Meals table 10 menus for each. Boiled meat soufflé

Sheet glass 27.01.2022
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Diet 10 table is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system to improve blood circulation, normalize water-salt balance and fat metabolism, as well as to replenish vitamins and minerals involved in the work of the heart.

To prevent edema, which are formed as a result of a violation of cardiac activity, and improve the functioning of body systems that affect the heart (excretory, nervous and digestive), it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles of diet No. 10:

  • Exclude products that have a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular, nervous, gastrointestinal and excretory systems that can cause attacks of hypertension.
  • Limit fat intake to 70 grams per day to prevent atherosclerosis, while eating 90-100 grams of protein (55% vegetable origin) and 250-300 grams of carbohydrates (prefer slow carbohydrates).
  • Include in the diet foods rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium and other minerals and vitamins (vegetables, fruits, nuts), as well as lipotropic substances that help lower cholesterol and break down fat contained in meat and dairy products.
  • Reduce the total amount of salt on the diet to 5-7 grams to reduce swelling and remove excess water from the body. In some cases (in the presence of kidney disease), the salt rate is prescribed individually by the attending physician.
  • Follow the regime of fractional nutrition - eating 4-5 times a day in small portions to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract and prevent attacks of hypertension.
  • Limit the amount of liquid (water, tea, soup) to 1-1.2 liters to prevent swelling.
  • Use dietary cooking methods, exclude food fried in oil to lower cholesterol.

Diet 10 table - what is possible and what is not (table)

The list of allowed foods on the table 10 diet should include vegetables, cereals, meats and nuts high in magnesium, potassium and calcium to strengthen the heart muscle and improve heart function. Extracts (broths) and products containing a lot of salt are excluded from the diet, which can lead to increased pressure and the formation of edema.

What can you eat What not to eat
Bakery products
Yesterday's bread from wheat and rye flour without salt, biscuit cookies, biscuit Fresh bread, pastry, fresh pastries, pancakes
Meat and poultry
Beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken Fatty meat, duck meat, goose meat, sausages, canned food, smoked meat
Fish and seafood
Low-fat varieties of fish - bream, cod, hake, carp, pollock, carp, pike, blue whiting, pollock, flounder Fatty varieties - sturgeon, chum salmon, beluga, canned fish, caviar, smoked, salted fish
Milk products
Low-fat milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, sivki, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, hard cheese of dietary varieties Salty and fatty dairy products
One egg per day in any form
Butter, vegetable oil Salo, margarine, trans fats
Cereals and legumes
Buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, millet, barley groats Legumes - peas, lentils, chickpeas, beans, beans
Sauces and condiments
Sour cream, milk, tomato sauces, vegetable broths, cinnamon, cloves Sauces on meat, mushroom, mushroom broth, horseradish, mustard, hot pepper
Potatoes, cabbage (cooked only), carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions, dill, parsley, leafy greens Pickled, pickled, salted vegetables. Radishes, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms. Raw white cabbage
Apples, pears, plums, cherries, all kinds of berries. Citrus Grape
All types of nuts are allowed on the diet Peanuts, as they relate to legumes
Jam, honey, marshmallow, marshmallow, caramel Chocolates and chocolates, high-fat desserts
Weak tea, rosehip broth, vegetable and fruit juices Strong tea, coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks, alcohol

Menu for the week

The 10th table therapeutic diet involves a full menu of delicious dishes rich in nutrients, macro- and microelements, to replenish the needs of the body and the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal in milk with jam, tea, biscuits;
  • Lunch: cottage cheese casserole with berries;
  • Lunch: mashed potatoes, steamed cutlets, cucumber and green onion salad with sour cream;
  • Snack: yogurt, apple;
  • Dinner: fish stew with vegetables.


  • Breakfast: sandwich with homemade ham, dried fruit compote;
  • Lunch: beetroot salad with nuts, baked apples with honey;
  • Lunch: soup with meatballs, bread, buckwheat porridge, salad;
  • Afternoon snack: cheesecakes, herbal tea.
  • Dinner: stewed liver, beetroot salad.


  • Breakfast: milk porridge with millet, tea;
  • Lunch: cottage cheese pudding;
  • Lunch: baked chicken with sour cream, buckwheat, tomatoes;
  • Afternoon snack: cabbage rolls with rice and beef, fruit;
  • Dinner: carrot cake, kefir.


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, boiled egg;
  • Lunch: apple and carrot puree, chicory coffee;
  • Lunch: creamy broccoli soup, vegetable stew with rabbit meat;
  • Snack: yogurt, 25 grams of nuts;
  • Dinner: cottage cheese soufflé with berries.


  • Breakfast: sandwich from yesterday's bread with fish paste, dried fruit compote;
  • Lunch: meat soufflé;
  • Lunch: borsch with sour cream, yogurt, biscuit;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of berries;
  • Dinner: lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and oatmeal.


  • Breakfast: black bread toasts, cottage cheese with herbs;
  • Lunch: vinaigrette with fresh cucumber, chicory with milk;
  • Lunch: pearl barley soup, meatballs, stewed zucchini;
  • Snack: yogurt with berries;
  • Dinner: baked carp, salad.


  • Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, fish paste, black bread, tea;
  • Lunch: berry jelly;
  • Lunch: boiled meat, cauliflower puree, bread, tangerine;
  • Afternoon snack: apple, carrot and beetroot salad (raw);
  • Dinner: steamed hake with vegetables (onions, carrots, bell peppers).


The basic principle by which recipes for diet number 10 are selected is to use approved products and dietary cooking methods (baking, stewing, boiling) in order to preserve vitamins and minerals.

Rice soup with zucchini

To prepare the soup, you need to take rice (half a glass), zucchini (2 small ones weighing 600-700 grams), vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons), herbs (dill, parsley), seasonings, rye or wheat croutons ( 150-200 g), vinegar to taste.

Rinse rice and boil in two liters of water for 10 minutes. During this time, wash and clean the zucchini, cut into cubes and fry for 5-7 minutes, adding pepper and salt.

Then the zucchini is added to the soup, cooked for another 10 minutes, and then pureed with a blender. If necessary, you can fill the soup with half a teaspoon of vinegar, and serve with greens and crackers.

Soufflé from zander

To prepare the soufflé, you will need pikeperch fillet (800 g), low-fat milk (100 g), butter (50 g), flour (1 tbsp), eggs (2 pcs.).

First you need to prepare the milk sauce: fry the flour in a dry frying pan until golden brown (1-2 minutes), and then pour in the milk in a thin stream and stir until smooth. At the end of cooking, add oil, and when the sauce thickens, remove the pan from heat.

The fish fillet is washed and cut into pieces, then twisted in a meat grinder or chopped with a blender. The resulting minced meat is mixed with yolks, milk sauce and beat until fluffy.

