Why students on vacation should do internships. Summer labor practice. When practice is prohibited

Colorful compositions 12.09.2020
Colorful compositions

Labor practice was an integral part educational process Soviet school. Children were involved in the duty at school, and to work on school grounds, and to other jobs. To what extent this practice is legal today, we will find out on the basis of modern legislation regulating the rights of underage children to work. Legislatively, the provisions on the labor of underage students are enshrined in the Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Law), in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015 ) (hereinafter - TC), in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989) (entered into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990). The Convention on the Rights of the Child prohibits the exploitation of child labor or any work that infringes upon the rights of the child (Article 32 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child). If the work entrusted to the child may pose a danger to his health, physical development, then this will be considered a violation of the rights of the child.

Can recruitment to school work practice be considered a violation of the rights of the child?

Today, it is not often in schools that you can find students who work as part of summer work practice. Does the child have to complete summer work practice?

A shorter working week is established for minors. For example, for employees under 16 years of age studying in any educational institution working hours should be no more than 12 hours per week. And for employees aged 14-16 years, studying at school no more than 18 hours a week (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

There is also a list of jobs that may not involve underage workers (Article 265 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • hard work;
  • jobs that may harm health and moral development;
  • work with harmful or hazardous working conditions; overtime work;
  • night shift work;
  • work on holidays and non-working days.

Organization of labor practice for persons with disabilities.

It is especially necessary to note the importance of labor education and labor practice for students with disabilities from special schools. Instruction letter from the Ministry of General and vocational education RF of 4.09.1997 № 48 "On the specifics of the activities of special educational institutions of I-VIII types" pays a lot of attention to labor training. Labor training for persons with disabilities is necessary condition training and subsequent employment. One of the tasks of such work is:

  • inclusion of students in domestic, household, applied and pre-professional work;
  • expanding social contacts in order to form the skills of social community, moral behavior, knowledge about oneself, about other people, about the surrounding micro-society.

In the senior grades (groups), pupils receive knowledge in general education subjects that have a practical orientation and correspond to their psychophysical capabilities, skills in various profiles of work. Pupils are taught skills independent work, for this purpose, they are included in labor activity in training workshops, subsidiary plots, in enterprises, institutions and organizations. Labor training includes a system of occupational therapy aimed at recovery, compensation and development of labor skills and abilities, is the basis for vocational training. In a correctional institution of the VIII type with a 10-11-year education, labor training in grades 10-11, in the presence of a production base, has the character of in-depth labor training of students. For the organization of labor training, workshops are provided necessary equipment and a tool with special adaptations that take into account the special educational needs of students with disabilities. The length of the working day during industrial practice is determined by law Russian Federation about labor. The industrial practice is managed by a labor training teacher. Pupils who graduated from the 9th (10th) grade are admitted to classes (groups) with in-depth work training.

Training in a type VIII correctional institution ends with a certification (exam) in labor training, which consists of two stages: practical work and interviews on materials science and product manufacturing technology. Pupils of a type VIII correctional institution may be exempted from certification for health reasons in the manner determined by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

