Calorie content of food for the nutrition of school-age children. Nutrition for children. What kind of meat can a child have

Interior elements 01.10.2021
Interior elements

One of the important elements contributing to growth and development is the proper nutrition of the child, in which the quantity and quality of food is balanced in accordance with the needs of the baby.

Specialists in the field of pediatrics and nutrition have developed nutritional standards for children of the first year of life, the violation of which can significantly affect the health of the baby and his physical and mental abilities.

Thus, an insufficient amount of food intake by a child of the first year of life can contribute to the development of dystrophy, rickets, prolapse of the kidneys, which are supported by adipose tissue. Children's nutrition that does not correspond to the age category in terms of quality and composition can lead to delayed development of the child, missing teeth or poor quality, diathesis, allergic reactions, nervous system disorders, mental retardation, anemia.

Healthy nutrition for children is especially important in the first year of life., when the basic functions of the body are laid and the lack of weight, or the absence of any vitamins or vital trace elements, can affect the health of the child as a whole.

Nutrition for children of the first six months of life

The calculation of the nutrition of children of the first year of life can be carried out according to the needs for the amount of food, knowing its calorie content and the weight of the baby. Besides, children of the first half of the year breastfed can eat exclusively breast milk, which satisfies all their needs for nutrients and contributes to the normal development of all organs, as well as supplies the body with immune cells that protect the baby from the effects of infection.

Breastfeeding is carried out at the request of the child, who himself determines how often and in what quantity he needs food. As a rule, by the end of the first month of life, the rhythm of breast milk production, as well as its composition, are synchronized with the needs of the baby and there are no problems. The following factors indicate that the baby does not have enough breast milk:

  • The number of wet diapers per day is less than the number of feedings.
  • The baby hangs on the chest for a long time and falls asleep more from fatigue than from satiety.
  • Often wakes up with a hungry cry and falls silent only after he was given a breast.
  • Weight gain does not meet the monthly growth rate.

If there is at least one of the factors listed, you need to contact a pediatrician who will help you do a control weighing before and after feeding, as well as send breast milk for research in terms of its fat content and density. In the event that it turns out that there really is not enough milk, options are possible with supplementary feeding with mixtures after the main feeding or a complete replacement of one or two feedings with food for children.

The nutrition of children under one year old, who are initially on mixtures, should be under the control of the parents and meet the age requirements, it is very important to observe the feeding regime, give the baby the amount necessary for his age and take into account the composition of the mixtures.

Calculation of the amount of food for a bottle-fed baby

In order not to overfeed the baby or leave him hungry it is necessary to comply with nutritional standards, including the number of feedings and the amount of food consumed which are individual for each child and change every month as they grow.

There are several formulas that allow you to calculate the volume and calorie intake of a child by months, they are convenient to use and can be taken as a basis by a pediatrician who adjusts the feeding scheme depending on the individual needs of the baby.

The daily requirement for milk or formula of the child for the first 10 days of life

As you know, in the first 2 - 3 days, the child needs a very small amount of nutritious and easily digestible colostrum, which is excreted instead of milk. Milk appears on about 3-4 days, or the newborn is fed with an adapted mixture, the amount of which per day can be found out by the formula:

2% of body weight at birth multiplied by the number of days from birth.

The resulting figure is equal to the daily amount of food, then it must be divided by the number of meals. For example, birth weight is 3,200 kg, then on the fourth day from birth he must consume the daily food intake equal to the formula:

(3,200 / 100 * 2) * 4 = 64 (2% of body weight at birth) * 4 (number of days from birth) = 256ml per day.

At the same time, the daily nutritional intake of the child in the first 10 days should not exceed 1000 ml per day.

There is an easier way to find out the amount of food per meal, for this you need to multiply the number of days from birth by 10. For example, on the 5th day of life from birth, the one-time norm of milk or mixture is 50 ml, respectively, each subsequent day the norm increases by 10 ml for each meal food.

