Prayer for the departed warriors on May 9th. Days of special commemoration of the dead. Parental Saturdays. Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Biryulyovo. Folk traditions of parent Saturdays

Ceramics, fireclay 01.07.2022
Ceramics, fireclay

St. Stephen, Ep. Velikopermsky. Rev. Ioannikios of Devichensky (See the service on December 2).

The service of the holy martyr does not have a festive sign, it is performed together with the service of Triodion.

Evening worship begins 9th hour: "Blessed be our God..." "Amen". “Christ is risen from the dead…” (three times). Trisagion. According to the "Our Father" - an exclamation: "As Yours is the Kingdom ...", "Amen." "Lord, have mercy" (12). "Glory, and now." “Come, let us bow down…” (three times), psalms, etc.

Calendar Notes:

Commemoration of the dead warriors*.
After the liturgy, a thanksgiving service** and litia are performed.
On the week days before Easter, the service is performed according to the Triodion and the Menaion; in the morning before the 50th psalm, “Seeing the Resurrection of Christ” is sung once; the canons of the Menaion are preceded by the canon of the feast, placed only in the service of the Week (or in the service of the feast of Mid-Menu); sing "Honest". In the morning, when the great doxology is sung (excluding the feast of Mid-Midday, its celebration and the 6th Week after Pascha), the katavasia "Resurrection Day ...".

* By the definition of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church on November 29 - December 4, 1994, it was established to make on Victory Day - May 9 (April 26) a special annual commemoration of the deceased soldiers, who laid down their lives for their faith, Fatherland and people, and all those who died suffering during the Great Patriotic War wars of 1941-1945. ** With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, on this day, a prayer of thanksgiving is performed to the Lord God for the gift of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

By the definition of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church on November 29 - December 4, 1994, it was established to celebrate on Victory Day - May 9 (April 26 according to the old style) a special annual commemoration of the deceased soldiers, who laid down their lives for faith, the Fatherland and the people, and all the suffering victims during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

On the evening of the Fomina Week (Antipascha), a great vespers is served with an entrance and a great prokeimenon.

The Paschal troparion is sung at length so that the priest has the opportunity to burn the temple incense.

The Charter resumes from Monday to the Week of Antipascha the singing of litia for the dead (see the note on the morning of Antipascha, and also: Typicon, ch. 49, “Cheese Evening Week”, 3rd “dawn”).

The soldiers who died during the wars were people who gave their lives for loved ones, relatives, the freedom of their country. In the 15th chapter of the Evangelist John it is written that the one who gives his soul for loved ones will fulfill the will of God, for Jesus made a sacrifice for the sake of mankind. The commemoration of the deceased soldiers is a tradition of the Orthodox Church, which honors with love the soldiers who fulfilled their filial duty to the Motherland.

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The emergence of tradition

On Victory Day, all Orthodox churches hold commemorations of the deceased soldiers and martyrs who did not return from the battlefields in the Second Patriotic War. The Russian army constantly received strengthening of the spirit through prayers and icons of saints who protected them in a difficult time of deprivation and hostilities.

On May 9, the Russian Orthodox Church commemorates the departed soldiers

Faith, the Fatherland and the people were and are sacred values ​​for the Russian warrior, and, despite the persecution of the church, during the war years, the Russian Patriarchate, headed by Metropolitan Sergius, shared all the hardships of the war years.

Churches not only held services, but also collected funds and things to help the soldiers who fought on the battlefield. The tank column named after Dmitry Donskoy was formed with donations made by Christians in Orthodox churches.

The commemoration of the dead in 2019 will be held in the same way as it was in 2018, and will be held in 2020.

Establishment of the tradition of commemoration of the dead on May 9

In 1994, on December 4, the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church established a tradition to serve on May 9 a commemoration of all those who died in battles for the Motherland, people and faith, as well as all those who were tortured in concentration camps, who died in captivity.

During the memorial service in the temples, a prayer is read.

Invincible, incomprehensible and strong in battles, Lord our God! You, according to Your inscrutable fates, sent the Angel of Death under his shelter, the other in the village, the other on the sea, and the other on the battlefield from the weapons of war, spewing terrible and deadly forces, destroying bodies, tearing limbs and crushing the bones of those who fight; we believe, as if according to Your, Lord, wise looking, such is the death of the defenders of the faith and the Fatherland.

We pray Thee, Most Good Lord, remember in Thy Kingdom the Orthodox soldiers who were killed in battle, and receive them into Thy heavenly chamber, as if they were ulcerated martyrs, stained with their blood, as if they had suffered for Thy Holy Church and for the Fatherland, blessed thou art, as Thy property .