So, for example, the children's public organization and the system of self-government in the school were revived. They returned to good ideas, and they became a bright event.
In the Soviet school, there was also a tradition labor practice, which, for all its shortcomings, nevertheless served as one of the ways to improve the quality of education, since through it the principle of connection between learning and life was realized, it was a method of patriotic education. Now this tradition has been canceled at the legislative level and forgotten. And the words “school practice”, as a result of extensive discussions, are perceived by the modern generation of parents as a negative imprint of the Soviet past, in which there was no meaning.
However, everything was not so simple. For some of the schoolchildren of the Soviet era, summer school practice was indeed an unpleasant necessity. But for some, this activity was fascinating - informal communication with classmates, satisfaction from joint activities, in the end, meaningful fulfillment of duty. And the goals of labor practice were quite reasonable: environmental and labor education of students, instilling interest in socially useful activities, fostering civic position and responsibility ... But labor practice as one of the ways to implement the principle of learning with life remained in the past.
Obviously, the school has changed a lot over the past two decades. However, the fundamental principles: links between theory and practice, learning with life, implemented through practice-oriented learning, an activity-based approach, remain relevant and are put forward as priorities in the implementation of the task of improving the quality of education in a modern school. And if we consider that one of the most important criteria for the quality of education is the ability to apply acquired knowledge to solve practical problems, it may make sense to diversify and improve practice-oriented learning based on rethinking old traditions and filling them with new content.
We are not talking about a return to the work practice of the times of the Soviet school. It should be a different practice - educational, with its content in the development and application of knowledge and methods of activity. Such practice should be professionally oriented, serve to achieve the necessary experience in the profiled direction and help the student to minimize the risk of error in choosing the scope of their abilities.
In our opinion, the other side of the rethinking of tradition is that such a practice should be organized outside the walls of the school. So that the school is not “an island isolated from the whole world and from the bubbling immediate life, to which our children are transported every day cheerful and cheerful, and from where they return tired and sluggish” (G. Kerschensteiner), it is necessary to overcome the isolation of the school environment and give the opportunity for schoolchildren a deeper penetration into the experience of practical activity.
As the experience of organizing internships for students of specialized classes of school No. 2098 has shown, universities and enterprises are willing to cooperate with the school, since their interest in motivated graduates armed with pre-professional skills and qualified specialists has increased. Educational practice for schoolchildren became possible thanks to the interested approach of our social partners, who have the resources necessary to carry out educational activities provided for by jointly developed educational programs of practice: Russian the University of Economics named after Plekhanov, Moscow Polytechnic University, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation, Central Scientific Research Automotive and Automotive Institute "NAMI", Center for Multimedia Journalism at Moscow State Pedagogical University, Center for Design Creativity START-PRO of the Institute of Continuing Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University.
With such approaches educational practice simply cannot be formal. It will really allow to achieve the translation of students into reality, in which they will gain experience in applying the knowledge, techniques learned in the learning process, in specific conditions. Children will receive significant social experience in the process of communication and joint activities of students with representatives of different professions, university professors, students, the possibility of active cognitive activity, mastering pre-professional skills, which will facilitate the process of adaptation to practice-oriented learning conditions in vocational education institutions.
We will not hide the fact that the first practice at first caused excitement and tension among the schoolchildren. Strangers, an unusual environment, new formats of classes, in which it was necessary to show the ability to perform non-standard practical tasks, create a product of activity, while showing the skills of generating ideas, setting goals, planning, showing initiative and creativity. Over time, the attitude began to change: interesting, curious, professional, meaningful.
Could this learning practice help to improve the quality of education? The answer is obvious, provided that the content of the practice will be useful and interesting from the point of view of prospects for future education and life.

Deputy Director of the School No. 2098 named after Hero Soviet Union L.M.Dovatora, candidate of pedagogical sciences,
teacher of history and social studies at school No. 2098 named after Hero of the Soviet Union L.M. Dovator, candidate of pedagogical sciences

Every year, our school organizes summer work practice for students in grades 5-8.10, except for students who are released from work for health reasons.

Summer labor practice is organized on a voluntary basis with the consent of students in grades 5-8.10 and their parents (legal representatives).

The objectives of the summer work practice:

  • provision in the period summer holidays organized labor participation in the school area, landscaping and landscaping of the school, nature conservation;
  • promoting the physical development of students, strengthening their health;
  • the formation of a conscious need for work;
  • respect for working people;
  • caring and respectful attitude to the public domain and native nature;
  • education of labor and production discipline;
  • the formation of interest in professions; practical consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities obtained in the course of training in the lessons of biology, technology, ecology, geography.
  • labor education of students, taking into account their age, gender and health status;
  • instilling interest in socially useful activities;
  • organization active rest children,
  • enhancing the activities of students on the improvement of the territory of the school, city.

The duration of the summer internship is:

In grades 5-6 - 5 days; no more than 2 hours a day;

In grades 7-8 - 5 days; no more than 3 hours a day;

In 10 classes - 5 days; no more than 3 hours a day.

Summer practice forms

Summer practice activities include attracting students to various jobs for their school: to work on the school site (caring for flowers, green spaces, digging up the ground), landscaping the school grounds, repairing school furniture

Types and nature of work performed:

  • On the school site: digging up the ground, watering, weeding, pruning trees, shrubs, forming flower beds.
  • Renovation works: furniture renovation, school building improvement;
  • Improvement of the school grounds;
  • Decoration works: library, assembly hall, recreation.