Method for calculating the volume of food by its calorie content

In the first half of the year, the energy requirements of children for food per day correspond to 115kl per kilogram of body weight, after 6 months this figure decreases to 110kkl per kilogram. But this method is used only when the calorie content of the food is known, for example, when using baby food.

Let's give an example, the baby's body weight is 5kg, then the daily calorie intake is 5 * 115 = 575kl. Knowing the calorie content of the mixture per liter 680kl / l, you can find out the amount the child needs per day - (575 * 1000) / 680 = 845, 5 ml per day.

It should be borne in mind that a child's diet at 10 months includes not only mixtures, but also 3 full meals consisting of vegetables, meat and dairy products. Therefore, in order to calculate the diet of a 10 month old child, it is necessary to know the calorie content of all products per 100 g. and take into account that a one-time meal should not exceed 120 - 140g per meal.

Calculation of the daily dose of milk according to the Reich

A fairly simple way to find out the amount of food in order for the nutrition of children in the first year of life to be balanced and sufficient is to divide the baby's weight in grams by his height and multiply the resulting number by 7.

For example, a child weighs with a height of 57 cm, 4.9 kg. we have a calculation: (4900gr / 57cm) * 7 = 601ml, which corresponds to the norm.

Child nutrition calculator up to a year by months

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Proper nutrition for a child under one year old - can it affect the health of the child as a whole?
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Proper nutrition for a child under one year old - can it affect the health of the child as a whole?

Introduction of the first complementary foods

The composition of mother's milk fully meets the needs of a growing child's body up to 6 months, while adapted formulas, no matter how enriched with various microelements, are not fully absorbed, and a child already at 4 - 5 months needs an additional source of nutrients... You can learn more about healthy nutrition for children by studying the table of introducing complementary foods by month, taking into account the fact that for children on artificial feeding, complementary foods must be introduced a month earlier.

Consider additional nutrition for children under one year of age for months, starting from six months as with breastfeeding.

Despite the recommendations of pediatricians in previous years, today you should not use applesauce or juice for the first complementary foods, since its acidity can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the baby's stomach and lead to diathesis. The best option for a baby's first acquaintance with adult food would be the introduction of mashed potatoes or a lighter zucchini in season. It should be introduced in the first half of the day, after the main intake of milk or mixture, starting with a teaspoon and gradually replacing the second feeding 80 - 90g. vegetable puree. Gradually, you can make multi-component purees, fruit purees and juices diluted with water.

When introducing new products, it must be remembered that the nutrition of children under one year old does not imply the use of artificial colors, trans fats and preservatives, therefore the best food is healthy food for children in the source of origin, which, mom is sure.

Starting from the moment the baby reaches the seventh month, you can enter fermented milk products prepared with the help of special starter cultures and lactic bacteria. Such food will help the child to quickly adapt to solid foods and create the necessary microflora in the intestines. The nutrition of a seven-month-old child should include two full meals consisting of vegetable soup or mashed potatoes, dairy-free porridge or kefir. The amount of cow's milk products should be limited, as it is a strong allergen in its pure form. By the end of the seventh month, the amount and composition of complementary foods for a child on GW and an artificial baby are equalized.

The nutrition of an eight-month-old child becomes more varied, as gradually meat puree from chicken or rabbit, a quarter of the yolk and a little butter or vegetable oil are introduced into the diet. Healthy food for children should be varied and contain all the nutrients necessary for growth and development.

Diet food for children under one year old should not contain fried or smoked food; canned food, soups with meat broths and various sweets are also banned. During the period when the child already has several teeth, and this happens, as a rule, by the age of 9 months, you should not give the baby solid food, from which a piece may fall off. So carrots, apples and cookies, on which children relieved itchy gums, become pathologically dangerous.

