Symptoms and treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Entrance doors 27.01.2022
Entrance doors

What are the most important symptoms of osteochondrosis is briefly described in this video:

Jumps in blood pressure

Unstable is due to impaired blood flow in the medulla oblongata, which is responsible for the functions of the vascular-motor center.

Sudden fainting or syncope

Occurs with spasm of the arteries of the brain due to a short-term cessation of blood flow through the vertebral arteries. A patient can be quickly brought out of a state of unconsciousness by laying him down so that his legs are slightly higher than his head - blood flow to the brain allows you to bring a person to life. After a syncope, reversible problems with speech and movement may occur for some time due to a brief stop in blood flow.

Pharyngeal symptoms

Often they can be the only sign indicating cervical osteochondrosis. Expressed as perspiration, dryness and sensation, difficulty in swallowing. Symptoms are associated with compression of the nerve plexuses responsible for the innervation of the pharynx. It is necessary to differentiate such manifestations from a similar clinic for inflammation or neoplasms.

Rise in body temperature

For cervical osteochondrosis - not the most typical symptom, it is rare and locally observed: in the cervical and collar zone, with slight reddening of the skin.

The clinic of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine can be, firstly, of varying severity, it depends on the stage of development of the pathology, they are also brighter during periods of exacerbations, and secondly, they develop into certain syndromes.

Symptoms depending on the stage of cervical osteochondrosis

I stage

The beginning of degenerative processes in the cartilage of the vertebral discs. Symptoms are mild, sometimes they may not be observed at all. The first signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine:

  • discomfort in the neck, arms, shoulders, sometimes turning into pain;
  • headache;
  • slight restriction of motor activity of the neck;
  • rapidly passing visual disturbances;
  • decreased sensitivity of the skin of the collar zone.

Important: these symptoms become more pronounced when the head is tilted.

As a rule, patients do not turn to, believing that all symptoms are associated with fatigue, stress, age, and lack of sleep.

II stage

At this stage, the intervertebral fissures narrowed, the collagen fiber of the fibrous ring of the disc was destroyed. There are noticeable pain symptoms of a point character due to compression of the nerve trunks, aggravated by movements of the neck and. Here you can already suspect cervical osteochondrosis, the symptoms of which are as follows:

  • severe pain in the neck, sometimes with;
  • the skin of the shoulders and arms loses sensitivity almost completely;
  • headaches are frequent, do not go away for a long time;
  • visual disturbances with "flies" in the eyes;
  • ringing and noise in the ears;
  • weakness of the muscles of the upper limbs;
  • reduced clarity of tendon reflexes;
  • shooting pains with recoil;
  • sensation of a lump in the throat, trouble swallowing;
  • sleep disturbances, usually insomnia.

Keeping the head in one position for a long time leads to severe pain. At this stage of the development of the disease, patients already come to the doctor for help.

III stage

The fibrous ring in the disc is destroyed, hernias are formed. there is a deformation of the spine, displacement and dislocation of the vertebrae due to their weak fixation. The symptoms are as follows:

  • intense, acute pain in the neck, collar area, heart area;
  • impaired sensitivity of the scalp at the back of the head, in the shoulder region, up to complete absence;
  • hernia of the cervical spine;
  • paresis and paralysis of the upper limbs;
  • tendon reflexes are practically not observed.

This is a severe stage of the disease, in which the patient is no longer able to support his head on his own. Spinal cord ischemia and compression of the spinal arteries lead to paralysis and paresis in other parts of the body and spinal stroke.

Syndromes caused by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Nonspecificity and a large number of various symptoms that accompany osteochondrosis of the cervical region make it difficult to diagnose and further treatment, since some of them may be a sign of completely different diseases. Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis develop into certain groups called syndromes. Their presence and severity may indicate a pathology in the cervical spine with specified localization.

A group of common syndromes:

Otherwise called cervical sciatica. It combines the symptoms associated with the infringement of the nerve roots of the cervical vertebrae. Characterized by "goosebumps" in the affected area, tingling in the fingers, forearms, pastosity of the skin, spreading to certain fingers.

Irritative-reflex. Burning and sharp, sometimes with a return to the chest and shoulder, occurring at the moment of changing the position of the head and neck, when sneezing, and a sharp turn of the head.

Elena Malysheva and her constant assistants talk about pain, symptoms and treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in the video:


  • headache, attacks or constantly, pulsating nature;
  • discomfort during certain movements, including after a long static position;
  • weakness, nausea, loss of consciousness;
  • hearing loss, balance problems;
  • decrease in visual acuity.

Cardiac. Almost the same picture with angina pectoris often leads to incorrect diagnosis and treatment. The syndrome appears due to irritation of the phrenic nerve receptors, which partially captures the pericardium and pectoralis major muscle. Thus, spasms in the cardiac region are more reflex, as a response to irritation of the cervical nerves. Symptoms:

  1. Sudden onset, prolonged pain, aggravated by a sharp movement of the neck, coughing, sneezing, not passing when taking heart medications.
  2. The ECG does not show disturbances in the blood flow of the heart muscle.
  3. Sometimes there may be extrasystole and.

Vegetative-dystonic syndrome. Displaced subluxation of the first cervical vertebra can lead to the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia. A definite diagnosis of VVD is not, as it does not have pronounced symptoms. There may be neurological signs, symptoms of impaired cerebral blood flow, jumps in intracranial pressure, muscle spasms. As a result, the patient's complaints are reduced to dizziness, decreased visual acuity, loss of consciousness, headaches, nausea.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis

The described condition of the spine is a very serious pathology, which, when neglected, leads to, as the pain subsides, the patient switches to. The courses of medicines are joined by exercise therapy exercises, usually prescribed at the stage of remission. In difficult cases, osteochondrosis is treated with surgery.

