Saratov Socio-Economic State University. Economic universities of Saratov. Saratov State Socio-Economic University Reu named after Plekhanov Saratov Branch Restoration

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Economics and Management

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Admissions Committee of the Russian University of Economics G.V. Plekhanov in Saratov

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Sat. from 09:00 to 14:00

Latest reviews of PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov in Saratov

Mikhail Goncharenko 16:24 05/30/2013

I received my first higher education at SSEU, graduating two years ago. I studied on a paid basis, since there was not enough free budget places. So I warn applicants in advance - even if you have good scores, don’t count on the budget too much. The price of education is acceptable, according to a specially concluded agreement, the university did not have the right to raise the cost during the year.

The educational process, contrary to expectations, was fraught with difficulties only in the second year, when there were exams in non-profile...

Irina Kolesova 11:53 04/27/2013

Saratov State Socio-Economic University, SSEU. Entering the university was not difficult, the course for a place was only 3 people. SGSEU is one of the promising educational institutions in the city. There were 18 people in my group. I was very pleased that the university has a circle of KVN-shchikov, the guys are all cheerful and provocative, they represented the institution at regional competitions. There are also sections of volleyball and basketball, as I would say: entertainment for every taste)) You ask: is it possible to...

general information

Saratov Socio-Economic Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher education“Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov"


No. 01789 is valid Indefinitely from 11/30/2015


No. 01615 valid from 30.12.2015

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for PRUE G.V. Plekhanov in Saratov

Index2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)5 5 7 6 5 3
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education63.32 63.03 62.95 62.45 59.88 64.19
Average USE score credited to the budget77.74 75.23 75.76 75.77 76.09 80.15
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis60.61 59.85 59.65 58.42 54.35 60.48
Average for all specialties minimum score USE enrolled in the full-time department46.26 43.88 45.64 44.52 38.83 37.51
Number of students4485 5181 5743 6988 7943 5420
full-time department2584 3135 3527 3610 4642 4303
Part-time department26 80 106 130 73 53
Extramural1875 1966 2110 3248 3228 1064
All data
Faculty of Economics and Management
- Management (full-time, part-time)
- Marketing (daily, full time)
- State municipal administration (full-time, part-time)
- Anti-crisis management (daily)
- World economy (daily)
Faculty of Finance and Credit
- Finance and credit (full-time, part-time)
- Information systems in banking (daily)
Faculty of Accounting and Economics
- Accounting and auditing (full-time, part-time)
- Statistics (daily)
- World economy (daily)
Faculty of socio-economic
- Sociology (daily)
- Economic theory(days)
- National economy (daily)
- Management (daily)
- Management in the social sphere (days)
Faculty of economics of agro-industrial production and environmental management
- Economics of nature management (days)
- Economics and management of agricultural production (days)
- Economics and management at the enterprise (in the food industry) (full-time, part-time)

history of Russia (oral);
mathematics (in writing);
Russian language (dictation).
For the specialty "World Economy" - an additional foreign language (oral).

History of University
(how it was)

Saratov State Socio-Economic University is currently a well-known economic university in the country. In his development, he did not go a long, but rather peculiar way.

In the winter of 1917-1918. among the scientific and cooperative community of Saratov, the issue of organizing an economic university in the city was discussed. The need for its creation was determined by the need for personnel. Economists of the highest qualification, first of all, for the south-east of the European part of Russia, in which Saratov acted as a kind of capital. It was at that time the first largest flour-grinding center in Russia, a major supplier of grain and flour to both the domestic and foreign markets. A significant role in the economy of the Lower Volga region was played by the oil-pressing, textile, leather and metal industries. The need for qualified personnel was also experienced by the rapidly growing cooperation.

There was also the possibility of creating such a university in Saratov, since by that time there were already three universities in the city - a university, a conservatory, higher agricultural courses, as well as a specialized secondary school - a commercial school, relying on which it was possible at first to satisfy the need for teaching staff.

Considering all this, in 1916 the Saratov Institute of Economics was opened, in which classes began in September. The peculiarity of the newly opened university was that it was not a state, but a cooperative university. Its founders were 3 territorial cooperative unions.

Initially, the institute included 2 departments: socio-economic and cooperative, which were supposed to have specializations in training specialists for state economic, financial, banking, insurance, statistical institutions and organizations and specialists in consumer, agricultural, credit and industrial cooperation.

Relatively few young people entered the institute, and people who already had a certain life experience, those who had been demobilized from the army, and so on, predominated. Four-fifths were men.

