EMS fitness studio. EMS (EMS) training - what is it, benefits and harms, results, photos, reviews of doctors about myostimulation Ems studio business plan

Decoration Materials 22.01.2022
Decoration Materials

* Calculations use average data for Russia


Fitness is a branch of sports services that actively developed in Russia in the late 90s and early 2000s. The first fitness clubs appeared in Moscow back in the early 90s. In the narrow and generally accepted sense, fitness is a health-improving technique that allows you to change the shape of the body and its weight and consolidate the results achieved for a long time. It includes physical training, in some cases combined with a well-chosen diet. The main and most popular types of fitness include the following:

  • Step aerobics
  • Aqua aerobics
  • Fitness roller skating
  • Pole dance
  • Pump aerobics
  • Belly dance
  • Callanetics
  • nordic walking
  • crossfit
  • Fitball aerobics
  • Pilates
  • fitness yoga
  • slide aerobics
  • Fitbox
  • Stretching
  • Zumba aerobics


Fitness is part of the sports and recreation services market, which, in turn, is part of the paid services market. Paid services are an important part of the population's spending structure. However, in terms of the share of paid services in the structure of gross per capita expenditure, Russia lags far behind developed countries. First of all, this is due to the relatively low level of income and the large share of food costs in them. With an increase in income, the share of spending on food will decrease, and the share of spending on paid services will increase.

Experts note a constant drop in real disposable incomes of the population since 2014; only in the first quarter of 2016 they fell by 3.7%. This drop caused a 4.3% reduction in household spending, which, in turn, negatively affected the dynamics of GDP - it led to a fall in gross domestic product by 1.2% in annual terms.

At the same time, according to analysts (Rosstat and the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation), the consumption of paid services is highly stable amid falling demand for goods (primarily durables) - in 2015, demand for services fell by only 2%, in while the retail contraction was 10%. The volume of the paid services market in 2015 (the results of 2016 are still being summed up) amounted to 7.9 trillion rubles, which corresponds to 17.3% of the value added of the entire country's services market.

In the first half of 2016, the rate of decline in demand for paid services slowed down - the decline in demand amounted to 0.9% in annual terms. During certain months (February and May), positive growth rates were observed.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the real volume of paid services to the population in annual terms and the share of expenses for paying for services in consumer spending, %, 2013-2016

The largest consumption of paid services falls on three areas: housing and communal services (27.5%), transport services (19%), communication services (16.1%). About 11% is accounted for by household services (maintenance and repair of vehicles, repair and construction of housing, and others). The share of medical services (including health resorts) was about 8%, educational services - 6.8%. There is a decrease in the share of three key types of paid services from 65.3% in 2013 to 62.6% in 2015, while in the same period the shares of medical (from 6.9% to 8%) and educational (from 6. 2% to 6.8%) services.

Figure 2. Structure of paid services to the population, quarterly, %, 2013-2016

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The sports services market as a whole is experiencing certain difficulties, leading to a decline in its volumes. The decline that began in 2014 continues to this day. This is due to the general deterioration of the economic situation in the country. The annual growth up to 2014 was more than 25%, and the potential market capacity was estimated at $2 billion, despite the fact that the market is very far from saturation.

A significant part of the system of physical culture and sports is traditionally financed by the state. Until 2014, budget allocations grew steadily, although they were significantly below the level of developed countries, where about 2% of GDP is allocated to the industry. In Russia, this figure is almost ten times lower. Private investors are showing interest in the market, however, it was not very large even in the pre-crisis period. For the most part, the interest of private investors has more to do with personal interests and hobbies than with forming a profitable business.

All organizations operating in the sports and recreation services industry can be divided into two categories: commercial and non-commercial. The former are created for the purpose of making a profit, the latter are aimed at making sports services accessible to the poor. There is an imbalance in the market at the moment. State funding is directed primarily to the implementation of large-scale projects (construction of infrastructure for the 2018 FIFA World Cup), as well as to small sports structures and institutions (usually financed from the regional budget). Private investors invest in fitness clubs, whose share reaches 75% of the total investment.

