Tatyana's day: the history of the holiday and its traditions. The history of the holiday Tatyana's day When they began to celebrate Tatyana's day

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Tatyana's Day is the first case of its kind when both believers and ordinary students - students celebrate on the same day, because on this day, January 25, two holidays are celebrated at once: the name day of St. Tatiana - the Martyr, as well as the Day Russian students - a memorable date in Russia.

Initially, Tatiana's Day was named after the daughter of the Roman consul Tatiana of Rome, who was captured and taken prisoner during the persecution of Christians, where she was subjected to cruel treatment for her Christian faith.

Many times people tried to kill her: set fire to her, gouge her eyes out, cut her, but they did not succeed - each time God sent punishment to those who tried to hurt her and suffering, and Tatiana herself sent healing, all traces of bullying disappeared from her body .

Once, during the next bullying, through the prayer of St. Tatiana, four angels and a voice from heaven addressed Tatiana came to the tormentors. This miracle affected the torturers: it made them believe in the existence of Christ.

People, fried by the stamina and masculinity of the martyr, began to refuse to obey orders and cause her pain and suffering, but instead took her side.

Soon Tatiana was sentenced to death. The martyrdom took place on January 25, 226. Later, Tatiana was canonized as a saint, and on the day of her death, name days began to be celebrated.

I wonder what the connection is between Tatyanin Day and the students. In fact, everything is quite logical here.

The fact is that it was on Tatiana's name day in 1755 that the Great Empress Elizaveta Petrovna initialed the order on the creation of the First Moscow State University.

Adjutant General I.I. Shuvalov decided to take the University under his protection, and Shuvalov chose the date of signing the decree not only to serve the Motherland, but also to present a gift to his mother Tatyana Petrovna, endorsing the order on her name day.

In 1791, the sanctuary of Tatiana the Martyr began its work, the decorations of which were sent by the Empress herself.

Soon followed the decree of Nicholas the First, according to which the day of the initialing of the order on the establishment of the university was celebrated, and not the day of its opening, that is, on the name day of St. Tatiana, January 25th.

Thus, at the request of the monk, such a wonderful student holiday as Tatyana's Day appeared, and Tatiana the Martyr began to be considered the patroness of Moscow State University and all students.

Tatyana's day - is it a fun holiday for students or a day of commemoration of the holy martyrs? Read our material about saints named Tatiana.

The power of faith and will. Offering to the Holy Martyrs, Confessors and Passion-Bearers Tatiana

What unites people who share the same name? According to the popular opinion that has developed and has a certain basis, all namesakes have something in common in appearance, character, behavior, therefore, remembering the properties of a certain name, you can know a lot in advance about the person who wears it. In the modern world, it is popular to look for the hidden meaning of names. This approach is based on the belief that a person can control his own destiny and, for example, the destiny of his children, if he does the right things in the right order. Of course, such an attitude to life can in no way be called Christian. The Christian lives in the conviction that his life is not in the power of the elements, planets, good or evil spirits, but in the hands of God.

An Orthodox person knows that people who bear the same name are united by one Heavenly patron, with whom they have close prayerful communion. Not without reason in Orthodoxy it is customary to congratulate birthday people on Angel Day, on name days - the day of memory of the saint whose name you bear. According to old memory, a person is called a “birthday man”, congratulating him on his birthday.

Since ancient times, people have tried to learn more about "their" saint, so that, through imitation of him, they themselves would approach the ideal. Today, on the eve of the day of St. Tatiana, let's talk about what we know about this name and the holy women who bore it.

Tatiana's Day - St. Tatiana of Rome

It's interesting that name Tatiana, Tatiana, despite its Roman origin, is considered traditionally Russian. In the same and in derivative forms, it is common in many Slavic countries, but in the English-speaking world, relatively until the end of the twentieth century, it was extremely rare.

Of course, the main merit in popularizing this name belongs to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who immortalized "Tatyana's dear ideal" in the novel "Eugene Onegin". They say that before the appearance of this literary work, the name Tatyana was more of a peasant than a noble, but soon the situation changed radically. Name Tatyana became almost the most popular female name in Russia.

