How to get a good education. Where can you get the best education in the world? Where is the best place to get a higher education

landscaping 14.07.2020

Where is the best place to learn? How to get a good education? Which university to choose? Where to study? These questions many graduates of schools and colleges begin to torment every day until admission. Choosing a university is one of the most important choices in life. A lot depends on what you graduate from - your future profession, place of work, earnings, social circle, marital status, standard of living, etc. Often, choosing a university is also associated with self-assessment of your knowledge and capabilities. And how not to miscalculate here?

How to assess the real level of your knowledge and capabilities?

So, it’s not that you are faced with a choice, but you don’t even know what to choose from. In this case, you need to push off from something. Try to push off from yourself, from your knowledge and capabilities.

Such self-assessment should be based not on personal feelings, but on facts. First, get independently tested. To do this, contact a specialized center where you can be provided with such a service. Secondly, talk to your parents and find out from them what kind of financial assistance they can provide you during your studies, whether they can pay for it if they enter the contract, and if they enter another city, help with renting housing. It is very important. You need to be confident in your knowledge and abilities.

What are the criteria for choosing a university?

To choose a good university, you should stock up on patience and time. What is it for?

Choosing a good university is a careful work with details. To do this, you will need to collect all the necessary information.

To start collecting information, you must decide on a future specialty.

Profession chosen? Then you need to start looking for a university.

1. Determine the circle of universities that train specialists in the direction you need.

2. Go to the websites of these universities, read everything that is written. Pay particular attention to exams and passing scores. The higher the passing scores, the more prestigious the university, which means that graduates are in demand.

3. Read the information on your chosen direction on professional forums. Very often among professionals there is some sympathy for graduates of a particular university, and sometimes antipathy. For example, the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov is considered one of the most prestigious. This is explained by the name of the university, the location of the faculty in the center of Moscow, opposite the Kremlin, and the students themselves maintain such an image, but among professionals, graduates of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University are perceived ambiguously. There is another example, among economists, specialists who have graduated from an industry university, for example, Timiryazevka, Guba, Stankin, etc., are highly valued; in addition to economics, a specialist knows the features and nuances of the industry where he will work, but graduates are purely economic universities such as Pleshka and Vyshka are much less valued, because they know the economy well, but without being tied to a specific area of ​​production or activity. So take into account the opinions of professionals who are already working about universities.

4. Read student reviews. However, keep in mind that mostly negative reviews are published on the Internet. This happens because an offended or dissatisfied person wants to pour out his hatred somewhere and the Internet is the most suitable place for this. A much smaller number of people (there are almost none) who are satisfied with their education will go to write about it on the pages of reviewers, they simply do not need it. Read the reviews, of course, this information will be useful to you in the sense that you will know what you may encounter in a particular university.

5. Go to the job search site in the "Resume" section. Enter your search engine future profession and see which university graduates are looking for jobs the most. This simple manipulation will help you, firstly, to find out the labor market, where you will have to go after receiving a diploma, and secondly, if there are incomparably more graduates of a university looking for work than others, then this is an alarming sign. This means that the university produces unclaimed specialists and it is better not to go there.

Portrait of a good university

It is worth boldly going to act if

  1. Do you have a specialty?
  2. It is difficult to enter, as the passing scores are high;
  3. In a professional environment, a university diploma is highly valued;
  4. The university is loved and respected by students;
  5. Graduates quickly find a job, rather than looking for it for years.

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All parents want to give their children a good education, but not everyone can explain what exactly this concept includes and why some students are successful, and some never find themselves in life.

For many parents, a good education is the education of a child in a good school, and then in a university. That is, the rating of the school and university, an in-depth program and a prestigious diploma become the key to an excellent education for a child. In most cases, this is true. If school teachers and the university program seriously require good knowledge and practical skills from their students, the child will receive this knowledge. When teachers do not treat their work properly, the student is likely not to expect a good education.

Much depends on the health of the child, because not every health will bear the heavy burden of a particular profession. In order to determine whether a particular person's state of health allows him to work or study in the chosen specialty, there is a so-called certificate of professional suitability for work / study, or form 086 y, which can be obtained at http://med-help-086-y .rf . Medical certificate 086 y is presented upon request to the place of work, university, technical school, college.

It is worth noting that not all students from prestigious educational institutions, and not every student of a good university will be able to achieve great success in life, to put into practice all the knowledge that they have been given. There are several reasons for this, the main among them is that the schoolchild and the student do not have the proper motivation to study well and acquire knowledge. Even while studying in an excellent educational institution, a student can skip classes, not complete assignments, and not listen to the teacher. As a result, the money of parents for paid education and tutors will be wasted.

Therefore, getting a good education consists not only of the knowledge and skills that teachers can give to the student, and not only of their competence, but also of motivation, the desire of the student himself to achieve heights in learning, to find himself in this life, knowledge of what exactly he wants reach. After all, sometimes even students with poor grades at school and university revealed great talents in themselves and strove to achieve more, to expand human knowledge in the most different areas: science, literature, music, politics, sports. There are many examples of such people.

A good education is built not only from the knowledge that is taught at school, but also from the personal interests of the student. Only what the student is passionately interested in, what he wants to know with all his heart, can be put into his mind without memorization, easily and naturally. So, such knowledge will remain with him for a long time. It is necessary to look closely at what interests the child, what gives him satisfaction, what he is really good at. Perhaps it is this area that should later become his vocation.

