Find and sell a tank: how men in the villages earn. Ghost hunting: how we were looking for a heavy "Tiger" Where to get a tank in GTA 5

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In GTA 5, as in other parts of the toy, there are tanks. This article will address questions regarding where to find a tank in gta 5 what it is for and what it is.
Tank in GTA 5- this is not only a decoration of the playing space, it is also one of the most powerful weapons in the game. In addition, having a ride on a tank, you can have fun not only yourself, but also your teammates. It should be noted right away that there are simply no codes for creating tanks in GTA 5, they can be found in the game world in two ways:

  • How to steal a tank in GTA 5

    - The first way is the most fun, but at the same time it is a sign of lawlessness. So, you need to steal vehicles from a nearby base; For more information on how to steal a tank, you can watch the video below.

  • Buying a tank in GTA 5

    - the second way is legal, but at the same time quite problematic, especially in the early stages of the game. So, a tank in GTA 5 can be bought, but you first need to purchase a hangar - only then the purchased vehicle will be in it.
  • I bought a tank in GTA 5 where to find it

    I bought a Rhino tank and where can I find it now in GTA 5? Answer: the Rhino tank (rhinoceros) is delivered to the hangar. Trevor gets ownership of a hangar in the desert as part of the story, and Franklin or Michael will have to buy a hangar at Los Santos airport first.

    As you can see, the tank is an important part of the gameplay in GTA, but the way you get it - steal it or buy it - is not so important!

    In GTA V, the military returned to us. Now they do not cut through the streets in tanks in pursuit of our protagonist, but they have their own base, which contains almost all the advanced models of military vehicles. They patrol the entire perimeter of Fort Zancudo, and, if necessary, they are used to chase and neutralize violators of the boundaries of the protected area.

    Military vehicles have a number of advantages over their civilian counterparts (if any). Firstly, all equipment is much less susceptible to bullets and external damage in general, which significantly increases the endurance of these cars. Secondly, they are well suited for difficult roads, they can get, perhaps, anywhere.

    It is not difficult to find transport: as it is written above, all equipment can be obtained at a military base, however, there may be problems with the law (we highly recommend that you call Lester in such a situation and pick up the car at Cargobob-e). There is also a much more peaceful option: buying vehicles on the in-game site, which can later be called up by calling Pegasus Lifestyle Management. The transport will be delivered to one of the following locations, depending on where you are (the location closest to you will be selected):

    • Speed: 130 km/h
    • Braking : 1/10
    • Acceleration : 5/10
    • Clutch: 6/10
    • Capacity : 4 players
    • Purchase in GTA 5 : $225 000
    • : $225 000 / -
    • Prototype: Jeep Wrangler Rubicon (2007-2009), UAZ-469

    Crusader, being a military version of the Canis Mesa, has slight differences in technical parameters with the civilian version: the ratio of torque between the axles has been changed, the maximum speed and acceleration have been reduced - the car turned out to be generally slower than its counterpart, but at the same time much easier to drive (at high speeds , however, be prepared for oversteer). The car also has a relatively high center of gravity, making it more susceptible to rollovers on bumps and corners. All of the above does not honor the Crusader, and, perhaps, its only and key advantage over Mesa is its increased endurance to firearms.

    In free mode, you can meet in the Fort, as well as, when leaving it, on roads within a certain radius from the military base.

    • Speed: 110 km/h
    • Braking : 1/10
    • Acceleration : 3/10
    • Clutch: 5/10
    • Capacity : 2 players
    • Purchase in GTA 5 : $450 000
    • Buying / Selling in GTA Online : $450 000 / -
    • Prototype
    • Speed: 110 km/h
    • Braking : 3/10
    • Acceleration : 6/10
    • Clutch: 5/10
    • Capacity : 2 players
    • Purchase in GTA 5 : -
    • Buying / Selling in GTA Online : - / -
    • Prototype: based on Daimler military truck frames

    The HVY Barracks Semi has the same front and cab as the standard Barracks, however there is a hitch at the rear to pull a trailer. He has two "own" trailers: a tanker with a unique brown color, which appears very rarely at the military base, and a flatbed brown trailer, which cannot be obtained in free mode.

