Space activities in the children's library script. Cosmonautics Day (Scenario of an event for children in a preparatory group for school). Song "Dream to fly"

landscaping 01.02.2022

Extra-curricular event on Cosmonautics Day for schoolchildren. Scenario

School-wide event "People reach for the stars." Scenario

Zhidikina Oksana Mikhailovna, teacher, GBOU - cadet
boarding school "Dyatkovo cadet school - aviation boarding school named after Hero of the Soviet Union Kashin I.A."
Material Description: school-wide event dedicated to the celebration of Cosmonautics Day. The author's development will help educators, class teachers, deputy director for educational work in preparing the event.
Target: familiarization of students with the conquerors of space.
- contribute to the deepening of knowledge in the assimilation of space, in the field of achieving science;
- develop memory, creativity;
- Raise pride in our country.
Event progress
Music sounds

1. This world was created for you and me
How can we stay out of work:
Distant stars wink,
Distance is not the limit.

2. Youth is a fast paced time
May we always strive upwards over it,
And be ready to fly all the time
Even if you wait your whole life.
Readers come out to space music
1. Since ancient times, the mysterious world of planets and stars has attracted the attention of people, attracted them with its mystery and beauty. Earlier, long ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as an inverted bowl, which rests on three giant elephants, standing importantly on the shell of a huge turtle. This wonderful turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many sparkling stars. The mysterious brilliance of the stars and the bottomless depth of the sky have always attracted people. They have long tried to conquer the sky. And then there were legends about people who can fly, myths, beautiful legends appeared.

2. Icarus and his father lived on an island that belonged to a very cruel king, it was impossible to escape from him either by land or by sea, the only way to escape was the sky. But how?
Daedalus came up with a very interesting and convenient device - wings. He collected bird feathers and sealed them with wax. Father and son attached their wings to their backs and took off into the sky. Before the flight, Daedalus warned his son that it was impossible to fly high into the sky, as the sun would melt the wax that fastened the wings. The feathers will scatter and he will die. But Icarus was so mesmerized by the sight that he forgot his father's instructions and flew too high. The sun melted the wax, the feathers scattered, and Icarus fell into the sea from a great height. This is such a sad story.

3. Since then, several thousand years have passed, many generations of kind and intelligent people have grown up on our Earth. They built ships and, having traveled around the world, they learned that the Earth is a sphere. And astronomers have proven that the Earth flies in space, revolving around the sun, making one revolution around its axis per year.
The next step was to make a balloon with a basket for passengers. A brazier with hot coals was placed in the basket. The balloon was constantly filled with hot smoke. But such a ball did not fly long and low. The ball began to be filled with gas, it could fly for a long time, but it was large and clumsy. He flew in the direction in which the wind blew.

Then the airship was created, and then the plane.

And they began to fly in the air shell of the Earth. But people did not stop there, they were attracted by space.
Now it seems familiar to us that spaceships start from the Earth, astronauts live and work at space stations for months, automatic stations fly to other planets. And once space flights were from the realm of fantasy.

Song "Flight"

1. When we grow up, we will fly into space.
In the meantime, we want to tell
About those people, skillful and brave,
that conquered space.

2. Very important
Don't forget their names
All astronauts and scientists,
Which laws are necessary opened
And they paved the way for us into space.

3. In Kaluga near Moscow
The teacher lived alone.
All my life I dreamed about space
He himself studied the necessary sciences,
Did a great job
And began to create a theory
Space flights.
He was a genius, and today
We must remember Tsiolkovsky.

4. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857 - 1935) - Russian scientist, founder of astronautics, who knew well physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, mechanics. He is the author of airship projects, works in the field of aerodynamics and rocket technology, one of the founders of the theory of interplanetary communications with the help of rockets, and the developer of the principle of rocket propulsion. Many of his contemporaries considered him insane. The scientist was able to outline the path by which humanity went into space.
5. But who built the first rocket?
Do you know about it?
Designer, academician Korolev.
The first satellite was ready for flight
In the last century, in the fifty-seventh year.
He flew through the work
Designers, rocket scientists, workers,
And he was the first in the world, by the way.

6. The name of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1906-1966), the chief designer of spaceships, is inextricably linked with space exploration. The chief designer, as the cosmonauts called him, will remain the chief forever. Under his leadership, ballistic and geophysical rockets, the first artificial satellites of the Earth, the first spacecraft were created, on which, for the first time in history, a man's space flight and man's exit into space were made.

7. "He was sincere and simple,
sapper simple -
life lived to its fullest.
The bridge that gave people
From the earth to the stars."

8. "It was a time when every minute equaled years... These were the people who made years equal centuries."
"We were prisoners on a modest ball
And how many times, in the countless change of years,
The stubborn gaze of the Earth in the dark expanse,
I watched with longing the movement of the planets.

9. And then came the twentieth century. Airplanes were already flying in the sky, and the first rockets were launched into space. People believed that the day when a man will fly into space is not far off.
And now ... Start! The huge flash is blinding. An avalanche of fire breaks out from under the rocket and, reflected from the concrete, clouds it with clubs. Furious hum. The rocket rises up, leaving the space harbor of the universe.

10. After 4 years, there was a new success -
The first man went into space.
Yuri Gagarin completed the flight.
Our pilot flew around the Earth.
Successfully completed the round
Spaceship Vostok.

These seconds were the result of all the disputes of the opponents, the result of insights and quarrels, the result of outlined drawings, the result of short reports in the strict offices of the Kremlin and sleepless nights in a small house in the place to which people came up with a beautiful non-Russian name - Baikonur.

11. That morning the quails became afraid,
That flew into the steppe, soaring from nesting,
When under the sky as if made of silk
Rested on the sky
jet explosion.
And the news spread around the world
As if struck
world finest hour!
Until now, we all keep the newspaper
With a portrait of Yura.
With a TASS message.
His fate is covered with immortality.
His character forged our age.
He smiled from Lenin's Mausoleum
And the world, as on Victory Day, rejoiced.

12. Twenty-six years before the launch of the Soviet spaceship Vostok with a man on board, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky said: “I don’t want to die on the threshold of man’s penetration into space. I freely imagine the first person who overcame the earth's gravity and flew into interplanetary space ... He is Russian ... He is a citizen of the Soviet Union. By profession, most likely a pilot. He has smart courage, devoid of cheap recklessness. I imagine his open “Russian face, the eyes of a falcon”.

