Layouts on Lenormand cards. Fortune telling Lenormand - a question Lenormand's big alignment

Plaster 03.11.2020

Working with Lenormand cards has significant differences from working with other predictive systems, such as TARO cards, runes, ordinary cards, etc. Simple images of cards are easily perceived by our subconscious. After a little practice, during which you will learn to navigate the meanings of the cards, you will enter into resonance with the deck and the interpretation of even large layouts will not cause difficulty. You will simply see an image of the answer to your question or a picture of future events.

It is better to start working with cards with small layouts consisting of several cards. Gradually complicating the layouts, you will master those for which the entire deck is used. However, do not rush to take on large hands until you feel confident with each individual card.

Remember that working with cards is akin to a magical action. By interpreting the alignment, you are turning to your subconscious. Before you start working, you need to give him the opportunity to tune in. It is good if stone and grass are selected (based on individual horoscopic data), which will help your subconscious. During the alignment, nothing should be distracting: no extraneous noises, no voices, no smells.

If you feel close to the element of fire, a lit candle will also help you focus. In addition, the cards must have a permanent place from which you take them to work. It is advisable to store the cards wrapped in a piece of black cloth from natural fiber(it is best if it is wool).

Before shuffling the cards, you need to completely forget about all the problems that are not related to the layout. Become a pure transparent crystal, ready to receive the information flow. Focus fully on the question of interest and start shuffling the cards. Stir until you feel that the cards have taken their position. This can be felt as a slight resistance of the cards to shuffling. As soon as you feel this moment, immediately begin laying out the cards.

When a spread is formed, the first thing to do is try to capture the vibration of the entire spread as a whole, without going into the details of individual cards. Listen to yourself, to your body. What feelings, sensations, associations do you have? Try to see the picture of the answer. After you have a general idea of ​​​​the alignment, begin to study the alignment in sections according to the plan below.

In this chapter you will find many layouts that will help you find the answer to various questions, make a forecast for the period of time you are interested in. We recommend that you master the layouts in the order given, gradually moving on to more complex ones. Do not immediately take on the solution of world problems, first learn to accurately and fully answer the simplest everyday questions.

And only when you feel confident in yourself, take on more responsible and complex ones. Refrain, especially at first, from predicting death, serious illnesses. Remember the karmic responsibility that you take on by an incorrect prediction of such significant events.

Lenormand cards are a great tool that will help you organize your life more conveniently, better understand yourself and the people around you.

Big layout Lenormand

General characteristics.

This alignment is used in cases where it is necessary to make a detailed forecast for any period of time. Before mixing, you must mentally set a program for the cards - decide what period of time you want to study.

Operating procedure.

Shuffle the cards and let the questioner remove the deck with his left hand. Then take the deck (face down) and arrange the cards in the order shown.

Schedule structure.

The present(3 cards in the lower left - 35, 21, 19). Show daily problems. What is happening around a person at the present time and in some way affects his condition.

The senses(7 cards in a cross - 11, 7, 5, 1, 6, 8, 12). Refers to emotions, heart affairs, friendship, faith. In this part, we consider those issues that excite us, make us worry, which are subjectively of high significance.

A family(3 cards on the top left - 29, 15, 13). Cards in this group reveal the immediate environment, may indicate relatives or close friends (“family friends”). Here we will find information about people close and dear to us.

Profession(3 cards at the top right - 14, 16, 30). This group reveals the social status of a person, the place that a person occupies in society, his means of livelihood. Here, cards can show people with whom there is a connection at work.

Fate(3 cards in the lower right - 20, 22, 36). They represent fate. These cards will show the main events that will occur in the considered period of time and set the direction for subsequent development. Pay special attention to this part - it may contain advice or a warning.

Card reveal scheme


Pay attention to where the questioner's card is located. Her presence on the open line will give emphasis to this topic. This means that this question is in the first place in a person's life. Consider this line in more detail.

The senses. When the card of the questioner is among these cards, then we are dealing with a person who is currently ruled by emotions.

The present. A person devotes too much energy and attention to current momentary affairs. "The turnover is stuck."

Fate. The main events are in the future. A person is in a state of thinking about plans or anticipates some important events. He is aware of the need for change and is ready to accept it.

A family. The main concerns of a person are connected with the house, family.

Profession. The main question to be solved is related to making money or with a career.