    The only military tractor in the game has quite good dynamic characteristics: very good acceleration, high maximum speed, good cornering stability - all this, according to most players, makes it the fastest in its class. Also, Barrack is much easier than its competitors when pulling trailers. However, all this is reduced to almost nothing by the terrible and unresponsive brakes of the semi-trailer.

    It is not possible to buy Barracks Semi in the game, but it is quite possible to steal it on a cargo bob from a military base: most often it spawns in the eastern part of Fort Zancudo, in the parking lot. Don't forget to include the "inactive police" by typing Lester, and also take into account the fact that the tractor is very heavy, and it will take a lot of effort to get it off the ground.

    • Speed: 55 km/h
    • Braking : 1/10
    • Acceleration : 3/10
    • Clutch: 8/10
    • Capacity : 1 player
    • Purchase in GTA 5 : $3 000 000
    • Buying / Selling in GTA Online : $1 500 000 / -
    • Prototype: Leopard 2A3

    Well, now the highlight of our program: the Rhino tank is perhaps the most powerful and deadly ground vehicle in the entire game.

    One of the main questions is how much fire Rhino can withstand. And here the answers vary. In the single player version of the game, to completely destroy a tank, you will need 3-4 tank shells, 5-6 RPG shots, or 7-8 grenade launcher salvos. In Online, for balance, it was decided to reduce the survivability of the tank, as a result, to disable the Rhino, we need only 4 sticky bombs, 3000 Minigun rounds, or 2 to 3 volleys from a rocket launcher. By the way, a clear sign that your caterpillar fortress will soon fly into the air, in addition to thick smoke from the engine, is a repeated short signal - the more often it beeps, the more likely it is that the next salvo of fire on your car will be the last.

    The main location to look for a tank is Fort Zancudo. These powerful machines will patrol its entire perimeter, and after a couple of minutes of being there, you will feel the approach of the "rhinoceros" in your own skin. Stealing a tank from a military base is a very difficult task, you will have to try very hard to get out of there at least alive. Considering that you cannot save a stolen vehicle in any of the garages, this is an absolutely useless idea. Therefore, there is a much easier way to get a tank - buy it. To get the Rhino online, you need to reach level 70, after which it will be available for purchase for 1.5 million greens at Further, we can call him at any time: online - through Pegasus, and in a single player campaign - in the hangar of our protagonist.

    • Strangely enough, despite its very good off-road capability, the Crusader can only be raced in the SUV class, unlike its civilian counterpart, which is also entered in the Off-road class.
    • In the single player version of the game, Barracks, when summoned, can very rarely spawn in red or blue colors.
    • The Barracks tractor is rear wheel drive.
    • You can also burnout on it, but it is difficult for him to twist donuts
    • Unlike previous games in the GTA series, V does not have a cheat / code to spawn a tank
    • Rhino (aka "Rhino") could take its name from the era of the Second World War from the German self-propelled gun Nashorn, which in German meant "rhinoceros"
    • When shooting at the back of the tank, there is a chance that the fuel compartment will leak, which can subsequently ignite and disable the vehicle in a couple of minutes. The tower, however, will continue to function.
    • Despite the weight of 60 tons, the tank is much easier to lift on a cargo bob than Barracks. Perhaps this was done to please the arcade game, because. in real life, military trucks do not weigh more than a dozen tons
    • Despite the fact that only one person can sit in the tank, Rhino still has 2 seats, but getting into it without using glitches or third-party modifications is not possible. However, the second person still won't be able to control the turret on the tank's turret.
    • On the map, in Online, the players who control the tank are respectively indicated on the map.

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    Today we will talk about where to find a tank in GTA 5. This game is loved by many people from all over the world. Such recognition is well deserved due to the excellent study of the modern city. In addition, the player can arrange chaos on the streets with the help of various equipment and weapons.

    Fort Zancudo

    Before moving on to solving the question of where you can find a tank in GTA 5, it should be noted that the game contains a variety of them. Among them, there are even fighters and helicopters. Therefore, knowledge of the location of military equipment is necessary for every player. Now we will tell you in detail where to find a tank in GTA 5, and also do not forget about the fighter. Military equipment is concentrated at a special base called Fort Zancudo. This object is not indicated on the map, so it will not be easy to find it.

