Development of the child in the fourth month of life. Child development in the fourth month of life What can a child at 3.5 months

Kitchen 01.02.2022

Three months have already passed since the moment when the cozy and warm womb of the mother was replaced by a new, such a big and incomprehensible world. The adaptation of the baby to him is very fast. Emotions become more conscious, muscles become stronger. Let's find out how to develop a child at 3 months. After all, he is already almost an adult - he knows how to laugh out loud, be capricious, easily distinguishes his own from strangers, explores the world around him.

Child development calendar in the third month of life

A three-month-old child is hyperactive. He is very interested in what is happening around, trying to interact with the world. Waiting for you to approach and smile, a three-month-old baby will follow you, smile first, stretch his arms forward. A babble serves as a kind of sound signal to start a conversation. A similar development for a baby at three months is extremely necessary.

Baby height and weight

During the third month of life, the child grows by 2-3 cm, gaining about 800 grams, that is, about 200 grams per week. According to domestic pediatricians, at the beginning of the fourth month, the growth of the crumbs should be from 56 to 62 cm. A weight of 4.9 to 7 kg is considered normal for boys. For girls - from 4.8 to 6.3 kg. Deviations up to 5% from the limit values ​​are considered normal.


Changes are observed regarding the quantity and quality of feedings: there are fewer short attachments of a three-month-old baby. During the day, the child suckles the breast about 11 times, at night - 3-4. Breaks between night feedings are about three hours. A regularly asked question - is it worth starting complementary foods for a three-month-old baby? After all, some mothers can feed the baby with banana or mashed potatoes already at 4 months old, drink natural apple juice, and the baby’s body will normally absorb such food.

But such cases are rather an exception. Sometimes early feeding may be prescribed by a doctor. There are several possible reasons: the baby is premature, the mother has a lack of milk. The optimal products for introducing into the diet of a three-month-old baby are liquid cereals, natural vegetable juices. You need to start with a minimum dosage - a quarter of a teaspoon. Remember: complementary foods should initially include only one product, which is given to the child for several days in a row. When a baby has allergic reactions, it becomes clear what they are caused by.

Pediatricians note that the early start of complementary foods can provoke the development of problems with the digestive tract in a child, the most harmless of which is stomach colic. Therefore, try to wait a bit - after a month or two, it will not be possible, but necessary, to introduce variety into the baby's diet. In the meantime, the needs of the baby's body are also satisfied with breast milk.


The movements of a three-month-old child become calm, and the reflexes characteristic of newborns disappear. He is already able to independently hold his head when he lies on his stomach, leaning on his elbows. Lying on his back - raises arms, legs, studying them. Interest is caused by moving or sound-producing toys, the baby turns to them. About a third of the children at three months have already learned to roll over on their side, on their tummy.

A three-month-old baby enthusiastically plays with himself, begins to explore his own body - gently touches his face, watches his arms and legs. For games, he uses different toys and objects, feels them with his hands, sorts them with his fingers, tries to focus his eyes. Pediatricians claim that thanks to tactile sensations, the world is perceived by the child better. Experts advise adults to take a direct part in the study of objects by the baby.

Hearing the voices of loved ones, children begin to look for their views. And when they see mom or dad, they rejoice: they laugh, shake their limbs and try to make sounds. The reciprocal laughter from the parents likes the baby. Know that a three-month-old baby definitely feels the mood of others. Start showing your baby emotions - joy, sadness, laughter, interest, and he will imitate you. Just do not overdo it: emotions should not look like antics.

How to develop a baby at home

Sleep periods after three months are reduced, the baby is more often awake. Try not to wrap it too tightly - the movements of the arms and legs during wakefulness should be free. The psyche of a child at three months is still fragile, therefore, overloading the channels of perception can have a negative impact on the development of the nervous system. The room of a three-month-old baby should be as quiet as possible, like a mother's room during pregnancy. And now let's look at how you can develop a child at 3 months, in more detail.

We develop visual perception

As in the first two months, three-month-old babies continue to follow moving toys. Pediatricians advise to slowly increase the amplitude of movements, their directions, move further. Your child's field of vision will expand. Slow movements will help a three-month-old baby learn to turn his head smoothly. The main thing is not to rush.

After three months of life, babies focus their eyes much better than before. Start the hide and seek game. Soon you will notice that the baby does not take his eyes off the object you are hiding behind. Instead of moving his head in confusion, a three-month-old baby will be waiting for you to return from where he last saw you. This also applies to inanimate objects, such as toys.

auditory perception

Try to repeat the sounds made by the child. It is best if all your loved ones do this. Then the baby will understand that the same sounds can be pronounced in different voices. Soon the child will repeat specific sounds after you. Explain what you are doing now, where you will go soon, pronounce the names of body parts, toys.

  • Use similar sound-producing toys of different sizes - bells, rattles. During the game, start ringing with a small bell, then with a medium, large one. It is important to let the baby realize which sound comes from which toy. If the melody seems interesting, a three-month-old child will listen to it with concentration.
  • Children perfectly perceive complex classical music. True, we must remember that five minutes of listening to such works will be enough for the child in full. This should be taken into account so as not to overload the baby's auditory perception channels. Carefully watching the baby in these minutes, you will soon notice that some works are recognized by the child literally from the first notes.
  • Sing lullabies with and without words to help your baby fall asleep.

Movement and tactile sensations

Supplement the daily care program for a three-month-old baby with massage, air baths, light gymnastics, bath procedures. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of toys - they should be useful for the child at this period of development. If you do not know how to develop your beloved child, listen to the following tips:

  • Choose toys made of various materials for your baby - soft and hard, smooth and rough. Fix them above the crib no higher than half a meter. The more different the surface, the more interesting it is for the baby to explore each toy. Fill fabric bags with cereals, paper, cotton. To develop the baby's sense of smell, put fragrant dry herbs inside - mint, chamomile, sage.
  • Things with squeakers should be placed on the stomach or chest of a three-month-old baby. It should be easy for him to reach them with each handle.
  • Bright rattles that look like rings will help the child develop the correct girth of the palm of the hand. They must be put into the baby's pen, immediately separating the thumb from the others.
  • At 3-4 months, an active baby is already able to distinguish the play area from the recreation area. The presence of a variety of toys inside the playpen will force the child to do a coup from the back to the tummy.