What do you mean by "quality education"? What should a modern high school graduate know and be able to do? Having received answers to these questions, we will find out where and how you can get the highest quality education.

Just some 20 years ago, in order to take a "decent", that is, a highly paid position, it was enough to have a good knowledge of English and a computer. Today, the requirements have become more stringent. Knowledge of two or even three foreign languages, specialized higher education, a broad outlook and deep knowledge of what you do - this is the usual list of requirements for a candidate for a position.

And where, one wonders, can all this be studied? At school? Do not make parents laugh with experience! They already know that even in the “coolest” school you can get to a novice teacher who is just starting his career and knows little. And he will learn from your child. There is a common phrase that behind the back of every doctor is a small cemetery. So behind the back of each, without exception, the teacher also has such a "cemetery". Doctor's mistakes lead to injury or death, and teacher's mistakes lead to a broken psyche and complexes.

They say that such errors are not visible. Lies - do not believe! So why are there so many insecure people? So many angry at the whole world? Sly, dodgy liars? Thanks to the one who, in a hurry, not on purpose, but walked through the children's soul with an asphalt skating rink of intolerance and arrogance, outright rudeness and servility to the powers that be.

What to do? Look for a way out yourself. Let's eat it together. The modern school is designed to provide basic education, and this is a minimum of knowledge. In addition, there are so many subjects in the lesson schedule that the child is simply not able to learn them. Reforms are ongoing. Their goal is to facilitate the program and enable the child to develop freely. This is on paper, but in reality the school works like a prehistoric juicer. All teachers demand, and few of them give the knowledge that will be useful in the future.

We conclude: if you want your child to receive a quality education, deal with this issue yourself. The first thing to do is to understand what the child is capable of, what his inclinations are, what he is interested in, and what he will never do well. Your first assistant in this matter is a psychologist, he will conduct a test and give his opinion. Do not blindly follow his recommendations. A psychologist is an ordinary person, and he, like everyone else, can make mistakes. But it's still worth listening to.

Now let's talk about getting specific knowledge. Where can you learn a foreign language? In any linguistic center. Of course, prices bite there. But, as always, there is a way out. These are embassies different countries and their cultural centers. They, as a rule, announce a set of courses for adults and children twice a year. Free! And this is a huge plus.

There are also paid ones, they are intended for "advanced", for those who polish the language, and do not study it from scratch. In the same cultural centers, you can learn the customs and traditions of the country, learn folk and modern dances, cookery and sewing, the ability to compose ikebana and drawing. Choose what you like. And remember that in such institutions there are always grants for studying abroad.

Your child does not want to learn a foreign language, but is fond of the exact sciences? Then turn on the computer and go to the websites of universities. Associations and sub-courses work there, something like circles that existed in Soviet times, where schoolchildren receive a lot of information on their chosen profession and study in depth, for example, physics or chemistry. Of course, there is a fee, but not as high as that of a tutor.

And now everyone in the house has a free teacher. This is a computer. He is just capable of making knowledge on any subject deep and solid and broadening one's horizons. Teach your child not to play while sitting at the computer, but to work on it. Of course, you need to play, and communicate with friends, and do sports. This, just, no one cancels and does not try to replace it with constant study at various courses and visiting tutors. But the main task is to accustom the child to the idea that the computer is not entertainment, not a toy, but an assistant and teacher.

What happens? Quality education without self-education, without self-improvement is impossible? That is exactly how it works. Remember the famous: "The salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves." However, very Right words! Do you want to get a quality education? Learn! And do it constantly.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The article that I promised in the publication "" was not long in coming, and now we can talk about where the questions come from whether higher education is needed and how to benefit from studying at a university, and not just a crust. This article will not be an advertisement for any university, I will simply express my opinion on how to study in order for higher education to really benefit.

To begin with, I would like to say that by the benefits of higher education, I mean not only the acquired knowledge, but also the overall growth of the individual, both intellectually and intelligently. And for this it is not at all necessary to study at the most prestigious university with a huge number of requirements, but even a “sharashka office” is unlikely to help you in gaining knowledge and personal growth.

What are the benefits of higher education

Now I will not talk about the fact that higher education provides knowledge that you did not have, and which is not easy to get outside of a university, although sometimes it is possible. Yes, and the knowledge that the university provides may not be enough, so think about visiting, the link says more about this, there is no desire to repeat.

I wanted to touch on the topic of personal growth and development. It sounds pretentious, but that's how it is.

So you have to climb all your life

Personal growth does not come from the fact that you wrote notes for 4-6 years, taught and passed, no, for a completely different reason. Of course, you need to learn and pass everything, but there are still some points, the value of which you understand after the university, and during training you only grumble at most of them.

By the way, now the phrase "personal growth" in general has become extremely popular and everyone and everyone is offered to grow. A lot of obscure psychologists, organizations offering something like "esoteric self-development and personal growth." But why are they needed if you can start growing at a university? I’ll tell you how to do this now, please don’t throw tomatoes, this is just my opinion:

And in such a simple way, attending lectures of non-core subjects, communicating with teachers, you can get a very tangible additional benefit from higher education, expressed in broadening your horizons, and get personal growth absolutely free of charge, or even earning good scholarship For more information about the scholarship, please follow the link.

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