13. These words were spoken by the great scientist in 1938. Yura Gagarin was about a year old at that time. Who could have predicted then that it was this boy, born in the family of Smolensk collective farmers, who would become the first of those inhabitants of the planet, to whose lot falls, having broken the fetters of earth's gravity, to penetrate into interplanetary space? And yet, the portrait of the astronaut, painted by Tsiolkovsky, surprisingly accurately anticipates both the appearance of Yuri Gagarin and the content of his inner world.

Video "Do you know what kind of guy he was ..."

14. You say: - Gagarin - and suddenly in front of us
Rushing up, drawn by a whirlwind,
Into the sky, throwing up the Promethean flame,
The steppe, deafening with enthusiastic thunder.
In reality you will see how inspired he is,
Ball flying around and the strings of the universe
Touching in a bold flight with hands
The strings of those invisible, sensing the plexus,
Rushing between them in immortal expanses,
Singing pours into the heart -
The voice of the harmony of Eternity in the world.
He rushes, violating with a daring flight
Starry Universe eternal rest.
Listen sensitive stellar ears
Heartbeat and human sigh.
I see: the calmness of the eye under the eyebrow,
In a clear smile, the glow of life.
Heard: from the sky - Health is in order.
Glory to our dear Motherland!
Our contemporary, he lived between us,
He was waiting for a new task from the Fatherland.
Devotee, ever ready with friends
To new exploration of the secrets of the universe.
He is now between us, alive,
In our aspirations and our worries,
Forever will be in the hearts of his name
A call and a symbol of a bold takeoff.

15. We are proud of those people who have connected their lives with a dangerous, difficult, but noble cause - space flights. We are proud that our country was the first to open the way to space!
Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,
How he swept through people's hearts!
It seemed that the world involuntarily became kinder,
Shocked by his own victory.
What he thundered with universal music,
That holiday, in the colorful flame of banners,
When the unknown son of the Smolensk land
Was adopted by the Earth-planet.
Resident of the Earth, heroic this fellow
In his cosmic vessel,
In a circular, forever unprecedented,
In the abyss of the sky waved over her ...
On that day, the Earth seemed to become smaller,
But she became people, maybe relatives.
Ah, this day involuntarily or voluntarily
Giving birth to the thought, what the hell is this -
On a small Earth - why wars,
Why all that the human race endures?
Did you know yourself, from that deaf universe
Having reached their earthly shores,
What news, what a priceless pledge
Delivered to us from future ages?
Yes, - In a row of decades every year
We mark new
Space milestones.
But remember:
The journey to the stars has begun
From Gagarinsky
Russian "Let's go"

16. This flight is unique, a person can live and work in space.
A new profession has appeared on Earth - an astronaut. Of the more than 40,000 professions that exist on Earth, the profession of an astronaut is the most difficult, dangerous and responsible. This is a real feat. A feat scientific, technical, organizational, but above all - purely human. Cosmonautics is a thousand times younger than the history of mankind, its conscious experience. The conquest of space is just beginning.

17. Years, decades, centuries will pass, people will forget the dates of wars and revolutions, but this day will always be remembered. April 12 day. After all, it was from that day - April 12, 1961 - that man began space exploration. By decision of the International Aviation Federation, this day became the World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics.

"Song "Cosmos"

18. Cosmonaut No. 2 - German Titov on the Vostok-2 spacecraft for the first time in the world made 17 round-the-world orbits, having spent more than a day in flight. If the flight
Yu. Gagarin proved that a person can fly into space, then the flight of G. Titov showed that a person can live in space, work and relax. He was the first to film the Earth from space. People saw their planet in a way that no one had ever seen it before.

19. Titov, Popovich, Nikolaev and Bykovsky
After Gagarin, they flew into space.
More and more new astronauts.
and Valentina Tereshkova
Was among the first astronauts.

I was not afraid, I boldly set foot on the cosmic path. She did her job with honor and proved that women are capable of much, and even to fly into space. The feat of V. Tereshkova was continued by the second woman - cosmonaut - Svetlana Savitskaya.

She not only flew into space, but also worked for many days at the orbital station.
In 1994, Elena Kondakova added to the list of Russian female cosmonauts.

And this list of names of astronauts can go on and on. And they are all citizens of our country - Russia.

20. The spacewalk was another victory that brought people closer to conquering space. The first spacewalk took place in March 1965. Preparation for it was considerable - three years. On the spacecraft were two cosmonauts - Pavel Belyaev and Leonid Leonov.

Flight duration 1 day 2 hours 2 minutes 17 seconds. During this flight, Leonov was the first to step into outer space and stayed there for 12 minutes 9 seconds.

Video "I am the Earth ..."

21. But on March 27, 1968, the world learned about a terrible tragedy - the death of the first cosmonaut of the planet. It happened in the sky of the Vladimir region near the village of Novoselovo. Shortly before his death, Gagarin turned 34 years old. He made a training flight with an instructor, Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Seregin.

22. But sometimes there were failures
And astronauts died...
So, the brave Komarov burned down during the descent.
Another time from overload
valve opened...
Cosmonauts Dobrovolsky,
Patsaev, Volkov died in the ball all heroically.
moment of silence
Song "Tenderness"

23. Twentieth century, taking off to the galaxies,
Brings us all a solemn message:
There is an astronaut - such a profession,
There is already such a position in the world.
Unfamiliar with the map of heaven,
And I did not avoid mistakes that day -
See all: - already a portrait over the abyss
Not a dead star, but a man!
Such position and such right:
He is the first to seek the way to other worlds.
He is working!
Not honor and glory
And duty and loyalty govern him.
The song of the satellites, which is quiet
Star ringing
Thundering, and majestic and simple,
Tomorrow he will take in firm palms,
He will clear up obscure places,
Of what he saw, he will give an account to the people
He, Soft gaze, raised to heaven,
Where bright stars twinkle round dances,
Where he recently shone as a star himself.
On March 9, our country will celebrate the 81st anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's birth. And in our memory he will remain young, with a radiant smile.

24. Yes “... The Great does not die, it remains for people. In the achievements of today's cosmonautics, the thought of the first Chief Space Designer, Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, lives on. And it is to this day that his words apply: “What seemed unrealizable for centuries, which yesterday was only a daring dream, today is becoming a real task, and tomorrow it will be an accomplishment.” (S.P. Korolev).

25. During this time, astronautics has gone from simple artificial Earth satellites to complex lunar and interplanetary automatic ones, from single-seat spacecraft to orbital stations with interchangeable crews, from the simplest experiments in space to fundamental research.

