eighteen . This protective rite has powerful power and is performed only a few times a year: on January 7, on your birthday or Angel Day, on the birthday of the Blessed Virgin and on Trinity. You need to prepare the following in advance: holy water, 7 church candles, an icon of Jesus Christ, an icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, Thursday salt, 2 mirrors and matches. Arrange these objects on the table like this: mirrors - on the left and on the right, so that both have your reflection and that they themselves are reflected in each other. Between the mirrors are both icons. In front of them - 4 candles, closer to you - 3 more candles. On the edge of the table on the right is a vessel with holy water. Around the table and chair, on which you will then sit, protection is made in a circle (clockwise), first with holy water, and inside with Thursday salt. Then sit on a chair and read the plot. Candles should burn out to the end, the water on the body should dry itself. Three days after the ceremony, fast, and the next day after it, visit the church, where you buy 12 candles. By 3, put them to the icons of Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God, Panteleimon. Conspiracy: The mirror is dark, the heart is black, Lord, help, sanctify the soul. I light a candle (light all the candles) And in a prayer I ask: put it on me. The servant of God (name) the prince of Darkness is the seal of Hell. Reflect the fire of Christ that black seal, Which was put on me, the Servant of God (name), evil people. Protect, Jesus, with unbearable protection, Lord, Jesus Christ, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, I put three bows: for the first time (cross yourself) Do not turn away from me, servants of God (name), For sins free and involuntary. Amen. For the second time (cross yourself) Grant salvation to my soul, Lord. Amen. For the third time (cross yourself) To the glory of the Father and the son and the Holy Spirit Protect the servant of God (name) with an indestructible cover, indestructible protection. Amen Time after time, cross after cross. Lock me, Lord, with your finger. I put three crosses with holy water (draw a water cross over the body, as they are baptized), In the name of the Lord I close myself with a cross (another such cross), In the name of Jesus Christ I close myself with a cross (draw the third cross). In the name of the Holy Spirit, I close myself with a cross. Amen, (to cross, bow).

19. Amulet for daughter it is also read by the mother on the day of the Angel, early in the morning, while she is still sleeping, while standing at her feet. O Mother of Christ, O Guardian Angel, You are the intercessors of my daughter. Servants of God (name). The servant of God is like lightning, Do not spoil it to the enemy or the sorceress, Nor to the evil enchantress. Protect the servant of God (name) In all matters, in all ways, In the sun and at night. Save, Lord, my daughter. I lay three crosses: Jesus Christ in front, the Most Holy Theotokos behind, Guardian Angel above my head. Keep your daughter safe.

20. How to remove the found (picked up) damage. You need to go to a spring or to any other place where there is clean water. Given the modern contamination of nature, this is sometimes difficult, but in your case it is a necessity. As a last resort, go to the neighboring region. Having found the source, you need to strip naked in front of it (choose a deserted place, not a pilgrimage center) and kneeling in front of the spring, read the plot forty times: “Oh, you, mother water! How holy and pure you are, how bright and fast you are, so wash me, deliver me from all the sorrows and hardships of the earth, from damage, frost, crease, hysteria, protect me from the crooked sorcerer and from the sorceress. I beg you, mother-voditsa, cleanse my body and my long-suffering soul. My bird heard all the words, heard everything, but did not understand anything. So my words are strong firmly forever and ever. Amen". After that, draw water in a bucket brought with you in advance and douse yourself with cold spring water. After bowing three times, get dressed, and leave without drying yourself. Never tell anyone about this. In general, this “no talking” rule should apply to all rituals and will not be repeated again.

Dry the flowers with which Mass was served, and Vespers on Trinity. Put one flower on a dish, pour holy water (1 cup).
Say with a lit candle the prayers "Our Father", "Symbol of Faith", "The Living in Help" (2 times each).
Three sips of water to drink, the remaining, wash.
Immediately set aside a coin (for alms).
Continue treatment like this for 40 days.
Then order 3 prayers in the church: to the healer Panteleimon, the martyr Tryphon and the silverless Kuzma and Demyan, distribute 40 coins in the church to the poor for health.

The rite of removal of severe damage, which cannot be eliminated in other ways, is held on the Trinity (a holiday celebrated fifty days after Easter) and only by the patient himself.