Nutrition for a 10 month old baby

By this age, children can completely switch to an alternative menu, reserving the right to eat their mother's milk before going to bed and with the first rays of the sun. The number of feedings per day is 5, taking into account breastfeeding or formula.
The diet of a child at 10 months is approximately the following:

  1. 6 - 00 breast milk or 200 ml of formula.
  2. 10 - 00 milk porridge or cottage cheese with fruit puree.
  3. 14 - 00 vegetable soup or mashed potatoes with meatballs.
  4. 18:00 adapted kefir, baby biscuits with milk.
  5. 22:00 formula or breast milk.

How to feed a 10 month old baby? Of course, at this age, it is necessary to gradually teach the baby to eat independently from a spoon, for this you can seat the child in a special chair and provide him with children's dishes. In this case, you can simultaneously feed the baby yourself with another spoon. A baby's nutrition at 10 months should not consist of completely homogenized foods. So you can make soups not completely uniform, include thicker puddings or meatballs with rice in the diet. By the age of 10 months, the child's gag reflex fades away and more solid food, with which the baby is already able to cope, should be present on the table. It is better to refuse a blender when preparing food for a child of 10 months, kneading everything with a fork. The nutrition of an 11 month old baby practically does not differ from the diet of a 10 month old baby.

Baby food after a year

The nutrition of a one-year-old child is noticeably different from the diet of an infant, for example, the amount of food consumed per day can be equal to 1250 ml. at the same time, meals are reduced to 4. It is recommended to increase the interval between the last meal and breakfast. So, food for children after a year begins with breakfast at about 8 o'clock in the morning, dinner should not be later than 21 - 00 o'clock.

The child's diet per year consists of 25% of the daily allowance for breakfast, 35% for lunch, 15% for an afternoon snack and 25% for dinner.

Baby food recipes after a year should include dairy products, poultry, beef, vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish, eggs, vegetable fats. As little as possible, you need to give the child sweets, flour products, animal fats. Categorically, a child's food from one year old does not include carbonated drinks, chips, sausages and other instant meals. Such food contains many dyes and flavors, which can strongly affect the pancreas or liver at one time, cause gastritis, ulcers, or cause severe poisoning.

The nutrition of a child at 1.5 years old usually does not include breast milk or formula, which of course can be consumed by a child at this age, if the mother wants it, but they do not carry much value in themselves. The food should be more solid and not uniform. Little by little, fried foods, such as cheesecakes, pancakes with cottage cheese, cutlets, can be added to the menu, as when eating a child of 2 years old. In this case, you should not allow a heavily fried crust affecting the baby's pancreas. At this age, children are very capricious and selective in food, therefore, when preparing it, the decoration of the dish, as well as the dishes and serving, play an important role. At this age, you can also start teaching your child the correct table manners.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

A slim and good figure is the dream of almost every girl. But, unfortunately, this issue is far from the last on our planet. How to deal with extra pounds when there is very little time for sports?

This problem is especially acute for mothers with small children. After all, they have absolutely no time for themselves, since the kids require increased attention to themselves.

Recently, a new and effective diet has emerged. It was developed by fitness trainer Tracy Anderson and has become very popular with show business stars. Currently, the number of lovely ladies who have tried this diet has increased and are delighted with this diet.

Diet on baby food for weight loss

Various modifications of this diet have been developed with varying number of days of application. Severe - this is a weight loss of up to five kilograms per week, or stretched - for 14 days.

When applying a strict diet, the diet of a losing weight will consist exclusively of baby purees. Any of these diets should not be repeated more than twice a year. The problem is that there is practically no fiber in the composition of baby food, and this can affect the digestion process.

In addition, you need to calculate the number of calories consumed. It should be approximately 1200 kcal per day.

To rid the body of excess body fat, it is necessary to use puree for children. When buying food, you need to check the composition of the mashed potatoes so that they are sugar-free and cream-free, since they have more calories. Otherwise, the benefits of such a diet will diminish.

It is desirable that mashed potatoes be varied: meat, fish, vegetable and fruit, juices and curds will not be superfluous. It is necessary to take food often and in small portions. A prerequisite is the need to drink clean water, at least one glass, before each meal. Also during the day you need to drink herbal tea or green tea without added sugar.

