Cheburek business idea. We open a profitable cheburek. The preparation process and assortment

Roof 22.01.2022

Are you thinking about starting your own business and looking for ideas? One of the most profitable business is the maintenance of catering places. To live, a person needs to eat. Therefore, such establishments always have regular customers.

In this article we will tell you what is needed in order to organize the opening of a cheburek. After reviewing the information below, you will learn what you need to take care of in order for the business to develop quickly and successfully.

Enterprise Format

Most often, aspiring entrepreneurs start from a small closed kiosk. Inside it is divided into two zones. The first is the so-called kitchen, where the baking process takes place. Equipment for the production of pasties, sinks and taps are installed here. The second part of the kiosk is a small room with a cash register, a counter for finished products and a window through which, in fact, pasties are sold.

If funds allow, then you can start this type of business with the format of a cafe or restaurant, decorated in the appropriate style. Here, initially, more costs will go to interior design, the purchase of furniture and household appliances. But all this will pay off over time, since the production of pasties in such establishments is on a large scale, and the number of visitors is many times higher.


Like any other catering establishment, a cheburek must have a permit to operate. It is issued by the sanitary and epidemiological station. Certification passes both the premises and the equipment. If everything complies with the rules, the appropriate document is issued to the owner.

The products are also tested by the laboratory service. According to the results of the research, a veterinary certificate is issued. When all checks are completed, the company will receive a common document - a technological map.

In addition to the SES, the fire service must also issue a permit for activity. She checks all the equipment of the premises: hoods, water supply system, sewerage, serviceability of household appliances (at the same time they pay special attention to the apparatus for the production of pasties), the condition of the electrical wiring.


To work a small cheburechnaya, it is enough to hire three people: two cooks, one of whom will cook the products, and the second will bake them, and a seller. Employees must undergo a mandatory medical examination and receive an appropriate document - a medical book, which will contain information that a person is healthy and can work in a public catering place.

Equipment for the production of chebureks

To start a business for the manufacture and sale of this type of baking, you will need the following equipment:

  • cheburechnitsa;
  • apparatus for kneading dough;
  • dough roller;
  • meat grinder;
  • small cutlery (knives, spoons, spatulas, two-fingered forks for turning pasties);
  • furniture;
  • stove;
  • dishes for frying, serving, disposable plates for serving pastries to customers.

In addition, you will need packaging materials for hot pasties in the form of paper bags, as well as napkins.


Making chebureks according to the classic recipe requires the availability of an appropriate food set. It includes the following components:

  • flour;
  • fresh meat;
  • eggs;
  • salt;
  • various spices and seasonings;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil;
  • water.

If other cooking recipes are used in the work, then additional products (milk, vegetables, animal fat) may be needed.

Cooking technology

From water, salt and flour, fresh, tough dough is kneaded. Minced meat is made from raw fresh meat (through a meat grinder). It can consist of one type of meat (pork, beef, lamb), or several at once. Chopped onions and greens, salt and seasonings are added to minced meat. The dough is rolled out in a thin layer (up to 3 mm) and smeared with an egg. Minced meat is placed in the middle of the cake, about 1 tablespoon. The edges of the cheburek are pinched. Fry the product in hot oil.

The cost of chebureks and their profitability

The cost of cooking one cheburek is about 0.5 dollars. This includes the cost of food and electricity consumption. They sell pasties for about 1-1.5 dollars.

A person buys, as a rule, two chebureks at once. The flow of customers is constant, especially if the kiosk or cafe is in a crowded place. The benefit is obvious. Entrepreneurs who have already gone through a period of adaptation in this type of business say that all the costs of organizing an enterprise paid off in a year.

Catering is one of the most demanded branches of the service sector. Moreover, public catering enterprises demonstrate good profitability in any, even the most difficult times from an economic point of view. A striking example of success in this area is McDonald's, whose network has entangled the whole world. Without aiming at such heights, consider such a business option as the organization of a cheburek.

