Autumn planting of tulips. How to process tulip bulbs before planting in autumn How to fertilize tulips

Country house 01.02.2022
Country house

Fertilizers for tulips are usually applied in autumn and spring. Top dressing is needed to get healthy and profusely flowering plants. Without fertilizer, tulips grow frail and form "blind" or small buds. When fertilizing plants, certain proportions should be observed. Tulips are better underfed than overfed. In addition, it is impossible to make organic and mineral substances on the same day. After top dressing with one type of fertilizer, several weeks should pass. It is recommended to introduce trace elements during heavy watering.

Agrotechnics for growing tulips involves the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers into the soil. Top dressing introduced into the soil has a positive effect on plant growth, budding and abundant, long flowering. Plants need a standard set of minerals - nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, as well as organic top dressing (manure, chicken manure).

Thanks to nitrogen-containing fertilizers, tulips grow well, gain green mass, their leaves have a healthy green color. With a lack of nitrogen, flowering is later and short-lived.

Potassium has a positive effect on the condition of the bulbs and the formation of new babies. Potassium top dressing provides long and lush flowering. Thanks to her, the color of the petals becomes rich and beautiful.

Phosphorus affects the growth of the root system. This trace element works in tandem with potassium. Together, these substances provide the plant with long and abundant flowering.

Tulips need much less: calcium, copper, iron, boron, zinc, magnesium. With a lack of trace elements in tulips, the leaves turn yellow, they droop, their heads hang down. Zinc and copper are considered medicinal substances. They support the immunity of tulips, make them resistant to fungal diseases. Various trace elements, as a rule, are part of complex fertilizers.

Tulip leaves can look pale if the soil they grow in is too acidic. Flowers love alkaline or neutral soil. You can correct the acidity of the soil by adding a little lime or wood ash to it.

Resistance to diseases is increased by drugs such as potassium permanganate, copper sulfate and boric acid. These substances must be mandatory for any gardener and gardener.

What fertilizer to apply under tulips when planting

In order to get healthy tulips with beautiful flowers, it is necessary to apply fertilizer in the fall - when the bulbs are planted in the ground, and in the spring - when the vegetation comes to life and begins to grow. Tulips are fertilized with minerals (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus) and organic matter.

Fresh and insufficiently rotted mullein is not recommended to be introduced into the soil under the bulbs. Organics are applied a few months before planting tulips. In the process of decomposition, organic fertilizers are a breeding ground for a huge number of microorganisms, in addition, they attract pests. If bulbs are planted at the same time as fresh manure is applied, they can get sick or be attacked by pests.

What to feed in autumn?

Bulbs are buried in the ground in late September or early October. They are first placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for etching. Before wintering, tulips need to be fed with organic matter (compost), potassium and phosphorus. The land is fertilized a month before planting the bulbs (in August). For 1 square meter of soil take 10 kilograms of compost, 200 grams of wood ash and 30 grams of potassium and phosphorus. You can take 50-100 grams of complex fertilizers.

Potash fertilizers make plants resistant to low temperatures and fungal diseases. Potassium contributes to better rooting of the planted bulb. Phosphorus makes the root system stronger, increases resistance to adverse weather conditions.

In addition to top dressing, the bulbs need protection from rodents. They can be sprinkled with red pepper or smeared with Vishnevsky ointment. It is recommended to spray the bulbs with kerosene. The unpleasant pungent odor of these substances repels rodents.

Some gardeners value planting material very much, so the bulbs are planted in a metal, plastic mesh or container dug into the ground. Such fences protect the bulbs from rodents and provide better water drainage.


With the advent of spring, the soil is fertilized with nitrogen substances. Nitrogen provides plants with growth and growth of green mass. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the spring, during the loosening of the soil. As top dressing, urea or ammonium nitrate solution is used.

With a lack of nitrogenous elements, the leaves of tulips turn yellow, and the stems themselves do not grow well. Having received top dressing, the plants immediately come to life, their leaves acquire a beautiful green color. True, nitrogen should not be applied in the fall. During this period, plant growth slows down, and the bulbs planted in the ground at the end of September need to take root, absorb more nutrients and prepare for wintering.