Separately, beat the whites to a firm foam and mix with minced meat, which should then be decomposed into molds, taking into account that the soufflé will grow during the cooking process. The dish is baked for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees, served hot with a green salad.

Potato roll with minced meat

Necessary products: chicken, pork or any other minced meat (0.5 kg), potatoes (1 kg), eggs (2 pcs.), Flour (3 tablespoons), seasonings, onion, unsalted cheese (200 g).

Potatoes are washed, peeled and boiled until cooked, then twisted in a meat grinder or rubbed on a fine grater. After adding 2 tablespoons of flour and 1 egg to the potatoes, knead and spread the dough evenly on cling film.

Add an egg, chopped onion, pepper to the minced meat, mix thoroughly and spread on the potatoes. Then, with the help of cling film, the potatoes are rolled up into a roll, which is placed on a greased baking sheet. The top of the roll is smeared with yolk and sprinkled with grated cheese.

The roll is baked in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

Baked zucchini

To prepare the dish, you need to use 2-3 small zucchini squash, hard cheese (150 g), garlic (2 cloves), olive oil, black pepper, paprika powder, Italian herbs and greens.

Zucchini is washed and cut into long slices, which are laid out on a baking sheet covered with baking paper or foil, and greased with oil. Then the dressing is prepared: the cheese is grated, the garlic and seasonings passed through the press are added. Sprinkle zucchini with dressing and bake for 15 minutes (200 degrees) until golden brown.

The dish is served warm. Zucchini can be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs. Also, vegetables can be consumed with sour cream or tomato sauce.

Dietary meat pate

For the pate, you will need beef (200 g), potatoes (400 g), medium carrots, milk (half a glass), butter (1 tbsp).

Beef is boiled until tender. Carrots and potatoes are boiled in their skins, then cooled and peeled. The prepared ingredients are scrolled through a meat grinder, after which they are laid out in a pan with a thick bottom, milk is added and stewed for 5 minutes. The hot pate is seasoned with oil and mixed thoroughly.

Pate is served with vegetables, and is also eaten with rye bread as a sandwich.

Baked apples with cottage cheese

Ingredients for dessert: fresh apples (5 pcs. or 1 kg), cottage cheese (200 g fat-free or low fat), sugar (50 g), vanilla sugar and ground cinnamon to taste.

Cottage cheese is kneaded and mixed with sugar, vanilla and cinnamon. The apples are washed, the core is cut out and stuffed with cottage cheese. Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees. Arrange the apples in a mold and bake for about 20 minutes. The dish is served chilled.

  • General characteristics of diet No. 10

    It is a complete diet with limited salt and fluid intake. This diet has found wide application and is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system in a state of compensation and subcompensation, hypertension, atherosclerosis and kidney disease.

    Diet with restriction of salt and liquids, substances and drinks that stimulate the activity of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system and irritate the kidneys (alcohol, strong tea and coffee, spicy, salty snacks and seasonings).

    Meals should be regular, small in volume and frequent (at least 4-5 times a day), the last meal is light 2-3 hours before bedtime.

  • Chemical composition and energy value of diet No. 10

    Proteins 90 g (of which 50 g are animals), fats 80 g (of which 25 g are vegetable), carbohydrates 350-400 g; calorie content 2500-2700 kcal; retinol 0.3 mg, carotene 12.5 mg, thiamine 1.7 mg, riboflavin 2.5 mg, nicotinic acid 22 mg, ascorbic acid 150 mg; sodium 2.6 g, potassium 4.2 g, calcium 1 g, magnesium 0.5 g, phosphorus 1.8 g, iron 0.06 g.

    All food is prepared without salt, salt can be given to the patient in an amount not exceeding 5 g, daily fluid intake is limited to 1.5 liters.

  • Recommended dishes and products for diet No. 10
    • - wheat flour of I and II grade, preferably salt-free, pastries of the previous day, dried or in the form of crackers - up to 150 g per day, as well as dry non-butter cookies. Other inedible flour products.
    • Soups predominantly, dairy, fruit, cold beetroot - ½ portion; with severe edema - are excluded.
    • Meat, poultry - low-fat varieties of beef, pork, veal, chicken, turkey boiled in pieces or chopped, baked after boiling.
    • Fish - low-fat varieties (perch, pike, carp, navaga, cod) boiled or fried after boiling, chopped in the form of meatballs, meatballs, meatballs.
    • Milk and dairy products - milk in its natural form, sour-milk drinks, low-fat cottage cheese and products made from it (cheesecakes, lazy dumplings, casseroles). Sour cream for dressing only.
    • Eggs - 1 soft-boiled egg per day or in the form of a steam protein omelet (no more than 4-5 eggs per week).
    • Animal fats - butter (no more than 20 g per day), vegetable oils (30 g per day); the total amount of fat in the diet should not exceed 70-80 g (we should not forget that about 40 g of animal fat is contained in the products included in the diet).
    • Dishes and side dishes from cereals and pasta - cereals (semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal), puddings and casseroles from cereals and pasta (if overweight, cereals and flour products must be limited).
    • Vegetable dishes and side dishes - vinaigrettes and salads with vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn) from potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins. Dishes from beans, peas, beans are limited; radish, cabbage, radish are excluded, as they cause bloating, as well as spinach, sorrel and mushrooms.
    • Leafy greens and dishes from it.
    • Snacks - doctor's sausage, unsalted and mild cheeses, vinaigrette, salads, canned vegetables.
    • Fruits and berries in their natural form, as well as compotes, kissels, mousses, jellies, juices, dried fruits. Grape juice is limited, which causes bloating.
    • Sweets - sugar (no more than 50 g per day), part of which can be replaced with honey, jam or jam (if overweight, all sweets are limited). Honey, jam.
    • Sauces on vegetable broth, milk, sour cream, sweet fruit sauces.
    • Drinks - weak tea and coffee, unnatural coffee with chicory (4 g per glass of water). Rosehip decoction.
    • Non-carbonated mineral waters - with the permission of a doctor.
  • Excluded foods and dishes for diet number 10
    • It is forbidden to eat fried, salty and spicy foods.
    • Fresh bread, pastry products.
    • Bean soups, meat, fish and mushroom broths.
    • Fatty meats, fish, poultry; goose, duck, kidneys, smoked meats, sausages.
    • Salty fish.
    • Salty and fatty cheeses.
    • Beans, radish.
    • Salted, pickled and pickled vegetables.
    • Fruits with coarse fiber.
    • Chocolate, strong tea, coffee and cocoa.
  • Diet Recipes for Diet No. 10
      • Zucchini baked with sour cream.

        Required: 1/2 zucchini, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1/2 egg white, 1.5 tsp. butter, salt.

        Cooking. Cut the zucchini into circles, stew in sour cream. Cool the sauce remaining after stewing the zucchini, combine with beaten egg white and beat well. Transfer the zucchini to a greased baking sheet, pour over the sauce and bake. Before serving, put on a dish and drizzle with melted butter.