Educational games for a three-month-old baby

Pediatricians know that it is possible to bring a child's motor activity to a new level with the help of game exercises - a positive emotional background will contribute to the rapid mastery of basic skills. We list the games that will be useful for the development of a three-month-old baby:

  • The game "Where does the sound come from?". Put a musical toy in the nearest room or just turn on the volume on your mobile phone. Taking the child in your arms, offer to find the source of the sound and go look for it. Show joy by saying “Hurrah! So we found a musical toy!
  • Ring game. The fingers of a three-month-old baby are already strong and will hold a light rubber ring. Give it to the child, saying "On!", And then ask to return, not forgetting to say "thank you." This game demonstrates elementary examples of interaction in society.
  • Dancing with mom. Listen to light music and dance while holding your baby in your arms. Start to gradually remove it, straightening your arms, slightly tilting to the sides. This will help develop the muscles of the back, neck.
  • The game "Reading the newspaper". Let the baby wrinkle, tear a newspaper sheet or a regular napkin. Thanks to this, the fingers will be strengthened, motor skills will develop. Just do not let the baby pull the paper into his mouth.
  • Game "Reflections". This exercise is best performed in front of a large mirror. Sit in front of him with the baby. Smile, frown, laugh. Start talking, commenting "I'm smiling", "I'm upset", "I'm pretending to be smart". Put things on yourself and on the baby, saying “you have a ribbon on your pen”, “I have glasses on”. The child will look at the reflection with enthusiasm, a passive vocabulary, an emotional base will develop.

Video advice of Dr. Komarovsky on the development of an infant

Three months is the time when the perception of the world around the baby reaches a new level. Your actions should contribute to the systematic development and satisfaction of the baby's interest. However, don't overdo it. If a three-month-old baby cries during a lesson or a game together, this is a sure sign of overload with new information. Time to take on the handles, gently press, shake. In the video below, the famous pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, talks about the key points in the development of the baby.

Your miracle is 3 months old. This is amazing! Every month, the baby pleases you with new abilities, rediscovering such a familiar world to you. By leaps and bounds, his neuropsychic and physical development is accelerating. The behavior of the crumbs becomes more conscious, visual, auditory and tactile sensations are already more meaningful and have ceased to be instinctive.

His smile has become a constant companion - he enjoys familiar faces and objects, consciously waves his arms and legs, his torso and neck have become more mobile. He is constantly looking for new images, explores the space, keeps his eyes on interesting objects. In the fourth month, the most interesting toy for the baby is himself.

What's new

The main achievement of this month is the ability to keep your head and accurately follow the movement of an object, whether it be a toy or mother's face. In addition, by the fourth month, most babies develop binocular vision (the work of both eyes together), which allows them to judge the distance to an object and follow it.

The child grows up before our eyes: he already reacts vividly to sounds, recognizes his mother and rejoices at her every appearance. He is now generally much more interesting to communicate with adults. When communicating, the baby smiles, and sometimes even laughs. Only recently did you rejoice at the first smile of your handsome man, and now, less than a month has passed, as he is already laughing! Cheerful laughter can also make a child smile in an adult, but most often he laughs when he is tickled and played, for example, thrown up.

Tries to pronounce vowel sounds (similar to the sounds "a", "s", "y").

What does a 3 month old baby look like?

Physical development of a child at 3 months

Gradually, the child begins to turn from back to side. If he doesn't do it on his own, play and help him. Show your baby bright objects or sounding toys a little to the side, but within the edge of the child's line of sight. The child will turn his head, and after the head, he will first turn his shoulders, and then his torso. Some babies can also roll from their stomach to their back.

At 3 months, a significant part of the children keep their heads along the axis of the body. Shifted to a sitting position, the child holds the head straight for a few seconds before it collapses forward. The back is still round.

Being in the hands of an adult in an upright position, the child holds his head and torso quite well.

In the prone position, the child rests on the forearms. It is due to the support on the forearms that by 3.5 months the baby can raise his head almost to an angle of 90 degrees, keep it straight and try to look in front of him, and try to scratch the surface in front of him with his fingers.

If you put your feet on a hard surface and support your child under the armpits, then he can periodically rest against it with his feet for several seconds. But the legs are still bent at the knee and hip joints. You should not use this motor skill of a child as a physical exercise, because the musculoskeletal system is not yet ready for standing and walking.


If during this test the child strongly rests with straightened legs, stands on his toes, and when the upper body is tilted forward, he makes repeated and quick stepping movements, you should immediately contact a pediatric neurologist. Such standing and gait are not signs of accelerated development of the child. On the contrary, it is a sign of retardation and brain damage. After all, such “standing” and “walking” are normal only for the first weeks of life. This is the so-called automated gait of a newborn, inherited from monkeys. Some of the trendy methods of accelerated development of children abuse this and other "simian" reflexes. Their authors claim that children from birth already know how to walk and crawl. Lacking the necessary scientific knowledge, they do not understand that these reflexes only superficially resemble real human motor acts.

During this period, small movements of the hands become diverse, one can even speak of the consciousness of many movements.

From 3.5 months she brings her hands together and plays with her fingers. Closer to 4 months, he presses his palms one to the other, and then spreads them.

test game
When a bright and especially new toy appears in the child's field of vision, one can observe the movements of both hands in the direction of this toy with an attempt to touch and grab it. This is how the grasping function manifests itself.

Let the child make as many groping movements with his hands as possible. At the same time, the child must see the object that he feels. To do this, put an object in the child’s hand and draw his visual attention to this object. The shape, size, texture of such objects should be varied, but easy to grasp. Talk to your child all the time, name your actions. Closer to 4 months, along with the name of the actions, pronounce the sounds that you heard earlier from the baby: “abu”, “agu”, “boo-boo”, “ah-ah”, “oh-oh”, “ga- ha ”, etc. This will contribute to the development of the baby’s speech.