The presence of the questioner's card next to the open line is the same, but to a lesser extent. Pay attention to neighboring, touching cards. They will give additional information about the condition of the consulted.

Short layout

General characteristics.

This layout is used for a more detailed study of a topic. It already matters the combination of cards and their remoteness or proximity to the card of the questioner.

Operating procedure.

Before shuffling, remove the questioner's card from the deck and place it in the center. Shuffle the cards and remove them. Lay out as shown.

Schedule structure.

First part.

Contains positions 9, 1, 16, 8, 7, 15. They reveal the past of the issue. What has already been done, the forces that have shaped the present situation.
9 - external forces of the mental plane. Ideas that came from outside world, someone's advice or help.
1 - own ideas and plans in the past. What hopes the questioner himself placed on this question.
16, 8 - past events of the physical plane. The card in position 8, due to its proximity to the card of the questioner, has more power. The card in position 16 only complements and corrects it.
7 - feelings, emotions that were in the past.
15 - feelings and emotions of the subconscious mind that influenced. Hidden motives, which often may not even be realized.

The second part.

Contains positions 10, 2, 6, 14. Reveals the state of the questioner in this matter at the moment.
10, 2 - "what's in the head." What the counselee thinks about the matter at the moment. The card in position 10 has a weaker value.
6, 14 - "what's in the soul." How the counselor feels about the issue. It often happens that the top cards reveal the declared values ​​and attitudes, and the bottom cards reveal those internal motivations that actually guide a person's actions.

The third part.

Contains positions 11, 3, 4, 12, 5, 13. Lifts the veil of mystery over the future.
4, 12 - reveal the main events on the physical plane. A card in position 12 may speak of more distant consequences.
3 - how a person will assess the current situation.
11 - assessment of others or correlation with social norms.
5, 13 - emotional state in the future. The card in position 13 has a weaker value.

Numerological layout

General characteristics.

Used to study the development of a particular issue. During this layout, the numerological meaning of each card is actively used. When interpreting this layout, each card is interpreted only in terms of the position it occupies - combinations of cards are not taken into account.

The order of work and the structure of the alignment.

Focus on the question, shuffle the cards. After you have stopped shuffling, place the deck face down.
Take the top card and put it in position 1.

1. Position 1 - This position reveals the background of this issue. The past that affects the present situation. The number of this card will determine the next, just as the past determines the present. Look at the number of this card and count from the top in the deck (without mixing it!) The card lying with the corresponding serial number.
Place the card found in this way in position 2.

2. Position 2 - reveals the state of the issue and the current forces in the present. The number on this card will determine the next, just as the present determines the future.

3. Position 3 - the future.

Now we need to find the fourth card - advice on what to do, what principles to follow in the current situation. Council is determined by three factors - what we have laid in the past, what we are doing in the present and what awaits us in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to add up the numbers of all three cards. The resulting number will correspond to the advice card.


If the card number in position 1 or 2 is greater than the number of cards remaining in the deck (this can be #36 CROSS and #35 ANCHOR), then in this case we stop the layout, take out the specified card and stop at its interpretation.

ANCHOR speaks of the possibility of shaping subsequent events in the way we need it.

The CROSS speaks of the influence of higher forces, the fishery of which, for some reason, we cannot know. In such a situation, one must be ready to accept everything that will be sent by Fate;

If adding the card numbers results in a number greater than 36, then we continue to add the numbers.

For example:

33 + 26 + 22 = 81

If the council card number is already contained in the first three cards - the situation is quite simple and does not need a council of cards;
the presence in the layout of cards No. 28 or No. 29 indicates a strong influence on the question of a person.

The layout of “Seven houses”

General characteristics.

This alignment is good to use when you need to make a fairly detailed forecast for a short period of time. As practice has shown, the events predicted by this alignment occur within the next month.

Operating procedure.

Before starting the layout, remove the questioner's card from the deck and place it in the center. Shuffle the cards and arrange them as shown in the picture.

Schedule structure.

In this spread, the cards are divided into groups of three each. Three cards belonging to the same group are interpreted together. Each group has its own meaning. The logic of connecting three symbols into one concept is as follows: the first card symbolizes the soil, the initial conditions; the second - the acting forces, the changes taking place; the third is the result.

Interpretation of groups (numbers assigned from left to right clockwise):

Group 1. Gives information about the general condition of the questioner in the period of time under study, his thoughts and feelings, sometimes the state of health.

