Marina Viktor origin and meaning. The meaning of the name is Marina. Diminutive names

Heating 01.02.2022

Meaning of the name

Marina is an attractive, charming, mysterious, freedom-loving and wayward person who knows how to subordinate her emotions to reason (especially when it promises her benefits). She is vain and selfish, prudent and prudent, which helps her build a brilliant career, but at the same time destroys her personal life. Consider how the season in which she was born affects the character of Marina.

Characteristics of the name Marina

Winter Marina - a woman with an active lifestyle. She prefers to solve all problems on her own, rather than relying on others or the Russian "maybe". This is a real careerist who can sacrifice personal happiness for the sake of building a successful career. Winter Marina is extremely demanding of others, so you will not envy her chosen one, because family life with this powerful woman is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpassions (moreover, this sea often overflows its banks).

Spring Marina - this is a romantic and mysterious nature that lives in a world of its own illusions, which are far from reality. Such a view of life through the prism of "pink glasses" threatens with disappointments, nervous breakdowns and prolonged depression. This woman will be cozy and comfortable next to a person who can become her guardian angel, while it is very important for her that he be spiritually close to her.

Summer Marina sociable, sensitive, good-natured and responsive. She easily wins over people who gladly open their souls to her. It is not surprising that the summer Marina chooses a profession such that it implies communication with people. For men, this woman is a dangerous seductress, collecting men's conquered hearts. Her ideal is a strong, wealthy, intelligent and charismatic man.

Autumn Marina - a balanced and reasonable nature, which objectively looks at things and calmly reacts to all life's troubles. She achieves a lot in her career, but in love she is most often unlucky. And all for the reason that she knows her worth very well, and therefore she is waiting for the ideal man who will meet all her high requirements and bring bright colors and emotions to life.

Stone - talisman

The stones patronizing the Marinas are black opal and mother-of-pearl.

Ambiguous meanings are attributed to this rare stone: on the one hand, it is considered a stone of good luck and prosperity, and on the other, it promises deceptive hopes.

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Ancient people believed that black opal represents physical and spiritual fidelity. It brings happiness, gives inspiration, drives away fears, helps to reveal the gift of clairvoyance, stimulates mental activity, relieves insomnia.

This stone has the strongest energy, and therefore is considered a reliable amulet against black magic.

Interesting Facts! Opal brings good luck to those who inherit it. In addition, it is recommended to wear products with this stone set in gold and always on the index finger of the right hand. And one more thing: this stone does not get along with mundane, greedy, deceitful and hypocritical owners.

This unusual stone strengthens the family and brings harmony and peace to family life.

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White mother-of-pearl is a symbol of goodness, good luck, innocence and purification. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves mood and gives energy. In addition, mother-of-pearl develops intuition and protects the house from dark forces.

In ancient Rome, this stone, considered the mother of pearls, symbolized power, wisdom and longevity.


The colors favorable for Marina are yellow, red, black and blue (more about these colors can be found in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of a name on a person's life").



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The animal is a symbol

Marina's spirit animals are sea horse and trout.

This marine inhabitant, moving exclusively forward, symbolizes determination and unbending willpower, harmony between the outside world and the inner self.

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In addition, the seahorse is the personification of non-standard thinking and fidelity to one's ideals. It is a symbol of good luck, strength, courage and power. This fish is especially favorable to sailors.

But not everything is so clear in the symbolism of the seahorse, which can personify stubbornness and vanity.

This fish is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge of the other world.

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Trout is also identified with mobility, energy, activity, but at the same time with scrupulousness and meticulousness.



Marina's talisman plants are the butt and lily.


This plant symbolizes purification and enlightenment. It was believed that the aroma of the backdrop activates thought processes and uplifts the mood.

Attributed to the back and magical properties, consisting in the neutralization of witchcraft, envy, irritation and anger. You can also awaken carnal love with the help of a butt.

Our ancestors kept a butt in the house to attract peace, love, happiness and prosperity. In addition, this plant protects against evil spirits.

This snow-white flower symbolizes innocence, modesty, purity, rebirth and boundless trust in Christianity (it is believed that the lily grew out of the tears of the first woman - Eve, while she shed tears when she left paradise). But in ancient Egypt, the lily personified erotic love and fertility.

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Lily is a symbol of power, perfection, greatness and power.

But some peoples identify the lily with death, as well as the afterlife.


Marina's metal is bronze - an alloy of tin and copper.

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Bronze symbolizes power, strength, courage and fortitude. Also, ancient people believed that with the help of this metal you can protect yourself from negative impacts.

auspicious day


Origin of the name Marina

Name translation

From Latin, the name Marina is translated as "sea".

Name history

The name Marina is a female variation of the old and rather rare male name Marin, which comes from the Latin "marinus", which means "marine".

In addition, according to Roman mythology, the goddess Venus was called Venus Marina (it was this goddess who patronized sailors).

It is interesting that this name is common only in the territory of the countries of the former USSR.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name: Marinochka, Marinka, Marusya, Marisha, Marinushka, Marichka, Marisya, Mara, Musya, Rina, Mary.

The legend of the name Marina

There is a legend about the Holy Great Martyr Marina of Antioch, who was born in Antioch. She was the daughter of a pagan priest and lost her mother early, so she was brought up by an Orthodox nurse, from whom she learned about the existence of the Christian faith.

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At the age of 12, Marina was baptized, as a result of which the father disowned his daughter. When Marina was 15 years old, she was seen by Olimbri, the ruler of the area where the girl lived. He was so captivated by her beauty that he proposed marriage to her. At the same time, Marina did not hide the fact that she was preaching Christianity (Olymbri himself was a pagan). In order to convert Marina to his faith, the ruler gave her to the care (re-education) of a noble pagan woman, but Marina did not change her faith. For this, she was publicly subjected to cruel torture: she was flogged with rods, nails were driven into her body and burned with fire.

But on the body of Marina miraculously healed all the wounds, and the torture was repeated again. Then the tormentors decided to drown the saint in a large barrel, but their plan was not destined to come true, because during the torture the earth trembled, while the fetters fell off the girl’s hands, and a light shone over her head, in which a dove circled, in whose beak there was a golden crown . The people, watching everything that was happening, were not only amazed, but also began to praise God.

Olymbrios ordered the execution of Saint Marina, as well as those who, having seen a miracle, converted to Christianity. According to legend, 15,000 people were executed on that rainy day.

Marina's secret

name patrons

  • Marina Syrian.
  • Holy Great Martyr Marina of Antioch.

Angel Day (name day)

Famous people

Famous actress named Marina:

  • Marina Vladi;
  • Marina Zudina;
  • Marina Neelova;
  • Marina Ladynina;
  • Marina Aleksandrova;
  • Marina Ignatova.

Famous writers and poets named Marina:

  • Marina Tsvetaeva;
  • Marina Alekseeva (pseudonym - Alexandra Marinina).

The meaning of the name Marina

For a child

Marina is a cheerful, agile and self-confident child who consciously and subconsciously does everything to please others. This obedient girl can be arrogant and proud, so parents should devote maximum time to her upbringing.

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If you offend her, then Marina will not let anyone down: neither classmates, nor friends in the yard. Moreover, the girl will resolve conflicts not through conversations, but with the help of her fists (if necessary, this complaisant child can start a real adult intrigue).

Marina can easily be called a leader, especially since she has some kind of special charm that helps to subjugate her peers, regardless of their gender. In addition, she tries to subjugate not only her peers, but also her parents, over whom she often has great power.

