The minimum exam scores in all subjects. Passing score. Requirements for students for university admission

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Don't be discouraged if your passing score isn't too high. A successfully passed EPGE / OGE will help to enter the budget (well, or even just to enroll). And a certain number of points will even help you to enter the budget!

Where is it realistic / unrealistic to enter the budget?

The average USE score of applicants for the budget will vary greatly due to the university they are applying to.

As a rule, the highest passing USE / OGE scores for admission to the budget are in the most prestigious universities in the country: St. Petersburg State University, MIPT, MGU, MGIMO, HSE, etc.

But applicants with a passing score of 80 may well apply for a place in almost any other university. True, the minimum USE score for admission to the budget in each specific case must be found out separately, because it may depend not only on the university itself, but also on the specialty you are applying for.

From 60 to 80 - these are the points needed to enter the budget in state educational institutions that are not top-notch, but nevertheless provide a very high level of education to their students.

Another point that is important to pay attention to when posing the question is it difficult to enter the budget - which city are you going to enter. Of course, the larger the city, the more competition. And this means that the requirements for the number (sum) of USE points for admission to the budget will be higher than for less popular cities.

Is it hard to enter the budget: requirements for different specialties

Choosing a university is not everything. To enter the budget, it is important to take into account not only the passing scores for a specific university, but also for a specific specialty.
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And now, so that you are guided and can accurately calculate what chances you have on the budget, let's look at the main directions and begin to soberly assess our own strengths so as not to waste time.

The "coolest" specialties: from 75 points

So, here are the specialties and directions, without gaining at least 75 points for which, you can consider that you did not enter (what to do - we will say later):

  • Foreign languages;
  • International relationships;
  • Oriental and African Studies;
  • Linguistics.

Usually, the average score in these areas can vary between 80-82 points.

Slightly less (75-80 points) will be needed for other equally popular areas:

  • Philology,
  • Jurisprudence,
  • Political science,
  • Economy,
  • Literary creativity,
  • Art theory,
  • Journalism,
  • Advertising and PR.

Directions of average "coolness": 70-75 points

What to do to enter the budget for specialties related to medicine, philosophy, nuclear physics or government services? You will have to score from 70 to 75 points.

Here is a list of destinations that require this number of points on average:

  • Healthcare,
  • Nuclear physics,
  • Municipal and state administration,
  • Information Security and Business Informatics,
  • Publishing,
  • History,
  • Design,
  • Culturology and Philosophy.

Standard directions: 65-70 points

If you are often tormented by thoughts "I'm afraid not to enter the budget!" - relax! There always remain specialties, which are easy to enroll in, and then it is not difficult to study. It's another matter that you can't build a special career afterwards, but this is already the tenth thing.

So, here are the most massive areas, for admission to which you will have to score 65-70 points:

  • Pedagogy,
  • Management and personnel management,
  • Tourism, service, hotel business (service sector in general),
  • Psychology,
  • Chemistry,
  • Biotechnology,
  • Sociology,
  • Religious studies,
  • Library and archival science.

Exact Sciences Availability: 60-65 points

What are the chances to go to the budget? Much more if you are a "techie" in your mindset, not a humanist

Construction, engineering, geology and other exact sciences (natural sciences and physical and mathematical) require a lot of intelligence, but, oddly enough, less passing score.

Here you can easily apply for a budget in one of the following areas:

  • Biology and Ecology,
  • Physics,
  • Maths,
  • Construction,
  • Geodesy, geology, geography,
  • Space technology and aviation,
  • Computer Science and Informatics,
  • Automation and control,
  • Energy,
  • Oil and gas business,
  • Radio and electrical engineering.

As easy as shelling pears: up to 60 points

If you did not manage to score more than 60 points, do not worry - the areas of technology, transport and Agriculture and the following directions:

  • railway transport,
  • water transport management,
  • light industry and technologies,
  • food industry and technologies,
  • Materials Science,
  • mechanical engineering,
  • soil science,
  • printing and packaging,
  • agriculture and fisheries.

Why get upset? In these areas, you (unlike many others) will be able to get real practical skills close to production. And despite the fact that such specialties do not shine with prestige, young specialists from such universities are always in demand and will always get a job, unlike newly minted philologists and art critics.

And the most NOT in demand among young people are the following specialties:

  • metallurgy,
  • forestry,
  • marine engineering.

To become a state employee of these specialties, 52-55 points are quite enough.

In any case, you will have to first find out the number of required passing points, so as not to waste time and go where you can enter, taking into account the points you have scored. This can be done by analyzing last year's situation. Usually, this information does not change much over a couple of years, so based on last year's receipts, you will get a very clear picture of what awaits you in this.