In this video, you can see what the short for beginners looks like:

Osteochondrosis is a disease that is one of the most common in the world. Most people over the age of 35 have osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in one form or another. Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the number of people suffering from a severe form of the disease and to rejuvenate the disease, to reduce its lower age threshold. This is due to the fact that an increasing number of people around the world are engaged in sedentary work and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Meanwhile, the disease is quite dangerous, and any person should know what it is - osteochondrosis, how it manifests itself and how it is treated, be able to recognize its symptoms and start treatment in a timely manner.

Causes of cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is one of the few diseases that are characteristic only of humans. This disease does not occur in other animals. The reason for this is such a distinctive feature of a person as bipedalism. The vertical position of the spinal column leads to the fact that the vertebrae press on each other and the bone and cartilage tissue of the spine gradually degrades and deforms.

The human spine starts from the cervical region. In total, there are seven vertebrae in this department - from the first to the seventh. The vertebrae are separated from each other by intervertebral discs. The cervical spine is a particularly vulnerable part of it, which is associated primarily with increased mobility of the vertebrae in this area. In the cervical region, the disease is reflected primarily on the discs, which are a weak point in the structure of the spine.

The prevalence of cervical osteochondrosis is also facilitated by factors such as the small size of the vertebrae and the relative weakness of the neck muscles. Also, the development of cervical osteochondrosis is greatly influenced by the lack of blood supply to the cartilaginous tissue.

Thus, the development of the disease is a complex and lengthy process and does not have a single cause. Although a connection has been established between a person’s sedentary work and the presence of cervical osteochondrosis, nevertheless, the disease is often found in trained people, especially athletes, due to the increased load on the cervical spine when lifting weights.

In older people, as a rule, the degradation of vertebral structures is an inevitable process associated with the aging of the body and the weakening of its defenses. However, the most common pathological type of cervical osteochondrosis, in which the main role is played by external or internal negative factors.

Factors contributing to the development of osteochondrosis of the neck:

  • Posture disorder
  • Rachiocampsis
  • Back injury
  • Overweight
  • hard physical work
  • Sedentary work
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Violation of metabolic processes
  • Frequent hypothermia
  • Uncomfortable posture while sleeping
  • Stress, overwork
  • hereditary factors
  • Infectious diseases
  • Individual features of the body structure, for example, too long or too short neck

Degrees of development of cervical osteochondrosis

The disease has four stages. It is not always easy to determine the stage of the disease by analyzing the symptoms, since sometimes the degree of degradation of the bone and cartilage tissue may not correspond to the symptoms observed in the patient.

First degree

Destructive processes begin in the bone and cartilage tissue of the vertebrae. As a rule, at this stage of cervical osteochondrosis, the symptoms are mild. Patients either do not notice them at all or do not associate them with diseases of the spine, but attribute them to stress and overwork.

Second degree

The disk height begins to decrease, cracks appear on its surface. Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis at this stage are manifested in constant pain, weakness, numbness of certain parts of the face.

Third degree

Herniated discs form, cervical vessels and muscles are damaged. The patient develops dizziness, pain in the occipital part of the head.

fourth degree

Osteophytes appear - growths of bone tissue that protect the vertebrae from stress, which leads to pinching of the nerves. This leads to stiffness of movement and damage to adjacent joints.

Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms

The main symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine:

  • Pain in the neck and shoulders
  • Muscle weakness
  • Increased sweating
  • Hand numbness
  • Impaired coordination
  • dizziness
  • Impaired vision and hearing
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Headache

These typical symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be present at all stages of the disease. In most cases, only a few symptoms from the list are observed, and the rest may be absent. A person who first encountered such signs of the disease does not always suspect cervical osteochondrosis. Therefore, he can turn to various doctors - therapists, cardiologists, neuropathologists, surgeons. And the correct diagnosis as a result can be made with a significant delay.

Photo: Shaynepplstockphoto /


With cervical osteochondrosis, there are several syndromes, that is, typical conditions that have a complex of characteristic features. They manifest themselves depending on which nerves and arteries are affected as a result of the disease:

  • vertebral artery syndrome
  • cardiac syndrome
  • hypertensive syndrome
  • radicular syndrome
  • cervical migraine syndrome

The vertebral artery syndrome is one of the most unpleasant and dangerous complications of cervical osteochondrosis. It is due to the fact that the blood flow through the artery that runs along the spine and feeds the brain decreases. The syndrome manifests itself in symptoms such as systemic or periodic dizziness, hearing loss and visual impairment. In some cases, fainting may occur. Often there is a kind of syndrome, which consists in the fact that in the normal state the blood flow in the artery is normal, however, when the head is turned in one direction or another, it can drop sharply.

Cardiac syndrome develops when the nerve roots that innervate the diaphragm or pectoral muscle are compressed. As a result, the patient may experience pain resembling cardialgia, although there is no direct effect on the heart. However, the syndrome may be characterized by such phenomena as tachycardia, hypotension and arrhythmia.

Hypertension syndrome is also one of the most dangerous complications. Unlike vertebral artery syndrome, it is not caused by compression of the arteries, but of the veins, which makes it difficult for blood to drain from the head. The syndrome leads to an increase in intracranial pressure, which can manifest itself in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and headache.

Cervical migraine syndrome has little in common in its etiology with classical migraine. It manifests itself in severe pain in the back of the head. The pains are paroxysmal in nature, last up to ten hours and are accompanied by vomiting.

Radicular syndrome is the most common syndrome in cervical osteochondrosis. It is caused by compression of individual nerve roots in the cervical vertebrae. It can be expressed in pain in the neck, neck, shoulder blades, shoulders, in numbness and weakening of the tone of certain parts of the hands (up to the inability to perform any manipulations) and neck.

