Courses of a pharmacist without a medical education. Distance education for pharmacists Where they teach to be a pharmacologist

Tile 09.10.2020

A pharmacy worker (pharmacist, pharmacist) is a specialist who is well versed in medicines Oh. He not only distinguishes them, but, if necessary, he can pick up analogues or make a dosage form (powder, mixture or ointment) on demand on his own.

The named profession, which will be devoted to, implies deep knowledge about the components of each medication, its interaction with other drugs, side effects and contraindications of medicines.

Pharmacist and pharmacist: training

Speaking about the profession of a pharmacist, it should be clearly understood that there are differences between it and the profession of a pharmacist. And the main one is that these specialists are trained in different educational institutions.

To become a pharmacist, you need to graduate from a higher educational institution, having studied there for 5 years at the full-time department or 5.5 at the correspondence department. After which the graduate will be entitled to independent work- the manufacture, testing and licensing of medicines, the conduct of research work or the management of a pharmacy. That is, he will become a highly qualified specialist.

And the future pharmacist can be trained in 3 years and 10 months on the basis of nine classes, or in 2 years and 10 months on the basis of eleven classes in a specialized college or school. Having thus received an education, he will be able to work in a pharmacy, dispense medicines and manufacture them, while acting as an assistant pharmacist.

Although, by Order of the Ministry of Health (2011), a pharmacist with five years of work experience is declared a person who has the right to apply for the position of head of a pharmacy.

Responsibilities of a pharmacist and pharmacist

In Russia, it has traditionally happened that in the pharmacy network, the profession of a pharmacist imposes on a specialist almost the same duties as on a pharmacist (and it should be noted that there are many of them).

This usually includes:

  • checking prescriptions issued by doctors (you must admit that this is quite difficult, given their traditionally illegible handwriting);
  • prevention in the dosage and compatibility of the ingredients of the prescribed medication;
  • dispensing of medicines;
  • advising customers on the rules for taking certain drugs;
  • rendering if necessary;
  • recording prescriptions and coordinating the quantity of goods ordered for sale (a pharmacist is a person financially responsible for the safety of money and medicines available in a pharmacy).

In addition, a pharmacist, like a pharmacist, must know the technology and rules for their storage. Both of these specialists study Latin.

Pharmacist is a multifaceted profession

Despite the fact that the profession of a pharmacist assumes only it allows a specialist to work not only in a pharmacy, but also in a pharmaceutical factory, in a pharmacy warehouse, in a pharmaceutical company and in research institutes.

In the laboratory, as a rule, his duties include the development of new drugs, the improvement of existing drugs and the development of new technologies for their manufacture.

As you can see, this specialty allows you to show the versatile qualities of a person - after all, a pharmacist can work with people, and, if desired, stay in the laboratory, alone with the microscope.

Qualities necessary for success in the profession

The profession of a pharmacist implies that the applicant has certain human qualities that will allow him to become successful in his field in the future and make a career.

To do this, a specialist must not only have excellent knowledge in the field of chemistry, biology, psychology, Latin and computer technology, but also have self-control and goodwill. Since most often his place of work is a pharmacy, the pharmacist is forced to communicate with a large number of people. Many of them are of advanced age and come not only for medicines, but also for sympathy, and sensitivity and attentiveness instill in the client the confidence that the purchased remedy will definitely help.

It is very important for a pharmacy worker to maintain a cordial tone and not lose optimism, even if one of the customers allows himself to be irritable or rude.

Pharmacist health requirements

Of course, speaking about this profession, one cannot fail to emphasize that, unfortunately, not everyone who loves chemistry and biology will be able to work in this specialty.

A pharmacist, a pharmacist are, first of all, people who stand at the pharmacy counter all day, which means that it is contraindicated for those who suffer from leg diseases. In addition, for those who have allergies, diseases of the skin, bronchi and of cardio-vascular system, the described profession can be simply dangerous.

Pharmacist: salary

And now we come to the most burning problem. How much does a person earn who has so many responsibilities and bears serious responsibility for health, and sometimes for the lives of people on a par with doctors?