I must say that Marina has a highly developed self-esteem, so any lie, and even more so betrayal, is extremely difficult to perceive. She never forgives her offenders. But she appreciates and protects her friends, although she has few of them, and all for the reason that even in childhood she is in no hurry to trust people.

Marina studies well (it all depends on her mood and attitude to a particular subject or teacher). Impulsiveness distinguishes her both in life and in her studies, so you should not be surprised if this girl turns from a rather mediocre student into an excellent student in an instant.

For girl

Marina is a wayward teenager who prefers the friendship of men to boring gatherings with girlfriends (especially since she is never deprived of male attention, which flatters her pride).

Already in her youth, sociable, cheerful and sharp-tongued, Marina is popular with her peers, which increases the number of her ill-wishers and rivals. But this state of affairs only encourages Marina.

As in childhood, impulsiveness prevails in her character, which prevents her from completing what she has started to the end. Without the ability to concentrate on a specific goal and a clear plan of action, it will be difficult for her in adulthood, where mistakes are not forgiven.

The owner of this name, in principle, does not like to live by the rules and limit herself to anything, therefore she often plays with fate, often coming out of this game as a winner (Marina can be safely called the darling of fate). At the same time, her goal is to satisfy her pride and once again prove to herself and others that she is the best, and, therefore, deserves to be admired. And here the main thing is to catch the fine line between healthy egoism and hypertrophied egocentrism.

For woman

Adult Marina is sweet, attractive, charming and self-confident. Her main goal is to build an ideal family, for which she will easily give up her career aspirations, even if she has excellent prospects for professional growth. However, this woman will have to make a lot of efforts in order to achieve the desired goal: for example, Marina has a huge number of novels, but they are all short-lived, and all because it is quite difficult for this woman to keep male attention.

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For Marina, it is extremely important that her words do not diverge from her deeds (in general, Marina can be attributed to the category of women who have a strong masculine character). She is objective and unbiased, but it is typical for her to go against the opinion of the majority and say "no" where many would say "yes".

The owner of this name tries to live a full life, in which there is a place for passions, emotions, and sober calculation. And I must say that she does it very well.

Despite the fact that Marina gives the impression of an open person, this is not so. In fact, she is very secretive, so she rarely opens her soul to anyone. Her diplomacy helps to get around unpleasant situations, but sometimes emotions still prevail, which is fraught with an impartial showdown.

Description of the name Marina


Marina easily changes moral principles depending on the situation, while remorse about this does not torment her. And one more thing: strict prohibitions act on this person in the opposite way, which should be remembered in childhood by her parents, and in an adult - by her chosen one.


The weak points of the active and energetic Marina are the reproductive and nervous systems. In addition, she should pay special attention to her diet and daily routine in general, since excessive physical activity threatens physical and psychological exhaustion.

It is very difficult to resist the charm and charm of Marina, so she has a lot of fans. She likes strong, smart, attractive, calm and wealthy men (Marina is firmly convinced that she deserves only the best). At the same time, if Marina really likes a man, she will not pretend to be touchy, because she is used to acting at the behest of her heart.

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The following is interesting: it is common for Marina to cultivate in herself a feeling of loneliness and longing, and even without love suffering, her life is gray and colorless.

Like any other woman, Marina needs care, love and tenderness, but her personal life is rarely cloudless, because men see her as a cheerful and carefree woman, with whom it is pleasant to spend time, but not to build a family.


Marina is often married more than once: for example, her first marriage is early and short, so she approaches her second marriage responsibly. Her soulmate is a calm man with a balanced character who will pay maximum attention to the family. In addition, the issue of material support is extremely important for Marina.

It should be noted that Marina places excessively high hopes on her spouse, so if he does not justify them, then it is quite possible that he will seek personal happiness in the arms of another man. At the same time, this woman will never forgive her husband's betrayal.

The well-being of Marina's family life depends, first of all, on whether the chosen one can surround her with attention and care, both in the spiritual and material spheres. Words of love and admiration are an integral part of living together with this woman who loves to surround herself with the best things. In family relationships, Marina does not tolerate rudeness and humiliation, to which she reacts sharply (up to a divorce).

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Marina's independent and stubborn nature prevents her from finding a common language with her mother-in-law, so marriage with a "mummy's son" is doomed to failure in advance.

I must say that Marina quickly gets tired of the family routine, so the lack of diversity can destroy family life. A holiday is what this woman longs for always and everywhere.

In raising children, whom she loves very much, she is inconsistent: today she can scold for an innocent prank, and tomorrow she will not pay attention to a child’s serious misconduct. No wonder her children don't always know how to approach their mother.

But still, Marina cannot be called a bad housewife, wife and mother, because her house is always clean and comfortable, there is a delicious dinner on the stove, the children and husband are well-groomed, and relatives are surrounded by care. In addition, she loves to receive guests, whom she surrounds with attention and tries to treat with culinary delights.


Marina is a sensual woman with charm and sex appeal for men.

It should be noted that Marina's intimate life is not only an opportunity to satisfy her physical needs, but also a way to assert herself, get rid of complexes. The reason for entering into an intimate relationship for her can be both a deep feeling for her partner, and an irresistible momentary passion.

In general, the owner of this name can be called a gentle and sensitive partner who tries to please her chosen one, to whom she is quite demanding.

Sexual relations for Marina are an integral part of her interesting and multifaceted life.

Mind (intelligence)

Marina has a synthetic type of thinking, while she is characterized by a superficial assimilation of information, which can significantly slow down her career advancement. In addition, Marina cannot boast of a good memory.

Active and energetic Marina finds herself in male professions, which is quite natural, given her strong and strong-willed character. So, she will make an excellent engineer, doctor, economist, lawyer, translator, politician or diplomat. The creative professions of a sculptor, artist, designer, and actress are not alien to her.

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The main thing for Marina is to choose the right profession in which she will feel needed and in demand. The owner of this name feels most comfortable in leadership positions, because she knows how to properly organize the workflow (and in general she likes to command).

This woman has a masculine manner of leading, while she is always objective, prudent and pragmatic, which helps to gain the trust of both men and women.


Marina is a risky and adventurous person, so her business can rapidly develop and bring her considerable income, or, on the contrary, join the ranks of unsuccessful projects. But often Marina's business is successful, because this person devotes a lot of time and mental strength to his work (perseverance and hard work help to achieve success in any business).

Marina lacks only constancy and the ability to concentrate, so it is better to get a reliable assistant who will help her in the most difficult situations.


Marina is constantly choosing her hobby, which she can devote a lot of time to. It can be rock climbing, river rafting or visiting theaters and museums.

Character type

Straightforward and sharp in her statements, Marina can say a lot of unnecessary things, but she does this mostly unconsciously. She does not know how to remember evil for a long time, so the next day she may not even remember a quarrel or quarrel. A great sense of humor helps her smooth out sharp corners.

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Although Marina can be called an emotional person, she is still able to subordinate emotions to common sense. At the same time, her susceptibility, impatience and impulsivity can cause various troubles both at work and in her personal life. In general, Marina, whose character can be compared with ice and fire at the same time, is prone to quite strong disappointments that can develop into bouts of loneliness and real despair.

Often Marina closes herself, faced with serious difficulties, before which she can give in if she is not supported in time.


The mystery of Marina borders on some kind of occult magnetism, which this woman uses in full. She has excellent intuition, which helps her emerge victorious from many risky adventures. But still, most of all, this woman relies on her intellect.

