What is persistence definition. What is persistence? Tenacity and perseverance. Persistence is a positive character trait of a strong person. Perseverance is an intrinsic quality and the ability to overcome obstacles. This skill is very

For earthworks 22.09.2020

« Nothing on earth can replace perseverance. No genius, genius without appreciation and reward is almost a proverb. No talent, nothing is as common as an unsuccessful talent. No education, the world is full of enlightened outcasts. Persistence in achieving the goal this is the power!" Calvin Coolidge

What is persistence? Persistence is a strong-willed quality of a person, characterized by the ability to achieve goals and objectives, despite emerging internal and external obstacles.

Perseverance is one of the most important components of success in life, it is explained purposefulness and the desire in spite of everything, stubbornly and continuously to continue its path, following the decision made earlier.

It is not for nothing that the advice of many successful people contains rules in which perseverance is attributed almost the main role in achieving success. So Canadian journalist Malcolm Gladwell, long time who worked for the Washington Post and is now a staff writer for the world-famous The New Yorker, in his book Geniuses and Outsiders explains the phenomenon of genius - " Geniuses are not born, but become as a result of perseverance and hard work in your favorite business.". Gladwell knows what he is talking about, because he had to study biographies of many successful people. After studying a lot of facts from the life of geniuses, Malcolm came up with a rule: to achieve great success, you need 10 thousand hours of training - “ 10,000 hours of hard practice made the Beatles - The Beatles helped Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Microsoft».

How is persistence different from stubbornness

Don't confuse persistence with stubbornness. Persistence is formed by making a decision and implies a goal, while stubbornness is aimless and disorderly (except when the desire to achieve a result in a stubborn person is determined by the motives of self-affirmation). Unlike persistence, which is always associated with your personal desires and aspirations, stubbornness involves mindlessly following a decision you accidentally made, or a decision made for you by someone else.

Persistence promotes movement forward, stubbornness, on the contrary, leads to a dead end of senseless, ridiculous and unproductive behavior. Stubbornness can lead a person to lose their sense of reality, and eventually to paralysis of inaction, perseverance helps to maintain positive dynamics and stay connected with life.

If you show perseverance and diligence in achieving your goals, people willingly help you and follow you, but if they see that you are simply resisting, then they bypass you and move on. Stubbornness annoys others! Of course, no one can forbid you to show your stubbornness, but being stubborn, it is very difficult to find mutual understanding with the outside world and agreement with yourself.

It is important to know and remember that sometimes a long inert movement turns perseverance into stubbornness. It doesn't happen that often, but it does happen sometimes. Therefore, ask yourself more often (necessarily in a calm emotional state) about what you want and what drives you - dreams and desires or donkey obstinacy.

What perseverance gives and when it comes to the rescue

Perseverance helps to follow the chosen path and solve the tasks facing a person, even in moments of complete lack of motivation. The path can be thorny, goals and objectives are incredibly great, and when the strength is running out and the fuse is gone, persistence and perseverance help out. It helps to keep taking action and keep the accumulated results.

Perseverance is especially valued in overcoming difficult life situations . People react differently to problems: someone gives up, someone closes in on himself, some begin to complain about fate, others look for the guilty ... And only perseverance and determination do not allow you to fall apart and give up. It is not surprising that perseverance is especially valued among northern peoples, because it helps them survive in harsh conditions.

Persistence and perseverance help develop the right attitude to failure, gain self-confidence and allow you not to be afraid to make mistakes. If you, despite the mistakes and failures, do not give up, are ready to stumble and fall, then you will definitely succeed.

Perseverance gives interest in life, frees from lethargy, indecision and apostasy.

Persistence is transformed into experience, gives practice, makes people professionals in any field. It does not let you turn off the intended path. It is only important that this path is correct.

Building persistence

Whatever qualities of will you have this moment no matter how you have, you can always become a little more persistent person, just follow the rules below for developing perseverance .