We pray to Thee, accept the warriors who have departed to You in the hosts of the warriors of the Heavenly Forces, accept them by Your grace, as if they fell in the battle for the independence of the Russian land from the yoke of the infidels, as if defending the Orthodox faith from enemies, defending the Fatherland in difficult times from foreign hordes; remember, Lord, and all those who fought with a good feat for the anciently preserved Apostolic Orthodoxy, for the Russian land consecrated and holy in the language of Your choice, in the south, the enemies of the Cross and Orthodoxy bring both fire and a sword.

Receive with peace of soul Thy servants (names), who fought for our prosperity, for our peace and rest, and give them eternal rest, as if they were saving cities and towns and protecting the Fatherland, and have mercy on the Orthodox soldiers who fell in battle with Your mercy, forgive them all sins committed in this life by word, deed, knowledge and ignorance.

Look with Thy mercy, O Most Merciful Lord, on their wounds, torment, groaning and suffering, and impute all this to them as a good and pleasing feat; accept them by Thy mercy, for the sake of severe sorrow and burden here, in need, crampedness, in labor and vigilance of the former, gladness and thirst, exhaustion and exhaustion, endured, sane as the sheep of the slaughter. We pray to Thee, Lord, that their wounds be medicine and oil poured on their sinful sores.

Look from heaven, O God, and see the tears of the orphans who have lost their fathers, and accept the tender prayers of their sons and daughters for them; hear the prayerful sighs of fathers and mothers who have lost their children; hear, merciful Lord, inconsolable widows who have lost their spouses; brothers and sisters crying for their relatives - and remember the husbands killed in the fortress of strength and in the prime of life, the elders, in the strength of spirit and courage; Look at our heartfelt sorrows, see our lamentation and have mercy, O Good One, to those who pray to You, Lord!

You have taken away our relatives from us, but do not deprive us of Your mercy: hear our prayer and accept Your merciful servants (names) who are ever remembered by us, call them to Your chamber, like good warriors who laid down their lives for faith and the Fatherland in the fields battles; accept them into the hosts of Your chosen ones, as if they had served You with faith and truth, and give them rest in Your Kingdom, as martyrs who went to You wounded, ulcerated and betrayed their spirit in terrible torment; instill in Your holy city all Your servants (names) of ever-remembered by us, like good warriors, courageously laboring in terrible wars of ever-memorable us; their garments tamo in fine linen are bright and clean, as if here they have whitened their robes in their blood, and worthy of martyr's crowns; create them together as participants in the triumph and glory of the victors who fought under the banner of Your Cross with the world, the flesh and the devil; place them in a host of glorious martyrs, victorious martyrs, the righteous and all Your saints. Amen.

The Orthodox Church never left its people during wars, helping them with consolation, prayers and material assistance.

On Victory Day, all Orthodox churches commemorate those who died during the war

When excavating the graves of warriors, archaeologists more than once found crosses and handwritten Psalm 90, enclosed in a Komsomol or party card. Of course, at that time no one advertised the help of God. However, legends circulated among the howlers about how the Bible saved from a bullet, and those who left with the words "God save" always returned.

Read about the commemoration of the dead:

Coincidences or God's Providence

  • On June 22, 1941, on the first day of the outbreak of the Second Patriotic War, when the Nazi troops attacked the Soviet Union, divine services were performed in Orthodox churches in honor of all the saints who rest in the land of Russia.
  • The counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow began on December 6, when the church celebrates the day of memory of Alexander Nevsky.
  • On the day of veneration of the apostles Peter and Paul, July 12, 1943, the troops of the Russian army went on the offensive near Kursk. The Battle of Kursk was won.
  • On November 4, the entire Orthodox world venerates the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It was on this day in 1943 that Kyiv was liberated.
  • The Resurrection of the Lord in 1945 fell on May 6, on the same day the Russian Orthodox Church commemorates George the Victorious. In 1945, the war almost ended on this day. May 9 was the official signing of the German surrender agreement.
  • On Holy Trinity Day, June 24, Moscow hosted the first Victory Parade.

Now, when more than 70 years have passed, as before, grateful descendants in prayers commemorate the dead during the wars and pray for the repose of their souls.

The Role of the Russian Church in the Patriotic War

The Orthodox Church during the war took the most active part in the moral, physical and spiritual support of the soldiers and citizens who remained both in the occupation and in the rear.