Group 2 The closest environment is family, relatives, closest friends and all emotionally close people. These cards show who will be next to the person being consulted in the near future, whose help or support he can count on.

Group 3. This group reveals hopes and desires. If there are obviously inappropriate cards here (for example, No. 8, No. 21, No. 36, etc.), they will show fears or doubts of the questioner.

Group 4 Here we can see the real plans of the consulted person, which he is going to implement in the near future.

Group 5. A group of unexpected influences that the counselee does not yet feel and with which he will have to face. The cards in this group can show both help and obstacles.

Group 6. Opens the near future. Events in the next two weeks.

Group 7. Shows more distant events that will occur in the remaining two weeks.

Search layout

General characteristics.

The layout can be used to find people or lost things. The meaning of positions is based on the values ​​of houses accepted in astrology.

Operating procedure.

Before you start mixing, you need to choose a card that will indicate the lost.

If we are looking for a person, then it is best to designate him:

No. 28 MAN,
№29 WOMAN or:
#13 CHILD.

In rare cases, animal cards can be used:

No. 7 SNAKE - intruder;
No. 14 FOX - a deceiver;
No. 15 BEAR - patron, boss, etc .;
№18 DOG - friend.

If we are looking for an item, then we need to choose a card that describes the lost as accurately as possible. At this stage, some difficulties may arise, so try to be creative in this matter. Here are some guidelines for notation:

No. 1 HORSEMAN - any means of communication: telephone, pager, fax, etc., information media: cassettes, disks, diskettes;
No. 3 SHIP - a car and any means of transportation;
No. 9 BOUQUET - this card can designate any thing if it is of value as a gift;
No. 10 KOSA - piercing and cutting objects, knives, tools, weapons;
No. 21 MOUNTAIN - semi-precious and ornamental stones;
No. 25 RING - jewelry;
No. 26 BOOK - books and any printing products;
No. 27 LETTER - letters, documents;
№33 KEY - keys and any small metal objects;
№34 FISH - money, valuables. Flower cards (No. 2 CLOVER, No. 9 BOUQUET and No. 30 LILY) can indicate art objects, any beautiful things, clothes.
No. 31 SUN is associated with gold,
No. 32 MOON - with silver.

After the card denoting the lost is chosen, the deck is thoroughly shuffled and laid out face down in the order indicated in the figure. Next, you need to find the selected card. Only the house position and the adjacent two cards are interpreted. The remaining cards are not studied.

Schedule structure.

In this layout, the cards are divided into groups of three, which we conventionally, by analogy with astrological traditions, call houses.

House meanings:

First house. Denotes a personal place of the asker, a place or room in which he spends a lot of time or keeps his personal things. The lost is somewhere very close and will soon be found. The time spent searching is calculated in minutes or hours.
Direction - east.

Second house. The lost item may be among your valuables. It can be a safe or a box where you keep cash. Indicates where you store money, valuables, or jewelry boxes. It will take a little time to search - from several hours to three days.
Direction - east northeast.

Third house. Neighbors, brothers and sisters, relatives (aunts and uncles), a place of study are in charge of this house. Try to search for the lost in places where books, papers, letters, stationery are stored, maybe even in a mailbox or in your car.
Direction - north-northeast.

Fourth house. The place to look for is your own home. Room for elderly relatives, kitchen, places where the earth is stored (garden around the house). In a broader sense - the parental home, homeland. The item will be found within a few days.
Direction - north.

Fifth house. Children's room, bedroom, places for entertainment (theaters, exhibitions, gambling houses, discos, etc.). Lovers. The thing is not in plain sight and needs a more thorough search.
Direction - north-north-west.

Sixth house. Place of service, meetings. State institutions. Polyclinics. A room in a house that is rented out or used as an office. Places where pets are. The item is well hidden and will take a long time to find.
Direction - west northwest.

Seventh house. Personal belongings of your spouse or business partners. But most often, if there is a card of a lost thing here, then it is stolen, and its return is very doubtful.
Direction - west.

Eighth house. This house is extremely inauspicious. A thing can be badly damaged or disassembled, a person is in danger.
Direction - southwest.

Ninth house. Institutes, colleges, churches. higher organizations, workplace chief. In any case, what you are looking for is far enough away from you. The search may take several months.
Direction - south-southwest.

Tenth house. Place of work, employers. The place in your home where you usually do business. The lost item may be where you think you lost or left it. The time spent on the search is calculated in days.
Direction - south.

