User manual. Refractometer. Operating Instructions Characteristics of RHB Series Models

Decor 10.04.2022



At its core, a refractometer is a small, hand-held instrument that is usually

includes temperature compensation that occurs in automatic mode, and also differs

waterproof performance. The product will be indispensable for those who consider themselves lovers of winemaking,

and is also equated to specialist brewers. With the help of our device,

You can always carry out the procedure for measuring the volume of sugar present in the wort, as well as juice, or in any liquid solution. Also, you can determine the volume of alcohol in an alcohol-containing liquid. The manufacturers took into account all the subtleties, as well as the suggestions of users, and made a very solid, high-quality product at a very affordable price. 0-25% alcohol and 0-40% Brix sugar.

We propose to consider how exactly the device is used directly. The operation of the refractometer is extremely simple. Before using it, you need to carry out an accurate calibration procedure. To achieve accurate results later, use some distilled water, which you place on the prism.

Then close it with a special glass flask. Water should spread around the entire perimeter, and without air penetrating under the flask. Once everything is ready, point the device at the light and look through the special eyepiece and start rotating it. Thus, the level of sharpness is adjusted. It remains only to visually read the available readings that are on the scale of the boundaries of the blue and white areas. Using an ordinary household screwdriver, ensure that the adjusting screw is correctly adjusted so that, within the eyepiece, the border of the colored areas is exactly at zero. Everything, the device is completely ready for daily operation.

The figure shows the general structure of the device:

Number one is the main prism;

Number two is the glass lid;

Number three is the adjustment screw, which makes the overall adjustment;

Number four is the body of the refractometer;

Number five is the data acquisition eyepiece.

Color scales located in the refractometer allow the user to provide an interpretation of the specific gravity data. There are several convenient formats, which we propose to talk about below:

Brix scale, which provides the user with information about exactly what percentage of sugar is present in the sample.

An alcohol scale will be needed to display the presence of alcohol. For example. To find out the level of alcohol in a wine drink, or in beer, you will need to organize two types of measurements. The first procedure should be performed even before fermentation. Then, you need to perform the second event.

The first dimension is 16 percent;

The second dimension is 4 percent.

Accordingly, the calculation is done as follows: 16 - 4 = 12 percent.

If we talk about the advantages of the device, you should pay attention to the fact that the design is completely universal. That is, having received Brix data on the corresponding scale, the user will be able to convert them to other values. There are special tables for this.

In order to teach the future how to use the device, we offer for consideration a special data ruler, with the help of which the Brix values ​​taken from the refractometer eyepiece can be converted into the values ​​of interest.

S% is a scale for sugar content. It is also called the Brix scale;

S g/l - measurement of the proportion of sugar in the sample. It is possible to identify the product in grape must;

A% - a scale showing the mass fraction of alcohol that is present in the distillate, including finished vodka, moonshine cognac, etc.;

M g / l is a scale for determining the mass fraction of an extract, for example, in wine, or a wine drink;

In% - a scale showing the presence of protein volume. It is required to detect it in the blood serum, as well as in another solution of water.

As an example, we suggest considering a ruler that clearly shows information on measuring alcohol in an ordinary aqueous solution. When a little vodka hits the prism, the device will show data at the rate of 14.5 Brix. We look a little higher and see that the data corresponds to 40 percent alcohol content. Correctly using these or those scales of the ruler presented by us, the user will easily be able to obtain all the values ​​\u200b\u200brequired for him.


RHW-25Brix ATC in quantity one piece;

Pipettes for applying liquid - 10 pieces;

One mini screwdriver;

Additional protective case

User manual.

The design is specially designed for use with alcoholic beverages, as well as all kinds of syrups that are related to winemaking. The device makes it possible to measure the amount of sugar in grapes. This will help the winemaker find the best time to start harvesting and producing grape wine.


Value of division


0-40% Brix

0.20% Brix

±0.2% Brix


What you should pay attention to:

There are several types of models on the market. All devices updated from a technical point of view receive the Latin letter “N” at the beginning of the name;

Automatic thermal compensation is in the region from 10 to 30 degrees Celsius;

Models such as the RHW-25/ATC as well as the RHW-25/Baume/ATC are typically used to accurately determine the volume of alcohol in grape wine that is produced using juice.


Below is a list of components with a new design:

light plate;

Adjusting screw for organizing calibration measures;

Function for adjusting the focus;

Retainer required to secure the calibration screw.