Project 2017

AUTHOR OF THE PROJECT Zinovieva Elena Viktorovna


The project "Our home is our yard"

Nomination "Green Region". Improvement of adjoining territories.

My yard is my world, every corner is in it,

Familiar in detail and walked, and studied,

And one has only to step out of the threshold

I understand how he is not boring to me.

My world is my clean and green yard,

You are, of course, both dear and familiar to me

I love you, family happy island,

I like you forever and most of all.

Description of the project:

Any courtyard is a small planet where amazing things can happen. This is a world that holds dreams, secrets and memories. Love for one's court begins a great love for the Motherland. A child growing up in a beautiful landscaped area will get used to beauty from childhood, and when he becomes an adult, he will strive to improve his environment. To make any adjacent territory beautiful on your own, you can, you just need to really want it, work a little and everything will work out.

Stage of the project:

The project is underway

Objectives of the project:

Formation of the ecological culture of students.

Education of hard work and love for the native land.
- Creation of a health-preserving, aesthetic environment.

Project objectives:

Development of landscaping and landscaping of the school and village territory.
- Development of initiative and creativity of students.
Drawing up a project to improve the territory requires a certain theoretical and practical training. This is a set of activities carried out in stages.

Achieved results:

In the process of work on the improvement of the school territory, the students were able to see the results of their work, understood the need to preserve and protect the surrounding nature and came out with a proposal to continue work on cleaning and landscaping the village, to take part in environmental actions of the city and district: "Plant a tree", "Clean yard ". Creation of a work unit on the basis of the school to carry out the planned work during the holidays.

Social significance of the project:

Through the work and initiative of children, to attract the adult population of the village to the arrangement of adjoining territories and playgrounds.

Activities carried out within the framework of the project:

Annual environmental subbotniks to clean up the school and the adjacent territory (Annex 1)

Carrying out and active participation in the ecological action "Clean Spring" (on the territory of the village of Loza).

Participation in the regional action: “Our forest. Plant your tree " (Appendix 2)

Conducting environmental quizzes, exhibitions of drawings and handicrafts from natural materials "Autumn Opening Day"

Improvement and cleaning of territories near the monuments to the fallen soldiers during the Second World War in the village of Loza and adjacent villages (Appendix 3)

Preparation of planting material, digging up flower beds, planting flowers.

Pruning, whitewashing trees and shrubs.

Improvement of playgrounds: painting sports facilities and benches, cleaning the territory (appendix 4)

Project coverage:

Students, teachers and employees of MBOU "Secondary School No. 25"

Resources expended:

Volunteer (voluntary, gratuitous) assistance of the project participants.

"If a child put a particle of his soul into work for people and found personal joy in this work, he will no longer be able to become an evil, unkind person."

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Annex 1

Throughout the entire existence of our school, our students go to clean-ups and actions to clean the school site and the surrounding area.

We are very proud that we live in such a cozy and green village and do everything to keep it clean and tidy.

Appendix 2

  • Sergiev Posad region has been running the "Plant a tree" campaign for 10 years. Students of our school annually take part in this action with pleasure.

Appendix 3

In our village there is a monument to the fallen soldiers during the Great Patriotic War... Our guys are cleaning and beautifying the area around the monument.

Appendix 4

For two years, a labor group of students aged 14-18 has been organized at the school. Children in their free time from school, that is, during vacation time, are engaged in the improvement and cleaning of the village and the school.



1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation",The Law of the Russian Federation "On Basic Guarantees of Children's Rights", the Charter of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Zalesskaya School" (hereinafter -school ).

1.1. Summer practice for students of 5-8, 10th grades is organized withthe purpose of creating conditions for organized labor, recreation, employment of schoolchildren in summer period and prevention of delinquency and crime among children and adolescents.

1.2. Students are involved in summer labor practice with the consent of their parents, legal representatives (Appendix No. 1).

1.3. Responsibility for organizing and conducting summer practice rests with the deputy directors for educational work, class teachers, and organizing teachers.

1.4. This provision is a local actinstitutions and determines the main goals and objectives, the procedure for passing summer labor practice inschool.

2. The main tasks of the summer practice

2.1. The main tasks during the practice are:

    education of love and respect for nature and the surrounding world;

    the formation of a conscious need for work;

    to ensure during the summer holidays organized labor participation in the school area, landscaping and landscaping of the school, nature protection;

    practical consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the learning process at the lessons of biology, technology, ecology, geography.

