Do I need to soak sesame seeds before eating. Sesame. The meaning and application of sesame in different areas

DIY decor 17.12.2021

Humanity has known about the beneficial properties of sesame seeds since ancient times, it does not lose its popularity to this day, it is actively used for medicinal purposes and for the preparation of various dishes, so we will consider the benefits and harms of sesame seeds, their composition, calorie content, as well as the correct use and storage at home.

What is useful sesame? The composition and calorie content of sesame seeds

Sesame seeds have a high nutritional value, they contain many different vitamins and minerals necessary for human life, which is why they are so popular as a healthy addition to many dishes and pastries.

Sesame seed contains vitamins such as E, A, B1, B6, B9, as well as a high content of trace elements such as calcium (daily requirement per 100 grams of seeds), magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, copper and iron. Also, these seeds are high in useful amino acids, proteins and fats. Practically all useful trace elements that are part of the sesame seed are easily absorbed by the human body.

Note: most of the sesame seeds, which are presented in many stores, are peeled seeds, which contain less nutrients, especially calcium (almost 10 times less than unpeeled ones).

Calorie content of sesame seeds is 580 calories per 100 grams of product.

An interesting fact about sesame seeds: sesame seeds contain sesamol (a powerful natural antioxidant, by the way, because sesame has a second name - sesame), which is practically not found in other plants and products and is useful for the human body, while thanks to it, the well-known sesame oil can stored and retain all its useful properties for many years (up to 8-10 years).

Sesame comes in many shades, but the most popular are white and black sesame. Black sesame seeds in their beneficial properties practically do not differ from white ones, the only difference is in taste (black is more saturated with nutty hues).

Medicinal and beneficial properties of sesame seeds for the human body

  1. Eating sesame promotes rejuvenation of the whole organism, favorably affects the health and beauty of the skin and hair.
  2. Sesame seeds, and especially the oil from them, is widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of colds, as well as in diseases of the respiratory tract.
  3. An unusual useful property of sesame (according to Avicenna) is its effect on the vocal cords, with regular use of these seeds, the voice will be sonorous and clear.
  4. The beneficial substances that make up sesame seeds help lower blood cholesterol levels, and also have a general cleansing effect on the entire human body.
  5. The high content of antioxidants helps protect the body from cancer.
  6. Sesame seeds are useful for exhaustion of the body and heart disease.
  7. Sesame seed is useful in the fight against osteoporosis, helps to strengthen bone tissue in the human body.
  8. Useful components of sesame seeds have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

The benefits of sesame for women

The benefits of sesame seeds for the body of women and girls are quite large, they help prevent diseases of the mammary glands (in particular mastopathy), they treat mastitis. No less useful is sesame oil, especially for cosmetic purposes: it is used for massage, for the preparation of various masks for the face, body and hair (strengthens and maintains healthy skin and hair).

An interesting fact about sesame seeds: sesame oil has the property of blocking ultraviolet radiation, so it is used to make suntan creams and oils.

Sesame seed is good for the health of the reproductive system of women and men, and a mixture with poppy seeds, flax and sesame seeds has been used since ancient times as an effective aphrodisiac.

During pregnancy, sesame should be taken in minimal amounts and with caution, as it increases the ability of the uterus to contract, which can lead to miscarriage. When breastfeeding, sesame will be useful due to the high content of calcium, which is necessary for the baby to grow and strengthen the body.

Harm and contraindications of sesame seed for use

  1. Individual intolerance to sesame seeds is possible.
  2. Sesame seeds can irritate the gastric mucosa, so it is better not to take them fresh on an empty stomach. It is easier to digest roasted seeds or as part of dishes.
  3. It is better to refuse the use of sesame seeds for people who have problems with poor blood clotting, as well as when there are kidney stones.
  4. It is not recommended to give sesame seeds to children under 3 years old, since their body is not able to completely break down and absorb some of the fats that make up these healthy seeds at this age.

How to eat sesame seeds?