You can find out the number of passing points from previous years on the websites of the selected educational institutions. Usually there is a clause everywhere " Selection committee», Where the average statistical data are published.

However, even a low passing score does not prevent you from striving to gain more points. So try to prepare conscientiously. And so that nothing distracts you from preparation (with a tutor, from lessons, self-preparation), contact us - you will be freed from the need to complete an urgent test, write an essay or even take an exam at school!

And as a bonus - a short video with advice from an experienced person:

Schools are already in full swing preparing for the upcoming USE 2019, and future graduates and parents are worried about how all the subjects of the Unified State Exam are assessed, what minimum and passing scores are set this year, and what result in exams can be considered satisfactory or good ...

Information on how the assessment of exam papers is carried out, as well as up-to-date tables of transferring points for certain subjects will help you navigate difficult rules of the exam and optimally allocate time between tasks in the process of performing work.

Methods for evaluating the work of the exam 2019

The Ministry of Education and Science believes that the stage of active reform of the knowledge control system has been successfully completed, and in the near future they do not plan significant changes in the structure of KIMs and the norms for evaluating the work of the OGE and the Unified State Exam. As in the previous academic year, the 2019 exam papers will be checked in two ways:

  1. Test blocks, completing the tasks of which students fill out a special form, will be digitized and checked using a computer. This approach allows you to process forms really quickly, and also eliminates the human factor.
  2. Tasks with detailed answers will be checked by experts. Each work will be assessed according to uniform established criteria by two independent experts. In the event of a significant discrepancy between the points set, a third expert may be involved in the check, whose opinion will be decisive.

When evaluating work, they talk about different types of points, namely:

  • test points;
  • primary scores;
  • attestation points;
  • minimum test scores;
  • minimum passing scores.

Let's figure out what all this means.

Test score

All Russian graduates know that the best USE score in any subject is 100 points! Stobalnik lists are adorned with news feeds every year during the introductory campaigns. To obtain a certificate for the exam in 2019, it is enough to score the minimum scores (corresponding to the grade "3") in all subjects selected for delivery.

But, few people ask the question of how the test scores are calculated, which will subsequently be put on the certificate of the participant of the Unified State Exam, and how you can compare the points earned on the exam in 2019 with the school grade.

So, let's start from the very beginning - with the initial check. examination work and, accordingly, the assignment of primary points.

Primary score

In the process of checking the work, the commission calculates the so-called primary score by summing up the points for correctly completed tasks of the CMM. It is worth noting that the primary scores for different subjects differ significantly. Details about the principle of calculating the primary point can be found in the specifications for a particular subject, which FIPI publishes annually on its official website.

So, for the 2019 exam, the following boundaries of primary points have been established:

Please note that the primary score corresponds to the test only in foreign languages! In all other cases, an additional transfer from primary to test points is carried out.

Certification score

The concept of a certification score exists for the compulsory USE subjects. Until the threats to introduce history and a foreign language into the list of disciplines that must be passed are not implemented, the attestation score is separately calculated only for the Russian language and mathematics.

So, in order to obtain a certificate, graduates of 2019 will need to type:

  • 24 points in Russian;
  • 23 points in basic mathematics.

As you can see, for these two subjects, the certification score is even lower than the minimum primary. For other disciplines, certification is scored along the border of the officially established minimum test score.

Of course, such a level of training will not allow a graduate to enter a quoted university in Russia. The minimum thresholds are relevant for those who do not plan to compete for places in universities and will be happy with the fact that they will receive a certificate at all.

If the goal is higher education, it is necessary to focus on completely different parameters:

  1. Minimum passing grade in the subject.
  2. The minimum admission threshold in the university of interest.

Minimum passing score

It is quite natural that with an assessment corresponding to the boundaries of the "troika", there are very few prospects for entering a university. If we talk about entering Russian universities on the budget, which, naturally, all graduates strive for, then the minimum limit of the quoted USE result is within 65 out of a possible 100 test points.

Having typed 65-75 points in the subjects necessary for admission, you can try to enter the struggle for budget place at one of the smaller regional universities. If your goal is to study in the capital, then on the exam you will need to demonstrate a result of at least 90 out of 100 possible points! For example, only really high passing scores in all the necessary subjects on the Unified State Exam 2019 will allow you to become a student of such metropolitan universities.

Average USE score

MSTU them. N.E. Bauman

State IRYA them. A.S. Pushkin

YES Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Information about the minimum passing threshold for the specialty should be sought on the website of the university whose student you dream of becoming, because this parameter depends on many factors, including:

  • the quotation of the educational institution;
  • the popularity of the chosen direction;
  • the level of training of applicants;
  • the number of budget places;
  • competition for one budget place.