Horoscope named after Marina

Marina - Aries

This is a very sensitive nature, which is characterized by impulsiveness and a sharp change in mood. So, during periods of inspiration, Marina-Aries is overwhelmed with strength and energy, while sadness and longing lead to the fact that she closes and becomes gloomy. For this woman, the opinion of others is extremely important, so she makes every effort to create a positive image. The man of Marina-Aries must first of all be patient and calm, then she will give him all of herself without a trace.

Marina - Taurus

Feminine, charming, sympathetic and good-natured Marina-Taurus looks weak and defenseless, but such a first impression is deceptive, because if necessary, she turns into a real lioness who can stand up for herself (besides, this woman knows her own worth). Charming and sociable Marina-Taurus attracts male attention. At the same time, she will choose a partner who will understand and respect her. She will give such a man boundless tenderness.

Emotional, unbalanced, curious, but at the same time incredibly talented Marina Gemini achieves everything by any means.

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Thanks to her femininity, affectation and coquetry, she has an unlimited influence on men who are ready to pave her path with scarlet rose petals. She skillfully plays the role of a weak and defenseless woman, which helps her to lure into her networks a reliable, strong and wealthy man who is ready not only to love Marina-Gemini, but also to protect her from everything in the world.

Marina - Cancer

This is an impressionable and timid nature that thinks and acts under the influence of emotions. She cannot find herself and her place in society, so she often takes on one thing, then another, and in the end she can’t cope with any of them. Any difficulties force Marina-Raka to retreat. As a result, she falls into a state of depression. This woman needs an independent, reliable and self-confident partner who clearly knows what exactly he wants from life. With such a chosen one, Marina-Rak will become an excellent mother and an excellent hostess.

Marina - Leo

This woman is endowed with a rich imagination. She is scrupulous, vain and selfish. Her main goal is to win the recognition of others and make a brilliant career (and best of all, become famous). But the dreamer Marina-Lev rarely makes her dreams come true, because she does not know how to properly allocate her time and energy. In addition, she can not be called a hardworking person. Marina-Lev is also accustomed to idealizing her partner, which negatively affects her personal life, bringing disappointment and resentment to her.

Marina - Virgo

This is an interesting personality in which commercialism and good nature, sociability and distrust coexist. Marina-Virgo is optimistic about the future, but she tries not to open her soul to people, as she is afraid of disappointments. For her, such components as home comfort and peace of mind are important, but she tries not to let passion into her small ideal world. In a man, Marina-Virgo is looking for support and reliability, and not romance and passion. It is important for her to feel protected and needed.

Soft, sophisticated and gentle Marina-Libra does not like to conflict: she would rather give in than prove her case.

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Despite the presence of ambitious plans, this woman cannot overcome shyness. Such an inability to defend her point of view can negatively affect all aspects of her life. Marina-Libra is attracted to intelligent, well-mannered, caring and kind-hearted men who are alien to arrogance, rudeness and rudeness.

Marina - Scorpio

This sympathetic, kind and compassionate woman has a rich inner world, which not everyone can understand. It is not surprising that for many, Marina Scorpio is a mystery, which is not easy to solve, because her mood changes more often than the weather outside. This woman can be timid and bold, bold and silent, shy and promiscuous. Marina-Scorpio needs love experiences, no matter what shade they wear. Her partner must have endurance, patience and diplomacy.

Marina - Sagittarius

Passion, impulsiveness and impatience - these are the features that are characteristic of the eccentric Marina-Sagittarius, who acts solely in accordance with her mood. She tends to put off until tomorrow all that can be done today. In relationships with men, Marina-Sagittarius is also impulsive and impulsive. She resembles a huntress whose trophies are men's hearts. This woman herself does not know what kind of man she needs.

Marina - Capricorn

This demanding, scrupulous and practical woman is extremely difficult to please, and all for the reason that Marina-Capricorn considers herself an extraordinary person, therefore only extraordinary and original people should surround her. Numerous admirers of Marina-Capricorn rarely meet her high requirements, so the novels of this woman are short-lived. She is waiting for the perfect man in every sense, so she often ends up alone.

The idealist and dreamer Marina-Aquarius is distinguished by a fine mental organization. In addition, this woman has an idealistic worldview that prevents her from reconciling with the realities that she faces daily.

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The personal life of Marina Aquarius also does not add up, as she is waiting for her handsome prince, while all her suitors are more like dull and boring snobs. Only a sober-minded man can reason with this woman.

Marina - Pisces

This mysterious and mysterious woman has a highly developed intuition that helps her overcome many difficulties. Marina-Pisces is well versed in people, therefore, it will not work to deceive her, especially if she manages to combine her prudent mind with a developed inner voice. Marina-Pisces is a devoted and loving wife, ready to devote herself to her family. In general, this woman will make an excellent match for any man.

Marina name compatibility with male names

Marina and Dmitry

These are people with a strong character, so their life together will be difficult, but at the same time bright and interesting. The marriage of Marina and Dmitry can take place if both learn patience.

This tandem is ruled by reason, not passion, so the relationship between Marina and Alexander is often stable and durable.

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Both for each other, first of all, friends, and only then lovers.

Marina and Eugene

The carelessness of Marina, who rarely thinks about the coming day, does not suit the practical Eugene, for whom everything in life should go according to plan. Therefore, this union is rarely successful.

Marina and Sergey

Marina completely suits Sergei as a hostess, but her imperiousness becomes an insurmountable obstacle on the way to building a strong family in which equality reigns.

Marina and Andrey

The owners of these names do not tolerate routine in relationships, which helps them not only maintain feelings, but also increase them. The union of Andrei and Marina is promising and successful.

Despite the fact that both partners have strong characters, they still know how to make compromises in order to save their family and their love.

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A reverent and tender attitude towards each other helps them overcome many difficulties.

Marina and Vladimir

Therefore, it is not surprising that Marina is trying to create an atmosphere of love, tenderness and warmth for her Pavel.

Marina and Artem

Both partners in this union are emotional and impulsive, which prevents them from coming to a common decision that would satisfy both. Disagreement reigns in their family life in everything that eventually leads to parting.

Marina and Anton

There is no place for quarrels in this happy ideal couple, since Marina and Anton strive for one thing - to create their own little world of love and tenderness, which they do very well.

Marina and Mikhail

These relationships are ruled by reason, and largely due to the prudence and practicality of Michael. But Marina is assigned the role of a hostess, providing coziness and comfort in the house.

Marina and Nikolay

Marina and Ilya

Interest in everything new and unknown brings Marina and Ilya together, and given that they have common values ​​​​and interests, it becomes clear why this union is not in danger of parting.

In this rather rare union, two freedom-loving personalities meet.

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And if Marina is ready to give up her independence for the sake of her family, then Vladislav is not ready for such a serious step.

Marina and Vitaly

The purposeful Marina does not understand the calm Vadim, who is accustomed to go with the flow.

Marina and Oleg

This is the rare case when a combination of different characters and temperaments allows you to create an interesting and lasting union in which partners can both argue and find a compromise.
Oleg - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Marina and Konstantin

Energetic and sociable Marina can make an excellent match for the silent and reasonable Konstantin, but it is important to dose your energy flow.

They say about such a union that it is based on heaven, since an enviable harmony reigns in both everyday and intimate relationships between Marina and Victor, which nothing can break.