The financial crisis and the fall in real incomes of the population in 2016 also had an impact on the fitness services sector. However, despite this negative impact, the market continued to grow. At the same time, its growth rates, according to some estimates, are very significant for the Russian economy. According to RBC Market Research, in 2015 the fitness services market grew by 14.1% in monetary terms and by 3.6% in real (natural) terms. The total market volume, including related areas (CrossFit, individual training), amounted to about 101.5 billion rubles at the end of the year.

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Figure 3. Dynamics of the volume of the fitness services market in Russia in 2015 prices, billion rubles, % (data from RBC Market research, CPI - Rosstat)

Despite the fact that the first fitness clubs appeared in the country in the early 90s, for a long time the market experienced certain difficulties in development. To a large extent, this is due to the fact that most fitness clubs developed in the high price segments - "Premium" and "Lux", the incomes of the population were relatively low, and the fitness services themselves were in little demand due to their low popularity. The target audience of fitness clubs was very narrow until the mid-2000s.

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Prices for fitness services this year increased by 4.8% compared to last year, which is not much compared to the increase in prices in the commodity segment and in the field of paid services in general. In general, the services market is distinguished by rather inertial pricing - in a crisis, prices rise quite smoothly, which, however, is compensated by their outstripping growth after the crisis is over and the economy stabilizes. Experts also attribute the low growth rate of prices in the fitness industry to their artificial containment by market players who are afraid of losing a significant part of the audience.

According to a survey of RBC experts, today 12.5% ​​of residents of Moscow and the Moscow region are engaged in fitness. At the same time, the involvement of residents of other world capitals (primarily developed countries) reaches 20-25%. This suggests that the fitness services market in Russia has significant development prospects, and its volume can be increased by at least two times.

According to various estimates, today there are 3.5-3.7 thousand fitness clubs in Russia, and the volume of the Russian fitness industry market is no more than 1% of the global market.

The fitness services market in Russia has a pronounced geographic diversification. There are four main areas: the capital region, where the market is most developed, St. Petersburg with a high level of development, million-plus cities with a young and relatively underdeveloped market, and other cities of Russia.

Cities with a large population are among the most promising for the development of the fitness industry. The market of million-plus cities (excluding Moscow and St. Petersburg) is estimated at the end of 2015 at 28.4 billion rubles, or 28% of the total volume. This suggests that the regional market is still far from saturation and has significant development prospects.

A characteristic feature of the Moscow region is a significant degree of market consolidation - a significant part of it is divided among several major players. In the regions, the situation is still different - the market is diversified, there are a large number of small players, including regional ones. However, with the further development of the market in the regions, one should expect the development of the capital scenario with the consolidation of the market and its division between several large network players.

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Also a popular scenario for the development of the fitness industry in the regions is a high proportion of franchising. The share of franchised fitness clubs in the regions is about 25%. The role of franchising can become decisive in the conditions of saturation of the capital markets and the need to develop regional markets. The advantages of franchising are obvious: a recognizable brand, the loyalty of landlords, the franchisor's assistance with the supply of equipment and staff training, automation of the management system, assistance in organizing the sales department, and even, in some cases, advertising support.

The advantage of a franchise - like large networks - is also that they have more tools to solve emerging problems, for example, a more flexible pricing system, a system of discounts for club cards and others, which allows them to attract more customers.

One of the main factors limiting the development of the fitness industry in the regions for a long time was the lack of suitable space for rent, low interest and low incomes of the population. Since the late 2000s, more and more premises have begun to appear that meet the requirements of tenants, both through the construction of new commercial real estate facilities and through the repair of the old stock; incomes of the population have reached a level sufficient to consume the services of the fitness industry, while players of low price segments have begun to enter the market.

As for the highly competitive metropolitan markets, research has shown that even when highly saturated, they still have room for growth. First of all, this applies to fitness clubs with a subscription price of up to 50,000 rubles, that is, representatives of the Comfort, Economy and Low-Cost segments. Speaking of Moscow, one should also note the high saturation within the Central Administrative District, while the suburban residential areas are practically not covered.