      • Potato cakes.

        Required: 5 potatoes, 1 cup milk, butter, walnuts, sunflower seeds, green onions, flour.

        Cooking. Peel potatoes, wash and cut into pieces. Put in cold water and cook until done. Drain the water and mash the potatoes, adding butter and milk to make a puree. Add nuts, sunflower seeds, green onions. Mix well. Shape the mass into round cakes. Roll in flour and quickly fry in a pan in a small amount of oil until golden brown.

      • Rice with garnish.

        Required: 1.5 cups of rice, 200 g of canned corn, 3 tomatoes, parsley.

        Cooking. Cook fluffy rice. While it is cooking, prepare the rest of the garnish ingredients. To do this, dip the tomatoes in boiling water for 1 minute, remove, carefully remove the skin from them and cut into slices. Drain the canned corn in a colander. Mix tomatoes, corn, add a little boiling water and warm slightly on fire. Before serving, put hot rice on a dish, and evenly distribute vegetables on top and sprinkle them with finely chopped parsley.

      • Cauliflower puree with potatoes.

        Required: 2 potato tubers, 1/2 of the cauliflower inflorescences, 3 tbsp. l. milk, 2 tsp. butter, salt.

        Cooking. Peel the cauliflower, disassemble into inflorescences and pour acidified water for 15 minutes. Then pour the cabbage with boiling salted water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat in a sealed container. Boil potatoes, remove, cool and rub together with cabbage. Add hot milk to the resulting mass and mix, whisking. When serving, put on a plate and drizzle with oil. Serve with meat dishes.

      • Potato cutlets with mushroom sauce.

        Required: 6 potato tubers, 3 eggs, 300 g dry mushrooms, flour, 1 onion, vegetable oil.

        Cooking. Pass hot boiled potatoes through a meat grinder and mix with eggs. From this mass make cutlets. Roll them in flour, fry in a pan and put in the oven for 10 minutes. To prepare the sauce, soak dry mushrooms washed in warm water in cold water for 2 hours, and then boil without salt in the same water. 1 st. l. flour mixed with 1 tbsp. l. oil, fry until light brown and dilute with 3 cups of hot mushroom broth. Cook the resulting sauce at a low boil for 15 minutes. Fry the finely chopped onion, add the chopped mushrooms and fry together again, then transfer to the sauce and let it boil.

      • Peppers stuffed with eggplant.

        Required: 400 g of large pods of sweet pepper, 300 g of eggplant, 200 g of tomatoes, vegetable oil, vinegar, 2-3 cloves of garlic, parsley.

        Cooking. Select straight pepper pods, peel and seeds, bake, eggplants, too, peel and bake so that they become soft. Crush the eggplant to a puree, season with garlic, oil and vinegar, add chopped parsley. Pepper pods fill the puree.

      • Zucchini stuffed with vegetables.

        Required: 1 kg of zucchini, 0.5 cups of rice, 400 g of mushrooms, 1.5 onions, 2 tomatoes, 4 tbsp. l. butter, 1 cup sour cream, 0.5 tbsp. l. tomato puree, 1 tsp flour, 2 cucumbers, 1 carrot, 2 apples.

        Cooking. Wash the zucchini, peel, cut across into slices 5-6 cm thick. Remove the core from each piece with a teaspoon so that you get a cup with a bottom about 1 cm thick. Put the prepared cups upside down in a saucepan with heated oil, cover with a lid and fry lightly for 8-10 minutes. During this time, the zucchini will brown a little, boil with steam and be softer. Then turn the cups over, lightly salt and fill with minced meat. Sprinkle the minced meat with breadcrumbs on top, sprinkle with butter or pour a little sour cream and put in the oven for baking. When the zucchini are reddened, pour them with white sauce, cover with a lid and put back in the oven for 10 minutes. Before serving, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with herbs. For minced meat, finely chop cucumbers, carrots and an apple, mix everything. For the sauce, you need to cut the tomatoes into small slices, chop the onion and fry in oil together with the tomatoes, then mix with sour cream and leave on fire for 2-3 minutes.

  • Diet Options #10

    Various options for diet No. 10 have been developed:

    • Diet number 10a.
    • Diet number 10b.
    • Diet number 10c.
    • Diet number 10r.
    • Diet number 10g.
    • Diet number 10i.
  • Diet number 10b
    • Indications for diet No. 10b

      Indications for the use of this dietary table are rheumatism with a low degree of activity, occurring without circulatory disturbance, as well as rheumatism in the attenuation phase.

    • General characteristics of diet No. 10b

      In the daily diet, it is necessary to increase the content of animal proteins, reduce the consumption of table salt, and there must be a full content of vitamins.

      All meals of the daily diet must be prepared without salt, served boiled, subsequent baking or frying is allowed. Vegetables can be given raw.

      The diet is fractional, 6 times a day.

    • Chemical composition and energy value of diet No. 10b

      The calorie content of this diet is about 2600 kcal, the chemical composition: 120 g of proteins (of which 50% are proteins of animal origin), 100 g of fat, 300 g of carbohydrates. The amount of daily intake of table salt - 4 g (in the hands of the patient), free fluid - up to 1.5 liters.

  • Diet No. 10c
    • Indications for diet No. 10c

      Atherosclerosis of the coronary, cerebral and peripheral vessels, aortic atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension.

    • Purpose of diet No. 10s

      Slowing down the progression of the atherosclerotic process, restoring impaired lipid metabolism and general metabolism.

    • General characteristics of diet No. 10c

      A diet with a normal protein content, restriction of fat (mainly animal), carbohydrates (mainly simple) and table salt up to 4 g, enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids due to vegetable fat, dietary fiber and lipotropic substances (methionine, choline, lecithin).

      There is a limitation of the amount of fluid taken, the exclusion of substances that excite the cardiovascular and nervous systems (alcohol, coffee, strong tea, cocoa).

      It is important to increase the proportion of plant products, vitamins and mineral salts.

      A necessary condition for the proper organization of nutrition in IHD is a sufficient introduction of fiber (dietary fiber) into the diet.

      All dishes are prepared without salt, meat and fish are boiled, it is allowed to bake, vegetables and fruits are consumed raw and boiled.

      Recommended: more often to cook the first and second courses of fish, chicken, turkey, lean beef, less often - from lean lamb and pork; cut off visible fat, remove fat that melts during cooking, remove the skin from the bird first. It is recommended that deep frying, especially with animal fats, be replaced by stewing, boiling, steaming and in the oven.

      4-5 meals a day are needed, in small portions, with the exception of too hot or cold dishes. The last meal should be light and no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Such a diet is easy to organize even for working people, if between the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) eat fruit or drink fruit juice, milk, kefir.

    • Chemical composition and energy value of diet No. 10c

      There are two options for diet No. 10c.