Now consider the basic order of use and operation of the device:

1. The front edge of the device should be directed towards the light. Customize the eyepiece so you can clearly see the crosshairs.

2. Next, the calibration procedure is carried out. A small amount, namely a couple of drops of distilled water, is applied to the light plate. The plate is closed. Press it a little so that the liquid can be distributed around the entire perimeter of the prism. It is important to achieve the absence of air bubbles, as well as dry patches. Once distribution is complete, wait a minute for the sample to be on the prism. Now make an additional adjustment of the calibration screw and ensure that the border of the colored areas is at zero. Remember that it is mandatory to set up a refractometer that includes a temperature compensation function at +20 degrees Celsius of the environment. If the room temperature has changed by more than three degrees Celsius, you should recalibrate in order to improve the level of measurement accuracy.

3. The main operating procedure must be carried out after the end of the calibration in the same sequence as the initial calibration. So. Gently open the main light plate and wipe the surface of the prism with a soft cloth. Once the prism is clean, apply a couple of drops of the test liquid to it. Close the plate and then press down a little. Everything, you can read the finished information from the scale. Use the borders of the light area as well as the dark area. All data obtained will correspond to a value that refers specifically to a particular type of solution.

4. After the measurements are completed, clean the device of all the used solution that is on the surface of the prism, as well as on the light plate. Use only damp cotton rags to avoid scratches. After the plate has dried, it should be pressed again.

Device maintenance and warnings for its use.

Zeroing is to ensure that the liquid, as well as the test sample, have the same temperature. If this parameter differs, then every half hour the zero point must be set again.

After you finish using the refractometer, never wash it with copious amounts of water. If liquid gets inside the device, it may fail and require repair;

Each version of the refractometer is a high-precision optical device, so it must be handled with care, without violating the rules of use established by the manufacturer. Avoid touching optical surfaces and avoid scratching them. Store the device in a dry and clean place. The device is subject to corrosion, so precipitation, even in the form of fog, is not recommended. When transporting, carry out careful fixation, avoid hitting hard objects and sharp shocks.

If you use the device in full accordance with the above methods, then it will not require repair for a sufficiently long period of time. Note that the optical properties do not change.

Temperature correction

The factory temperature of the device is 20 degrees Celsius. When using, it is best to timely carry out the temperature compensation procedure according to the table. Important - models that are initially marked with the designation ATC already have at their disposal a function for automatic temperature compensation. Accordingly, for them, temperature correction, carried out on the basis of the data in the table, is not required.

The ATC40 handheld optical refractometer is a professional instrument for measuring the percentage of alcohol in grape must and sugar in wine. The principle of operation of the device is based on determining the refractive index of a sugar-containing liquid, which is proportional to the concentration of sugar. This determines the maximum accuracy of the measurements.


  • Measuring range - 0~40% sugar (Brix), 0~25% alcohol
  • Measurement step - 0.2% sugar (Brix), 0.2% alcohol
  • Accuracy - ± 0.2% Brix, ± 0.2% alcohol
  • Automatic Temperature Compensation Yes (Range: 0°C~30°C)


  1. Point the front edge of the refractometer at a bright light source and adjust the peephole so that the crosshairs of the reticle are clearly visible.
  2. Perform calibration:
    • Open the light plate and put 2-3 drops of distilled water on the main prism.
    • Close the light plate and press it lightly so that the water is distributed over the entire surface of the prism without forming bubbles or dry patches.
    • Leave the sample on the prism for approximately 30 seconds.
    • Adjust the calibration screw so that the border of the dark and light areas falls exactly on the zero line.
    The temperature compensated refractometer should be set up at an ambient temperature of 20°C. If the operating temperature in the room or measurement site (but not the sample) has changed by more than 3°C, it is recommended to recalibrate to improve measurement accuracy.
  3. Take measurements:
    • Open the light plate.
    • Wipe the surface of the prism with a soft cotton cloth.
    • Drop 2-3 drops of the test solution onto the main prism.
    • Close the light plate and press lightly.
    • Take readings from the scale at the border of light and dark areas. The readings correspond to the value related to the solution.
  4. After measurement, wipe off all solution from the surface of the prism and light plate with a damp cotton cloth. After drying, the plate must be pressed again well.