Eleventh house. Under the control of this house are places where papers and financial records are kept. Club rooms or just a meeting place for friends. The house has a living room. The time spent on the search is calculated in weeks.
Direction - south-southeast.

Twelfth house. This house describes hard-to-reach places or places of isolation. Places where medicines, various chemicals are stored. He controls secret enemies, prisons, hospitals. If the chosen card fell into this house, then the item is very well hidden and difficult to find.
Direction - east southeast.

Gypsy layout

General characteristics.

This alignment can be used when there is a need to find out the most important events in a person’s life that will occur in the period of time that interests us. Just like in the previous scenario, before mixing the cards, we must set the time period that we will study.

When interpreting this layout, one must take into account not only the independent meaning of each card, but also its location in relation to the card of the questioner and the relationship with other cards.

Operating procedure.

Focus and shuffle the cards. Let the questioner remove the deck with his left hand twice. Now we have 3 parts of the deck. Turn them over so that the bottom card is face up. These three cards provide us with background information about the situation before the spread is made.

The combination of three cards will show us the deep inner state of the questioner, his subconscious motives, which will guide his actions, forming the appropriate events. After you have finished interpreting these 3 cards, put the deck together. Shuffle again, focusing on the information received. Lay out the cards as shown.

Now we begin to interpret all combinations of cards. The decisive and turning point of interpretation is the card of the questioner. The whole interpretation is based on the position of this card. This means that the meaning of each card must be in accordance with its position relative to the questioner's card.

The gypsies call this form of interpretation "drawing a cross into the past, present and future." The meaning will become immediately clear if you know the meaning of each position.

Schedule structure.

The future opens in the part located in front of the questioner's card, on the right side of the layout. You will find out past events by examining the cards behind the card of the questioner, on the left side of the layout. Everything located above the questioner's card means either real events, or those that are expected in the near future or are planned.

Therefore, this vertical upward line is the threshold between the present and the future. All the cards below the questioner represent, figuratively called by the gypsies, “what we trample under our feet” - in psychoanalytic terminology, “repressed” - these feelings or events we suppress in ourselves or try to forget.

Inner square. Eight cards in close proximity to the questioner's card. Reveals the most significant events in the life of the counselor.

Gypsy cross. Traditional form of gypsy interpretation. A connection is established between all cards located on a horizontal and vertical line from the card of the questioner. Reveals a sequential time chain from the past to the future.

Diagonals. Additional information for studying the past and the future. The upper diagonals represent conscious actions, planned events, phenomena understandable to the questioner. The lower diagonals make it possible to explore hidden motives, inner desires, everything secret and incomprehensible.


The questioner's card is not always in the center. This must also be taken into account when interpreting:

The questioner's card is shifted to the left. The consulted person has completed an important period in his life, completed a certain cycle of his development, and now his main thoughts and plans are in the future. The past doesn't matter.

The questioner's card is shifted to the right. At the moment, the person who came for advice needs to deal with the past. That is where the key to solving real problems lies. The future is not yet predetermined and depends on what actions he takes now.

The questioner's card is shifted up. Feelings play an important role in the counselor's life. It is likely that at the moment he is in the power of the unconscious (according to Freud, the unconscious is unrealized drives that, due to conflict with the requirements of social norms, are not allowed into consciousness.).

The questioner's card is shifted down. Before us is a person who is able to realistically assess what is happening and can control the situation. However, if there are negative cards at the top, this may indicate excessive concern with non-existent, fictitious problems, fears.


In the life of each of us sometimes there are incomprehensible, unpleasant or just a little strange situations when we cannot understand what to do, what to pay attention to. If you find yourself in difficult circumstances, try to make a Lenormand layout for the situation - the cards of the great fortune teller will help you navigate and find a way out.

For what questions is the layout suitable for the situation?

For absolutely everyone. You can consider issues of personal life on the Lenormand deck. For example, you cannot understand the behavior of a loved one and do not know how best to behave with him, or you find yourself in the notorious love triangle and want to get out of it on the winning side. You can consider career issues (conflict situations at work, relationships with colleagues or superiors, the prospects for a project), financial (buying and selling, real estate), social (relationships with relatives, friends, acquaintances). In Lenormand's layouts for the situation, the meaning of the cards is used classically, so even a beginner will not get confused when guessing. In addition, we will give simple, accessible examples of interpretation.