3. Content and organization of work during summer practice

3.1. The main areas of activity of students of secondary andsenior classes in practice are:

    work on the school site;

    preparing the school for the new school year;

    landscaping work.

3.2. Summer practice is carried out onplanned schedule,approved by the school director, is promptly communicated to students, their parents, subject teachers,class teachers involved in summer practice.

3.3. The duration of the working day should not exceed 4 hours. The total duration of work of students during the summer holidays should not exceed 1 week for students in grades V - VI and 2 weeks for studentsVii, VIII, X classes. In order to attract more schoolchildren to work, it is possible to hold summer practical work in 2-3 streams.

3.4. The schedule of summer work practice is promptly communicated to students, their parents, subject teachers, class teachers involved in summer work practice. The scope of work practice is:

    students of 5th grade - 5 days, 2.5 hours a day from 10-15 minutes. breaks every hour;

    6th grade students - 5 days, 3 hours a day from 10-15 minutes. breaks every hour;

    students of grades 7-8, 10 - 10 days for 4 hours a day from 10-15 minutes. breaks every hour.

3.5. Only healthy students are fully involved in summer practical work. Students with deviations in health are allowed to work to the extent according to the doctor's opinion. It is forbidden to involve in socially useful work students who have a significant deviation in health.

3.6. Changing the terms of summer practice, its transfer for those leavingon vouchers to places of rest, temporarily disabled, on personal applicationniyamparentsallowedwith the permission of the director.

3.7. Employment of students in community service or other types of work outside of school does not exempt students from summer work practice. Students passing summer work practice on the basis of other educational institutions, including on the basis of additional educational institutions, sports institutions, etc., cannot be counted as working off of school summer practice.

3.8. Students who have not completed summer labor practice (from June 1 to August 31) can be admitted to it during the academic year during their free time on a voluntary basis.

3.9. Those responsible for the summer work practice are appointed by the order of the school director.

3.10. The results of the summer work practice of students are summed up in the first decade of September at a meeting with the director.

4. Labor protection.

4.1. Director, deputy directors, teachersand their substitutes organize summer labor practice instrict compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety equipmentsafety, sanitation, agree on types of work, working conditions, carry a personalresponsibility for safety.

4.2. Students are allowed to participate in summer labor practice after a preliminaryprofessional medical clearance, training in safe working practices,conducting briefing with them with registration in the journal of the establishedforms.

4.3. It is forbidden to attract schoolchildren to work that is contraindicated in their cartI grow up, at night, in Holidaysnight days associated with the use of pesticides, as well as with the rise andthe movement of weights in excess of the norms established for adolescents.

4.4. Monitoring the provision of healthy and safe conditions for the passage of yearsher labor practice is carried out by the administration.

5. Leadership of summer practical work.

5.1. The management of the summer practical work of students is carried out by the school administration.

5.2. The director of the school, the teacher, acting teacher, responsible for the summer practice, the head of the household is responsible for the organization of summer practical work of students of the school.

The school director is responsible for:

    responsibility for compliance labor legislation;

    determination of the content of students' labor;

    selection and placement of cadres of leaders of summer practical work of students;

    organization of the necessary material base;

    rendering assistance to student government and (or) parent committee in the field of management of summer practical work of students;

    creation of safe and healthy working conditions, and, if necessary, the life of students;

    establishing the necessary ties with enterprises, institutions, organizations, the public.

The teacher responsible for the summer work practice is responsible for:

    planning summer practical work for students, organizing a discussion of the plan at a meeting with the school director;

    management of the formation of labor collectives of students, their preparation for participation in summer practical work;

    ensuring a clear organization and labor protection of students, educational work with students during summer practical work.

    responsibility for the quality and volume of work performed.

The head of the farm is responsible for:

    planning together with the person responsible for organizing the summer labor practice of practical work of students;

    ensuring a clear organization of the work of students;

    provision, inventory;

    creation of safe and healthy working conditions.

5.3. Class teachers, subject teachers, in close contact with the student government and (or) the parent committee, participate in preparing for summer practical work - in planning them, forming labor collectives, and teaching students.

5.4. The direct management of summer practical work is carried out by the head of the student labor collective. He is appointed by order of the school director from among the teachers. The leader organizes the work of students, conducts educational work, bears personal responsibility for the state of affairs in the work collective. In the organization of production and educational work, he is assisted by the teachers allocated for this, school workers.