Very often, several syndromes can be observed at once or individual symptoms characteristic of different syndromes.

As you can see, in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the manifestations of the disease are multifaceted and far from always the patient is able to correctly recognize the cause of their occurrence from them. If you are experiencing similar symptoms, then this is a reason to see a doctor.


Photo: Branislav Neni/

The following types of studies are used for diagnostics:

  • Radiography
  • CT scan
  • magnetic tomography
  • Ultrasound scanning of neck vessels

X-ray allows you to determine the displacement of the vertebrae, the presence of growths - osteophytes and salt deposits, disc seals. Computed tomography consists in creating a series of x-rays that give a three-dimensional view of an organ, in this case, the cervical spine. It allows you to detail the degree of the pathological process - the nature of nerve compression, the structure of osteophytes, the height of the discs, etc. Magnetic resonance imaging, based on the physical effect of nuclear magnetic resonance, provides an even more detailed structural picture of the spine. Ultrasound of the vessels of the neck helps to identify changes in blood flow in the main vessels of the neck caused by the disease.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home and is it treated at all? To combat the disease, medicine has developed many methods. Some treatments can be used at home as well. But this process is long and a complete cure is unlikely, especially in old age. However, it is possible to slow down and stop the destructive processes in the spine at any stage of the disease.

In the initial stages of the disease, methods are usually conservative. For the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, several methods are used:

  • Medications
  • Physiotherapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Massage
  • Special means for fixing the spine

If the disease has passed into the last stage, and there is a serious destruction of the bone and cartilage structure of the spine, then surgery can also be used to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.


The following types of drugs are used:

  • Chondroprotectors
  • vitamins
  • Analgesics
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Antispasmodics

In acute pain syndrome associated with osteochondrosis, the first priority is to eliminate it. As a rule, oral drugs are used, such as Analgin or Baralgin, however, if they are ineffective, novocaine blockade is used in severe cases.

Antispasmodics are used for muscle spasms. Mydocalm demonstrates the greatest effectiveness in osteochondrosis, although other muscle relaxants can also be used. As anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, you can use ointments containing non-steroidal drugs - Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Butadione or their analogues.

In the presence of syndromes associated with impaired blood circulation and blood supply to the brain - hypertensive and vertebral artery syndrome, drugs are taken that relieve the undesirable effects of these syndromes - drugs that lower blood pressure and nootropic drugs.


Therapeutic exercise is the simplest and most affordable type of treatment for cervical osteochondrosis and, at the same time, quite effective. Physical therapy can also be done at home. With osteochondrosis, the intensity of classes does not play a decisive role, only their regularity is necessary. First of all, physical education is designed to strengthen the muscles of the neck, which compensate for the lack of functionality of the spine and help it support weakened vertebrae.

Photo: wavebreakmedia /

To strengthen the muscles of the neck, daily exercises are recommended. They can be either very simple, consisting of turns and tilts of the head in different directions, or more complex, including assistance to the neck muscles from the side of the hands. They can be performed both at home and at work. For example, if the work is sedentary, then it is useful to do such exercises after an hour of sitting at a table or monitor. However, they can be performed only outside the period of exacerbation of the disease and in the absence of pain. Otherwise, they can only worsen the condition.

Strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle is no less effective, for example, with the help of regular exercises with light dumbbells. However, lifting weights (weights, barbells) is contraindicated. Regular swimming lessons are also useful, unloading the spine.


Physiotherapy is a method of treatment that uses certain physical fields and radiation to influence the body. A positive feature of physiotherapy is that it has a minimum number of contraindications.

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, the following methods of physiotherapy are used:

  • Ultrasonic exposure
  • Laser therapy
  • Impact of a magnetic field
  • Exposure to electric current (electrophoresis)

The magnetic field has a positive effect on damaged tissues of the body and has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Ultrasound improves metabolic processes in tissues, relieves swelling. The same can be said about laser therapy. Electrophoresis is most often used in conjunction with drugs, since the use of electric current accelerates their absorption by the body.


Massage reduces the increased muscle tone that causes spasm and reduces the flow of lymph that causes swelling. The procedure improves blood circulation in the affected area, which stops the process of destruction of the intervertebral discs.

Other treatments

What to do with cervical osteochondrosis, if the classic methods of treatment at home do not help? To reduce the load on the cervical region, a special device is used - the Shants collar, which fixes the neck in a constant normal position. It is recommended to wear it during exacerbations in case of pain syndrome or during prolonged sedentary work.

In order to avoid exacerbations, you should also organize a place to sleep. The pillow should not cause neck curvature, and the mattress should be hard and even. In some cases, special sleep aids, such as an orthopedic mattress and pillow, can help.

This pathology is detected in 50 percent of people who are suspected of osteochondrosis in the primary diagnosis. This problem is characterized by systemic deformation of all vertebral elements, usually caused by various physiological and functional disorders.

Osteochondrosis is caused by incorrect posture, poor heredity, excess weight, unbalanced lifestyle, age-related physiological pathologies, too weak a muscular corset. The greatest danger to a person is provided not so much by osteochondrosis itself in this zone, but by a significant increase in the likelihood of complex disorders of cerebral circulation, leading to the formation of focal necrosis, which in turn is dangerous for the life and health of any person.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of this type has pronounced symptoms, since it is in this area that numerous nerve fibers are located. Classic picture:

  1. , forearms, sometimes the shoulder itself or the top of the collar zone.
  2. Sharp shooting pains when manipulating the head, especially in the region of the vertebral cervical region.
  3. "Smeared" constant girdle headaches with an "echo" in the temple area. During the peak of seizures, visual reflexes may deteriorate.
  4. In rare cases, single pinching of the vertebral artery occurs, after which ischemic disorders of the spinal cord and brain, spinal strokes, as well as blockade of the nutrition of the cerebellum and the central brain stem are formed.
  5. Compression of the nerve centers of the cervical region induces false angina attacks.