Chebureks are a product that belongs to the traditional cuisine of many peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia, but they are also quite popular among representatives of the European part of Russia. Therefore, opening your own point for the production and sale of chebureks, you probably will not lose. but cheburechnaya as a business has a number of features that must be taken into account in order not to get into a mess and, having invested money, time and effort in this matter, not to end up with a broken trough.

Business options on chebureks

First of all, you need to decide on the organizational form of your enterprise. The production of chebureks can develop in three main ways:

  1. Stationary point for the sale of ready-made chebureks.
  2. Cafe-cheburechnaya.

In the first case, it implies the sale of ready-made chebureks from a mobile trading trolley or a stationary tray installed in a crowded busy place. The advantage of this option is the minimum start-up costs, the entire complex of necessary equipment will cost no more than 30 thousand rubles. But there are also difficulties. Firstly, the delivery of finished products to the place of sale, during which it is necessary to maintain the presentation and freshness of pasties, otherwise they simply will not be bought. Secondly, ensuring the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions, which, in the case of food trade, are characterized by increased strictness.

Diner on wheels - a more complex organizational type cheburechnaya as a business, but its prospects are much higher. The main advantage that the entrepreneur gets in this case is the opportunity to significantly expand the range of products sold through hot and cold drinks, various sauces, seasonings, etc. Along the way, you can organize trade in other types of fast food, such as grilled chicken or shawarma.

Also in this case, the problem of choosing a place for trading is partially removed. This aspect is of great importance for small catering enterprises, since a retail outlet located in an unfortunate location can "eat" huge investments and not bring any income. When using the cheburechka format on wheels, changing jobs becomes a matter of several days.

The main drawback is the need for significant investments, because the organization of a small mobile pavilion will require at least 300 thousand, and in order to equip a retail outlet, taking into account all existing requirements, it will take at least 600 thousand rubles.

The most costly and at the same time profitable option for a pastry business as a business is the organization of a stationary cafe or snack bar. In this case, the possible assortment of the institution is significantly expanded, and with it the potential audience. But headaches will also be added. First of all, significant capital investments will be required - at least a million rubles, and it will also be necessary to organize a continuous production process, which should include the delivery and storage of raw materials, their processing, preparation of semi-finished products, baking pasties directly and their sale.

The two main conditions for success

Whatever format cheburechnaya as a business you choose, the ultimate success will depend on two main factors: the quality of the products and the optimal scheme of work. With the first component, everything is clear - you can attract customers and win their sympathy only by baking truly delicious pasties. However, the concept of food quality is a rather broad multidimensional phenomenon and it is worth remembering this.

First of all, the use of high-quality raw materials, as well as the creation of the necessary conditions for its storage, is of great importance in this case. The second component is the recipe, non-compliance with which often becomes a stumbling block for owners of catering outlets. Out of the desire for economy, the ratios of the components of the dough and the filling are violated, low-quality butter is used, natural spices are replaced by artificial counterparts. All this affects the quality and taste of pasties, and this, in turn, entails the loss of customers.

As for the optimal scheme of work, here we mean the organization of uninterrupted production of products in such volumes that there are always pasties on the tray, but at the same time they do not stay too long.

The peculiarity of such institutions is that the vast majority of their clients are employees of nearby offices and non-profit organizations. It is believed that the maximum waiting time for such a contingent is 10 minutes. If you have to stand in line longer, then this is perceived by potential buyers as a significant inconvenience.

On the other hand, when cooling and reheating, chebureks lose their taste, that is, they lose their attractiveness. Thus, the task of optimizing the workflow comes down to reducing the waiting time for the client and at the same time avoiding the accumulation of surpluses of unsold finished products.

Generally cheburechnaya as a business is a rather interesting and promising option for the development of a small business, and if you take into account all the nuances described above, you can get a good profit from such an enterprise.

Be sure to read:

You can open a cheburek business by first presenting it in two forms: as a small kiosk with client tables and boxes for wrappers, or as a restaurant, cafe. Of course, you can open a restaurant, a cafe only in cities with at least half a million inhabitants. Otherwise, profits can not wait.