Test scores and score

Officially, there is no concept of "Translation of the test score of the exam into the assessment", since it is the test score that is included in the certificate and it is also taken into account during the admission campaign. But, students, their parents and teachers are often interested in what school result the points earned on the USE correspond to - for this in 2019, the following approximate table of correspondence between points and grades will be used:

Now you know what minimum points you can focus on, and what results you need to strive for while preparing for the 2019 USE. We will also tell you more about how to prepare for mathematics, Russian language, social studies, physics and other subjects this year on the pages of our website.

All teachers, parents of graduates, as well as schoolchildren themselves are concerned about what requirements will be imposed on the content of the Unified State Exam, since they are being improved annually. However, the main question is: who, how, by what principle evaluates the work of graduates? Does the number of USE scores change in 2019 and in which disciplines?

Assessment of work on the exam

For a better understanding of the article, consider the main terms and their abbreviations:

  • The Unified State Exam is a unified state exam.
  • FIPI - Federal Institute educational research.
  • KIM - control and measuring materials (forms that are issued for the exam).

The tasks for the state exam are developed and coordinated by the FIPI. He is also responsible for the development of the assessment system (specification) written by KIMs.

V next year points will change:

  • In social studies (increase from 64 to 65).
  • Biology (decreased from 59 to 58).

All high school students are initially assigned a primary point (preliminary). It is obtained by adding the marks for the completed CMM assignments. Primary estimates for various subjects, have different highest values ​​and can range from 22 to 80.

From preliminary estimates, using a special table, a test score is obtained. It is transferred to the form and is final USE assessment... The grading tables are updated annually for each exam subject. The process of transferring the preliminary points obtained during the exam to the secondary ones is called scaling and lasts about 8 days.

There will be no changes related to the testing assessment procedure next year. Therefore, when evaluating works, as well as in the previous one, the following will be applied:

  • Automatic check of CMMs (this is why it is important to fill in the forms correctly).
  • The assessment of CMMs with a detailed answer will be dealt with by two specialists (in case of cardinal disagreements in the assessment, there will be three of them).

The average score based on the results of the state exam of the USE 2019 is calculated as follows. The amount received as a result of testing is divided by the number of exams. For example: 60 + 70 + 80/3 = 70, that is, the test score for the exam will be 70.

In exactly the same way, the average indicator of annual marks in the certificate is considered. The marks from the application to the certificate are summed up and divided by the number of subjects. The resulting value is taken into account when entering the university. With the same results obtained on the state exam, preference is given to the student whose certificate score is higher.

The maximum score of the USE 2019 in all subjects is a mark of 100. Do not forget that the highest mark is the process of transferring the preliminary assessment to the test one. Therefore, you need to get the highest rate by working with CMM.

How to get a passport?

To obtain a certificate in 2019, you need a minimum number of USE points in compulsory subjects.

The lowest points scored, if translated into the usual grading system, correspond to the “three” grade on a five-point scale. It is clear that having received such marks, a student is unlikely to enter a university for a prestigious specialty. The smallest indicator on the basis of the test results, entitles the student to receive a certificate of secondary education.

Requirements for students for university admission

Those wishing to enter a university must pass the exam for a certain minimum. Each subject has its own indicators, shown in the table:

Item Preliminary estimate Test score
Physics 9 36
Chemistry 13 36
Geography 11 37
History 9 32
Biology 16 36
English 22 22
Literature 8 32
Russian language 16 36
Mathematics (professional level) 6 27
Social Studies 19 42
Computer science 6 40

Anyone wishing to enroll in a budget-funded place in a university should take into account that the countdown starts from a mark of 60-70 points. This is a common indicator for small regional universities in the country. If we consider the prestigious universities of the capital, then the result obtained on testing in all disciplines should exceed the mark of 80. Each university annually indicates which mark and in which subject it is necessary to recruit for a budget place. The student must follow these changes on his own in order to correctly calculate his strength and capabilities. It will be correct to choose several options and submit documents where the chances of admission will be higher.

The passing score for the Unified State Exam 2019 at the university depends on the result of the last applicant who entered the budget of the previous year. That is, if last year 250 people applied for one place, and only 30 entered the budget, then the result of the last applicant enrolled in the budget will be decisive. It can be 80 or 85 - this is the required threshold for a budget place, which means that the result of other applicants was higher.

Graduates who entered budget-funded places in 2018 had a result of about 76-76.5. So, if you count on a preferential place, then the average score for the USE 2019 should be not lower, but even higher than the specified mark.