Stages of development

In osteochondrosis, four main stages of development are distinguished, according to the symptoms of which it is possible to assess the current condition of the patient.

  1. Basic unstable, with progressive disorders of the vertebral discs.
  2. Instability with disc protrusion and moderate pain syndromes, against the background of pinched nerve endings and destruction of the fibrous ring.
  3. Formation of intervertebral hernias, physical deformation of the spine.
  4. The final destruction of the main structure of the cervical region, the formation of bone growths instead of intervertebral bodies and cartilage, the emergence of clear prerequisites for disability.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can and should be treated as quickly as possible!


Medications are used to relieve pain syndromes, inflammation, as well as normalize metabolic processes.

Popular drugs:

  1. Ketanov, Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Piroxicam, Analgin - analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
  2. Neutralization of muscle spasms: Mydokol, Sirdalud, Trental.
  3. Local drugs that induce the regeneration of the vertebral structure: Teraflex, Treumel, Chondroxide.
  4. Hormonal ointments: Prednisolone.
  5. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory local agents: Fastum gel, Catonal, Voltaren.

In some cases, the patient is prescribed injections of strong painkillers, as well as surgery.

Traditional medicine recipes

Folk remedies are quite widely used in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

  1. Tinctures on the root of celery.
  2. Sunflower root tea.
  3. Madder ointments.
  4. Tinctures from willow buds.
  5. Compresses based on honey, coltsfoot, horseradish.
  6. Dry warm-ups.
  7. Locally irritating complexes based on bee venom, tinctures of poisonous plants, even with turpentine.

Any folk remedies can be used only after the approval of the attending physician!

Non-drug treatment

Non-drug methods for the complex treatment of the problem described above are often very effective. Such varieties include manual therapy, a variety of massages, therapeutic swimming, special sets of exercises created exclusively for patients with osteochondrosis and designed to form protective reflexes and strengthen the back. In some cases, with the proper level of training, it helps a lot to get rid of problems, yoga classes.

Of the passive measures from the patient's point of view, it should be noted pharmacopuncture, vacuum therapy, electrical stimulation, laser therapy, dry traction, acupuncture and other quite effective therapeutic complex methods of influencing the affected area.


It is desirable to deal with the prevention of the above problem from the very beginning, especially if a person has a genetic predisposition to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Try not to create shock loads for the back, especially of the vertical type, avoid injuries and bruises of the spinal area, watch your posture. Regularly engage in physical education and gymnastics, as well as do exercises that strengthen the muscular neck corset.

Avoid stress, hypothermia, eat healthy food and, if possible, give up bad habits. Be healthy!

Useful video

Osteochondrosis today is rightfully considered the "disease of the century", because most often it affects people whose work does not require increased physical activity.

In most cases, changes in cartilage and bone tissue are observed in people of working age - up to 40 years.

The disease can affect different parts of the spine, and the second most common is cervical osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative disorder of articular cartilage and adjacent bone tissue.

Previously, the term applied to a large group of osteoarticular diseases, but now it is used only for degenerative disease of the spine.

Compared to other parts of the spine, the cervical region is the most mobile and has many nerve and vascular formations. The structure of the vertebrae is distinguished by its small size, and also by the fact that they are surrounded by a rather weak muscular corset.

Such an anatomical structure predisposes to the development of osteochondrosis, the severity of the clinical manifestations of which depends on the nature of the changes in the intervertebral discs and the degree of their destruction.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The main and most common cause of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a sedentary lifestyle.

Due to the lack of physical activity with a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle:

  • metabolic processes are disturbed;
  • the level of salts in the bloodstream and lymphatic fluid increases;
  • in the cervical region, in the kidneys and liver of the spine, salts are deposited.

Damage to the cervical vertebrae is caused mainly by a lack of nutrients in the intervertebral discs. Therefore, the main causes of cervical osteochondrosis also include improper and unbalanced nutrition.

Risk factors

There are many risk factors for cervical osteochondrosis.

The most common factors are:

  • heredity;
  • age-related changes;
  • injuries of the cervical spine;
  • hypothermia;
  • hormonal disorders that lead to metabolic disorders;
  • some autoimmune diseases that lead to damage to cartilage (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatism).

What is dangerous?

Not only the spinal cord and nerve roots pass through the cervical spine, but also the vertebral artery, which is responsible for supplying blood to the back of the brain, medulla oblongata and cerebellum.

Therefore, with cervical osteochondrosis, this artery is squeezed, and as a result, cerebral circulation is disturbed.

Fig.: vertebral artery syndrome

In especially advanced cases, squeezing the artery and adjacent blood vessels and nerve plexuses can lead to such consequences as:

  • lack of coordination;
  • hearing and vision loss;
  • stroke.

If the disease is not cured at the initial stage, it can lead to such complications as: protrusion of the intervertebral disc or herniated disc.

The degree of development of the disease

Cervical osteochondrosis, like osteochondrosis of other parts of the spine, develops in stages. There are 3 stages in the development of the disease.

Fig.: stages of osteochondrosis

1 degree

It is characterized by the beginning of the destruction of the intervertebral discs.

Cracks form in the fibrous ring, the strength and elasticity of the disc is impaired, its height decreases, due to which the nerve roots are squeezed.

There is a characteristic aching pain. Sometimes at stage 1 (preclinical) such pain may be absent, and osteochondrosis occurs with moderate discomfort in the neck.

