Combinations of cards in a deck of 78 doors. Description of the deck and an example of the layout. In financial matters

Roof 03.11.2020

They say that the earth shuffles the cards, spreads rain, picks the wind, and divides fire according to its suit. And the Major Arcana can explain everything that happens in the world, they are a measure of an endless dance.

The deck of 78 tarot doors is interesting in interpretation and approach. Each of the characters goes their own way, depicted on the lassos.

The doors can be old and new, and even bricked-in, but nevertheless it is an entrance. Even death is interpreted as opening a new door to another life. Before we get down to a detailed study of this deck, let's look at the meaning of each card.

Jester or (0 Arcanum)

The card symbolizes the inner child. In the upright position - openness, the beginning of a new stage of life. In the inverted position - a frivolous attitude to what is happening, the infantilism of actions.

In any case, the Jester is a sign of imminent changes, good or bad - the neighboring arcana will show.

Magician (I Arcanum)

The card expresses activity. At the event level, there is a period of difficulties. Clarity of mind will help you avoid problems. Success depends on harmony between consciousness and subconsciousness. Self-confidence will become a mainstay in new endeavors.

In layouts for work , The magician shows that promotion is possible if the initiative from the fortuneteller is shown.

In relationship : The magician points out that personal charm and natural magnetism will help to overcome stiffness and stiffness.

Tarot 78 doors, High Priestess (II Arcanum)

The card personifies the unidentified and unconscious. This includes premonitions, intuition, prophetic dreams. If we consider the lasso from the position of feelings, then the Priestess is patience, understanding, calmness.

For work she shows healing abilities, employment in the field of magic or esotericism. Another tarot of doors, the high priestess indicates openness in work, a desire to learn new things.

In the personal sphere Priestess : understanding, true kinship of souls, true love and warmth and a strong bond in a couple.

Empress (III Arcanum)

Growth chart, fertility, pregnancy. Creativity, expressed in the creation of something new. On the emotional side, the Empress - ingenuity, new ideas, discovery of something new.

V professional field the lasso of the empress shows inspiration, fantasy and creativity.

For love relationship - the period of growth, conception of a child, reaching a new level in a pair.

Emperor (IV Arcanum), tarot 78 doors, interpretation

Stability, safety, the pursuit of order, discipline.

In the work area - responsibility, striving to achieve goals. Success depends on time and effort.

In the realm of the senses - reliability, strength of the union. But stability can lead a relationship to a standstill. The inner meaning of the Emperor is to protect the home and family from threats.

The Hierophant (V Arcanum)

Trust, adherence to values ​​and principles. Previously, he was interpreted as one of several angels. His presence in the layout foreshadows a favorable resolution of the situation.

In the business area means the search for a job by vocation and the meaning of the work in which the person is busy. It could be fame, or just a promotion.

When a particular employee is examined, the High Priest shows that he will not allow himself to be sabotaged and involved in scams.

For the love sphere changing moral values, revising relationships, reaching a deeper spiritual level.

Lovers (VI Arcanum)

Two plot lasso. On the one hand, there is a romantic relationship, on the other, the consequences that must be accepted with their choice:

  • marriage;
  • moving;
  • search for compromises.

For other areas of life: an uncompromising choice without going back to the past. In matters of love, it shows a life-transforming feeling.

New happy relationships for singles. The lasso suggests a choice; in order to find happiness, you will have to sacrifice something.

The realization that there is no ready-made ideal partner, but one can help the other to grow, revealing his uniqueness.

In the business area : Lovers - a sign of revision of position and line of behavior, setting new tasks.

Tarot cards, 78 doors, interpretation of the Chariot (VII Arcanum)

The chariot depicts a man with a guitar. He stands in his car, pleased with himself, surrounded by fans. At the event level, the Chariot is a sharp dash forward. This became possible thanks to the departure from captivating previous stereotypes, thirst better life or new experiences.

Fear of risk gave way to curiosity. At the same time, the Chariot warns of the need to calculate forces and take risks wisely.

In business - striving for independence, recognition and success.

In love - the rupture of the old, painful form of relations, and the beginning of a new stage, or the emergence of a new union.

Tarot spreads "78 doors", Strength (VIII Arcanum)

The main meaning of the Power card is that power is possible only through gaining inner peace. The real purpose of human life is not to try to hide the instincts, but to suppress them by a virtuous life with kindness and patience.

For a love union : Strength shows the temperament of natures, clashes and quarrels, which are at the same time an integral part of relationships and a source of strength.

For business and work - creativity and enthusiasm.

Hermit (IX Arcanum)

The Arcanum of the Hermit expresses the knowledge of one's own personality through detachment from the world. This is a sign of important events that will occur so that the fortuneteller can realize his own purpose, the meaning of life. It will open through deep experiences. Those who follow loneliness will be able to find the key to themselves.

In love matters: the Hermit's card is a feeling of coldness and loneliness, but through them an understanding of real needs will come.

The transition to a new form of relationship, the rejection of easy, non-burdensome meetings for the sake of the future.

In working matters: The hermit shows that there will be a revision of views, a change of interests and an understanding of the real purpose of the activity.

Wheel of Fortune (X Arcanum)

"Avalon" in tarot 78 doors shows the Wheel of Fortune in an unusual light. The publishers take the audience into the mystical atmosphere of the room, where several people seated at a round table folded their hands, as if preparing for some kind of ritual for a conversation with the Higher Powers.

The Wheel of Fortune denotes not only good luck, but also acts as a symbol of fate, circumstances that arise without human participation, obstacles on the way to what you want. Neighboring arcana will show the necessary actions to be at the top of the Wheel of Destiny.

For love lasso says that things are stable on this moment, but if something does not suit you, you will have to live in the circumstances that have arisen, and when the lesson is completed, changes for the better will come. In working layouts shows the everyday routine and the need to take life into your own hands, change the usual course.

"78 doors", tarot site, Justice (XI Arcanum) and its meaning

The Arcanum of Justice speaks of the triumph of justice. He calls to understand that for every act you will have to bear responsibility and everyone receives from the world what he gives and without effort it will not be possible to reach the desired goal.

In relationships the lasso shows the state of justice and balance. But this does not mean that harmony will reign in the union. The partner will behave like the other partner.

In work - clear actions and visibility of the intended target.

The Hanged Man (XII Arcanum)

The 78 doors tarot deck treats the hanged card as a dead end stagnation. The main character The plot is on stage, hung upside down in a rectangular iron aquarium filled with water.

The surrounding people look at him from their seats. In all spheres, the lasso shows a stop in business, the impossibility of progress. New thinking will be the key to a new life.

The meaning of the Death card (XIII Arcanum) in the layout

In general, it is interpreted as a positive lasso. This is the end of something old and the beginning of something new, the outcome was expected. The pain will pass, leaving room for a new beginning.

In a love relationship : A natural parting with a partner to find a new relationship, which should not be delayed.

Moderation XIV, meaning in the layout

Characteristic features are balance, inner peace, a state of harmony. A clear planning of actions, a positive atmosphere and teamwork will help to solve the assigned tasks.


  1. Confidence.
  2. Kinship of souls.
  3. Understanding.
  4. Deep feeling.

Balance will open the door to balance in life.

Devil - XV

An ambiguous lasso, which is difficult to decipher in a single key. In any case, it shows dependence (alcoholic, drug, one person on another), in this dependence one of the partners receives a negative pleasure in suffering and experiences.

May indicate that one partner is trying to suppress the other, a union based on sexual needs. The devil card in the layout for the new 78-door tarot job shows that things are not going very "cleanly"; there may be scams, dishonest deals that have serious consequences for the fortuneteller.

Tower - XVI

Destruction of what seemed stable. Collapse of hopes and illusions. This destruction had been brewing for a long time and was natural. Quick action, finding solutions to eliminate the negative impact of the situation, will help to resolve the situation.

In love : The end of the relationship can be the impetus for the start of a new union. The change will be negative, but very sudden.

In the professional field leaving work, dismissal, closing of the enterprise.

Tarot "78 doors", interpretation for all occasions: Star-XVII

In the context of doors, the Star shows perspective, creative inspiration and movement of the situation. A sense of oneness with higher powers. To open the door, you need to share this energy of higher forces. The results from the efforts will be manifested in reality later.

After a while, the meaning of the actions and decisions made earlier, which seemed random, will become clear.

Brand new projects and tasks. Meetings of acquaintances that can transform into strong friendship and marriage.

Moon-XVIII or the wrong side of consciousness

Tarot cards 78 doors (online fortune telling), for the most part, interpret the Moon as the dark side or the seamy side of consciousness.

She personifies such qualities of a human person as:

  • uncertainty;
  • misgivings;
  • fears;
  • negative experience that interferes with living a full life;
  • in some cases shows dependencies.

For fear of being rejected, a person misses an important interview because they lack experience.

Rejection of one's own individuality and insecurity does not allow to build harmonious personal relationships. Jealousy, loneliness and distrust.


The Door of the Sun says that the dark side of life is in the past and calls to enjoy this time. Freedom from fears, imposed thinking, doubts, clarification of the hidden. Achieving a dream that seemed impossible.

The inverted sun indicates that the chosen path is not joyful.

Represents the awakening and the changes that will follow. You need to accept the changes without resisting them, move forward without hesitation and fear. The interpretation of the tarot 78 doors depicts the lasso Court in the plot of the resurrection, as a symbol of liberation.

Completion of transformation, an important life step. Internal changes will help you find the desired goal.

World XXI

The world, tarot 78 doors interprets as the last effort to open the lock. Soon the goal will be reached, one cycle will end and another will begin. This cycle will bring a new stage of development and perspective. A job chosen by vocation, at least at this stage in life.

A sense of unity in a couple, for singles - an opportunity to meet a life partner soon.

Tarot 78 doors interpretation and meaning of cards of the suit of Wands

A state of creative inspiration, energy to move towards the goal. An opportunity to find a vocation, to fully reveal talents and abilities. The personality becomes stronger in terms of will and character.

This is indicated by the fiery element represented by the Wands. Growing affection, thoughts of a joint future.

Expresses passivity, indifference, suspiciousness, caution. Indifference to the profession, problems with men for women. As a rule, difficulties are materially based.

Lack of warmth in a union can lead to the destruction of relationships if partners choose to remain passive.

The map combines two storylines. The first is the achievement of the goal, and the second is the enjoyment of the reward received. Stable, stable position in the workplace, when a person independently determines the scope of his tasks.

Long-term relationships built on a solid foundation. For singles, it means that the foundations of a future union have already been laid and now it only takes time.

Arkan shows happy family... It's warm in their house, it's snowing outside the windows. The plot perfectly conveys the meaning of the map. A state of inner peace and tranquility. Promising work without shaking and the threat of cuts, a job by vocation. Harmony, a sense of unity and security in a couple.
A man, holding a hammer in his hands, stands in front of brick wall... The world wants to test the strength of the desire to succeed and is challenging. You should not give in to difficulties, they will open up new opportunities. This is indicated by a young tree next to the wall.