Here you can buy a refractometer for winemaking, a handheld portable device, has (automatic temperature compensation) and waterproof design. 0-25% alcohol and 0-40% Brix sugar. Indispensable for growers, winemakers, brewers... In fact, a universal model, you can measure sugar in must, juice, in any aqueous solution, you can measure alcohol in an alcohol solution.


Using a wine refractometer is very simple. First you need to calibrate it. To do this, drop distilled water onto the prism and close it with a glass cover, the drop under the glass should spread evenly without air bubbles. Point the device at a source of daylight, looking into the eyepiece and rotating it, adjust the sharpness, read the scale readings at the border of the white and blue areas. Using a screwdriver, adjust the adjusting screw (3) so that in the eyepiece, the border of the white and blue areas is exactly at zero, after which the device is ready for use.

1-Prism, 2-Glass cover, 3-Adjustment screw, 4-Body, 5-Eyepiece.

The refractometer's two scales allow you to interpret liquid specific gravity values ​​in several convenient formats:

The Brix scale shows the percentage of sugar by weight.

The alcohol scale displays potential alcohol. In order to determine the alcohol content of wine or beer, two measurements must be taken: the first before the start of fermentation and the second after its completion.

1st measurement 16%

2nd dimension 4%

The device is absolutely universal, knowing the Brix readings on its scale, we can very easily convert them to other values ​​​​we need using special tables.

To simplify the work with the device, below is a ruler with which you can convert Brix values ​​​​(you can see it in the eyepiece of the refractometer on the left) into other values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you need to know in winemaking and brewing.

Ruler for converting Brix values ​​to other values:

S% - a scale for the percentage of sugar, which is called the "Brix" scale;

S g/l scale of the weight fraction of sugar, for example, in grape must;

A% - scale of the mass fraction of alcohol in distillate, vodka, cognac, etc.;

M g/l - the scale of the mass fraction of the extract in wine;

B% - a scale of the percentage of protein in blood serum or other protein solution in water;

For example, now the ruler shows data on the measurement of alcohol in an aqueous solution. This is if ordinary vodka is dropped onto a prism, the device will show 14.5 Brix, which corresponds to (look at the scale above) 40% alcohol content.

Using the various scales of the ruler in this way, you can easily read other quantities we need.


BRICS: 0 ~ 40%
Alcohol: 0 ~ 25%
Must Specific Gravity: ± 1%
Brix: 1% Brix
Specific gravity of must: 0.1
Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC): 10°C ~ 30°C


Wine Refractometer RHW-25Brix ATC
mini screwdriver

Translation instructions:

Refractometer for wine instruction in Russian.

The device is designed to work with alcohol and syrups related to winemaking. It measures the sugar content of the grapes, which helps the producer choose the optimal time for the production of grape wine.


1) If this is a new version of the model, the letter N is added to its name, for example: RHWN-25ATC, etc.

2) Automatic temperature compensation (ATC) range: 10°C to 30°C

3) Models RHW-25/ATC and RHW-25/Baume/ATC are commonly used to determine the alcohol content of grape wine made from natural grape juice.


Components with a new design

1----Light plate; 2----Calibration screw; 3----Focus adjustment; 4 ---- Peephole; 5----Calibration screw retainer

Operating procedure:

1) Point the front edge of the wine refractometer at a bright light source and adjust the eye so that the crosshairs of the sight are clearly visible.

2) Calibration.

Open the light plate and put 2-3 drops of distilled water on the main prism. Close the light plate and lightly press it so that the water is distributed over the entire surface of the prism without forming bubbles or dry patches. Let the sample rest on the prism for about 30 seconds. Now adjust the calibration screw so that the border of the dark and light areas falls exactly on the zero line.

The temperature compensated refractometer should be set up at an ambient temperature of 20°C.

If the operating temperature in the room or measurement site (but not the sample) has changed by more than 3 C, it is recommended to recalibrate to improve measurement accuracy.

3) The operating procedure is followed after calibration in the same sequence as calibration. Open the light plate. Wipe the surface of the prism with a soft cotton cloth. Drop 2-3 drops of test solution onto the main prism. Close the light plate and press it lightly, then you can read the reading from the scale at the border of light and dark areas. The readings correspond to the value related to the solution.

4) After measurement, wipe off all solution from the surface of the prism and light plate with a damp cotton cloth. After drying, the plate must be pressed again well.

Service Warnings.

1) Zero setting. Liquid and sample must be at the same temperature. If the temperature differs greatly, the zero point must be reset every 30 minutes.

2) After use, never wash the refractometer with water to prevent water from getting inside the device.