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Marina and Vyacheslav

This union lacks practicality, as well as a reasonable approach to building relationships. But ambition is more than enough, but you can’t build a strong family on it.
Vyacheslav - the meaning of the name

Marina and Ruslan

Marina's task in this union is to inspire Ruslan, only now a man perceives such behavior on the part of his beloved as a desire to rule and lead. As a result, the union breaks up.

Marina and Vasily

The development of relations in this union depends on whether the impatient Marina can come to terms with the slowness and pragmatism of Vasily. Power and assertiveness will not achieve anything here.

Marina and Anatoly

Both partners in this union dream of a cozy home, but Marina devotes too much time to work, which Anatoly does not like. If both can come to a common decision, then their marriage will be long.

Marina and Stanislav

Emotions are what governs the difficult relationship between Marina and Stanislav, while none of them wants to give in, which leads to a loud scandal and parting.

Surprisingly, everyone gets what they were looking for and is satisfied with the result.

Marina and Kirill

This is an active and energetic couple who cannot sit in one place. They need space for thought and action. Bottom line: an interesting family life of Cyril and Marina, in which there is no routine.

Meaning and origin: marine (Latin names).

Derivatives: Marinka, Marinusha, Marisha, Masha, Marisya, Mara, Marusya, Musya, Ina.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Marya Marina, dove's eyes.

Marina is not a raspberry, it will not fall off in one summer. As Marina brewed, so disentangle.

July 30, in Marinin's laziness, summer steps over a sultry age, the birds stop singing, they think.

Energy and Karma

No wonder the name Marina named after the sea, there is something attractive in it, like a sea beach. Just don't swim too far behind the buoys, otherwise the lifeguard may not have time to come to the rescue.

This, of course, is a figurative expression, but in general, in terms of its energy, the name Marina really resembles either an oncoming wave of surf, or a spring, ready at any moment to resound and shoot. Well, besides, a sonorous and beautiful name can not only attract the attention of others, but can also give Marina herself a very developed ambition.

Secrets of communication

Often in his spiritual outburst Marina able to say a lot of superfluous things, but this does not mean at all that you are now enemies forever. Most likely tomorrow Marina and will not remember the quarrel, or she herself will seriously regret what she has done. It is best to neutralize the outbreak of conflict with the help of good humor.

  • Zodiac sign - Aries, Pisces.
  • Planet - Venus, Moon
  • Name colors Marina - yellow, red, steel, sea wave
  • Talisman stone - noble black opal, mother-of-pearl.
  • Marina's auspicious tree is willow.
  • Cherished plant - lily.
  • The patron of the name is the seahorse.

General characteristics of the name Marina

  1. Personality. Quiet women.
  2. Character Marina. 90%.
  3. Radiation. 94%.
  4. Vibration. 93,000 vibrations/s
  5. Main features. Will - sociability - activity - intelligence.
  6. Color. Yellow.
  7. Totem plant. Heather.
  8. Totem animal. Carp.
  9. Sign. Fish.
  10. Type of. Don't judge about Marina x by name, even if their totem is a carp. These persons are able to bring to the end the most difficult and overwhelming task. As a rule, these are extra-class women who cause sympathy among the people around them.
  11. Psyche. Rather, they are business people. It is easier for them to do something than to talk about it. They have a masculine way of leading and ruling. Objective and confident.
  12. Will. Very strong since childhood. Around them there must be people with a balanced psyche, otherwise they will completely suppress them.
  13. Excitability. In these women you will find true friends. They know how to be friends with both men and women.
  14. Speed ​​reaction. Easily ignited, but always act with calculation. Marina likes to contradict and say "no".
  15. Field of work. These women always carry out their plans. The most important thing for them is to choose a profession. Marina chooses a job where you need to order, even if it is associated with risk. If they become interested in art, they will definitely become sculptors or artists. In any case, they manage to wrap others around their fingers.
  16. Intuition. There is something hidden, unknown, shrouded in mystery in them, which makes others guess at their identity.
  17. Intelligence. They have a synthetic type of thinking. However, care must be taken to Marina the girls did not grab on top, but delved into the essence of the problem.
  18. Susceptibility. Good, but no overlap. They are characterized by restraint, they do not like to put their feelings on display.
  19. Moral. Marin's morals do not keep up with their actions, like a commissary train behind an army. If it is profitable for them, they can change their moral principles.
  20. Health. It seems to them that they have horse health, so they do not spare themselves, sleep little, eat irrationally, work too much. Minor ailments can complicate their lives. Weaknesses: autonomic nervous system, genitals.
  21. Sexuality. Women with this type of character feel strong attraction and strive to live life to the fullest. Their sexuality is all together: delicacy, pleasure, soulful sex, happiness and unhappiness.
  22. Activity. Active and trying to make a career in professions related to the category of men.
  23. Sociability. Marina an incomparable hostess, cooks well and knows how to entertain guests, skillfully and intelligently uses profitable acquaintances to her advantage. With great love they treat the family, but by nature they are still independent.

These persons are too strong for a woman character. In such "quiet" women as Marina hidden strength and power.

Marina's character

Marina is unpredictable. She values ​​life experience more than outside advice. She is possessed by “anxiety, wanderlust”, which pushes her on her way. She loves travel and adventure, even prone to adventurism. She is one of those who pays the bills herself, without haggling with fate, although outwardly she sometimes seems to be her favorite. Marina's mind, as a rule, is extraordinary, prone to paradoxes, as a character - to contradictions.

As a rule, Marina is not beautiful with the generally accepted reference beauty, but she always stands out among the rest with some kind of mystery and love spell female power.

Marina has an extremely high opinion of herself, and for good reason: women with this name have a mysterious charm and a certain magnetism, before which men are completely helpless. Clever, bold, uninhibited; she has a highly developed self-esteem, very proud.

Marina does not tolerate inattention to herself.

The meaning of the name Marina

The feminine form of the name Marin comes from the Latin word "marinus" - marine. Usually, Marina high opinion of yourself. And beautiful Marina often overestimates himself.

She knows how to subordinate emotions to reason, so that everything that concerns her personal fate, she does deliberately and prudently.

Sensuality awakens very early in it. At school, passions always boil around Marina, notes are handed over, quarrels break out between the boys, there are always those who want to carry her portfolio. It's amazing that this happens regardless of whether she is beautiful or ugly. Marina. These women from childhood to old age have a mysterious charm, a kind of magnetism, before which men are completely defenseless.

Clever, bold, uninhibited, with a highly developed self-esteem; faced with the betrayal of a loved one, she will not reconcile herself, even if a divorce threatens to collapse her whole life. With such a complex combination of pride and prudence Marina still not stingy.

Marina will make the happiness of a person who is calm, with an accommodating character, who knows how to provide her with the necessary standard of living. At the same time, the husband must constantly admire Marina, she will not tolerate inattention to herself. Due to high self-esteem, Marina has a difficult relationship with her mother-in-law. He works wonders in the kitchen, striving at all costs to impress guests with his culinary skills. In caring for children, she is quite impulsive: either she rushes to fill in obvious gaps in their upbringing, or she leaves the children to themselves for a long time, she is able to arrange a scene of jealousy in the presence of strangers.

Marina's first marriages are difficult.

Often choose the profession of nurses, doctors, telephone operators, engineers, hairdressers, actresses.

Marina has the most complex character, patronymic Matveevna, Andriyanovna, Vladimirovna.