5.5. The leaders of labor brigades maintain documentation:

Safety journal;

Attendance log;

Work log.

6. Responsibility of participants for the passage of summer practical work

6.1. Students are obliged to observe safety precautions when carrying out work, to strictly comply with all the requirements of the head of summer work, other school employees. Passage of summer practical work is compulsory for all students, except for the cases specified in clause 3.5.

6.2. Class teachers are responsible for accounting and control over the passage of students in summer practical work.

6.3. The head of the labor collective is personally responsible for the quality of the volume of work performed, for the state of affairs in the labor collective.


Director of MBOU



(Name of the parent (legal representative)


The student and his parent (legal representative) to attract the student

to summer work practice at school

In order to foster love and respect for nature and the world around us, the formation of a conscious need for work, the practical consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities obtained in the process of learning in biology, technology, geography lessons, we agree to the MBOU "Zalesskaya school" to attract our child _____________________________________________________

Student _____ class MBOU "Zalesskaya school" to participate during the summer holidays in socially useful work: work on the school site, preparing the school for the new school year, work on the improvement of the school grounds.

MBOU "Zalesskaya school" undertakes to ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with the requirements sanitary standards, occupational health and safety standards, under the supervision of responsible persons, in accordance with the "Regulations on summer labor practice in MBOU" Zalesskaya school ".

This consent comes into force from the date of its signing and is valid during the period of summer work practice at MBOU "Zalesskaya school".

This Consent can be withdrawn at any time upon written application.

_______________________ ___________________________________

(date) Signature of the parent (legal representative)

School years are wonderful ... Each person remembers his school time and carefully carries these memories through his life. First friends, first love, first independent decisions - all this is given to you by the school. But, despite all the wonderful words said above, schoolchildren have many problems in school. One of the problems is the compulsion to compulsory school practice. Is it legal?

Summer labor practice- this is one of the best and most useful school traditions, this is a living creative work in which they manifest themselves best qualities personalities, organizational and management skills, guys with leadership abilities are identified. Suffice it to say that during the election of school activists, children in the classroom and at school often take into account, among other things, how a particular candidate has proven himself during summer work practice.

Most of the kids call the school their second home. They treat it like a home - they try to protect and preserve it. Summer practice begins with raids around the school. As a result, it becomes clear which premises of the school need repairs, painting, what school furniture needs to be repaired, what work needs to be done on the school grounds.

At the second stage, labor teams are determined that will be engaged in a certain type of work: putty, painting, replacement of dropped tiles, restoration of walls, repair of furniture. When distributing assignments, we try to take into account not only the skills of the guys, but also the state of health.

Someone who cannot carry out repair work helps to put in order the book fund in the school library, washes and cleans classrooms and other school premises, tidies up the school locker room, cafeteria, etc. At the same time, a schedule is drawn up for the employment of school teachers in practice.

Each class teacher and subject teacher works with the children in their area of ​​work. This often helps to learn a lot about each other and make mutual unexpected and pleasant discoveries. The guys enthusiastically and creatively work in the assigned areas of work, trying to complete it not only efficiently and on time, but also beautifully. But the most valuable thing is that, having coped with their work earlier, the guys do not sit on the sidelines, but themselves come to the aid of those who need it.

This is how personal and collective responsibility for the results of one's work, a genuine sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance in the name of a common cause, is manifested. Many times we observed that not very active guys, who did not find themselves in a classroom, literally transformed during practice. For the most part, children appreciate the trust placed in them by adults and strive to justify it with dignity. Especially those who rarely receive praise in other activities. And the children who have recently come to school, the practice helps to get to know each other even better, make friends and strengthen the class team.

The end of the practice is a holiday for everyone: the school is changing, the children and teachers are happy with the results of their work and the onset of the long-awaited and well-deserved vacation.

But there is one problem when there is no desire to help the native school, or, for example, the opportunity.

Personally, when I was in school, we FORCE practice practice, and if you have good reasons to avoid it (parents, departure, health condition), then you must have brought some kind of "ransom", such as a can of paint or packaging of paper for a printer. In my mind, this approach to practice has always aroused doubts about whether the school has the right to forced labor.
After reading the school charter (and they are all written according to the same template), I did not find anywhere a word about MANDATORY working off.