In spring, flowers are fertilized with potassium and phosphorus. Top dressing is applied several times. The earth is fertilized at a certain moment in the development of plants (the appearance of the first shoots, the moment of budding or flowering).

The nuances of feeding

Tulips fertilize three to five times per season. Organic or mineral fertilizers are used as top dressing. Each period of plant development requires a certain feeding.

If organic fertilizers are used, the amount of minerals can be reduced. Organics contains the whole complex of useful substances, including trace elements. Additionally, it is recommended to add wood ash, dolomite flour to the ground. Wood ash enriches the soil with potassium.

Dose of fertilizers per 1 square meter:

  • rotted manure - 1 or 2 buckets;
  • wood ash - 200 grams;
  • dolomite flour - 500 grams;
  • double superphosphate - 50 grams;
  • potassium sulfate or potassium nitrate - 30 grams;
  • ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate or carbamide - 25 grams.

You can use complex fertilizers (Nitrofoska, Nitroammofoska, NPK). In this case, 100 grams of fertilizer are taken per 1 square meter.


Tulips usually bloom in May and bloom until mid-June. However, in greenhouse conditions, these plants can be made to bloom much earlier, for example, by March 8th. Previously, the bulbs should lie in a cold room for about 10-16 weeks. Low temperatures contribute to the formation of substances that affect the further process of plant growth. Then the bulbs are transferred to a warm room. For distillation, rotted manure (1 bucket), wood ash (500 grams), calcium nitrate (20 grams) and mineral fertilizers are applied per 1 square meter of soil.

Dosage of fertilizers per 1 square meter:

  • potassium - 20 grams;
  • superphosphate - 20 grams;
  • nitrogen fertilizers - 30 grams;
  • water - 10 liters.

During the budding period

Feeding solution:

  • nitrogen - 20 grams;
  • potassium - 30 grams;
  • phosphorus - 30 grams;
  • water - 10 liters.

During flowering

During the flowering period, tulips need a lot of nutrients. These days they are regularly, but moderately watered, and potash and phosphorus top dressings are added to the ground. For 10 liters of water, take 30 grams of potash and phosphorus fertilizers.

After flowering

As soon as the tulips fade, the ground is watered with a solution of boric acid. For 1 liter of water take 10 grams of boric acid. Then they wait for the stems and leaves of the plants to dry completely. At the end of June, the bulbs are dug out of the ground.

Tulips need not only top dressing, but also regular watering, loosening the soil, weeding the land from weeds. It is desirable to irrigate flowers in the morning, tulips should not be heavily flooded with water, otherwise the bulbs will begin to rot. The land near the plants is freed from weeds so that they do not take away nutrients.

in the greenhouse

When growing tulips in a greenhouse, you can achieve earlier flowering. In order to get tulips in early spring, the bulbs are buried in the ground as early as October. Plants are pre-planted in boxes, they are placed for several weeks in a cold dark room, where the air temperature is 7-9 degrees Celsius. During this period, the plants are watered once a week.

Then the bulbs are transferred to a heated room and create the effect of the onset of spring. The air temperature should be 15 degrees. Plants are watered daily. In warm soil, tulips begin to grow and bloom early, for example, in early spring.

In the open ground

Tulips planted in a flower bed or in a garden bed need to be watered during a dry season. Watering is carried out in the morning, every 2-3 days. On 1 square meter goes from 6 to 10 liters of water. The land near the tulips is loosened and cleared of weeds.

After the end of flowering and when the leaves and stems are completely dry, the bulbs are dug out of the ground. This procedure is carried out in late June or early July.

Tulips are unproblematic spring flowers. They bloom in almost any case, but really large and bright flowers give only with proper care. To do this, their bulbs must be planted on time and according to the rules, which is done in the fall.

When to plant tulips in autumn

In order for tulip bulbs to take root well, they must be prepared for planting. If we are not talking about buying planting material, you should know how and when the bulbs need to be dug up. This is done after the almost complete drying of the leaves of the plant, which is usually observed in July.