Diet positive factors

  • Rapid weight loss due to the low calorie content of baby food. After all, you won't want to eat a lot of it. And conveniently, each jar indicates how many calories are in baby food, and this makes it easier to calculate them.
  • This diet is convenient in that there is no need to constantly spend time preparing food: open the jar and dinner is ready. You can always take mashed potatoes with you for a snack.
  • Since mashed potatoes are prepared for children, they contain a minimum amount of various preservatives and emulsifiers. And the quality of ready-made baby food is much higher.
  • The variety of baby food is huge, so the diet won't be boring.

Sample diet menu on baby food for weight loss

This menu is approximate for a fourteen day diet.

Breakfast: one 100-gram jar of curd and fruit puree, tea.

Second breakfast: pear or other fruit puree 1 jar.

Lunch: 2 jars of meat or fish, 2 jars of vegetables, tea.

Afternoon snack: 1 curd, a bottle of juice.

Dinner: 1 jar of fish and vegetable puree.

Late dinner: fruit puree 1 can, tea.

In this diet, a small amount of fiber, as well as proteins and carbohydrates, is consumed less, because the portions are designed for babies, therefore it is not recommended to use it for more than 14 days.

During the diet, the body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins. Eating according to such a diet, the stomach gets used to small portions and when switching to a regular diet, it is important not to overeat, to continue eating in small portions. Otherwise, rapid weight gain will occur, and all efforts will be in vain.

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For the correct and full development of the child's body, a full-fledged balanced diet is necessary. When composing a children's menu, you should carefully select products and avoid strict dietary restrictions.

Energy value of baby food

When drawing up a daily menu for a child, it is necessary to strictly observe the daily calorie intake. Exceeding this indicator can negatively affect the health of the baby.

Taking into account the child's age, certain types of complementary foods are introduced into his diet, each of which has a certain calorie content and nutritional value:

  • Vegetable puree - 25 kcal.
  • Fruit puree - 60 kcal.
  • Meat puree - 144 kcal.
  • Mixes and cereals - 286 kcal.

If a cereal component is used for feeding a child, then the energy value of food increases due to its enrichment with complex carbohydrates.

Baby food for an adult diet

Quite often, baby food is used for the dietary menu of an adult. The inclusion of such foods in therapeutic diets reduces the burden on the digestive system. But despite this, baby food enriches the body with all the necessary useful nutrients.

Baby food can be used as healthy snacks while following the weight loss diet. Ready-made purees do not contain additional flavors, spices and preservatives and are made from natural raw materials. Baby food satisfies hunger well and does not increase appetite during meals.

The nutrition of children 3-7 years old should be organized in such a way as to ensure the normal growth and development of the child's body, to prepare muscles, bones and the brain for a sharp increase in mental and physical stress and a change in the regime associated with the beginning of school.

For this, it is important to observe several basic principles power supply:

  • Nutrition should supply the child's body with the necessary amount of energy for motor, mental and other activity.
  • The diet should be balanced and contain all types of nutrients (the so-called nutrients).
  • It is important that the diet is varied, only this is a condition for its balance. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of children, possible intolerance to any products.
  • It is necessary to comply with the technology of food processing and cooking, observe the sanitary requirements for the premises where food is prepared, the terms and conditions of storage, etc.

Mineral salts play an important role in the exchange of water in the body, regulation of the activity of many enzymes. Mineral substances are divided into two groups depending on their content in the body: macronutrients or mineral salts (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorides, sulfates, etc.) and trace elements (iron, copper, zinc, chromium, manganese, iodine, fluorine, selenium, etc.). The content of macronutrients in the body can be up to 1 kg. Trace elements do not exceed tens or hundreds of milligrams.

The table below shows the main substances that are most important for the child's body and their daily rate for children 3 (first digit) and 7 years old (second digit).