    Search start

    So, in order to solve the question of where to find a tank in GTA 5, we need to get any equipment for flying. In this case, the fort can be found without much difficulty. The object we need is located near Mount Josiah and Zancudo Bay, in an easterly direction.

    This military base is the most protected place in the entire game world, it is quite difficult to get there, and even more so to steal a tank. On the territory of the facility are located: a Barracks truck, a Jeep Crusader, Cargobob and Buzzard helicopters, a P996 Lazer (fighter), a Titan aircraft, as well as the Rhino tank we need, which is nicknamed the "rhinoceros". This is a tasty morsel for any of the GTA 5 players. In order to steal equipment, you can get to the object in two ways. We arrive by car, after which we just enter. In this case, we will immediately hang the maximum number of police stars. We should not hesitate here, we immediately get into the necessary equipment and leave the base. To navigate inside, we use the observation tower located on the object. There is also an alternative solution to the problem. We penetrate the object from the air, jump out with a parachute from the plane and land at the base. In this case, 5 police stars will be received.

    For speed

    Now we know where to find a tank in GTA 5. However, after stealing it, you must wait until the stars fall, only after that you can put it in the hangar. The plan is simple: we fly to the base, and then we hook up the tank and disappear with the new transport. It is necessary not to touch the ground with a helicopter, then we will be able to avoid five wanted stars. This is a great option for stealing equipment with minimal time costs. Let's not forget that the observation tower has a six-barreled machine gun, which can also make life much easier for the character.

    So we figured out where to find a tank in GTA 5, how to make it your own. This game can be considered one of the most anticipated, as its release was delayed for some time. The project includes a colossal open world. Now the game has three main characters, and you can switch between them at almost any time. At your service - 62 main missions, as well as a huge number of additional tasks. The game offers three different endings based on your actions.

    A small village in the north of the Kaluga region. Alexei and I are standing in a bright polycarbonate greenhouse. Lesha has just been brought a machine of earth - for the beds. All this - a land machine (worth 5,000 rubles), a greenhouse (another 30,000), and also the old "Zhiguli-nine" (15,000) - a simple village electrician bought in one fell swoop and is very pleased with it. Recently, he pulled off a deal - he sold a tank from the Second World War. More precisely, not even a tank, but its location. A combat vehicle (T-26, adopted in the USSR in 1931) Lyosha once discovered in the forest: “I go to the forest every other day, I spend five hours there: for brushwood to light the stove, pick up bee traps. Well, I also wander around with a metal detector - around the battlefields, where the trenches used to be. The search for battlefields and old settlements has long been a kind of income for the villagers.

    A metal detector costs from 15,000 rubles, it pays off pretty quickly. Here is what another village resident, 69-year-old Oleg from Novosurino (Mozhaisk Region), told me: I have a driver's license, a dozen, plus a disability pension, it turns out a normal amount as a whole. Aleksey also found various things in the ground - helmets, Mosin rifles. And then I found the tank. He stood littered with fallen trees and half sunk into the ground. “At first I took it for a hill, and the barrel for a log. The color, by the way, has long been not green, but brown, but everything has been preserved very well. I immediately realized that it can be pulled out quite easily - there is a clearing nearby, along which it is convenient to drive.

    Information about the fact that the found tanks can be sold has been circulating in the villages for a long time. I personally heard from several people plans to find old equipment and immediately get rich. Aleksey, on the other hand, found specific people who paid money for the location of the tank. “They promised me a million if I told them where it was, but in the end they paid only 300,000. Like, the tank was not in the condition they expected. Okay, so much."