Every year, the bulbs in the ground go deeper and deeper, so you have to look for them with a shovel quite deep, sometimes up to 30–40 cm.

The dug bulbs are carefully dried in the shade, after which the baby is separated from them. Only bulbs with a diameter of more than 2 cm are used as "commodity", the rest are planted for growing.

Tulip bulbs are best sorted by size and planted next to homogeneous, and small in another place.

In the middle lane, September 20–30 is considered the optimal time for planting both bulbs and babies. In the south, you can continue planting for another couple of weeks, and in the most severe climate, by September 15–20, it must already be completed. Of course, year after year is not necessary, and errors are possible.

If planted too late, the bulbs may not have time to take root before the cold weather, and if they are planted too early, they may germinate in the fall and die with the onset of frost.

Therefore, in addition to the date, you should also focus on the current weather. The optimal time is for the soil to reach a temperature of about 10 ° C, which can occur either a little earlier or later than the traditionally established planting dates.

Landing step by step instructions

Tulips develop best in sunny, open places that are well protected from the winds, but even with light shading they bloom quite adequately. Only completely in the shade they stretch out, bloom with small and pale colored flowers. They like the soil moist enough, but without stagnant water, loose, not acidic, well fertilized, but it is impossible to fertilize the soil with fresh manure before planting. It is on these principles that the choice of the location of the beds for these spring flowers is based.

Having chosen a place for tulips, proceed as follows.

  1. Planting material is carefully sorted in advance. Too small onions, as well as with signs of disease, it is better to remove them altogether. Immediately before planting, the bulbs are soaked for 30–40 minutes in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate.

    You can try to cure diseased bulbs, but it is better to destroy them

  2. A month before planting, they dig up the bed well with fertilization. It is necessary to dig deep, at least on the bayonet of a shovel, while all the roots of weeds that come across, especially perennial ones, are carefully removed. If the soil is clayey, river sand is added (up to a bucket per 1 m 2), acidic soil is limed (a liter can of lime per 1 m 2). Compost, peat, wood ash, complex mineral fertilizers are suitable as fertilizers.. You don’t need much: a bucket of organics, a half-liter jar of ash, 30–40 g of azofoska, respectively.

    It is not difficult to dig up a bed, but one must carefully consider the destruction of weed rhizomes.

  3. A few days before planting tulips, the bed is watered so that biological balance is established in it.
  4. You can plant tulips in different ways: some flower growers make a separate hole for each bulb, others break through a common trench, whichever is more convenient for you. In any case, it should be a fairly deep recess: large bulbs are planted to a depth of 8–10 cm, small ones, which are planted for growing, by 5–8 cm. When choosing an option (trench or pit), they are guided by the nature of the soil and the distance between the bulbs. Large ones are planted after 12-15 cm, small ones - after 6-10 cm.

    Some growers prefer nested planting: 5-8 bulbs in one large hole

  5. Before planting, prepare a nutrient mixture applied under the bulbs. To do this, 200 g of freshly slaked lime is taken for 1 kg of wood ash. For each bulb there should be a handful of such a mixture, which is poured into holes or a trench. With this approach, tulips bloom well and tie a full-fledged baby.

    Wood ash is both an excellent fertilizer, and a deoxidizer, and an antimicrobial agent

  6. Bulbs are planted vertically with almost no indentation: they may already have tender roots. After landing, they are covered with earth and the bed is leveled with a rake. From above, in areas with high humidity, a centimeter layer of sand can be poured, and in cold regions - 3–4 cm of peat or humus. In early spring, the mulch is embedded in the soil.

    Peat mulch will keep tulips from freezing in case of a sudden cold snap, and in spring it will become fertilizer

  7. If the weather is dry, a week after planting, tulips should be watered (1-2 buckets of water per 1 m 2).

As a rule, this is where autumn worries end, if suddenly severe frosts do not come ahead of time. In this case, the bed should be covered with non-woven materials. For the winter, planted tulips do not require shelter.

Video: autumn planting of tulips

Autumn planting of tulips is not very difficult, but must be carried out on time. Planted once, these flowers can be left untouched for several years. A transplant will be required only when they grow and begin to interfere with each other.