The probability of a successful marriage of Marina with Sergey, Anton, Denis, Mikhail, Valentin, Vladislav is very high. And unsuccessful - with Boris, Nikolai, Anatoly, George, Stanislav.

Marina by season

Mystery of the name Marina- "marine" (Latin.)

Slightly arrogant girl. He has a poorly managed character, tries to subjugate all his household, at the same time he can recklessly succumb to the influence of a stronger person.

The sexual feeling awakens very early. At school, passions always boil around Marina, notes are handed over, quarrels break out between the boys, there are always those who want to carry her portfolio. And it's amazing that this happens regardless of whether she is beautiful or ugly. Marina. Marinas from childhood to the most advanced years have a mysterious charm, a kind of magnetism, before which men are completely defenseless.

Clever, bold, uninhibited, not a laugher, but a cheerful disposition. She has a highly developed self-esteem, when faced with a lie or betrayal of a person she loves, she will not be silent, will not be shy, will say everything she thinks. Without hesitation, she will leave the person who betrayed her. Marina practical to the point of commercialism, in this case she will not stop even before the fact that the break will lead to a deterioration in her financial situation.

Her first marriage was difficult. Marina's happiness will be a calm man with a good character who knows how to create the necessary standard of living for her. At the same time, the husband should be constantly admired by her. She will not tolerate even the slightest inattention.

Because of Marina overestimates himself, relations with his mother-in-law are difficult. It can work wonders in the kitchen, striving to impress the expected guests with its culinary abilities by all means. In caring for children, she is quite impulsive: either she rushes to fill in obvious gaps in their upbringing, or she cools off for a long time, leaving them to themselves. Able to arrange a scene of jealousy in the presence of strangers.

Predisposed to pharyngitis, bronchial disease, she has an unstable nervous system.

  • "Winter" Marina unbalanced, not indifferent to men and does not hide it.
  • "Autumn" - a little calmer. Succeeds in all spheres of activity, but more gravitates towards the exact sciences. This is an engineer, a doctor. The name goes well with patronymics: Savelievna, Alekseevna, Petrovna, Mikhailovna, Naumovna, Sergeevna.
  • "Summer" - seductive, pleasant to talk to, dangerous for men.
  • "Spring" - romantic, mysterious. She can also work anywhere and successfully, but she is most comfortable in the service industry. This name goes well with patronymics: Voldemarovna, Ashotovna, Emmanuilovna, Stoyanovna, Grigorievna, Surenovna.

Marina with patronymics: Matveevna, Andrianovna, Vladimirovna - has complex characters.

Marina's secret

Whatever the features of women who are named after Marina!

However, born in different months, years and, of course, from different parents, they will all have the following features.

Marina cannot be kept close to her mother's skirt, since childhood she has been striving to touch everything in this world with her hands - this trait is born by the consonant M of the first syllable of her name. Marina not a couch potato, not a lazybones, but he will gladly fulfill any assignment. She finds an application for her powers on her own - a consequence of the influence on the character of the letter A, located in the same syllable.

The second syllable is formed by the letters P and I. The first of them makes Marina manly true to this word. If Marina she said that she would come on a date, she would definitely fulfill her promise. But the second letter gives a woman an exquisite taste. Marina will not agree to meet with a gray man, but only with those in whom he distinguishes a zest.

In the third syllable of this name there is a consonant H and another vowel A. This means that if Marina“has laid her eyes” on a young man, then she will steadily strive for him, and she will not take strength on this path. Perhaps it would be wiser for the latter to capitulate?

Marina name traits

Marinas are sexually preoccupied, they like to take a walk. Uncontrollable. In a bad relationship with his mother, frequent quarrels.

Strongly influenced by the street and random people.

Quickly grasp the specifics, instantly orient themselves, self-confident, brave. They strive to act recklessly, risky. Marina has a strong emotionality, categoricalness and a change in hobbies. Does not accept everything in a row, hardworking, sometimes able to harm herself.

Marina sexy even on the outside. She has many fans, but, alas, fickle.

Disadvantages of the name Marina

Marina high opinion of himself, often overestimates his abilities. Able to subordinate emotions to reason. Everything that concerns her personal life, she does deliberately and prudently. Will not repeat the mistakes of her friends and succumb to their influence.

More from school Marina knows that it is necessary to choose a prestigious and profitable profession. Marries out not so much for love as for sober calculation. She expects her husband to ensure her well-being, create comfortable living conditions. Demands respect for himself, cannot put up with the humiliation of his own dignity, in whatever form it manifests itself. It will force you to reckon with it at any cost. Let her face divorce in marriage, dismissal at work, a complete break with friends, Marina all the same, he will seek recognition of his merits, but will not change his principles.

Marina's self-esteem is more precious than any blessings. Rather be left alone. You can’t call her a miser, but still she is economical, although in one day she can spend all her savings, but only on herself. In the service field Marina also very prudent and practical. If she works as an attendant in a second-rate hotel, it is only because she hopes to get an apartment; if a cook in a restaurant, then in order to graduate from a culinary college or catering institute without any problems; if a waitress at Intourist, then to get married profitably, and so on.

It is useless for Marina to give tasks that cannot bring her success or personal gain. From such cases he skillfully slips away. He works willingly for himself, sparing no effort. Housekeeping does not fascinate her, she deftly throws all the worries on her mother-in-law, mother, husband and children. Strives to constantly communicate with profitable people, to be in sight, to shine with wit.

Marina even in his old age he will not take care of his grandchildren, he will spend time with his friends better.

You can congratulate your family and friends on holidays, happy birthday, anniversary and other memorable dates!

The name Marina gives a woman freedom, willfulness, the charm of the sea element. The origin of the name from the Latin Marius allows you to translate it as marine.

The main patroness of Marina is Marina of Antioch, she lived in the 3rd century, was born and raised by pagan parents, who married her at the age of 15. Despite this, she accepted Christianity with all her heart, and did not renounce her faith even under torture. In the end, Marina was executed, as were all of her followers. Another patroness of these women can be Marina the Syrian, who has lived in a cave in prayers for more than half a century.

According to the church calendar, girls with this name can celebrate name days several times a year, on March 3, July 18, the Orthodox calendar contains information about the following days of the angel - March 13 and July 30.

The meaning of the name Marina is determined by the zodiac horoscope and talismans. This name can be called girls born under the sign of Pisces, it will bring good luck. The Moon and Venus patronize women, giving femininity and mystery, the color - marine, green is ideal for Marin.

The most successful time of the year is winter, and important events usually take place on Thursdays. The plant-totem - lily, gives trust, purity and at the same time power and greatness. According to legend, this flower grew from the tears of Eve, she fell to earth when she left paradise. Of the animals, Marina is protected by seahorse and trout.

The seahorse is a symbol of movement, purposefulness, fidelity to ideals. And trout bestows wisdom and activity. The best jewelry for Marina is with mother-of-pearl and black opal. Mother-of-pearl helps to maintain peace and tranquility, heals the nervous system, is responsible for a good mood, and gives energy for life. Black Opal protects against fears and sharpens intuition.

This very rare stone has a high energy. For the full return of power, it must be presented or inherited by the owner. It is worth remembering that black opal does not tolerate deceit and hypocrisy, he will leave such a mistress.

The full name sounds Marina, and affectionately girls can be called Marinka, Marishka, Marinochka, Marisha, Rina, Rinulya, Marochka.

