Kazan Volga Federal University Naberezhnye Chelny branch. Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU: faculties, admission committee, accredited areas, reviews. Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology

Gas supply 09.10.2020
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KFU is one of the oldest Russian universities that has contributed huge contribution in the development of higher education and science in our country. Many famous scientists and public figures have come out of its walls.

Today, like many decades ago, it continues to be a place where you can get quality higher education, so there are always many who want to enter this university. The main questions that concern applicants relate to the placement of students in Kazan, KFU faculties, specialties and points required for admission to state-funded and paid places. You will find answers to them in this article.

Institutes and faculties

KFU is a classic multidisciplinary institution of higher education that trains highly professional personnel for Russian science, economics, production, education and other areas in many specialties and areas.

In 2011, a reorganization was carried out, as a result of which institutes of Kazan Federal University appeared on the basis. They are headed by directors who have more powers than deans.

Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology

This unit was created in 2012 as a result of the reorganization of the former KFU Faculty of Biology and Soil. In Kazan, there are 13 of its departments, three dozen research laboratories, a research institute of biology, a zoomuseum named after. E. A. Eversman. In addition, the institute has 4 educational and scientific bases for summer practices outside the city, including one on the White Sea. The unit is headed by A. Kiyasov.

Institute of Ecology and Nature Management

In June 2006, the geographical and geoecological faculties of Kazan Kazan Federal University were transformed into the Institute of Ecology and Geography, later it was renamed the Institute of Ecology and Nature Management. The institute includes 2 departments: ecology and nature management, as well as scientific and production divisions, including the center for environmental design and engineering surveys, which carry out scientific and applied work for the domestic economy. There are 5 scientific and educational laboratories. A meteorological observatory has been functioning at the university since 1812. In addition, the institute has 3 bases for practice.

Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies

The Faculty of Geology of KFU (Kazan) in 2011 was transformed into the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies. It includes 7 departments, a geological museum, 3 research laboratories and the oldest magnetic observatory in the Russian Federation.

Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

The division, which bears the name of the great scientist N. Lobachevsky, was created in 2011 on the basis of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of KSU with the addition of the Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics named after N. Chebotarev and some departments of the Faculty of Mathematics of the TSHPU.

KFU Kazan: Faculty of Law

This unit is known for the fact that Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin graduated from it at one time. Today the structure includes 9 departments, as well as:

  • educational forensic laboratory;
  • legal information center;
  • a branch of the UNESCO Chair on Human Rights and Democracy and the Tatar branch of this structure for the protection of intellectual property;
  • Additional CAs educational services;
  • centers of international law and European documentation.

KFU: Faculty of Education

Kazan has traditionally been a forge of teachers from Tatarstan and the entire Volga region. At the Pedagogical Faculty of KFU, there are basic and professional retraining programs "Defectology", "Psychology of Education" and "Preschool Education". Education is organized in full-time and part-time departments.

The faculty has the following departments:

  • pedagogy;
  • psychology;
  • theories and methods of primary and preschool education;
  • theories and methods of physical culture and life safety.

Other divisions

Applicants who are interested in what faculties there are in KFU (Kazan) will be useful to know that there is also the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance, which was opened in 2014. Year by year, the number of applicants who want to get an education in this division of KFU in Kazan is growing. The Faculty of Economics was also popular in the Soviet period, as it made it possible to obtain popular and prestigious specialties.

Besides, big interest causes study at the Engineering Institute. Its departments are engaged in the implementation of educational programs of higher vocational education at all levels in order to train engineering and technical personnel.

In 2003, through the merger of the Chemical Research Institute. A. Butlerov and the Faculty of Chemistry of KSU, an appropriate institute was created, which continues to bear the name of the great scientist. Along with educational activities, its employees conduct fundamental and applied scientific research.

In 2011, the Institute of Physics appeared in the main one, which continues the 200-year natural science traditions of KSU.

The all-university department of physical education and sports (OKFViS) also plays an important role in the education of young people.

It included the relevant divisions of two reorganized universities: KSPEI and TGGPU. OKFViS trains specialists in the field of physical education and life safety for secondary schools and trainers for youth sports. It consists of 5 specialized departments: theory physical education, sports disciplines, gymnastics and cyclic sports, adaptive physical education and life safety.