Whether tulips grow healthy and beautiful depends on many factors: how well you stored and selected the bulbs for planting, at what time they were planted in the ground, how the plants were cared for during the growing season, etc. Fertilizer for tulips plays a huge role - knowing how to feed this crop, and at what time it is better to feed, you can achieve the best results by growing flawless flowers!

What trace elements do tulips need?

In addition to organic matter, phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, tulips require other trace elements for proper formation and excellent flowering. From the article you will learn what kind of feeding tulips need, how the lack and excess of one or another microelement affects the development of plants, and also when fertilizers should be applied so that they bring maximum benefit to tulips.

Even if your site has fertile soil that is completely suitable for growing tulips, additional fertilization will not be superfluous. Moreover, tulips are very fond of top dressing and immediately react positively to them.

Video about feeding tulips

The most important for tulips, as for many other plants, are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. With a lack nitrogen in the soil, the development of plants slows down, as a result, tulips are a pitiful sight: frail, on thin, low stems, with small buds, in addition, the number of new bulbs decreases. Therefore, nitrogen must be applied not only during soil preparation, but also later, at the initial stage of plant vegetation. It is only important not to overdo it, otherwise, from an excess of nitrogen, the flowering of tulips will begin later, and the resistance of plants to various diseases will noticeably decrease.

top dressing potassium help tulips resist diseases and increase the winter hardiness of the bulbs. The presence of a sufficient amount of potassium and nitrogen in the soil contributes to the formation of more new bulbs.

Thanks to phosphorus in tulips, the root system develops well and strengthens; in combination with potassium, phosphorus favorably affects the development of flower stems and stimulates the flowering of tulips. But it should be borne in mind that phosphorus is poorly washed out of the soil and gradually accumulates in it, and an excessive content of phosphorus in the soil is undesirable. For example, due to an excess of phosphorus, iron is absorbed by plants much worse.

Do not underestimate the role of trace elements in the nutrition of tulips. Each of the trace elements affects plants in its own way and cannot be replaced by another. Here are the most important trace elements for tulips:

  • the most indispensable is iron, which is involved in the formation of chlorophyll - if there is not enough iron, the leaves turn pale or turn yellow (chlorosis appears), the plants weaken;
  • in addition to iron, chlorophyll also contains magnesium, in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the plant, and with magnesium starvation, yellowness appears between the veins of the leaves, the leaves bend and die;
  • molybdenum is necessary for the development of the root system of tulips, it also helps plants to properly absorb nitrogen from the soil, and contributes to better development at the beginning of the growing season, a lack of molybdenum can also lead to chlorosis;
  • manganese is needed for photosynthesis and absorption of iron by tulips - in early spring, at the beginning of their development, plants feel a particular shortage of this trace element. In acidic soils, manganese is most often found in excess, due to which the supply of iron to plants worsens;

  • boron ensures good flowering of tulips, seed setting and, in general, has a positive effect on the formation of plant organs, with a lack of boron, tulip flower stalks are weakened, chlorosis may occur, and daughter bulbs are weak;
  • without zinc, tulips turn out to be low, unstable to sharp fluctuations in temperature and to drought;
  • copper is important for increasing the resistance of tulips to fungal diseases;
  • lack of calcium in the soil can lead to drooping and wilting of colored buds.

Fertilizers suitable for tulips

Ready-made complex fertilizers have made life much easier for gardeners - you just need to buy fertilizer in the store (for example, Kemira Universal-2) and apply it in accordance with the instructions for digging or during the growing season of plants. All the nutrients necessary for tulips are already contained in the finished fertilizer in the right proportions, the top dressing dissolves well in water and, in addition, does not contain chlorine harmful to tulips.

If, for some reason, feeding tulips with complex store-bought fertilizer does not suit you, you can apply the necessary trace elements separately using available fertilizers.

So, to enrich the soil with nitrogen, the following are suitable: ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium sulphate or a combined fertilizer - potassium nitrate. Most often, ammonium nitrate is used due to the fact that it continues to act at low temperatures.