26. Flights are getting longer and longer. Astronauts are already in space not for hours, not days, but for several months. The spaceships themselves have also changed. Now these huge structures, which have everything necessary for a long life in orbit, are the international space stations - the ISS. The ISS monitors the Sun, planets and stars.

27. Why do people reach for the stars?
Why in our songs
Is the hero a falcon?
Why is everything beautiful
What he created
Man, silent
Call it high?
It's not easy to pave the way
Until yesterday's misty stars
But it's harder to find on Earth
What he carried in his heart,
What a river carried across the Earth,
That bound the cities forever
That beam raged in the darkness,
Illuminated your years.
Not easy,
But you must find
What's in the heart to the stars
The earthly path is a continuation of the path
To today's bright stars...

28. Listen!
After all, if the stars are lit -

So - someone wants them to be?
So - someone calls these spittles
And, tearing up
in blizzards of midday dust,
rushes to god
afraid of being late
kisses his sinewy hand,
asks -
to have a star!
- swears -
will not endure this starless torment!
And then
walks anxious,
but calm on the outside.
Says to someone:
“After all, now you have nothing?
Not scary?
After all, if the stars
ignite -
Does that mean anyone needs it?
So, it is necessary
so that every evening
over the rooftops
lit up at least one star ?!

29. Now a variety of automatic vehicles surf the cosmos and unravel the mysteries of the universe. Now cosmonautics is one of the newest areas of human activity, and how it will develop in the future depends on all of us. I would like proud and courageous people to conquer the cosmic abysses, step over the invisible boundary of Pluto's orbit, opening the era of interstellar flights...

30. If we ask our cosmonauts how their journey into space begins, we will certainly hear the answer: “From a dream! A dream becomes a reality if a person is hardworking, inquisitive and persistent.

Poem by Boris Dvorny "Dream"
Squeezing the window sill with your palms,
You stand with your head thrown back
And the call signs of thoughts fly
To distant stars - white doves.
Somewhere out there, in the endless darkness,
Beyond the stellar arctic,
In an inaccessible space and time
Other galaxies float by.
I'm sure in some constellation
There are planets like ours, green,
And your peers live there -
Astronauts, poets, scientists.
And on the same moonlit midnight,
Throwing back his head dreamily,
Sad young peer
On a planet in the constellation Pigeon.

Song "Dream to fly"

31. Sons and daughters of planet blue
Soar up, disturbing the peace of the stars.
Established a path to interstellar space,
For satellites, rockets, scientific stations.
The space age is advancing!
The rockets continue their flight
Starting from Baikonur every year.
People are used to such phenomena.
He keeps his first love in his soul,
Let thousands soar to the stars again
But the first was Gagarin, he was his own,
Native, with a smile of a child, mischievous.

32. When Cosmonautics Day is celebrated,
Everyone remembers their favorite.
But on this day we congratulate those
Who creates glory for the country, success:
Everyone who is watching the remote control from the Earth,
How astronauts accomplish a feat
And those who send ships.
Starting from mother - Earth, -
Everyone who is connected with space science in life.
The people owe their love to them.
The country is proud of astronautics:
She was and will be needed!

33. Astronauts, thank you.
Our contemporaries - thank you!
I'm in a rush of excited feelings
Thank you again and again:
You opened to earthlings
Pages of heavenly beauty,
Showed us the earth
From heights never seen before
They showed her in a blue halo.
Humanity now knows:
Space will serve people
They will be obedient.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, heroes
Mighty Star Brothers!
Thank you astronauts!

The song "Air Force of the Power"

34. "It is today. And tomorrow? ... Settlements on the Moon, travel to Mars. Scientific stations on asteroids, communication with other civilizations… All this is the future. Let not so close, but real. After all, it builds on what has already been achieved. And we will not be upset that it is not you and I who will become participants in distant interplanetary expeditions. Let's not envy the people of the future. Of course, they will be very lucky, they will become accustomed to what we can only dream of. But we were also very lucky. Happiness of the first steps into space. And let the descendants envy our happiness. These words were said by Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on March 20, 1967.

35. We run to school
To our favorite class.
Lots of big and new things
Is waiting for us.
There will be a day, dear light
We'll fly too
To secret, fabulous planets
To distant worlds.
Years will pass. Maybe one of us will become an astronaut. And with his flight into space, just like Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, he will glorify our land.

36. To become an astronaut
You must have strong health.
And lead the right way of life
And the training must go through.
And only after many trials
You will become an astronaut.

37. Of course, anyone can want
View from space to Earth.
But is it enough patience and strength?
Only the one who bravely endured everything,
Go on a space flight.
Come on guys, space is calling us!

“Nothing is over, everything is just beginning…”
(K. Tsiolkovsky)

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

This methodological development presents a quiz that includes questions about astronauts, spacecraft and celestial bodies.

Purpose of the event: expand the horizons of students about astronauts, spacecraft and celestial bodies.

Event objectives:

  1. To acquaint students with the basic facts from the biography of astronauts, with interesting information about celestial bodies and spacecraft.
  2. To promote the development of attention, memory and creative thinking in students.
  3. To instill a sense of patriotism for their country, pride and respect for people who have dedicated their lives to conquering space.

Form of organization of children's activities: group work (team work)

Preparation for the event: This event is held within the framework of the decade of physics as an extra-curricular event for the Day of Cosmonautics. It can be carried out in the entire parallel of the seventh grades or in one grade.

In the classes (class), you need to choose team captains, give them a task: form teams, make emblems and come up with a team name. Give all children the task to prepare for the event and look through the biographies of domestic and foreign astronauts, read about spacecraft, about celestial bodies.

Equipment: multimedia, presentation "Step into the Universe", presentation "Hubble", video "Dedicated to Gagarin's first flight"

Event progress

Teacher: Hello dear guys! I am glad to welcome you to our game "Step into the Universe". !April 2, the whole world celebrates Cosmonautics Day. Remind me, please, in honor of what event is this holiday celebrated?

Suggested Answer: On April 12, the whole world celebrates the Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics - a memorable date dedicated to the first manned flight into space. On April 12, 1961, a citizen of the Soviet Union, Senior Lieutenant Yu.A. Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft for the first time in the world made an orbital flight around the Earth, opening the era of manned space flights.

Teacher: Thank you! Quite right! I invite you today to take your first step into the Universe. Captains, please introduce your teams.

The teams take turns pronouncing their name, the captains introduce the guys by name.