In his novel, Pushkin not only created a captivating female image, but for centuries to come determined the model by which Russian women began to build their relationships with the opposite sex. But if the initiative of Tatiana Larina, her bold declaration of love to her chosen one, is relevant for the secular worldview, then the line of her behavior in the final part of the novel is more important for the Orthodox. In a strictly Christian spirit, her answer to Onegin, who seeks the love of not a girl, but a noble lady, a princess, is sustained: “But I am given to another; I will be faithful to him forever.

Once having chosen her own path, Tatyana does not deviate from it, remaining faithful to what seems to her the most important. This character trait of Tatyana is probably the most valuable Christian virtue that the bearers of this name are endowed with. The strong-willed qualities of Tatyana also find their application in the secular field. Leafing through the pages of the press, we will be surprised how many singers, actresses and athletes in our Fatherland bear this name. But it is time to turn to church history, to those names that are sacred to every Christian.

The first in seniority should remember. It is gratifying to see how this name returns to our daily life. The doors of the Holy Tatian Church at Moscow State University are open, and all students know that, because it was on January 12 (according to the new style 25), 1755, on the day of memory of the holy martyr Tatiana, that Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed the Decree on the founding. It is joyful to learn that churches are being opened at universities in various cities of Russia, and all of them are named in the name of the holy martyr Tatiana of Rome.

Tatyana's day - the power of faith and will

The life of St. Tatiana is full of various miracles, surprising and frightening, however, leaving them aside, let us turn to the two main moments of her life: her martyr's testimony of faith in Christ and her earthly feat.

Born into a noble Roman family of secret Christians, Tatiana from childhood chose the path that she consistently followed throughout her entire life. Refusing to marry, she gave all her strength to church service, was made a deaconess in one of the Roman churches, fasted, prayed, looked after the sick, helped the needy and thus served God.

Deaconess Tatiana was captured and, after much torment, put to death during the reign of Emperor Alexander Severus (222-235).

For many centuries, the Orthodox Church honored only one Tatiana - Tatiana of Rome. But in the 20th century everything changed. The persecution for the faith that swept across the country revealed to the world a whole host of holy martyrs Tatian, and the first of them was the most noble - the passion-bearer Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna, daughter of Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

Second in seniority, she had the strongest will and firmness of character. In their memoirs, her contemporaries often emphasize that it was Tatyana Nikolaevna who occupied a dominant position among the rest of the royal children. People who knew her noted in her "an exceptional propensity to establish order in life and a highly developed consciousness of duty." Remembering her, Baroness S.K. Buxhoeveden wrote: “She had a mixture of sincerity, straightforwardness and tenacity, a penchant for poetry and abstract ideas. She was closest to her mother and was a favorite of her and her father. Absolutely devoid of pride, she was always ready to abandon her plans if there was an opportunity to take a walk with her father, read to her mother, do everything that she was asked to do.

Following the example of her heavenly patroness, Grand Duchess Tatyana devoted most of her time and energy to helping those in need. So she initiated the creation in Russia of the “Committee of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna to provide temporary assistance to victims of military disasters”, which set itself the goal of helping people who fell into need due to military circumstances.

During the First World War, having passed the nursing exams, the senior princesses worked in the Tsarskoye Selo hospital. As a surgical sister of mercy, Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna took part in complex operations and, when required, went to the infirmary every day, even in her own.

Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna, along with all her sisters and brother, was brutally murdered only because she was born into a royal family and remained faithful to her faith, her family and her Fatherland to the end.

Today, in the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church, along with Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna, there are nine more names of ascetics who testified their loyalty to Christ during the mass persecution of the Church in the 1930s. The list of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia is growing from year to year, and perhaps soon we will witness the glorification of other Tatians.

According to the official calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church, we honor the memory of the Martyr Tatiana on October 8/21, Confessor Tatiana (Byakireva) on December 10/23; Martyr Tatyana (Gribkova) September 1/14; Martyr Tatiana (Grimblit) September 10/23, Martyr Tatiana (Egorova) December 10/23; Martyr Tatyana (Kushnir) in the Cathedral of the New Martyrs; Martyr Tatyana (Fomicheva) November 20/December 3 and Martyr Tatyana (Chekmazova) September 28/October 11.

About some we know quite a lot, about others only the most general information has come down to us. But there is something in common that unites all these great women who, as we believe, stand at the Throne of God near their heavenly patroness, St. Tatiana of Rome, and who repeated her feat centuries later here, on Russian soil.