New project, large-scale work at the limit of possibilities. Also, the Five of Wands shows a pair in which both constantly argue with each other, or solve a difficult problem together.

The Six of Wands, in contrast to the Five, shows the entrance to the door - a logical continuation of the previous step. The depicted man is pleased with himself, and his entourage welcomes him benevolently. At the level of events - recognition, joy, satisfaction.

A reward for the effort spent, romantic excitement, and a period of happiness. Resolving a long-standing problem between partners. Good news.

The protagonist of the lasso moves the stone blocking the entrance to the cave. The entrance is hidden and physical strength is needed to hold the stone. But the obstacle has already been moved. The point is that there is some kind of hidden plan, mystery, competition.

There are chances to prevent negative consequences, provided that the fortuneteller is vigilant. The seven of wands expresses competition in the workplace and the presence of a third person in a pair, destroying an established union.

The lasso shows changes that have not yet occurred in reality, but are already in the air, felt by intuition. Changes will take place shortly. In the profession, expectations or fears will come true, depending on the mood of the fortuneteller himself.

For a union that was on the verge or in a state of stagnation, the map shows new perspectives and revitalization. Decay in a pair can only be if negative cards prevail in the layout.

According to the plot, the hero carries a heavy door on his back, and his family is standing next to the doorway of the house. The missing door acts here as a symbol of stubbornness and inability to withstand difficulties. It is not the situation itself that is dangerous, but negative memories of past experiences.

The onset of change is met with fierce resistance and attempts to cling to the old life, even if it brings pain and disappointment. Failures in the professional sphere, left in the past, block new opportunities for growth and development. In terms of relationships, the Nine of Wands shows the fear of being deceived again.

The character looks out into the street through a shop window. The map shows vain unfulfilled expectations. Lack of understanding of the correct actions in the current situation. Time and patience will help you learn new experiences. Unloved routine work, or a responsibility that suddenly fell off due to a new circle of responsibilities.

In the realm of love, gloomy prospects. The fortuneteller suffers from long loneliness, from which there is no way out, or there is a partner, but the situation is also not resolvable. Ten of Wands gives advice: re-evaluate what is happening and find new ways to solve problems.

Young lady, opens the door for young man who hides a gift behind his back. The pages in the tarot deck are a symbol of a new opportunity, and the fiery element of the Wands shows a thought that the fortuneteller will accept with genuine joy.

At the event level, this is a long-awaited meeting, good news, an evening with friends, a gift. A new project that allows you to show your ability, position, business trip or trip. An interesting development of the union or a new acquaintance.

The Knight of Wands is a young man leaving the walls of his native castle. The card shows the desire to live, passion and enthusiasm. Sometimes these qualities are manifested as impulsiveness and aggression. The interpretation of the Knight depends on the theme of the alignment. In business, impatience, the desire for quick results.

Tarot 78 doors, the meaning of the cards in the layout, indicates obstacles kill interest in the case due to attachment to the ultimate goal. May show competition. Passion and opposition loving people... If you channel energy into a peaceful channel, together they are able to move mountains.

Shows a woman who knows how to live in harmony with herself and the outside world. She is proud and strong in character, but vulnerable, painfully accepts criticism. Passionate, bright nature. In terms of business, he shows a desire for independence, a willingness to embody new projects and goals.

In the love sphere - sensuality, openness to new impressions, new acquaintances. The transition of relations to a more mature level.

Arkan embodies the masculine qualities of the fire element: the thirst for life, the desire for power and wealth. In the King of Wands, these qualities coexist with wisdom and generosity. The card also implies spiritual growth.

In business: decisive action, energy, confidence, striving for leadership in a team, sufficient experience, dedication.

In love - sincere sympathy, the desire to bring joy to your partner.

Tarot 78 doors, how to guess online by suit of Swords

A state of inspiration, the birth of a new idea, an unexpected turn, a change in worldview.

The tarot of the door, the ace of swords, means a chance that came suddenly, for which one cannot be prepared.

The ingrained way of life will change. Events will force us to assess the situation in a new way.

The two tarot swords of 78 doors show doubts that absorb, paralyze a person. In some layouts, it denotes the last attempt to change the situation. Unpleasant circumstances arose from the inability to listen to intuition. Logic is already powerless, but the voice of the soul is not yet heard.

In love, it expresses a crisis state, a sharp break is needed to exit.

Some tarologists interpret the three of swords as disappointment from unsuccessful, or unrequited love, but this is not the only interpretation. The main meaning of the Three of Swords is a choice against will, contrary to feelings.

In professional layouts, she shows that a person goes to work every day, which he hates, reprimands, an unpleasant combination of circumstances. Reproaches, accusations rupture of the union.

Shows a blind old man with glasses, who came out of the door of his house. He moves with a cane. No matter how long his journey takes, he will need effort and patience. It is a lasso of limitations and missed opportunities. The onset of stagnation. As a blind man trusts a cane, so a fortuneteller must rely on inner sensations and intuition.
An elderly woman sits on the steps in front of a locked door. She's upset. Shows exacerbation of quarrels, scandals, lack of faith in oneself, a sense of despondency. To open a closed door, you need to step over a state of despondency.

In the work area, he can show squabbles in the team, gossip, conflicts with management, which may continue in court.

For a relationship, it reveals the most negative aspect of it in scandals, accusations, feelings of hatred and revenge, when two want to hurt each other.

6 tarot swords 78 doors shows the possibility of changing the situation in better side... The key to change will be the desire to break free, to find a way out. This is evidenced by the plot in which the young man carefully peers at the monitor screen, reading the information found.

In the professional field, it can mean dismissal, or a transition to a new position.

Parting with the previous circle of responsibilities is an inevitable condition for the transition to a new life. Internal or external change for the relationship.

You can part with a person, or you can, with your own ideas about what he should be, and building a qualitatively new, deep relationship with him.

7 swords shows the sharpness of the mind, turning into cunning and meanness. If the situation is favorable, it is an impetus for solving problems. The card shows deception or self-deception. In the aspect of love relationships, innuendo, deception, ugly behavior on the part of a loved one. A more accurate interpretation will be prompted by the neighboring arcana.
8 tarot swords (78 doors) reveals a naked girl, covered with a blanket, runs down a spiral staircase, covering her face with her hands, and spirits fly after her. The Eight of Swords shows the suppression of some side of the personality. Often these are negative internal programs that control behavior, but we cover them with emerging circumstances, for example, like this:

"I would have done it if I had more opportunity, time or money."

In work - lack of development, due to the inability to show abilities. This happens when a person is busy with something other than his own business.

In personal life, secrets that are hidden due to the fear of being a misunderstood partner. Suppressing your desires, unspoken words. Behavior in this manner will lead to the collapse of the union.

9 swords shows a golden cage in which a person sits. His hands are squeezing his knees, his gaze is directed into the distance. He can get out because the cage is not locked. But he continues to sit still.

The card shows loneliness, misunderstanding on the part of loved ones. The advice of the Nine of Swords is to look around and understand that only we ourselves are driving ourselves into frames and cages.

Shows fear of being abandoned by someone and doubts, emotional torment. Sometimes it is shame at the revealed truth. In some cases, the card is interpreted with a positive outcome.

For example, the nine of swords "78 doors" (for housing, interpretation), will predict a favorable outcome of the transaction with some effort.

The ten swords in the 78-door tarot is close to the classic in the Ryder-White tarot. The doctor puts the needles in the back of the patient lying on the couch. Shows painful emotional experiences, in order to overcome them, you may need the help of a psychologist.

It often symbolizes health problems, especially with the back. In the professional field, this is dismissal, leaving work. A crisis in love, a breakup, suppression of feelings, as a result of which there is a risk of losing the most valuable.

A page of swords (tarot doors) watches from around the corner of a house standing nearby and a man at the door. He doesn't want to be seen. The door of the second house is open and the person behaves freely.

So the lasso shows that one person is open, and the second is trying to hide the truth. But new information will lead to the disclosure of the situation. Conflict with superiors, tension, disputes.

Long-standing disagreements will be exacerbated by a loved one. An explosion of accumulated emotions can lead to a breakup.

Here the knight of swords is brought in the form of a centaur, who is trying to open a locked door and enter. The map shows disputes even in those areas of life that were established and did not cause problems before.

Dislike and tense workplace atmosphere, rejection of colleagues. Warm romantic relationships turned cold, giving way to irritation and anger.

The lasso symbolizes a situation when, as a result of claims, remarks, nagging and joking, we spoil the relationship with our beloved. The Knight of Swords advises to consider actions before starting an action.

The Queen of Swords is depicted in a deck in a state close to a hypnotic trance. Her eyes are rolled, and her image comes out through her mouth, personifying the soul. In the profession, she shows a desire to learn and learn new things.

The flexibility of the mind and the ability to negotiate. In a relationship, it symbolizes understanding, a new awareness of oneself and existing relationships with another person. This is an attempt to look from the outside in order to understand the reason for dissatisfaction with what is happening and solve the problem, gaining inner freedom.

The king of swords is depicted as a doctor who came to an elderly woman's house in a wheelchair. This image reveals the meaning of the card. On the one hand, the physician should be involved in the patient's problems.

On the other hand, to be able to fence off and not let them pass through oneself. Arkan expresses intellectuality, a sharp analytical mind, which makes a person cold, calculating, but at the same time one-sided in judgments.

In a relationship, he speaks of the need for some alienation for a sober assessment of the situation.

Fortune telling on the tarot 78 doors (online) by suit of cups

The Ace of Cups is one of the best arcana of the tarot deck. It shows that the fortuneteller has a unique chance for self-expression.

From the point of view of feelings, it symbolizes joy, sensual love, a warm parental feeling, an intangible gift of higher powers.

The main meaning of the lasso of 2 cups is in the connection of two lovers. This is symbolized by a couple standing opposite each other with gifts, in front of the ajar doors to the garden.

Joy of harmony, pleasant time together. For working layouts - an established friendly atmosphere.

The plot depicts girls going to some kind of celebration. The card shows fun and friendly company.

An unexpected gift or opportunity, overflowing with joy. Harmonious relationship in a couple, honeymoon period. Successful delivery of the project.

4 cups (tarot 78 doors), the card shows a fat man in a chair in front of the TV. There is food and drink next to him. The meaning of the lasso is in satiety with results. Work does not bring joy and prospects, reprimands are possible.

For love, the Four of Cups carries a negative message. Jealousy, resentment, unwillingness to go to reconciliation, silence.

Five of Cups shows the girl in the tower window. The tower door is already on fire and he will soon reach the top. Melancholy, despair, pain of losing something important.