It is no secret that many owners of elite restaurants once started with cheburechnaya. Indeed, with very little investment, this business is very profitable - both adults and children love chebureks. When thinking about where to start, it is important to choose a good place for locating a cheburek stall or cafe. You should also decide on the initial costs. After all, if you sell pasties as semi-finished products or cook this product yourself, then you will need completely different expenses and different areas of activity.

The business of selling semi-finished products can be unprofitable - it is difficult to be sure of their high quality. It is practically impossible to know under what conditions the manufacturer stored the products, how fresh the original products were. We will have to constantly take into account that expensive food products may turn out to be unclaimed by customers, just like cheap ones, but of poor quality.

Our business valuation:

Starting investment 500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

Entrepreneurship business plan - to reality

A business plan must be submitted to the bank in order to receive a loan. It should also contain detailed material with answers to the main question: what is needed to open a cheburek? The plan will also serve as a guide to action at the initial stage of work.

A properly designed business plan should be the entrepreneur's first aid in resolving any unexpected circumstances that arise in the first stage. If all the necessary actions are coordinated in advance and competently, such unforeseen situations should not arise.

The business plan for opening a cheburek shop should include sections such as a description of the very idea of ​​​​entrepreneurship, the intended staff and the volume of manufactured products per day and per month. An analysis of the food market with the intended range of products, the main concept of the institution and the pricing policy will come in handy here. In the plan, you need to think in detail about the marketing strategy and advertising activities. It will not be superfluous to have sections on sales promotion of the finished product and an analysis of the existing sales market itself.

It will be very useful to take a ready-made business plan for a cheburechny, already operating somewhere in a small town, as well as any food-oriented enterprise, and understand it well. There is plenty of such information on websites. If you do not make serious mistakes and miscalculations in your work, then pretty soon a large establishment with a high income level will grow from a small cheburek.

Having wondered how to open a cheburek from scratch, you need to decide on the initial financing. You can try to borrow money from relatives and friends, you can apply to a bank for a loan or start looking for an investor. Of these options, you also have to choose the least risky.

If you have your own cheburek as a business, then you need to cook it very tasty, while selling only fresh products at prices that will suit customers. Focusing on the seasonal characteristics of this business, it is necessary to know that chebureks disperse better in winter, and in summer more emphasis should be placed on various soft drinks and ice cream.

Having managed to find funds and open a cheburek cafe, you will have to think about a good atmosphere in it, which will contribute to the influx of customers and give them pleasure.

Registration of private enterprise

The real first order steps in opening a cheburek business will be obtaining permits for activities of this nature from all relevant supervisory organizations. Only after this is it possible to register an emergency.

The legal form of cheburechnaya will have to be chosen from two options: individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company. And only having decided on the form, you can start preparing documents. If the cheburek is small and it is not planned to sell alcohol in it, then you should definitely choose an individual entrepreneur. Both various state duties and possible fines will be smaller.

The list of documentation for opening a cheburechnaya:

  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • registration certificate;
  • lease agreement for the premises;
  • completed sanitary books of employees.

In addition, more documents will be needed to open a cheburechnaya. This is the permission of firefighters to commission a new building (if one has been built) and coordination with the Department of Internal Affairs for the placement of a cafe in this place. For legal work, you also need a trade license and a trade patent from the local authority. Any sound accompaniment, various broadcasts and playback of recordings should be coordinated with the department of culture.

The selected or constructed premises must fully comply with all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the district, and the supply of meat raw materials must be regularly checked by the veterinary service. There must be technological maps for the preparation of products, the personnel must be trained and have the necessary qualifications.

Equipment for a cafe-cheburechnaya

The next step after preparing a business plan and starting to obtain permits for a business in the field of catering is to buy equipment for a cheburek. What types of equipment and inventory should the full set of equipment of an institution consist of? In the modern market, you can literally buy everything, but you can decide on the necessary equipment only by knowing the specific features of the technology for preparing fast food (fast food). Namely, such products include the main dish of a cheburek cafe - chebureks.