Manure and humus are also useful as a source of nitrogen, however, it must be borne in mind that insufficiently rotted and even more so fresh manure must not be applied before planting tulips, otherwise the plants will get sick. It is allowed to fertilize the flower bed with fresh manure a year or two before planting tulips.

Potassium sulfate is suitable as a potash fertilizer for tulips (potassium chloride is not suitable for this crop). It is important that potash fertilizers contain as little chlorine as possible. Therefore, it is best to feed tulips with wood ash, which contains not only potassium, but also phosphorus and calcium, and there is no chlorine in it. It is noteworthy that in the ashes obtained from deciduous trees (especially in shoots and young branches), there are more useful minerals than in conifers.

It is more efficient to apply wood ash in the spring, during the active growth of tulips, since water quickly leaches the nutrients from the ash, and there will be little benefit from winter mulching of tulips with ash.

Phosphorus fertilization is usually carried out using superphosphate or double superphosphate. Calcium phosphate, bone and phosphate rock are also suitable - they are applied to the soil a year before planting tulips.

Gardeners often use complex fertilizers containing potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus: azophoska, nitrophoska, ammophoska, potassium nitrate.

If there is a need to feed tulips with individual trace elements, you can use the following fertilizers:

  • to replenish iron reserves in the soil, per 1 sq.m. you can add 500 g of ferrous sulfate;
  • to satisfy the need of tulips for manganese, pre-planting treatment of bulbs or preventive spraying of plants with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) helps;
  • with a lack of magnesium, the earth is fertilized with potassium magnesia or dolomite flour;
  • to protect tulips from diseases with the help of copper, it is enough to spray the plants and water the soil with copper sulphate dissolved in hot water;
  • during the growth period of tulips, the lack of zinc is eliminated by fertilizing with zinc sulfate;
  • boron is added after the formation of the third leaf in tulips in the form of boric acid;
  • to provide tulips with calcium, chalk can be added during watering;
  • molybdenum is annually introduced into the soil in the form of molybdenum-acid ammonium.

Video about caring for tulips

Keep in mind that tulips need nutrients not only during the growing season, but also during root formation, that is, in the fall. Therefore, when digging a flower bed, it will be useful to introduce humus, superphosphate and potassium salt into the soil.

Like all plants, tulips need top dressing, they are used in early spring, during the budding period, and in autumn. Of course, in each of these periods, the rates of fertilization for tulips vary, and the most saturated of them is the very first. It has been noted that the best flowering results are shown by those plants that are fed with mineral mixtures consisting of different components.

Since the tulip is a fast growing plant, it needs easily soluble fertilizers. Its roots are able to absorb nutrients only in close proximity. Therefore, the most effective is top dressing with fertilizers in dissolved form.

The best option should be considered a 3-time top dressing when growing cut material and 2 times when growing small bulbs and babies with a shorter growing season, due to which late top dressing does not have a noticeable effect on the growth and formation of replacement bulbs.

You will learn how to feed tulips in spring for lush flowering by reading this material.

Top dressing when caring for tulips in early spring

In each top dressing in spring, tulips should be given an average of 7-10 g / m2 of the active substance of each element: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. The active substance of nitrogen fertilizers is elemental nitrogen N, phosphate fertilizers - phosphorus pentoxide P205, potash fertilizers - potassium oxide K20.

The table shows the norms of how to fertilize tulips in spring: the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, expressed in grams of the active substance per 1 m2 .:

top dressing Nitrogen N Phosphorus P2Os Potassium K20
1st 15 5 8
2nd 10 5 8
3rd 5 5 8
∑=30 15 24

It is advisable to carry out the first spring feeding of tulips with a complete mineral fertilizer with microelements in a dry form over the snow when sprouts appear. An increased dose of nitrogen is necessary due to the fact that during this growing season there will be an increased growth of leaves, the formation of which is decisively influenced by nitrogen.

The second liquid top dressing with full mineral fertilizer is carried out during the budding period. Phosphorus and potassium have a beneficial effect on the formation of a flowering stem.

The third liquid top dressing is carried out during the flowering period or immediately after flowering. The growing season ends and the proportion of nitrogen decreases.