In work - a sign of an unsuccessful project, failure of plans. In love, a breakup in a relationship that was once perfect.

The description of an inverted tarot card (78 doors), 5 cups is interpreted as a difficult way out of this situation.

Childhood memories map. This interpretation is supported by the plot of the lasso, in which the children gather in the garden and listen to their grandmother reading to them.

Memories can be empowering, or they can cloud the mind. In business layouts, the lasso shows that a dreamy and frivolous attitude to work can harm a reputation. In creativity - a sign of a surge of inspiration.

Seven of Cups shows a woman sleeping in bed. She sees herself as an angel guarding the dragon's treasury. Deception, illusion, lack of correct vision of what is happening. The interpretation of the tarot 78 doors of the seven of cups in money matters shows unreliable transactions, unrealizable offers, such as pyramids and easy money.
Eight tarot cups 78 doors show the breakthrough, together with parting. Her advice is to part with past life for a new experience. This parting will be sad, and the way forward will be unknown.

But the fortuneteller has no other way. For the professional sphere, it is a sign of dismissal or leaving the previous place, and in the love sphere, a break in relations, which in the past were very significant.

A full table of food is depicted, the owner sitting with a goblet in his hand. There is so much food that the dog eats the fallen leftovers. A period of excessive joy. Striving to get as much as possible.

A good mood that can trigger relaxed work. A sense of pleasure between lovers. But when pleasure becomes plentiful, it ceases to be appreciated.

The Page of Cups expresses the impetus for a new life. It can be participation in a project, or a truce after a quarrel.

New work will bring good results and recognition. In love - enjoying each other after conflicts.

Harmony, emotional atmosphere, love, dreams. A creative approach to work, a successful course of affairs. Falling in love, respect, truce.
The Queen of Cups is shown in the form of an angel who appeared at the prayer of a woman on her knees. Quiet work, turning talent into a profession. Sensual closeness, spiritual connection, trust, understanding.
The King of Cups is shown as a water man holding a bowl over his head. Expresses the oneness of a person with higher powers. Shows that even in the profession we need to rely on the call of the soul.

The desire to break the usual framework, to change the direction of activity. In love, understanding the fears and doubts of a loved one, a desire to help, because he is the dearest and closest.

Working out the deck, the meaning of the pentacles

Completes the description of the tarot лв "78 doors", the meaning of the cards, the suit of pentacles or coins. She is responsible for material results.

The Ace of Pentacles shows a woman holding a bunch of house keys. The main point is that we ourselves are a source of strength and opportunities, the lasso calls to look inside our personality in order to find answers to exciting questions.

For business - fame, success, recognition, the pinnacle of success. In the love sphere - new love, which can become a lasting feeling, or new facets of an old union.

The plot illustrates the whirlpool of events. It is interpreted depending on the type of layout. This is playful behavior, lightness, flexibility of mind, and the absence of one's own point of view, suggestibility. In the professional field - high flexibility, the ability to adapt to circumstances. In personal - joy, frivolous attitude.
In the plot there is a master making doors. A useful experience for a new stage of development. Exams, advanced training. In love - a decisive step for the transition of the union to a new quality level. For example, marriage, or moving.
The woman on the map is too big to enter the small door. Four of Coins shows excessive anxiety about future events.

In the profession, the lasso shows that the fortuneteller clings too much to a stable job, afraid of losing it for the sake of better opportunities. In the love sphere, unnatural behavior due to fear of being abandoned.

Illustrates a lonely elderly man in front of the doors of a doctor's office. Crisis, loss of strength, depression, excitement. Shyness in view of the circumstances. Difficulties can lead to job loss. Leaving for a new place. In a romantic relationship - loneliness, a sense of their own uselessness.
In front of the open door, the family finds a basket of sweets. Card of patience and willingness to come to the rescue. Team commitment planning, realizing creativity. Support and understanding as a couple.
7 pentacles, tarot 78 doors: a lady in a beautiful dress happily sends a message with a dove.

Leisurely, slow growth, a balanced decision. Trying to speed up the process will ruin plans. The slow but correct course of the relationship.

The map shows a tattoo parlor. Drawing requires clear lines and painstaking work. This is the meaning of the Eight of Pentacles. A new joy to study, an unusual thing. You will have to gain experience without even having sufficient knowledge. For couples - a transition to a new stage with promising prospects.
Young people enter the door of the house. 9 pentacles of tarot 78 doors, this is a symbol of material well-being. Successful business, profit making, good position. Faithful companion, new acquaintances.

A bright streak of relations, when two people appear in front of each other in a new light.

A tree house as a symbol of prosperity and stability. Confidence. But Ten Coins warns about the need to remember about spiritual growth. Even in a boring business, mindfulness can help open up interest. Stable financial position, new projects, good remuneration. The manifestation of love and attention of a loved one after a period of stagnation.
The Page of Pentacles is the impetus for action. Pentacles belong to the elements of the earth, so this chance has a very real material expression. Receiving a new assignment, a clear plan, help from the management. Falling in love, strong union, marriage proposal or other decisive step.
The knight drives up to the door of the castle with a gift in his hands, a lady is already waiting for him in the distance. The personification of patience, understanding, diligence and perseverance. Hard work, reliability, intuition. Receiving a reward. Consistency and loyalty along with respect for your loved one.
Tarot 78 doors, the queen of pentacles sits on a throne surrounded by treasures. It personifies practicality, thriftiness, good nature. Caring mother, sensual, creative person. Patience and perseverance in work, together with inspiration and creativity. Warmth from communication with a loved one, a sense of security and protection.
Striving for prosperity, possession of wealth. Desire for stability and reliability without drastic changes. Orderliness, consistency and consistency in work. The fortuneteller prefers to be content with what he has, but to be able to fulfill the emerging needs. In the field of love, it means that reliability and loyalty are put above novelty and light intrigues.

Tarot cards "78 doors", where to order and buy? Customer Reviews

Tarot "78 Doors" can be purchased in esoteric stores, bookstores, as well as on "Ozone", "Yandex Market" and in the "Labyrinth". The price depends on the kit. So on the "Labyrinth" a guide with a deck of cards costs an average of 1,700 rubles excluding discounts.


We continue to get acquainted with the most popular decks that have won the sympathy of tarot readers from all over the world. And today we will talk about 78 doors - the Tarot is very unusual, although in many ways repeats the classics. It will be easy to make friends with these cards even for a beginner, thanks to clear, clear and vivid plot images. Are you ready to dive into the world of real and metaphysical doors? Then let's get started!

Deck creation history

Many masters of magic cards call this deck one of the most interesting ones to appear in the last decade. Originally appearing in Italy, the 78 Doors Tarot cards very quickly conquered other countries, including Russia. The author was the famous Pietro Alliego, who previously introduced to the world one of the most popular decks - Tarot Dwarfs, as well as other cards. The illustrations were created by Antonella Platano. You most likely know the name of the artist, because her other creations are also heard - this is the Tarot Wheel of the Year, the Tarot Union of Goddesses and the Tarot of the Witches.

The main theme of the deck was chosen for a reason. Any door on the associative level is considered an entrance to a new world, a new life. It symbolizes the process of change and the formation of something new. If we turn to history, we will recall that in ancient times the entrances to various sacred or important places were guarded by special guards - statues depicting lions, dragons, sphinxes, angels and other mythical creatures or animals. And how many traditions there are associated with the passage through the door threshold! All this deep symbolism makes the meaning of the Tarot cards of 78 doors multifaceted, ambiguous, and therefore very interesting.

The deck was first published in 2005 by the Italian publishing house Lo Scarabeo, in 2010 it was released by Llewellyn (USA), and an official Russian version was also released from the distributor Lo Scarabeo Avvalon (Russia).

Key features of the deck

We will talk about the symbolism of the deck a little later, but first, let's see which school these unusual cards can be attributed to. For those who studied on the Waite deck, even with a cursory glance at the illustrations, it will become clear that the interpretation of the Tarot cards of 78 Doors is very close to English traditions, i.e. to the same Ryder-Waite, although the author's reworking of familiar symbols is clearly felt, but we will analyze this nuance later, when we move on to considering the Elders and Lesser Arcana separately. The only difference is the numbering: Strength is the eleventh Arcane, Justice is the eighth. The suits are standard: Wands, Swords, Cups, Pentacles. Court cards are traditional - Page, Knight, Queen, King. Major Arcana are numbered in Roman numerals, Minor ones - in ordinary ones.

Tarot Symbolism 78 Doors

The main idea that can be traced in the Arcana of 78 Doors is, of course, physical or metaphorical doors through which the hero of each card must pass. Doors can be open and closed, immediately visible or hidden in detail. Also in the illustrations, the keys to these doors are presented in direct or encrypted form - they either lie in a conspicuous place, or are well hidden, which makes the characters look for other ways to get through the doorway.

In this case, the key can be not only a physical object, but also any other thing or phenomenon - this is what makes the Master working with cards consider not only the plot, but also the hidden meaning of the Arcana. The idea is very new, interesting, unlike the work of other deck authors. Thanks to the unique author's idea, the interpretation of the Tarot cards of 78 Doors resembles interesting game in association - the tarot reader needs not only to pay attention to the plot itself, but also to find these very doors, as well as to find the entrances and exits - with or without a key.

Let's dwell a little more on the meaning in the Tarot cards of 78 Doors of a door and a key. So, as you already understood, a door is always an entrance or exit, which symbolizes a transition from one state to another, some kind of change. When the door is open, changes occur easily and most often in a positive direction. If the passage is closed, then you need to either look for a key or other workarounds. Most often, closed doors symbolize some difficult situations, obstacles that need to be overcome in order to make a quality transition.

A key is an object that allows you to open and close, and therefore it is with its help that you can gain access to something, or vice versa, hide something from prying eyes. In fact, the key is a magical tool that removes the boundaries between the secret and the obvious. In the 78 Doors deck, the keys can be either the most common or those that you need to try to find, because they do not always look like a well-known item. And now it's time to talk about what these keys can be, so let's move on to considering individual cards.

Major Arcana

The Major Arcana decks repeat the classic plots, but with an additional semantic connotation, because, as mentioned earlier, the deck contains a special symbolism of doors and keys. Let's take a look at a few of the basic meanings of the 78 Doors Tarot cards.

Let's start by tradition with the Fool opening the deck. As you can see, the image of Arkan is very similar to the classics - a young tramp with a knapsack on his shoulder stands in front of an abyss, and at his feet we see a familiar dog. But pay attention - our Fool holds a key in his hand, but there are no doors around him, but there is a whole world stretching around. Perhaps he is the Fool because he is trying to find a single door, although there are many options open to him?

The High Priestess is a sorceress who tries to discern the future in a crystal ball. Where are the keys and doors here? I assume that the door is the magic ball, as it opens the door to secret knowledge. And the key in this case is the ability to listen to the voice of intuition and see the essence of the situation.