(1879-1937), whose memory is celebrated in the Cathedral of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia and in the Cathedral of the New Martyrs of Butovo, was born into a cab driver's family in the village of Shchukino, which has now become one of the Moscow districts. In 1896, the girl entered the Kazan Golovinsky Convent, where she lived for almost thirty years, until the Bolsheviks closed the monastery. The novice Tatiana returned home and settled with her sister. In 1937, the young communist Kuznetsov, who rented a room in the Gribkovs' house, denounced Tatyana to the authorities, accusing her of not only "engaging in handicraft - quilting blankets", but also receiving a lot of people, including the "monastic public", “she has good acquaintances with the higher clergy,” and, quite a fantastic accusation, “she kept gold reserves, since in the first years of the revolution she collected gold to help Tsar Nicholas.” Despite the testimony of a perjurer, the novice was arrested not immediately, but a little later. Tatiana denied all accusations during interrogations and pleaded not guilty to counter-revolutionary activities. However, the NKVD troika in the Moscow region sentenced her to death precisely for "anti-Soviet agitation." Novice Tatiana was shot at the Butovo training ground near Moscow and buried in an unknown common grave on September 14, 1937.

From the life of this saint, we can only get indirect information about her character and the life she lived. She spent many years in the monastery and passionately worried about everything that happened to the clergy and laity during the years of persecution. After leaving the devastated monastery, she tried to preserve the way of monastic life in the world and, in order not to embarrass her relatives, she continued to work at home. Having suffered on earth from the hardness of her neighbors, the novice Tatiana acquired a martyr's crown from the hands of the Savior.

O ) we know much more. In 2007, our site published a story dedicated to the feat of this amazing woman.

Martyr Tatiana was born on December 14, 1903 in the city of Tomsk in the family of an employee, received a Christian upbringing in the family, and education in the Tomsk gymnasium. After the death of her father, having barely finished school herself, she went to work as a teacher in the children's colony "Keys".

Already at that moment, the future martyr showed herself as a true Tatiana, from the very beginning of her life, she considered her life path as a feat of helping others. She consciously chose self-denial, dedicating herself to keeping the commandments of the Lord.

In the difficult years of the civil war and repressions, she made a rule for herself almost all the money she earned, as well as what she managed to collect in the temples of the city of Tomsk, to exchange for food and things and transfer them to those prisoners of the Tomsk prison, whom no one else cared about. Tatiana found out from the administration which of the prisoners did not receive food parcels, and passed them on to those. So she met many prominent bishops and priests of the Russian Orthodox Church, who were languishing in the prisons of Siberia.

For helping the prisoners, Tatyana herself repeatedly went to prison on charges yu in counterrevolutionary activities. She was quickly released from prison, but such selfless activity annoyed the punishers more and more and they began to collect information for her final arrest.

Deciding that she "has a connection with the counter-revolutionary element of the clergy," she was sent to Turkestan, but was soon released again. Tatyana Nikolaevna left for Moscow and settled near the church of St. Nicholas in Pyzhy, where she began to sing in the kliros. After returning from prison, she was even more active in helping those who remained in exile and in prison, many of whom she now knew personally.

When Tatyana Nikolaevna went into exile again, she studied medicine right in the camp and began working as a paramedic. After an early release, she settled in the Vladimir region, worked in a hospital, continued to help prisoners and conduct active correspondence with them. These letters were sometimes the only consolation of her correspondents, who did not know how to thank Tatiana Nikolaevna for their support. “In the feat of mercy and help, the reliability and breadth of this help, she had no equal. In her heart, which contained Christ, no one was already cramped, ”abbot Damaskin (Orlovsky) writes about her.

In September 1937, the NKVD officers cut off this correspondence in mid-sentence - Tatiana Nikolaevna went to prison without having time to finish another letter.

The confession of the martyr Tatiana and the main words in which her whole life was concentrated was her answer during interrogation: “I never conducted any anti-Soviet agitation anywhere. To the phrases when, pitying me, they told me: “You should better dress and eat than send money to someone,” I answered: “You can spend money on beautiful clothes and on a sweet piece, but I prefer to dress more modestly, simpler eat, and send the rest of the money to those in need.”

Tatyana Nikolaevna Grimblit was shot on September 23, 1937 and buried in an unknown common grave at the Butovo training ground near Moscow.