The range of mini-cheburek dishes and their specificity will determine the necessary equipment for a fast food kitchen. Literally “on the run”, customers must choose from the offered dishes what suits them in a particular situation. The menu should include a sufficient number of deep-fried dishes, quick drinks and light flour products.

It is logical to start with the main kitchen equipment - equipment for frying chebureks and heating semi-finished products that come to the cafe in the form of frost. It includes: a convection oven, a pizza oven, an electric stove, a microwave oven. The price of equipment in this group will not exceed 100,000 rubles in total.

The second row equipment are waffle makers, donut makers, toasters and pancake machines. These devices will cost much less.

This is what is needed for the complete equipment of the kitchen of the cafe-cheburechnaya. It is not at all necessary to start work by purchasing all these types of equipment at once. Some of them you can not buy at the initial stage, but first of all it all depends on the planned cheburechka menu.

Additional kitchen equipment includes: a production table, an exhaust hood, a washing tub and a hand dryer.

Do not forget about additional equipment, which includes all kitchen utensils and dining room equipment. These are client tables, chairs and upholstered furniture. The cheburechnaya franchise is one of the modern finds, consisting of a successful combination of dishes, service, interior of the cheburek shop, furniture and the exterior design of the mini-cafe. Convenience, benefits for customers can decide a lot in the success of a business. We should not forget about the internal design of the cheburechnaya. Original finds, unusual developments in this regard will also provide comfort to customers and contribute to successful trading.

Modern fast food technology has come a long way. Just look at the EXTRO machine for baking chebureks.

This is some kind of miracle device, just a magic oven, at the entrance to which the initial components are laid, and at the exit finished products are obtained.

Such a device, not even the main thing, how much it costs, will pay off very quickly - after all, it will replace real kitchen workers and reduce the staff of the establishment. The cost of a dumpling machine with an attachment for frying chebureks currently does not exceed 130,000 rubles.

Marketing and profit of the cheburek business

When planning production, it is important not to forget that pasties can only be consumed freshly prepared. Only with a large influx of buyers can this business be successfully run. It is known that the main customers of the cheburek kiosk are always office workers and students. Here, next to office complexes, with large educational institutions, it makes sense to have a mini-cafe.

Advertising cheburechnaya is a special conversation. Of course, the best advertisement of any catering point is the quality and low price of the dishes offered. But you also need to advertise your services. Noisy promotions and constant advertising in the form of visibility in the adjacent quarters of the town should be considered in advance. After all, information now rules the whole world!

On average, one cheburek costs about 8 rubles, and pastries in the price reach up to 30 rubles. Even a cheburek on wheels in the form of a trailer is capable of bringing profit in the amount of 25,000 rubles per shift. Here is the answer to doubts - is it profitable to do this. For a month of successful work, you can already earn up to 400,000 rubles. Even when the cost of semi-finished products, the rent of a mini-cafe, taxes and staff salaries are deducted from this amount, all costs are paid off in one and a half to two years of work.

Catering is an industry that gives businesses “real money”. Indeed, in this case, you do not need to wait for a bank transfer from the customer, which may be delayed, or may not be sent on time. The client of the cheburechnaya pays for the services here, on the spot. And the cashier counts the proceeds at the end of each shift. And this means that money for new purchases of semi-finished products, for the implementation of any current plans, is not long in coming. Under these conditions, it is easier for an entrepreneur to plan profits - after all, everything is in his hands.

  • Room selection
    • Filling
    • Dough
  • Staff

Currently, cheburechnye are not widely used. Whether the variety of today's fast food scares new and existing entrepreneurs to open such a business. Or possible alternatives, that is, more cost-effective catering areas, distract the eyes of potential retail investors. But even in the Soviet years, cheburechny collected considerable queues. Demand for fresh and hot cheburek undoubtedly was, is and will be. Be that as it may, the cheburechs that exist today work stably, earn money and develop their direction. Moreover, the opening of such a business does not require any transcendental knowledge and skills from a businessman.