In Tarot 78 Doors, the meaning of the Strength card seems classic, but behind the main characters of the Arcana - the girl and the lion - there is a mysterious door. Apparently, a beautiful lady needs to get into it, but for this you need to be able to overcome the animal. How she will do it - by cruelty or affection - is not so important, the main thing is that the key to the guarded door is the need to overcome your own fear before the formidable king of the animal kingdom.

The Temperance card is very beautiful in this deck. To cross the threshold of the locked door, the girl first needs to wait until the cups are filled with water. The key is self-control, patience, and the belief that everything will definitely work out.

And now, for completeness, consider two negative Arcana - the Devil and the Tower. Let's try to solve the riddles of these cards.

In my opinion, on the fifteenth Arcana we see people (perhaps this is a reference to Adam and Eve) who, figuratively speaking, entered the “forbidden door” - succumbed to temptation. And now the key to getting out of the situation is the most severe self-control to resist the Devil, whom they themselves let into their souls.

But the Tower of this deck seems to me much more optimistic than that of the same Waite. Look: people do not fall out of the windows of a burning building, they managed to find a way out and now they leave what will soon be nothing but ashes with their feet. The disaster happened, but they managed to avoid serious injuries.

Minor Arcana

Now let's consider the meanings of the Minor Arcana cards of the Tarot 78 Doors. I think it will be enough to take one card of each suit. From the Wands, I chose Deuce. Most often, this card relates to the acquisition of strength, a sufficient amount of resources to carry out what was planned, the arrival of favorable circumstances, or with a life crossroads, from which something new, but still unknown, begins.

Take a look at this girl walking through the locked door! It seems to me that she understood for sure that now is the time to carefully move on - this is her key. One feels that she is confused and even a little scared, however, she managed to somehow mysteriously get through the door and now carefully looks at what turned out to be on the other side.

From the suit of Cups, I propose to consider the Five. On this Arcana we see a woman who is trapped in a burning house. The fire has already engulfed the entire first floor, but has not yet reached the desperate lady. And now she faces a difficult choice: to be saved, you need to jump out of the window, but the woman does not do this, still hoping that someone passing by will see her and provide help. In fact, this is one of the traditional interpretations of the Five of Cups as a situation of being stuck in an emotional crisis, when a person does not see or does not want to notice new opportunities that are opening up. The key is to look wider, to notice what has not been seen before. In my opinion, an amazing interpretation and an excellent illustration of its plot.

Now let's turn to the suit of Tarot Swords 78 Doors. I propose to analyze the Ace. We see a traditional sword that slashes through the air, which is confidently held by a hand, and a huge green labyrinth stretches under it. I think that the labyrinth symbolizes a confusing situation that can only be overcome with the help of logic. This is a triumph of the mind, labyrinths of the mind, a real warm-up for the intellect - a wonderful analogy, isn't it?

And at the end of the review of the Minor Arcana, let's look at the Eight of Pentacles. In this deck, it reflects the classic meaning of the card as professionalism, the ability to painstakingly do monotonous work, accuracy and accuracy - we see this from the tattoo parlor master, who is engaged in a large tattoo on the client's back. But there is also one more important nuance- a girl who stands and watches the work of the master from the street.

What is she thinking about? About following the example of a young man and getting yourself the same tattoo? Or maybe she also has artistic talent, knows how to get tattoos and wants to get a job in this salon? Or maybe you will see something completely different in this illustration? Here you must figure out for yourself what is the key to this door. But Arkan makes you think - and this is very cool, because it is your own developments that are very important for a tarot reader.

Court cards

Now consider the court tarot cards of the 78 Doors. I really liked the author's approach to depicting the Arcana of the Court. Many of them are represented not by single, as we are used to, characters, but by plot drawings showing several characters at once. And even those cards where there is, as it should be, only one person, look very dynamic - this, perhaps, is the main feature. Looking at such court cards, you do not need to think for a long time, we are talking about a specific person or situation - in the scenario, everything immediately becomes clear from the surrounding cards.





Features of the interpretation of cards

As you can see, the interpretation of the Tarot cards of 78 Doors can take place as if on two levels - the analysis of the storyline and the consideration of the door-keys, that is, the entrances and exits from the situation from the position of the characters of the Arcana. In the DRM, only the direct meanings of the cards are presented to the deck, however, a reservation is made that if you use inverted ones in your work, you need to read them as opposite. Personally, it seems to me that on the direct Arcana, symbolism is enough to describe absolutely any situation. But this is already, as they say, at your discretion.

What questions is the deck suitable for?

The deck is absolutely universal, so you can use it to work out questions of personal life, social relations, work, business, finance, as well as for self-knowledge, predicting the future.

Who is the Tarot 78 Doors for?

  • For those looking for a bright, versatile deck with non-classic plots and deep detail, but still works in Waite's familiar system
  • Those who like to look closely at the cards, looking for more and more previously unnoticed nuances
  • For connoisseurs of Antonella Platano's artistic talent

Naturally, the MBK will not be enough for a detailed study of the deck. Personally, I saw three books on these cards: "Tarot 78 Doors" by Vadim Kisin, "Tarot 78 Doors - An Invitation to the Past and the Future" by Andrey Lobanov, co-authored with Tatyana Borodina, and another author's manual on cards from Irina Voloshkova. In all the literature mentioned above, you will find the meanings of the Tarot cards of 78 Doors, layouts, useful additions, author's interpretations. We hope you will find it very interesting to explore this unusual deck.

Initially, there were only twenty-two cards, or so-called trump cards, in tarot decks. Sometimes this part of the tarot is considered as a cycle of development from ignorance ("Fool") to wisdom ("Peace"), where each card represents a certain step on the path to enlightenment.

When the card of the Great Arcana falls into the alignment, it indicates that fate or other forces that do not depend on a person are involved in this situation. If there are several trump cards in the combination, then such a situation can be called predestined from above.

Jester O

A blank slate and just the beginning of a journey into the future. For the Jester, the game has not yet begun - all possibilities are open and they are all equal. You cannot give preference to any of them. O-Uranus is the planet of surprises and the desire for freedom, and in number XXII - Pluto - the cosmic mind.

Meaning - do not miss the opportunity to go into the unknown. You will think about how everything will end after. Go with a light heart. The unknown is not as scary as the familiar. Don't take what is happening to you seriously, learn to laugh at yourself.

In the scenario - the will of God is for everything. Do not interfere with the course of events, trust the flow of the currents of fate. Do not complicate the situation by constantly thinking about it. Everything will be fine. Give yourself more freedom, get rid of old patterns of behavior and thoughts. Unexpected turn of events. The surprise "positive card" or "negative card" depends on the cards nearby.

In the opposite position - unwillingness to open up to the future, clinging to the past. Lack of freedom. An unpleasant surprise for sure. Nervous disorder, stupidity, psychosis.

With "negative" cards - complete detachment and no obligations. For businessmen it is unfavorable in any situation. It is useful to leave for two or three months.

In financial matters

In matters related to money, you are very immature and naive. When planning to invest in something, do your research carefully, pay attention to the details, and make sure you get everything. necessary information... A jester can also represent the first stage of development of a financial enterprise or business endeavor.

In matters of love

Unforeseen circumstances have given you a completely unexpected relationship, and it seems that this is "destiny." Treat the connection with all the sincerity and sincerity you can. Be welcoming and spontaneous when starting a new romance or moving on to a new stage in an existing relationship.

In matters of work

"Jester" represents the beginning of a new job, career or business venture. Do business with an open mind and a positive attitude - try not to miss the opportunities presented to you. Remember, you still have a lot to learn.

"Jester" symbolizes the personality with the soul of a child: cheerful, trusting and innocent. This person does not take life too seriously and, perhaps, is especially dependent on the world around him. He or she accepts everything with sincere joy, unaware of the dangers and obstacles that lie in wait on the path of life.

Like a personal growth map

You are only at the beginning of the path, and therefore it will take some time to complete it. Let knowledge be your guides and Destiny Experience is the best teacher, and it is possible that soon he will give you some amazing surprises. Be vigilant and trust that in the end everything will only work for your good. Don't worry and be happy!

Magician I

Mercury is the mediator. The force that carries information from source to destination. Distance leading to the goal. Four possibilities are fully open before you and you have a choice.

Meaning- you are a free independent person and you must make decisions yourself. You will have to look for a way out of the current situation yourself and you will have enough strength for this, you just need to wish.

In the alignment- the need for a certain dexterity in solving a problem or leading a more strict, moderate life.

The beginning of a new period of life, when nothing has been decided yet and no mistakes have been made. All in your hands. The key to success is the right decision. Active action, seizure of the initiative - circumstances allow, because you are not in danger (competitors are far behind).

In the opposite position, the moment of choice is missed. Events unfolded according to their own laws and it remains only to observe their development. For businessmen, it is a "positive" card that calls for actively defending their positions.

Wizard (Magician Magician)

In financial matters

Try to deal with monetary issues in order to take control of the financial situation as a whole. You have enough energy to profit from your talents. Strive to comprehend the laws of the Universe in order to increase the state. This card may also indicate that you or someone else is behind the scenes and using resources to make a profit.

In matters of love

In your relationship, control, manipulation, and other aspects of power are of particular importance. Perhaps an internal struggle for leadership has flared up between you, in which you both start serious games.

Stop persisting, try to reach a compromise instead.

In matters of work

Perhaps someone is trying to seize power and control, or is using the situation for personal gain in order to get what he wants. It is possible that you do not know the whole truth about the situation. Get ready for a power struggle. Watch the rear and try not to get involved in obscure adventures. Do not divulge the information you know.

Personality represented by this card

The wizard represents a secretive, independent person who should not be very trusted.

He prefers to work behind the scenes, trying to use the circumstances in order to seize power and control. A scammer by nature, this person seeks to take advantage of the situation and people. In a good way, this

the card can symbolize a person with a developed mental and magical potential.

Like a personal growth map

Take control of your own life and environment - don't let anyone else have power over you. Rely on divine will, using the energy of the universe in order to create favorable conditions around you.

Priestess (Moon) II

Prudence, knowledge of truth, subconsciousness, feminine principle, harmony, balance of opposite principles.

I'm not looking for explanations or excuses for the decisions you make. Obey your inner voice - it will not deceive you. You have great inner strength. Do not waste energy on small daily chores - develop spiritually, the main thing is not to raise yourself up to heaven.

Intuition, sometimes pregnancy, childbirth will help in business. Harmony. An indication of a female person (woman, mother, daughter).

In the opposite position - you tried to solve the question with logic - better ask your intuition. Women's diseases, complications during childbirth. For men, it’s a problem in relationships with women.

For businessmen - to resort to the help of a woman.