The average pharmacy worker, whose experience is 2 years, can have from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles. In large cities, and also depending on the work schedule, the income of a specialist is about 40,000 rubles. monthly. Private pharmacies practice providing surcharges, which sometimes increase the amount of money a pharmacist earns quite a lot. His salary in such cases can rise to 50,000 rubles.

Is it easy to get a job and make a career as a pharmacist

The pharmaceutical business is developing rapidly, so specialists in this field are becoming more and more in demand. As practice shows, getting a job in a pharmacy chain is not at all difficult for everyone who has a certificate of a pharmacist.

Some network pharmacies even offer flexible schedules for undergraduate students, offering them a variety of continuing education and vocational training programs.

Many pharmaceutical companies provide job opportunities for aspiring executives in their sales, marketing research, or logistics departments.

If desired, a pharmacist can improve his qualifications, thus reaching a higher level of payment and, as mentioned above, gaining the opportunity to occupy managerial positions.

Personal qualities necessary for the profession

The profession of a pharmacist combines the fields of pharmaceuticals, medicine and commerce, which forces the applicant to show not only a high level of special knowledge, but also excellent moral qualities of a person.

This is first of all:

  • composure, attentiveness and accuracy;
  • ability to concentrate;
  • self-control;
  • high degree of efficiency;
  • excellent memory;
  • tolerance, communication and responsiveness.

Despite the fact that a pharmacist is more of a performer, his work still requires the ability to take independent solutions and organize your work.

An advanced pharmacist with excellent communication skills is a godsend for a pharmacy of any level. After all, in the current conditions of fierce competition in the pharmacy chain, the client will go first of all to the place where they listened carefully, gave practical advice, clearly explained the effect of the drug and thus aroused confidence.

Many of today's high school students dream of making a career in the pharmaceutical industry. To help school graduates not to make a mistake in choosing an educational institution, we conducted a comparative analysis of the conditions for admission to Pharmacy in 2017.

Secondary Pharmaceutical Education: Quality and Traditions

Apply to be a pharmacist in 2017: an overview of the conditions for admission campaigns.

Often, one of the most important criteria when choosing a university or college, along with the prestige of the educational institution and its location, is the cost of education.

It's no secret that prices have risen today in all industries - and the sphere educational services was no exception. We found out which educational institutions of the capital have kept the previous order of prices, and which have indexed the cost of education.

Leading universities in Moscow raised prices

With the expectation that many applicants who want to study at a renowned university will not be stopped by new rates, the leading metropolitan universities have recalculated the cost of education. Now getting the coveted diploma is even more difficult.

at the Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov the cost of 1 year last year was 210,000 rubles, this year - 280,200 rubles.

Increased the cost of a year of study by 10,000 rubles Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov. In 2016, for 1 year it was necessary to pay 200,000 rubles a year, in this year - 210,000 rubles.

raised prices and Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. In 2017, the cost of one year will be 217,500 rubles, and in 2016, 179,200 rubles had to be paid for 1 year.

Less space for students

The problem of this year's applicants is not only the increase in prices for education, but also the reduction in the number of vacancies.

For example, in Russian University of Friendship peoples in 2016, 15 places were opened at the budget department and 120 at the paid department. This year - 13 and 119 places respectively.

Good news

Do not immediately despair: not all educational institutions of the capital have abandoned long-term traditions. Some universities and colleges have retained the previous order of prices, and also left the same number of places as last year.

Like last year, in Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov enrollment of 200 first-year students is still envisaged.

Offers the same tuition fee and more places Moscow College of Pharmacy "New Knowledge" .

1 year here, like last year, costs 49,000 rubles, and 300 places are open for admission of students for 1 course, of which 275 are paid. In addition, this year the college for the first time opened an online application for the submission of documents, which has no analogues among Russian universities and colleges:

At Moscow State University Lomonosov , at the Faculty fundamental medicine There are traditionally few places: like last year, in 2017 13 students are waiting for the budget department and 3 for the paid one.

Believe in your dream

Sometimes it just seems that there are no suitable options left. Keep searching, compare schools and trust that you can find exactly the place where you will find your dream study and the beginning of a new, wonderful path to the top of the career ladder.