Table of the average daily norm of the physiological needs of the body in the main micro- and macroelements

Name Function Source (products containing the item)
Calcium Formation of bones and teeth, blood coagulation systems, processes of muscle contraction and nervous excitement. Normal heart function. Milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese. 800-1100 mg
Phosphorus Participates in the construction of bone tissue, the processes of storage and transmission of hereditary information, the transformation of the energy of food substances into the energy of chemical bonds in the body. Maintains acid-base balance in the blood. Fish, meat, cheese, cottage cheese, cereals, legumes. 800-1650 mg
Magnesium Synthesis of protein, nucleic acids, regulation of energy and carbohydrate-phosphorus metabolism. Buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, green peas, carrots, beets, lettuce, parsley. 150-250 mg
Sodium and Potassium They create conditions for the emergence and conduction of a nerve impulse, muscle contractions and other physiological processes in the cell. Table salt is sodium. Meat, fish, cereals, potatoes, raisins, cocoa, chocolate - potassium. Not exactly installed
Iron An integral part of hemoglobin, oxygen transport by blood. Meat, fish, eggs, liver, kidneys, legumes, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal. Quince, figs, dogwood, peaches, blueberries, rose hips, apples. 10-12 mg
Copper It is necessary for normal hematopoiesis and metabolism of connective tissue proteins. Beef liver, seafood, legumes, buckwheat and oatmeal, pasta. 1 - 2 mg
Iodine Participates in the construction of the thyroid hormone, provides physical and mental development, regulates the state of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and liver. Seafood (sea fish, seaweed, seaweed), iodized salt. 0.06 - 0.10 mg
Zinc Essential for normal growth, development and puberty. Maintenance of normal immunity, sense of taste and smell, wound healing, absorption of vitamin A. Meat, rowan, eggs, cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal. 5-10 mg


For proper growth and development, a child needs food rich in vitamins... Vitamins are organic substances with high biological activity. They are not synthesized by the human body or are synthesized in insufficient quantities, therefore they must be ingested with food. Vitamins are indispensable nutritional factors. The content of vitamins in foods is much lower than proteins, fats and carbohydrates, therefore constant control over the sufficient content of each vitamin in the child's daily diet is necessary.

Unlike proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins cannot serve as building materials for the renewal and formation of tissues and organs of the human body, they cannot serve as a source of energy. But they are effective natural regulators of physiological and biochemical processes that ensure the course of most of the vital functions of the body, the work of its organs and systems.

The table below shows the main vitamins that are most important for the child's body and their daily allowance for children 3 (first digit) and 7 years old (second digit).

Table of the average daily norm of the body's physiological need for essential vitamins

Name Function Vitamin-containing foods Daily allowance for children 3-7 years old
B vitamins
IN 1 It is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart and skeletal muscles, organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Participates in carbohydrate metabolism. Wholemeal bread, cereals, legumes (peas, beans, soybeans), liver and other offal, yeast, meat (pork, veal). 0.8 - 1.0 mg
IN 2 Supports the normal properties of the skin, mucous membranes, normal vision and hematopoiesis. Milk and dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese), eggs, meat (beef, veal, poultry, liver), cereals, bread. 0.9 - 1.2 mg
AT 6 Supports the normal properties of the skin, the work of the nervous system, hematopoiesis. Wheat flour, millet, liver, meat, fish, potatoes, carrots, cabbage. 0.9 - 1.3 mg
AT 12 Supports blood formation and normal functioning of the nervous system. Meat, fish, offal, egg yolk, seafood, cheese. 1 - 1.5 mcg
PP (niacin) Functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, maintaining the normal properties of the skin. Buckwheat, rice groats, wholemeal flour, legumes, meat, liver, kidneys, fish, dried mushrooms. 10-13 mg
Folic acid Hematopoiesis, growth and development of the body, synthesis of protein and nucleic acids, prevention of fatty liver. Coarse flour, buckwheat and oat groats, millet, beans, cauliflower, green onions, liver, cottage cheese, cheese. 100-200 mcg
WITH Regeneration and healing of tissues, maintaining resistance to infections and poisons. Hematopoiesis, blood vessel permeability. Fruits and vegetables: rose hips, black currants, bell peppers, dill, parsley, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, mountain ash, apples, citrus fruits. 45-60 mg
A (retinol, retinal, retinoic acid) It is necessary for normal growth, development of cells, tissues and organs, normal visual and sexual function, ensuring the normal properties of the skin. Liver of marine animals and fish, liver, butter, cream, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, carrots, tomatoes, apricots, green onions, lettuce, spinach. 450-500 mcg
D Participates in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, accelerates the absorption of calcium, increases its concentration in the blood, and ensures deposition in bones. Butter, chicken eggs, liver, fat from the liver of fish and marine animals. 10-2.5 mcg
E Antioxidant, supports the functioning of cells and subcellular structures. Sunflower, corn, soybean oil, cereals, eggs. 5-10 mg