      The first option - for overweight people - includes proteins - 90 g, fats - 70 g, carbohydrates - 300 g (of which sugar is not more than 50 g), caloric content of food - 2100-2200 kcal, diet weight - 2 kg, free liquids - 1-1.2 l, table salt - 3-5 g.

      The second option - for people with normal and underweight - provides proteins - 100 g, fats - 80 g, carbohydrates - 350 g (of which sugar is not more than 50 g per day), caloric content of the diet - 2400-2500 kcal, diet weight - 2.5 kg, free liquid - 1-1.2 l, common salt - 5-7 g.

      Both diet options account for: Retinol 0.3 mg, carotene 12.7 mg, thiamine 1.5 mg, riboflavin 2.3 mg, nicotinic acid 18 mg, ascorbic acid 200 mg; sodium 2.8 g, potassium 4.7 g, calcium 1 g, magnesium 0.5 g, phosphorus 1.7 g, iron 0.04 g.

    • Recommended dishes and products for diet No. 10c
      • Wheat bread from flour II grade, grain bread, bran, peeled, rye.
      • Fats - exclude refractory fats; 1/3 or 1/2 of the total amount of fat in the diet comes from vegetable oil.
      • Vegetarian vegetable soups, cabbage soup, beetroot, dairy, fruit, cereals.
      • Meat and poultry - low-fat varieties of beef, pork, chicken, turkey, boiled or baked after boiling, in pieces or chopped.
      • Fish - low-fat varieties boiled or baked after boiling.
      • Milk and dairy products - boiled milk, sour-milk drinks, low-fat cottage cheese and dishes from it, sour cream only for dressing.
      • Eggs - 1 egg per day in the form of a protein omelet.
      • Cereals and pasta - cereals on water and milk, crumbly and viscous, puddings, cereals, pasta casseroles.
      • Raw vegetables, boiled and baked any, with the exception of sorrel, spinach, legumes, mushrooms.
      • Fruits and berries are ripe, sweet varieties in their natural form.
      • Kissels, mousses, compotes; exclude grape juice.
      • Nuts: you can include in the diet any variety (walnuts, almonds, etc.) in its natural form or to add to dishes. However, it must be borne in mind that nuts are a high-calorie product.
      • Drinks - weak tea, coffee, rosehip broth, diluted fruit juices.
    • Excluded foods and dishes for diet No. 10c
      • Prohibit strong meat, fish, chicken and mushroom broths.
      • Pickles, smoked meats, radishes, radishes, legumes are excluded.
      • Butter dough is forbidden, sweets are limited (sugar 30 g per day).
      • Excluded salted fish, canned food.
      • Sorrel, spinach, legumes, mushrooms are excluded.
      • Fried meat and fish are excluded.
      • Onions, garlic, substances that cause flatulence (legumes, milk, cabbage) are excluded.
      • Foods rich in cholesterol are limited (brains, egg yolks, internal organs of animals, fish caviar).
    • Approximate one-day diet menu No. 10s
      • For the whole day: Bread - 250 g (150 g black or gray and 100 g white). Sugar - 50 g (including in dishes). Butter - 20 g.
      • Breakfast. Cottage cheese - 100 g or green peas in a protein omelette - 150 g. Vegetable salad with sunflower oil or oatmeal - 150 g. Weak tea or barley coffee with milk - 1 cup.
      • Lunch. Apple or fruit juice - 1 cup
      • Dinner. Vegetarian vegetable soup (1/2 plate) - 250 g. Boiled meat - 60 g. Vegetable garnish - 150 g. Apple compote - 1 glass or fresh fruit - 100 g.
      • afternoon tea. Rosehip broth - 1 cup or fresh fruit - 200 g.
      • Dinner. Boiled fish - 85 g. Boiled potatoes with sunflower oil - 150 g. Pilaf with fruits - 200 g. Tea with milk - 1 glass.
      • For the night. Yogurt - 1 cup or 50 g of prunes (soaked).
  • Diet №10r
    • Indications for diet No. 10r

      Rheumatoid arthritis.

    • General characteristics of diet No. 10r

      A physiologically complete diet that provides the body's needs for nutrients and energy. Physiological protein quota with a balanced amino acid composition. Limiting the amount of fat in the diet, without reducing the quota of vegetable fat (ratio of animal and vegetable fat 2:1). Reducing the carbohydrate part of the diet mainly due to easily digestible (sugar, sweets). Reducing the amount of table salt (up to 2-3 g per day).

      Compliance with the principle of mechanical and chemical sparing with maximum removal of extractives due to the exclusion of strong meat and fish broths, smoked meats.

      All dishes are cooked without adding salt, boiled or baked. Food temperature - 55-65o; very cold or too hot dishes are excluded.

      Compliance with frequent and fractional nutrition (eating at least 5-6 times a day). Food is taken at strictly fixed hours. By caloric content, food during the day is distributed as follows: breakfast - 30%, lunch - 40%, afternoon snack - 10%, dinner - 20% of the total caloric intake.

    • Chemical composition and energy value of diet No. 10r

      The amount of protein - 90-100 g, fat - 70 g, carbohydrates - 250 g. Calorie content - 2400 kcal (with increased body weight, the calorie content of the diet should be reduced by 20-25%). The total amount of free liquid is 0.8-1.0 l, table salt - 3-5 g (issued to the patient's hands).

    • Recommended foods and dishes for the diet №10r
      • Bread and bakery products - wheat bread from flour of the 1st and 2nd grade; rye bread, pastries of the previous day 200-250 g, crispy bread, cookies are not rich.
      • Soups - vegetarian vegetable, barley, rice and other cereals, ½ portion. To improve the taste, greens should be added to soups: dill, parsley, green onions.
      • Meat and poultry dishes - lean meats (beef), cleaned of tendons and fat, chicken, rabbit. They are prepared in boiled, steamed or baked form.
      • Fish dishes - low-fat varieties of sea, river fish, cooked in boiled, steamed and baked form.
      • Egg dishes - use egg white in the form of a protein omelet.
      • Dishes and side dishes from cereals and pasta - semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, hercules, pasta, vermicelli, homemade noodles (in a small amount).
      • Dishes and side dishes from vegetables - boiled and raw vegetables (vinaigrettes, salads, side dishes). Legumes (peas, beans, beans), vegetables with coarse fiber (radish. Radish), sorrel, spinach are limited.
      • Dairy products and dishes - low-fat cottage cheese, better home-made, in its natural form or in the form of puddings, casseroles, kefir.
      • Fats - unsalted butter, olive, sunflower. It is not recommended to use butter in free form, it is added only to dishes. The total amount of fat should not exceed 70 g.
      • Fruits - fresh, baked apples, berries, lemon, dried apricots, prunes.
      • Drinks - weak tea, coffee drink, unsweetened fruit and berry juices, dried fruit compote, rosehip broth without sugar or with the addition of xylitol.
    • Excluded foods and dishes for diet No. 10r

      Meat, fish, mushroom broths, fatty meats and fish, lard, beef and mutton fat, various smoked meats, spicy snacks, canned food, pickles, marinades, pastry, pies, ice cream, strong tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages.