Step-by-step plan for opening a cheburechnaya

Business on chebureks "can be opened in several ways:

1. Street trade in chebureks with the help of mobile shopping trolley. This is the least expensive and fastest option for starting a business. The main investments are the purchase of a shopping cart (15-30 thousand rubles) and small trading equipment. The only difficulty is that you will have to resolve the issue with the supply of ready-made chebureks to the place of sale. There are two ways: a). Wholesale purchase of ready-made chebureks from mini-bakeries b). Baking chebureks with your own hands (according to your own recipe) in a separate room.

2. "Cheburechnaya on wheels". Opening a pastry shop in the format of a trading kiosk or pavilion is already a more profitable business with large start-up investments. Investments for opening one retail outlet range from 300 to 600 thousand rubles, depending on a number of conditions (regional affiliation, location, equipment, etc.). Due to a wider range of goods sold, a shopping kiosk obviously has a greater income potential than a simple shopping cart. Here, in addition to the pasties themselves, you can sell cold and hot drinks, juices, pies, shawarma, grilled chicken and other fast food. Moreover, the kiosk can be equipped with equipment for cooking chebureks at the point of sale, which solves the problem of finding a separate room. At the same time, a certain “mobility” of the business is also preserved, because the trading kiosk on wheels freely changes its location in case of an unsuccessfully chosen place.

3. Cafe-cheburechnaya. The most expensive, but at the same time the most profitable option for starting a business on pasties. At the same time, pasties themselves are no longer the main source of income, since a cafe (restaurant or snack bar) can sell a wide range of first and second courses, as well as sell alcohol (with a license). The cafe has great potential in terms of the number of attracted customers, and the average purchase check is also higher. Moreover, the cafe can hold festive events, organize set meals, and so on. Investments for the opening of a cafe-cheburechnaya, taking into account the lease of premises, will amount to about 1 - 1.5 million rubles.

As you can see, depending on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur, there are several options for organizing a business on pasties. The ideal option, of course, is the opening of a separate cafe or restaurant with an original design and with its own kitchen. The development potential of such a cheburechnaya is very high. This is “serious business on pasties”.

How much money do you need to open a cheburechnaya

  1. Development and approval of the cafe project - from 50 thousand rubles;
  2. Repair and design of the premises - from 300 thousand rubles;
  3. Kitchen, refrigeration and other equipment - from 250 thousand rubles;
  4. Bar counter, hall furniture - from 100 thousand rubles;
  5. Crockery and small inventory - from 50 thousand rubles;
  6. Connecting communications and ventilation systems (if not available) - from 100 thousand rubles;
  7. Rental deposit - from 50 thousand rubles;
  8. Advertising expenses - from 30 thousand rubles;
  9. Other expenses - from 100 thousand rubles;
  10. Reserve funds - from 200 thousand rubles.

TOTAL: 1,230,000 rubles.

Room selection

To open even a small cafe-cheburechnaya, you will need to rent a room with an area of ​​​​200 m2 or more. There are no serious legal restrictions on the footage of a cheburechnaya, however, there is an established ratio of kitchen to hall area: 1 to 2. That is, with a hall area of ​​​​100m2, the kitchen should be at least 50m2. In addition, according to GOST R 50762-95, a part of the cheburek room will need to be allocated for: a vestibule, a wardrobe, a men's and women's toilet room, a smoking room, a warehouse. This is the minimum without which the cafe cannot function.


What documents are needed to open a cheburechny

It is necessary to coordinate the project of a cheburechny with such regulatory authorities as SES and fire supervision. To the SES authorities ( Rospotrebnadzor) it is necessary to submit such documents as: a copy of the USRIP, a certificate of registration with the tax office, a notice of the start of the cafe. As for the requirements themselves, cafes and other catering facilities (the same kiosk) must be equipped with a ventilation system, garbage containers, sewerage and refrigeration chambers are required.

What equipment to choose for the production of chebureks

The list of equipment for the production of chebureks includes:

In addition to the main equipment for the production of pasties, you will need auxiliary equipment: refrigerators, tables, sinks, racks, carts, kitchen utensils, overalls, and so on. Therefore, the arrangement of the entire kitchen will require at least 250 thousand rubles.