Table 1. Classification of fitness clubs in the capital region by prices

Figure 4. Structure of the fitness services market in Moscow and the Moscow Region, % of total revenue

The level of investment in opening a fitness club differs significantly depending on the price segment in which it plans to operate. The launch of a project in the Premium segment may require more than 200 million rubles, for the Business and Comfort segments this amount may be in the range of 80-100 million rubles, and for a small fitness studio - 5-7 million rubles.

Recently, related areas have also been actively developed - crossfit, individual training, EMS (electrical stimulation). EMS is now considered one of the most promising areas for franchise development. This segment has developed from the medical field, in which electrical stimulation was used for the rehabilitation of people with problems of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. However, this direction is only gaining momentum, the revenue of EMS-studios is significantly lower than that of classic fitness clubs. Nevertheless, the direction is actively developing, the increase in the number of EMS-studios is significantly ahead of this indicator for fitness clubs.

Current events and changes in the fitness industry market include numerous closures and openings of clubs, as well as a change in location, which is associated with changes in rental conditions, cost and other factors. Many landlords do not meet the needs of anchor customers, which are often fitness clubs. Prices are often fixed in conventional units, which led to an increase in the cost of rent only in 2015 by 25-30%. Of course, not all players can compensate for such growth at the expense of their own profitability or translate the increase through an increase in prices for their services, and are forced to leave the market.

Factors contributing to the further growth of the market include the following:

    Weak degree of penetration of fitness services into the domestic market - according to the latest data, only 3% of the Russian population go in for fitness, while in developed countries this figure reaches 15%

    The growing popularity of fitness as a global trend; annual audience growth rates are ahead of global indicators

    State sports policy promotes a healthy lifestyle, which contributes to the penetration of fitness services

    Weak development of fitness services in the regions

  • For a significant part of the target audience, visiting a fitness club and purchasing an annual subscription is a demonstration of social status and belonging to a particular social group; even in times of crisis, this group of people is not ready to give up the services of fitness centers; First of all, this applies to the segments "Lux" and "Premium"

According to experts, the annual growth of the fitness services market can reach 22-25%. At the end of 2016, the figure is called + 15%.

Denis Miroshnichenko
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Conducting trainings with psychological maps. 35 atmospheric trainings. Turnkey training. Everything you need to open your own Psychological Salon.

Location: Central district of the city of Voronezh, with convenient parking spaces for customers. Comfortable conditions have been created for effective fitness and recreation for guests. Modern equipment and qualified staff.

  • Building area 80 sq.m.
  • Buildings for rent up to November 2017, with the right to extend the lease
  • Land area 0 sq.m.
  • Land for rent up to 0

Certificates, licenses

Available and everything you need will be provided

Additional Information

EMS technology allows you to work out ALL muscle groups at the same time, which means it helps to solve several problems at once:
Lose weight
Strengthen muscles
Build muscle mass and make the figure more embossed
Normalize blood pressure, reduce blood sugar levels
Restore muscle function after injury
Effectively stimulate metabolic processes
Remove cellulite
Increase skin elasticity
Get rid of pain in the back, neck, swelling and heaviness in the legs
Getting leaner, leaner and healthier is easy!
This EMS technology is over 20 years old. The simulator of the best European manufacturer XBody is approved for sports use and has all the necessary certificates. With the help of this technique, the training time for one person takes only 20 minutes - an analogue of 3-hour sessions in a regular gym.
Location: Petrovsky Passage Shopping Center, Central District of Voronezh, with parking spaces for customers. Comfortable conditions have been created for effective fitness and recreation for guests. Modern equipment and qualified staff. Organizational legal form: LLC. Age of business: 2 years.
Reception area and waiting area 15 m2
Hall for personal training 25 m2
Staff room
Changing rooms - 3 pcs.
Shower rooms - 2 pcs.
Training room:
EMC simulator XBody
EMC suits
All necessary equipment for classes
A computer
Other equipment:
Washing machine
Clothes dryer
Air conditioning in addition to the chiller-fan coil system
and much more