Teacher: But before we step into the Universe, let's talk about the man who opened the way for us into its secrets. I offer you stage 1 of our game called Warm-up. It consists of 10 questions worth 1 point. The right to answer and choose a question goes to the team that told us about this wonderful day. Attention, for each correct answer, the team receives 1 point, if the answer is not correct, the right to answer goes to the other team. We answer in turn. I will give you little stars that say 1 point.

Warm up

(from 2 to 13 slide)

  1. How long did Yu. A. Gagarin's space flight last? (1 hour 48 minutes)
  2. What was the name of the spaceship on which Yu. A. Gagarin flew into space? (East -1)
  3. Why in the museum of the star city in the office of Yu.A. Gagarin, the clock above the door always shows the same time - 10 hours 31 minutes? (at this time Gagarin's life was cut short)
  4. From which gate did Yuri Gagarin receive the keys for eternal storage? (From the gates of the cities of Cairo and Alexandria (1962, Egypt)).
  5. When and where was Yuri Gagarin born? (March 9, 1934, in the city of Gzhatsk, Smolensk region)
  6. Name Gagarin's callsign on his first flight. (Cedar)
  7. Often in newspapers and magazines you can see a photograph where Yu. Gagarin is depicted with a white dove in his hands. What is the history of this photo? (It was in the GDR, Gagarin was surrounded by Germans. Suddenly, a boy ran up and handed him a dove. Gagarin pressed the bird to his chest, and she trustfully spread her wings. This is how photographers captured him)
  8. What was Gagarin called abroad? (Columbus of the universe)
  9. Who was Gagarin's understudy in space flight? (German Titov)
  10. As you know, during the flight, Yu.A. Gagarin was wearing an orange spacesuit, a white helmet and the same white lace-up boots with thick soles. Why was a thick sole needed, because the astronaut was not going to fly to the moon and land there?

(They must have a thick sole that can withstand the impact well. This is necessary because the loads during an emergency landing can be very large. So large that the bones are destroyed and the tendons burst. The boot should at least partially soften the blow. Andrey Sobetov described a case where the heel bone the pilot pierced the thin sole of the boot, which subsequently led to infection of the fracture, gangrene and amputation. A high ankle can protect against dislocations and sprains during an illiterate landing. An important requirement is that the boot should not have hooks and similar details).

Teacher: Let's summarize. (Captains announce their scores). Let's see how the preparation for the space flight and the launch of the spacecraft with Yuri Gagarin on board took place. Includes a video clip (attached to development).

Teacher:(slides 14 to 35) We are moving on to the second stage of our game called “The abyss of stars has opened full of ...”. This stage consists of 4 blocks of questions: names, stars, planets, spacecraft. Each question has its own value. The value of the value indicates the degree of difficulty of the question. You will choose your own question. If your answer is wrong, then the question goes to your opponents. For correct answers, the team receives a card with the number of points earned.

Category "Names"

20 points

First female astronaut

Answer: Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova

40 points

The first person to go into outer space.

Answer: Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov

60 points

The world's first female astronaut to go into outer space.

Answer: Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya

80 points

Name the astronaut who first set foot on the moon.

Answer: This man was Neil Armstrong, the commander of the American Apollo 11 spacecraft. Known for his phrase, which he said, stepping on the moon: "This is one small step for a person, but a giant leap for all mankind."

100 points

Name the astronaut who held the world record for the longest space flight (437 days and 18 hours in 1994 and 1995)

Answer: Valery Vladimirovich Polyakov.

Category "Stars"

20 points

The closest star to Earth.

Answer: Sun

40 points

A star whose presence in the sky will help determine the cardinal points.

Answer: Polar Star.

60 points

This constellation was called by different peoples and the hippopotamus, and the horse on a leash, and the star cart, and the camel. We know it by the name...

Answer: Big Dipper.

80 points

How many constellations are there in the sky?

Answer: 88 constellations

100 points

The brightest star in the sky?

Answer: Mercury

40 points

This planet reaches its maximum brightness shortly before sunrise or some time after sunset, which gave reason to call it also the Evening Star or the Morning Star.

Answer: Venus

60 points

Which planet's moons are Phobos and Deimos?

Answer: Mars

80 points

Which planet has the most satellites?

Answer: Jupiter, 63 moons

100 points

Which planet is called "blue" because of the methane content in its upper layers.

Answer: Union

40 points

Soviet space station that successfully operated in orbit for 15 years.

Answer: Station "Mir"

60 points

What was the name of the American spacecraft that made the first Soviet-American joint flight?

Answer: Apollo

80 points

What was the name of the Soviet spacecraft that flew over the head of Halley's Comet on March 6, 1986?

Answer: Vega

100 points

An astronomical observatory around the Earth, named after a major American astronomer.

Answer: The Hubble Space Telescope is an automatic observatory in orbit around the Earth, named after Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer.

Teacher: Guys, I would like to introduce you to the pictures that were taken using the Hubble telescope. Placing a telescope in space makes it possible to detect electromagnetic radiation in the ranges in which the earth's atmosphere is opaque, primarily in the infrared range. Due to the absence of the influence of the atmosphere, the resolution of the telescope is 7-10 times greater than a similar telescope located on Earth.

Launching a presentation called Hubble.

Then the results are summed up. Winners and prize-winners are awarded with diplomas of 1, 2, 3 degrees, and chocolate medals. (see attachment) The rest of the participants of the event are awarded with space-themed sweets.

Final word from the teacher: Dear guys, I thank you all for participating in the Step into the Universe game. Let your curiosity follow this step, and you will discover a lot of interesting things in the world of astronautics. Goodbye, see you again!

The game is very interesting, children take part in all stages of the game with great pleasure, they say that they learned a lot of interesting things, some even want to be astronauts. Therefore, the purpose of the event has been achieved. Throughout the month in April, I spend five minutes on astronautics at the very beginning of the lesson. I turn on videos about the biography of our cosmonauts, introduce them to the latest achievements in astronautics. And by right, our team for the second year in a row takes first place in the city competition dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics.

Marina Tsyplakova
Scenario of the event for the Day of Cosmonautics for children of senior preschool age "Journey into space"

Scenario of the event for the Day of Cosmonautics.

Topic: « Journey into space» .


1. Expand Views children about astronautics.

2. To instill a sense of patriotism and pride in the Fatherland.

3. Organize competitive activities between teams.

4. Create active interaction of students in a team.

Equipment: portraits astronauts, an image of the planets of the solar system and known constellations, split pictures with the image of a rocket, two balloons, rackets, demonstration material (slides about outer space, astronauts, Children's drawings).

caregiver: Guys, who will guess what our event? (Answers children) .