    • General characteristics of the diet, chemical composition and energy value of diet No. 10i

      Diet with reduced calorie content, semi-liquid, with the exclusion of table salt, restriction of liquid, foods and dishes that cause flatulence.

      In the first 2 days, the need for food is small, the patient receives only a drink 7 times a day, 50 ml, while the liquid should not irritate the digestive organs. It can be weak, warm, slightly sweetened tea, decoction of dried fruits.

      Starting from the third day for 7-10 days, the weight of the daily diet is about 1700 g, free liquid - about 600 ml, proteins - 60 g, fats - 30 g, carbohydrates - 180 g, food calorie content - about 1200 kcal.

      Food is given in small portions, in a pureed form. Eating up to 7-8 times a day.

      In subsequent periods, the diet is expanded, and by the end of the 2nd week, the daily diet contains 70 g of proteins, 60 g of fats, 200 g of carbohydrates; calorie content 1600 kcal. The food is not pureed; increase the portion of bread and the amount of free liquid to 1000 ml.

      Then the patient is transferred to the anti-atherosclerotic diet No. 10c.

    • Basic requirements of diet number 10i
      • Calorie restriction with a gradual increase.
      • Exclusion of substances rich in cholesterol (egg yolk, caviar, brains, internal organs of animals).
      • Salt restriction.
      • Fluid restriction.
      • Exclusion of products from sweet dough.
      • Exclusion of products that cause flatulence (milk, legumes, cabbage).
      • Exclusion of substances that excite the cardiovascular and nervous systems (alcohol, coffee, cocoa, strong tea).
      • Eating foods rich in vitamins C and D.
    • Diet Option No. 10i for people who have previously had a myocardial infarction

      For people who have previously had a myocardial infarction, there is a diet option number 10i.

      Its main requirements are, in addition to the above:

      • Exclusion of fried meat and fish.
      • Exclusion of meat and fish broths.
      • Exclusion of onions, garlic, radishes, radishes.
      • The use of products containing iodine (seaweed, mussels, squid, shrimp).
      • All dishes are prepared without salt.
      • Meat and fish only in boiled form.
      • Vegetables and fruits are consumed raw and boiled.

In the structure of total mortality, diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy a leading place. Therefore, it is important to carry out preventive measures and explain the need for the use of complex treatment programs (diet therapy, drug treatment and dosed physical activity) among the population. The key to the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels is nutrition.

The diet that is used for the treatment of the cardiovascular system was developed by Manuil Pevzner, a Soviet scientist, professor and nutritionist. Acquaintance with the technique will allow you to minimize the risk of a heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, and more effectively undergo rehabilitation with already existing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Application and purpose of the diet

The cycle of diet therapy programs for various diseases of the heart and blood vessels is called "table number 10". Also, this diet is applicable in the nutrition of patients with I and IIa degree of circulatory failure. The use of table No. 10, together with drug therapy, in such patients can improve the course of the underlying disease and reduce the risk of complications. However, this diet is only suitable for compensated or subcompensated disease and should only be used when prescribed by a doctor.

The diet is aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the heart, normalizing blood circulation. Also, the diet of diet No. 10 improves the function of the liver and kidneys, helps to reduce swelling and shortness of breath, helps to reduce body weight if the patient has concomitant overweight or obesity. Such results are achieved by observing all the nutrition of table No. 10, which, first of all, are aimed at facilitating the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

Nutrition rules

An unhealthy diet is often a risk factor for heart disease. The use of food saturated with cholesterol, "fast" carbohydrates, as well as fried semi-finished products leads to pathological changes in all organs and systems of the human body, primarily the cardiovascular system. Proper diet should be an integral part of the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Diet No. 10 according to Pevsner is considered a complete, balanced diet with a reduced calorie content. The decrease in energy value occurs due to the exclusion of fatty, fried, sweet. It is imperative to reduce consumption as much as possible, with the permission of the doctor, the patient is entitled to approximately 5 g of sodium chloride.

Vegetables and fruits can be consumed in moderation. The use of vegetable in large quantities carries an extra burden on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Up to three small vegetable servings per day. Food must not be baked with a crust and fried. You can use all other types of cooking: steaming, stewing, in a slow cooker, boiling, grilling. Meat before use is recommended to pre-boil.

When eating on table No. 10, the same intervals between meals are maintained, portions are reduced in order to reduce the load on the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

Patient responsibility is very important. During the treatment period, it is highly undesirable to break into "tasty" and overeat, as this can prolong the period of therapy and aggravate general well-being.

Diet food list

According to the chemical composition, nutrition should be complete and balanced. The daily calorie intake during the treatment program should be within the normal range, approximately 2500 kcal.

The menu should consist of easy-to-digest foods and natural ingredients. The main diet consists of:

  • lean meats: trimmed, without veins and fascia, and without skin, fillets;
  • lean fish, suitable:, etc .;
  • seafood, ;
  • salt-free bread, wheat of the first and second grinding (up to 150 g per day) in dried form, yesterday's baking, pasta;
  • boiled and steam eggs, up to 5 pieces per week are allowed;
  • dairy products, low-fat unsalted cheese (with doctor's permission);
  • cereals - limited;
  • vegetables (except prohibited), and should be limited;
  • fruits and berries, nuts, dried fruits.

Cereals can be cooked in milk or water, combined with boiled fish or meat, added to soups. It is not forbidden to boil pasta from durum wheat in moderation (in the finished form, it is permissible to use a serving of 1/2 cup), you can from or. The first courses are recommended to be consumed when the portion is reduced to 150-200 g at a time, vegetables for soup should not be fried.

You need to exclude from the diet:

  • , meat with fat, offal;
  • fatty fish, salted and smoked fish, caviar;
  • canned food, pickles and marinades;
  • any store-bought sauces;
  • fatty and salty cheese;
  • confectionery, pastries;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms, and;
  • tonic drinks, sweet soda, cocoa;
  • fresh pastries;

When cooking, do not forget that you can not add salt. Garden greens, natural herbs are allowed. Sharp and bright-tasting spices are also best excluded, as they excite the appetite.

Diet menu

It is important to ensure that the body is saturated with useful components and nutrients. On the day you need to eat two or three servings of carbohydrate meals (with a predominance of complex), two servings of protein foods, snacks with vegetable fiber (vegetables, berries, fruits) are allowed. Periodically, you need to eat nuts and drink sour-milk drinks to avoid deficiency. This one is extremely important for the heart; it is often prescribed to prevent its deficiency.

It is better to write the diet on a piece of paper and place it in a conspicuous place, it is advisable to eat at the same time. A sample menu for a week can be compiled in advance so that later you do not come up with dietary solutions on the go.

First day

In the morning: mashed with milk, a little, herbal decoction.