Everything that I met was formulated in the form of "involvement in work", ie. in fact, work at will. Here is an example: “Students are involved in various jobs for their school; to work at the school site, the manufacture and repair of office equipment, furniture, workshops, the improvement of the school territory, etc. " But even with such "attraction", your work should not exceed a week's deadlines. “The duration of the working day should not exceed 3 hours. The total duration of work of students during the summer holidays should not exceed 1 week. " Although, as everyone knows, all laws can be circumvented, and there are millions of ways to do this. In general, all the rules for working off should be described in the "REGULATIONS on summer labor practice of students". And if something confuses you, then you can ask for this position. Surely you will find the answer to your question there, and I am 90 percent sure that there will not be a single word NECESSARILY. But there is also another side. Suppose you have proved that you are not obliged to work out and do not burn with desire, then a situation may occur that you will be subsequently "oppressed" for expressing your own opinion and desire. Unfortunately in our society this is quite expected, and you will never be able to prove it. Because the teacher will always find something to reproach you for. Do not forget about this.

Advice from the site site for girls and boys: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS! Because child labor, especially forced labor, is prohibited in Russia.

The work of pupils at school outside school hours is not the sphere of legal regulation of labor legislation, since the school administration is not an employer, and pupils are not employees. But the question is timely. If in The Charter Since the school provides that the issues of labor training and education of students outside school hours are regulated by a local act, for example, the Regulation on labor training and education in an educational institution, then it is quite possible to talk about the legality of the work of students to repair and improve the school and school grounds. This Regulation should contain an indication of the total number of hours students receive labor skills in the framework of labor education and upbringing outside of school hours, the number of hours per day, responsible teachers during the period of labor training and upbringing, life safety measures should be provided and health of students. In order to avoid disputes, this Regulation must be approved by the school council, the pedagogical council, the school-wide parent committee, at meetings of other collegial bodies that are formed and operate in the educational institution.

Here is an example of a Position:
Regulations on the passage of school students summer school labor practice
1. General Provisions.
1.1. Students of grades 5-10 undergo summer school work practice. Students from grades 5 to 8 practice practice on the school site 5 days a week. Working hours for students: 10-11 years old 2 hours, 12-13 years old 3 hours, 14-15 years old 4 hours, 16-17 years old 6 hours.
1.2. The purpose of the summer work practice is to enhance the activities of students to improve the school and school grounds.
1.3. The general management of school labor practice is carried out by the deputy director for extracurricular educational work on the orders of the school director.
2. Content and forms of activity.
2.1. In the application log, teachers and school staff record orders for the execution of various work for students undergoing internship.
2.2. School work practice activities include:
- work on the school site (caring for flowers and green spaces, digging up the ground, whitewashing trees and shrubs, cleaning the school site from debris, working in a greenhouse).
- Washing windows, chairs, desks, floors, walls.
- Repair of school furniture.
- Cleaning the school grounds from garbage.
- Rendering assistance to the school librarian (repair of books).
- Renovation of the class, etc.
3. Management of labor practice.
3.1. By order of the school director, the deputy director for extracurricular and educational work is appointed responsible for organizing and conducting work practice.
3.2. The deputy director determines the educators of labor units, who are entrusted with the control and responsibility for the passage of the summer labor practice by the students of the school.
4. The rights and obligations of those responsible and educators for organizing and conducting the practice.
4.1. Before starting work, educators should give students a safety and fire safety briefing.
4.2. Record students present (absent) daily.
4.3. The volume of work performed should be recorded daily in the labor practice journal.
4.4. At the end of the internship period, represent the students at "* gratitude to them for a job well done or for censure.
4.5. Responsibility for the life and safety of children during the internship is borne by the educator, assigned by the order of the school director to the labor detachment.
5. The rights and obligations of students during internship.
5.1. Before starting work (after passing the briefing), students sign in a safety journal.
5.2. In accordance with the orders and requirements of the educator - the labor detachment, students must accurately and on time carry out the work assigned to them.
5.3. Students who leave school after grade 9 do not complete their school practice.
5.4. Students may be exempted from internship on the basis of a parent's application (for a good reason) and the permission of the school principal.
5.5. Students who have not completed school practice without a good reason are involved in work in August, as well as during the school year.

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