First Priest (Priestess)

In financial matters

Rely on your own intuition in solving money issues. This card may also indicate that you are not from the world sowing, at that time! How could I become a more practical person in relation to money and property

In matters of love

Your instincts, pushing you to find a partner, most likely are not deceiving. Listen to the call of your heart, try to be guided by your own feelings, rather than constantly analyzing the object of passion or the situation on the love front.

In matters of work

Listen to your inner voice, follow it in solving work-related issues. Try not to overestimate the importance of practical decisions and rational analysis - rely on your own premonitions. Among other things, the high priest advises looking at the issue from different angles, and not taking everything for granted.

Personality represented by this card

The High Priest represents a person with highly developed intuition or a person who has access to esoteric and spiritual knowledge. Such a person is characterized by a desire for loneliness and isolation, perhaps due to the fact that he or she is too sensitive and therefore unable to cope with the stress of an active social life.

Like a personal growth map

Refer to your inner world and intuition. Work on developing your own natural abilities and the spiritual component of your "I".

Empress III (Venus)

The combination of opposites (masculine and feminine), however, the feminine principle prevails. Fertility, physical and spiritual strength, achievement, fulfillment. The Empress can have mercy and punishment.

If a card comes up, ask yourself if you have violated her will? Have you tried to suppress your creativity? Lean on fate, take a strong posture and let events take their course. You don't need to conquer anything. You already have everything you need. Venus is in charge of love, art and money (small to medium).

Love- everything is fine or is about to be.

Arts and talents- good taste, success and joy.

Money- also "positive".

And in general it is "positive" in all matters. It can also indicate a woman who is close to the questioner (loving, beloved, in any case, very well-disposed).

And even in the opposite form, the forecast is still benevolent with a footnote that something is now hindering all this. If there are no too “negative” cards nearby, the situation will soon change for the better.

For businessmen - the forecast is "positive", but think about the relationship with a partner or, rather, with a partner.

In financial matters

Empress denotes the wise use of money and other material resources... You will have the chance to profit from a partnership or group venture. Whatever happens, luck and financial stability will help you. This card may also indicate that you need to evaluate your abilities more highly, increasing those; most and self-esteem.

In matters of love

"Empress" refers to a mature approach to interpersonal relationships. You are not so frivolous about your own love and strive for relationships based on trust, respect, deep affection and mutual help. You are sincere in your feelings and want unity with your partner. In relation to the mrkchina, the empress denotes a strong, loyal and refined companion who fully meets his romantic ideals.

In matters of work

Creative interaction will bring you certain benefits - during this period, you need to work as a team. Use your talents to benefit yourself and those around you. Try as much as you can, and get creative with your work or project.

Personality represented by this card

The Empress represents a mature, self-confident, energetic person, usually a woman. This personality has remarkable creativity and inspiration. She gladly helps the endeavors of those who embrace, acting as a source of energy for those she knows.

Like a personal growth map

The empress personifies feminine strength and promotes the development of positive feminine qualities, regardless of whether you are mrkchina or a woman. Meditate on this card for creativity, inspiration, and emotional balance to flourish.

Emperor IV (Mars)

Aggressive masculinity. Aries. The card personifies the rational social life. Head of the family, leader. Unlike the Empress's power, his power is crude and cruel. His mind rejects feelings. The mistress (Empress) appeared in the house earlier, so the Emperor must conquer, defend his power, which he does, often without choosing the means.

Meaning- after an unsuccessful struggle, you have adapted and streamlined your life. It seems that everything is going as you planned, but for some time now there was a fear that everything would go to dust. To calm down, you chase your thoughts and suppress your feelings, to stay true to the idea is a mistake. Give yourself freedom and listen to your inner voice. There are more important things in life than you and your Napoleonic affairs.

Advice- seek help from a strong person (father, boss). To become strong oneself, but not to turn into cruelty, so as not to destroy the whole matter.

In reverse position - do not use force! Influential and the strong man not on your side and will harm rather than help you.

Do not expect support from higher powers either. Perhaps you have previously exceeded the use of force and now you will have problems.

For businessmen - do not be uncomfortable with unscrupulous employees, partners, mistresses, otherwise the business will perish.

In financial matters

Manage money wisely, trying to stabilize the situation as much as possible. Consistently achieving the goal, do not forget about the effectiveness and practical value of the efforts being made. Perhaps you will be entrusted with the management of monetary and / or other material resources, solving legal issues, problems related to real estate, or put in charge of some other enterprise. Be that as it may, you have the potential to be successful in the financial arena.

In matters of love

"Emperor" symbolizes a mature and rational approach to relationships. Sometimes he points to the practical and material basis of the relationship. If the fortuneteller is a woman, this card can denote a male partner who is distinguished by stability (including financial) and emotional closeness.

In matters of work

Focus on organization, responsibility, and order.

Promote stability and order in your work environment. You may need to draw up a development roadmap or a business plan. You will also need to take responsibility for others or take on a leadership role. This card can also represent work related to commercial activities, law, finance or management.

Personality represented by this card

"Emperor" personifies a person endowed with a certain position or authority, as a rule, an adult man, often a father. For the most part, this card denotes a practical person - a good leader, businessman, or an activist associated with finance. A strong and confident personality, he is able to provide sound advice, support your endeavors and contribute to overall growth.

Like a personal growth map

Show maximum responsibility AND practicality. Meditate on this card in order to strengthen your self-esteem, as well as strengthen your own position in the real / material world.

Hierophant V

His strength is not in the rudeness of the Empress, but in faith. The sacrament of marriage.

Look at the map and find yourself among the figures. If you feel like one of the students, then you are looking for a teacher who would lead you to the truth. If you see yourself as a Hierophant, you yourself can teach someone and help. Consider whether vanity has elevated you to the throne. Do you have knowledge?

In the layout: the learning process; education; marriage; and gives positive answers to these questions (will he go to college? Yes).

In the opposite position - the opportunity to study or get married, negative - no, the teacher may turn out to be a false teacher.

For businessmen: Why did you do this business at all?

In financial matters

Use the accumulated knowledge to make a profit; In addition, you will need to adhere to clearly established rules and regulations. Determine your own attitude towards money - does it seem to you that excess money kills the spiritual in a person? The hierophant can also mean that you should pay more attention to high concepts than solving exclusively material issues.

In matters of love

"Hierophant" symbolizes the highest spiritual components of personal relationships, you and your partner have common goals or care about a common big cause. Your relationship reveals only the best in both of you. This card can also mean the acquisition of a serious personal relationship as a result of a spiritual search and striving for Divine love. She can portend a quick wedding or stability in a well-formed relationship.

In matters of work

In order to be successful, you need to learn to play by the set rules. The Hierophant can also foreshadow work in a field that is directly related to your knowledge. religion and long-term traditions. Among other things, he advises to combine spiritual development with career growth.

Personality represented by this card

"Hierophant" is a recognized legislator and leader, often a teacher or a person associated with activities in the spiritual field. Often, this person is entrusted with interpreting laws, traditions, religious and cultural institutions. He or she is a wonderful mentor you can rely on.

Like a personal growth map

Knowledge is not easy for you. But this is normal, because wisdom is comprehended with experience, and all the great truths of life come through difficulties and suffering. Meditate on this card in order to comprehend the essence of your trials.

Lovers VI

Do not be afraid of temptations - you still cannot avoid them. It is love that will heal you from suffering. Let your mind rest, be dominated by your senses. You will love someone more than yourself.

In practice: friendship and love. A new strong feeling or a strengthening of an old one. Stability of feelings, however, is not excluded by temptation (crossroads, fork in the road).

Motives of infidelity and love triangle. A young man and two girls, where the young man makes the wrong choice, going from purity (blonde) to seduction (brunette) - even in the straight position of the card. In a deck such as Waite, the treason motive should be considered only in the "Reverse Positive" or in combination with other cards of a negative nature. When asked about the state of affairs or desire - stability, preservation of parity.

For harsh, active natures - a kind of stagnation.

In the opposite position - the deterioration of relations in the union of partners, sometimes, but not always, adultery. There are also problems in business relationships, but this is temporary and can still be corrected and restored in the relationship.

In financial matters

The likelihood of profit from an alliance with a business partner is high. Your spouse or loved one may be of significant help. This card can also herald the receipt of financial support for the development of a project or any other endeavor. Lovers are a symbol of good luck, especially in relation to joint ventures.

In matters of love

This card denotes reciprocity in a relationship. You and your partner are in a successful, harmonious union that reveals all the best sides in you. In some cases, the card recommends to be more independent in solving

love questions.

In matters of work

It's time for partnerships, joint ventures and teamwork. Don't try to handle everything alone. Try to combine creativity with pragmatism in solutions. Sometimes the card advises you to show more desire for

cooperation rather than isolation or leadership.

Personality represented by this card

As a rule, “lovers” represent a romantic partner. In addition, they can denote a person whose qualities you lack and who could very well complement you. Sometimes this card symbolizes a person who connects people and smooths out the differences between them - be it a matchmaker, a mediator or assistant in the development of love relationships

Like a personal growth map

This card represents a time of harmony and balance - a period when your outer and inner natures work in unison. Meditate on this card in order to combine masculine and feminine qualities.

Chariot VII

The previous segment of life is over. You have already gained the necessary experience, will. You take a worthy place in society. There is a strong desire to prefer reason over feelings.

Meaning: a certain force makes you leave what you have, forget about the former - home, work, comrades. Excess energy drives us to new shores. Hit the road and discover a new world. The main thing at speed is not to fly off a sharp turn. Use your mind, but do not forget about feelings, without them you can tip over.

To any question in positive and negative - the end of one stage and the beginning of another (change of residence, work, travel or trip).

In the opposite position - do not rush things. Let the change of stages go by itself. Wait or move, the trip is postponed. You got into such secrets that threaten you with collapse and disaster.

Businessmen - get ready for big business changes ( world fall prices and demand; a crisis; drop in quotations, etc.). Or a transition to completely new technologies.

In financial matters

Don't try to get ahead of the game. It may take some time for the investments to bring the first income, or the financial situation generally improves. Fill in the pause by solving related issues, while trying to use your energy as productively as possible. This card also advises to take control of the forces involved in the situation.

In matters of love

Rather all, this is not the most the best time to establish any relationship or on your horizon has not yet appeared a suitable candidate. Be that as it may, do not despair. Perhaps all you need is time for self-development or solving other problems that need to be dealt with before rushing into the abyss of a serious relationship. This card also advises you to concentrate on your own path.

In matters of work

Be patient - wait until it's time to take the first step. Don't try to speed up the natural course of events - avoid being premature. Take advantage of opportunities to gain new skills, knowledge, or experience. Curb your energy and direct it towards achieving your goal. By taking control of ambition and impatience, you gain power. During the waiting period, do not lose your vigilance - look closely and listen to everything: in the future you can use for your own purposes what you have learned in this period.