Meaning of the name

Women with the name Marina are distinguished by a bright temperament. They are always relaxed and self-confident, courage is the main feature of their character. Marishkas love attention and try to get it. At the same time, these women prefer to decide everything on their own, and often for them loneliness is the only right way out in order to maintain their pride.


The character of Marin is impulsive, they are easily excitable, impatient, sociable. The secret of the name lies in the fact that it contains a certain riddle. At first glance, the character is dual, the owners of this name commit acts that are difficult to predict and explain. This is due to emotional and mental instability.

Pride, impulsiveness, resentment, readiness to explode at any moment often interfere with peacefully living and communicating, love can turn into hatred in a matter of minutes. Straightforwardly says what he thinks, in the eyes, does not tolerate gossip and talk behind his back. However, often her opinion differs from the opinion of the majority. He prefers not to interfere in other people's affairs.

Marinochka makes the first impression as an open and sincere person, which means for others, it is easy to communicate with her. This is a mistake, in fact, secrecy prevents her from being frank.

There is a share of arrogance in it, Marina has a very high opinion of herself. Despite outward evenness and friendliness, she is rarely spiritually close to anyone.

This woman tends to close in on herself, especially when things do not go the way she wants. There will be many black stripes in her life, but mental suffering allows her to live. She simply cannot do without it, otherwise life seems insipid, and Mariska creates problems for herself. Melancholic by nature, she is often overtaken by depressive states.

Marochka knows how to manipulate people well, and often her friends are just a tool in capable hands to achieve goals. Benefit for herself comes first, so she has few close friends. He copes with difficulties poorly, often giving in to them. It can offend a person, but, despite its touchiness, it quickly cools down and forgets about the bad.

It seems that her life is ruled by emotions, but this is not entirely true. She knows how to cope with them, thinks about her actions in advance, thinks sensibly, before taking a step, carefully weighs everything. Holds fate in his hands. He will never miss personal happiness, strictly monitors his actions and does not give in to momentary impulses. Weakness is not about Marina!


It is difficult to predict what fate awaits the owner of this sea name. No one can fully understand Marinochka, not even herself. This woman can live a long quiet life or a bright, memorable one filled with inspirational deeds. Strong character allows you to remain a mystery to other people.

The characteristics of the name in terms of fate are such that Mariska will not sit within four walls for a day, she needs communication. From childhood, he prefers a male society, where he can show a lively mind and high intelligence. In her youth, a girl learns to control her emotions, but she will always be characterized by a change of interests. It is quite possible that after a few years of study she will realize that the subject is not hers, and will begin to master a new specialty.

For Rinochka it is important to show your creativity, this is the meaning of her life. The fate is influenced by when the girl was born. Career success awaits winter women who have insight and determination, but in their personal lives they are able to show character and make scenes.

Born in the spring, Mariska is a mysterious girl who loves the world of dreams and illusions. Which often leads to depression and disappointment. Summer women are open and sociable, they easily find their calling. For men, such a woman is simply a goddess. Marina, who was born in autumn, is serious and calm. Copes easily with all difficulties, appreciates and knows himself. He meets the ideal of his man, with whom he creates an excellent family.


Marishka has been surrounded by male attention since childhood, she early comprehends the secrets of the male essence, intuition helps her in this. Possessing a special charm and natural magnetism, she will never be alone, fans surround this woman all the time. At first, Marina does not really strive for marriage, she comes to this with time.

Marochka chooses charismatic and wealthy men who are able to surround her with love and care. She makes high demands on her partner, but she herself is ready to do everything possible for him. A sharp negative reaction causes disrespect for oneself, rudeness, this can lead to a break in relations.

Marina's wife should understand that she will never give up an active life. This is not the kind of person who will devote himself entirely to the household and children. Monotony and everyday routine is another reason that can destroy a family. Although this woman creates with inspiration in the kitchen, striking the household and guests with culinary delights.

He loves children, but is engaged in education with laziness. He can actively participate in their lives and give them maximum attention, and sometimes he completely lets everything take its course, and leaves the children simply unattended. How strong the family will be, the name of the potential partner also affects.

Marishka's ideal relationship can develop with Makar, Trofim, Boris, Gordey, Dmitry, Yegor, Nikolai. A good couple will be with Anatoly, Mark, Semyon, Konstantin, Pavel, Viktor, Vitaly, Sergey, Evgeny, Eldar, Klim. But it’s not worth taking risks and connecting life with Vladislav, Savely, Yaroslav, Artur, Oleg in order to avoid disappointment.


The main strong quality of the owner of the name Marina is determination. She always confidently goes to her goal, achieving what she wants. It is very difficult to knock her off the path, which allows her to reach great heights in her career. Marinochka will make an excellent leader who works according to a strictly planned plan and achieves results. She is not afraid to take on responsibility and does it well.

Success awaits Marisha in creative professions. She can try herself in cinema or theater, where she will definitely receive recognition. The field of art is not the only thing that attracts her. Marina will make a good engineer or doctor, journalist or scientist. The desire to be in sight and constantly develop will help in your career. In addition, this woman quickly acquires the necessary acquaintances.

The main motivators in work are financial independence and fame.. But as for starting your own business, Marina is not recommended to do this. The fact is that this is an impulsive person, and in business several other qualities are needed - rigidity, cynicism, flair, which Marinochka lacks. However, she easily organizes the workflow and knows how to lead.

1. Personality: quiet women

2. Main features: will - sociability - activity - intelligence

3. Color: yellow

4 Totem Plant: Heather

5. Spirit animal: carp

6. Sign: fish.

7. Type. Don't judge them by their name, even if their totem is a carp. These persons are able to bring to the end the most difficult and overwhelming task. As a rule, these are extra-class women who cause sympathy among the people around them.

8. Psyche. Rather, they are business people. It is easier for them to do something than to talk about it. They have a masculine way of leading and ruling. Objective and confident.

9. Will. Very strong since childhood. Around them there must be people with a balanced psyche, otherwise they will completely suppress them.

10. Excitability. In these women you will find true friends. They know how to be friends with both men and women.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. Easily ignited, but always act with calculation. They love to contradict and say no.

12. Field of activity. These women always carry out their plans. The most important thing for them is to choose a profession. Choose a job where you need to order, even if it is associated with risk. If they become interested in art, they will definitely become sculptors or artists. In any case, they manage to wrap others around their fingers.

13. Intuition. There is something hidden, unknown, shrouded in mystery in them, which makes others guess at their identity,

14. Intelligence. They have a synthetic type of thinking. However, you need to make sure that these girls do not grab on top, but delve into the essence of the problem.

15. Susceptibility. Good, but no overlap. They are characterized by restraint, they do not like to put their feelings on display.

16. Morality. The morality of these women does not keep up with their actions, like a commissary train behind an army. If it is profitable for them, they can change their moral principles.

17. Health. It seems to them that they have horse health, so they do not spare themselves, sleep little, eat irrationally, work too much. Minor ailments can complicate their lives. Weaknesses: autonomic nervous system, genitals.

18. Sexuality. Women with this type of character feel strong attraction and strive to live life to the fullest. Their sexuality is all together: delicacy, pleasure, soulful sex, happiness and unhappiness.

19. Activity. Active and trying to make a career in professions related to the category of men.

20. Sociability. They are incomparable housewives, cook well and know how to entertain guests, skillfully and intelligently use profitable acquaintances to their advantage. With great love they treat the family, but by nature they are still independent.

21. Conclusion. These persons are too strong for a woman character. In such "quiet" women lies a secret strength and power...