The studio has a subscription system
17 personal training sessions per day
One-time lesson - 2,000 rubles.
One lesson by subscription - from 1,000 rubles (on average 1430 rubles).
Studio working hours from 9:20 to 22:00 seven days a week
Customer Sources:
Business center
Loyalty programs
Social networks
Landing site
Partnership programs
There is an opportunity to increase the influx of corporate clients

Financial indicators.
Average monthly turnover: from 300,000-450,000 rubles.
The specified turnover at 50% employment of the studio
Average monthly expenses:
1) The rent is 63,000 rubles. The direct lease agreement is concluded for 11 months with subsequent prolongation.
2) Utilities: summer period 5,000 rubles, winter period 10,000 rubles.
3) Cleaning of the premises (contract): 2,700 rubles.
4) FOT: 90,000 rubles.
5) Other: 10,000 rubles.
Average monthly profit: from 130,000 rubles.
Short payback period.
The ready staff can be kept.
Employees: 3 personal trainers, 2 administrators.
The business is complete. The price includes a fully equipped EMS fitness studio. Good location. Accumulated customer base: more than 52,000 people. Promotion on Internet portals: instagram, vk, facebook. Own site f-n-b.ru. Good repair, good atmosphere.
Stable business, the potential of which is not fully realized. Taking into account the accumulated experience, there are plans to open a second similar studio with improved functionality and increased revenue indicators, which will increase the profitability and efficiency of this type of business. When opening a subsequent studio, there is an opportunity to significantly save!
The composition of the founders of the company - 1 person (100% share). No franchises, work under your own name, the potential to promote your own franchise in your own region and the CCR. The sale is complete or partial and is negotiated separately with a potential client. Additional investments are needed in the development of this area.
The owner is ready to provide information and technical support to the new owner, as well as assistance in opening subsequent similar studios with huge savings. Large networks will not tell all the subtleties!
The cost of the business is not final and is discussed with a specific buyer!

Hello, friends. Do you want to lose weight and at the same time make a beautiful figure, but there is no time to disappear for an hour and a half three times a week in the gym?

EMS training will come to your rescue! Are they really as effective as they say and able to become a worthy alternative to the usual fitness? Or is it just another way to cash in on those who want to lose weight? And what is it anyway?

We charge the muscles

EMS training (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) or otherwise electromyostimulation is a new trend in weight loss and the fight for a beautiful figure.

It consists in influencing the muscles with a special device through electrodes attached to the surface of the body.

In other words, the impulses generated by the device force the muscles to contract in much the same way as it happens when doing physical exercises.

The method was invented in the USSR - scientists approximately in this way carried out the rehabilitation of astronauts who returned after a flight to earth.

Western scientists adopted the technology back in the 1970s, and the first muscle stimulators appeared in the United States in the late 1990s.

The principle of employment

Barely noticeable micropulses

  • They allow you to significantly increase the intensity of muscle contractions.
  • They activate and use about 600 muscles (against 100 with regular exercises in the gym).

In general, the benefits of EMS training are as follows:

  • Help to lose weight
  • Strengthen muscles
  • Build muscle mass and make a relief
  • Improve
  • Restore muscle function after injury

What will be required

  • Personal trainer

He should be well versed in biomechanics. Determine if the body is correctly positioned during the session. Clearly navigate the depth and strength of the impulses coming from the simulator.

It is he who regulates the power of current supply to certain parts of the body, taking into account the sports training of the subject.

  • Costume

We are talking about a special suit: a T-shirt with sleeves, leggings (shorts) and a special vest with electrode plates in strategically important places - current is supplied there.

The suit is sprayed with water (as they explain - to improve electrical conductivity). It is sometimes jokingly called the Lara Croft costume for some resemblance to the outfit of this heroine of films and video games.

  • Training apparatus

Just like the suit, it is a special piece of equipment. Both will be provided to you by a studio or a gym where you will work out.