Lunch: fish steam cutlets, mashed potatoes, unsweetened berry.

Afternoon: milk.

Second day

In the morning: cereal flakes with pieces of peeled, faint black.

For an afternoon snack: a little cottage cheese, one tomato.

Lunch: boiled millet porridge with pieces of boiled veal, squash caviar.

For an afternoon snack: some nuts, broth.

Dinner: baked fish, boiled.

Fourth day

In the morning: liquid semolina, a little or jam, unsweetened tea.

Snack: dried bread with cottage cheese.

Lunch: vegetarian beetroot, baked, fresh cucumber.

For an afternoon snack: homemade oatmeal cookies, milk milk.

The fifth day

For an afternoon snack: berry jelly, chamomile decoction.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, boiled salad and.

Sixth day

In the morning: mashed rice porridge, kiwi slices, tea with milk.

Lunch: boiled beef stroganoff, boiled potato garnish.

For an afternoon snack: a glass of carrot-apple fresh juice,.

Dinner: baked rabbit with prunes, a glass of apple juice.

With intolerance to whole cow's milk, it is replaced with coconut, soy or almond.

It is impossible to starve on a diet; food must fully satisfy the needs of the body. Do not forget about the calculation of fluid, small deviations from the norm are not terrible, but for a speedy recovery it is better to follow the rules exactly.

Diet No. 10 for hypertension and other diseases can last as long as necessary to restore the patient's health. The exact duration of the program can only be determined by a doctor, as a rule, this technique is prescribed for several months or more.

Diet number 10a

If the patient is diagnosed with IIb or III degree of circulatory failure, diet No. 10a is used. In this case, diet therapy becomes as gentle as possible for the work of the digestive organs, the cardiovascular system, because this condition is considered decompensated.

The list of products remains similar to the tenth diet. The patient is forbidden to eat fatty, canned, fried, muffins and confectionery, hot spices and salt, organ meats. Alcohol, soda, energy drinks, coffee and green tea should be completely eliminated. Vegetables and fruits with coarse fiber and skin are limited.

It is advisable to wipe the cereals, you can cook them with milk or water. Soups should be on a low-fat broth, it is advisable to cook them on vegetables or lean fish. The amount of dried bread is recommended to be reduced to 150 g. The daily calorie intake is reduced to 2000 kcal.

You should drink no more than a liter of water per day. Fluid restriction is caused by impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver in these stages of the disease. Diet number 10a lasts until the patient feels better and the disease regresses. Often table 10a goes into the tenth diet.

Diet number 10b

Table No. 10 is often prescribed to patients after myocardial infarction, as well as in the presence of rheumatic heart disease without circulatory failure. Compared to other diet options, Diet #10 is broader and the drinking regimen is not as rigid. It is important for the patient to increase in his diet foods high in potassium and: nuts, cereals, milk. The menu must contain protein foods, with a predominance of animal protein.

After a heart attack, the diet is prescribed in several stages. The diet consists of three phases, which are assigned in turn:

  1. First phase. Lasts during the first week after myocardial infarction. The energy value is reduced to 1200 kcal, the patient is entitled to approximately 1.5 kg of food and 0.8 liters of liquid per day. Dishes are prepared in a pureed, chopped form, food is taken warm. Salt is not used at all, you can occasionally eat rye bread crackers, fresh vegetables are prohibited.
  2. Second phase. It proceeds for 2-3 weeks, and is called the subacute period. The daily allowance increases to 1800 kcal, liquids can be consumed in a volume of 1 liter. Up to 3 g of sodium chloride is allowed. You can introduce fresh vegetables, increase the amount of protein and healthy foods.
  3. The third phase begins in the fourth week after a heart attack, during this period scarring occurs. The menu at this stage will be complete, the amount of food should increase to 2.2 kg, and water - 1.1 liters. The allowable salt intake is 6 g per day. The list of products is typical for table number 10.

During the rehabilitation period of a myocardial infarction field, it is important to eat food with a low salt content, the main amount of sodium chloride will contain bread. It is important to adhere to this rule, because salt tends to retain fluid in the body and lead to edema, thereby further worsening the work of the damaged heart muscle. Meat and fish must be boiled before other types of cooking. It is allowed to fry foods in a small amount of vegetable oil. Porridge should be boiled and mashed. Vegetables can be eaten cooked or raw.

After the fourth week from the onset of the disease, the volume of liquid increases to 1.5 liters, all drinks and first courses must be taken into account. The daily calorie intake should be 2500 kcal, if the lifestyle is sedentary, this figure should drop to 2200 kcal.

During treatment, the patient should be periodically observed by the attending physician in order to adjust the menu.

Diet #10c

Table No. 10c is intended for patients with atherosclerosis. Such diet therapy is aimed at improving blood circulation, normalizing fat metabolism, restoring the functions of the liver and kidneys. All this slows down the progression of the atherosclerotic process in the vessels.

Depending on the patient's condition and the presence of excess weight, the doctor may prescribe one of two options for this diet.

The first option is intended for patients without excess weight. In this case, the caloric content and composition of the diet are within the normal range. You need to consume up to 2600 kcal per day, drink no more than 1.2 liters of liquid (including drinks and soups).

The second diet option is prescribed for overweight or obese patients and has a reduced daily calorie content of up to 2200 kcal, and in some cases up to 1800 kcal. The drinking regimen remains the same (as in other diet options). Table No. 10c provides for an increased consumption of vegetables in a boiled, chopped form, however, it is occasionally possible to use them raw as salads. Significantly reduce the need and fat.

The list of products and nutrition rules remain the same for table number 10. Coarse fibers of plant foods and meat should preferably be boiled before further cooking. Food is not salted, you can use it in its pure form up to 50 g per day.

It is important to exclude from the diet foods containing, animals, cooking fats, as well as foods rich in "fast" carbohydrates and extractives (limit essential oils, spices and spices). Tonic drinks, strong tea, coffee are also sharply limited or excluded, as they have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

Cereals, cottage cheese and vegetable food with coarse fibers should be crushed, boiled, wiped. The amount of bread increases significantly (up to 300 g), but it should be consumed dried. You can eat lean dough, biscuits, yeast-free pastries. Under the taboo remain: shortbread and sweet buns, store-bought pastries.

Offal meats are added to the menu, they must be boiled before further use. They are allowed to bake, stew and eat with a side dish, add to homemade pies.

The diet can be changed or completely stopped only after the approval of the doctor.


Patients who used one of the programs of table No. 10 note, in addition to improving their general well-being, they also notice a decrease in body weight, an improvement in the condition of their hair and skin. However, the independent use of the diet complex No. 10 is not permissible, as well as self-adjustment of the already prescribed diet.

Currently, diseases of the cardiovascular system affect not only the elderly, but also younger ones. WHO statistics note that along with diabetes, heart disease is getting younger, i.e. affecting more and more young people. The root cause of this is a sedentary lifestyle, improper and excessive nutrition, smoking.