Sesame seeds have a wide range of culinary uses. They can be used to prepare salads, meat dishes, sweets, as well as in pastries. Sesame seeds are used to make sauces, pastes, and the well-known and beloved hummus in Israel. These seeds are most popular in Eastern and Asian countries, where they are used in the preparation of any kind of dishes, from sushi, noodles and salads to sweets (for example, halva).

An interesting solution to using sesame seeds is to make sesame salt (a mixture of roasted ground sesame seeds with salt), which is healthier and can be used in many dishes instead of regular salt.

How many sesame seeds can you eat per day?

With a normal diet, it is enough for a healthy person to eat up to three teaspoons of sesame seeds per day (up to 30 grams of sesame seeds) in order to fully experience its beneficial properties and not exceed the norm in its use.

How to store sesame seeds at home?

Raw sesame seeds have the greatest useful properties, but at the same time they are stored worse than more dried fried seeds and sesame oil. It is better to store sesame seeds in tightly closed glass containers in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 months.

Note: Since sesame seeds cannot be stored at home for a long time, it is better to buy them in small quantities as needed, especially since they can be easily found in grocery stores and supermarkets and the price for them is not high.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that sesame seed is good for human health, while sesame seeds have few contraindications and a lot of useful and medicinal properties, the main thing is to know the measure when eating it. We leave our feedback on the benefits and harmful properties of sesame seeds in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

There are about 35 types of sesame, which grow mainly in Africa (subtropical and tropical). The plant loves warmth and the most optimal temperature for it is 25-30 °. Seeds will sprout only if the soil warms up to a temperature of 18 °. The first thirty days, sesame grows very slowly. The danger is weeds, which can easily drown out weak sprouts. The oblong fruits contain seeds. They have found wide application in medicine, cooking and for oil production.

It is still impossible to say for sure which country is the birthplace of sesame. Some believe that the plant first appeared in South West Africa, while others tend to think that in India. In any case, sesame, which has taken root in our lands, is called Indian. It is believed that it was he who was cultivated by man.

What is sesame?

Seeds can be white, brown, black, red or yellow. It all depends on the variety. It is believed that a richer color is an indication of better flavor and quality.

black sesame

All seeds are useful, but there is an opinion that black sesame is one of the components of the famous elixir of immortality. Black sesame is actually more beneficial. In Eastern countries, they still believe that it is he who will help preserve youth and avoid old age. And in fact, black seeds are the highest level of antioxidant. In addition to useful properties, they have a stronger and more pleasant aroma than all the others.

white sesame

It is less useful than its dark brother, but is much more common in the sale. The white color is due to the fact that the seeds were polished solely in order to serve as a decoration in confectionery. Such grains are great for making sesame milk, which turns out to be completely white. However, for raw consumption, it is best to pay attention to dark varieties.

In fact, seeds that taste so good have unusual properties that KhozOboz is ready to introduce its reader to.

Useful and medicinal properties of sesame

To many, sesame seed is more familiar as a condiment. There are many different versions for what reason they began to grow sesame. Perhaps because of the pleasant taste of the seeds, or maybe because of their nutritional value and benefits. But, after all, this is not so important. The main thing is that already in ancient times people knew and highly valued sesame for its excellent qualities. There have always been many secrets and legends around this little seed. So, the ancient Assyrians were firmly convinced that the gods themselves drank sesame wine before creating the world. The Egyptians and the peoples of ancient China considered sesame the most useful of spices. And in ancient Babylon, he was a symbol of immortality. Of course, this plant is unlikely to provide eternal life, but it will definitely prolong youth and improve health.

Even the great Avicenna himself did not ignore this plant. In his ancient writings, you can find the properties that he endowed with sesame. As a physician, he believed:

  1. Sesame has the ability to dissolve certain types of tumors.
  2. A dressing soaked in sesame and rose oil will help relieve a very severe headache.
  3. Regular use of sesame will help to make the voice sonorous and clear.
  4. The decoction will relieve belching.
  5. Sesame, included in the diet, will speed up the recovery process of the body during serious physical exertion, and help neutralize the effects of stress.

It is difficult to say how effective Avicenna's advice is. However, there is probably some truth in them. Sesame contains zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B and E, as well as a significant portion of calcium, and, of course, a high content of proteins, vitamin C and amino acids. There is also a fitin. This is a substance that helps restore the balance between minerals and beta-sitosterol, which in turn helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Sesame is also preferred by those who practice yoga.