In order to move forward without interruption, first of all, it is necessary to set a goal. It should be real and as specific as possible. The next step is to develop a plan for its implementation. It is necessary to build the work in such a way that it is carried out by various methods and does not cause fatigue from exhausting and monotonous work. One of the things that allows you to develop perseverance is the ability to break the main goals into many small ones, this allows you not to lose your perseverance along the way. About, how to set goals you can find out by reading one of the recently published articles.

In the formation of perseverance, an important fact is the choice of a reference point, a role model. Think about who for you is the personification of perseverance? A famous athlete who has recovered from a dangerous injury, or an actor who started with minor roles and step by step, persistently honed his skills, becoming popular and in demand (for example, Al Pacino). Or perhaps a politician like Mitt Romney, no less persistently moving towards his goal. Keep such "patterns" in your thoughts, checking your actions against them.

An independent mind and immunity to critical moods will help to temper character and develop perseverance. On the path of a person going to his goal, someone (acquaintances, friends, relatives) always appears who doubts the correctness of his decisions or wants to confuse him. You must be ready for criticism, ridicule and censure. Develop immunity to negative influences and destructive, unfounded criticism.

In order to form perseverance (persistent character), you need to make it your habit. After all, consciousness constantly absorbs some part of everyday experience.

Good for developing perseverance various types sports. After all, it is in sports that be the first, be the best, athletes train sparing no time and effort.

For the formation of perseverance, it is possible to recommend the use of motivation, however, the movement in the same direction, as a rule, becomes an excellent motivating factor in itself. But still, it is not superfluous to somehow encourage yourself during a planned movement, this should increase the traction force. Also, the reason for your aspirations should loom before your eyes (Why do I want to achieve this?).

In one of his recent speeches Winston Churchill, in one phrase explained how to be persistent - " All you have to do to be persistent is never give up". I wish you never give up!

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All of us were once small children who could not walk or talk. Over time, of course, we have mastered these skills. Many of the achievements that take place in our lives, we owe, first of all, to such a wonderful quality as perseverance. What is persistence? This is the unbending willpower shown by a person who has determined a certain goal for himself. Unfortunately, this property is used by a person less and less over the years. We begin to listen more to the opinions of others, we become subject to third-party approval. Other people's thoughts can sometimes develop even a negative perception of themselves.

Children's spontaneity

IN childhood when we fell, it never stopped us! We will also benefit from the same perseverance in adulthood. What is persistence? Remember, much in life depends on personal self-esteem! Positive perception leads to productive development and success in general. Negative self-esteem can have a devastating effect on health and relationships with society.

In addition, a negative assessment blocks any possibility of success. Our self-esteem governs almost all of our lives, affecting our ability to choose or find friends, acquaintances, and even life paths. It cannot be regarded as positive if a person suffers from a lack of self-esteem.

However, a significant increase in self-esteem is quite possible for short period. In addition, we already know how important it is for each of us! It is worth showing perseverance, increasing our personal dignity, as our life is immediately improved automatically. A crucial step in building positive self-esteem is to become stronger.

Each of us is a creator

Persistence is characterized by such properties as balance, perseverance. However, they should not be confused with humility, inactivity. Balance, perseverance and perseverance are always characterized by enterprise. As well as activity in the effective achievement of the goal, overcoming difficulties that impede the achievement of the goal. A stubborn, persistent person knows why he endures.

There is an opinion that all mankind is created in the image and likeness of God. When people humiliate themselves, they overthrow their Creator. When a person begins to understand personal value, he understands others more. Any person who has grown to great heights shows perseverance, determination even in his thoughts, calculating in advance every step.

Of course, everyone had situations when you did not know what to do. You began to get nervous, tormented by doubts, but still you made some kind of decision. Most likely, having reviewed the past, you realized that decision was a turning point in the resulting situation, and, perhaps, in all life.

Only forward, not a step back!

The ability to make the right decisions is one of the essential skills of a successful person. However, the chance to succeed in life can be taken by a person who not only makes the right decisions, but also implements them correctly. Such people observe the results, making adjustments in time.