The effectiveness of classes is ensured by the presence of a sports complex with a swimming pool "Bustan", a football and athletics arena and a gymnasium of the Central Stadium, a training and recreation center, as well as a building for theoretical classes.

It is impossible not to mention the Institute of Computational Mathematics and IT, which was created on the basis of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of KSU, which has been operating since 1978. His scientific personnel are known for their developments far beyond the borders of Tatarstan.

Graduate School of IT and Information Systems

This educational division of KFU, founded in 2011, trains specialists for companies operating in the IT field.

The HS ITIS structure includes 6 technically well-equipped centers: Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Oracle, etc.

Institute of Philology. Lev Tolstoy

This division of KFU includes 2 faculties of the former KSU, as well as 4 of the former TSPU.

On the this moment IFMK KFU has 2 departments (Russian and foreign philology named after L. Tolstoy and Tatar philology and intercultural communication named after G. Tukay), as well as high school arts them. S. Saydasheva, where more than 3,000 students study.

Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences

This important scientific and educational division of KFU was founded in 2014. The ISP KFU preserves and develops university traditions of teaching political science, philosophy, sociology, religious studies, journalism, conflict studies, and the theory of public communications. The knowledge acquired by graduates of the institute allows them to successfully manifest themselves in various fields of humanitarian and socio-political activities, as well as in the field of media and public communications. The teaching staff of the KFU ISPS strives to combine fundamental theoretical training with applied research.


In 2013, on the basis of the Institute of International Relations of KSU, a new division was created, in which there are centers for Iranian studies, Korean studies, Japanese studies, Judaic studies, Arabic culture, Middle Eastern studies, Turkey, culture and history of Islam, oriental manuscripts, Central Asia, Islamic civilization, economics and law, intercultural dialogue, and the Confucius Institute.

Institute of Psychology and Education

The division united the Faculty of Psychology of KSU, the Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical Education of the TGGPU and some structures of the Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan. The Faculty of Psychology of KFU Kazan is the largest educational institution in the Volga region for the training of teachers and psychologists, where you can get all levels of higher education, including doctoral studies.

Information for applicants

If you want to enter the faculties of KFU in Kazan, you can find out the passing scores from the bulletins published by the university. They change from year to year, depending on the number of applicants at their level of preparation. In addition, it should be noted that there are some categories of citizens who enjoy the right to preferential enrollment in undergraduate programs. A certain number of additional points will be added to the main points obtained in the USE, depending on the personal achievements of the applicant. These include dinners at the Olympics, as well as the presence of a gold or silver medal.

It should be noted that KFU conducts some entrance examinations on its own. These include professional exams in subject design, journalism, drawing and economic geography.

All out-of-town students of KFU 1 (full-time students) are provided with a bed in one of the university dormitories.

Now you have enough information to decide which faculties of KFU (Kazan) you can enter if you have a desire to become a student of this university.

Plan for admission to the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU for the 2020/2021 academic year (number of budget / extra-budgetary places):

Secondary vocational education

Schedule of entrance examinations for bachelor's degree, specialist's degree

For applicants for full-time and part-time education Download

Schedule of entrance examinations for magistracy

For full-time applicants Download

For applicants for part-time studies Download

The number of applications submitted in 2019 is 8153.

Deadline for acceptance of documents for bachelor's and specialist's programs within target figures (budget) from persons entering:

For full-time and part-time forms of education based on the results of additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation, as well as other entrance tests conducted by KFU independently - July 11;

For full-time and part-time forms of education without passing the above entrance tests - July 26.

Deadline for acceptance of documents for bachelor's, specialist's and secondary programs vocational education under contracts for the provision of paid educational services from persons entering the training

Minimum passing scores can be viewed at

There are three ways to apply for admission:

Method number 1. Submit documents in electronic form on the website of the social and educational network "". During the admission campaign, a special section will work in the personal Internet account of the network participants - "Submit an application", which must be filled out. Here you can also find instructions for submitting documents, learn about the admission procedure, entrance examinations, tuition fees, admission targets, etc.

Method number 2. Come personally to the admissions office of the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU (Naberezhnye Chelny, 13 A, Mira Ave., building of the sports complex), where experts will prompt the further course of action.