How to fertilize tulips in spring

For the normal development of tulips, more than 20 chemical elements are required, mainly obtained by them from the soil. They enter the soil with organic and mineral fertilizers. A number of plant elements are consumed in relatively large quantities. These are hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium.

Tulips consume other elements, the so-called microelements, in small quantities, but their role in the life of plants is great. Microelements include boron, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, copper and some others.

What do you need to feed tulips in spring and autumn?

Domestic industry produces a large amount of mineral fertilizers. In order to apply them correctly and not cause damage to either plants or soil, it is necessary to take into account not only their positive effect, but also a negative side effect, which is especially pronounced with prolonged use.

About half of mineral fertilizers are simple, i.e. containing only one nutrient: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.

At the same time, the fertilizer may additionally contain other nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur or trace elements, and is considered simple according to the accepted terminology.

Multilateral or complex is a fertilizer containing two or three nutrients in its composition. A fertilizer containing in its composition all three nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium is a complete mineral fertilizer.

In turn, according to the method of production, complex fertilizers are divided into complex, complex-mixed and mixed.

Complex fertilizers are obtained in a single technological process as a result of the chemical interaction of the initial components. Each compound fertilizer granule contains all the nutrients that make up the fertilizer.

Mixtures for spring feeding of tulips

Complex-mixed fertilizers are obtained by mixing one-sided (with the introduction of various acids, nitrogen- and phosphorus-containing products, ammonia and steam into the mixture, followed by granulation.

Mixed fertilizers are obtained by mechanical mixing of two or more simple fertilizers in granular or powder form.

Table "How to feed tulips from mixed fertilizers in spring before flowering":



ammonium sulfate

on the




Of the simple nitrogen fertilizers, carbamide (urea) is best used for the main application, because. nitrogen in it is in a less accessible form and is absorbed by plants slowly. For top dressing, it is advisable to use ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate.

They contain nitrogen in an easily accessible form and are quickly absorbed by tulips during their short growing season.

From phosphate fertilizers, it is preferable to use double superphosphate, which contains a higher percentage of the active substance and is well absorbed by plants. The disadvantage of simple superphosphate is the presence of a significant amount of gypsum, which salinizes the soil.

The precipitate also contains a significant amount of impurities, has a long shelf life, it can be applied in the fall during pre-sowing tillage, but it is not suitable for liquid top dressing.

Of potash fertilizers, only potassium (potassium) nitrate does not contain impurities. This concentrated fertilizer works well on neutral or slightly acidic soils.

Potassium chloride should be used in limited quantities, because. tulips react negatively to excess chlorine in the soil. The disadvantage of potassium sulfate and potassium magnesia is the high content of sulfur, which will gradually accumulate in the soil.

Currently, complex complex fertilizers are widely used, which have a number of advantages. Complex fertilizers contain a large amount of nutrients and less impurities.

In addition, plants get the opportunity to develop a balanced amount of macrofertilizers, which ensures their more uniform and efficient absorption. The application of complex fertilizers with microelements is especially effective for tulips.

Mineral fertilizers can be used by adding trace elements to them before applying them to the soil.

An amateur florist should be able to freely navigate the range of mineral supplements produced for caring for tulips in spring and autumn, and also be able to calculate the application dose.

For example, during the second feeding of tulips, it is necessary to add 10 g of nitrogen N, 5 g of phosphorus (P205) and 8 g of potassium (K20) per 1 m2, and there is diammophos (18% N and 47% P205), ammonium nitrate ( 34% N) and potassium sulfate (46% K20). In this case, the amount of applied complex fertilizer is first determined for that element, the percentage of which is higher, i.e. by phosphorus.

The systematic use of mineral fertilizers requires constant monitoring of the content of individual elements in the soil, which, as a rule, is not available to the grower, as a result of which there is a danger of deterioration in the composition of the soil.