◑ Where to apply for a pharmacist in Moscow

IN-PART-IN-IN-A-BIRTH for a pharmacist in Moscow (“Pharmacy” 33.02.01)*

Name of the institution

Availability of free seats

Availability of discounts on tuition fees and benefits

Entrance tests

25 under the program “New Personnel. Pharmacy” + under the program “Employer pays”

Health care workers, pharmaceutical industry workers, their children, as well as at the request of the employer (valid until July 15). Discount "Transfer" - for those who wish to transfer to college - indefinitely.

According to the competition of certificates

No data

According to the competition of certificates

Full-time for a pharmacist in Moscow (“Pharmacy” 33.05.01 Training period – 5 years)*

Name of the institution

In 2016

In 2017

Seats open

Tuition per year (rub.)

Seats open

Tuition per year (rub.)

Budget 200
Under contract 80

Budget 200
Under contract 80

Budget 25
Under contract 30

Budget 30
Under contract 30

Budget 15
Under contract 3

Budget 13
Under contract 3

Budget 15
Under contract 120

Budget 13
Under contract 119

State Humanitarian and Technological University

No budget places
Under contract 23

There are no budget places.
Under contract 25

The cost is being specified.

(*) - the table was compiled on the basis of information published on the official websites of colleges and universities, as well as review articles previously published on the Internet.


Training in the specialty of a pharmacist can take place in several forms: full-time and part-time. Each of them has its pros and cons.

You can get an education as a pharmacist in absentia at a college or higher educational institution. Let's find out what kind of education to prefer and where you can study as a pharmacist in absentia.

Part-time education of a pharmacist

To enter the correspondence department, a pharmacist can already have a secondary specialized education, anyone who already has a job, but wants to continue his education, can. The essence of such an educational program is as follows: the student attends classes in his spare time, i.e. if the work schedule is in shifts, then this is quite realistic to implement. Synonymous with evening education. This is how it differs from the completely distance learning of pharmacists, when students appear at the faculty only during the credit week and session, while at work they receive paid study leave.

This type of educational activity has its advantages:

  • you can combine study with work, earn your seniority and earn a living (this is especially true for those who have no relatives, or who have low-income families and there is no way to help a student);
  • there is no need to attend all lectures and practical classes, the student chooses the time for studying for himself. The fact that working students in tests or sessions will be treated condescendingly is another big question, it all depends on the particular teacher (for some, even a student's apparent pregnancy is not a reason not to fail her in the exam if she does not know the material on the subject);
  • the level of expenses during training is reduced, while the student is quite capable of paying for his studies himself;
  • learning and working, you can put into practice all the knowledge you gain, thus acquiring invaluable experience that cannot be obtained when you are engaged only in theory.

What are the disadvantages of part-time education of pharmacists?

Don't just think about the positives. At distance learning Pharmacists also have disadvantages:

  • a smaller amount of material being studied entails a smaller amount of knowledge, respectively, they will not be as deep and complete as in full-time education. And if the student is not working in his specialty, then the level of knowledge obtained in general can be superficial;
  • not all employers accept a distance learning diploma, as a rule, preference is given to a full-time educational program;
  • training always takes place on a commercial basis, with the exception of part-time.

In the specialty of a pharmacist, part-time education will be preferable for those who already have a diploma of secondary special education.

Where are trained in pharmacists in absentia?

Moscow provides a pharmacist with distance learning for this purpose several higher educational institutions, as well as secondary special ones.

If you want to get skills in this specialty quickly and painlessly, then you can go to a pharmacy college. They take them there after the end of the ninth or eleventh grade, part-time education is possible. After graduating from college, the student receives a certificate in the specialty of a pharmacist and can easily get a job in a pharmacy.

Where do they study to be a pharmacist in absentia yet? Of course, in a higher educational institution, where you can enter both after the eleventh grade and after graduating from a pharmaceutical college. Higher pharmaceutical education is provided by chemical-pharmaceutical academies or pharmaceutical faculties of medical institutes or universities. After graduation, you can get the specialty of a pharmacist, which opens up broader prospects in terms of labor activity.

Studying as a pharmacist by correspondence takes longer than full-time education, but not by much. If we talk about the university, then it will be 5.5 years, instead of five with full-time education.