Avitaminosis(vitamin deficiency) - a pathological condition caused by the fact that the child's body is not fully provided with this or that vitamin, or its functioning in the body is disrupted. There are several reasons for the occurrence of vitamin deficiency:

  • low content of vitamins in daily food rations due to irrational structure of the food ration,
  • loss and destruction of vitamins in the process of technological processing of food products, their long and improper storage, irrational culinary processing,
  • the presence of vitamins in products in a poorly assimilated form.

But even if all of the above reasons are excluded, situations and conditions are possible when an increased need for vitamins arises. For example:

  • during periods of particularly intensive growth of children and adolescents
  • under special climatic conditions
  • with intense physical activity
  • with intense neuropsychic stress, stressful conditions
  • for infectious diseases
  • when exposed to unfavorable environmental factors
  • for diseases of internal organs and endocrine glands

The most common form of vitamin deficiency is subnormal vitamin supply, when the constant vitamin content is below normal, but not below the critical level. This form takes place among practically healthy children of various ages. The main reasons for this are:

  • malnutrition of pregnant women and nursing mothers
  • widespread use in children's nutrition of refined foods lacking vitamins in the production process
  • loss of vitamins during prolonged and irrational storage and cooking of products
  • hypodynamia associated with a significant decrease in children's need for energy: move little, low appetite, eat little.

Although this form of vitamin deficiency is not accompanied by pronounced clinical disorders, it significantly reduces the resistance of children to the action of infectious and toxic factors, physical and mental performance, and slows down the recovery from illness.

One of the main solutions to many problems that hinder the harmonious development of the child's body is the proper organization of nutrition.

The diet

In accordance with the listed principles of nutrition, the child's diet should include all major food groups.

From meat preferable to use lean beef or veal, chicken or turkey. Sausages, sausages and wieners are less useful. By-products serve as a source of protein, iron, a number of vitamins and can be used in the nutrition of children.

Recommended varieties fishes: cod, pollock, hake, pike perch and other low-fat varieties. Salted fish delicacies and canned food can irritate the stomach and intestinal mucosa, especially in preschool age. They are recommended to be included in the diet only occasionally.

Methodical materials

This article discusses the problem of overweight in children and how to deal with it. It will not be superfluous for parents to find out what is the daily calorie intake for a child of a certain age. Also, the question of choosing a diet for children is raised.

A child of one or two years old with plump pink cheeks evokes tenderness in those around him. Grandmothers are especially happy: for them, folds on their arms and legs symbolize good nutrition and, accordingly, the baby's health. Is this so from the point of view of doctors? Parents of a strong baby already at this age should think about whether their child is overweight, whether his nutrition is rational, whether a diet is needed for the child.