They are always ready to accept new information, and if necessary, to the need to change. Perhaps only decisive action, and not marking time in anticipation, attracts the entire power of the universe to help. Act as if defeat is impossible, and it will indeed become unattainable.

Self-control is the way to triumph!

For such a quality as perseverance, another property is characteristic. If to characterize in one phrase, we can say that perseverance is a quality that implies the ability to control oneself! In other words, it is the ability to maintain clarity of thought. Always remain attentive, focusing on the work being done, regardless of the impact of negative circumstances that lead astray from the planned path. Self-control will never let the thought of defeat enter our minds.

At a time when a streak of mistakes and failures, and even more so of sheer luck, comes, thanks to our inner endurance, we are able to control the degree of our emotional agitation. We can quite control our gestures in case of fatigue, pain, displeasure with ourselves. And also to refrain from bickering and insolence in conflict circumstances.

The key to your well-being is determination and perseverance

What is persistence? Such a feature can be considered as a spiritually developed or mature personality. Such people quite consciously, consistently subordinate actions, thoughts, intentions and habits to their greatest and most important goal for them. Such people gradually acquire dominance over themselves, their own destiny. Thanks to this exclusive submission, a person is no longer a slave to internal passions and is no longer a hostage to the situation that has arisen.

If you stay inactive, waiting for a more suitable occasion, life can pass by! Man must himself create favorable situations. Remember, a determined person wins where others fail! As a rule, the achievement of the goal does not occur immediately, and luck appears after a long series of losses. However, many learn from their omissions! No matter how strange it may sound, but the more failures, the greater the success. Every failure is a useful experience that will certainly lead to victory. Luck is born where failure ends.

However, hasty decisions cannot be considered decisive. In most cases, such behavior indicates a person's persistent intention to get rid of a stressful state, which is a manifestation of weak will. And the continuous postponing of the adoption or implementation of a decision indicates an underdevelopment of the will.

How to cultivate willpower?

If you have made a firm decision to develop your will, then you must adhere to certain conditions. First, try to develop the habit of coping with the problems at hand. This will educate and temper your willpower! Consider any obstacle from the position of an ‹‹impregnable fortress››, doing everything to take it. Second, never forget the ultimate goal. Thirdly, any decision must be considered, and then executed. And finally, fourthly, define plans for the near future, where in the end they will always lead to a productive goal.

Discipline above all else!

Each person contains a strong and vibrant personality, although sometimes it is hidden. Give your true essence a chance by releasing it. Learn to listen to your personal voice with as little influence as possible. Only in this way can a person cultivate perseverance in achieving goals.

And yet, what is perseverance? What is the reason that only a few can achieve what they want, while changing the quality of their lives? This is interconnected with understanding the importance of one's fortitude and the right attitude to discipline! Unfortunately, many make the same fatal omission!

They refuse to fight, arguing that they will not go against their desires. As a result, they become hostages of their desires, vices, inclinations, harmful and killing habits. Remember, when people cannot curb their desires, the latter will certainly capture their mind, will.

Perseverance and perseverance are very important and very strong personal qualities that help a person achieve success and win. You can even say that if you are persistent and persistent enough, then this is already a great success for you, and you can rightly be proud of it. However, in most cases, many people are not persistent enough and not persistent enough, they often give in to difficulties and thereby deprive themselves of the opportunity to achieve more in their lives, they give up, retreat and lose, instead of going to the end and winning. Therefore, perseverance and perseverance must be developed; these qualities should be in every self-respecting person. This article, dear reader, will help you do just that. Be sure to read it to the end, and you will learn how to become more stubborn and persistent, and therefore, a stronger spirit and a person adapted to life, always ready to go to the bitter end. And becoming a strong spirit, you will certainly achieve great success in life.