According to Mendelev

A good, reliable and joyful name for an outwardly very ordinary woman. Her virtues are hidden and invisible to the indifferent gaze. She is even and affable with those around her, but rarely anyone manages to achieve spiritual intimacy with her (a sign of "cold"). Success in business does not worry her very much, because her country is the space of the soul.

Marina Tsvetaeva gave an excellent description of her name:

Who is created from ashes, who is molded from clay,

And I'm silver and sparkle.

I care - treason, my name is Marina,

I am the mortal foam of the sea!

Marina has the highest intuition and excitability, which helps her discover new sources of joy and interest in life unknown to others. But just as easily, Marina droops and succumbs to a feeling of emptiness. By temperament, she is, perhaps, still a melancholic.

Ice and fire - this is how you can define this nature.

Marina either passes through life quietly and completely unnoticed, or flies by noisily, brightly and stormily - but this flight does not last long.

The main color picture of this name is the crimson sun over the blue sea.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Marina falls in love with beautiful, strong, charming men. If she likes a man, she is able to give herself to him on the very first evening after meeting.

Marina considers sex both as a means of satisfying love passion, and as a way of self-expression and self-affirmation, getting rid of complexes. She can feel tender feelings for a man with whom she is close and at the same time make contact,

driven only by physical passion.

"Winter" Marina is sexually excitable and active. She demands a lot from her partner, but she herself is able to sensitively follow his erotic experiences and go towards his desires.

Sexual relations are an integral and not the least significant part of her life. If Marina marries by calculation, this calculation also implies the sexuality of her future husband.

"Autumn" Marina is rarely satisfied in love. She is demanding, knows her worth and wants to get what she deserves. He loves diversity in the emotional sphere, cannot stand boring, insipid relationships. She often makes life difficult for herself.

Marina is straightforward and open, able to disarm her partner with the generosity of passion. At the same time, she feels some kind of isolation, feeling lonely, even surrendering to her lover. Marina often cultivates her longing, a feeling of loneliness in herself: sometimes one gets the impression that she simply revels in her love sufferings, without them life seems colorless to her. She does not like to feel bound, does not like limitations, she always plays with her fate, as it were. In her sexual relationships, she is looking for an opportunity to achieve spiritual comfort, to feel desired, loved, and this desire of hers is sometimes so frank and ingenuous that she cannot but conquer

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Marine". In Greek, this name corresponds to Pelagia

Energy of the name and character: No wonder this name is named after the sea, there is something attractive in it, like a sea beach. Just don't swim too far behind the buoys, otherwise the lifeguard may not have time to come to the rescue. This, of course, is a figurative expression, but in general, in terms of its energy, the name really resembles either an oncoming wave of surf, or a spring, ready to open up and shoot at any moment. Well, besides, a sonorous and beautiful name can not only attract the attention of others, but can also give Marina herself a very developed ambition.

Usually from childhood, Marina is distinguished by cheerfulness and mobility, and the good energy of the name gives her self-confidence. Although it also happens that, due to overly strict upbringing, everything happens exactly the opposite and instead of the usual confidence, an equally usual inferiority complex develops. Alas, this is just the other side of ambition, or rather, its unfulfilled side. If a person who is not indifferent to his inner qualities and the opinions of others is constantly pointed out to his shortcomings, and even from the height of his parental position, then he, instead of immediately starting to improve for the better according to the plan of his parents, will simply begin to consider himself a kind of degenerate, and even hate himself. After all, it's not that far from love to hate. However, even if this happens, with age, this situation is likely to improve and, starting an independent life, Marina will still be convinced of her merits and ability to influence men.

In a word, if not from childhood, then sooner or later she shows the strength of her rather wayward character. At the same time, some impulsiveness most often prevails in Marina's behavior. It can be groovy, but it can suddenly lose interest in a business that has just begun. In the event of any conflicts, she does not have to stand up for herself, although it is not in her nature to remember evil and resentment for a long time. But the most useful and attractive quality of Marina is a well-developed sense of humor, which makes her a rather cheerful and cheerful person. Perhaps what she really lacks is some kind of constancy and the ability to concentrate on one specific goal. Without this, it will be quite difficult for her to make a career for herself, unless, of course, this career takes some place in her plans - after all, Marina's ambition is often quite satisfied with the elementary respect of close people and others. All of the above must also be taken into account by her husband, who must pay enough attention to Marina and her independent pride and in no case humiliate her either by words or behavior. These are the buoys for which, oh, how dangerous to swim.

Secrets of communication: Often, in her spiritual outburst, Marina is able to say a lot of unnecessary things, but this does not mean at all that you are now enemies forever. Most likely, tomorrow she will not even remember the quarrel, or she herself will seriously regret what she has done. It is best to neutralize the outbreak of conflict with the help of good humor.

The trace of a name in history:

Marina Vlady

As Eldar Ryazanov rightly noted in his program "Paris Secrets", the whole life of the famous French actress Marina Vlady (born 1938) can be divided into three periods: before Vysotsky, with Vysotsky and after his death. However, it should be noted that, for all the difference, these three periods are equally full of events, movement, some unpredictable turns of Fate. This is evidenced by the facts of the biography of the actress. The daughter of a Russian pilot and a Russian noblewoman who married in Parisian exile, she was thus born a Frenchwoman - just like her three sisters. It is also interesting that each of the four sisters eventually became an independent actress, and once they even all together played Chekhov's "Three Sisters" - and with great success.

Born Polyakova-Baidarova, the actress quickly realized that for a successful career she needed a successful stage name, and, shortening her father's name in a Western manner, received a short and memorable one from Vladimir - Vladi. Success came to her after the first films, and there was no shortage of offers: the directors liked to work with a talented actress who, among other qualities, had good choreographic training. To date, Marina Vladi has starred in more than a hundred films and believes that this is not the limit. In addition, she plays in the theater, writes books, sings ...

However, despite a brilliant career, not everything in life turned out the way she would like. For example, Marina Vladi, according to her, always wanted to have at least six children, but managed to fulfill only "half of the plan." She, who dreamed of romantic love for life, was married four times, and, having found long-awaited love with her third husband, Vladimir Vysotsky, after twelve years of happiness she remained a widow.

Marina Vlady likes to remember the following about her life with Vysotsky: since they often lived apart - he is in Moscow, she is in France - they constantly called back and, unable to stop, talked on the phone for hours. However, there was no need to pay astronomical sums for calls: telephone operators, recognizing their voices, often connected lovers for free ...

By Higiru

The feminine form of the name Marin comes from the Latin word "marinus" - marine.

As a rule, Marina has a high opinion of herself. And the beautiful Marina often overestimates herself. She knows how to subordinate emotions to reason, so that everything that concerns her personal fate, she does deliberately and prudently.

Sensuality awakens very early in it. At school, passions always boil around Marina, notes are handed over, quarrels break out between the boys, there are always those who want to carry her portfolio. It is amazing that this happens regardless of whether Marina is beautiful or ugly. These women from childhood to old age have a mysterious charm, a kind of magnetism, before which men are completely defenseless. Marina is smart, brave, uninhibited, with a highly developed self-esteem; faced with the betrayal of a loved one, she will not reconcile herself, even if a divorce threatens to collapse her whole life. With such a complex combination of pride and prudence, Marina is not stingy.