Obesity in children - a side effect of urbanization

Pediatricians around the world are concerned today with the problem of obesity in children of different ages. The reasons why babies have extra pounds, experts recognized the following factors:
  • poor nutrition, lack of food intake;
  • refusal of breastfeeding in favor of infant formula, non-observance of the frequency of artificial feeding and the volume of portions of the mixture;
  • incorrect, untimely introduction of complementary foods;
  • the presence of "synthetic food" in the diet;
  • eating extra calories every day, overeating;
  • wrong daily routine, sedentary lifestyle;
  • lack of sports in a child's life;
  • hormonal disruptions during puberty or due to illness;
  • before and during pregnancy;
  • some hereditary factors.
Sad statistics show that in developed countries, overweight from 15 to 40% of children from 1 to 16 years old. Higher percentage of overweight or obese girls and boys in big cities.
Obesity not only affects the appearance of the child, but also the state of his internal organs and the body as a whole. Suffice it to mention only the deterioration of immunity, a decrease in the body's resistance, endocrine disorders and the prospect of earning diseases of the cardiovascular system in the future.
In addition to all of the above, being overweight in a child often gives rise to psychological problems and in communicating with peers. Often parents are looking for a way to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl when they realize that she is being teased at school for being overweight.

How to tell if a child is obese?

The World Health Organization proposes to identify deviations from normal weight in one direction or another in children, taking into account two parameters. First, WHO establishes standard anthropometric indicators for children of all age groups. If a child's weight is outside the upper threshold, there is reason for both parents and the pediatrician to be concerned. Secondly, it is proposed to find out the little patient. According to WHO, if this indicator is 25 or more, the child is overweight. If BMI exceeds 30, they talk about obesity of one degree or another. This method is applicable to children from five years old due to the physiological characteristics of the younger age group.

Caloric content of food products in the daily diet of children of different ages

Sometimes more doesn't mean better and healthier. Parents are often concerned that their child is not eating well. They worry if he gets enough energy, nutrients and nutrients. But if the baby's appetite is more than good, it is unlikely that mom and dad will worry. But overeating, overloading calories, can significantly harm the child.

it is necessary to determine for each specific child, taking into account his age, sex, height and complexion, lifestyle, presence or absence of sports in his life and other factors.
But the WHO has established guidelines for energy consumption for children from 6 months to 17 years old, which in one way or another apply to every child.

According to these recommendations, the calorie rate is as follows (in kcal):

    • 6 months - 1 year – 800;
    • 1-1.5 years - 1330;
    • 1.5-3 years - 1500;
    • 3-6 years - 1800-2000;
    • 6-10 years old - 2000-2380;
    • 10-13 years old - 2380-2860;
    • 14-17 years old (girls) - 2760;
    • 14-17 years old (boys) - 3160.

What diets are there for overweight children?

If the problem of overweight or even obesity in a child has been identified and confirmed by health workers, it is necessary to choose a diet. It's too early to think about how to lose weight for an 11-year-old girl if she thinks she is fat. The diet must be prescribed by a doctor.

The peculiarity of the child's body is such that a significant amount of energy consumed is spent on growth and formation. Therefore, the diet for the child should not be too strict. Every day a boy or girl should receive the required age norm of nutrients, microelements and vitamins. You can even say that in order to lose weight, a child simply needs to rationalize nutrition: keep the required amount of fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat and dairy products, minimize sweet, fatty, starchy foods, reduce calorie content, revise portion sizes and the method of cooking (replace frying for stewing or baking, for example).

Also, children's diets save four meals:
  1. breakfast - 25-30% of the recommended daily allowance;
  2. second breakfast - 10-15%;
  3. lunch - 40-45%;
  4. dinner - 15-20%.
Depending on the daily routine, the second breakfast can be replaced with an afternoon snack, it also contains 10-15% of the daily food.

What can be a diet for a child?

When deciding how to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl, for example, parents can discuss with the doctor one of the following sample menus.
1. breakfast- buckwheat porridge with milk 1% fat / omelet of two eggs with herbs

2.lunch- borsch on lean beef or chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetable stew, rye bread / vegetable soup, bean stew, fish cutlet, rye bread

3.supper- vegetable salad, fish / boiled potatoes, boiled chicken breast

4. second breakfast / afternoon snack- curd casserole / vegetable pancakes

In between main meals, children are advised to snack on fruits, drink unsweetened compotes, cocoa and weak tea.

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