So, to begin with, let's find out - what is perseverance and what is perseverance. Perseverance is a personality trait that represents a person’s ability to achieve specific close goals, regardless of any obstacles and failures, this is loyalty to one’s close goal, no matter what. That is, when a person confronts the failures that arise in his life "here and now", he shows perseverance. Persistent people are immune to interference, they are able to show character in solving the problems currently facing them. For example, you need to do something important for you at the moment, well, or in the very near future. This is not an easy matter, it is associated with various difficulties and problems that you do not know how to solve. And if you doubt that you should do this business at all, if you don’t want to complete it due to various difficulties associated with this business, and perhaps you don’t dare to start doing it at all, then you lack perseverance. But if you are a stubborn person, then you will do your job at all costs, regardless of the problems and difficulties that you will encounter. At the same time, I draw your attention, dear readers, that being a stubborn person and doing your job, you do not try to do it in only one single way in which you constantly fail, you must definitely look for other options in order to find the very right option, which will enable you to succeed in your business. It is very important here not to confuse persistence with stubbornness, because stubbornness does not allow a person to be flexible in solving certain tasks facing him, stubbornness forces a person to step on the same rake, while stubbornness makes a person look for an opportunity to bypass this rake. Thus, a stubborn person makes strong-willed efforts and overcomes the difficulties encountered in order to realize an important specific close goal for him. A person makes one attempt after another, tries again and again, over and over again to do what he needs, but at the same time all this happens in the mode here and now.

Now let's turn our attention to persistence and see what it is. Persistence is a personality trait that allows a person to pursue long-term, long-term goals that require great effort and patience with failure. Persistence is manifested in a person's ability to overcome life's obstacles for a long time. A persistent person without any doubts and hesitations goes to the goal he has set and does not give it up because of various difficulties and obstacles that may arise on his way. That is, unlike perseverance, perseverance requires from a person not a one-time, but a systematic manifestation of willpower, in order to realize a goal that is distant in time. For example, you want to get rich, and for this you need to complete - not one, not two, or even ten tasks, but as many as it takes in order to achieve this goal of yours. That is, you need to get a good education, you need to learn about how people get rich in general, you need to make attempts, as much as it takes, to succeed in this or that business that allows you to earn a lot of money, for example, in the same business. In other words, to achieve a distant goal, you need to solve many different tasks, while achieving close goals, for the achievement of which, as mentioned above, you need to be persistent. Thus, it turns out that by showing perseverance, in order to achieve close goals and due to this, moving towards a distant, more significant goal, a person shows perseverance.

Well, now that you and I know what perseverance is and what perseverance is, let's think about why we need these qualities, what benefits we can get from them. We all have some desires in life, we all want something and we all need something. In order to realize our desires and satisfy our needs, we must make certain efforts, we must show willpower, make certain sacrifices, work to achieve something and get something, because nothing in this life is done by itself. It does nothing good for us unless we do good for ourselves. Without perseverance, without perseverance, it is difficult to succeed in this life, it is difficult to form a strong unbending character, and it is absolutely impossible to be a winner, because these qualities are necessary for victory. Our desires require perseverance and perseverance from us, and life itself requires these qualities from us, because without them we cannot even fully feel ourselves as people. We will not be able, hand on heart, to call ourselves a man, that very man, whose possibilities are practically unlimited, if in life we ​​are not persistent enough and not stubborn enough, if we bend at the first breath of the wind. Man is a strong being capable of achieving his goals under any circumstances. It is human nature to swim against the current and swim where he wants to swim. In addition, we must understand that life consists of a huge number of problems and mistakes that we will definitely constantly face. And if we do not learn to be persistent and persistent enough, we will not be able to cope, even with minor problems, and we will not be able to come to the positive result we need through mistakes. And then we will never get full satisfaction from our life, because we will not achieve anything significant in it. We should not give in to problems and should not be afraid of mistakes if we want to be happy, because it is impossible to hide from problems and mistakes in this world, they, as I said, are part of our life. So not only for people with large, ambitious goals and objectives, such qualities as perseverance and perseverance are necessary, we all need them, regardless of our views and plans for life.