For admission to the part-time form, you also need to pass entry exams(Russian language, chemistry, biology, and in some institutes, physics). The package of documents that are submitted to the selection committee should include a certificate of school education, a compulsory medical insurance policy, a certificate from a clinic about the possibility of studying, a passport, photographs, and a certificate from the place of work. Entrance examinations begin in July, after the end of school exams. And admission to the faculty takes place in the second half of August, when everyone who wishes has already passed the entrance exams.

Currently, distance education is not something bad or of poor quality. But unlike full-time education, when daily classes, lectures and seminars discipline the student, with distance learning, self-discipline should be well developed. So that when you come home after work, you have enough willpower to sit down for textbooks, and not study them on the last night before the test or exam. And this is not for everyone, alas.

The specialty "Pharmacy", which is steadily gaining popularity among future school graduates, this year is represented in the programs of 4 universities and 2 colleges of the capital. We found out where and under what conditions you can get a pharmaceutical education.

Getting a decent salary, helping people and becoming the owner of important and useful knowledge - this is what the noble profession of a pharmacist offers its future "adepts". It is not surprising that many high school students choose it when they decide on their future specialty.

How to choose an educational institution?

To be sure that the goals and objectives when choosing an educational institution are defined correctly, answer a few questions. It won't take much of your time, but it will help you figure out exactly where studying pharmacy at your chosen college or university will take you.

1) Why are you getting a pharmaceutical education?

This question will help you choose between a university and a college, or, in other words, between getting higher and secondary specialized education.

The first option is suitable for those who want to devote themselves to science and an in-depth study of pharmacy: after graduation, you can safely start working on a dissertation or immerse yourself in serious laboratory work.

Average professional education- more practical. Studying pharmacy in college will help you quickly master the practical skills for working in a pharmacy and start building a career right after your studies.

2) How much time are you willing to devote to learning?

To get a diploma at a university, you will have to study full-time - correspondence education in this specialty was canceled back in 2014. 5 years behind the student bench and attending lectures and seminars every day: this is the choice of someone who wants to get higher education.

Studying in college will take 3-4 years, while attending classes every day is not necessary due to part-time education. AT this case part of the program is mastered under the guidance of teachers, part - independently.

3) How much are you willing to pay for education?

For many, this question is a key one at the time of choosing an educational institution. And here it is worth considering that higher education is often much more expensive than secondary specialized, and the number budget places in universities is decreasing every year.

Compare and choose. Conditions for admission in 2017.

If you answered 3 simple questions, then you already have a great idea of ​​what you are looking for. It remains only to study the range of proposals from educational institutions in Moscow.

Become a full-time pharmacist:

1. Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov:

· Full-time education

Term of study - 5 years

Paid department: 200 seats

budget department: no

280,200 rubles for 1 year (compared to last year, the cost increased by 70,200 rubles)

2. Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov:

· Full-time education

Term of study - 5 years

Paid department: 30 seats

Budget department: 30 seats

200,000 rubles for 1 year (compared to last year, the cost increased by 10,000 rubles)

3. Moscow State University Lomonosov. Faculty of Fundamental Medicine:

· Full-time education

Term of study - 5 years

Paid branch: 3 places

Budget department: 13 places

325,000 rubles for 1 year

4. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia:

· Full-time education

Term of study - 5 years

Paid branch: 13 places (decreased by 2 places compared to last year)

Budget department: 119 places (decreased by 1 place compared to last year)

217,500 rubles for 1 year (compared to last year, the cost increased by 38,300 rubles)

Apply as a pharmacist part-time (on the job):

1. College of Pharmacy "New Knowledge":

· Part-time education (4 schedules to choose from: evening, morning, mixed, weekend)

Term of study - 3 years 10 months

Paid department: 275 seats

· Budget department: 25 places under the program “New Personnel. Pharmacy"

49,000 rubles for 1 year

· Competition of certificates

· State Diploma

Special conditions: the program "Employer pays" allows everyone to get a pharmaceutical education for free

· Part-time education

Term of study - 3 years 3 months

Paid department: 300 seats

budget department: no

100,000 rubles for 1 year

· Competition of certificates

· State Diploma

Just take the first step

After getting acquainted with the conditions for admission to "Pharmacy" in the capital's universities and colleges, it remains only to take the first step - to submit documents to the chosen educational institution. We wish you successful admission and pleasant studies.

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