3) As a wine refractometer is a precision optical instrument, it should be handled with care and taken good care of. Never touch or scratch optical surfaces. Store the device in a dry, clean place, away from sources of corrosion, and also protect the surface from fog and mold. When transporting, avoid sudden shocks.

4) If you use the tool in accordance with the specified methods, then it is guaranteed that it will never become unusable. The optical properties of the device do not change over time.

Temperature correction

The base temperature of the device is 20°C. During operation, temperature compensation should be carried out according to the table. Models with the designation ATC are equipped with an automatic temperature compensation function. Therefore, for them, temperature correction according to the table is not required.

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The multifunctional portable refractometer WZ-116 (RHB-90ATC) differs from similar devices in the ability to measure not only in units of Brix in the range of 58-90% and with a resolution of 0.5%. But also in Baume units in the range of 38-43 Be "and a resolution of 0.5 Be", as well as to determine the water content, for example in the fruit part, in the range of 10-33% and a resolution of 1%. Such characteristics of the WZ-116 (RHB-90ATC) model determined its widest distribution in the food industry for assessing the concentration of sugar and other indicators in various liquids. The scale of the refractometer WZ-116 (RHB-90ATC) displays the light reflected from the boundary of the prism and the sample, the refractive index of which depends on the value of the measured parameter, such as sugar concentration or water content. Dimensions..

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The unique refractometer model WZ-109 (RHB-92) is designed to measure the level of sugar in products with high concentrations in the range of 58-92% Brix. And the high resolution of 0.5% Brix and accuracy of ±0.5% Brix provide control in processes where even the smallest deviations in sugar levels matter. The Brix unit has been specially developed for the purpose of determining the concentration of sugar in juices, drinks and vein, and has been internationally certified. This unit of measurement, fixed on the scale of the WZ-109 (RHB-92) refractometer, is a derivative of the refractive index of light at the boundary of the test sample. We know from experience that if, for example, a pencil is lowered into a glass with a liquid, it will seem broken and the stronger, the higher the refractive index of the liquid.

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Refractometer WZ-711 (RHBS-32ATC) measures the refractive index in a sample, which can be used to determine the chemical composition of a complex substance and the ratio of simple substances contained in it, such as sugar. Such a measurement is carried out due to beam deviations depending on the composition. Therefore, part of the light is reflected at a certain angle on the built-in scale, marked according to international agreements. The scale is marked using special tables and formulas that are easy to understand for the average consumer and can be easily implemented in Excel format. The WZ-711 Refractometer (RHBS-32ATC) provides a simple and quick measurement of sugar concentration in Oechsle units in the range of 0-140°Oe and KMW units in the range of 0-27°Babo. Measurement accuracy ±0.2%..

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Refractometer WZ-511 (RHW-80ATC) is used in the production of spirits, including beer and wine. The device determines the refractive index of light at the boundary of the tested liquid with high accuracy. And since it directly depends on the composition of the liquid, in particular the percentage of alcohol, you can find out everything you need by converting the measured coefficient into the desired indicator using special formulas and correspondence tables. So it is quite possible to calculate the initial gravity of already fermented beer or its alcohol content. Or determine the density value during filtration and wort boiling. For example, there is a bottle of beer and you need to know its initial density. We take a WZ-511 (RHW-80ATC) refractometer, take readings and substitute in the desired formula. For this I..

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Refractometer model WZ-115 (RHB-82ATC) is used in the food industry to evaluate the sugar concentration in various liquids, such as juices and drinks. The design of the device is based on modern achievements in physics and is very simple - a sample of liquid is placed between two transparent plates, after which a division into dark and light parts is visible on the scale through the eyepiece in the light. The boundary of this division shows on the scale the value of sugar concentration in international Brix units. If it is necessary to translate the refractive index to measure other indicators, there are special formulas. The scale built into the WZ-115 (RHB-82ATC) refractometer is designed for the range of 45-82% Brix, has a resolution of 0.5% Brix and an accuracy of ±0.5%. The dimensions of the device are 140 mm by 40 mm by 3..

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Refractometer WZ-114 (RHB-62ATC) is designed to work with sugar-containing liquids in the most common range of 28-62% Brix. This, combined with a resolution of 0.2% Brix and an accuracy of ±0.2% Brix, ensured the mass distribution of the device. Model WZ-114 (RHB-62ATC) is extremely easy to set up and use. Simply put some liquid on the glass, press down with another glass, wait thirty seconds for the temperature of the liquid and the instrument to equalize, and you can read the readings through the eyepiece. The scale built into the device is marked in Brix units approved by world standards, showing the concentration of sugar. However, if there is a need for other units of measurement, detailed conversion tables and special formulas are available. Refractometer WZ-114 (RH..