Among the simulators are, for example, Miha Bodytec (Germany) or X-body (Hungary). The difference between them is quite insignificant, lies in the depth and strength of the impulses they produce and is of little importance for training.

Workout plan

Divided into three stages

  • Warm-up - 5-7 minutes
  • - interval training: 4 seconds work - 4 seconds rest. And so 15-17 minutes.
  • - just lie down and enjoy the light tingling current pulses.

A set of exercises

Everything here is individual - at the discretion of your coach.

Usually squats, push-ups, lunges, leg swings, ab exercises, with light weights, on an ellipse or a treadmill are involved.

Duration in general 20-25, no more than 30 minutes.

The intensity of classes is 2-3 times a week.

During classes, your body receives a double load - both from the exercise and from the current charge. As a result, even simple exercises cause significant tension throughout the body, and seven sweats come off you in one set.

The dangers of losing weight

Passing electricity through yourself is a dangerous business and can cause harm, and in this regard, the method has a number of serious contraindications:

  • Heart disease
  • Implants in the heart area
  • metal plates in the body
  • Pregnancy
  • Any circulatory disorders
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • kidney failure
  • Any tumor (both benign and malignant)
  • Colds

Fitness for the lazy

Many probably remember, and some may have tried the so-called "butterflies" on themselves - muscle stimulators - put them on your stomach and lose weight.

Ems-training according to the principle of action resembles precisely these simple devices. It just looks much more serious, convincing and weighty.

But is there any efficiency behind this method? Or is the benefit doubtful, is it another scam, a desire to make money on those who are eager to lose weight (EMS training sessions are not cheap)?

The fact is that muscle stimulation was originally developed:

  • for rehabilitation after injuries and training,
  • as a way to treat muscle atrophy and relieve spasms in bedridden patients,
  • to increase muscle endurance and increase strength.

But attempts by manufacturers to certify these products as equipment focused on body shaping, weight loss, targeted fat removal, and cellulite elimination were unsuccessful. This is cited by a number of serious sources on the Internet dedicated to healthy lifestyles.

What Science Says

In addition, EMS training has been little studied at the scientific level and, accordingly, there is practically no basis on the basis of which one could talk about some special effect of this method. Although a number of studies have been carried out.

So, scientists from Taiwan tried to determine how much more calories are consumed during a 30-minute stimulation session.

As a result, the difference between indicators at rest and the maximum level of intensity was only 11 kcal upwards.

Scientists came to the conclusion that EMC simulators can only be used as an auxiliary tool for losing weight.

Other scientists from the University of Wisconsin tested how effective drugs increase strength, reduce body weight and fat percentage.

For 2 months, they arranged myostimulation sessions for the experimental subjects three times a week. The conclusion of the researchers is that EMS does not affect any of the above.

The only plus was found in the case of elite, very well trained athletes. Training with muscle stimulation allowed to increase strength indicators. Results in vertical jump and shorten sprint time.

At the same time, it was noted that such a good result could be achieved in combination with plyometric exercises (a high-intensity type of body weight training) or weight training.

What to remember

  • EMS can be useful for bedridden patients and as a way to recover from injuries or surgeries.
  • Improvement with their help of body contours and a significant effect on the process of losing weight is not scientifically proven and not confirmed by certificates.
  • If you're willing to take the risk, they're best suited for those who are busy and can't afford to spend a lot of time in the gym.
  • At the same time, you should not rely heavily on them - EMS will never be able to replace real fitness and good old training with dumbbells and barbells. Yes, and a charge of positive emotions will not replace any discharges of current through the body!

Be slim and healthy, friends, do not forget to subscribe to blog updates. I say goodbye to you on this. See you again.

EMS (EMS) training is a specialized technology for sports activities, which was developed with the help of the world's leading scientists and athletes. Its difference from standard practices lies in the combination of the traditional approach to physical activity (performing a set of exercises) and additional stimulation of muscle mass with low-power electrical discharges.