    The most popular product, according to Andrey, is the T-34 and BTR-152 tanks

    The business of selling old military equipment is quite successful - they also sell vehicles decommissioned from the warehouse of the Ministry of Defense, and also - these are the same exhibits found in the forest. Here is what Andrei Koloskov, an employee of the Novosibirsk company Techmotors, who prepares such equipment for sale, told me: “This is a rather expensive pleasure for men. Someone drives a tank or armored personnel carrier to hunt to show off to friends. Moreover, in most cases, the tank does not go to the hunting place on its own - according to the law, you do not have the right to drive such vehicles on public roads, so the car is solemnly driven into the forest on a loader. According to Andrey, all the vehicles they sell are demilitarized - machine guns have been removed, the cannons have been welded on. Before the tank can drive, a lot of work needs to be done: to replace, repair literally all the nodes - so that they work. Even from the storerooms of the Ministry of Defense, equipment does not arrive on the move, these are almost museum exhibits that have been in hangars for decades. Andrey says: “As for the design, the tank will never become completely legal. And the point is not that it is illegal (a demilitalized tank is the same SUV, tractor), but we simply do not have the relevant standards, you can always find fault with something. It happens that we make documents like for a tractor, but there may also be questions about this if someone is impatient.” By the way, Andrei says that foreigners also have a demand for this kind of equipment: “Recently they sold the T-34 (this is generally one of the most popular goods) to Germany. As far as I know, a local businessman put it on his site as a monument - I don’t know what his thoughts were at the same time.

    The price of a prepared T-34 on the move, according to Andrey, is from ten million rubles. If you plan to simply put a combat vehicle as decoration and the technical stuffing is not important, such an exhibit will cost 5-7 million. In general, it is not enough just to buy a tank, you must keep in mind that its maintenance is a lot of money. For example, for 100 kilometers of a cross-country route, a car eats diesel fuel for 10-12 thousand rubles. In fairness, it is worth noting that no one travels such distances in these tanks. Andrei says: “There is a demand, all the more you can see that it has become higher now - when this whole military theme turned out to be popular on TV. We sell three or four cars a month.” Andrey's company both works for specific orders (for example, some customers want a tank or armored personnel carrier of a certain year of manufacture), and selects the right option for the customer in terms of price and quality. “Periodically, we buy equipment from search engines. But you need to understand that the found tank itself is not yet a commodity worth millions. It needs to be pulled out, put in order, and only then will it have a price. As for your example: 300,000 for the location of the T-26 is a very good price, probably some collector bought it.

    Aleksey from the Kaluga region, by the way, has already planted tomatoes in a new greenhouse, and now he reads avidly books on the military history of the Kaluga region and looks at old maps. His plans are to find another tank and build a bathhouse.

    From this article you will learn absolutely everything about a tank in GTA 5: where to get a tank, how to buy it, steal it and store it in a garage. Is there a code for a tank in GTA 5? And everything about them in GTA Online. Get ready, there will be a lot of text and video!

    Sixty tons of fun with 1500 horsepower and a 120mm gun

    The Rhino tank, also known as the Rhinoceros, is a combat vehicle in GTA 5. This is the most powerful weapon in the game.

    The prototype of the Rhinoceros is the German tank Leopard 2A4. The tank has a 120 mm cannon and two side machine guns. True, machine guns have a purely decorative function and cannot be used.

    Rhinoceros has been featured in every Grand Theft Auto game since GTA 3. The only exception is GTA 4: on the streets of Liberty City, it would have nowhere to turn around.

    Unlike previous games in the series, in GTA 5 the tank is not immortal. It can be destroyed (although this is not easy), which brings the game closer to reality. A tank can be blown up with three or four shots from another tank, five or six shots from an RPG, or seven grenades fired from a grenade launcher. It can also be eliminated with a few sticky bombs. Shots from conventional small arms also cause damage to the Rhino, but very little. In addition, the tank takes significant damage when something explodes near it, so be careful while driving it and try not to shoot at the vehicles point-blank.

    The tank has very good armor in the front, but rather weak in the back. If you attack it from there, you can pierce the fuel tank, which can immobilize the Rhino.

    Tanks patrol the area in the west of the map.

    The tank can be captured in the same way as any other vehicle. You just need to approach and press the F key. But keep in mind that in the case of a tank, it will take a few seconds more than usual. And at this time, you will be vulnerable to opponents attacking you. And those who want to shoot someone who is trying to steal a tank from the military will be enough.

    It is unfortunate, but there is no code for a tank in GTA 5. Exactly the same as for weapons. In past games in the series, the PANZER code worked, but here you can not try to enter it - it will not work. However, you can use . Using it is generally much more efficient than using it, since it does not affect the passage of the game by 100%. You will be able to complete story missions using a tank and save the game.

    If you want to get a tank in GTA 5 in an honest way, read on.