Continue to use the toy trapezoid rocker attached to the crib or playpen. With age, the use of these toys changes. From simple looking (at 1 month) and touching (at 2 months), a child from 3 months moves on to grabbing a toy. The distance to the toy is the child's outstretched arms or lower. Swinging toys are difficult to grab: they are repelled from the hands of the child, so they begin to annoy him. Toys should be well fixed and almost motionless. If they are movable, then they should at least be comfortable to grip, so do not hang balls, smooth rounded objects, etc. It is better to hang rings, bells, etc. Even before the child learns to grab the toy well and pull it in the mouth, you need to take care of the safety of the baby. The crossbar (rocker) must be securely attached to the crib or playpen so that the child does not pull it onto itself along with the toy. The toy itself must be large enough and securely fixed to the rocker so that the child cannot swallow it. At 3 months, the child is already consciously hitting hanging toys with his hands. If the toys are suspended at different levels, then the child deliberately hits the lower toys, then stops and observes how the toys suspended above move and make a sound.

It is also useful to purchase a special developmental mat with irregularities and objects sewn to it for them to be captured and felt by a child lying on his stomach.

During feeding, the baby begins to hold the bottle or mother's breast with his hands.

At this age, a healthy child during active wakefulness can sometimes experience anxiety of the tongue: its periodic protrusion, movements back and forth.


If such anxiety persists when eating, and even more so interferes with eating or is accompanied by other developmental abnormalities, it is necessary to contact a neurologist.

Mental development of a child at 3 months

Vision. The kid independently fixes his gaze at first on stationary objects nearby, later examines objects in the room. For several minutes he can consider one object, looks from one object to another.

Fixes eyes on your face when someone else is holding the baby upright in front of you. A clear and sustained eye-to-eye reaction when breastfeeding or interacting with an adult.

Follows with his eyes the movements and large movements of adults who have fallen into the near field of vision of the child, looks after the departing.

The child confidently follows with his eyes and turning his head how you move the toy in all directions: not only horizontally - right and left, but also vertically - up and down. The distance to a bright toy, which can be followed by a glance, increases to two meters.

Convergent strabismus appears less and less often - only when looking at the object very closely. With convergent strabismus, the lines of sight and pupils are not parallel, but shifted inward - towards the midline of the face. That is, while the child "mows" to the nose.


Strabismus from only one eye (the diseased eye can squint either inward or outward) or persistent bilateral convergent strabismus when looking into the distance is the basis for a visit to the optometrist.

By the end of this month of life, the so-called revitalization complex appears - a positive emotional reaction of the child in response to an affectionate appeal to him from an adult. In order to evoke this complex, you need to bend over the awake child lying on his back so that he fixes his gaze on your face. Speak softly to your child for a minute or two and smile. At first, the child will look and listen, and then he will smile, move his arms and legs, and even, perhaps, make a few short sounds.

Hearing. If a mother or a well-known person comes up behind a child lying or in her arms and speaks to him, being out of his field of vision, then the baby turns his eyes or head towards the speaker and sometimes finds him with his eyes.

At this age, the child often responds with a smile to the conversation, begins to distinguish the adult caring for him, the mother from others by the appearance: he smiles at her more than at another adult. If a mother comes to the baby's bed and leans over him, he looks at her attentively and expectantly. When she talks with the child, he smiles happily, sometimes hums. If an unfamiliar adult approaches, the baby looks at him calmly, without a smile. If he is silent, then the child looks away. If the mother leaves and immediately after the mother, a “stranger” leans towards the child, the child expresses dissatisfaction, does not immediately look at the “stranger”.

Some children already, upon reaching 3 months, begin to distinguish intonations of the voice and react to them differently. If a child is spoken to affectionately, then he smiles and perks up. In the case of a reproach, an irritated voice, a negative reaction appears.

Pre-speech development of a child at 3 months

The intonations and differences of the cry, described in the previous stages, become more pronounced and are better distinguished not only by the mother, but also by other relatives. The sound expression of the emotion of discontent matures and becomes more developed - instead of screaming, whimpering and crying are more often noted. Unlike a scream, these sounds are intermittent and are accompanied to a lesser extent by motor restlessness.

The child begins to laugh and squeal in response to the adult's joyful communication with him: flirting, tickling the neck or chest, etc. During the revival complex, when the adult flirts and during comfortable wakefulness after eating, cooing or cooing is characteristic. When cooing, vowel sounds continue to predominate, but more and more often in combination with indistinctly pronounced consonants: “b-u”, “v-i”, “a-a-bm-bm”, “bl”, “u-gu”, “ boo", etc.

Up to 3 months, pre-speech activity was carried out regardless of the use of hearing. After 3 months, the child begins to pronounce sounds under the control of hearing. Therefore, a real dialogue with the child becomes possible: you repeat his sounds or syllables after the child, while he falls silent and listens to you, and then begins to hum more actively and louder. You can stimulate dialogue by speeding up and slowing down the pace of your speech. A similar effect is also achieved by changing the volume of the voice. Gradually, in turn, the child in his cooing begins to imitate your sounds and their intonation. During such a conversation, it is necessary that the child sees your face, peers into your facial expressions while pronouncing sounds and tries to reproduce not only sounds, but also your facial expression and facial movements.

Talk to your baby constantly when you are caring for or around him. Accompany your actions with words. When feeding, say: "Open your mouth"; when dressing - "Give me a pen"; when playing - “Take the bear”, etc. Call the child by name, and not “baby”, “baby”, etc.

Denver test at 3 months

Rough moves- Lying on his stomach, he rises on his elbows.

subtle movements- Follows the gaze in the range of 180 degrees, blinks in response to visual stimulus.

How to feed a baby at 3 months

Breastfeeding: Usually 10-12 feedings during the day and 2-4 at night. The number of short attachments in a child of 3 months is noticeably reduced. During feedings, the baby often comes off the breast. Night breaks in feeding are usually 2.5–3.5 hours.