Education:endocrinology-dietology, psychotherapy.


  1. Gastroenterology-dietology with endoscopy.
  2. Erickson's self-hypnosis.

The diet, which is also called "table number 10", is shown to people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, problems with the heart muscle, and blood circulation. It should be prescribed only by the attending cardiologist and in no case independently, since additional restrictions for an already stressed organism can further aggravate the patient's condition.

Diet "table number 10"

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Basic principles of diet number 10

  • no more than 300-400 grams of carbohydrates
  • about 90 grams of proteins, of which 60% are animal
  • about 70 grams of fat, including 30-35% vegetable
  • 1.2 liters of fluid per day
In parallel with table number 10, appropriate medications are usually prescribed, including 6-7 grams of sodium chloride per day

In addition to improving the state of the cardiovascular system, a similar principle of nutrition will support the overall functioning of the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, and also normalizes the metabolism in the body. Important here is the control over the calorie content obtained from fatty and carbohydrate foods. It is also important to reduce the amount of fluid consumed - no more than normal.

The amount of salt should also be kept to a minimum and only food at room temperature should be consumed – not too hot and not too cold.

What foods can you eat?

First of all, these are healthy low-calorie soups prepared on the basis of chopped or grated vegetables with the addition of cereals and low-fat milk. But even here you should not give yourself free rein and exceed the dose of consumption of 250-300 grams at a time. Optimal is such a dietary dish as beetroot, which in no case should be generously flavored with fatty sour cream.

You can eat bread made from cereals of the 1st and 2nd grade, but by no means fresh, but yesterday's or even slightly dried. In specialized stores, you can also buy salt-free bread and dietary biscuits.

Allowed dietary low-fat varieties of meat and fish, rabbit, chicken and turkey. Here, such a dish as aspic of finely chopped lean and boiled meat, as well as seafood cooked with a small amount of salt, is optimal. You can eat soft-boiled eggs, but not more than one per day, as well as omelettes.

Dairy and sour-milk products are very useful and strongly recommended by dietitians, but, again, low in fat. It is allowed to consume cottage cheese and its combination with boiled cereals, fruits and vegetables. It is better to choose cheese with a fat content of no more than 20%, and limit the consumption of cream and sour cream.

Cereals are best boiled well in water or low-fat milk. But do not add a lot of butter to such dishes, just a small piece for taste.

The same rule applies to vegetable oils.

Vegetables, fruits and berries are recommended to be finely chopped into a salad or grated. They are allowed to be consumed fresh, as well as components of compotes, fruit drinks, kissels, mousses, unsweetened jams and preserves. Limited consumption of honey is also allowed.

From consumed spices, seasonings and sauces, cardiologists recommend excluding very spicy, too sour and spicy. You can eat food with bay leaves, cinnamon and a pinch of vanillin, it is best to refuse the rest.

Drinks - exceptionally weak tea and chicory (not natural!) Coffee, as well as fresh juices and decoctions that are not packaged. You can not use pineapple, grape and sour cherry juices.

What foods are prohibited?

First of all, these are fatty broths prepared on the basis of meat, poultry or fish. Legumes and mushrooms in any form should be excluded.

You should also limit the consumption of sweet and rich foods, fresh bread and fatty foods harmful to the "cores" - duck, goose, lamb, pork with a large layer of fat, liver, any sausages and smoked products.

No need to "lean" on salty and spicy marinades and canned food, as well as too salty and fatty varieties of cheese. Eggs must not be fried or boiled.

Fruits and berries with coarse fiber should also be banned, as well as "bright" spices and sauces - mustard, horseradish and any kind of pepper

An exemplary menu for a patient who is shown table number 10

Monday. Breakfast: one soft-boiled egg, oatmeal with low-fat milk and weak tea, of course, without sugar. Second breakfast: non-acidic fruits baked without sugar. You can add a spoonful of honey to this dish. Lunch: vegetable soup with a handful of pearl barley (preferably half a standard portion), a small steamed cutlet with a side dish of boiled and grated carrots, compote boiled from dried fruits. : half a serving of low-fat cottage cheese pudding, boiled fish with steamed vegetables, unsweetened tea. Late dinner: a glass of low-fat kefir.

It is also important to split/split up meals without eating too much at one time. It is better to give preference to 4-5 times a day, which will relieve the burden on the body.

Tuesday. Breakfast: one egg scrambled eggs, rice porridge with low-fat milk and chicory coffee. Second breakfast: mashed fruits. Lunch: half a bowl of soup with chopped vegetables and fresh herbs, 100-150 grams of boiled beef with cauliflower, a glass of jelly (not from a bag!) Snack: dried fruit compote. Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with pieces of fruit, low-fat fish with a salad of fresh vegetables not prohibited by the diet. Late dinner: the same as on Monday.

Wednesday. Breakfast: dumplings (crackers, half a liter of milk, flour, 2 eggs and a little butter), healthy carrot-beetroot compote. Second breakfast: carrot pudding. Lunch: half a standard serving of carrot-rice soup, one chicken cutlet steamed with the same cooked vegetable side dish, fruit juice. Afternoon: heart-healthy rosehip broth. Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese and fish dumplings with rice. Late dinner: the same. Friday. Breakfast: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, buckwheat porridge without milk with a small piece of butter, dried fruit compote. Second breakfast: unsweetened apple pie without crust. compote of dried fruits. Snack: rosehip broth to help the heart. Dinner: fresh cottage cheese, fish meatballs with cauliflower puree. Snack: the same.

Saturday. Breakfast: dumplings according to the above recipe, rice porridge with milk, chicory coffee. Second breakfast: fruit puree. Lunch: carrot soup with pearl barley (half a plate), a small steamed chicken cutlet with grated boiled carrots, fruit juice. Afternoon snack: dried fruit compote .Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, fish stew with a side dish of oven-baked zucchini. Late dinner: the same.

Sunday Breakfast: one soft-boiled egg, semolina, weak tea without sugar. Second breakfast: carrot pudding. Lunch: vegetable broth with fresh herbs (1/2 of the usual portion), a piece of skinless chicken breast with grated fresh vegetables, a glass of jelly. Snack: rosehip broth. Dinner: fresh cottage cheese, fish dumplings with rice garnish. Late dinner: the same.

A completely different diet is needed for people suffering from epilepsy. The so-called ketogenic diet will help where medications are already powerless

Diet 10 table, which helps to restore the cardiovascular system. Find out what you can and cannot eat with diet table number 10, and also check out the table and menu for the week.

In the first half of the last century, the Soviet nutritionist M.I. Pevzner developed a nutrition system for restoring the vessels of the cardiovascular system. Useful products and a correctly composed diet help to get rid of edema, shortness of breath, arrhythmias, and weakness. Diet unloads the kidneys and liver, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. It serves as a prevention not only of atherosclerosis, but also prevents the formation of stones, corrects metabolism. Due to cleansing the intestines and alkalization, it balances the pH of the blood, improves its quality, and normalizes blood circulation.