The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people since ancient times. But it became closer and more accessible only with the penetration of man into space.

Let's see how it happened.

Video presentation

Aviation Day and astronautics is special, triumphant holiday! No wonder the whole world celebrates it!

Many centuries passed before mankind found a way to overcome the gravity of the earth and rise into space. Guys, remember fairy tales and legends. On what just did not fly fairy-tale heroes! (Answers children) . (On bats and eagles, on flying carpets and wizards' beards, on the Little Humpbacked Horse and magic arrows.).

The first who saw in a rocket a projectile capable of taking earthlings into interplanetary space was the great Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. The scientist carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with such an aircraft that could fly beyond the Earth. But, unfortunately, he did not have such an opportunity. And only many years later, another Russian scientist, S.P. Korolev, was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite.

On April 12, 1961, the world's first space flight with a man on board the ship. We have been preparing for this day for a very long time.

Scientists, test designers and people of many other professions were involved in the preparation of the great flight. It was necessary to take everything into account, to foresee everything, in order for the flight to be successful. We chose for a long time and astronaut tchika.

And after much testing and discussion, the decision was made: first in the world astronaut will be Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Finally the decisive day arrived. April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin spaceship"East" committed space flight. In 108 minutes, a satellite ship with the world's first astronaut flew around the globe and returned safely to Earth. It was a powerful breakthrough in the development space!

And then there was a solemn meeting on Red Square. In a few hours, Yuri Gagarin became the most famous person in the world. When the government announcement of the great flight was heard on the radio, the streets of the whole country filled with crowds of people. Everyone wanted to greet the world's first astronaut, Son of the Earth, Citizen of the Universe.

Valentina Tereshkova - the first in the world female astronaut. Until now, she remains the only woman who committed solo space flight. She spent in space for almost three days.

Originally planned to be sent to space two female crews at once, but later it was decided to abandon this idea.

Mine space flight B. Tereshkova committed June 16, 1963. on the ship "Vostok-6". It was the sixth and last spaceship from the series"East". Launch of ship B. Tereshkova happened at Baikonur not with "Gagarin site", but with a duplicate.

45 years ago with launch vehicle from Baikonur Cosmodrome Soyuz, on board which was spaceship"Sunrise-2". Its crew consisted of two people: ship commander Pavel Belyaev and co-pilot Alexei Leonov. The entire flight lasted a little over a day, but it was a historic flight. During it - March 18, 1965, when cosmonaut Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov was the first of earthlings to go beyond space ship and made the first ever exit of a man into the open space.

caregiver: Word " astronaut"appeared quite recently. On October 4, 1957, for the first time, our rocket launched into low Earth orbit spacecraft made by human hands. And it began to revolve around the Earth, just as the Moon does. This is how the first artificial satellite appeared. (Pointing to the satellite on the central wall.) road to space has been opened.

caregiver: Imagine that you are the future astronauts and we're off to spaceport.


We are going to spaceport,

We walk together in step.

We walk on socks

We walk on our heels.

Here's a posture check.

And brought the shoulder blades (walking on toes, on heels).

Let's run guys together -

We all need to stretch.

caregiver: People have always wanted to know if there is life on other planets? And if so, who lives there? But to find out, you need to fly to the planets. And now we can fly to the plague space?

(Answers children) .

caregiver: Let's build a rocket

Competition "Assemble the Rocket"

caregiver: We have assembled a rocket. And now we have to fly to space. But before we take off, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "House".

I want to build a house

(Hands folded into a house, and raised above your head)

To have a window in it,

(Fingers of both hands connect in a circle)

So that the house has a door,

(palms hands join together vertically)

Next to the pine tree to grow.

(Raise one hand up and "spread" fingers)

So that there is a fence around

The dog guarded the gate

(We join hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)

The sun was up, it was raining

(First we raise our hands up, fingers are "spread out". Then we lower our fingers down, we make "shaking" movements)

And the tulip bloomed in the garden!

(Put together palms and slowly open the fingers - "tulip bud")

caregiver A: Well, what are we going to travel? Crew take their seats, fasten your seat belts! Let's start counting the seconds start.

teacher and children together: Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Start!

caregiver: Guys, we flew to "Planet of Smarties".

1. Guys, what planet do we live on? (Earth).

2. Surname of the first astronaut flying into space? (Gagarin)

3. What were the names of the dogs that were the first to return from space? (Belka and Strelka).

4. What did Yuri Gagarin say at the moment start? (Go)

5. Name spaceship, on which Gagarin went to space? ("East")

6. What is the name of the protective suit astronaut? (suit)

8. What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly to space? (Spaceship) .

9. What is the fastest mode of transport created on Earth? (Rocket).

10. How many minutes was Yuri Gagarin in outer space? (108 minutes)

11. What is the name of both the animal and the constellation? (Dipper).

12. What is the name of the first astronaut who went into space. (A. Leonov).

caregiver: Well done boys! Answered all questions. And we leave this planet and go to another. And she's called "Sports". The inhabitants of this planet have prepared a baton for us.

AT outer space any object weighs nothing. This state is called weightlessness. All items in space ship attached to its place. If this is not done, they will float freely. In such conditions, any person becomes a strongman. In weightlessness, not only a person, but also an object loses its weight. We will now try with you to carry a balloon on an outstretched arm on a racket.

Competition "Weightlessness".

caregiver: And now we will make a short travel all over the planets of the solar system. Let's take turns naming all the planets. (Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Jupiter). (Children name the planets)


An astrologer lived on the moon - ( "Look" through a telescope)

He kept a record of the planets: (point to the sky)

Mercury - times (describe a circle with hands)

Venus two (Cotton)

Three is earth, four is Mars, (Sit down)

Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn, (Tilt right-left)

Seven is Uranus, eight is Neptune, (Bend forward, bend back)

Who does not see - get out! (Spread arms to sides)

caregiver: Guys, while we were warming up, our ship landed on the planet "Riddles".

1. Among the field of blue -

The bright brilliance of a great fire.

Slowly the fire is walking here,

Bypasses mother earth

Shines cheerfully in the window.

Well, of course it is. (sun).

2. Clear nights

Mom walks with her daughters.

She does not tell her daughters:

Go to sleep, it's late! -

Because mother is the moon

And daughters. (stars).

3. She spread her scarlet tail,

Flew into a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary… (rocket).

4. He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane

And a huge rocket.

Children, who, tell me, is it? (astronaut)

5.Look out the window at night:

It's already dark outside

A light bulb is visible in the sky

It is called. (moon).