Classes of this type are a completely new approach to sports due to the fact that the muscles contract forcibly. The workout involves a much larger number of muscle fibers than when performing regular sets in the gym.

According to studies, up to 90% of the muscles of the human body are additionally connected to the exercise. Due to this, the result is achieved in such a short time. Everything happens thanks to a small but constant electrical stimulation, combined with a set of exercises. A person needs to perform cardio exercises and sets with the use of force in a special suit in which electrodes are built.

Training consists of three main stages:


Training is effective due to the additional stimulation of the muscles with small discharges of electricity generated by a specialized computer program. There is a simultaneous warming up of muscle tissues as in a standard workout and their additional contraction due to the systematic flow of an electrical impulse.

Thus, the body receives a much more effective load in a relatively short time. A standard workout can be as long as 20-30 minutes, while the degree of muscle and fat mass is comparable to a regular 2-hour workout in the gym.

Is EMS training safe?

EMS (EMS) training is, in general, a fairly safe sport. Like any other type of exercise, it has a number of contraindications, failure to comply with which can lead to serious injury.

The human body produces the enzyme creatine kinase. It is required in cases where the muscle tissue is injured. There is also myoglobin in the body. This is the protein that makes up all muscle tissue. For some people, additional stimulation with electricity greatly increases the level of these two elements.

Undesirable effects can lead to kidney failure and intoxication. That is why the holding of such sporting events is impossible without the constant supervision of a coach.

Feelings during and after EMS training

Deep layers of muscles are involved in the work. For beginners, the sensations received during the process may seem very strange - the muscles seem to take on a life of their own. This condition occurs because there is an increase in tissue activity without a direct order from the brain.

Even after a short workout, crepatura occurs, the muscles get very tired.

This happens because during training, the tissues were stimulated not only by the method of applying sports approaches, but they did double work, because they received an electrical impulse.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any type of sports activity is selected based on the personal characteristics of the body of each athlete. But at the same time, there is always a base of positive and negative characteristics for a set of exercises.

EMS training is no exception. The main qualities of EMC are:

Advantages Flaws
Fast results. EMS technique, thanks to a completely new look at the performance of exercises, was able to reduce the time to achieve ideal muscle development by several times. High price. The equipment used is designed to the latest state of the art and is priced accordingly. You will also have to fork out for the services of a professional trainer.
The time of such a training is two times less than it will be necessary for a person in the gym to perform classic strength and cardio exercises. The big time savings are very beneficial for people whose busy work schedule does not allow them to spend several hours in training every day. Inaccessibility to the outback. Such technologies are just beginning to be introduced to the eastern market and have not managed to fully occupy the niche intended for them. In addition, not every fitness center can afford such expensive equipment, so most of them prefer to opt for standard body work services.
You do not need to carry a sports suit. All items needed for the exercise will be provided on site. Very fast fatigue of the body. Such sports are definitely not for the faint of heart, since the load on the muscles will be doubled, and sometimes tripled.

Harm and benefit

There is no physical activity that would not have both positive and negative effects on the human body.

In the case of EMS training, the benefits will be as follows:

EMS (EMS) training is, first of all, a sport that also has its drawbacks:

  • During menstruation or pregnancy, training is prohibited - electrical impulses can provoke involuntary uterine contractions, which will lead to unwanted complications.
  • In the presence of any skin rashes or psoriasis, there is a risk of developing epidermal diseases and profuse acne.
  • You will have to practice in a tight-fitting suit, which can cause discomfort for some people. In the process, the human body begins to sweat actively, and the feeling that the suit is wet from secretions will be added to the general inconvenience.

The list of tips is:

Training program

Preparation for classes plays a huge role in achieving the desired result.