Marina will make the happiness of a calm person, with a complaisant character, who knows how to provide her with the necessary standard of living. At the same time, the husband must constantly admire Marina, she will not tolerate inattention to herself. Due to high self-esteem, Marina has a difficult relationship with her mother-in-law. In the kitchen, Marina works wonders, striving at all costs to amaze guests with her culinary skills. In caring for children, she is quite impulsive: either she rushes to fill in obvious gaps in their upbringing, or she leaves the children to themselves for a long time, she is able to arrange a scene of jealousy in the presence of strangers.

Marina's first marriages are difficult.

Often choose the profession of nurses, doctors, telephone operators, engineers, hairdressers, actresses.

Marina has the most complex character, patronymic Matveevna, Andriyanovna, Vladimirovna.

The probability of a successful marriage with Sergey, Anton, Denis, Mikhail, Valentin, Vladislav is very high. And unsuccessful - with Boris, Nikolai, Anatoly, George, Stanislav.

1. Personality: those who discover the secrets of life

2. Color: green

3. Main features: excitability - susceptibility - sociability - intuition

4. Totem plant: maple

5 Spirit Animal: Trout

6. Sign: fish

7. Type. Neurasthenic choleric with unstable nervous system. Easily disappointed, any failure drives them to despair. Parents should not indulge their whims, but teach them to control their emotions.

8. Psyche. They are certainly charming, these are “women-children” who want to be protected and protected. If life becomes too difficult for their receptive nature, they withdraw into themselves. From childhood, they must be taught to keep their word and not retreat in the face of danger.

9. Will. Very changeable.

10. Excitability. More than strong.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. These are women of unpredictable lightning-fast reactions, like their totem - trout.

12. Field of activity. They are not very active. They are interested in medicine (pediatrics, gynecology) and preschool education. These are excellent mothers, gentle and devoted wives.

13. Intuition. Giving too much importance to intuition. They live in a mysterious world of "signs" and forebodings.

14. Intelligence. Intellectuals, but they act so swiftly that they often make huge mistakes. They have a weak memory, they forget about everything in the world - from the umbrella to the husband!

15. Susceptibility. Very responsive, but somewhat careless. In their attentive eyes one can read great love, tenderness and desire for a calm, problem-free life.

16. Morality. Strict prohibitions are contraindicated for such a character, they can only bring harm, these women first of all need love and tenderness.

17. Health. Not very strong, depends on the mental state. They are prone to diseases of the intestines and genital organs.

18. Sexuality. The very word scares them! They do not know and do not want to understand their desires, therefore they often deal with partners who are far from ideal. But do they themselves know what their ideal is and what they want from life?

19. Activity. It consists of dreams, unjustified enthusiasm, extravagant aspirations. Put off until tomorrow what you can and should do today.

20. Sociability. They need love and cannot stand being alone. They are highly influenced and adapt their lifestyle to those they love. Very attached to family and friends.

21. Conclusion. These are charming and attractive women. Very volatile, and therefore it is quite difficult to understand them.

According to Popov

With what features the women named by this name shine! However, born in different months, years and, of course, from different parents, they will all have the following features.

Marina cannot be kept close to her mother's skirt, since childhood she has been striving to touch everything in this world with her hands - this trait is born by the consonant M of the first syllable of her name. Marina is not a couch potato, not a lazy person, but not every assignment will be done willingly. She finds an application for her powers on her own - a consequence of the influence on the character of the letter A, located in the same syllable.

The second syllable is formed by the letters P and I. The first of them makes Marina manly true to this word. Well, if Marina said that she would come on a date, she would definitely fulfill her promise. But the second letter gives a woman an exquisite taste. Marina will not agree to meet a gray person, but only with someone in whom she distinguishes a zest.

In the third syllable of this name there is a consonant N and another vowel A. This means that if Marina "has her eye" on a young man, she will steadily pursue him, and she will not take her strength along this path. Perhaps it would be wiser for the latter to capitulate?

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Origin and meaning

The origin of the female name Marina is associated with the Roman generic patrician name Marinus. In translation, it means "sea".

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  • Ruler Planet: Moon
  • Talisman Stone: mother-of-pearl
  • Color: blue-green
  • plant: lily
  • Animal: seahorse
  • Favorable day: Thursday

Character traits

The simple, beautiful name Marina is inherent in cheerful, lovely ladies, sociable and impulsive, capable of wide and beautiful gestures, whose character and actions cannot be predicted. So, a girl’s sincere enthusiasm can be replaced by apathy in a minute, and a smile can be replaced by bitter tears. Therefore, such a name for girls is inherent in natures, which any failure can unsettle, and any victory can raise to heaven.

The secret of the name Marina hides a personality with a charming, mysterious charm and amazing magnetism, so men are simply crazy about her. Knowing this, a woman is able to allow herself to be a “thing in itself” and, overwhelmed with self-esteem, cannot bear when someone does not pay attention to her or shows disrespect to her.

Such a feeling of “chosenness” forms the character of Marina, as well as her fate: she, like a bright arrow, flies through life, leaving behind broken men's hearts, often playing “Russian roulette” with fortune. Unfortunately, sometimes this behavior becomes fatal for her, devastates her soul and heart, pushes her to impartial and even criminal acts, which the girl later regrets very much.

Interests and hobbies

Marina is not a team player, because she does not tolerate when attention is not paid to her personally. Therefore, intuitively, she selects for herself such hobbies and hobbies where one could praise and admire her personally - cooking, theater, painting. She likes to embroider and knit, play computer games, garden. In the event that she wants to go in for sports, she chooses for herself an aesthetically beautiful variety of it - figure skating, acrobatics, gymnastics.

Profession and business

The name Marina gives its owner the mind, energy, intuition, which help her in the professional field. But you can’t call her an active careerist. Leadership habits and ambitions are absolutely alien to her, so she chooses a field where she does not need to prove herself and strive to succeed - medicine, pedagogy, design, and, moreover, being realized not in leadership positions, but in executive positions.

If Marina is fond of creativity, then she makes a good actress or designer, singer, presenter. But she will not “pull” an independent project, so someone stronger, more dynamic and flexible should always be behind her.

In business, she does not expect special success, primarily because she is not interested in doing this - she lacks rigidity, cynicism, and willpower. But still, she can become the manager of a finished business and, if desired, give it a big scope.


As a child, Marina often gets sick. The origin of most ailments depends on her psychological state. Its weak points are the gastrointestinal tract and genitals, so complex diets and starvation can lead to a hospital bed.

Sex and love

The characteristic of the name Marina endows her with amazing sexual energy, which attracts men of any age to her. She prefers only selected representatives of the stronger sex - moderately charming and beautiful. He is calm about intimacy, so he can sleep with a young man even on the first date, driven by passion and sensuality. She tries to realize all her sexual fantasies, but at the same time she does not forget about her partner, trying so that he does not feel abandoned and alone in bed with such a luxurious woman.

Family and marriage

Despite free sexual views, Marina believes in great and pure love. She is not in a hurry to marry, but is waiting for her "prince" - calm, secure, attentive. The girl rather needs not a husband, but a caring father, able to give her his attention and give love. Getting used to her husband, she begins to trust him and even depend on him, so the betrayal of a loved one becomes a real blow for her, which a woman cannot bear. In this case, Marina, most likely, will immediately file for divorce.

The bearer of this beautiful name makes a wonderful wife, able to leave her career for the good of the family and take on the functions of a “reliable rear” for her other half. Marina loves children very much, therefore she is not only an experienced mentor for them, but also a reliable, loyal friend.

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