2 degree

If osteochondrosis of the 1st degree was not treated or the treatment was not effective, then a chronic condition arises, which is the 2nd degree of osteochondrosis.

The pain becomes constant, the destruction and compaction of the intervertebral disc continues and leads to minor dislocations of the cervical vertebrae.

With cervical osteochondrosis, a falling head syndrome may develop at this stage. This syndrome is characterized by severe pain, and the person is forced to keep his head in a fixed state in order to reduce pain.

3 degree

Cervical osteochondrosis of the 3rd degree is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • cervical "lumbago";
  • violation of the sensitivity of the upper limbs.

The fibrous ring is already almost destroyed, which leads to complications of osteochondrosis - protrusion of the intervertebral disc or intervertebral hernia.

At the 3rd stage of osteochondrosis, the intensity of pain may decrease, since the affected cartilage tissue in the intervertebral disc simply does not exist anymore, which means that there is no source of pain, but the pinching of the nerve roots remains, so the pain does not completely go away.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

There are many signs of this disease. And they depend on which vertebrae are damaged by this disease.

Characteristic syndromes in cervical osteochondrosis are:

  • radicular syndrome;
  • cervical migraine syndrome;
  • hypertension syndrome.

All these syndromes are accompanied, first of all, by different types of pain.

If we consider the syndrome of the vertebral artery, then the headache here manifests itself already at an early stage of the development of the disease.

In this case, attacks of pain may be accompanied by:

  • dizziness;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • visual symptoms (appearance of fog before the eyes, decreased visual acuity, etc.). fainting (with sudden movements of the head).

With hypertension syndrome, increased intracranial pressure is determined.

The headache is more of a bursting nature, may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. With exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, there may be an increase in temperature and an increase in ESR.

With compression of the spinal roots ("radicular syndrome"), the following neurological symptoms may appear:

  • severe pain in the neck (cervicalgia);
  • neck pain radiating to the forearm and humerus (cervicobrachialgia);
  • arm pain;
  • sensations of crunching or crackling in the neck when turning the head;
  • pain that “radiates” to the ear, which occurs only after a long stay in an uncomfortable position or a sudden movement;
  • pain or sensation of a lump in the throat, breathing problems;
  • numbness of hands and tongue;
  • feeling of swelling of the tongue;
  • severe weakness;
  • hearing and vision impairment;
  • noise in ears;
  • general deterioration of well-being.

With the "cervical migraine" syndrome, irritation of the sympathetic nodes is observed, which leads to a violation of the reactivity of the cerebral vessels and impaired blood circulation.

As a result, hypertension may develop, often accompanied by:

  • stuffy ears;
  • tachycardia;
  • noise in the head;
  • ringing in the ears.

Compression of the arteries supplying the spinal cord can cause a spinal stroke.

Violation of blood circulation in the brain with osteochondrosis can lead to:

  • oxygen deficiency of brain cells;
  • mental disorders (depression, panic attacks);
  • the appearance of signs of episyndrome, such as short-term loss of consciousness and tension of the whole body - they are often confused with signs of epilepsy.

Such a sign of cervical osteochondrosis as changes and disturbances in the rhythm of the heart, such as extrasystole or arrhythmia, is very common.

Such signs are very common among drivers and office workers.

Due to a sedentary lifestyle, changes occur in the intervertebral discs of the cervical and thoracic spine, which lead to disturbances in the work of the heart.

In most cases, until osteochondrosis is cured, it is virtually impossible to get rid of disturbances in the heart rhythm.

Edema under the eyes can also indicate osteochondrosis of the cervical region.

Most often they depend on the position of the head during night sleep, disappear during the day and are combined with headaches, dizziness, heaviness in the head, etc.

Vegetovascular dystonia is another of the common diseases that occur with this disease.

It is a consequence of pinching of the vascular arteries that run along the sides of the spinal column.

Diagnostic methods

A preliminary diagnosis is established by a neurologist during the initial examination of the patient. More recently, the doctor had to make a diagnosis by conducting only an external examination of the patient and sending him for an x-ray.

But, unfortunately, it is impossible to see the full picture of the development of the disease on an x-ray.

Currently, such examinations as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are available, with the help of which it is possible to fully assess at what stage of development the disease is.

Once the diagnosis is made, the patient is referred to a doctor who specializes in the field.

What doctor treats?

The treatment is carried out by a specialist of a narrow focus - a vertebrologist or a vertebroneurologist.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

The severity of the main clinical symptoms is taken as the basis for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

In the cervical region, the symptoms are mainly associated with squeezing of blood vessels and nerve endings, therefore, during treatment, edema is first removed and blood circulation is restored.

There are many treatment methods used in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

The most effective treatment is complex, which is a combination of several conservative methods of treatment.

Complex treatment of cervical osteochondrosis may include the following traditional and non-traditional methods: drug treatment, massage, acupressure, manual therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, folk remedies, etc.

The main stages of treatment for osteochondrosis are the same for all localizations of this disease:

  1. First you need to remove the pain syndrome.
  2. Then the swelling will be removed.
  3. At this stage, it is necessary to normalize blood circulation.
  4. Strengthening of the muscular corset.
  5. Improving nutrition and tissue regeneration.

Only a team of good specialists, which includes a neurologist, a physiotherapist, a massage therapist, a surgeon, and a vertebral neurologist, can choose the most appropriate therapy.

Like any disease, cervical osteochondrosis should be treated at the earliest stage of occurrence. If you do not start the process, then at this stage you can achieve a complete cure for osteochondrosis.

Unfortunately, stages 2 and 3 of cervical osteochondrosis are accompanied by complete or partial destruction of the intervertebral discs, so these stages are characterized by a very long recovery process.