  1. It is best to immediately take care of the selection of a qualified coach. If it was decided to stop training with the use of electrical stimulation, you should not spare money for this. The technology is new and an insufficiently skillful approach can lead not only to lost time and considerable funds, but also to serious health problems.
  2. The schedule is formed, first of all, in addition to the trainee's life schedule, based on such important factors as weight, height, the amount of physical activity that the body receives per day as a standard, as well as taking into account general activity and sleep phases.
  3. It is important to immediately accurately determine the recovery period of the body after a workout, since working with fragile muscle tissue threatens with sprains and rupture of ligaments and tendons. To do this, a personal trainer must conduct at least three joint classical training sessions within a period of one to two weeks. Based on these data, he draws up an individual lesson plan.

How is the workout

EMS (EMS) training is a set of exercises that has a special algorithm for preparation and direct execution:

  • The trainee needs to put on a disposable suit, which acts as a lining for corsets with electrodes. Now you can put on the exoskeleton itself, through which the impulses come.
  • Training is underway. The time for its implementation should not exceed 30 minutes. The coach has no right to leave his subordinate at this time. The strength of the impulses is calculated in advance, according to the individual characteristics of the athlete's body.
  • Massage is performed to drain the lymph. It is carried out directly using the mode programmed in the suit.


For some people, unfortunately, EMS training is not desirable.

The risk group in this case consists of such people:

  1. Those who use a pacemaker.
  2. Patients with epilepsy.
  3. People suffering from tuberculosis.
  4. Patients with atherosclerosis and those who complain of circulatory disorders of the arterial type.
  5. people with tumors.

Separately, it is worth talking about people with diabetes. Electrical stimulation can provoke a significant acceleration of metabolic processes in the body and, as a result, significantly reduce the permissible level of sugar in the blood.

But many studies have shown that this does not always work. Before starting a workout, a diabetic patient needs to be tested for sugar levels, and if it is in the range of minimally critical or normal, you can start playing sports.

It is very important to monitor the work of the lymphatic system of the body. Electricity can cause an uncontrolled increase in the level of lymph.

At the first signs of the disease - general fatigue, temperature, swollen lymph nodes, you need to stop training and choose a more suitable set of exercises for yourself.

Heavy sports are contraindicated for pregnant women in principle. Here, in addition to the obvious heavy loads on the pelvic bones and back, there is also stimulation through the electrodes, which can harm the fetus even in such a short period of time as 20 minutes of training. That is why expectant mothers are advised to choose something more gentle - classes on the steppes or fitballs, for example.

Result before and after

EMS (EMS) training is a revolutionary method of exercising precisely because of the fact that the time spent on getting relief muscles is reduced by two to three times. A standard workout in a fitness center will take about 1.5-2 hours. With EMS tactics - only 30 minutes.

The effect of such approaches is felt the very next day - the muscles will behave as if the person had spent the entire previous day doing approaches. At the same time, after the session itself, the athlete will not feel the tension and heaviness of the muscles inherent in standard techniques.

Visible changes appear within two weeks after the start of regular training. You can get your body in shape in two months.


Such fitness services belong to the category of elite sports activities.

The price consists of the following items:

  • Services of a qualified trainer. It is better not to rush into choosing a personal teacher, as such training combines both the use of force and a scientific approach. Not every specialist will be able to correctly develop and conduct a comprehensive training.
  • Much depends on the location. Some fitness centers simply choose not to include such innovations in their list of services. Therefore, the mere presence of an item on electrical stimulation during training in the price list indicates the elite status of the salon, and, consequently, high prices.
  • Equipment use. Simulators for EMS training were developed by a large German company engaged in the production of prostheses and equipment for the disabled. This technology will cost a lot, in fact, as well as its use for fitness room clients.

Pricing policy may vary depending on the region of the country. For the capital, the average cost of 10 lessons varies from 20,000 to 30,000.

Is EMS training necessary or can it be dispensed with?

In general, the method of such classes is very progressive and effective. But still not required. People with malformations or injuries are highly recommended to pay attention to this particular method of working with their bodies.

EMS has its undeniable advantages, thanks to which many athletes choose this workout. This is the time of the day. For busy businessmen, this type of activity will be a great alternative to long exhausting workouts.