During feeding, the baby is even more distracted than in the third month. Do not scold him for this or take away his chest. Be patient and calmly wait for him to start sucking again.

If the baby is on IV
The daily volume of the mixture - from 2 to 4 months 800-1050 ml (800-900 ml) or so - from two to four months 1/6 body weight - 750-800 ml of the mixture.

It must be remembered that the frequency of feeding a child up to 1 year:

  • From the first days of life to 3 months - 7-8 feedings.

  • 4-6 months - 6 feedings.

  • 6-12 months - 5 feedings.

What is the chair of a child at 3 months? And how much does he write?

The stool of a breastfed child becomes more regular and homogeneous, in the form of a creamy mass. The frequency can be different: every day at about the same time; up to 5 times a day, stool sour; and even once every 2-5 days. This is normal for exclusively breastfed babies at 3-4 months of age - if the stool is still soft, the baby does not need enemas or laxatives.

Children from three months to one year urinate 12-16 times.

Approximate regimen of a child at 3 months

A 3-month-old baby sleeps for about 10 hours a night, usually with 2-4 feedings between 4 and 8 hours. During the day there are 2 long - 1-2 hours and 2 short sleeps - 30-40 minutes each. The baby still falls asleep for quite a long time (20-30 minutes), sucking on the breast. At about 3 months, the baby begins to react to changes in the weather, the new moon and the full moon - he can sleep restlessly, act up for no reason.

After the third month, the baby already lives according to the regimen of the day and wakefulness, sleeps 16-17 hours a day, daytime sleep 4 times for 1.5-2 hours.

The child should spend a lot of time outdoors - 5-6 hours a day, you need to walk with him on the street. Except for frosts above 10 degrees.

The sun's rays strengthen the body and it produces vitamin D, which is simply necessary to increase immunity and prevent rickets and anemia. In extreme cases, take the stroller to the balcony or loggia, just make sure that direct sunlight or rain does not fall. Be especially careful to protect your baby from drafts.

Infographic - baby sleep duration depending on age

Educational games with a child at 3 months

Take a toy

Putting the baby on his stomach, lay out the front 2-3 bright toys and rattle them. If the little one tries to reach one of them, put your palm under the foot of the leg - having felt the support, there will be an attempt to push off. This educational game for a 3 month old baby will help him start crawling earlier.

Bunny (soft toy game)

One-two-three-four-five (Take a toy, shake it)
The bunny came out to jump (Up and down)
Looked around (Turn your head)
Turned around (Rotate the toy)
Looked up and down (Tilt back and forth)
ran (run)
Afraid (Hide behind your back)
Where are you, bunny, respond! (Show)

What should be the first rattle

It should be quite noticeable - colored, bright or shiny, with contrasting patterns. Combinations of red, yellow, blue, green colors are preferred, as well as elements of black and white patterns (cells, stripes, waves, spirals, dots and circles). And it certainly should be very easy!


  • Rattles with a corrugated or rough handle.

  • Rattles in the form of a ring and with a handle in the form of a stick.

We listen to music

Turn on different music: funny children's songs, classical, lullabies. Try to perform some actions in time with the sound (clap your hands, spin with the child in your arms, sway, sing along).

Young children are recommended to listen to such audio recordings, which are dominated by instruments with vibrations in high tones: harp, flute, bell. At the same time, the baby's breathing begins to adjust to the rhythm of the audio recording being played and normalizes.

It is also known that classical music, for example, Vivaldi or Mozart, is great for listening to babies. It has been scientifically proven that the melody from the violin concerto “Vivaldi Night” absolutely corresponds to the biological rhythms of the brain that it produces in a dream.

Today, in specialized children's stores, CDs with such music are on sale, on which the heart rhythms of the crumbs are superimposed, which helps to calm the babies.

For those kids who are excitable and often restless, it is best to play slow music (adante, adagio) - as a rule, this is the second part of most instrumental concertos and sonatas.

In addition, it must be taken into account that music, along with text, has a great influence on babies. It has also been proven that live music has a better effect on the baby than audio recording. That is why, no audio file can be compared with a lullaby that mom sings on her own.

Good to know

The use of headphones while listening is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that the design of any headphones is such that they generate directional sound, while the hearing aid of the crumbs is able to capture only scattered.

Miracle bracelet

Put on the arm (or leg) of the baby a bracelet made of knitted fabric, on which bells and bells are sewn. The development of coordination, the study of their arms and legs, as well as orientation in space will be much more interesting.

Exercises on the ball

Get a fitball. Now the child can already lie on his tummy for a long time, and hold his head for some time. Putting it on a large inflatable ball, shake it back and forth, carefully, left and right. Orientation in space and the vestibular apparatus develop.

finger games

Fingering our fingers, we say:

This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is daddy
This finger is a mother
This finger is Vanechka.

They bend the child's fingers and say:
One, two, three, four, five,
On the other hand again:
One, two, three, four, five.

Don't forget the massage! With jokes and rhymes.

Do I need to go to the clinic at 3 months? Vaccinations at 3 months

Yes. Scheduled medical examination is carried out in 3 months.


  • Pediatrician.

  • Neurologist.

  • Other specialists, if they did not examine the baby at 1 month: an orthopedist and an ophthalmologist (oculist).

Scheduled vaccination:

  • The 1st DTP vaccination is against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus (the 2nd is carried out at 4.5 months, and the 3rd at 6 months).

  • Against poliomyelitis (the 1st in a row, the 2nd is held at 4.5 months, and the 3rd at 6 months).


  • General (clinical) blood test - taken from a finger (main indicators: hemoglobin, red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells, ESR).

  • General urine analysis (color, transparency, pH, presence of protein, glucose, erythrocytes, bacteria are determined).

  • General analysis of feces (coprology - the consistency, color, pH, fat, blood, leukocytes are determined).