First aid

How to relieve pain during exacerbation?

For severe pain, you need to take an anesthetic from a home medicine cabinet: it can be analgesics - diclofenac, nise, etc. Also, for pain, you can stick a pepper patch.

If swelling occurs, diuretics can be taken. Rubbing the neck area with pain-relieving ointments may help.

You can also use for pain, which:

  • relieves pain in the spine;
  • reduces muscle spasm;
  • stimulates the work of internal organs;
  • normalizes blood circulation.

Physiotherapy exercises during exacerbations are contraindicated, as well as warming up, since these effects can cause serious complications.

After relieving acute pain, you should immediately consult your doctor for advice.

Medication treatment

Drug treatment most often begins with injections (with exacerbation), then they switch to tablets and suppositories in combination with topical application of ointments and gels.

Pain relief during drug treatment is carried out with the help of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, diclak gel, etc.).

Photo: diclak gel for the treatment of osteochondrosis

Be sure to prescribe funds that restore cerebral circulation.

With pathological muscle tension, muscle relaxants such as Mydocalm may be prescribed. For more effective treatment, vitamins in a therapeutic dose and trace elements are taken.

Massage and self-massage

This method goes well with physical therapy and physiotherapy. You can take a course of massage both in any medical institution and by contacting private practitioners.

Massage is necessary for cervical osteochondrosis to strengthen muscles and relieve tension in the neck.

The task of the massage therapist is to remove harmful metabolic products by increasing the outflow and inflow of blood in the diseased area, as well as relieve spasm from the pathology zone.

The main techniques used by specialists in neck massage are:

  • stroking;
  • squeezing;
  • trituration;
  • vibration;
  • kneading.

Self-massage technique can be carried out using the following techniques:

  • stroking (movements should be soft, without much effort, forming folds)
  • kneading (deep impact on the muscles, by grabbing into a fold, pressing and pushing up);
  • vibration (oscillatory impact by tapping, shaking, patting).

Self-massage should always end with stroking. During vibration, you can use the massager.

Video: neck self-massage


Acupressure well relieves headaches during exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, helps with pressure surges, normalizing it.

The scheme of acupressure:

  • Impact on the feng-fu point, which is located under the occipital protuberance, for 1 minute.
  • Impact on the Feng Chi point, located two fingers wide from the mastoid processes of the skull.
  • Impact for 1-1.5 minutes on the I-men point (located at a distance of the width of three fingers from the Feng Fu point).
  • Sedative effect for 1-1.5 minutes on the da-zhui point (7th cervical vertebra).

After acupressure, it is necessary to lie down for several minutes, as slight dizziness may occur.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy helps to cope with both acute and chronic pain, also increases the range of motion and improves posture.

The main methods of manual therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine:

  • Relaxing and segmental massage. It is used to warm up muscles and relieve tension.
  • Mobilization. Influences aimed at restoring the functions of the joints. stretching method.
  • Manipulation. A sharp push aimed at the pathological areas of the patient. The procedure is accompanied by a characteristic crunch (the return of the joint to its normal position).

A practitioner of manual therapy must master these techniques to perfection. Otherwise, any mistake can lead to injury.


Acupuncture promotes the release of cortisol into the blood. This hormone has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Acupuncture is performed by exposing points near the inner edge of the shoulder blade. The needles are inserted to a depth of 1-2 cm and left to act for 10-30 minutes.

Video: about the benefits of acupuncture


Medicinal treatment brings with it many adverse side effects, so homeopathy can be a worthy replacement for treatment without undesirable consequences.

The following homeopathic medicines are most often used for this ailment:

  • Rus in 6, 12 and 30 dilutions, as well as in the form of ointment and oil;
  • Staphysagria in 3 and 3 dilutions.

With cervical osteochondrosis with severe hypertension (expressed by pain in the back of the head), strontium carbonate or Stontsiana Carbonica is used.

Assign in 3, 6, 12 and 30 breeding.

When cervical osteochondrosis is combined with varicose veins, Esculus is prescribed in 3, 3 and 6 dilutions.

Nutrition Features

Food should be rich in calcium and magnesium.

These micronutrients are found in fish and seafood, nuts, legumes and dairy products.

Often osteochondrosis of the neck can be accompanied by atherosclerosis. In this case, a strict diet is recommended.

The diet is prescribed for 3-4 months. It is necessary to limit the consumption of all foods containing cholesterol. These include animal fats, fatty meats, fatty dairy products, etc. You should also limit or eliminate the consumption of salt, sugar, flour products.

Cervical osteochondrosis and alcohol are interrelated. The fact is that getting into the blood, alcohol destroys cells, thereby aggravating the already disturbed blood circulation in osteochondrosis.

Therefore, it should be limited to a minimum, and during the period of exacerbation completely abandon the use of alcohol.

Disease prevention

To prevent cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • sleep should be on a hard mattress and on a low pillow: the neck flexion angle should not be more than 15 degrees;
  • take a hot shower every day for at least 10 minutes;
  • visit the sauna and bath as often as possible: heat helps relieve neck spasms;
  • give yourself aerobic exercise and regular walks at a low pace;
  • go swimming;
  • after 25 years, avoid shock load on the spine (jumping, running);
  • when sedentary, be sure to take five-minute breaks every hour;
  • regular yoga classes can prevent any manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • refuse to visit the gym, as bodybuilding can provoke the occurrence of protrusion of the cervical disc;
  • physical exercises as a prophylaxis for osteochondrosis of the neck help to strengthen the cervical muscles, relieve tension.

Frequently asked Questions

What to do during pregnancy, and how to treat it?