Despite the fact that in the 40s the communists banned worship, many priests were shot or exiled to Siberia, in wartime people reached out to God for help and the ruling elite remained silent.

The Church honors the soldiers who died for their native land with special love.

Metropolitan Sergius personally typed an appeal to the priests and the flock on a typewriter and distributed it among the people, conveying a prophetic message that victory would be for the Russians. From that time on, the destruction of Orthodoxy was suspended, priests returned from exile, parishioners flocked to churches. By permission of Stalin, a Council was held, at which the Patriarch was elected, he became Metropolitan Sergius.

The priests served not only in churches, but also on the front line, with weapons and a cross in their hands. The foreman of the Soviet army Lobachev, who was awarded many orders and medals, who ended the war in Prague, was in fact a priest, the future Archimandrite Leonid.

With the rank of major, he ended the war of Izvekov, who in the future will be elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The Orthodox know him as the Monk Pimen.

Many warriors, having experienced the horrors of war, made a vow to God and subsequently became priests, devoting their lives to the Creator.

Metropolitan of Kalinin and Kashinsky Alexy was a machine gunner during the war. Kramarenko, holder of the orders of Glory of three levels, served as a deacon in the Kiev church all his life. This list can be continued indefinitely.

Important! When commemorating soldiers, the clergy especially honor Saint Luke, who during the war was a priest and surgeon.

Help of Orthodox believers

Orthodox Christians:

  • served in hospitals;
  • helped care for the wounded;
  • consoled those with prayer and warmth of soul;
  • encouraged the disabled.

The families of soldiers fighting at the front were under the special care of the Orthodox Church. Parcels for orphans were constantly collected in churches.

During the great tribulation, the people and the church were united. During the celebration of Victory Day, one cannot fail to remember the quiet prayer book Hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyritsky, who spent many hours in prayers for the Russian people. Ask God for victory.

Important! Human memory does not forget about the deceased soldiers who fell in the struggle for the freedom of Russia. This is the strength of Holy Russia and its invincibility.


Love for dead relatives imposes on us, who are now alive, a sacred duty - to pray for the salvation of their souls. In the words of priest Nikolai Uspensky, " praying for the deceased relatives, we bring them the only good that their souls crave - mercy from the Lord." In addition to private commemorations of the departed, the Holy Church established general commemorations. Days of a special general commemoration of the dead are called parental Saturdays. On these days, all Christians who have died from the age are commemorated. Why is it on Saturdays, and not on other days, that a prayer for the repose of souls is supposed? Because the day of Sabbath, as a day of rest, in its meaning is the most remarkable for prayer - to repose the dead with the saints. And they are called parental because each person commemorates, first of all, the closest people - his parents.

“Anyone who wants to show his love for the dead and give them real help can best do this by praying for them and, in particular, by commemoration at the Divine Liturgy, when the particles taken for the living and the dead are immersed in the Blood of the Lord with the words: “Wash, Lord, the sins of those who were commemorated here with His honest Blood, the prayers of their saints. We cannot do anything better or more for them. They always need this...” (Archbishop John (Maximovich)).


The first ecumenical parental Saturday takes place on Meatfare Week. The Church dedicates this Saturday to the commemoration of all the departed from Adam to the present day. The funeral service on this day is called: "The memory of all the departed Orthodox Christians from the age, our father and brothers" ...

2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays of Great Lent

In addition to the ecumenical commemoration of the departed, performed on Meat-Feast and Trinity Saturdays, the Church performs ecumenical memorial services and Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of Great Lent. These days, the Church directs us to diligent prayers for the remission of "voluntary and involuntary sins of those who have reposed by faith and their eternal repose with the Saints." In normal times, continuous commemorations of the dead (magpies and other private commemorations) are performed daily ...


Of the memorial services that are not ecumenical, but are carefully observed, one is performed after the Easter holiday, on Tuesday of St. Thomas' week. The commemoration of the dead on this day is done by believers with the pious intention that, after the celebration of the bright seven-day celebration in honor of the Risen One from the dead, they share the great joy of Pascha with the dead ...

Remember, Lord, the souls of the whole people of Orthodox Christians, and those who were beaten in the army and wounded in half the battles, who died in cities and villages, and in all battles killed with weapons and swords, and burned by fire, who died and were destroyed by all kinds of destruction at the hands of the godless, from Lithuania, from Tatars and from Germans, and from all sorts of different languages, from internecine strife who died a violent death and died in piety.