Cheburek cooking technology

As for the technology of making chebureks, this is a rather long and laborious process. First, the dough is prepared (flour, water and salt) and rolled out to a thickness of a few millimeters (usually 2-3mm). Cakes are cut out from the resulting layer of dough, the edges of which are smeared with a raw egg, and pre-cooked minced meat is placed in the middle. One edge of the cake is bent, and the cheburek takes the shape of a crescent. For the preparation of minced meat, fatty pork or lamb meat is used, which, together with onions, is passed through a meat grinder. Then the cheburek is fried with a large amount of fat with the obligatory addition of vegetable oil, which makes the cheburek so crispy.

The main thing, according to the owners of pasties, is to serve the client fresh, freshly cooked pasties. This is the only way to appreciate its true taste.

In general, each cheburek keeps its unique recipe in the strictest confidence. This is part of the success of the entire business.

Recipe for classic chebureks


  • 300 g of pork or lamb;
  • 3 medium onions;
  • greenery;
  • salt, pepper, spices;
  • water.


  • 600 g flour;
  • 300 g of water;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.


The number of employees of a cheburechnaya entirely depends on the format of the institution. For a shopping kiosk or pavilion, it is enough to employ 4 sales assistants-cooks who will work in shifts 2/2. Additionally, it is necessary to hire a sales manager (part-time driver) and an accountant. If we are talking about a pastry in the “cafe” format, then a technologist, cooks, bartenders (waiters), security guards, and an administrator are added to the list of mandatory personnel. The number of employees of an average cafe-cheburechnaya is 25-35 people.

A separate issue is the issue of monitoring the work of sellers, especially when it comes to a trading kiosk. The problem is solved by installing video surveillance or a computer with an invoice printer, through which all orders will pass.

What system of taxation to choose for business registration. OKVED code

The organizational form of cheburechnaya can be entity(LLC) or the usual individual entrepreneurship. If you open a trading kiosk, then the best option is to register an IP. But if a cafe-cheburek or a restaurant opens, then you can’t do without registering a legal entity (LLC). Otherwise, you will not be able to sell alcohol, thereby losing a significant part of the institution's income. As an OKVED code for a trade kiosk, you can use: 52.24.21 "Retail trade in flour confectionery", and for a cafe: 55.30 "Activity of restaurants and cafes".

Taxation system cheburechnaya can be either simplified (USN) or special. regime in the form of imputed income (UTII).

How much can you earn selling chebureks

The maximum demand for chebureks is noted at lunchtime and in the afternoon, when a person wants more “meat”. The main consumers are office workers, students, taxi drivers, in general, all those people who need a quick and hearty meal. If we are talking about a trading kiosk or a pavilion, then the cheburek receives the greatest income in places of high traffic of people, in close proximity to office and shopping centers, bus stops, bus and railway stations, and student campuses. Good performance for cheburek located on busy roads, where the main client is a hungry trucker.

The cost of one cheburek is an average of 8 rubles. And the selling price is at least 30 rubles apiece. At the same time, it is worth including a napkin, a plate and a plastic bag in the expense - for all 1.5 - 2 rubles.

In large cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people, one hyped point located in a highly passable place is capable of selling up to 600-700 pasties per day. In addition to the chebureks themselves, tea is well sold in the cool season, which allows you to receive additional income. The revenue of a retail outlet on a good day can reach 30-40 thousand rubles, per month - up to 450 thousand rubles. When calculating the profit of a cheburechnaya, rent, utility bills, staff salaries, taxes and other unforeseen expenses should be deducted from income.

The payback period for cheburechnaya, according to various estimates, is 1-2 years. Experts advise opening in early-mid-autumn, that is, with the onset of cold weather. The fact is that chebureks, and indeed all meat dishes, are consumed more in the cold season. Therefore, having opened in the summer, the cheburechnaya, most likely, will have to count unprofitable days for several months.

Do I need permission to open a cheburechnaya

Commercial activities for the preparation and sale of chebureks do not belong to the category of licensed ones, and to open a retail outlet in this direction, you do not need to obtain special permits (except for approvals from the SES and the fire inspectorate).