Tatiana Prokopyevna Egorova, martyr Tatiana Kasimovskaya, was born on January 15, 1879 in the village of Giblitsy, Kasimovsky district, Ryazan province, in a poor peasant family. Tatiana Prokopievna did not learn to read and write, before the revolution she was engaged in the trade of manufactory with her parents and husband. In 1932, the Egorovs' farm was confiscated, and they themselves were expelled from the collective farm. My husband and his two sons had to leave to work in Moscow. They never came home again.

Tatyana Prokopievna was arrested as an "active clergywoman" in November 1937.

As in all previous cases, the investigation tried in vain to convince Tatyana Prokopyevna that she was an active counter-revolutionary, without providing any evidence. The 58-year-old peasant woman denied all accusations, refused to sign the protocol and uttered amazing words: “Jesus endured, and I will also endure and endure, I’m ready for anything.”

"Troika" of the NKVD in the Ryazan region sentenced Tatyana Prokopyevna Egorova to be shot.

Martyr Tatiana (Tatiana Ignatievna Kushnir) was born in 1889 in the Chernigov province in a peasant family. She was arrested, sentenced to two years in prison and sent to Karaganda, in 1942, among a large group of believing women, she was shot by the verdict of the Karaganda regional court.

Novice Tatiana (Fomicheva) was born in 1897 into a peasant family in the village of Nadovrazhnoye, near the city of Istra, near Moscow. At a fairly early age in 1916, she entered the monastery as a novice. When, after the revolution, the Borisoglebsky Monastery, where she was in obedience, was closed, she returned to her parents.

In 1931, the authorities began to persecute the monks and nuns of closed monasteries, because, even while living in the world, they tried to adhere to the monastic rules. So the OGPU created a “case” against the nuns of the Exaltation of the Cross Monastery in the Podolsk region. Several sisters did not leave the monastery, in the buildings of which the rest house was located, partly getting a job in this rest house, partly settling in neighboring villages and doing needlework. Everyone went to Ilyinsky Church in the village of Lemeshevo to pray. The choir at the temple also consisted of nuns and novices from closed monasteries. Among others, the novice Tatiana Fomicheva also sang in the choir.

In May 1931, the authorities arrested seventeen nuns and novices who had settled near the closed Holy Cross Monastery. The novice Tatiana was also in prison. She spent the period from 1931 to 1934 in a forced labor camp. Having been released, Tatiana settled in the village of Sheludkovo, Volokolamsk district, where she helped Archpriest Vladimir in the Trinity Church, was arrested with him in 1937, categorically refused to confirm the accusations of the investigators, not wanting to slander anyone. Father Vladimir was shot, a novice Tatiana sentenced to ten years in a forced labor camp. There her earthly life ended.

It is amazing with what courage these modest middle-aged peasant women, novices, who devoted their whole lives to helping their neighbors, toiled in difficult conditions of hunger and devastation, met the lies, slander, and threats thrown in their faces. They went to their death, firmly believing that they were going to meet Christ. God grant us, in our peaceful and calm time, to have at least a drop of such a sincere and firm faith.

Saints Tatiana, pray to God for us!

Every year on January 25, the Church venerates the Holy Martyr Tatiana of Rome, an early Christian martyr who was tortured for her faith under Emperor Alexander in the 3rd century. The people on January 25 celebrate Tatiana's Day. In 2018, the holiday falls on a Wednesday. Students are especially trying to celebrate Tatyana's Day, not without reason there is a saying that on Tatyana's Day all students are drunk. On this day, it is customary to light candles for academic success, they pray to the martyr Tatyana (Tatiana) in difficult teaching and enlightenment.

Tatyana's day - student's day

Saint Tatiana became the patroness of students for the reason that on the day of her memory on January 12 (25), back in 1755, Empress Elizabeth signed the Decree on the opening of the first Russian university in Moscow. The project was developed by Lomonosov. In 1791, on Easter, the Church of Tatiana the Martyr was opened. Catherine herself sent decorations for her. The parishioners of this church in different years were Fonvizin, Griboedov, Turgenev, Timiryazev, Pirogov, Klyuchevsky, the Aksakov brothers, Solovyov, and others. Then came the Decree of Nicholas I, where he ordered that not the opening day of the university be celebrated, but the signing of the act of its establishment. So, by the will of the monarch, a student holiday appeared - Tatyana's Day, and over time, popular rumor attributed patronage to students to this saint.