Who is prescribed diet number 10

The treatment table is suitable for people:

  • with ischemia, heart disease, rheumatism;
  • atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels;
  • hypertensive patients:
  • patients with renal colic, pyelonephritis;
  • hypothyroidism.

The purpose of the diet is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce vascular permeability that has arisen after damage to the basement membrane, and restore the dynamics of blood circulation.

6 main rules of clinical nutrition

To achieve your goal, you need to follow 6 simple diet rules:

  • The first is avoiding salt.

With the permission of the doctor, sea salt is sometimes added directly to the plate. With portioned salting, it is easier to calculate the rate of sodium intake and minimize its volume. In some cases, patients are allowed to eat 4-6 g daily.

  • The second is water restriction.

Close-up picture of abstract water wave with bubbles.

The daily rate is 1.2 liters. The volume includes liquid from food: soups, compotes, teas. The figure is adjusted depending on the pathology.

  • The third is the observance of the norm of daily calorie intake.

The energy value of the female diet does not exceed 2100 Kcal. For men, the figure is higher by 500 units. With obesity, patients adhere to a low-carbohydrate diet, reducing the consumption of bread, sweet fruits, and products with monosaccharides to a minimum.

  • Fourth - compiling a diet in accordance with the norms of the BJU

In a day, sick people are supposed to eat at least 100 g of proteins, 80 g of fat, 350 g of foods with complex carbohydrates.

  1. Foods that cause fermentation, flatulence, bloating and contain a lot of starch, fat, sugar are removed from the diet.
  2. Food with high-density lipoproteins (cholesterol) - liver, eggs, brains and with extractive nitrogenous substances (broths on fish and meat).
  3. Spices, spices, drinks that stimulate the central nervous system and irritate the gastric mucosa, liver, kidneys.
  4. Hard to digest food.
  • Fifth - fractional nutrition and cooking methods

One of the conditions of the diet is 6 meals a day in portions up to 250 g and the correct cooking technology. All methods are allowed except frying.

  • Sixth - the right choice of products

Treatment of diseases contributes to the inclusion in the diet :

  • vitamin food rich in iodine and other trace elements (except calciferols),
  • alkalizing fermented milk products, herbs, vegetables;
  • lipotropic compounds.

When choosing products for compiling a menu, it is better to focus on the table below.

Food table for diet number 10: what is possible, what is not?

Titles Approved Products Forbidden
SquirrelsLean red meat: veal, beef, quail, skin chicken, turkey.Pork, duck, mushrooms, offal: liver, brains, purchased sausages, smoked meat.
Fish and seafoodCod, haddock, navaga, hake, pollock, blue whiting. Flounder, whitefish, grass carp, pike perch, lamprey, tuna bream.Mackerel, herring, halibut, salmon, oster, beluga, saury. Canned fish, caviar.
flour productsGrain unleavened bread, dried or yesterday's white, biscuit cookies.Muffins, fresh white bread, pancakes and other products made from white flour.
DairySour-milk drinks with a fat content of 1.8-2.5%. Cottage cheese, feta, low-fat cheeses.Fatty salty varieties, sour cream, sauces, cheese.
Eggs1 egg per day is allowed.
First mealVegetarian soups with vegetables and cereals, broths on the breast and boiled in milk.Rich meat, fish, mushroom stews.
cerealsAll cereals and pasta from durum wheat.Shelled beans and peas.
VegetablesAll garden products with a few exceptions.Under the ban - radish, radish, green beans, spinach, sorrel, garlic. Canned and pickled vegetables.
FruitRipe fruits and berries.Grapes, dates, bananas in limited quantities.
dessertsKissel, jelly, fruit candy, marmalade, berry mousses, dried fruits, honey.Chocolate and its derivatives, marshmallows, halva, fatty pastries.
BeveragesDiluted fruit juices and vegetable juices without water, teas, coffees with chicory and milkCoffee, cocoa, grape juices, energy drinks, soda, Coca-Cola and all sugary drinks with bubbles, alcohol.

Diet Menu Example #10

Breakfast Lunch Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
Monday Cheese - soy, ricotta, mozzarella or other low-fat variety, protein omelette, rose hips. Biscuits + berry jelly. Lean cabbage soup, chicken with zucchini puree. Cottage cheese pudding + fruit drink from berries. Fish fillet in foil, carrot salad.

Baked apple.

Tuesday Pumpkin-millet porridge, coffee with chicory. Steam omelet with herbs and toast and tomato. Vegetable soup with rice, turkey with boiled cauliflower. Dried apricots + cottage cheese.Cod and potatoes in the skin from the oven.

Kefir with berries.

Wednesday Oatmeal with dried fruits + tea or coffee. Pear baked with cranberries and nuts. Celery soup, meatballs in tomato sauce with rice, salad. Fruit jelly.Stewed vegetables with meat.

Fermented milk product.

Thursday Rice pudding + a glass of rose hips. Banana smoothie. Rice-stuffed squid with stewed green beans. Berry mousse + bread. Assorted vegetables with cheese crust.

Tomato juice.

Friday Corn and pumpkin porridge + drink. Fruit salad. Barley soup, boiled chicken, avocado salad with tomatoes. Baked pumpkin with a spoonful of honey and flax seeds. Salad with tuna and asparagus or crab salad with cucumber and bell pepper.

Kefir with berries.

Saturday Poached egg, cheese toast and tomato tea. Quince marmalade. Asparagus and potato puree soup, chicken with stewed leeks. Beef soufflé. Stuffed fish with salad.

Green apple.

Sunday Zucchini soufflé + drink. Fresh fruits.Pumpkin soup with a handful of cheese, zucchini rolls with chicken. Grainy cottage cheese + dried apricots. Turkey with buckwheat, vegetables.


Delicious recipes for table number 10


Bake 300 g of beets in foil, cut into cubes, put in a soup bowl. Season with kefir, lemon, herbs.

Meat soufflé

Boil the product, grind in a blender, add sauce from 1/3 tbsp. milk, 1. h flour and a beaten egg. Knead the mass, put it in a mold, keep for a couple of half an hour.

Fish with sauce

Cut hake, cod or pike into pieces, make notches on the skin with a knife. Put the segments in a row, pour hot water 2 fingers higher. Throw lavrushka, parsley roots, stand on fire for 5 minutes. Add greens, lemon to vegetable oil and pour this dressing when serving.

Eggplant with vegetables

Peel the vegetables, cut, remove the middle, soak for 15 minutes in salt water. Put on a baking sheet and fill with stuffing. To prepare it, chop the cut cores, parsley roots with a knife and simmer in vegetable broth. Pour the stuffed eggplant with a sauce of 2 tomatoes and 10 ml of vegetable oil. Simmer covered for 20 minutes and serve with herbs.

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