And now, friends, when we have found out why we need perseverance and perseverance, we should ask ourselves the following very important issue– how to develop these qualities in yourself, how to develop perseverance and how to develop perseverance? This is a very serious question in fact, because it is one thing to agree that we need to develop certain qualities in ourselves, and quite another to develop them. Sometimes, understanding and consent alone is not enough; a burning desire based on emotions is also required, which will make a person do something that he should do. And in order to become a stubborn and persistent person, we will have to do a lot, because these qualities are not inherent in many people, which means that it is not so easy to develop them in ourselves. But we will definitely do this, we will show perseverance and perseverance in order to develop perseverance and perseverance in ourselves. How do you like this approach?

Ask how is this possible? How can you develop certain qualities, using these same qualities? You can't develop what you don't have. You can develop what you already have, but what you do not have, you must first acquire, and only then develop it. But the fact of the matter, friends, is that the qualities we are considering are present in every person. And for their development, you just need to awaken these qualities in yourself and then use them. We are all alive only because our ancestors showed enough perseverance and perseverance for the sake of their and our survival. These qualities are in our genes, we do not need to acquire them. But what to do, let's find out below.

To become a stubborn and persistent person, a person with character, with patience and endurance, disciplined, purposeful and hardworking, you need to decide why you need all these qualities. That is, you should pay attention to your desires, needs and everything that you don’t like in life for one reason or another, what makes you uncomfortable, what you want to fix. You must experience an urgent need for the qualities you need in order to change something in this life, in order to get what you want and satisfy all your needs. You see, friends, our brain does not really like to work, as well as our whole body, so we must convince it that we really need to do what we are going to do, so that it will make us do it the way we need to. The brain tends to doubt the need to do something difficult for our body and for it in particular, so it often asks itself the question - why should I? Why should we, you, be persistent in some business? Why do you need to be persistent in achieving some important goal for you? Why do you need all this? Explain to yourself the necessity of what you are going to do before you do it, so that you understand from what and why you want to leave, and where and why you want to come. You need to understand what you will get if you are a stubborn and persistent person, if you strain yourself, force, control yourself.

By the way, are you going to do something and strive for something in this life, do you want to change yourself and / or your life? If not, then you really don’t need to be stubborn and persistent, if everything suits you, then there’s no need to strain, let everything remain as it is. Do you understand what I'm talking about? You need a goal in life, a serious, ambitious goal. Set a goal for yourself, such a goal that just thinking about it gives you goosebumps, so that it excites you very much. Then, explain to yourself - why do you want to achieve this goal? No need to look at other people, think with your head about what and why you need. There is no need to doubt the possibility of achieving this goal, leave all these little things for later, just give yourself a clear answer - why do you need to achieve this goal? It is very important that your goal be very specific, measurable, time-bound, and expressed in positive terms. Well, I think it is clear that objectively your goal should be achievable, that is, it should not be absurd, it should be within human capabilities, otherwise over time you may really have doubts about the possibility of achieving it. In general, try to do without any nonsense, like the desire to become God.

After you define a goal for yourself and answer yourself the question - why do you need to achieve it, you will need to figure out how to achieve it. And for this you will need to develop a detailed plan for its implementation. As you develop this plan, it is very important that it describes the most different methods performing the required work by you, which, in turn, if possible, should not be too boring and routine, so that it does not cause you fatigue from monotonous, exhausting work. I repeat, your plan should be as flexible as possible, so that one or another task that you have to solve in a given period of time can be solved different ways. Consider different options for your actions in different situations, allow the possibility of making all sorts of mistakes by you, think over in advance the situations in which you will fail in something in order to accept both mistakes and failures as part of your plan. Do not try to create an ideal plan in which everything will go smoothly for you, mistakes and failures must be taken into account by you and you must be morally prepared for them.