Church of the Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University

Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana - an Orthodox church with the status of the Patriarchal Metochion; house church of the Moscow State University named after M.I. M. V. Lomonosov. It is located in the right wing of the old Moscow State University building, opposite the Manege, at the corner of Bolshaya Nikitskaya and Mokhovaya streets.

Student traditions and signs on Tatyana's day

Tatyana's day is a holiday of students. For the entire student fraternity, this is a great opportunity to take a break from studies and plunge into fun, joyful festivities and pranks. And for so many years of the existence of Tatyana's Day as a student holiday, student traditions and rituals for January 25 could not help but appear.
  1. Perhaps the most famous student tradition on Tatiana's Day is the call of Shara. On January 25, students go out onto the balcony or look out the window, shake their record books and call: Shara, come! It is believed that if someone shouts in response - Already on the way - then this is a good omen on Tatyana's day.
  2. Another interesting tradition on Tatiana's Day is drawing. Every student knows that January 25, Tatyana's Day, is a good omen for the future - on the last page of the grade book, draw a small house with a chimney: the longer the smoke, the easier it will be to study this year.
  3. Another sign on Tatyana's Day suggests that if a student has to take an exam the day after Student's Day, then you need to go take it after a good drink, then, if you believe the sign, the exam will be passed with ease. And in no case should you read notes on Tatyana's day, otherwise, according to signs, the exam will be difficult to pass.

Folk traditions on Tatyana's day

Until the time when St. Tatiana was the patroness of students, Tatiana's day on January 25 was specially celebrated among the people. Folk rituals, traditions and signs on Tatiana's Day are varied and may be useful to modern lovers of antiquity and nature. In any case, it is very interesting to read about what traditions and signs on Tatyana's day were in Russia. By the way, it has been noticed that a girl born on January 25 will be a good housewife!

How to celebrate Tatyana's day

On January 25, on Tatiana's Day, it was customary for the people to bake loaves in the form of the Sun. “Tatyana bakes a loaf, and beats rugs along the river, and leads a round dance!” - said in the old days. This is the day of Tatyana Kreshchenskaya and Babi Kut. Babi kut - a place near the Russian stove, a woman's corner where all the household utensils stood, and the hostess spent a lot of time. In the family, this place was called the sun. Therefore, on Tatyana's day, the "bolshukhs" - the eldest housewives in the family - baked a large carpet, a symbol of the sun. The same housewives took the pastry out of the oven, let the bread cool a little and broke off a piece of bread warm and distributed it to all family members. Such was the tradition on Tatyana's day to invite spring, inviting the luminary to return to the people as soon as possible and drive away the severe Epiphany frosts. Each member of the family, according to tradition, had to eat at least a piece of such a loaf so that the Sun would give him some of his warmth.

Many signs for Tatyana's Day were associated with the preparation of a ritual loaf, for example:

  • if the bread rose as a mound in the middle, then wait for good luck this year and life will get better, it will go uphill;
  • if the loaf turned out smooth and without flaws - this is a sure sign of a calm year and measured life;
  • if the loaf burned - they rejoiced - the birthday girl had to eat the burnt crust so that she could readily accept everything from her fate;
  • but if the loaf cracked, it was considered an alarming sign.

A well-known tradition on Tatiana's Day is to go to the river and knock out all the dirt accumulated in them over the holidays from the rugs. Peasant girls on this day, early in the morning, went to the river, where rugs were knocked out. The village boys helped take clean rugs to the village, where the rugs were hung on the fences and it was possible to judge the girl from them - what kind of wife would she make.

In turn, on Tatyana's Day, the girls tried to lure suitors with the help of all sorts of tricks. The tradition on Tatiana's Day to spread a special mat at the door of the house can work in our time. Keep in mind that this sign on Tatyana's Day promises that the one who wipes his feet on this rug on holiday will be a frequent guest in the girl's house.

Another tradition on Tatyana's Day instructed the girls to make small panicles from rags and feathers. The girl had to hide such a panicle in the house of a potential groom unnoticed by everyone. If she succeeded, then it was a sure sign - the guy would not go anywhere, and their life together would be long and happy. Naturally, the older women in the family knew perfectly well all the girlish tricks and not everyone managed to hide the broom.