Personality represented by this card

The chariot symbolizes a person who is empowered or holds a certain position. It is possible that in a given period of time this person will control your life.

Like a personal growth map

The chariot calls for patience and impartiality. Do not worry about how things will develop next: just trust that you will reach your goal in time. This is a period of preliminary preparation, and therefore try to gain as much knowledge as possible during it. Channel Energy Constructively

Strength VIII

Soft feminine power. The future seems vague and the present is ambiguous. The mind does not understand the essence of things. Intuition is more useful now.

Meaning: do not think that reason is your main trump card. Don't forget about your body and its desires. Take care of him, let him accumulate strength. Opportunity to succeed, but take action soft, unobtrusively. V family conflicts agree to everything, saying "Yes, dear" and doing everything in your own way, getting rid of unnecessary disputes. For weak men - reliance on a strong woman.

It reminds people of sedentary work that the body must be developed and kept in good shape.

In the opposite position - not the ability and inability to act softly. Due to the inability to build harmonious relationships, your business may fail. For those who are wasting their lives, it is time to think about the spiritual.

A businessman in danger needs to urgently unite or at least agree on joint actions with some large company, maybe even with a competitor.

In financial matters

Overcome all fears and obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goal. Stop relying on others - start earning by your own labor. You have all the makings in order to achieve financial well-being - take advantage of them.

In matters of love

Try to show strength and perseverance, no matter how difficult it may be. It's possible that the person you care about will force you to change your relationship. You may need to let go of your old isolation, self-restraint, or old habits. Overcome your own ego, insecurity, fears - and you will surely find happiness and harmony.

In matters of work

In order to achieve success, you need to confront deeply rooted fears and prejudices in your mind - they are exactly what stand in your way. Be merciless towards them. By overcoming your own weaknesses, you will achieve great success. Perhaps work-related questions will require your maximum concentration of energy. Whatever happens, do not give up.

Personality represented by this card

This card represents a person with powerful energy, self-confidence, perseverance and fearlessness in the face of danger. Such a person does not need to use external force in order to prove his point of view - he or she infects others with his example, instilling in them confidence.

Like a personal growth map

Negative attitudes and / or old habits weigh on you. Now is the time to firmly stand on the note and overcome the inner limitations. Meditate on this card to increase your self-esteem, courage, and determination.

Hermit IX

Refusal to strive for material and physical benefits. Appeal to the mind and soul. The inner light that a person received after many labors and hardships.

While trying to leave petty worries and usual entertainments - they interfere with thinking about the soul. To do this, you need a period of seclusion to understand yourself. You are lonely, because relatives and friends have ceased to understand you. You grew spiritually, but they stayed there. Of course, he can return to them and be accepted, but he will have to go down to their level. It is better to go ahead and find new friends equal to you in spirit.

In love affairs - loneliness. Positive advice to engage in spiritual growth.

In the opposite position - in love - the end of loneliness and even possibly marriage.

For businessman unfavorable in any position. Tip: Quit the business you are in and switch to another.

In financial matters

Learn to live independently and more independently. This card can also denote a period of detachment from the material world in order to concentrate on your inner life or the path of spiritual development. Perhaps now money is not the most important thing for you. Among other things, "The Hermit" can advise to abstract from financial issues

In matters of love

Temporary loneliness can help develop talents or simply build self-confidence. It is possible that during this period you will prefer a solitary existence to social life and communication with a partner. And even if you have formed a certain relationship, now you are more focused on yourself and your own development than on anything else.

In matters of work

For your own development, you need to achieve independence and, accordingly, decide what is really important for you. Instead of working for any company or organization, this card advises you to go freelance or start your own business. The hermit can also mean that you need to take a break.

Personality represented by this card

The "Hermit" card represents a person striving for loneliness and solitude, living by their own rules. He does not depend on the outsiders and does not seek their approval. The life philosophy of the hermit is the result of his own experience and inner search.

Like a personal growth map

Give up activities within outside world- look inward. You need to find your truth, and often this is only possible in conscious seclusion, meditation and simplification of your own life. And even if you cannot leave your duties at once, try to give yourself at least some attention.

Wheel of Fortune X

Everything changes and returns to normal. It seems that everything is confused and you already do not understand anything. But in life everything repeats itself: thoughts, feelings, and events. The wheel is picking up speed. Beware of interfering in the course of events. Do not make unnecessary movements - it will blow. Strive to the center of the wheel, to your "I". Stop and observe, look at the problem with the eye of an outside observer - this is how you will find a solution. The card more often falls out not confident in himself and in the future. In such cases, rely on yourself as the only support.

When asked "is it worth doing this business?" or "how will it end?" - the answer is yes. The main thing is not to change your principles.

Even in the opposite position, it is almost the same, although changes are inevitable against your will.

For businessman changing one lane to another, depending on what you had.

In financial matters

Things are going uphill. Your financial situation should improve soon, perhaps due to circumstances that at first glance seem like sheer luck. New opportunities may arise simply because you find yourself in the right time in the right place.

In matters of love

Finally, your love life promises to improve. It is planned new romance or certain improvements within the old relationship. At the same time, there is no need to make any additional efforts in order to find the good luck portended by this card - everything will happen by itself, because the right time has come for this.

In matters of work

You need to take a break. Luck will be a complete surprise rather than something planned. Perhaps the tension at work will subside or things will turn in your favor without any effort on your part.

Personality represented by this card

This card represents a person who brings you good luck and opens the way to a new circle of communication. Your acquaintance may turn out to be pure chance, as if it was prepared by fate itself, it brings good luck and opens the way to a new circle of communication. Your acquaintance may turn out to be pure chance, as if it was prepared by fate itself.

Like a personal growth map

This card denotes the cyclical nature of natural phenomena, and therefore advises to be in harmony with the time cycles of the Universe. Don't try to achieve total control. Believe that one way or another everything is under supervision and will develop in accordance with cosmic plans.

Justice XI

By what court you judge - so you will be judged. You already know that you will have to answer for everything - be honest with yourself. Think, is it worth continuing the life you lived? Before starting a new life - pay off your old debts. Retribution is coming soon. If you have suffered - a positive decision for you. If you have disturbed the balance, you will be punished (a court decision that is beneficial to you).

In the opposite position - a deliberately losing case in court.

In financial matters

This card symbolizes an equal and fair distribution of income. "Fairness" means that in the case of resolving a legal issue concerning property or money, fortune will be on your side, because the truth is yours. In some cases, you will need to pay cash compensation. Strive to receive money in an honest way and use it to improve the well-being of many people, not a few close ones.

In matters of love

Perhaps your relationship needs a fairer balance of power. All you need is fair play, sincerity and mutual respect for interests. It is possible that one of you will need to correct deficiencies or change behavior in order to achieve peace and harmony.

In matters of work

At work, more than ever, you need balance, honesty and decency. Perhaps there should be a more even distribution of responsibilities and accountabilities for the work performed. This card can also herald a period of resolving problems or easing general tension. In some cases, it can symbolize a confusing question, which only the courts will help to sort out.

Personality represented by this card

“Justice” can represent a lawyer, a judge, as well as any other person associated with the legal system. In addition, it can be a person who helps to resolve a dispute, keep the peace, or move the case forward. As a rule, his distinctive qualities are honesty and fairness, as well as the ability to assess the situation from the point of view of other people, while adhering to his own.

Like a personal growth map

Leave disagreements, get rid of flaws, and try to improve your own behavior - let kindness, tact, and selflessness become your guides. Try to achieve balance between all areas of your life. Don't forget about those around you. Meditate on this card in order to achieve peace and harmony.

The Hanged Man XII

Initiate who knows the truth. Victim... New has come into your life. It seems strange to you. All sorts of surprises are haunted, and what seemed like could never happen. Don't let this bother you. Open up to something new, learn, endure, keep your spirit clear and wait. The need to learn new things. He gives a positive answer to the questions of learning and cognition. He advises everyone else not to hold on to the old, but to boldly learn the new.

In the opposite position, you are hardened. Learning is unlikely.

For a businessman - positive - try to master new types of business.

In the opposite position - for a large company - you are strong. Stand your ground. And for the small one - surrender to the mercy of the strong (the one who first came and offered the required amount).

In financial matters

The "Hanged Man" represents either sacrifice or loss. You need to cut your losses or get rid of something of your own values ​​that slows down your progress. Sometimes this card advises to leave materialistic views and turn to the comprehension of the highest values. If what you used to make money no longer brings income, it's time to find something else to earn money.

In matters of love

It's time for a change. Leave the craving for control. It is possible that in the name of the connection itself, you will have to give up your egoistic principles and desires. Or, depending on the circumstances, it may be easier to abandon a relationship that no longer suits you.

In matters of work

Get ready for a global turn of events. Instead of following the usual course of things, you will have to radically change your tactics: discard all the old and turn to the new. Perhaps now is the time to look for a new job or change the burdensome stability for something more risky and promising.

"The Hanged Man" symbolizes a person who rejects the status quo and deliberately goes out of step with everyone. The material world is nothing for him. This card can also represent a person who has a direct impact on your life.

Like a personal growth map

Leave the past, forget old thinking and behavior, try to replace them with something more favorable and positive. Meditate on this card to develop trust and release the attachment to power.

Death XIII

Scorpion. The beginning of the renewal of the personality. The stage of life is close to completion. You will suddenly become a different person (new thoughts, ideas, friends). Often falls out at the transition of ages: 14, 21, 24, 36, 42, 48, 60, 63 years. There is no need to be afraid and delay changes, they are good for you.

In the opposite position - the transformation has recently occurred, or will happen soon, do not rush.

For businessmen - to immediately close the company if it is small and open a new one elsewhere. For large - rename, re-register.

In financial matters

Whether you like it or not, a global change awaits you. This card can also represent the end of one financial enterprise and the beginning of a new one. It has come vrell to leave old investments, conditions or ways of using money in order to open up new ways of development.

In matters of love

If the relationship is not satisfying, it's time to find a worthy replacement for them.

This card also advises to change the attitude towards the partner, to leave the old style of behavior in the past, replacing it with something more conducive to internal development.

In matters of work

The Death card denotes the end of a job or career, or a global change in your work environment. If you feel that you cannot turn around within the existing position, consider changing your place of work to something more promising.

Personality represented by this card

"Death" symbolizes a person who changes your personality, for example, helping to get rid of old foundations and find new style life. In addition, it may just be a person passing out of your life. In some cases, this card may represent a person associated with death and rebirth, such as a restorer, surgeon, or priest performing a burial ceremony.

Like a personal growth map

You need to get rid of thoughts, behavior or lifestyle, etc. - everything that interferes with inner development. The time has come to say goodbye to a part of oneself or to the old life in order to, once again reborn, rise from the ashes. Meditation on this card will help you more easily cope with change or loss.