Video blog - 3 months

Tim is 3 months old. Games/Doctor/Vaccinations

Gymnastics for a child 3 months. Learning to roll over.

Massage for a 3 month old baby How do I massage

3.5 months. Vaccinations/Sleep/Mode/Games

When using the materials of the doctor of the Sumy Regional Children's Hospital - Leonid Rostislavovich Bitterlich

Educational games for children under 1 year old

What games can you play with child 3, 4, 5 months

What interests the baby at 3.5 - 4.5 months

During this period, your child has a need to communicate with adults, at the sight of loved ones, he seeks to call them to communicate, smiles, gives voice, does not take his eyes off adults. The cry becomes more varied with a touch of feeling: in different situations, your baby screams and cries in a new way, so he tries to control you. During this period, motor-visual coordination is actively developing.

There is a sharp increase in interest in the visual examination of the surrounding world, interest in one's own parts of the body, in the legs and especially in the hands, is expressed. The child can talk to himself, expresses joy, pleasure or resentment with motor or voice activity. Objects are explored when the baby touches them with both hands and gums and lips, so to identify and distinguish himself from the world around him, he pulls his arms and legs into his mouth. The first teeth appear - this is another reason that everything goes into the mouth.

Motor skills are improving more and more: the child actively reaches for the toy, grabs it and sends it to the mouth (purposefulness of actions), and the baby visually controls his actions.

The muscles of the back, upper and lower extremities develop, the child rolls over from his back to his stomach, can tear off the front part of the body from the support, lifting it in his arms. The kid can try to sit down if he finds improvised means (crossbar, parents' hands), stands more and more confidently on his legs when you support him.

Note to parents . Allow your child to visually explore the world around him. Move it around the room more often.

Sit down, get up

Purpose of the game: development of general motor skills, strengthening of the muscles of the back and limbs, development of analyzers, emotional contact.

: soft blanket.

Game progress: put the child on a blanket spread on the floor, talk to him, cause a return smile. Let the baby grab your index fingers, encouraging the child, complete the game in 4 stages, while saying the poem, do not forget to insure the child.

1st stage: from a lying position, help the child move to a sitting position.

One two Three.

2nd stage: Help your child move from a sitting position to a standing position.

One two Three.

3rd stage: from a standing position, help the child move to a sitting position.

One two Three.

4th stage: Help your child move from a sitting position to a lying position.

One two Three.

Count clearly, have fun. The kids love this game, after they lay down, they always look forward to repeating it. The kid will recognize the word "three" pretty soon.

Big small

Purpose of the game: development of a sense of space, vestibular and visual analyzers, emotional contact.

Game progress: before starting the game, take the child's hands, massage them, smile at the baby.

1st option: take the child in your arms, walk around the room, show him around. After familiarizing yourself with the room, hold the baby to you, sit down slowly, then stand up, saying:

There was a baby with dad growth,

Suddenly became very small

It's hard to be small

You grow to the joy of all.

2nd option: take the child under the armpits, lift it above you so that it sees the room from a height, then sit down and put the baby on its legs next to you, “walk” around the room, look around, beat the poem below (find a mouse hole, depict a mosquito, etc.). on the word "grow" raise the child again above you.

Was a giant

Became a gnome

I got into a mink to a gray mouse,

Pulled up the curtain

And scared the mosquito

Wanted to catch up

Doesn't know how to fly.

Don't miss the mosquito.

Grow faster.

Make emotional contact with the baby, smile and laugh in response, after he has "grown up", hold him close to you.

Note to parents . For completeness of movements, the baby's clothes should be spacious and comfortable, not restricting his movement.

Hide the boy, hide the girl

Game Goals: development of purposeful actions, development of emotional contact

Blanket, light handkerchief.

Game progress: spread a blanket on the floor, put the baby on his back, sit next to him, do "sips", sing a little with him to establish a psychological connection. Take a light handkerchief, give it to the child in his hands and start reading the poem:

The squirrel came

Mom and dad said:

hide girl

My squirrel.

Hide the boy

Bela bunny (lightly cover the child with the free edge of the scarf).

To the old dog Barbos,

Didn't take your kids.

We will say to Barbos: "Shoo."

Come out soon, baby (the ending should be faster, while you and the baby free him from the scarf for the first time).

The game, carried out on an emotional upsurge, really likes the baby, and he plays it with great pleasure. After you "release" the child (and later after his independent release), be sure to fix your joy with a gentle touch and a smile.

Let's relax, let's rest

Purpose of the game: development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back muscles, tactile sensitivity, body sensation.

Necessary materials and visual aids: blanket, music.

Game progress: spread a blanket on the floor, put the baby on his stomach, give him some time to adapt. Let the baby begin to show physical activity, raise the body, leaning on his hands. Grab your baby's knees with your hands and gently lift the baby's legs to a small height. Fix this position, let the baby get used to it. If it is difficult for a child, then play for a few seconds at first, then gradually increase the time of classes.

When the child adapts, he will begin to “push up” with great pleasure. If the child sank down on the blanket, wait a few minutes until he rested, after which he would again be ready to continue playing.

Teeth, teeth, teeth

Game Goals: development of analyzers, fine motor skills of hands, gum massage.

Necessary materials and visual aids: special rings, toys made of various materials (safe for the baby), designed for teething and gum massage.

Game progress: the baby lies on his back. Make eye contact with him before starting the game. Then bring the toy to the child. If she aroused interest and the baby reached out to her, while saying the words of the song, bring the toy to a distance that allows the child to reach it and pick it up.

The mouse dried the dryers,

The mouse invited mice

Drying mice began to eat,

Mice have broken teeth.

Our tooth is like an oak

The tooth won't break.

The child will certainly pull the toy into his mouth to scratch his gums. Let him do this, let the baby play on his own for a while. As soon as he switches his attention, take the baby in your arms, hold him close to you and say:

Our tooth is like an oak

The tooth won't break.

Note to parents. Considering that the child puts almost any thing that he has taken into his mouth, toys must be constantly clean.