In doing so, you must have:

  • original or copy of the document on education (secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational or higher),
  • 6 photos 3x4,
  • a copy of the passport,
  • medical certificate (for the following)
  • information TIN, SNILS, registration card or military ID (for men)

Method number 3. If you cannot personally come to Naberezhnye Chelny, then you should send the original or a copy of the document on education, photographs and photocopies of other documents by mail to the address: 423810, Naberezhnye Chelny, 68/19 Mira Ave., For the selection committee.

When final exams at school are left behind, applicants begin to choose an educational institution to continue their education. This is a very responsible step on which the future and career depend. For those who do not know which college or university to choose, there is one option - the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU.

About the emergence of a university in the city

A higher educational institution in Naberezhnye Chelny appeared in 1997. At that time it was a branch of Kazan State University. For many years the university worked with this status. In 2010, KSU became Kazan Federal University (KFU), but this did not particularly affect the branch.

The educational institution in Naberezhnye Chelny was affected by the transformation in 2012. It was joined by the Kama State Engineering and Economic Academy, which became part of the KFU. As a result, the name of the branch was changed in 2013. It was renamed the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute. Today, this educational institution is rightfully considered the largest university in the Zakamsk region. It has more than 9 thousand students, about 1 thousand budget places.

Infrastructure of the educational institution

The KFU Institute in Naberezhnye Chelny has everything you need to conduct a high-quality and comfortable educational process. To accommodate 9 thousand students, 12 educational buildings with lecture halls, classrooms for classes, scientific laboratories, there are 4 hostels. Buffets are open in each building to provide students with food.

The pride of the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU is the library. It is the largest in the city among other universities. It stores about 700 thousand copies - educational, reference, scientific books, periodicals, dissertations, magazines on paper and electronic media.

Structural units

The Institute in Naberezhnye Chelny, like any other university, has a certain structure. It is represented by 6 departments (faculties). At the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU, they are responsible for the implementation of higher education programs. Here is a list of these departments:

  • automobile;
  • information technologies and energy systems;
  • engineering and construction;
  • economic;
  • legal;
  • social and humanitarian.

The structure also has a division that accepts applicants for secondary vocational education programs. It is called the College of Engineering and Economics of the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU. There are quite a few specialties on offer. They are associated with various scientific fields and spheres of life - with engineering and construction technologies, informatics and computer technology, mechanical engineering, land transport equipment and technologies, economics and management, means mass media and information and library business, service and tourism. There are many in Naberezhnye Chelny creative people who need to develop their talents, so the design specialty has long been implemented in the college.

Higher education programs

The College of Engineering and Economics attracts applicants, but other departments of the university are still more in demand and popular, because they provide an opportunity to receive higher education. In them, training is conducted at 3 levels - at the bachelor's degree, specialist's and master's degree. Undergraduate and graduate programs at the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU are famous for having a huge number of programs. They are associated with those areas to which specialties of secondary vocational education belong. There are also additional areas for which personnel are being trained - these are electric and thermal power engineering, mechatronics and robotics, etc.

There are few programs in the specialty. There are only 4 of them - these are "ground transport and technological means", "economic security", "customs", "translation and translation studies". All specialties and areas of the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU are accredited. This means that the university conducts effective educational activities on them. The presence of accreditation in all areas and specialties allows the institute to provide young men with a deferment from the army, to issue state diplomas.

Postgraduate education

Those wishing to enter graduate school after graduating from the magistracy do not need to leave Naberezhnye Chelny, because the KFU Institute in this city offers 35 specific programs. Some of them, for example, are “heat engines”, “finance, money circulation and credit”, “jurisprudence”, “philosophy, ethics and religious studies”. After graduation, the qualifications of a candidate of sciences, a researcher, a teacher-researcher are assigned.

Postgraduate education at the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU is not only postgraduate studies, but also professional retraining and advanced training. Several dozen programs are offered by the center of additional education. This is a special structural unit of the university. It has the right to provide retraining and advanced training services in accordance with its license.

The work of the selection committee

Documents are accepted at the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute at the following address: Prospekt Mira, 13a (building of the Engineering Center). Applicants are required to have photographs (6 pieces 3*4 cm in size), a copy of their passport, an original or a copy of a certificate or diploma, a medical certificate (only for some areas of study), TIN, SNILS, registration card or military ID (for males).

The Admissions Committee annually has to process a huge number of documents. In 2017, over 9,000 applications were received. More than 7,000 were applied for bachelor's and specialist degrees, about 1,000 for master's. Of all the existing departments, the most popular were automotive, information technology and energy systems, as well as economics. There were fewer applicants who chose the College of Engineering and Economics - about 800 people.