Friends, it is very important to be able to break big goals into small goals, that is, break a long road into small segments of the path that you can go through. If necessary, you can think over each subsequent step so as not to stray from the intended path and not stop moving. Knowing the difference between perseverance and perseverance, you must understand that for small goals, you will need perseverance, and to go all the way from beginning to end, allowing you to achieve your main, big goal, you will need perseverance. Therefore, break down all your goals into such actions that you, thanks to the perseverance that this approach will develop in you, you can say automatically, will be able to perform. After all, you and I understand that a whole elephant can only be eaten in pieces, therefore, it is in pieces, and not in pieces, and even less so, that we should eat it. In general, do not take on all the cases at once and do not drive the horses, trying to get everything done as quickly as possible. Endurance and patience - that's what you need in order not to rush and fuss, and they, in turn, do not require any effort from us, rather, on the contrary, in order to manifest these qualities, we must remain calm and relaxed.

Friends, it is very important for a person to be active, so as not only not to lose faith in his goal and thereby extinguish his desire to achieve it, but also not to let his negative qualities, such as laziness, fear, insecurity, irresponsibility, take over. positive qualities you form, that is, over perseverance, perseverance, patience, discipline, responsibility and other useful qualities. Our brain, and our body, just give them the opportunity to relax, and then they will in every possible way convince us not to disturb them, because our body and the brain that belongs to it, as I said, do not like to work. Relaxation is bad for us, because we get used to good things too quickly, and we always need to know the measure in everything. But we, unfortunately for many of us, often do not know this very measure, and therefore, having relaxed, we really do not like to strain again. So Monday is not a hard day - this Sunday is a day too easy. In general, do not allow yourself to relax too much and too often, otherwise you will forget about your goal, and about the qualities that you develop in yourself, striving for it.

It is very important, please, pay your attention to this, friends, while tempering your character, by developing perseverance and perseverance in yourself, to be able not to react to the negative environment in which you may live. You must be immune to critical moods, and they will definitely be. Very often, our relatives, friends, acquaintances begin to show us their doubts that we have chosen the right path in life for ourselves. I am not saying that you should completely ignore them, sometimes it is useful to listen to the advice of other people who from the outside can see what we do not see, and whose experience may be qualitatively different from our experience. But if these people clip your wings, if they do not help, but prevent you from flying, then just do not take them seriously. Your immunity to critical moods is your indifference to those from whom these moods come. Do you understand what I'm talking about? If you do not want to get infected, do not contact sick people, or at least try not to notice them. There are no people for you who do not see you as a strong personality, make yourself such an attitude and stick to it. All of them know how it is necessary and how it is better, but you will look at them and be impressed with nothing. We are always criticized most of all by those people who themselves do nothing, do not want to do anything and therefore have not achieved anything in their lives. How can you take seriously those to whom your activity is like a bone in the throat? The answer is no. You don't have to accept them. Just do your thing and ignore the destructive and unfounded criticism. Let them all criticize you, blame you, mock you, let them put a spoke in your wheel, there is nothing wrong with that. The abundance of criticism against you means that you do not stand still, that you are moving, and people notice you.

It is important for you not to back down and not give up under any circumstances, even if sometimes your perseverance will be like stubbornness, which involves a person committing the same unsuccessful actions. The main thing, friends, is that you yourself feel like a strong, inflexible person who cannot be morally broken. Therefore, try to always bring all the things you have started to the end, in order to prove to yourself that you have a fighting character, that you are a strong personality, so that you can fight for as long as you have the strength. Bring your affairs, if not to a victorious end, if this is impossible in principle, then at least to its logical conclusion, so that you understand that you have done everything you could. A person’s consciousness absorbs a certain part of his everyday experience, and the subconscious absorbs everything, and if it becomes a habit for you to start and not finish things, then you will set yourself up for a wave of an incapable loser. Remember friends, a persistent person - never gives up and always keeps his word to himself!