On Tatyana's day, there was another sign - you had to go to the highest place in the district and make wishes in the sun. If you do it sincerely with all your heart, you can get what you want.

Another interesting tradition on Tatiana's Day is dedicated to the household. On this day, women twisted balls of yarn as tight and as large as possible so that the cabbages were born tight and large.

Signs on Tatyana's day

Also among the people there were various signs on Tatyana's day. And everyone knew the signs, from young to old. Usually in the old days, on January 25 and Tatyana's Day, people paid attention to the weather:

  • If it snows on the day of Epiphany Tatiana (Tatiana's Day, Babi Kut), then a frosty February and summer with rains are expected.
  • Sunrise on Tatyana's day personified early spring, the imminent arrival of birds and the early spawning of fish.
  • And the collective farmers were waiting for Tatyana's day, they have their own sign. If it is frosty and sunny on this day, then the harvest will be rich!

Tatyana's Day is a holiday that almost everyone knows about, but not everyone knows the history of the appearance of this holiday. Tatyana's day is called student's day and is celebrated on January 25 (January 12, old style). How did the tradition of this holiday originate? According to legend, in the third century AD. Christian Tatyana (Tatiana) was subjected to severe persecution for her devotion to Jesus and true faith in the kingdom of Christ. At that time, the young emperor ruled Rome, although his mother was a Christian, he himself did not share her beliefs, although he was quite loyal to the adherents of Jesus Christ. Taking advantage of Alexander's inexperience and inexperience, many of his associates easily promoted the laws that were convenient for them, gradually taking power in Rome into their own hands.

Some of the people close to the emperor did not approve of the degree of freedom that Christians have recently received. One of them was Ulpian, a member of the state council, who fiercely hated those who believed in Jesus. Ulpian compiled a collection of laws that allowed the persecution of Christians, and again the blood of martyrs who did not want to worship the pagans poured out. Among the people who suffered for their faith was the Christian Tatyana. When she was forced to pray to the statue of Apollo, the girl, instead of submitting to the persecutors, began to earnestly pray to Jesus. collapsed from its pedestal, and the statue was shattered into pieces. After numerous tortures, Tatyana was beheaded. Since 235, Christians have been celebrating a holiday in honor of the Great Martyr Tatiana, canonized as a saint.

Tatyana's Day, a holiday whose history goes back centuries, acquired special significance in the 18th century, when Empress Elizabeth signed the "Decree on the Establishment of Moscow University" with her own hand. The project of the University and the very idea of ​​its foundation, as is known, belong to M.V. Lomonosov and Count I.I. Shuvalov. They were well aware of how necessary the creation of such an institution could become for the Russian Empire, and they took all possible measures to translate this idea into reality.

There is a version that Shuvalov presented the Decree to Elizabeth exactly on January 12 (according to the new style - January 25), in order to bring joy to her mother, who celebrated her birthday on that day. Since then, Tatyana's Day, first of all, marks the day of the University.

At first, the holiday was celebrated without excessive pomp and included a prayer service in the church at the University and small, rather modest celebrations. In the middle of the nineteenth century, the situation changed, Tatyana's Day, a holiday dedicated to the University, acquired the unofficial status of a student holiday. Usually the celebration consisted of two parts. The official part included lunch in the university canteen, the rector's address to his students and the presentation of awards to the best of them, a church prayer service, as well as impromptu tours of the classrooms and libraries of the University.

The unofficial part, of course, was more intense. The students had as much fun as they could, walked around Moscow, sang songs. Tverskoy and Nikitsky boulevards were popular places for student festivities, and they also did not ignore one of the favorite traditions of students of that time were impromptu "cat concerts" that young people arranged under the windows of the Moskovskie Vedomosti publishing house. The Moskovskiye Vedomosti newspaper was published by representatives of the University, and quite often students, being in high spirits, simply broke windows, throwing stones at them.

On this day, all differences were erased: wealthy students had fun in the company of people from poor families, teachers walked with their wards. Thus, Tatyana's Day - a holiday that Russian students celebrate with pleasure to this day, has become one of the favorite holidays of student representatives. To date, January 25 is officially recognized as the Day of Russian Students. Tatyana's Day - a holiday, congratulations on which millions of people in our country receive annually, made it possible to revive old traditions and rally the ranks of Russian youth.

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