(before Holy Trinity).

This commemoration of the departed dates back to the time of the apostles. Just as it is said about the establishment of the meatless Parental Saturday that "the Divine Fathers received it from the holy apostles," so it can be said about the origin of the Trinity Saturday. In the words of St. app. Peter is an indication of the beginning of the custom of commemorating the dead on the day of Pentecost. He speaks of the Resurrected Savior: God resurrected Him by breaking the bonds of death (Acts 2:24).

On this day, as on other parental days (on Meat and Trinity Saturdays, on Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of Great Lent), Orthodox Christians pray for the repose of the souls of deceased people, mainly parents. But Demetrius Saturday also has a special meaning: established after the Battle of Kulikovo, it reminds us of all those who died and suffered for Orthodoxy.

The gospel that is mine at the funeral liturgy on parental Saturday
(John 5:24-30)

24 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my word and believes in him who sent me has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed from death unto life.
25 Truly, truly, I say to you, the time is coming, and has already come, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and when they hear, they will live.
26 For as the Father has life in himself, so he gave to the Son to have life in himself.
27 And gave Him power to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man.
28 Do not marvel at this; for the time is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear the voice of the Son of God;
29 And those who have done good will go out into the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment.
30 I can do nothing of Myself. || As I hear, so I judge, and My judgment is righteous; for I seek not my will, but the will of the Father who sent me.

At the Council of Bishops on November 29 (December 4), 1994, a special commemoration was established for the deceased soldiers who gave their lives in defense of our faith, the Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. This commemoration also applies to all the martyrs who died during the difficult war years. On this day, a memorial service is performed in the temples.

At that terrible time, people performed a feat every day - they risked their health and their lives for their homeland, for their relatives and friends. On one side of the scale, the most precious thing a person has is life, and on the other, responsibility for those whom you protect and honor. And, as we know, a lot of people chose honor and faith, giving their lives for us.

For many centuries, the Church has always been with its people at all times in the years of wars and difficult times. It was faith that helped the soldiers in their difficult military work.

« There are no atheists in the trenches”- after all, only true faith can protect against deadly shells and bombs that fall from above on living people. Next to the Komsomol and party tickets, the search teams find pectoral crosses, small icons of the Mother of God and pieces of paper on which people wrote the ninetieth psalm "" by hand.
In Soviet times, these facts were carefully hidden, and meanwhile, at the front, there were stories about how “how God saved”, scouts left on a mission with the words “ With God! Before the battle, people prayed in secret, and then, rising to the attack, they crossed themselves and said, no, not “ For Stalin", a " Lord have mercy!».

The Gospel says:

“there is no greater love than if a man lays down his life for his friends”

therefore the Church especially honors those who died in the wars of liberation.

On the day of the attack of fascist Germany, June 22, 1941, Metropolitan of the Russian Church Sergius, through his “ Epistle to the shepherds and flocks of Christ's Orthodox Church”, blessed the Soviet people to defend their homeland. His prophecy that the Lord would grant Victory was fulfilled, we won, and not only with the help of weapons.

Important events during the war:

  • On June 22, 1941, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrated the day of all the saints who shone in the Russian land
  • December 6, 1941 - the beginning of the counteroffensive near Moscow (the day of memory of Alexander Nevsky)
  • July 12, 1943 - the battles near Prokhorovka on the Kursk Bulge and the beginning of the global offensive of the Russian army (the day of the apostles Peter and Paul)
  • November 4, 1943 - the liberation of Kyiv (the celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God)
  • May 6, 1945 - practically the end of the Great Patriotic War (Easter in 1945 and the day of memory of the Great Martyr George the Victorious). The capitulation of Nazi Germany was signed on May 9, on Easter week.
  • June 24, 1945 - Victory Parade on Red Square (Holy Trinity Day).

On May 9, on the day of remembrance, fallen soldiers are commemorated in all Orthodox churches. A low bow to them and to those who have already left earthly life - God rest the souls of your servants!

A low bow to those who survived this massacre and now lives with us. May the Lord reward you all with health and may there be peace in your home.