I would also like to add one more thing. I understand that all people are different and live in different conditions, sometimes a person can live in such a degenerative or overly aggressive environment for him that no attempts to develop strong qualities in himself may be successful. In such cases, a person may need outside help, which he can receive both from various specialists whose work is connected with people, for example, from psychologists, and from good friends. Without this help, some people, unfortunately, fail to change themselves and their lives, they fail to make themselves strong.

I will be glad to give you my helping hand friends to help you become a strong person. The main thing is that you do not lose faith that you, like many other successful people, can become and will definitely become a stubborn and persistent person in achieving any of your goals. The main thing is that you understand that you can, and I believe you should, succeed in life. You can help yourself, fine, I can only praise you and be happy for you. You can’t, it’s okay, don’t worry, ask for help from me or other specialists you trust, and become strong with their help. You can develop any qualities in yourself, I tell you for sure.

personal volitional quality, characterized by the ability to overcome external and internal obstacles, aimed at steady, despite difficulties and obstacles, achieving the goal. It develops in a child on the basis of upbringing, starting from the age of preschool, the ability to complete the fulfillment of feasible tasks, the willingness to make efforts to subordinate one's behavior to the future result, sometimes - contrary to current impulses. play an important role in the development of perseverance meaningful goals and awareness of duty and responsibility for the assigned work.

For the cultivation of perseverance, short-term actions are not suitable, but long-term actions are required.


English insistence) is a volitional quality of a person, which consists in the ability to achieve a goal, while overcoming external and internal obstacles. On the basis of external resemblance, N. should not be confused with stubbornness. Both are characterized by a stubborn desire to achieve what they want, but, unlike N., with stubbornness, the only motive for behavior is self-affirmation, the desire to insist on one's own.

N.'s education needs to be begun from early age. The most important thing is to teach the child not to stop purposeful efforts when obstacles arise. It is necessary to set rather difficult, but feasible tasks for him and steadily demand that he bring the work he has begun to the end. It is also very important to develop in the child the ability to independently set and solve objectively significant problems. IN school age an important role in the development of N. belongs to the team of students and self-education. See also assertiveness.


The term is similar in meaning to perseveration in that it reflects a behavioral tendency to persevere or persist, but with two important differences. First, the negative connotations of the term perseveration are usually absent here; perseverance involves an admirable struggle against opposition. Second, persistence usually refers to behavior, while perseveration usually refers to a tendency. In this sense, persistence is used to refer to processes that continue for some time after the stimulus that initiated them is no longer present, a synonym for persistence.


volitional quality of the personality, manifested in determination, purposefulness in the implementation of activities to achieve the intended goal, in overcoming difficulties and obstacles. Inappropriate, meaningless turns into stubbornness.

Most people are weak, not strong enough and not persistent enough, often giving in to difficulties and depriving themselves of the opportunity to achieve more in their lives. Perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.

"Perseverance Passes Through Rocks"

Perseverance and perseverance are very important and very strong strong-willed personal qualities that help a person achieve their goals, success and win. However, most people are not persistent enough and not persistent enough, often give in to difficulties and thereby deprive themselves of the opportunity to achieve more in their lives.

People who do not know how to persevere often give up early, retreat and lose, instead of going all the way and achieving the desired results. Therefore, perseverance and perseverance must be developed; these qualities should be in every self-respecting person.

What is perseverance and perseverance?

Perseverance is the ability of a person to achieve specific goals, despite all sorts of obstacles and failures. Persistent people are stress-resistant, they are able to show a decisive character, especially in situations of forthcoming choice, in solving the tasks currently facing them.

It is important not to confuse perseverance with stubbornness. Stubbornness does not allow a person to be flexible in solving certain difficulties facing him, stubbornness contributes to making the same mistakes, while perseverance and perseverance makes a person look for an opportunity to bypass all obstacles.

Thus, a stubborn person makes strong-willed efforts and overcomes the difficulties encountered in order to realize an important, specific and close goal for him. Thanks to perseverance, a person makes one attempt after another, tries again and again, over and over again to do what he needs, but at the same time takes into account all his past mistakes and failures, remains flexible in overcoming difficulties.