Many people find being in the gym grounds has a calming effect. So a person can deal with stress, throw off the burden of everyday life. Therefore, you can do without this method of playing sports. The decision depends only on personal preferences, the characteristics of the body and the size of the wallet.

The latest trend in the fitness industry is the studio dedicated to exercise machines based on electrical stimulation. As for Russia, this trend is rapidly gaining momentum and most of the Russian fitness centers provide this service. In this article I will talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of this business idea.

The main advantage of this business project is the quick payback, which occurs in the first six months after opening. Also, it is worth noting that the initial capital is small and acceptable for the average resident of our country. As for the success of this investment, it depends entirely on the location and marketing campaign of the studio.

The main difference between a studio and a fitness center is the fact that a fitness center requires a large financial investment. That is why in this article I will describe the stages of opening a studio. The principle of the studio lies in the presence of one simulator, which is able to replace a full-fledged workout on several simulators in a regular gym. As for the technology, it is contained in special equipment, that is, a suit. This suit, equipped with electrodes, leads to muscle contraction with the help of electrical impulses aimed at the "problem areas" of the client.

Clients should not expect the suit to do everything for you. This training is aimed at all muscle groups, since during the training the client performs a series of exercises. As a result of the interaction, the exercises performed and the simulator, the client experiences great fatigue and pain in the muscle tissue. This feature is due to the fact that electrical impulses increase the load on the muscles, in contrast to conventional training. In order to eliminate the risk of overstrain and muscle rupture, the duration of the workout should not exceed twenty minutes.

It is worth noting that this type of activity should take place under the strict supervision of a specialist who will eliminate the possibility of injury. As for the cost of specialist services, it is equivalent to the cost of a personal trainer in a regular gym. Unlike a regular gym, this studio does not require the client to have overalls. All necessary clothing, including disposable underwear, is provided by the studio to the client. This feature of the studio allows you to attract the largest number of customers, since it guarantees the opportunity to visit the studio not only after work, but also before the start of the working day.

The MihaBodytec company is engaged in the production of this type of exercise equipment; it is also not only a supplier, but the founder of this type of fitness. The country of origin of this type of exercise equipment is Germany. That is why the EMS method developed by this company occupies a leading position in the fitness industry market and is a patented brand in Europe. The main indicators of this method are efficiency and quality. That is why businessmen, sports, movie and pop stars give their preference to this method.

As for the Russian analogue of this company does not exist, but only one company works on the franchise of the Germans. This company is Aleri Techno. It is she who acts as an intermediary between Russian entrepreneurs and the manufacturing company. This method helped many Russian manufacturers to open their own business, but it is worth noting that this niche is only 10% occupied. Answering the question: “What is EMS for an entrepreneur?”, we can safely say that this is a high-quality service in the field of fitness and sports, which provides an individual niche in this service market for an entrepreneur. Also, it is worth noting that in Russia this niche is practically free.

As for the whole business, which does not need to be started from scratch, such an opportunity is provided by the German manufacturer, as well as Russian franchisors. For those who are not afraid of difficulties at the initial stage, as well as those who want to save money on paying a franchise, they can count on help and advice from the Russian company Aleri.

Summing up, I would like to note the statistics provided by the analytical department of the manufacturer. This company guarantees the throughput of the studio, in the presence of one simulator, up to two workouts per hour. This indicator was obtained by summing up the time spent on training and preparing overalls. As for the schedule of the coach, it is eight-hour. This work schedule of the coach provides daily revenue in the amount of forty thousand rubles.

With an increase in the number of staff, the daily income increases, the amount of which is sixty thousand rubles, but the studio's work schedule is thirteen hours.

The number of sessions per client is limited to eight sessions per month. In order not to depend on the minimum number of trainings, it is necessary to acquire a wide client base, the size of which will be at least two hundred people. This requires a good PR campaign, which will be provided by word of mouth and advertising on the Internet. The formula for the success of this business is the quality of the services offered.

That is why, after a while, you will realize that the expansion is necessary, since the flow of customers is inexhaustible. Good luck in your endeavors and all the best!

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