Moderation XIV

The end of one stage and rather the beginning of another. Be merciful to others. You will have a change in your destiny, perhaps a long journey. But while the respite has come, think and take into your new life only what is important to you.

In an upright position - yes, it is difficult for you and it seems that you will not reach the goal. Gather all your strength into a fist. On a small step, but forward, you will reach. On what you have planned - positively, if you are ready to move forward even through force. Successful contacts with abroad, travel, trips, moving to permanent residence. Distribute your strength well, be moderate so that you have enough strength to reach.

In the opposite position, there is not enough strength. You better put it off. Contacts with foreign countries are unsuccessful or you are mired in excesses.

For businessmen in the opposite position - moderate your appetites, lie low, freeze the company and wait a month, three, if not more.

In financial matters

The time has come when moderation is needed. Avoid any extremes, try to find a balance between your own earnings and spending. Pay attention to current debts. A financial joint venture can be very profitable. Among other things, this card can represent a balanced financial situation.

In matters of love

It's time to lick old wounds and restore the lost harmony of relationships. Try to avoid power struggles and selfish arguments. Let love sow calm and peace between you. Balance, benevolence and equality are now gaining special importance.

In matters of work

Try to balance work and play to achieve complete harmony. This card can also indicate the need for constructive relationships with employees and customers. Distribute responsibilities evenly among team members. Try to avoid power struggles or over-ambition.

Personality represented by this card

This card represents a peacemaker or mediator who smooths out differences and helps solve problems. It can also denote a person whose main qualities are balance, compassion and inner harmony.

Like a personal growth map

Avoid any kind of extremes, try to balance your own behavior. In relation to yourself and others, be honest, kind and unforgiving. Meditate on this card to reduce stress and restore harmony.

Devil XV

Capricorn. Temptations, attractions that suddenly burst into your life.

Meaning: do not think that vice is forever. It only seems that the chain is strong. Go all the way and come out cleansed (sex, play, alcohol, drugs, etc.). You yourself have imposed this chain on yourself and the Devil has nothing to do with it. Fight yourself and do not delay.

A test and challenge, passing some kind of exam, so that a person understands that he has the strength to get rid of and reach a new level. In particular, the exam is also a decision to exacerbate the conflict, betrayal and any difficult situation. The more consciously you act, the more chances you have, especially in an upright position.

In the opposite position - or you will not be able to cope in the near future.

In the upright position - for businessmen. Respond with blackmail to blackmail, threat to threat. Enemies are weaker, they will retreat.

In the opposite position - make compromises and concessions.

In financial matters

Perhaps you are too obsessed with money and material well-being. In an effort to acquire wealth, you lose sight of other, equally important components of life. Think about whether you are enriching yourself at someone else's expense? If so, then this card advises you to rethink your own values.

In matters of love

Your aspirations, desires and intentions are so strong that it prevents you from realistically assessing the person and the situation. The card can also represent a harmful relationship or a person who has a negative influence on you and with whom you only stay because of the unwillingness to make changes in your life.

In matters of work

This is a workaholic card. You are so absorbed in developing your own career that you neglect all other aspects of life. Perhaps you only stay in a job you hate because you're afraid of change. In some cases, this card indicates that you or someone else is involved in questionable transactions.

Personality represented by this card

The "Devil" card represents a person who controls, intimidates, destroys your "I" and cultivates only the worst in it. Among other things, it can bring out your shadow side - everything negative that you do not want to admit to yourself.

Like a personal growth map

You are at the mercy of obsessions, fears, and intense emotions. Meditate on this card to understand psychological reasons discomfort, or in order to free yourself from attachment to the detrimental aspects of your life.

Tower XVI

The decay of everything that was your life. Collapse. Powerlessness before the will of heaven.

You built your house on the sand, which is why it collapsed. The labors were wasted. Don't try to rebuild what is destroyed. Wait out and outlive your despair and start building new house while gaining new strength. The tower falls out at the moment when familiar things collapse: marriage, work, authorities. In the upright position, destruction was necessary. You cannot build a new one without destroying the old, which there was no point in reanimating. In the position of the past - this stage is over and it is time to build a new one. Conflicts in the name of finding the truth. A house or structure that is dangerous.

In the opposite position - do not rush to destroy the old relationship. Better settle the matter peacefully.

In a straight position for a businessman: drop everything and run, taking the cash register. In the opposite position - either go to law by hiring a good lawyer.

In financial matters

A major change is foreseen in the financial situation. This shake-up will be so unexpected that it can cause significant financial or property losses. But every cloud has a silver lining: with the disappearance of the feeling of false stability, you will finally free yourself from burdensome responsibilities and restrictions.

In matters of love

The "tower" symbolizes a break or change in relationships. The illusions that you harbored for yourself or your partner for so long were dispelled, leaving you alone with the truth. Despite the fact that this change can be very painful, in the end you will not really appreciate the freedom thus granted.

In matters of work

Changes at work will be so unexpected that they threaten to turn into a serious shock for you. The experiences associated with this can very noticeably shake your position as a whole, become a threat to your own safety. However, the Tower card may also indicate that this is a necessary transformation. Sometimes the destruction of the old system is necessary to gain greater independence and freedom of expression.

Personality represented by this card

This card symbolizes a person who makes significant changes in your life. He or she can suddenly burst into your life and just disappear from the scene. This person reveals the truth to you, thereby forcing you to get rid of illusions.

Like a personal growth map

Such a card shocks you so that you realize how much you have been deluded, shielding yourself from the world around you in order to gain inner peace. Accept the coming freedom and change, stop clinging to a sense of false security. Meditation on this card will help you more calmly accept the shocking



    1. The desperate is advised to believe in your star. Light at the end of the tunnel. The situation will soon improve.

In the opposite position - soon there will be no improvement in the situation and regalia will have to wait.

Look for a better peace with yourself. Classes: Qi-gong, Wushu, Reiki.

For businessmen: either go into politics or do charity work. Donate as much as possible for at least the next six months.

In financial matters

Hope - and your expectations will be fulfilled.

This is one of the most positive cards of the Great Arcana, foreshadowing the early recovery of the financial situation. You may have to work hard for this, but rest assured that your efforts will be rewarded.

In matters of love

Dreams of happiness will come true very soon. Despite the fact that you still have to put in a lot of efforts to strengthen and improve your relationship, this card advises not to lose hope - do not worry, everything will be fine.

In matters of work

Perhaps soon you will become a real star, worthy of all praise for work in your area of ​​expertise.

Now is the time to work hard in order to fulfill your own dreams. Do not be afraid of obstacles - success is near.

Personality represented by this card

This card represents the human star - a person who attracts everyone's attention wherever she goes. Communication with such a person will allow you to be in the center of events or increase the chances of your own success.

Like a personal growth map

"Star" tells you not to lose hope - no matter what happens, do not betray your ideals. Remember that you can make your wildest dreams come true. Meditate on this card to increase your self-confidence when you feel exhausted and unable to cope with the difficulties that have befallen you.


Fishes. The threshold of the unknown prevents anxiety and fear (wolf and dog) from crossing. The path is not visible, what is further is not clear. Whatever it is - go on without stopping.

The subconscious mind is confused by fears and gives out desperate pictures. Truth is close and fear is a hindrance to it. You've walked too much to turn back. Just get to the bottom of things, don't be limited to superficial viewing. May mean pregnancy, a world of illusion. An indication of the profession: advertising, photography, cinema, magician-illusionist. It falls out to people who are on the verge of something new, and so new that it causes fear ( new job, new marriage, new country etc.). Do not be afraid, everything will be fine.

In the opposite position, there will be no pregnancy. Professions will not bring success to enumerate. Illusions will lead to negativity. That is, addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction, virtual life, etc. The expected new will not bring anything good. The term is one month.

In a direct position - bet on cinema, show business, slot machines (in the sense of making money, like a business).

In the opposite position - wait until zealous competitors do not fill themselves with cones and then get down to business.

In financial matters

Some facets of this financial issue seem unclear - perhaps due to some hidden circumstances. Try to avoid solid investments or deals. Financial ups and downs are possible. For creative people, "Luna" can mean earning money for participating in creative projects.

In matters of love

There is a deep idealistic bond between you. It is possible that you yourself are not able to clearly explain what is happening. This card can also indicate a secret relationship: Among other things, it can indicate an unstable connection with many emotional ups and downs.

In matters of work

Try to take a deeper look at the current situation or the possibility of vacation It is possible that the situation is in a transitional state and completely unforeseen circumstances may emerge. Perhaps you are captivated by illusions about your current place of work, or you need to be more realistic about your own abilities. In addition, "Luna" advises to be more creative in the performance of work.

Personality represented by this card

This card represents the artist or creative person... It can also be a person associated with psychological or secret knowledge. Perhaps he will try to open up your dark side, pry out secrets or penetrate consciousness at a deep level.

Like a personal growth map

Explore your own subconscious: fears, complexes, memories and secrets. Meditate on this card in order to establish contact with the secret components of your own personality or to get inspiration.


All questions are answered positively in both forward and reverse positions. The term is approximately one year. Nothing good for business, except for pharmacology. Difficulty in business due to government policy.

In financial matters

A bright future is not far off. Financial problems subside, turmoil ends, and it is finally clear how to make the most efficient use of resources. This card portends success in business ventures, including financial investments.

In matters of love

This card symbolizes openness, satisfaction and a strong bond between two people. There is something special in your relationship that helps you discover the best sides in you. The brightness of the sunlight allows you to better see each other and your relationship in general.

In matters of work

You have taken control of everything and use your own abilities effectively. You clearly see the goal and the ways to achieve it. Not surprisingly, success, awards and recognition await you soon. Plus, you inspire others by helping them do their assigned work.

Personality represented by this card

"Sun" symbolizes a capable, self-confident person who brings light to the lives of others. This is a truly valuable and respectable person who fills you with positive energy. This can be a leader, a creative person, or someone who helps you understand the situation more clearly.

Like a personal growth map

The "sun" instills in you joy and makes you share it with others. Take control of your life circumstances and try to make better use of them. Meditate on this card to increase your self-esteem and achieve clarity in considering a particular issue.

Court XX

It's time to rise from oblivion to a new life. A surge of new strength and a second wind. Disruption of the usual course of things.

In the opposite position, there is a creative crisis, failure, postponement, peace.

In business, there is a lot of trouble.

In financial matters

It is necessary to take a firm stand in solving financial problems. This choice can cause you to deviate from the path that you have followed up to this point, and radically change your whole life. The decision made will have an impact not only on the current situation, but also on the financial situation in the future.

In matters of love

It's time to make a decision about your relationship. This may involve addressing issues related to power, ethics and integrity. Weigh carefully your own choices - they can seriously affect the relationship with your partner, as well as relationships with people in the future.