Persistence is a personality trait that allows a person to pursue long-term, long-term goals that require great effort and patience with failure. Perseverance comes from the words - "to insist on one's own".

Personal perseverance is manifested in the ability to overcome life's obstacles for a long time. A persistent person without doubts and hesitations goes to the intended goal and does not give it up because of various difficulties that may arise on his way.

Unlike perseverance, perseverance requires a systematic manifestation of willpower from a person in order to achieve a goal remote in time. A persistent person, in order to achieve close goals, goes to a larger goal, thus showing perseverance.

Development of courage. How to show courage?

Without perseverance and perseverance, it is difficult to succeed in life. Without perseverance and perseverance, it is impossible to form a strong unbending character, and it is absolutely impossible to become a winner.

After all, life consists of a huge number of problems, failures and mistakes that absolutely every person constantly faces. And if we do not learn to be persistent and persistent enough, we will not be able to cope, even with small problems, let alone achieve certain goals.

How to be persistent?

It is very important to be active.

Just give our body the opportunity to relax, and then it will in every possible way convince us not to disturb it. We too quickly get used to the good, and we always need to know the measure in everything. In this sense, Monday is not a hard day, just Sunday is too relaxing for us.

To show perseverance, you must be able to properly deal with criticism.

If you can't get rid of the negative environment, then try to take advantage of each criticism. If there is no such opportunity, then learn to ignore such statements and people who are trying to undermine your faith in yourself. Let this be your small goal that you can persevere to achieve.

It is important not to retreat or give up under any circumstances, even if sometimes your perseverance and perseverance will be like stubbornness, which involves a person committing the same unsuccessful actions. The main thing is that you yourself feel like a strong, unbending person who cannot be morally broken. Try to always bring all the things you have started to the end, in order to prove to yourself that you have a fighting character, that you are a strong personality, so that you can fight for as long as you have the strength.

Formation of perseverance in achieving the goal

1. Perseverance always goes hand in hand with determination

Therefore, learn to set the right goals for yourself. Many people make the big mistake of setting too many goals or goals that are too unrealistic. If we set too many goals for ourselves, then this reduces the likelihood that we will achieve each of them individually. After all, our forces, our time and in general our resources are not unlimited. Subsequently, each such failure in achieving a particular goal will hurt pride, strong-willed qualities, and perseverance in the implementation of subsequent goals.

It is necessary to decide on a really desired goal so that the forward movement does not stop and nothing prevents perseverance. The goal must be as clear as possible. Your goal must be specific and realistic. Don't plan to move the Moon out of its orbit. All that is needed to show perseverance is to draw up a plan of action so as to use a variety of methods to achieve the goal.

2. Take your time setting goals

Set a small goal to start with and achieve it. Set a bigger goal next time and hit it again. And in this way, you can develop perseverance to incredible heights. For example, if you are constantly late for work, set a goal to be on time for 5 days in a row. Then when you achieve this goal, set yourself a more difficult goal - to be punctual for a month. Etc. The same technique can be used to achieve any goal.

The main reason why most people fail to develop perseverance is that many people run away from their problems or put them off until later, not solving, but simply discussing the problem itself. Start acting instead of thinking about the problem and difficulties.

The best method of building persistence is to learn how to make decisions without delaying them. Make decisions quickly, but rush to change them, because someone who often changes his mind or doubts is simply not confident in himself. Once you've made a decision and you know you need it, make a promise to yourself that you won't change your mind anytime soon.

3. Forgive yourself momentary weaknesses, but draw conclusions from this

Of course, it happens that there come periods of weakness, bad mood, apathy or even cowardice, when you don’t want to do anything, and work becomes just a torment. If you break down, this does not mean that later you will not be able to get back together and tune in to achieve the goal. Do something else for now, get distracted, gain strength for subsequent perseverance in achieving the goal.

4. Be sure to believe in yourself

The formation of perseverance is impossible without self-confidence, without faith in achieving your results and your victories.

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