In 1920 the institute was transformed into state institute National economy, in which the training of economists began to be carried out mainly for the state economy and public administration, in accordance with this, as a result of various reorganizations, two faculties were formed: organizations industrial enterprises and regulation of the national economy.

He headed the institute in 1918-22. Professor L.N. Yurovsky, who, as a major specialist in money and credit, was invited in 1922 to work in the People's Commissariat of Finance of the country, where he was the head of the currency department and was in charge of the organizational and practical side of the monetary reform of 1922-1924.

Professor V.V. Golubev, Professor S.V. Yushkov, Professor P.G. Lyubomirov and others enjoyed great popularity for their brilliant lectures, and in general, at that time, professors accounted for about 2/5 of the entire teaching staff.

In 1923, fulfilling the decisions taken by the board of the People's Commissariat of Education concerning the organization of higher education, and in particular "On the Elimination of Parallelism in high school". The Saratov Institute of National Economy was transferred to the university, joined the Faculty of Economics and Law and was part of it until 1931.

In 1928-1931. A broad reform of higher education was carried out in the country, which affected both Saratov universities and, above all, the university. On the basis of its disbanded faculties, a number of independent institutes were created. It was then that by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated August 13, 1931, the Saratov Financial and Economic Institute was organized with the aim of training budget planners, economists for crediting trade turnover, Agriculture, economists on public credit and savings. In 1938, the institute was renamed into a credit and economic institute with the aim of training specialists in monetary circulation with the task of training specialists for local planning bodies.

A great contribution to the development of economic science and the training of economists at that time was made by prominent scientists and teachers: professors Pozdnyakov A.Ya., Topidin P.K., Grigoriev P.R., Kozelevsky A.I., Maksimov P.D., Ramzaev D.N., Pitaevsky P.I., Parfanyak P.A. and etc.

The peaceful development of institutions, as well as the whole country, was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War. Part of the students and teachers went to the front, educational buildings and hostels were given for defense needs. Students and teachers were involved in agricultural work, wood harvesting, and the construction of defensive structures. However, the training of specialists was carried out in these conditions.

The year 1946 became a new page in the history of our institute. By order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 10992-r dated September 11, 1946, the Saratov Economic Institute was founded on the basis of the credit-economic and planning institutions. Since there was a simple merger of two universities and even they had a common room, the year of birth of the Saratov Institute of Economics is considered to be 1931, i.e. the year when financial, economic and planning institutions were created.

For all the years of its existence, the institute has sensitively responded to the demands of the country's national economy.

For the training of highly qualified specialists, a postgraduate school was created. Currently, there is a specialized council for the defense of doctoral dissertations.

In order to provide assistance in obtaining higher education to persons with life experience, skills in managing economic services, but who interrupted their studies in connection with the Patriotic War, external training was organized at the institute from 1948 to 1953. Then, in 1954-57, evening departments were organized at three faculties, on the basis of which the evening department was created in 1978.

In 1955, a correspondence faculty was organized with the training of students in all specialties and specializations available at the hospital.

In order to assist working, peasant youth and demobilized from the army in obtaining higher education at the institute, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR, a preparatory department was created in 1970.

The development of irrigated agriculture and irrigation and drainage construction in the regions of the Volga region, brought to life the need to train economists of the relevant profile. In this regard, on the basis of an agreement on long-term cooperation between the Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR and the Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the USSR, since 1978, specialists have been trained in the specialties "Planning and economics of water management", "Accounting in construction".

With the creation of a system of tax inspections in the country, the institute began training specialists in taxation.

Policy change foreign economic activity in the country and access to foreign economic relations of enterprises, a need arose for economists in the foreign economic activity of the enterprise, and therefore, since 1963, the training of these specialists began.

Country transition to market economy brought to life the need for management economists. Under these conditions, the institute began training managers.

In 1982, the Institute was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for merits in the training of qualified specialists and the development of scientific research.

In 1992, an economic lyceum was organized on the basis of the institute.

In 1994, by order of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated June 30, 1994. No. 633 The Saratov Institute of Economics was renamed into the Saratov State Economic Academy.

In 1996, the College of Economics was organized on the basis of the Academy.

Since 1998, the university has been training graduates with the additional qualification "Translator in the field of professional communication".

In 1999, by order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation dated 13.01.99. № 45 The Saratov State Academy of Economics was renamed into the Saratov State Socio-Economic University.