Let's hide the toy

Game Goals: development of purposeful actions, development of visual reactions, emotional contact.

Required materials and visual aids: bright toy, handkerchief.

Note to parents . If the child misses and cannot grab the toy with his hand, put the object in his hand or bring it close enough so that he can easily pick it up.

Game progress: put the baby on your lap facing you, smile, talk a little, show the child a toy, if he is interested and reaches for it, let him get it and play on his own.

1st option: move the child to the “half-sitting-reclining” position, with his back to you, let him settle down comfortably. Play with him, looking at the toy together, tell the baby about its properties (squeaks, made of rubber or plastic, red or other color, etc.), then take a handkerchief and throw it over the toy. Watch what the child will do. If the child is inactive for a long time, then help him "free" the object. Actively hide the toy, if the child finds it, praise the baby, confirm the praise with a touch and intonation of the voice.

Finishing the game, put the child on your knees facing you, smile at him, press him to you.

2nd option: after the child is comfortable with playing on your lap, you can play on the floor. Put the child on a spread out blanket, sit next to him. Give the baby a toy. Then you throw a scarf over the toy, and the child "frees" it. The game ends with praise and a smile.

Changelings (or I left my grandmother)

Game Goals: development of back muscles, muscles of upper and lower extremities, coordination, development of analyzers.

Necessary materials and visual aids: blanket.

Game progress: spread a blanket on the floor, lay the child on his back, smile, talk a little, take his hands in your hands, massage him a little. Tell the kid the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", beat all the actions, place voice accents, attracting the child's attention. Depict with the child how the grandmother baked the Gingerbread Man and put it on the window to cool. After Kolobok jumped off the window and rolled along the path, singing a song, invite the child to roll over from his back to his stomach and back. The child, with great pleasure, first with your help, and later he himself performs coups.

I'm Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,

Meten on the barn.

Scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

Mixed with sour cream.

planted in the oven,

It's cold on the window.

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather.

As the Gingerbread Man travels and encounters various animals, the number of flips can be increased (according to the state of the child). The kid, as it were, takes a walk with Kolobok and rolls along the path.

After the game, praise the child, hug and kiss.

Note to parents. If the child has learned to roll over, do not leave him unattended on a table or sofa, lower him into an arena or onto the floor.

Every parent is concerned about whether their child develops correctly. 3 months is the age when the first more or less serious skills appear in the baby. He is not at all like the newborn baby that is taken from the hospital.

He can already react to sounds, his communication more broadly expresses his attitude to the events of the world around him. What else can a baby do at 3 months?

Basic Needs

What should a child be able to do at 3 months? Most of all, parents are concerned about what the baby can do psychologically. At this age, the baby is more interested in the company of the mother than in any other familiar adult. He often asks for pens to explore the world. If he is in the crib too much, his vision is limited, at this age curiosity begins to appear.

At 3 months the baby requires more love and attention, learns to distinguish emotions by watching the faces of adults. In response to the voice of the mother or the appearance of toys in front of him, he can coo and smile.

Attention is unstable, so the child is easily switched by an object painted in bright colors.

Important! The baby has no other way to express his desires, except for crying. His character may be fundamentally different. Over time, the mother can learn to distinguish the needs of the child, depending on the tone in which he is carried out. As a rule, hunger is indicated by a loud and sharp cry. Approximately the same sounds indicate that the baby is wet, or he feels physical discomfort. If the cry is quiet and plaintive, the adult should kill the boredom of the baby by talking to him.

Table of skills of a child at 3 months

The development of the child at the end of the 3rd month of life is individual. Therefore, you do not need to worry if something from this list has not yet manifested itself. All pediatricians talk about this, including Dr. Komarovsky. Each success of a 3-month-old baby should be considered his personal achievement. Parents should compare the baby with him yesterday, and not with other children. This healthy habit will help parents build a trusting relationship with their son or daughter as they get older. Normally, a three-month-old baby knows approximately the following.

3 month old baby skills

motor skills

At the age of three months, the child still sleeps a lot, a clear daily routine begins to form. A baby of this age sleeps for about 15-18 hours. The sleep itself is deeper than in a newborn.

At this age, it is necessary to pay special attention to walks in the fresh air, because for the crumbs this is an opportunity to relax and explore the world around them.

Important! The total duration of the walk in the summer is 2-3 hours. In winter, it is not recommended to go outside for more than an hour.

Physical features of a three-month-old baby

If the boy is 3 months old, then values ​​​​from 57.3 to 66.5 are considered normal growth indicators for him. The optimum is in the middle. Weight ranges from 4.5 to 7.5 kg. The boy's head circumference ranges from 38.1 to 42.9 centimeters.

If the girl is 3 months old, the values ​​​​are somewhat smaller: height - 55.6-64 cm, weight - 4.3-7.1 kg, head circumference - 37.1-42.0 cm.

Here the main criteria are the external proportionality of the child's body, as well as his sleep, appetite and mood. If these parameters are in order, then you should not worry. Nutrition is an important factor in the development of crumbs.

Important! The minimum increase in growth for the third month is a little more than half a kilogram (600 grams).

Communication with the outside world

At the age of three months, the child understands emotions well. Mom can verify this for herself. To do this, you should play one game with the child. Mom sits down near the baby’s crib so that the baby cannot see her, while she herself must see the face of her son or daughter. All items that can capture the attention of the child are removed.

Next, you need to start singing a sad melody. Usually in this case, the baby stops playing, freezes, and in the future may even cry. Then you need to immediately change the song to a fun one, his mood will quickly improve. So with the child you can play for a few minutes. This exercise also helps to develop the baby's ear for music (provided that the parent sings well).

When walking with a baby, it is very important to pay attention to bright or unusual objects. It is necessary to satisfy his informational hunger in a crib, giving him something that can be looked at with interest. Alternatively, hang moving toys above it.

Skills of a premature three-month-old baby

At the age of 3 months, a premature baby can already try to hold his head. If an ordinary baby at this age does this quite confidently, if it is in an upright position, then a premature baby may not yet be able to do this.