Lenormand layout for a three-card situation

The easiest way to consider the events you are interested in is Lenormand's fortune-telling on a 3-card situation. You just need to mentally focus on the question that interests you and pull out three cards from the deck. The first one will show what hinders you, the second - what, on the contrary, helps, and the third - will describe how events will develop on this issue in the near future.

Let's look at an example. Suppose that a girl turned to us, who cannot forgive her beloved person for betrayal, although he is trying with all his might to renew the relationship. We pulled out the Serpent, Ship, Scythe cards.

Now let's see how you can interpret the Lenormand layout for a 3-card situation in this case.

  • Snake - the very fact of betrayal, deceit, betrayal of a loved one prevents a girl from making the right decision. It's hard for her to put up with his behavior.
  • A ship - a client will help to orient and recover some kind of trip, rest, change of scenery
  • The prospects, however, are very disappointing: the Scythe means a break, destruction, so we see that the couple will still not be able to start a new life together

Summing up, we can say that the girl will not be able to come to terms with the betrayal, so it is better for her to abstract from this situation, get distracted, change the situation in order to finally part with this young man.

Layout Lenormand "Situation" on five cards

The Lenormand layout for the situation, the scheme of which you see in the picture, is also not difficult at all, but with its help you can consider the issue of interest more deeply. First, we take out a blank card from the deck (Male or Woman, depending on the gender of the querent), think about exciting matters and pull out four more cards from the deck, which we will open sequentially.

The meaning of the positions

  • S (in the center) - Significator
  1. (above the form) - Background of the question
  2. (to the left of the form) - Opportunities to influence the situation that the querent has in this moment. There may be behavior, an indication of the help of a person, or vice versa, a negative card warning of possible obstacles.
  3. (to the right of the forms) - Desires and plans of a person, what he intends to do in the near future. You can consider the card as advice, necessary actions
  4. (under the form) - The result, the final result of the question of interest, how everything will end in the end

Consider an example. A man approached us. An old friend suggested that he start a joint business, but the querent is tormented by doubts, because they did not really communicate with this friend for several years, although they previously maintained a very warm relationship. The man was very interested in the proposal, but he is afraid of a set-up or deceit.

Interpretation of the dropped cards

  • S - Blank choose Man
  1. Heart. The prehistory map shows that there really were cordial, sincere, benevolent relations between these people in the past.
  2. Ring. The best opportunity for the querent is to agree to the proposal of a friend, because the Ring is a card for making contracts, partnerships
  3. Stars. A favorable card for undertakings, which speaks of good prospects and the implementation of ideas. A man should definitely start this joint project
  4. Ship. Map of new horizons, expansion, business trips. According to it, we can assume that a man is waiting for business expansion, profit, development

Our advice to the querent would be this: cast aside all doubts and start a business with a friend.

Lenormand layout "9 cards"

The Lenormand layout for the “9 cards” situation is more voluminous than the previous two fortune-telling. It is useful when a person has a serious problem that he cannot solve in any way. To begin with, a significator (form) is selected, which we put next to the future layout (not shown in the figure), and then, thinking about the question, we select nine cards from the shuffled deck and place them as shown in the picture.

The meaning of the positions

  1. Past events, backstory
  2. The essence of the problem in the present tense
  3. The nearest prospect of development of the situation
  4. The actions of the querent that will lead to the result he needs
  5. Relationship between past and present events
  6. What or who influences the questioner
  7. Events that will happen to the querent in the near future
  8. The internal reserve of a person: the means and forces that he has to influence the outcome of the case
  9. The most likely outcome of the development of the situation if conditions do not change

Suppose that Lenormand's fortune-telling on the “9 cards” situation was asked to be carried out by a woman who inherited a spacious apartment in another city from her grandmother. All relatives (husband, children) insist on moving, but the woman herself wants to sell real estate and spend money on something important, such as educating a child, buying a car or a summer house.

We take the Woman as the Significator.