Invincible, incomprehensible and strong in battles, Lord our God! You, according to Your inscrutable fates, sent the Angel of Death under his shelter, the other in the village, the other on the sea, and the other on the battlefield from the weapons of war, spewing terrible and deadly forces, destroying bodies, tearing limbs and crushing the bones of those who fight; we believe, as if according to Your, Lord, wise looking, such is the death of the defenders of the faith and the Fatherland.
We pray to Thee, Most Good Lord, remember in Thy Kingdom the Orthodox warriors who were killed in battle, and receive them into Thy heavenly chamber, as if they were ulcerated martyrs, stained with their blood, as if they had suffered for Thy Holy Church and for the Fatherland, blessed thou art, as Thy property .
We pray to Thee, accept the warriors who have departed to You in the hosts of the warriors of the Heavenly Forces, accept them by Your grace, as if they fell in the battle for the independence of the Russian land from the yoke of the infidels, as if defending the Orthodox faith from enemies, defending the Fatherland in difficult times from foreign hordes; remember, Lord, and all those who fought with a good feat for the anciently preserved Apostolic Orthodoxy, for the Russian land consecrated and holy in the language of Your choice, in the south, the enemies of the Cross and Orthodoxy bring both fire and a sword.
Receive with peace of soul Thy servants (names), who fought for our prosperity, for our peace and rest, and give them eternal rest, as if they were saving cities and towns and protecting the Fatherland, and have mercy on the Orthodox soldiers who fell in battle with Your mercy, forgive them all sins committed in this life by word, deed, knowledge and ignorance.
Look with Thy mercy, O Most Merciful Lord, on their wounds, torment, groaning and suffering, and impute all this to them as a good and pleasing feat; accept them by Thy mercy, for the sake of severe sorrow and burden, here, in need, tightness, in labor and vigilance, you have suffered hunger and thirst, endured exhaustion and exhaustion, sane like a sheep of slaughter. We pray to Thee, Lord, that their wounds be medicine and oil poured on their sinful sores.
Look from heaven, O God, and see the tears of the orphans who have lost their fathers, and accept the tender prayers of their sons and daughters for them; hear the prayerful sighs of fathers and mothers who have lost their children; hear, merciful Lord, inconsolable widows who have lost their spouses; brothers and sisters crying for their relatives - and remember the husbands killed in the fortress of strength and in the prime of life, the elders, in the strength of spirit and courage; Look at our heartfelt sorrows, see our lamentation and have mercy, O Good One, to those who pray to You, Lord!
You have taken away our relatives from us, but do not deprive us of Your mercy: hear our prayer and accept Your merciful servants (names) who are ever remembered by us, call them to Your chamber, like good warriors who laid down their lives for faith and the Fatherland in the fields battles; accept them into the hosts of Your chosen ones, as if they had served You with faith and truth, and give them rest in Your Kingdom, as martyrs who went to You wounded, ulcerated and betrayed their spirit in terrible torment; instill in Your holy city all Your servants (names) of ever-remembered by us, like good warriors, courageously laboring in terrible wars of ever-memorable us; their garments tamo in fine linen are bright and clean, as if here they have whitened their robes in their blood, and worthy of martyr's crowns; create them together as participants in the triumph and glory of the victors who fought under the banner of Your Cross with the world, the flesh and the devil; place them in a host of glorious martyrs, victorious martyrs, the righteous and all Your saints. Amen.

By the definition of the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church on November 29 - December 4, 1994, it was established to perform in Victory Day - May 9 a special annual commemoration of the deceased soldiers, who laid down their lives for their faith, the Fatherland and the people, and all the martyrs who died during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

May 9, the 6th week after Easter, about the blind man, with the blessing of the Archbishop of Petrozavodsk and Karelian Manuil in the Cathedral of St. blgv. book. Alexander Nevsky, a liturgy was performed, which was led by the viceroy of the cathedral, Archpriest John Terenyak. At the end of the service, the priests performed a prayer service in memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War. In his sermon addressed to the parishioners, Fr. John drew attention to devotion and fidelity to God in all situations of personal and social life.

On this festive day, there were very few in the temple for whom our great-grandfathers died, for whom with such sacrifices a peaceful sky was won over their heads! Public indifference to the memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War is becoming threatening! The younger generation does not know and does not remember their heroes. The holiday of the Great Victory for them turns into an ordinary occasion to drink. Those who walked through the streets of the city in the evening after the fireworks will understand the indignation of the author of the article. The parade in Petrozavodsk in recent years begins at 12.00, and the Sunday service in churches at 10.00. The time is very convenient, it allows you to be in time not only for the parade, but also for the temple to pray for the repose of the souls of those who could not return alive from the war. I would very much like to hope that the universal prayer for the dead soldiers will become an equally important event on this holiday, like the St. George Ribbon action, which demonstrates the universal solidarity and unity of all those for whom the Great Patriotic War is not just a historical event.

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