If a premature baby at the age of three months takes objects, then this is a good sign. In general, the child is slightly weaker than his peers, born at the right time. A small premature baby needs extra care, a bad parent will ignore this need.

Differences in the development of a boy and a girl

At the age of three months, the differences between the development of boys and girls are not yet so noticeable. Most of all, the external difference is visible. Boys are larger, heavier and have more head circumference than girls. On average, individual children may not differ much.

Differences are expressed in emotional terms. Since childhood, boys are more interested in surrounding objects, while girls delve into the faces of surrounding adults.

Games with a baby at 3 months

One of the games that can be played with a child is described above. It does not improve any abilities, but allows you to assess the approximate level of development of the baby.

The easiest way to please your baby is with toys hanging above the crib. You can place them on two levels. The first one is for viewing. At the second level, toys are placed a little lower so that the child can reach them and use them somehow (hit, make sounds from a rattle, and so on).

It is recommended to diversify the experience of the interaction of the baby with toys, changing them from time to time. Do not hang a lot of items at once, the attention of the crumbs may get tired. One or two is enough, every week they should be changed (or even more often).

At this age, the child can try to look for entertainment on their own. One of the games that you can play with a child at this age is “ku”. An adult is invited to cover his face with his hands, then open it and say “ku-ku”. The child will be delighted.

One of the educational games for a three-month-old baby is to show the baby pictures and name what is shown on them.

You can start teaching your baby to crawl. To do this, a toy is placed in front of the baby in such a way that he cannot immediately reach it. After that, it is necessary to attach a palm to the feet so that the child pushes off from it. When he learns to feel support under his feet, he will begin to do it on his own.

What is the correct action for the child?

If the baby confidently takes in his palm what to slip into his palm, smiles at adults, gurgles, is actively interested in the world around him, eats 6-7 times a day, sleeps a lot, but is already more awake, compared to the first months, plays with toys, rolls over, when lying down, the child develops normally.

If something from this list is not, then this is not a reason to be afraid. The development of each child is individual and depends on genetics, environmental conditions, the emotional state of the parents, as well as the frequency of visits to doctors. Regardless of whether the child develops normally, according to the parents, or not, it must be shown to the pediatrician every month.

How can a mother help a child

The development of a child at three months is very active, during this period the mother can help the child with special massages, active games and physical exercises for the baby, which strengthen certain muscle groups.

But you can't overdo it. If a child receives too many impressions, there may be problems with sleep, which will negatively affect his overall development.

Thus, the requirements for a baby at three months are quite modest. He still doesn't know much. Parents should carefully monitor his condition and regularly take him to the local pediatrician. He knows exactly what a child should be able to do at three months, and understands when it is worth worrying and when not.


The first year of life is the most important in the development of the baby. In such a short time, the child acquires new skills and abilities. Every day you can notice something new and interesting in the crumbs. But the third month is considered the most significant and noticeable. At this time, the first fruits of what was laid by the parents in the first two months appear. The kid got used to the daily routine and living conditions, he began to consciously peer into objects and faces, to be interested in the world around him. The baby shows his emotions, quickly develops physically.

Baby at 3 months

  • The fragile and delicate body of a newborn at the age of three months began to look plump, the cheeks were rounded. Creases appeared on the legs and arms. This is the result of the normal development of subcutaneous adipose tissue.
  • The child confidently holds the head, even lying on the tummy. Moreover, he makes attempts to rise, leaning on the handles. As a new skill, they demonstrate how they can roll over from their back to their stomach.
  • By the third month, the baby eats and sleeps at about the same time. His body gets used to a certain daily routine and the life of the mother in this regard is a little easier.
  • At this age, the child begins to explore the world, tasting everything. He begins to pull into his mouth everything that falls into the pen.

Height and weight

Every month, the parents and the baby visit the polyclinic to monitor the development of the child, as well as changes in height and weight. There are approximate standards for weight and height. They depend on the data that was at birth. Approximately the weight of a three-month-old child can be from 3 to 6 kilograms, and height - from 54 to 64 centimeters.

Growth and weight are directly affected by the way and type of nutrition, as well as genetic heredity. There are approximate tables of weight gain and height of the child. But they cannot be taken as a basis, since it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics, this is, firstly. And secondly, these figures will differ significantly between breastfeeding and artificial. With breastfeeding and with high-quality breast milk, a child can gain weight from five hundred grams to two kilograms per month. The kid himself will determine when he is full, it is impossible to overfeed him. The main thing is to let him eat as much as he wants.

Some mothers are worried about the large discrepancy between the data in the table and the growth and weight of their crumbs. Children cannot all be the same in development. Watch the baby during the day, how he eats, sleeps, plays, pees and poops, what is the condition of the skin, hair and nails. If everything is in order physically, the child is not capricious and active, then there is no need to worry.

Reflexes at three months

Certain instincts and reflexes appear in the baby from the first day of life, and by three months some of them should fade away. If they do not go away, then this may indicate certain pathologies associated with the nervous system:

  • Try to lightly touch the corner of the baby's mouth with your finger, he can turn his head in this direction and open his mouth. This reflex is called search;
  • With a light touch on the upper lip of the child, he forms something like a proboscis with his lips - this is a proboscis reflex;
  • If you lightly press your finger into the middle of the child's palm, then the child raises his head forward and at the same time opens his mouth - this is the Babkin reflex.

The sucking and crawling reflexes are only activated at this age, because they are an integral element in the development of the baby. And there is one more protective reflex in a child, which can persist for a certain time. When laying the baby on his back or while raising the legs above the support, the fall protection reflex is triggered. At this moment, the baby spreads his fingers to the sides and throws up his arms at the same time - this is the Moro reflex.

What should be able to

The word "should" is not very suitable here, since each baby develops at its own pace. It's just that some do it faster, while others do it a little later. What one does well at three months, another can start at four. There are no strict standards in this matter. The main thing is that the neurological state is normal, and the skills and abilities will definitely be formed.