  1. House. According to this card, we can say that a woman is very attached to her home, life, stability - she does not want to change her life so drastically
  2. Bouquet. AT financial matters the card means an increase in income, so we can say that our madam wants to use the opportunity that has fallen to her as a way to improve her financial situation
  3. Fox. In the short term, she will face cunning, tricks, intrigues. Judging by the situation, most likely, relatives will try to trick them into getting their way.
  4. Broom. In order to insist on your woman, you will have to seriously quarrel with your relatives
  5. Book. The card hints that the querent should study more closely all the nuances of the issue of interest to her. Perhaps something in this apartment story is still a mystery?
  6. Clover. Influence on a woman has a desire to grab luck by the tail. Most likely, she perceives the fallen inheritance as a “lucky ticket” to new life, which will help to realize old dreams - that's why she clings to the sale so much
  7. Ring. In this case, the card may mean the signing of official papers - perhaps just about the sale
  8. Birds. A woman needs to reconsider her decision - it is likely that it will entail a number of problems. The card advises to wait a bit, to think
  9. Wood. The card indicates a happy future and the fulfillment of desires, the opportunity to "take root". In our case, we can interpret it as the implementation of the planned

In general, as a result of the alignment, you can advise the woman not to rush, once again weigh all the pros and cons, find out all the nuances about the property received, do not smack the fever, but make a balanced and wise decision, having determined for herself whether she is ready to go against own family opinions.

As you can see, any Lenormand layout for the situation will perfectly describe the question of interest, just some will do it more briefly, and some will do it deeper and more informative.

In this layout, Lenormand fortune-telling cards act as book pages on which you can read the information you want to know. "Open Book" is one of the main layouts of Lenormand, which are used to clarify any circumstances. If you do not understand something in the description of the alignment, read additional material at the end of the article.

1. Think about your problem and formulate a question.

2. Choose a significator: a Man or Woman card, or the one that best reflects the essence of your problem. Shuffle the deck thinking about your problem.

3. Turning the deck face up, spread the cards in a fan and look where the significator of your choice is located, being careful not to disturb the sequence of the cards.

4. The Significator and the two pairs of cards that are located on either side of it are directly related to your question. Lay them out in the order they were in the deck.

5. The two cards to the left of the significator represent the past or essence of your question, and the two to the right of it indicate future possibilities.

6. If this interpretation does not fully reveal your problem, then take the top card from the deck, lying face up (it will mean help that will come), and the lowest card in the deck, lying face up (it will mean your internal resources, on which you can count).

7. Alternatively, you can use the following. Shuffle the deck and reveal it anywhere. You can interpret the card on which you revealed the deck as the main one, and two cards that turned out to be nearby on each side will give you more detailed information about your situation. You may not explore aspects of the past and future, but interpret all 5 cards in an attempt to shed light on the problem itself. In this case, you will not have a significator; the card on which you opened the deck will act as the main theme characterizing the nature of your question.

Note. In some cases, you may need to ask additional questions to clarify the situation. To do this, shuffle the deck again and make a new layout for each question so that all cards are available.

Interpretation of the layout Lenormand

The main card characterizing the nature of your question is the central one, and the rest are related to it as follows:

1. Interpret cards 3 and 4 as adjectives describing the first.

2. Interpret 2 and 3, 4 and 5 as pair combinations that reveal the essence of your problem or characterize aspects of the past and future.

3. Interpret 2 and 5 as a pairing that indicates additional possibilities for solving your question.

4. If you use cards 6 and 7 in the layout, then also interpret them as a pair combination. Then analyze the triad 2, 6 and 5 to find out who or what can help you; triad 3, 7 and 4 to clarify the nature of internal resources; and triad 6, 1, and 7 to find out what next step you should take. You can interpret the triads by the first, middle, or last card. The following example shows which method is used to interpret each triad. Use whichever method seems most appropriate to you in the context of your question.

Consider an example of divination

Tatiana wants to know what she needs to do to cope with a difficult project. She decided to analyze aspects of the past and the future. Since the Bouquet (Queen of Spades) can mean the presence of professional skills, we chose her as a significator and asked the following question: “How will my professional skills help me in this situation?”. Tatyana had the following alignment:

Below I present brief analysis interpretation of the layout, so that you can see how you can interpret the combinations that have fallen out. Remember that in order to interpret a card in combination with others, you need to use all the variety of its meanings.

Clover + Child + Bouquet = a good new way to use your skills (triad method on the first card).

Mice + Clover = lucky loss or pleasant fatigue.

Child + Star = a good start, a childish way of looking at things.

Mice + Star = healing from loss or plans are about to fail.

Woman + Bear = strong woman or mother, protection for a woman.

Mice + Woman + Star = amazing help for a woman who has suffered losses ().

Clover + Bear + Child \u003d the beginning of a successful period for strong woman ().