Collect a large bouquet, which should contain at least forty different flowers. For example, chamomile, cornflower and other wild flowers. You can pick and garden. With this bouquet for the Trinity, go to the temple, you must definitely defend the morning and evening services with it. Then you should begin the ceremony, which will last exactly forty days. To do this, take one flower from the bouquet every day (do not worry when they dry up), put it in a glass and pour holy water on top. When the water drains into the glass, dip your finger in it and wet the top of the head with it three times. Drink the rest of the water. Each time after the end of the ceremony (for all forty days), put a coin in a box specially prepared for this. In total, you should have forty coins.
After forty days, go to church again, order a health service for yourself and listen to the entire prayer service. (They also order and listen to a prayer service on the second and third days.) Then put candles in the church to St. Panteleimon, St. Tryphon, unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, and distribute forty coins to the poor.
After removing spoilage, drink tea from mint, tricolor violet and Ivan tea (of course, if you have no contraindications to taking decoctions from these plants). You can add sage, valerian, motherwort, St. John's wort to tea.
Seven days after the removal of the damage, the rite of the return of the Guardian Angel is performed.
For this house, you need to read the morning prayer to the Guardian Angel:
Holy Angel, stand before my accursed soul and my passionate life, do not leave me a sinner, depart from me below for my intemperance. Give no place to the crafty demon to possess me, the violence of this mortal body; strengthen my poor and thin hand and guide me on the path of salvation. To her, the holy Angel of God, the guardian and patron of my accursed soul and body, forgive me all, insult you with great insults all the days of my stomach, and if I have sinned this past night, cover me on this present day and save me from every temptation of the opposite, Yes, in no sin will I anger God, and pray for me to the Lord, may he confirm me in His fear, and worthy of showing me a servant of His goodness. Amen.
After that, go to the church, where you will buy two candles. The first candle is placed on the icon of the Mother of God, the second - on the icon of Jesus Christ (but not on the eve - be careful!). On the eve (rectangular candlestick) they put candles for the rest, but you need an oval-shaped candlestick.
Then order yourself a prayer for health.

22. Damage to a lonely beast
They slander about dog food (but not artificial food). Not approaching a stray dog, they feed it with leftovers from their table. This is done nine times. If it was done to a woman so that she ran away from home, then the food is given to the female dog, if it was done to a man, then they are given to the male dog.
They say this: Remember the dog soul of the slave (name). Amen.

23. Diagnostics of the negative

To test, you will need a glass of spring water, a wax candle and a new box of matches. Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water, saying (breath touches water): “Mix salt and water, damage, evil eye, curse, human harm is reflected on matches! May it be so!" - 5 or 7 times. Take a glass and put it on the crown of the person you are diagnosing, if you are checking yourself, you will have to ask someone for help. If necessary, the patient holds the glass (or there must be an assistant). Turn off your thoughts, clear your mind. Ask the question mentally or out loud: “Is there any negativity on this person?” Then light matches from a candle, draw along the border of the person's etheric body (at a distance of 3-7 cm from the body) and throw them into the water. You should drive a match crosswise three times:
1 match - over your head;
2 match - behind the back;
3 match - to the left of the patient;
4 match - to the right of the patient;
5 match - in front of the patient.
Carefully remove the glass and place on the table. Wait about 1-2 minutes and interpret the results. Diagnostic results:
1. If the match goes out at the time of baptism: above the head - the punishment of the Higher powers or self-evil; behind the back - a negative from the past (past life, birth damage, etc.); in front - the negative was sent in the face (during a scandal, in a personal meeting, they cursed in the eyes, etc.); on the right - the negative is associated with relatives (birth damage or one of the relatives cursed) or with loved ones (a relative, a friend spoiled); on the left - a negative from an unknown person (custom-made damage thrown into the wind, perhaps they lifted a damaged object, entered the water with a negative, etc.).
2. If the match went to the bottom: a severe form of negativity may lead to serious illness, or even death. Contact a specialist!
3. If the match has sunk, but its edge is on top of the water or directly below the surface: similar to the previous one, but your strong energy does not allow negativity to overcome you. Remove the negativity, fill yourself with energy.
4. Matches went under the walls of the glass: vampiric bindings, small negative.
5. Matches lay down in the form of the letter "P": damage taken from someone and transferred to you, or negative through food. The letter "X": negative for potency, infertility, for the closure of procreation. The letter "T": negative for ruin, damage to business. The letter "G": negative for anxiety, sleep disturbance and well-being, mental disorder. The letter "L": damage to love, to a quarrel. The letter "K": cemetery damage, binding of the deceased.
6. Matches are arranged crosswise: deadly damage, negative for permanent illnesses, taking away youth and health.
7. All matches in a pile are chaotic: there is no negative, a vampiric binding is possible, a slight evil eye that will go away on its own. Remove bindings, stop communicating with vampires, or create (buy from a specialist) a talisman against vampirism.
8. Matches converged in a row: there is no negative.
9. All matches are under the walls of the glass, and one in the center is the Seal of Loneliness.
10. All matches under the walls of the glass, and one in the center sank halfway: the Crown of Celibacy. After the diagnostics, the candle is extinguished by lowering the wick into the water. Water and matches are poured onto a wasteland or into the toilet. It is better to throw out a candle in a wasteland or an intersection, or reuse it only for diagnosing a specific person.

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