E. Uspensky

6.Everyone has their own home:

The stories have volumes

Clothes have shops

Cabbage, pears - baskets,

Animals have a zoo

Cars have their own fleet.

Everything that is in the world

Home has on the planet.

And the planet, I know

It is called. (Earth).

7. What is this ceiling?

He's low, he's high

He is either gray or whitish.

It's a little bit blue.

And sometimes so beautiful -

Lace and blue - blue! (Sky)

8. From which bucket

Don't drink, don't eat

Do they just look at him? (Big Dipper)

caregiver: astronauts must be very careful. Let's test your play-jump-jump energy and cosmic mindfulness!If I scream: "Jump"- then you, bouncing, speak loudly and amicably: "Skok!".And if I scream: "Skok!", -then you all jump up and answer: "Jump". Remember? Begin!

The game "Confusion : jump and jump "

caregiver: Well, guys, it's time to return to our planet Earth. We fly back. We fly with you past the constellations. What constellations do you know? (Answers children) . Now let's connect each star with a line and see what the drawing will look like.

Competition "Guess the Constellation".

caregiver: Our flight is over! Thanks to all! Open hatch! Get out of the rocket! Congratulations on your successful return to Earth. At the end of the flight each the astronaut must refresh himself. In memory of the flight, I present you with sweet prizes.

Target: in an accessible form to explain to students the stages of human conquest of the air space of the Earth and space.


  1. Based on the knowledge of school subjects, consider the stages of the conquest of the sky by man.
  2. To cultivate a sense of patriotism, pride in the country, the first to overcome the force of gravity.
  3. Enrich students' vocabulary with new concepts: balloon, hot air balloon, airship, zeppelin, etc.
  4. To acquaint with the pioneers who conquered the airspace.

The course of the holiday

The name of the holiday is spelled out on separate sheets that are hung from the ceiling. On the wings, depicting the heavenly distance, the moon and stars of different colors are depicted. On the wall are portraits of scientists and astronauts.

Leading: Years, decades, centuries will pass, people will forget the dates of wars and revolutions, but this day will always be remembered, and I think that this day on April 12 in the near future will become a red holiday date for all the coming centuries. After all, it was from that day - April 12, 1961 - that man began space exploration.

Today in Russia is a glorious holiday, a celebration of the victory of the mind that overcame gravity - the Day of Cosmonautics and the first manned flight into space. And we'll talk about how a person could do it.

When we grow up, we will fly into space.
In the meantime, we want to tell
About those people, skillful and brave,
that conquered space.
Very important
Don't forget their names
All astronauts and scientists.
Which laws are necessary opened
And they paved the way for us into space.

In Kaluga near Moscow
The teacher lived alone
All my life I dreamed about space
He himself studied the necessary sciences,
Did a great job
And began to create a theory
Space flights.
He was a genius, and today
We must remember Tsiolkovsky.

The first Soviet liquid fuel rocket was launched on August 17, 1933 and stayed in the air... 18 seconds.

But who built the first rocket, do you know about it? Designer, academician Korolev. The first satellite was ready for flight. In the past century, the fifty-seventh year, He flew thanks to the work of Designers, rocket scientists, and workers. And he was the first in the world, by the way.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1907-1966) - a scientist under whose leadership the first ballistic and geophysical rockets, artificial Earth satellites and manned spacecraft were created. On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite into Earth orbit. Then there were ships in which plants, amphibians, and dogs went into Earth's orbit. And then the day came April 12, 1961.

Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,
As he swept through people's hearts.
It seemed that the world involuntarily became kinder,
Shocked by his own victory.
What he thundered with universal music,
That holiday, in the colorful flame of banners,
When the unknown son of the Smolensk land
Was adopted by the Earth-planet.
Inhabitant of the Earth, heroic this fellow,
In his space vessel
In a circular, forever unprecedented,
In the abyss of the sky waved over her.
On that day, she seemed to have become smaller,
But she became people, perhaps, relatives.
Oh this day with April grace,
The willow blooms in the bushes above the river Gzhatya...
And breathes everything a dream come true.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (1934-1968) first went into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. His call signs - "I am Cedar" - were recognized by the whole Earth. Although he made only one revolution around the Earth and stayed in space for only 108 minutes, but this was the beginning - the beginning of women's space flights, the beginning of group flights, the beginning of man's spacewalks, the beginning of the era of international space stations, the beginning of flights to the moon, to Mars and Venus.

It is known that there were other cosmonauts next to Gagarin. They were also well prepared and could successfully complete the task of laying the first space furrow: Titov, Popovich, Nikolaev and Bykovsky flew into space after Gagarin. More and more new astronauts. And Valentina Tereshkova was among the first cosmonauts. Throw in a lot of American astronauts.

And now the words of Yuri Gagarin himself: “Having circled the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, we will preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!”

And cosmonaut No. 2 German Titov: “I saw it, our Earth, I saw everything. She is beautiful, but she is really small. If you look at it from space. And, remembering the Earth as I saw it from there ... I suddenly realized with all my being how we should protect it.

But sometimes there were failures
And astronauts died...
So, the brave Komarov burned down during the descent.
Another time from overload
valve opened...
Cosmonauts Dobrovolsky,
Patsaev, Volkov died in the ball all heroically.

A story about the Wall of Glory of the school museum.

The “Hymn of the Museum” is performed to the motive of the song “Moscow Windows”.

Here again the sky darkens above.
And so the stars in the sky lit up.
Reach out to them with your hand
Think, think and strive
The path to Poznan is always thorny for everyone.

To come to the origins of the cosmos,
To find the key to knowledge in yourself,
The school has a museum
He became the pride of children
Both seniors and toddlers.

We can dream in the museum
Stands beckon, ask to read.
Here is the treasured light
Both exciting and enticing
Outer space is watching you.

Come to our museum, friends!
Let the years fly like in space.
History lives here, and in space flight
Through the Milky Way, guys, it's calling you.


To become an astronaut
Good health must be
And lead the right way of life
And the training must go through
And only after many trials
You will become an astronaut.

Of course, anyone can want
View from space to Earth
But is it enough patience and strength?
Only the one who bravely endured everything;
Go on a space flight
Come on guys, the cosmos is calling us!