Woman + Bouquet + Bear = a professional woman strengthens her position ().

It seems that the alignment shows us that Tatyana is receiving some kind of legal or friendly support to cope with her situation, but after looking at him again, I immediately felt that the matter was completely different. Mice and Clover in the past position indicate a fortunate loss, which, at first glance, has to do with a problem at work, when Tatiana's overtime pay was reduced. This confuses us until we look into the future, in which we see new information that Tatiana did not take into account. The child and the Star together can mean the conception of a child. This is confirmed by the combination of the Woman and the Bear cards, which can mean motherhood and protection. The combination of Mouse, Woman and Star means the loss of a woman that heals, and the combination of Clover, Bear and Child indicates a happy Chance to become a mother. I asked Tatyana about this possibility, and she admitted that she and her partner had not thought about it. Now, knowing about Tatyana's upcoming pregnancy, the Bouquet significator, meaning a gift and a surprise, can be considered very appropriate. It should be said that soon Tatyana left her job and went on maternity leave, which we predicted in advance in fortune-telling.

Note. When you are just starting to interpret the Lenormand layout, the large number of meanings for each combination of cards can be confusing. As you can see from the example above, the combinations that Tatyana fell out can be interpreted in different ways, but if we stick to the context question asked, we can find an unexpected answer. The client did not even suspect that she was pregnant, but the oracle Lenormand showed a similar possibility. With experience, confidence will come to you when interpreting the meanings of the cards in one combination or another, and the context of the question asked will help you with this.

"What do you want to say?" – this is a classic question that Marie Lenormand used to ask her clients. The oracle will be useful to you only if your question is correctly formulated. It acts as a springboard for the answer, so be prepared to spend as much time thinking about it as it will take you interpreting the answer. A vague question leads to a vague answer that is unlikely to help you. The more specific and brief it is, the more accurate the answer will be given by the oracle.

Write down what worries you. Let's say moving. But it's just a problem that's bothering you, so try to clarify the situation by asking yourself leading questions. As a rule, they are associated with a particular problem and arise by themselves.

- What are you interested in? For example, where is the best place to move?

– What is most important to you? – For example: how can you sell a house faster?

– What scares you? – For example: what happens if I don’t move?

- What do you want to know? – For example: will I have time to move in order to get a new job on time?

Write down your question and read it aloud to see if it's really what you want to know. Some of them do not require useful advice so check their wording carefully.

Avoid questions like the following:

- Assuming a one-word answer (yes or no), they do not provide enough information.

- Offering a choice of one of two options (a or b). - Ask first how the situation will develop in the first case, and then separately find out what will happen in the other case.

- Beginning with the words: "Should I?" - in this way you shift the responsibility for making a decision to the cards.

- Related to another person's area of ​​interest - this may just be unethical, so rephrase to ask for advice for yourself, not to learn anything about someone else.

– Negative questions, such as “Why can’t I take a vacation?” – Rephrase it so that it doesn’t contain negation, for example: “How can I get a vacation this summer?”.

Examples of the correct wording before divination:

Please tell me...

Please tell me how to do it right...

Please show me what will happen...

Please tell me what should I do to...

Don't ask the same question twice during the same Lenormand oracle session: trust the cards and they will show you what you need to know. The choice of alignment also depends on the question being asked or the problem that interests us. Using the above recommendations, you can start fortune telling!

To perform divination, select the desired deck, press and hold the image of the deck of cards below on the page. Think about who you are predicting for. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to finish mixing the cards.

Divination Question. This layout gives an answer to the question Yes or No. The situation is considered as follows - you think of a specific question, and the cards reveal to you what contributes to the answer - Yes, and what the answer is - No. In terms of the complexity of its implementation, this fortune-telling can be attributed to very simple and accessible to any fortuneteller, in terms of frequency it can be often carried out, but do not forget about moderation, do not get carried away and ask the cards too often, as well as ask the same questions.

Online divination technique:

For this prediction, a deck of Lenormand cards is used, consisting of 36 pieces, where each of the cards has its own meaning, different from ordinary cards. We think of a question, the answer to which we want to analyze and stir the deck, after the end of the shuffle, move part of the cards with your left hand towards you. We take out cards from an arbitrary place in the deck and lay them out according to the picture, while the two cards of the top row will say what says "YES" for the answer, and the two cards of the bottom row will say what "AGAINST" says.

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