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Refractometer WZ-514 (RHW-25aATC) with high accuracy determines the refractive index of light at the boundary of the liquid being tested and converts it into a percentage of alcohol in the range of 0-25% or Baume units fixed by world standards in the range of 0-20Be". The device is widely used in brewing and winemaking and ensures the determination of indicators necessary in production, such as the initial density of the liquid or the concentration of the wort.To do this, you can use the correspondence tables and special formulas that are quite simple and do not require higher mathematical education for their application.Direct display on the scale of the WZ-refractometer 514 (RHW-25aATC) alcohol concentrations with a resolution of 0.2% and an accuracy of ±0.2%, as well as Baume units with an accuracy of ±0.2B..

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Refractometer WZ-715 (RHBS-44ATC) uses scales: Oechsle (Oe°), Brix (% ​​Sucrose) and KMW (Vavo). So, measurements of the level of grape juice are carried out in units of Oe ° (degree Oxle in Germany) and KMW (degree Vavo in Austria), which are related as follows: Oe \u003d KMW * 5. And the measurement of sugar concentration is performed in units of Brix. These units of measurement are obtained as a result of many years of research and approved by world standards. Refractometer WZ-715 (RHBS-44ATC) measures the refractive index in a sample, which can be used to determine the chemical composition of a complex substance and the ratio of simple substances contained in it. Therefore, part of the light is reflected at a certain angle onto the built-in scale. The unique WZ-715 refractometer (RHBS-44ATC) provides a simple and fast...

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Portable model refractometer WZ-211 (RHS-10ATC) is used to determine the concentration of salt in solutions and brines by the refractive index. This coefficient characterizes the degree of light refraction at the boundary with the sample, depending on the concentration of certain substances, such as salt. The device is clear even to a non-professional, since a few drops of a sample between two transparent plastics are enough and through the eyepiece the concentration level in fractions per thousand and specific gravity will be visible. It is applied in medical, research and educational laboratories, on production, in life and training. The measurement range of the refractometer WZ-211 (RHS-10ATC) salt concentration is 0-100‰, the resolution is 1‰ and the accuracy is ±1‰. The specific gravity is determined in the range of 1.00-1.07, the scale step is 0.001 ..

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The RHA-303 refractometer is used to measure the refraction of light at the boundary of the test liquid. When light passes through the prism and is reflected at the border of the sample, it hits a built-in scale, specially marked according to world standards. The marking is designed for direct reading of the density of the electrolyte in batteries and batteries and the freezing temperature of coolants. Model RHA-303 is used in the production of antifreeze, batteries, batteries. Due to the simplicity of the device, it has become very popular not only among chemists, but also among mechanics in car services and car repair shops, especially in the northernmost regions of Russia. The RHA-303 refractometer has an extended scale designed for a wider temperature range, capturing the lowest temperatures of the Far North. T..

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Refractometer for coolants and electrolyte RHA-501. Measurement range of freezing point of ethylene glycol -50 - 0°С (-60 - +32°F), propylene glycol -50 - 0°С (-50 - +32°F), electrolyte density 1.10-1.40 sg.

The unique model of the RHA-501 refractometer is designed for motorists of all countries, as it provides measurement of the freezing point of coolants in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit. The device has also proven itself among car owners and car repair workers as a reliable and easy-to-use and operate optical device. The RHA-501 model consists of a prism, a transparent pressure plate, an integrated scale, an eyepiece for reading the result and a calibration screw. The kit also comes with a screwdriver for calibration and a suede cloth. The scale of the device is specially marked for direct reading of the solidification level of propylene glycol, ethylene glycol and cleaner, as well as electrolyte concentration. The RHA-501 refractometer provides temperature measurement at ..

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Refractometer RHB-55 is used to determine the refractive index and measure the sugar concentration in juices, wines and drinks. The coefficient expresses the refraction of light at the boundary of the prism with the liquid and the result can be seen through a special eyepiece. Inside the device there is a special scale on which the concentration of sugar is marked. There are also special tables and formulas for converting to other units of measurement for calculating other indicators. The concentration of sugar is measured with the RHB-55 refractometer in units of Brix, which is why the device is also called a "brix meter". The measurement takes place in the range of 0-55% Brix, with a resolution of 1% Brix and an accuracy of ±1% Brix. This wide range and large scale pitch of the device make the RHB-55 the most suitable for specific applications..