Your preparation for the exam should be serious and systematic. You can prepare for exams with a tutor or on your own using:

  • Books with assignments for the next year.
  • Demo versions of subjects to be handed over, which are located on the FIPI website.
  • Archive with the codifier

Considering all of the above, seriously think about the real prospects. If you want to get a higher education, then the preparation for the final exam should be carried out throughout the entire 11th grade. During this time, you need to have time to repeat everything you have gone through earlier and have time to learn new material... Be attentive to your CMM design, take your time and don't worry to earn the highest score.

Since May 27, schoolchildren and graduates of past years in Russia have actively begun to passing the exam... The Unified State Exam is a prerequisite for obtaining a school leaving certificate and further admission to a university.

At the same time, the number of points scored on the exam for both purposes is different. So, in order to finish school and become a "free" person, you just need to pass two subjects - Russian and mathematics. For the first, you need to score at least 24 points, and for the second at least 23. To enter the university, such a number of passed exams will not be enough.

So, all universities in the country prepared in advance for the entrance campaign and announced which exams applicants should take for admission. Additional future students usually choose two or four USEs, which correspond to the profile chosen at the university. At the same time, the passed exam is not a guarantee of admission - you must undoubtedly pass it successfully, so as not to be out of the competition for sure.

It is very difficult to name the exact number of points on the Unified State Exam, which must be collected for admission to a university. Your chances depend on the popularity of the university and the faculty, on the number of applicants and their grades, on the total number of points scored for the exam in all subjects, and the like.

At the same time, the Robrnadzor has established the boundaries of how much the minimum exam must be passed in order for a person to qualify for a place in any university in the country:

  • for the Russian language - at least 34 points;
  • for basic mathematics - at least 27 points;
  • per profile mathematics- at least 27 points;
  • for social studies - at least 42 points;
  • for physics - at least 36 points;
  • for literature - at least 32 points;
  • history - at least 29 points;
  • for chemistry - at least 36 points;
  • for the all-Russian exam in English (French, German, Spanish) - at least 22 points;
  • for biology - at least 36 points;
  • for computer science - at least 40 points;
  • for geography - at least 40 points.

Having passed the exams for such grades, you can be sure that the documents for admission will definitely be accepted from you. Only now will you do - big question, because the competition can sometimes be very high and places in universities are given primarily to the most promising young people. If you decide to enroll in a budgetary form of education, and even want to receive a scholarship, it is not at all easy here. Budget places are given only to those who passed the exam as well as possible.

It is simply impossible to name the exact number of points that would provide you with admission on a budgetary basis - each university sets its own boundaries depending on the number of applicants wishing to enter this year.

In a very run-down provincial institution, there may be enough minimum quantity points for studying on a state basis, but in a prestigious university, you will have to show additional merits for the Unified State Exam - participation in Olympiads, competitions, social activity and the like.

If we talk about the assessments on the exam, then they will pay attention first of all, of course, to the passed specialized subjects. Required ones are also taken into account, but sometimes they may not affect the introductory characteristics of a particular applicant. As for the specialized subject established by the UNIVERSITY, a low score in it can cause the commission to completely refuse to accept your documents, even if you show excellent results in other subjects.

  • Biology. When applying for specialties that require a certificate in biology, the average passing score is 45-78, and for universities with high competition, you will need 79-100 points;
  • Russian language. The threshold score that allows you to qualify for the budget in most universities is 45-72, and for the most prestigious universities - from 73 and above;
  • Maths. The minimum that will allow you to study on a budget is 45-63 points. For highly competitive universities, the scores of the certificate should be equal to 64-100;
  • Foreign languages. A certificate with 55-80 points makes it possible to become a state employee of a regional university or institute. In the capital's universities, it is required to pass the subject for 81-100 points;
  • Social Studies. For most universities in Russia, 45-72 points will be quite enough, but for top educational institutions your score should be 73-100;
  • Chemistry. Upon admission to specialties requiring a certificate in chemistry, the average passing score must be 45-80, and for universities with high competition, the sum of points must be higher than 81;
  • History. The threshold score that allows you to qualify for the budget is 45-72 in most universities, and 73-100 for the most prestigious universities;
  • Physics. The guarantee of admission to a university for a budgetary place will be a certificate with 45-65 points, writes the Ros-Registr website. But if you have planned for yourself a prestigious metropolitan university, you will have to earn 66 points and higher on the exam.

Thus, we can summarize that theoretically only the most diligent and talented graduates who are ready for further difficulties in learning and showing themselves in their chosen profession can get on the budget in our time. It is also not easy to enroll on a contract, but the minimum score will be enough for you to go to study at your own expense.

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