Capital investments: from 650,000 rubles
Payback period: from 1 year

The first thing that can please you is that for such an undertaking it is not necessary to be a professional chef.

Cheburechnaya as a business Suitable even for people who do not know how to cook.

The main thing is your desire to delve into and learn the intricacies of the case.

For an enterprise to be successful, you need to show interest in its essence.

Thinking only about profit, not caring about the quality of products, will eventually lead to the fact that they will buy where it is tastier cooked.

In short, think of the people you work for as more than just the source of your income.

How to open a cheburek? Institution format

The type of cheburek will depend on your starting capital.

You can also learn from such an undertaking as transport container for chebureks.

Then your investments will be up to 200,000 rubles.

You will need to purchase a mobile thermal container.

Your assortment will be small, in fact, pasties and drinks (tea, coffee, water, juice) to take away.

You will have to prepare the products at home.

It is clear that you will not take away much, and, as a result, there will not be a big profit.

But as a way of self-employment, this enterprise can bring you a stable income.

You can open a cheburek open type, with takeaway.

Usually, this is a stall, which can be mobile.

Next to it are cabinets, tables, bins.

More investment is needed here.

This is already a full-fledged mini-business.

The range will expand with drinks, salads and desserts.

You need to come up with some kind of "chip": some kind of "quick" dish that only you will have.

You can open a cheburek closed type.

As an option for a diner or a small cafe.

For such an institution, the largest investments are needed. Opening them in small towns is unprofitable.

The population of the city must be at least 500,000 people.

The assortment in such a cheburechnaya will be the most diverse.

The premises and conditions make it possible to make an institution based on a narrow specialization a catering point ().

Along with pasties, you can also offer traditional dishes: pancakes, pies, donuts.

If you wish, in addition to snacks and salads, you can add hot dishes, for example, broths in cups, etc.

Here is a place for your imagination and ingenuity.

Let's compare the types of pasties in the table:

What products does cheburek require as a business?

To open a cheburek, you need to make food purchases.

Use semi-finished products or fresh products?

What are chebureks?

This is a dish of the national cuisine of the Turkic peoples: a pie with meat and spices made from yeast-free dough.

Fried in sunflower oil.

Lamb is considered the original meat filling.

Now it is technologically allowed to use beef of at least grade 2 and pork of grade 1.

You can add cheese, egg, soy and semolina to the filling.

Just don't overdo it with savings. It will affect the taste!

The dough should not contain more than 40% moisture (then specialized equipment will work without failure).

Ingredient products must be certified.

Cheburechnye, like other catering establishments, are often checked by the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Therefore, in addition to permits, you must have agreements, certificates or documents from a veterinarian for meat.

You can use frozen meat.

Do not cook from semi-finished products!

If the semi-finished product is cheap, the cheburek will turn out tasteless.

They can be sold one-time.

A quality semi-finished product costs more.

It is unprofitable for you, since the output will turn out to be expensive.

Therefore, it is more promising to establish your own production: to cook both minced meat and dough yourself.

Then you will be sure of the quality.

Cheburechnaya equipment

Here is a list of equipment that you cannot do without to open a cheburek.

For the production of pasties, if you want to put this business on stream, you need:

EquipmentOpen institutionClosed institution
Total:RUB 168,000from 283 000 rub.
professional cheburechnik (frying pan) - from 60,000 rubles.1 2
dough mixer - from 33,000 rubles.1 1-2
dough rolling machine - from 35,000 rubles.1 1-2
professional meat grinder - from 10,000 rubles.1 1
refrigerator and freezer - from 30,000 rubles.1 2

What kind of premises does a cheburek house require as a business?

To open a cheburek you will need a room.

It can be open or closed.

The first type is a stall: a temporary architectural form.

Be sure to equip a showcase.

For the second option, you will need to rent, purchase or build a room.

In both cases, standard requirements are imposed on catering establishments:

  • the presence of ventilation;
  • the presence of a refrigerator;
  • electrification;
  • the presence of containers for garbage;
  • sewerage, water, gas (for stationary establishments).