In September 1999, the university was accepted as a member of the European University Group "Compostela" (Spain, University of Santiago de Compostela), which should ensure recognition of the diploma issued by the university by the countries of this international community. More than 5 thousand students study at the university.

In the structure of the university - Astrakhan branch, Economic Institute of Management and Agro-Industrial Business, Institute distance education, College of Economics, 5 faculties of full-time education, correspondence faculty, 24 departments (of which 17 are graduates). Education of students is carried out by highly qualified teaching staff. The university has 43 doctors of sciences, professors; 150 candidates of sciences, associate professors. The university library has about 500 thousand copies of educational, scientific and fiction literature, incl. 2 thousand copies of original foreign literature.

Computer classes of the university have access to the global network INTERNET.

The social, cultural and mass life of the university is rich and varied. Many students are engaged in scientific circles, special seminars, in amateur art groups, sports sections, and relax in the Economist sports and recreation camp on the banks of the river. Volga. University teams "KVN" and "Brain-ring" annually win prizes at regional and all-Russian competitions. Nonresident students are provided with a hostel for the period of study.

The university has a license for the right to conduct educational activities and a certificate of state accreditation.

Saratov State Socio-Economic University- Russian higher education institution.

The story begins with the Saratov Financial and Planning Institutes, founded in 1931.

After 15 years, they were merged into an economic institute, and in 1994 the institute was renamed into an economic academy. In 1947-1949, the head of the local military department was Major General Yakov Tonkonogov. In January 1999, the university received the status of a university.

In 2012, SSEU joined the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov. In the near future, SSEU will become the Saratov Social and Economic Institute of the PRUE. Plekhanov.

In 2013, SSEU came into the focus of public attention due to the fact that two dissertation councils working under it were among the ten most “productive” (giving the most defended dissertations) in Russia. In this regard, the journalists undertook a check of the works protected in these councils and publications in the SSEU Bulletin through the Anti-plagiarism program and published their conclusions about the signs of plagiarism found. . At the same time, it is premature to draw such categorical conclusions, and in response to this and a number of similar publications on other universities, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia posted on its website on April 10, 2013 an information message on the procedures for defending and verifying the texts of dissertations, which, in particular, states : ... The creation of a system for checking the use of borrowed material without reference to the author and (or) the source of borrowing belongs to the powers of the educational (scientific) organization on the basis of which the dissertation council operates, and is carried out on its own initiative. The system for identifying illegal borrowings (the so-called "Anti-plagiarism" program) has nothing to do with either the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia or the Higher Attestation Commission: it was developed on its own initiative; did not pass any attestation or accreditation at the Ministry or the Higher Attestation Commission. The use of such programs is carried out by citizens or organizations independently. It is impossible and illegal to draw conclusions about the quality of scientific research only on the basis of the results of computer verification. Recognition of the "fact of plagiarism" can only be done in court."

For the sake of completeness, it should be noted that the author of the material. literally a few hours later, under the pressure of irrefutable facts, he was forced to withdraw part of the text and publish a refutation.

Country city:

Russia, Saratov

Organizational form:



Year of foundation:

    Completion document:

    State Diploma

    Previous titles:

    Form of study:

    full-time, part-time, part-time

    Skill level:

    bachelor, postgraduate, doctoral, master


    AAA series, No. 001916, registration No. 1536, dated 06/05/2011, indefinitely


    Series BB, No. 001219, Registration No. 1207, from 07.10.2011 to 26.04.2015

    Budget financing ( free education):

    Preparatory education:

    Medical examination:

    Sport sections:

    KVN team:


    fill the form

    Admission conditions

    When submitting an application (in Russian) for admission to educational organizations, the applicant presents the following documents:


    • original or photocopy of documents proving his identity, citizenship;
    • original or photocopy of a state document on education;
    • 4 photos.

    Foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots living abroad:
    a copy of the identity document of the applicant, or an identity document foreign citizen in Russian Federation, in accordance with article 10 federal law dated July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ "On legal status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation";

    • the original of a state standard document on education (or its duly certified copy) or the original of a foreign state document on the level of education and (or) qualification recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of a state standard document on education (or its duly certified copy), as well as in the case provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a copy of the certificate of recognition of this document;
    • duly certified translation into Russian of a document of a foreign state on the level of education and (or) qualifications and annexes to it (if the latter is provided for by the legislation of the state in which such a document on education was issued);
    • copies of documents or other evidence confirming that a compatriot living abroad belongs to the groups provided for by Article 17 of the Federal Law of May 24, 1999 N 99-FZ "On the state policy of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad"
    • 4 photos.