Often, it is during pregnancy that the first symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis occur.

This is due to a change in the hormonal background and softening of the vertebrae, as well as due to a shift in the center of gravity and excessive load on the spine.

The treatment of osteochondrosis of pregnant women is quite complicated, since it is limited mainly by the medical method aimed at relieving pain.

You can use natural ointments or resort to traditional medicine.

Any impact on the neck area (heating, exercise, etc.) during pregnancy is strictly prohibited.

Does it happen to children and teenagers?

In children and adolescents, cervical osteochondrosis develops due to congenital or acquired functional insufficiency of cartilage tissue.

It is expressed by complaints of headache, fatigue, dizziness and fainting.

Is it possible to heat the neck area?

Warming up the neck with cervical osteochondrosis is strictly prohibited, especially in the stage of exacerbation of the disease, since warming up can lead to an increase in edema and dilation of cerebral vessels.

How to sleep properly?

You need to sleep on a flat, hard bed with an orthopedic mattress.

The use of an orthopedic pillow helps to relax the muscles in the cervical region, reduces irritation of the nerve endings, which prevents headaches and insomnia.

Are exercise and sauna allowed?

In preventive measures and at stage 1 of cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to engage in physiotherapy exercises, swimming.

What is cervical osteochondrosis, how is it expressed? Osteochondrosis of the cervical region is a fairly common pathology that occurs in most cases in the working population (from 30-60 years old). Many people suffer from this disease, often without knowing the cause of the ailments, because. degenerative deviations of this disease appear imperceptibly. What is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and how is it treated?

Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebra is a degenerative-dystrophic damage to the intervertebral discs that can change their structure, succumb to deformation (discs, joints, vertebrae of the cervical part change). As a result, osteochondrosis of the cervical region has quite pronounced symptoms. The disease intensifies, and if the osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebra is not treated, headaches, a change in blood circulation, and a hernia are also possible.

Possible causes and what symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are can be seen below.

The main causes of cervical osteochondrosis are a sedentary lifestyle. Drivers, office workers, those who like to sit near monitor screens are most susceptible to pathology. Due to a constant sedentary image and with a lack of physical activity, they can:

  • metabolic disturbances occur;
  • salt deposition in the liver, kidneys, neck area;
  • the degree of salts in the lymphatic fluid increases, as well as the blood flow.

Violation of the vertebrae is provoked due to a lack of nutrients in the intervertebral discs. Also, the possible causes of cervical osteochondrosis are an unbalanced, unhealthy diet.

The most common factors in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine:

  • overweight, hormonal imbalance;
  • strong physical exertion, heavy for the human body;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • constant stress, nervous tension;
  • damage to posture (rheumatism, scoliosis, etc.);
  • experienced injuries in the region of the neck, spine;
  • anomalies in the development of the neck, flat feet;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • age-related changes;
  • sports activity.

Many of the above factors form a load on the vertebrae of the neck, which causes muscle spasm. As a result, circulatory disorders appear, the productivity of metabolic processes decreases, and this leads to degenerative abnormalities. Sometimes, with cervical osteochondrosis, the cause of formation may be a developing discosis, which is transmitted to the bone tissue and close vertebrae. Often it appears during prolonged physical exertion.

If the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is not carried out at the initial stage, then complications may arise in the form of a hernia, protrusion of the intervertebral disc.

Stages of development of the disease

Progressing, osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae goes through some stages, which are classified by various symptoms.

There are 4 stages in the development of pathology:

  1. Basically, at the first stage of the disease, an unexpressed smoothness of the cervical bend (lordosis) is noticed. The clinical manifestation is insignificant, there may be not severe pain in the neck, aggravated by turning the head, as well as muscle tension. This stage is treated without medication, the main thing is to change the diet, do exercises, etc.
  2. Instability appears between the vertebrae, their displacement, torsion may occur. The patient has more intense pain, transmitted to the shoulders, arms. The height of the discs becomes smaller, because of this, there is an infringement of the nerves. The patient feels fatigue, headaches, the level of working capacity decreases, inattention.
  3. There is a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs, narrowing of the holes, a hernia begins to form. The pain of the neck, shoulders increases, the muscles of the hands weaken, numbness, malaise, dizziness occur. Diagnosis determines the weak mobility of the neck.
  4. At stage 4, the destruction of the discs is observed, they are replaced by connective tissue. Such a current touches several sections of the ridge at the same time, which are at different stages of disturbance. Coordination changes in people, pains, dizziness increase, tinnitus and so on may occur.


How to determine osteochondrosis of the cervical region?

It is possible to determine cervical osteochondrosis by clinical signs and symptoms. The disease begins to develop and manifest itself slowly. Symptoms depend on the stage of the disease, the number of broken vertebrae, as well as infringement of nerve endings.

What are the signs and how to determine cervical osteochondrosis? The main symptom is pain in the neck and spine. Only the attending physician is able to establish this diagnosis during the examination, since the diverse signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine sometimes suggest other diseases.

The most common symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis:

  • dizziness, headache;
  • neck pain radiating to the ears, forearms, shoulders, forehead, occiput (when turning, tilting the head, the pain increases);
  • general malaise, fatigue, possible lack of coordination;
  • hand weakness, numbness;
  • decreased hearing, vision, tinnitus, numbness of the tongue, darkening of the eyes;
  • fainting may occur;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • high blood pressure;
  • a feeling of crackling, crunching when bending in the neck.

Differences between a healthy spine and a spine affected by osteochondrosis

Signs of cervical osteochondrosis are not expressed in the same way as in diseases of other parts of the spine. This is due to the fact that the vertebrae of the neck are located next to each other, the height of the discs is insignificant. This can lead to complications even with the slightest degenerative disorders.