    Where to find a tank in GTA 5

    There are two honest ways to take possession of a tank in the game:

    • Buy
    • Steal

    Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

    How to buy a tank in GTA 5

    The tank can be purchased on the Warstock website. Go to the Internet through the character's mobile phone, then go to the transport section, and from there - to the Warstock Cache & Carry website. There you can buy a tank for $3 million. After that, he will appear in your hero's aircraft hangar.

    For Trevor, this is the Sandy Shores airfield, and for Michael and Franklin, their personal hangars at the Los Santos airport (if you bought them, of course). Please note that 24 hours of in-game time must elapse after purchase. If you can't wait to see your brand new Rhino, head to the hideout and get some sleep. When you wake up, you should receive a message that the tank has been delivered to the aircraft hangar.

    Important! If you already have a personal plane, then after arriving at the hangar you will see it, not a tank. Do not rush to get upset. You need to approach the plane and press the E key to change the vehicle to a tank. In the future, if the tank is destroyed, it will reappear in the hangar.

    How to steal a tank in GTA 5

    There are several ways to steal a tank. Consider them all, starting with the simplest and most effective.

    1) Lure the tank from the military base

    The best way to get a tank is to lure it out of a military base. Thanks to this, you will not have to get a wanted level of 4 stars, and you can easily save the tank and use it in the future.

    So, choose Trevor and drive around Fort Zancudo from the north side of Mount Josiah. You need to take a position on one of the rocky ledges, which is directly opposite the single water tank. If you choose the right spot, there will be a few more clustered tanks to your right. The screenshots below will help determine the exact location of the place:

    Take a sniper rifle and look for a tank behind the base fence. Shoot him and you'll get 2 Wanted Stars. Move back a little so that the arrows from the base cannot shoot you and wait for the stars to disappear.

    At this time, the tank you shot at will try to take revenge and drive out of the base gate on your right. By the time he arrives, the search should have ended. Calmly grab a tank and drive away to the mountains. For capturing the Rhino, you will be given only 2 stars instead of the four that you would have received if you had driven into the territory of the base.

    Watch the whole process in the video below:

    2) Steal a tank right from the base

    The second method is more primitive, and it is more difficult to implement it.

    Take a fast car and drive up to the barrier at the entrance to the military base. Do not rush to rush inside, because you will immediately get 4 stars. You have to wait for the right moment. Watch out when a passing tank appears outside the gate. As soon as you see him, step on the gas!

    Having captured the tank, try to leave the base as quickly as possible and head towards the hangar, where you can save your trophy. Unfortunately, it will be very difficult to do this, since it is almost impossible to break away from the helicopters chasing you. But you can show off well, shooting all living things.

    3) Steal a tank during Trevor's "Massacre" mission

    Another cool way to use Trevor's secondary story missions. As you know, this character has a series of missions called “Massacre”, during which you need to kill the required number of enemies in a limited time.

    In one of these meat grinders, Trevor is attacked by the military. In the middle of the battle, climb into one of the tanks and finish the mission in it, and then just transport it to the Sandy Shores airfield. Very simple and elegant.

    Tank in GTA Online

    The tank was made even less durable than in GTA 5. Two to three RPG shots or four sticky bombs are enough to destroy it. Obviously, this was done in order to more even out the balance, depriving the owner of the tank of a clear advantage in battle.

    In GTA Online, you can also get a tank in two ways: buy and steal from the military. The purchase will cost a little cheaper than offline - $1.5 million.

    And stealing a tank online is even easier, since here you can use the ability to remove wanted stars by calling Lester.

    The first method involves luring a tank from a military base. The method is similar to what we discussed above.

    The second method is more sophisticated. For it you will need a cargo helicopter. Take it and fly up to the walls of the base, but do not fly inside. Wait for the Rhino to stop somewhere nearby. After that, get the hook using the E key, fly into the base and cling to it. You will immediately have 4 stars, and the warriors will start shooting at you. But it doesn't matter: call Lester, and at the same time fly away from the base. Lester will reset his wanted level and you will get a tank.

    The only drawback of these ways to get a tank in GTA Online is that tank can't be saved. You can use it only in the current session, so show off to glory!

    Thank you for reading our article, we hope it was helpful.

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