    All translations into Russian must be made in the name and surname indicated in the identity document of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation.

    Saratov State Socio-Economic University The information is taken from open sources. If you want to become a page moderator fill the form

    Faculties and specialty

    Faculty of Economics and Management

    • Department of Management
    • Department of Marketing and Advertising Management
    • Department of Labor Economics and Personnel Management
    • Department of Economics and Management at the Enterprise

    Faculty of Finance and Credit

    • Department of Banking
    • Department of Finance
    • Department of money and credit
    • Department of taxes and taxation

    Faculty of Accounting, Statistics and Informatics

    • Department of Economic Activity Analysis and Audit
    • Department of Accounting
    • Department of Statistics
    • Department of Life Safety
    • Department of Information Systems in Economics
    • Department of Applied Mathematics

    Faculty of Humanities

    • Department of Foreign Languages
    • Department of Philosophy and Political Science
    • Department of Economic and Political History of Russia
    • Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
    • Department of Economic Sociology, Advertising and Public Relations
    • Department of Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication
    • Department of Physical Education
    • Department of Documentation and Documentation Management

    Faculty of Economics and Service

    • Department of hotel and tourism business and service
    • Department of General Economic Theory
    • Department of Institutional Economics
    • Department of National Economics and Management
    • Department of World Economy and Management of Foreign Economic Activity

    Faculty of Law

    • Department of Private Law
    • Department of Public Law
    • Department of Justice and Procedural Law
    • Department of Law Enforcement Organization
    • Department of Theory and History of State and Law
    • Department of Customs

    Saratov State Socio-Economic University The information is taken from open sources. If you want to become a page moderator fill the form

    Stud Life

    sports and health
    Sport sections
    • mini football
    • basketball
    • darts
    • gymnastics
    • table tennis
    • weight-lifting
    • arm wrestling
    • swimming
    • volleyball
    • badminton
    • chess
    The medicine

    There is a medical center.


    Creative teams of the university:

    • Variety vocal studio
    • Folklore and ethnographic studio "Zabava"
    • Ensemble of folk music "Carols"
    • Vocal studio "Beautiful Voice"
    • Vocal and instrumental ensembles
    • Academic Choir of SSEU
    • The team of sports ballroom dance "Dance klass"
    • Jazz-Dance "Exercise"
    • Variety dance group "Elegance"
    • Modern dance group "Massive attack"
    • Creative workshop "Threads"
    • Theater Studio "Koleya"
    • Student Theater "Sturm"
    • student theater
    • Studio Hip-hop/L.A. Style "CherryLerry"
    • Variety-jazz vocal ensemble "Cherry"

    Additional postgraduate education today is the key to both the personal competitiveness of an employee in the labor market and the organization, since the qualifications of employees are directly related to the competitiveness of the company.

    Responding to the modern requirements of economic development, in the SEIS REU named after G.V. Plekhanov, programs of additional vocational education aimed at the formation of highly professional leaders, specialists and managers. All areas of additional education are combined into a separate university structure - Faculty of Continuing Professional Education (FDPO).

    Today FDPO SEIS - implements more than 100 educational programs for professional retraining and advanced training in various areas.

    Every year, more than two thousand specialists and managers of the Saratov region become graduates of the business education system, noting the practical significance and applicability of the acquired knowledge for the effective management of the company and its structural divisions, optimizing the activities of functional services and ensuring the company's competitiveness in the context of the increasing integration of the region's economic system into the emerging complete world system.

    FDPO expands the range of its programs and services every academic year. The institute received a big qualitative leap in its development due to the opening of international programs such as MBA (Master of Business Administration) and RIMA (joint Russian-Dutch training program for professional marketers). This became possible not only due to the high level of faculty involved in teaching for additional professional education programs, but also to the long-term partnerships that SEIS has established with leading business schools in Russia, Europe and the USA. Professional retraining programs "Master of Business Administration", "Banking" and "Financial Tax Management", as well as special courses "Project Management" and "Development of Human Resources" are accredited by the Institute of Commercial Management (UK), which gives those who wish the opportunity to obtain an international diploma .

    The FDPO had and still has the exclusive right to train specialists in the economic field. Modern requirements for the universality of a specialist are that in whatever area he works, he needs to have basic economic knowledge and skills.