How does osteochondrosis manifest itself if it has acquired a chronic form? Constant pain, various movements, head tilts are difficult due to neck muscle tension, cervical migraines appear. Frequent headaches provoke nausea, vomiting, and there may be fainting. If the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is not done in a timely manner, then the patient may experience pharyngeal symptoms, for example, dry mouth, difficult swallowing, tickling, itching in the throat. Such a chronic disease in the future can provoke a herniated disc.

A common ailment - cervical osteochondrosis symptoms, treatment, which is quite noticeable, requires treatment at its first manifestations. But it is best to use prevention, especially for people with a sedentary job or who have a genetic predisposition to diseases of the spine.

The characteristic features of cervical osteochondrosis in men and women are no different. Women aged 45-60 often experience unpleasant pain, numbness, and possibly tingling of the hands at night.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis

It is worth noting that the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can develop over the years, so it will not be possible to cure it quickly. However, medications, ointments, joint products, massages and various exercises, physiotherapy, as well as the necessary nutrition will help relieve discomfort and stop the development of the disease.

How to eliminate the manifestations and how to get rid of cervical osteochondrosis, for this it is necessary to carry out the following determinations:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • removal of pain;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • restoration of damaged areas.

Medical treatment

Be sure to ask a specialist for help in choosing medicines!

Patients often go to the doctor with this problem, and they know how to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine using various medications and other procedures.

  1. Painkillers (Analgin, Baralgin, Tempalgin). But these drugs are sometimes not able to cope with severe pain, then the following drugs are used.
  2. Non-steroidal (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nimid, Ortofen, etc.). These drugs adversely affect the intestines, so long-term use is not recommended.
  3. Muscle relaxants (Tizanidin, Mydocalm) will help reduce muscle spasm.
  4. Warming ointments, gels (Viprosal, Finalgon), with cervical osteochondrosis, treatment can be carried out using a pepper patch.
  5. B vitamins (Milgamma, Kombilipen), normalize metabolic processes in nerve cells.
  6. Chondroprotectors (Teraflex, Struktuvit, Doppelhertz), restore cartilage tissue.

Is it possible to cure cervical osteochondrosis with massage

Successful treatment of osteochondrosis of the neck with massage can be done at home. Massage can help relax tight muscles and reduce tension. The procedure helps to normalize blood circulation in the discs, this alleviates the condition.

You can also do self-massage with osteochondrosis. It is carried out while sitting with kneading, rubbing directions in the back of the head. But for the best result, it is better to contact an experienced massage therapist.


How to cure cervical osteochondrosis with the help of physiotherapy? Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with physiotherapy includes:

  • ultrasound is an anti-inflammatory, anesthetic effect that can increase metabolic processes;
  • laser therapy, due to the action of light, has a complete anti-inflammatory result, and also normalizes blood circulation;
  • electrophoresis with medicines, medicines penetrate into the right place by electric current; physiotherapy in the fight against the disease is done with Eufillin or Novocain, drugs can relieve pain and improve blood flow;
  • magnetotherapy helps relieve tissue swelling and pain.

Wellness gymnastics

If cervical osteochondrosis has formed, what to do, what actions to take. The healing procedure is performed outside the acute exacerbation of the disease, it is more effective to carry out during the recovery period. Therapeutic exercises will help get rid of cervical osteochondrosis forever. It gives no worse results than drug therapy and is considered the basis of cure.

Exercises do not take much time and can be used at home. Gymnastics is focused on reducing pain, relaxing the muscles of the neck, sprains. However, you should do the exercises in consultation with your doctor so as not to make yourself worse.


Can osteochondrosis of the cervical spine be cured with acupuncture? Many people doubt whether osteochondrosis can be treated with this method and are afraid to experiment. Acupuncture came to medicine from the East. The Chinese have learned to tune the energy in the body with metal needles. This method is now recognized by medicine as an effective technique for diseases of the back and neck.

With the help of needles, it is possible to get rid of the painful symptoms of the neck, and even completely cure it.

However, this procedure has some contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • various tumors;
  • the patient has infectious pathologies;
  • should not be carried out by small children and the elderly;
  • in diseases of the blood, skin.

In any case, with various diseases of the neck or back, you need to visit a doctor who will tell you exactly how to cure osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

How to deal with cervical osteochondrosis at home

The resulting cervical osteochondrosis how to treat at home and is it possible? The symptoms and treatment of the disease are carried out at home with the help of complex therapy. You can achieve improvement and relieve pain on your own if you stick to a diet and lead a proper lifestyle.

In case of illness, the daily diet should include foods that promote the regeneration of cartilage tissue, these foods are:

  • fruits, vegetables, legumes;
  • sea ​​fish, flax seeds;
  • cottage cheese, milk;
  • eggs, nuts;
  • lean poultry, fish, etc.

Also, ways to get rid of cervical osteochondrosis at home are traditional medicine recipes, therapeutic exercises, massages.

Folk recipes:

  1. Finely chopped potatoes are mixed in equal proportions with honey. This mixture is used as a compress 1-2 times a week.
  2. You can apply a sheet of horseradish to your neck, before scalding it with boiling water, then wrap your neck with a scarf.
  3. Pain symptoms will help relieve warming up. Apply mustard plasters, pepper plaster, a bag with heated salt, sand, etc.

Often, patients are looking for various methods of how to treat osteochondrosis of the neck on sites and other sources. But not a single forum visitor is able to accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe therapy. Whether cervical osteochondrosis is treated in a particular case and how, a specialist should decide after diagnosing.

When asked what to do with cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to use a full range of medical procedures - compresses, gymnastics, ointments, injections, healthy eating and sleep.

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