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Refractometer WZ-101 (RHB-10) is an easy-to-use, ergonomic device for determining the concentration of sugar in foods and drinks. The working part of the device consists of two glasses, on one of which a liquid sample is dripped and illuminated by natural light. Passing through the prism, the light beam is deflected at the border of the sample in accordance with the level of sugar in it. By design, the brix meter is similar to any other refractometer, but has a specially calibrated scale. It is possible to additionally use special tables and formulas with the WZ-101 (RHB-10) refractometer to calculate some other necessary parameters in fruit juices, drinks and wines. Model WZ-101 (RHB-10) has a specially designed scale for measuring the concentration of sugar in food..

In garbage

Modern industrial potential has reached unprecedented proportions. Now in the world the quality of almost all manufactured goods is controlled. To ensure the proper level of product quality, more and more new measuring instruments are created every year, which serve to accurately calculate certain relevant characteristics.

The ubiquitous measuring instrument

One of the most important and highly demanded modern instruments is the laboratory refractometer. Its functional responsibility is to determine the composition of various substances and the presence of certain impurities in certain materials of manufacture.

Widely used in industries such as:

  • food industry;
  • chemical materials and components;
  • applied engineering;
  • petroleum products;
  • production of various automated equipment, etc.

Wide application variability

In addition to the above industries, you can buy a refractometer in a huge list of other areas. This measuring device is extremely useful not only in laboratory research, but also in small and medium-sized industries. The price of a stationary refractometer may differ from the model, the accuracy of the output data and the availability of additional options.

High quality standard is the main policy of our store

Our specialized store of measuring instruments offers you a refractometer in Moscow at the best prices. In addition to a pleasant pricing policy, we offer a wide selection of the most popular models, as well as the rarest and hard-to-reach devices for general use.


Refractometer RSG-100-ATC

Notes: 1) If this is a new version of the model, the letter N is added to its name, for example: RSG N-100-ATC, etc.

2) Automatic temperature compensation (ATC) range: 10°C to 30°C


Components with a new design

1----Light plate; 2----Calibration screw; 3----Focus adjustment; 4 ---- Peephole; 5----Calibration screw retainer

Operating procedure:

1) Point the front edge of the refractometer at a bright light source and adjust the eye so that the crosshairs of the sight are clearly visible.

2) Zero setting.

Open the light plate and put 2-3 drops of distilled water on the main prism. Close the light plate and lightly press it so that the water is distributed over the entire surface of the prism without forming bubbles or dry patches. Let the sample rest on the prism for approximately 30 seconds. Now tweak adjusting screw so that the border of the dark and light areas falls exactly on the zero line. The temperature compensated refractometer should be set up at an ambient temperature of 20°C. If the operating temperature in the room or measurement site (but not the sample) has changed by more than 3 °C, it is recommended to recalibrate to improve measurement accuracy.

3) The operating procedure is carried out after calibration in the same way as calibration. Open the light plate. Wipe the surface of the prism with a soft cotton cloth. Drop 2-3 drops of test solution onto the main prism. Close the light plate and press it lightly, then you can read the reading from the scale at the border of light and dark areas. The readings correspond to the value related to the solution.

4) After measurement, wipe off all solution from the surface of the prism and light plate with a damp cotton cloth. After drying, the plate must be pressed again well.

Service Warnings.

1) Zero setting. Liquid and sample must be at the same temperature. If the temperature differs greatly, the zero point must be reset every 30 minutes.

2) After use, never wash the device with water to prevent water from getting inside the device.

3) Since the device is a precision optical instrument, it should be handled with care and taken good care of. Never touch or scratch optical surfaces. Store the device in a dry, clean place, away from sources of corrosion, and also protect the surface from fog and mold. When transporting, avoid sudden shocks.

4) If you use the tool in accordance with the specified methods, then it is guaranteed that it will never become unusable. The optical properties of the device do not change over time.

Temperature correction

The base temperature of the device is 20°C. During operation, temperature compensation should be carried out according to the table. Models marked ATC are equipped with an automatic temperature compensation function. Therefore, for them, temperature correction according to the table is not required.

We recommend reading