    In our activity, the main thing is to respond flexibly to the needs of the client, whether it be a corporation wishing to change its strategy, or a specialist planning changes in his career. Therefore, we cannot but focus on the connection with the business world, entrepreneurial circles. This is what is considered today the main feature of the development of additional professional education. We pay great attention to the regular practice of introducing studying proccess development of applied projects at enterprises and organizations, the participation of entrepreneurs as teachers-practitioners, we invite well-known public and political figures to conduct events that contribute to the education of future managers of social responsibility.

    Serious attention is paid to the employment of graduates of the system of additional professional education. In recent years, SSEI has formed long-term relationships with the largest and well-known Saratov companies, such as Rubezh Group of Companies, Saratovorgsintez LLC, Robert Bosch Saratov OJSC, Saratovstroysteklo OJSC, Savings Bank of the Russian Federation OJSC, EPO Signal ”, OJSC “Neftemash” Sapkon, and many others, whom we help not only to improve the qualifications of the staff, but also to replenish it with the help of graduates of our programs.

    Many years of experience, high professionalism of the "golden fund" of teachers, trainers and consultants, indispensable compliance with the high standards of international education and attention to every detail, are a guarantee of the effectiveness of FDPO programs.

    Heads of ministries and departments of the region, heads of leading departments of the largest enterprises in the city, owners of small and medium-sized businesses, entrepreneurs, top and middle managers come here to study.

Among the popular specialties, high positions are occupied by those related to economics, finance, and management. AT modern world they are offered by a huge number of universities. However, it is important to choose the right not only your future specialty, but also an educational institution. In Saratov, among all the functioning educational organizations, it is worth highlighting the Saratov Social and Economic State University, which now works in the status of an institute and is a structural subdivision of a large Russian university.

Creation of the university and its formation

The current Socio-Economic Institute in Saratov is a university with a rich history. The first event in it was the founding day of the educational institution. This happened at the end of the summer of 1931 in connection with the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. 7 years after its foundation, it was renamed. From that moment on, the institution began to be called credit and economic.

In 1946, another important event took place in the history of the educational organization. An economic institute appeared - SEI (Saratov). It turned out to be the result of the merger of two universities: credit and economics and planning. Further, for a long period of time, the name of the educational institution did not change. Only the organizational structure and teaching staff were improved, new areas of training appeared.

New period in history

In 1994, the university was renamed into the Academy of Economics, and in 1999 - into Then the educational institution expanded. He was joined by a local technical school. This event took place in 2007, and after 4 years the university was reorganized, joining it with the Russian State University of Economics. Plekhanov.

Currently, the Saratov Socio-Economic State University is called an institute, as it has become a structural subdivision of a larger university. The institution in Saratov is considered a multidisciplinary educational organization.

The Institute implements continuous education, offering applicants various programs:

  • secondary full education;
  • secondary vocational education;
  • higher education;
  • postgraduate and doctoral studies;
  • additional professional education.

Pre-university education

Every applicant dreams of becoming part of a large, friendly and professional team. With SSEI REU them. Plekhanov, this dream is easily realized, because the university pays attention to pre-university education. For those who have not yet decided on future profession, but became interested in a particular area, there are schools for young professionals in the educational institution (for example, the School of the Young Banker, the School of the Young Psychologist). Students in grades 9-11 are invited to these units. Classes are free of charge.

For those wishing to prepare for the Unified State Examination, the OGE and entrance examinations, a special center has been created at the institute. Students of grades 9-11, as well as graduates of colleges, are invited to study in it. You can choose from training in the Russian language, mathematics, social studies, history and a foreign language. Classes are conducted by highly qualified teaching staff.

Admission to the University

Saratov Socio-Economic State University (Institute) offers undergraduate courses such as "Economics", "Management", "Personnel Management", "Municipal and public administration”, “Business Informatics”, “Applied Informatics”, “Trade”, “Commodity Science”, and the specialty has “Translation Studies and Translation”, “Economic Security”, “Customs”.

For admission, schoolchildren pass the Unified State Examination, and graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions - entrance tests developed by the university independently. Practically all areas of training require results in mathematics, the Russian language and social science. The exception is "Applied Informatics", where ICT is taken instead of social science, and several directions in the specialty. For admission to the "Customs" it is required to pass social studies, Russian and an additional professional entrance test, and for "Translation Studies and Translation" - a foreign language, social studies and Russian.

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