Physical skills

  • The baby can confidently and for a long time lie on the back, he does not need support.
  • The child reacts to the toys hanging above him, tries to reach them and touch them with his fingers. He can examine objects for a long time, as well as his legs and arms, pulls them into his mouth.
  • The baby reacts to voices and sounds by turning his head and looking. He follows the movement of bright toys with interest with his eyes.
  • A three-month-old baby independently turns from his back to his side and onto his tummy. Learning this skill, the baby also pushes off with its legs from a nearby support (for example, from the side of the crib).
  • Relying on the not yet strong forearms, the baby tries to stay on the tummy longer and look at the world around him, raising his head and legs. This procedure is useful for strengthening the muscles of the back, which in the future will help to sit, stand and walk independently.
  • The child easily moves in the horizontal plane of a bed. With the help of the movement of the arms and legs, he changes his location in one direction or the other, and he does this in just a few minutes. Such movements in the future will be useful in mastering the skills of crawling.
  • Try to put the baby (of course, supporting him) with his legs on a flat surface and he will definitely start to push off from it. This indicates the strengthening of the muscles of the legs.
  • A child at this age is trying to connect his fingers into a lock and bring his hands together. You can start learning to clap your hands (the game "Okay").

Emotional Achievement

  • At the age of three months, parents notice that the child begins to show his character and emotions.
  • Positive emotions in the baby are manifested in the form of smiles, laughter and even squeals. So he can react to the appearance of close people or well-known pets. But he can cry and get scared when strangers and unfamiliar faces appear.
  • By the nature of the sounds made by the child, one can already distinguish his desires. When left alone for a long time, whimpering can be heard to attract the attention of adults. The baby can be lonely and bored, he needs to hold his mother's arms or just see his native face and hear his native voice. If you do not pay attention to whimpering, then it will develop into a loud cry - a demand. But it is worth giving the baby a few minutes, and sometimes just appear in front of him, and he will calm down.
  • The kid is trying to pronounce sounds that consist not only of vowels, but also of consonants. He is developing his first speech skills. Start talking or singing with him and he will respond in his childish language. The kids love these conversations.
  • Most children have a positive attitude towards bathing. At this age, they are ready to splash in the water for at least a whole day. Sprinkling water with arms and legs is a special pleasure.

A child at any age, at any stage of development needs the attention of parents and praise. Praise your baby often, for the smallest achievement.

In order to be safe for the life and health of the baby, in no case should you leave him unattended on high surfaces (for example, on a bed or on an ottoman, on a changing table). Just a few minutes without the attention of adults can lead to a fall of the child and serious injury. A crib is one of the safest places for a baby.

By three months, the child continues to actively develop the organs of hearing, vision, smell and touch, as well as the main functions of the psyche - thinking, emotions, speech, memory and perception.


The kid consciously peers at various objects and tries to study them in detail. To do this, he uses not only vision, but also tries to taste everything, touch it. The child freely translates his gaze behind the moving figure, he develops objective perception.


Hearing development is fast. The child recognizes the mother's voice from a dozen others, he reacts to this voice with a smile. He easily recognizes the place of sound reproduction and tries to find it with his eyes.

At this age, you can develop hearing and perception with the help of musical toys, bright pictures or books with musical accompaniment. The kid explores the world around him with his fingers, he tries to lick toys and examine them for a long time. All sense organs are of great importance in the development of sensations.


A child at the age of three months pronounces his first “aha”. With active cooing, he expresses his positive emotions. In the child, the "complex of revival" is clearly manifested. He expresses his emotions in all ways available to him - sounds, active movements, twitching of legs and arms, facial expressions. The kid consciously and openly smiles at a loved one.

Nutrition and sleep

In the first two months, the baby's main time consisted of sleeping and feeding. A certain daily routine has already been formed. In the third month of life, the daily routine will change a little, as the baby will be awake more time. But the main schedule remains, it will allow mom to plan her time and do household chores.

Most of the day (about seventeen hours) is still occupied by the baby's sleep. At night, a child can sleep for about ten hours, and during the daytime he sleeps four times.

Formula-fed babies are fed with formula according to the instructions on the package (for formula volume and number of feedings). When breastfeeding, babies are fed on demand, regardless of the intervals between feedings. The baby eats as much milk as he wants and how much he needs.

Active exploration of the world around the child slightly changes the process of breastfeeding. The kid is constantly distracted, turns his head to see something or someone. Does not eat the required amount of milk. Because of this behavior of the child, the mother undergoes changes in the process of lactation. Sometimes it seems to her that the amount of milk has decreased and it is necessary to start complementary foods.

This period must be waited out, after a few days, the mother's hot flashes will normalize. It is only necessary to breastfeed a restless baby more often and lactation will be normal. It is not recommended to switch to milk formulas or fruit complementary foods at such critical moments. They are absolutely not needed when breastfeeding. Mom's milk provides the baby with good nutrition.

At three months, the moment of development of curiosity comes. The kid learns the world, everything that surrounds him and everything he hears is interesting for him. Children of this age are very fond of communication. They listen to the speech of adults and pronounce their sounds, trying to say something or ask. This is the right time to get acquainted with the first nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes, funny songs and jokes.

The kid can listen to a musical melody or a song for a long time. He will look with interest at bright and large simple object pictures. Showing pictures should be accompanied by a story or a song, maybe separate sounds.

It is necessary to talk with the child in the process of dressing, bathing, walking and even during a massage. Speak the word clearly and point to the object. Listening to children's songs, such kids sometimes even try to sing along in their own way.

As a game, various finger exercises are suitable. For the development of the organs of touch, you can let the child hold objects made of different materials (a small ball, a soft foam rubber washcloth, something from his clothes so that he feels the material by touch).

While doing massage or gymnastics, try telling a fairy tale or rhyme. While rocking the baby, do not forget about lullabies. The emotions of the mother and her condition are easily transmitted to the child. The mother's voice should be calm and affectionate. At such moments of communication, the baby not only develops and receives new information, but also feels maternal love.

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