It remains only a few turns of the second hand to make before the signal.
There are only a few steps left for earthlings to reach the rocket pier.
A platform went to him with a giant ship across the thawed expanses of the steppe.
And, a little ahead of others, on foot
Designer Chief followed her along the sleepers.
The ship has its last terrestrial voyage.
And soon -
it's already familiar to everyone -
roll in balls and waves
thunders pierced by lightning.
And torn, flying fires in streams will stream across the concrete.
And people will suddenly realize in a daze what they have done in this Hour!
And a light voice, sigh cheerfully: "Let's go"
And everyone smiles and, embarrassed, the collar will unbutton ...
Suddenly thirsty in the throat.
And the arrow moves above zero and slightly shifts along the scale of the device:
a gap appeared between the launch pad and the ship!
Yours and what is your fate?

I remember this day and this hour.
The march broke off at midnight.
And they read out the message that in space there is a Soviet man!
Ours is in space!
Ours is the first on Earth!
Son of Mankind on the cosmic journey.
And our heart beat in the ship.
We heard the echo of the pulse in the chest.

It seemed that the same sharp, strong light,
that blazed at the start of the training ground, made us see a tense
and the stern face of the sixties.
And I saw the exact standard of how to achieve the goal.
The fires that blew up the starting concrete, they managed to show the world so clearly to everyone
border of two times!
The cosmic first path has been laid, from now on it has become a reality.
I asked myself: where are the wings
Way to start!
How many years did Korolev go to him - and here are just a few steps left
before the experiment, go to the start - to the concrete belt.
The ship is ready.
And the astronaut is ready.
Anxiety and excitement do not appease.
It doesn’t matter if it’s the first or hundredth takeoff, but there will be this way to start again.
And as always - go ahead!

The song "Do you know what kind of guy he was .."

Do you know what kind of guy he was?
The one who opened the star path?
There was a flame and thunder, the spaceport froze
And he said softly...

He said, "Let's go!"
He waved his hand
As if along the St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg
Passed over the earth.

Do you know what kind of guy he was?
The whole world carried him in his arms ...
The son of earth and stars was gentle and simple,
Light, like Danko, carried light to people.

Do you know what kind of guy he was?
How he went out on the ice with a stick,
How he sang songs
He was merry and bold
How recklessly I wanted to live!

Do you know what kind of guy he was?
No, I was not"! After all, he conquered death!
Do you hear distant; thunder,
See, it's him.
Again goes to the spaceport

He said: "Let's go!"
And a living star
As if, along the St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg,
Rushing over the Earth!


You say: - Gagarin - and suddenly in front of us
Rushing up, drawn by a whirlwind,
Steppe deafening enthusiastic thunder.
In reality you will see how inspired he is,
The ball flying around and the strings of the universe
Touching in a bold flight with hands
The strings of those invisible, sensing the plexus,
Rushing between them in immortal expanses,
Singing pours into the heart -
The voice of the harmony of Eternity in the world.
He rushes, violating with a daring flight
Starry Universe eternal rest.
Listen sensitive stellar ears
Heartbeat and human sigh.
I see: the calmness of the eye under the eyebrow,
In a clear smile, the glow of life.
Heard: from the sky - Health is in order.
Glory to the dear Soviet Fatherland!
Say: Gagarin! - and suddenly in front of us
Drawn up by a whirlwind,
Throwing the flame of Prometheus into the sky,
The steppe is deafening with enthusiastic thunder,
Our contemporary, he lived between us,
He was waiting for a new task from the Fatherland.
Devotee, ever ready with friends
To new exploration of the secrets of the universe.
He is now between us, alive,
In our aspirations and our worries,
Forever will be in the hearts of his name
A call and a symbol of a bold takeoff.


Sons and daughters of planet blue
Soar up, disturbing the peace of the stars.
Established a path to interstellar space,
For satellites, rockets, scientific stations.
The space age is advancing!
The rockets continue their flight
Starting from Baikonur every year.
People are used to such phenomena.
He keeps his first love in his soul,
Let thousands soar to the stars again
But the first was Gagarin, he was his own,
Native, with a smile of a child, mischievous.
When Cosmonautics Day is celebrated,
Everyone remembers their favorite.
But on this day we congratulate those
Who creates glory for the country, success:
Everyone who is watching the remote control from the Earth,
How astronauts accomplish a feat
And those who send ships
Starting from Mother Earth, -
Everyone who is connected with space science in life.
The people owe their love to them.
The country is proud of astronautics:
She was and will be needed!


Everything is clearer, closer the heights,
All tempting stars in the night
Not only pilots fly
Engineers are flying and doctors.
And before the rockets leave
With a fire-breathing plume in the darkness,
Poets join the mystery -
From the editors call on Earth.
But, looking at the earthly limits,
Shocked to the core
Before the supreme poetry of the deed
The poetry of words is a little shy.
Let the feathers be sharpened for conscience,
But the heart is tormented by longing:
How do we weigh it - weightlessness
And tell a weighty line.
The way mothers sigh somewhere
As the constellations twinkle, dust.
And what is she like
In its blue halo the Earth.
And, bending over the night verses,
I turn my eyes to the stars
How yearning is your flight mechanic
Or a failed understudy.
And when, despising the danger,
In the morning the ship will go beyond the line, -
The same pride and the same involvement
I can read it in my neighbor's eyes.
And I will understand, intoxicated by space
And worrying about you and loving,
What is ready for a feat understudy
All the people feel themselves.


When, silvering vertically,
Rocket with thunder breaks the earth connection,
And melts in a dazzling movement
Lead cargo gravity -
Mother planet, anxiety is not melting,
Having known seconds of dizziness,
Realizes: sons grow up,
She does not take her eyes off the daredevils,
As soon as the stellar fate hour comes;
languishing in fear, languishing in jealousy,
Neither day nor night closes eyelashes
And greedy impatience is full -
How slowly earthly time lasts! -
She is waiting for the moment of a predetermined meeting.
And he comes, the long-awaited moment:
From the blackness again the ship arose,
Fiery rivers rage around
The planet closes its cloudy eyelids,
She is scared - running minutes.
And in celebration
Accomplishments she will remember forever
Their step is weighty on her grass.


You can not find events more beautiful,
Than an unprecedented new rise.
Our next miracle
The whole world is sure to shake.
Into the expanse of the cosmic desert
Someone hurries after us;
But for me there is no doubt
As in the future - as until now -
overseas country,
What does he want to find out
The whole essence of the cosmic mystery.
Doomed by fate
To see our heels in the sky.