To avoid negative side effects with prolonged use of mineral fertilizers, you need to know not only how to feed tulips, but also:

  • To know their properties and the correct selection of fertilizers to reduce the negative impact
  • Do not use maximum doses. Remember the rule: it is better not to feed the tulips than to fertilize too much
  • Be sure to apply organic fertilizers to the soil - rotted manure, compost, wood ash

However, it should be noted that most of the nutrients are in the soil in a form inaccessible to plant nutrition. To use this vast layer, it is necessary to introduce into mineral fertilizers not only microelements, but also special catalysts, selected taking into account soil types.

Mastering the production of new generation mineral fertilizers will entail:

  • Multiple reduction in the amount of mineral fertilizers applied to the soil
  • A significant increase in the ecological cleanliness of agricultural products and a sharp decrease in environmental pollution

With the advent of autumn, all gardeners begin to think about spring, when tulips begin to bloom. After all, the most suitable time for planting tulips is autumn. If you properly plant these cute flowers in the fall, their delicate buds will bloom in the spring. If the rules for planting bulbs are violated, problems will arise, which will be very difficult to eliminate.

As a rule, in late September - early October, the soil temperature drops to 7-10 ° C. This is the perfect time to plant tulips. It should be borne in mind that the bulbs will need from three weeks to a month to form the root system. And the weather in autumn is unstable. If the bulbs are planted late in November, they will need good shelter for the winter (with foliage or spruce branches).

Early as well as late landing has its drawbacks. If you plant tulips too early, the rooting process will be delayed. In addition, due to the high temperature, the bulbs are susceptible to a disease called fusarium. When it's warm outside, the bed is well overgrown with weeds. In the spring they will start to grow and will interfere with the growth and gain strength of tulips. If the bulbs are planted too late, there is no guarantee that a root system will form. They may freeze or rot. The tulip will not bloom well, new bulbs will be small, of poor quality.

Bulbs planted in the spring begin to bloom later than those planted in the fall. In order for tulips to germinate well, they need a cooling period in order to form substances that contribute to the active development of plants. Under natural conditions, wild-growing species of tulips germinate when the snowdrifts melt. Experienced gardeners take this into account when growing these unpretentious plants in their flower garden.

Modest flowers prefer well-lit sunny areas. They must be protected from the wind, as they are afraid of drafts. These beautiful flowers are suitable for any cultivated garden soil. The main thing is that it be loose and permeable. The best option would be sandy or loamy soil. Soil rich in humus is perfect. Heavy clay soils are not a problem. They can be improved by adding peat or compost.

Good drainage is essential when planting tulips. Groundwater should not stagnate in the soil during the cold season. Otherwise, the bulbs will get wet and freeze. If the site is waterlogged, it is better to break high beds.

Tulips are suitable for slightly alkaline or neutral soils. Acidic soils are unsuitable for them. It is very important that the soil settles before planting. To do this, it is carefully dug up to a depth of 25-30 centimeters (preferably in a month).

So that perennial weeds do not interfere with flowers, before digging up the site, it is treated with a special Roundup tool. The plant begins to absorb nutrients from March, so you should provide direct access to them in advance. A year before planting tulips, organic fertilizers are applied to the soil. Such fertilizer as manure with a tulip is contraindicated.

Spring top dressing

In dry soils, the furrows are abundantly shed with water. Fertilizer for bulbous plants is applied to the bottom of the hole, provided that it was not applied for digging. Then they cover it with a thin layer of sand. After that, at a distance of 8-10 cm, the bulbs are laid out bottom down. To avoid damage to the swollen roots, the bulbs should not be strongly pressed into the soil. For uniform flowering, large bulbs are planted in the center, and small ones on the sides.

The bulbs are lightly powdered with ash, sprinkled with sand on all sides and covered with soil. To get a pattern of tulips, it is worth removing the top layer of earth from the entire area and leveling the surface for planting. Having laid out the bulbs in a certain order, they are covered with earth, which was removed before. To make it easier to care for flowers, tulips are planted by variety.

You can return to the original place after 4 years. In order to avoid cracking of the soil during the period of stable frosts, a thin layer of peat is introduced into it. It will not only protect the plant from freezing, providing the bulbs with an even temperature, but also preserve the root system and reduce the growth of weeds. The soil will remain loose. When spring comes, the peat is not removed.

Proper planting of tulips - Video

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