In matters of work

The moment has come when you need to make a serious decision about your own career and work. Perhaps you just need to change jobs or start a completely new career path. When making a decision, exercise the utmost care: your decision will have long-term, serious consequences.

Personality represented by this card

This card represents a person empowered to make decisions or take responsibility for others: a judge, a people's deputy or any other authority figure. The card can also symbolize a person acting as a catalyst for future changes.

Like a personal growth map

The "Last Judgment" card denotes the transition period and the end of the cycle of one's own development. Reassess your own actions, hopes and current pace of progress in order to understand how to develop further. It is possible that you will need to make serious changes in your life - in this case, meditation will help determine which path you need to choose.


In financial matters

Financial issues are progressing according to plan and everything is going as it should. Investments and businesses will pay off, but not before time allows, so try not to rush things. Of particular importance in this period is the thoroughness of the consideration and solution of issues. Be that as it may, you will get what you deserve.

In matters of love

Your relationship is developing at a slow but steady pace. You are in harmony with the rest of the events, and therefore relax and do not rush things. Everything you understand about love for this moment plays a direct role in your connection. This card symbolizes the realization and emotional maturity of relationships. Among other things, it can also mean that your relationship is moving from a personal to a spiritual plane.

In matters of work

Your goals will be achieved as you move in step with the times. Everything follows according to plans, even though it may take longer than you would like to get it done. Pay attention to details, use the knowledge and skills you gain to achieve positive results.

Tarot 78 doors

Deck description and layout example

So, today I want to introduce your attention to one of the most popular modern decks - tarot 78 doors. Bright, eclectic and uncommon, she can be your best friend. Perfectly suits both for considering everyday issues, relationships in a couple, and for layouts on personality characteristics. Every day we face certain obstacles, and this deck will prove to be an indispensable assistant in finding the "key" to your problems. I would like to note that the deck often works on the principle of an oracle, that is, with pictures. But do not underestimate and simplify it, the more closely you work with this deck, the deeper you understand it, the clearer you understand that it is able to show the unsightly truth in a soft, ironic way, but the more interesting it is to work with the deck.

*** Not a day passes in our life that we do not use the doors. We continuously enter and exit through the doors, "we pass". And we are so accustomed to this indispensable part of our life that we forgot about their most important symbolic role. Love and hate, friendship and struggle, joy and failure, birth and death ... 78 cards of this deck are 78 physical and metaphorical doors, giving the key to the most important door of our soul.

An example of the "Lovers" layout

M .: 1 and 6 - briefly describe the person himself;
You: Moderation

You are patient, before doing something, you think it over carefully, you are afraid of "getting burned". Very soft, feminine, perhaps it comes from the family, from the upbringing of parents, you have your own perception of the family, you know that a man needs to give in, make compromises.He: High Court

He is a categorical person, he needs either everything or nothing. For close people he is ready for a lot, he will make every effort to help them, but if someone crosses his path, R. does not forget the evil. People around them usually cannot remain indifferent to such people, they either adore them or hate them.

OS: Yes, I really am, and so is he.

M .: 2 and 7 - "what's in the head", that is, what a person thinks about theserelationships; You: Ace of Swords

For you, a relationship with him is a chance to start your life anew, to get out of the “labyrinth” in which you are now.He: King of Pentacles (additional King of Swords 9 Swords)

He does not see the prospects, and specifically, he believes that you are now in a "golden cage" and you will not have the courage to leave the person who is now next to you.

OS: this relationship, I really think that the way out of my labyrinth, and he thinks that I am in a golden cage, but this cage is not gold, but iron.

M .: 3 and 8 - "what is in the soul" - what a person feels; You: 3 of wands

You now feel helpless, you understand that it will be difficult for you to deal with the situation that has developed in your life at the moment. You see in him a person who can help you, morally support you.He: 5 bowls

He also knows about a difficult stage in your life. But on his part there is more fear that you started all this out of despair. Intertwined is the understanding that you are not so sweet now and the fear that you will get too used to it. As a person who is not stupid, he understands that to enter into a serious relationship with you is a great responsibility, but he is not sure that he can withstand this responsibility, not make you even more painful.

OS: yes, I see him as a person who can help me, provide moral support, and I feel that he is afraid of it

M .: 4 and 9 - subconscious desires, motives, sometimes everything is hidden;You: 2 swords

You see in him the potential of a person, next to whom you can mentally warm up. You expect that this relationship will not develop according to your usual scenario. Appreciate the feeling of security and fragility that you feel when he is around you.He: 4 swords

He does not yet know exactly what he wants, a lot of doubts, a lot of all sorts of "buts". The situation has become too difficult

OS: you're right.

M .: 5 and 10 - intentions, open actions, what is going to be done.You: Hanged

The card rather speaks not about the actions that you are going to take, but about the fact that now you do not have the opportunity to do anything. There are many circumstances beyond your control that prevent you from acting.He: Ace of bowls

Now a lot depends on you, but if you are next to him, he is ready to try to be paired with you.

OS: Yes, we are separated by many kilometers from each other.

M .: 17 - what separates; 8 wands

The situation you are in right now is practically a lottery. In order for everything to grow together, the element of luck, chance is very important. There are many hopes, fantasies, but practically nothing is known for certain.OS: I don't know if everything will work out for me with the documents so that I would move.

M .: 18 - what helps; Ace of Pentacles

It helps, first of all, your desire to bring everything to the end. You do not give up, and although passively so far, you are moving towards your goal.

OS: I don’t give up hope for the best

M .: 19 - what blesses; Priestess

Tarot cards are a proven by many fortune tellers and clairvoyant mantic tools that allow you to predict the course of future events and timely correct the situation for the better. There are many tarot decks created by different authors.

The Ryder Waite deck is considered universal, but, despite this, many alternative versions allow you to get equally truthful answers to questions. Each deck has its own distinctive features that are worth paying attention to.

In this article, we will look at the meaning of the Tarot 78 Doors.

By the way! We have it on our site - use it to your health!

Tarot 78 Doors is one of the most unusual decks released over the past ten years. The deck was designed by Italian art director Pietro Alliego and painted by artist Antonella Platano. Tarot 78 Doors quickly gained popularity and spread throughout the domestic states.

The deck contains a metaphorical opening of doors, symbolizing changes, the change of one state to another. Approaching the door, a person needs to make a decision: "Enter or stay outside?" Also, the questioner is worried about what is hidden behind this door?

The idea of ​​the doors is complemented by images of keys and guards. The doors on the lasso are depicted as open or closed. People are either entering or exiting. And the keys to the doors are either in plain sight, or safely hidden on the lasso. Next, we will consider the meaning of each of these images in more detail.

Doors Image

We have to use the doors every day. We constantly have to go in and out, go through various doors, and we are so used to this subject of our everyday life that sometimes we forget its important symbolic meaning.

The door is the entrance. For many peoples, the concept of "discovery" is closely intertwined with rituals that symbolize personality changes. A person acquires a higher status, changes his habitual worldview, becomes “dedicated”.

In ancient times, the entrances to the sanctuaries or temples were traditionally always guarded by “guardians of the threshold”. Statues (knights, dragons, lions, sphinxes, angels and deities) were used as the latter. The guardians of the threshold were supposed to prevent evil forces and bad personalities from entering the door.

It is from here that the famous wedding tradition comes, when the groom must bring his bride into the house in his arms - this is how he consecrates her as his wife and demonstrates to the guards that she is now the mistress of this house.

Key Images

All doors are opened and closed with keys. It doesn't matter what - large or small, metal or gold - it is important that the key fits the lock.

The main task of the keys is to “open” and “close” - symbolically this demonstrates the possibility of gaining access to everything: to power, certain places, people, and so on.
In its deepest sense, the key is a mantic tool with which it is possible to eliminate the boundaries between the obvious and the secret, which also symbolizes Initiation and access to higher knowledge. There are even Masonic lodges that use the key as their emblem, and it can also be the mark of the master.

Images of open and closed doors

In a deck of 78 Doors, open doors always have positive meaning, they represent the removal of obstacles and entry. An amazing opportunity opens up for a person to visualize what is there, on the other side of the door, to expand the scope of his life limitations.

In addition, the door indicates a thirst for knowledge and a desire to make changes in your life. Thanks to the open doors, you better understand what is really happening, the beating of your heart is felt more sharply, analysis of the past is possible to create a favorable future.

Cards in an inverted position (when they are upside down) radically change their meaning.

The meaning of cards in the Tarot 78 Doors

In general, it almost does not differ from the traditional deck, but there are some changes:

  • So, he is depicted as standing on the edge of an abyss with a key in his hands, there is no door in front of him, the whole world is revealed to him - he just needs to take a step forward.
  • the artist painted in the image of a witch sitting at a table on which a deck of Tarot cards is laid out. She peers into the magic ball and unlocks the door to hidden knowledge. Its key is a true vision of the problem.
  • seduces a spirit that comes out from behind a loosely closed door and points out its weak points. The hermit is looking for the key.
  • The door is guarded by a lion. To open it, the daredevil will either have to win a victory with the lion, or come to an agreement with him, but be that as it may, you must, first of all, defeat yourself.
  • The door is closed, in order to enter it, it is necessary to achieve a state of harmony and gain patience, but the water that the girl draws into the jugs bestows faith in her own strength.
  • On we see an image of people who could not cope with their vices and opened the door, which was forbidden to open. Their fate now entirely depends on their further behavior.
  • Door Of the Last Judgment is the door of regularities and the final one - after passing through it, we go to a new step. Now our actions do not change the situation in any way, so we have to accept any changes.

As for, they talk about some specific details, and also advise how to open the door, and shed light on what is hidden behind it.

Suit of Swords

Swords allow you to reveal secret thoughts.

  • - it shows a door leading to a giant maze. Of course, it will be quite difficult to go through it, and while a person still has the opportunity to return back, having lost all his illusions. Because after entering the labyrinth, his illusions will dissipate instantly.
  • The woman is older than in the traditional deck, she sits under the door, which she does not dare to open. The door managed to hide under the lush vegetation during her meditation.
  • testifies that it will take a lot of effort to open part of the doors. It will be necessary to find a special key for them, as well as creatively rethink the current situation.
  • - protects his personality, destroying the prejudices of society.

Suit of Cups

Cups open doors to an emotional, sensual world.

  • - teaches to part with the past: a woman on the map sees that her dwelling is on fire, the flame has brightly enveloped him, and she has no choice but to jump out the window. But she does not want to do this, all hoping that at the last moment someone will come to her aid and everything will be the same as before.
  • depicts children listening to their grandmother, who reads them fairy tales.
  • enters a cave located under a waterfall, he lives an imaginary life - attractive, but fabulous, and very soon he will face the harsh reality.

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