Specialties with the highest competition: how to enter them

Applicants who have chosen the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU are interested in specialties with budget places. Not everyone who wants to enter them, which annually confirms the high competition. According to statistics, it is most difficult to enter the "tourism". On this program, as a rule, about 20 people apply for 1 budget place. High competition is also observed in such specialties as "construction", "electric power and electrical engineering", "informatics and computer technology" - more than 10 people per place.

To enter a specialty with a high competition, you need to increase your chances through preparatory courses. Education is conducted in the Russian language, literature, mathematics, physics, history, social science, biology, English language, journalism. Each applicant of a branch of Kazan Federal University is invited to choose the training that he needs:

  • complete courses for passing the exam(preparation is underway for the implementation of all 3 parts - A, B and C);
  • in-depth training for Part C;
  • passing educational testing and subsequent analysis of work with the advice of a teacher.

Free preparatory courses

Practically all courses at the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute are taught at paid basis. Only one item is an exception. This is physics. Preparation for the delivery of this discipline in USE form absolutely free. This is not a temporary promotion. These courses have been offered since 2012.

Why is free training of applicants conducted only in physics? In this way, the university attracts applicants to its technical specialties (“power engineering”, “technological machines and equipment”, “automation of technological processes and production”, etc.). In these areas, physics is one of the entrance exams. Many applicants refuse to choose these specialties for one simple reason - physics seems to be a difficult subject. Courses help to learn this discipline and get rid of the fear of passing the exam.

The cost of studying at the institute on the programs of secondary vocational education and higher education

At the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU, the cost of education is determined by the relevance of a particular specialty, the chosen form of study, and the educational level (i.e., whether the program belongs to a bachelor's, specialist's or master's program, or is it offered at a college). For example, in "applied mathematics and informatics" (bachelor's degree, full-time department), the price of educational services provided for 1 year is more than 102 thousand rubles. A little higher cost is set for "mechanical engineering" (bachelor's degree, full-time department) - about 114 thousand rubles. On SPO programs, prices are above 50 thousand for 1 year of study.

Exact prices can only be told selection committee and only after the start of the introductory campaign. Much earlier, no one will name the cost of educational services. The price fixing order is drawn up only at the end of May based on the decision of the Academic Council of the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute.

"Children's University" in the university

The Naberezhnye Chelny Institute was created not only for people planning to receive secondary vocational or higher education. The university is also open to young children. It annually implements the Children's University program. It aims to popularize scientific knowledge, develop interests and curiosity in children.

You can enroll a first-grader in the "Children's University". For children from grades 1-4, the Junior program is provided. For older students (up to grade 7) there is another program - "Academy". Classes are infrequent, but useful. They are held once a month (on Sunday). Participation in the "Children's University" is completely free.

What do they say about the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute?

“High quality education, admission of applicants and student education at the modern level”, - such reviews about the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU are often found. What has been said is true. The high quality of education is confirmed by:

  • the presence of highly qualified specialists in the educational institution (more than 30 doctors of science, more than 280 candidates of science);
  • achievements of students in olympiads, competitions;
  • demand for graduates.

When they talk about the admission of applicants at the modern level, they mean the use of electronic technologies. A special website has been developed for applicants, where they can undergo remote preparation for passing the Unified State Examination, upload copies of their documents with the start of the admission campaign without a visit to the admission committee of the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU. Electronic technologies are actively used in educational process. Students in the classroom are provided with educational videos, video lectures, presentations, training computer programs.

Why choose Naberezhnye Chelny Institute?

In which university is the most interesting and most effective to study? Naturally, in the one that is developing not only in his native country, but also on the world stage, he establishes contacts with foreign universities and various organizations. Naberezhnye Chelny Institute is such. One of its partners is the Catholic University of El Salvador. The cooperation of these educational institutions consists in the exchange of students and teachers, joint research, exchange curricula and publications.

From time to time, the institute is visited by foreign teachers who can impart useful knowledge to students. Specialists for lecturing, holding seminars are invited from Great Britain, Italy, Portugal, China.

The Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU is indeed a dream of many applicants seeking knowledge and self-development. Those people who are already studying here absolutely do not regret their choice. They thank their relatives, friends and acquaintances who recommended this university.

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