In addition, you will need to decorate the interior of the diner, purchase the necessary furniture, shelving, bar counters.

Kitchen equipment will cost more.

For an open establishment, chebureks are often cooked at home, while in a diner you will cook them on the spot.

You need to make signs in both cases.

Staff for cheburechnaya

The minimum staff is 2 people for an open type establishment.

One cooks, the other sells.

The larger the establishment, the larger the staff.

You will need:

Staffopen cheburekClosed institution
Total:2-3 personsfrom 7 people
chef-technologist1 1
kitchen workers- 1-2
distribution workers1 1-2
cleaners- 1-2
waiters- 1-2
bartender- 1
accountant1 1
driver- 1

A few comments:

  • driver (preferably with your own car, otherwise the list of expenses should include the purchase and maintenance of a car, or delivery of groceries);
  • the services of an accountant with an open form of an institution can be resorted to during the reporting period;
  • initially, in an open-type cheburechnaya you can take on some of the responsibilities. As the business expands, you will decide which employees you need.

What kind of advertising is needed to open a cheburek?

Chebureks are well known since the times of the USSR.

This facilitates your efforts to popularize the service, reduces advertising costs. There are always those who like to have a quick and inexpensive meal.

For an open-type establishment, it is enough to be in a good walk-through place.

It is desirable that there are no similar products nearby (pancakes, belyashi, donuts, pies, etc.).

To open a stationary institution, you will also need a competent location, closer to places of business activity, offices.

For the promotion of cheburechnaya, additional advertising and marketing campaigns are needed; flyers, advertising in transport, social networks, open days, distribution of advertising promotional offers to offices and enterprises.

What costs does the cheburek require?

Let's compare open and closed type chebureks in the table.
Type of institutionOpen cheburek, 1 pointClosed institution
Total, rub.From 636,000 rubles.RUB 1,608,000
Investments in the necessary equipment, rub.RUB 168,000from 283 000 rub.
Investments in the premises, rub.
✓ kiosk - from 120,000
✓ showcase - from 8 000
✓ communications - from
50 000
Total: from 178,000 rubles.
✓ repair - from 300,000
✓ furniture - from 100,000
✓ dishes, consumables - 50,000
✓ communications - from 100,000
✓ rent - 50,000
Total: from 600,000 rubles.
Investments in advertising, rub.- 30 000 rub.
staff salary,
from 2* 20,000= 40,000 rubles✓ cook - from 30,000;
✓ kitchen worker - from 20,000;
✓ distribution worker - from 25,000;
✓ waiter - from 25,000;
✓ cleaner - from 20,000
✓ bartender - from 25 000
✓ driver with car
lem – from 50 000
Total: from 195,000 rubles.
Food expenses50 000 From 150 000
Fare50 000 100 000
Registration, rub.50 000 50 000
Reserve, rub.100 000 200 000

The payback period for pasties is from 1 year.

One promoted point should sell 500-700 pasties per day.

The cost of a cheburek is $0.25.

Net proceeds will be $450.

We reach profitability of 40-50%.

How to open and register a cheburek?

"Whoever is afraid of failure, he limits his activities."
Henry Ford

To open a cheburek, you will need permits:

  • from firefighters, SES (with a closed type of institution, the requirements for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises are from 100 square meters, being 50 meters from residential buildings, medical books for employees);
  • equipment certificates are required;
  • certificates for raw materials;
  • routing;
  • documents for opening a retail outlet (as an individual entrepreneur - with a simplified taxation system, sole proprietorship or LLC)

The video below shows the recipe for making chebureks at home:

7 secrets for a successful opening of a cheburek

How to increase your income? You can:

  • sell ready-made frozen chebureks to other entrepreneurs or retail;
  • arrange delivery of hot meals;
  • have your own signature dish and "authentic cheburek";
  • open a cheburek in the fall;
  • open a cheburek in a crowded "passable" place;
  • open a network of outlets or eateries;
  • open a franchise for your business.

Cheburechnaya as a business- a profitable undertaking.

Just take care of pre-registration of permits, as it takes a lot of time.

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