Astronauts, thank you.
Our contemporaries - thank you!
I'm in a rush of excited feelings
Thank you again and again:
You opened to earthlings
Pages of heavenly beauty,
Showed us the earth
From heights never seen before
They showed her in a blue halo.
Humanity now knows:
Space will serve people
They will be obedient.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, heroes
Mighty star brothers.
You are the constellation of the brave
Pioneers and star explorers!
And now I stubbornly believe
In alloy: immortal from thought and heart,
And hardworking hands
I believe in the genius of science
Praise the work of the team
And the country of unprecedented achievements.
I believe: will be solved
New mysteries of the Universe.
Lunokhod on the Moon -
This is only the first swallow,
Announced to us about flights to Mars,
To Venus and beyond into space...
I reopen
Promising our planet
I open my heart to everyone.
And I see a new image of a new era,
Raising the scarlet banner
To boundless spaces.
Science, Labor and Art.
I am a particle of the immortal banner,
I am a particle of matter.
I am the ruler of the universe!
Thank you astronauts!

The song "Grass near the house" is performed.

Starting planning the event and the scenario of Cosmonautics Day, the main attention should be paid to the diversity of its elements - children should be interested. This holiday is held taking into account the characteristics of each age category of schoolchildren.

Junior classes

Young children should not be overwhelmed with information about space exploration. Events should contain more mobile and logical games. You can invite children to create their own decoration for the holiday: toys, drawings, crafts dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.

Pupils in grades 1-4 should submit information in a playful way. Only in this case the holiday will be remembered by them for a long time and will cause a lot of positive emotions.

You can choose several children from the class and assign roles for them, let them learn small verses. This will help to involve the kids in the course of the event, increase the degree of their participation in the celebration.

Old school

Older students will be more interested in perceiving information with the help of media presentations, slide shows. Competitions should also be present in the scenario describing Cosmonautics Day. Class hour will be active and interesting.

It is preferable for high school students to present more serious, in-depth information on the topic of the event. You can pay attention to the biographies of the legendary astronauts, the main events on the path of space exploration, etc.

High school students should also take an active part in holding events for Cosmonautics Day. This may be such a form of work as the distribution of roles between children, the preparation of information on a given topic. The main thing is to be original and dynamic. Don't make the event too long.

Children's motivation

When planning Cosmonautics Day, the scenario should begin with the introduction and motivation for holding this event. This can be done on your own or with the participation of leading children.

Be sure to pay attention to the question of why April 12 is celebrated as a national holiday. It is necessary to tell about the feat of Yuri Gagarin, who opened the way for mankind to the stars, to convey information to children in a form accessible to their age.

You can talk about the events that preceded the first flight into space, after which people began to celebrate Cosmonautics Day. The year 1957 marked the beginning of the era of human exploration of space beyond the boundaries of our planet.

Competitions and games for Cosmonautics Day for junior schoolchildren

There are many competitions that are held on this day. Little children will have a lot of fun imagining themselves as astronauts of an ultra-modern interplanetary spacecraft and learning about the life of astronauts. To do this, it is recommended to hold the "Cosmonaut's Breakfast" competition. Several apples are tied on a thread and the children are invited to eat the fruits without touching them with their hands. Almost like being in zero gravity. The winner is the one who eats his "breakfast" the fastest.

The competition "Real astronaut" will allow everyone to take part in the game. To carry it out, a rope or tape is placed on the floor. Each contestant turns around himself 5 times before starting his route (representing the overcoming of overloads when entering orbit), and then tries to go in a straight line without leaving the path.

It is very good if a system of rewards and incentives for participants was thought out before the celebration.

Thematic creative works

The "Space Artists" competition will also add variety to the school Cosmonautics Day. Crafts made by children should talk about comets, astronauts, starships. This will contribute to the development of creativity and will bring a lot of positive to the class hour dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.

You can also offer to build a rocket, on which the children will all together go on an imaginary flight to the stars. Before the event, it will be interesting to invite children to prepare a musical number on a space theme. Such a performance will become a vivid memory for both participants and spectators.

Thematic receptions in high school

When writing a script for Cosmonautics Day for older students, you can pay attention to such forms of active participation of children in the event as quizzes, slide shows and pre-prepared performances.

Spending Cosmonautics Day at school, you can invite children to divide into 2 groups, choose names for them and take part in the game "Greetings from space". Students must write a message to astronauts from the depths of the universe, using words that start with the letter "P". The letter should be informative and original. Whose message will be longer, that team won.

Everyone present will enjoy a pre-prepared musical performance by one or more participants. The number is rehearsed by the children in advance, you can make the appropriate costumes.

Games for senior students on Cosmonautics Day

Another interesting competition is called "Meteor Shower". The spaceships were attacked by asteroids. Each member of the team must show composure and mutual assistance in order to avoid collision with destructive objects.
It is necessary to give the correct answer "yes" or "no" to the question posed in order to save the ship's crew from an accident.

The host asks questions on space topics. For example:

  • Yu. A. Gagarin flew around the Earth in 1 hour 48 minutes? (Yes)
  • Is the sun smaller than the earth? (Not)

Each "sharp" answer adds 1 point to the team and helps their spaceship avoid a meteorite impact.

More active competitions are allowed. When celebrating Cosmonautics Day, events of this type should be placed next to passive forms of work.

The game "Rocket" will bring great excitement to the class hour. To do this, two couples are invited to take part in the construction of an interplanetary spacecraft. It is desirable if it will be a tandem "boy and girl". The student raises his hands and puts his palms together, representing a rocket. The student starts wrapping it with a paper towel without covering her face (leaving the porthole for the astronaut). The couple that completes the task faster receives an award and the title of Chief Designer.

Material for the event

Cosmonautics Day at school should be appropriately designed, so it is necessary to prepare theoretical material.

You should bring a portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin, materials for competitions, select the appropriate musical accompaniment and slides. You can decorate the room thematically, such as stars, posters with drawings prepared by students, etc.

If you plan to lay out a theory, you can use a projector or special slides to present visual material. Interesting facts about the space industry, the space of the Universe and other information will also be interesting for children to listen to.

An example for the younger generation will be the biographies of the legendary cosmonauts Yu. A. Gagarin, G. S. Titov, V. V. Tereshkova. They achieved their goal thanks to the strength of character, perseverance, devotion to the Motherland.

A well-planned Cosmonautics Day at school will be a real event for all participants. Such an event will be remembered for a long time. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, holding Cosmonautics Day every year will develop in schoolchildren a team spirit, a sense of respect, patriotism, as well as creative thinking, imagination, and the ability to express their thoughts. The holiday will bring a lot of vivid impressions and positive emotions.

We recommend reading