Sesame seed oil

Translated from Latin, this name means "oil plant". Oil is 55%, and this is a solid share. Sesame oil contains glycerides of oleic (up to 40%), linolenic (up to 52%), stearic, palmitic acids and other fatty acids. Obtained by cold pressing, it can save not only useful substances for a long time, but also a pleasant aromatic taste. The finished oil retains its beneficial properties for about eight years.

In general, if we evaluate the usefulness of vegetable oils, then sesame oil takes an honorable third place after the leading almond and pistachio oils. The undoubted advantage is its affordable price. In medicine, sesame oil has also found wide application as a basis for the manufacture of fat-soluble drugs that are injected into the body. It is also included in oil emulsions, plasters and ointments. In addition, sesame oil is recommended for oral administration in the treatment of essential thrombopenia, thrombopenic purpura and hemorrhagic diathesis. Oil improves blood clotting and increases the number of platelets in it. The best grades of sesame oil are sometimes used in place of almond and olive oils.

The use of sesame oil in the form of enemas gives a slight laxative effect. The oil is recommended for constipation or indigestion.

Sesame oil can be used to strengthen teeth and gums. This measure is not only improving, but also preventive for periodontal disease, infections of the oral cavity and caries. The oil perfectly heals cracks, wounds, burns, and soothes pain. An oil mask will make your hair shiny and healthy, protect it from the negative effects of sea and chlorinated water. The skin after the procedure will become smooth and radiant. Magnesium, which is part of sesame, has a calming effect, relaxes the muscles of the body and face. Therefore, the sesame mask will not only give the skin an additional charge of energy and youth, but also a fresh blush on the cheeks. In addition, this oil is one of the few products that have the ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation. Because of this, it is often used in the production of sunscreen cosmetics. Now more and more manufacturers of hair cosmetics use sesame oil as the basis for the manufacture of mousses, masks, conditioners and shampoos.

One more thing can be attributed to the useful properties of sesame. It is the main source of lime in the human body. It has been proven that eating at least ten grams of sesame seeds every day can replenish the required amount of this substance.

Just a little oil a day can ease breathing in bronchial asthma, dry cough or shortness of breath. It neutralizes the increased acidity of gastric juice and blood acidity, helps the body recover from exhaustion, and improves health. It is used as an effective anthelmintic.

The oil is mainly used internally. It has a slightly specific taste, because of which not everyone likes it. Mixed with linseed and poppy oils, sesame seeds also act as a strong aphrodisiac. This action applies to both men and women equally. Sesame oil has found wide application in such a sport as bodybuilding. It helps to increase muscle mass.

Oil is recommended for use in violation of metabolic processes in the body, joint diseases, hyperthyroidism and intestinal colic. It has a positive effect on inflammation of the gallbladder, kidney stones, anemia and internal bleeding.

By its properties, sesame oil is very similar to olive oil. Unfortunately, with such a large number of useful properties, there is no vitamin A in sesame, and vitamin E is present in very small quantities. However, a significant number of other useful elements more than compensate for this.

Sesame seeds

And although sesame is mainly grown for its oil, the seeds have also found their way. It is known for sure that in the Middle Ages, people who cared about their health condition chewed one teaspoon of sesame seeds daily. It was believed to be very beneficial, especially for women. Seeds promote increased outflow of blood during menstruation. It has been proven that sesame significantly reduces the risk of mastopathy or other unwanted inflammation of the mammary glands. A compress of crushed seeds helps with mastitis. A decoction of sesame seeds is used as a lotion for hemorrhoids. One tablespoon of ground seeds before meals will help remove toxins from the body and lose a few extra pounds.

Vitamin E contributes to the rejuvenation of the body, and phosphorus and zinc will help in the prevention of osteoporosis. Regular consumption of sesame seeds improves bowel function, thus preventing diseases of the digestive system.

An important condition for the effectiveness of this product is thorough chewing. Only then will sesame give all its useful properties. Unfortunately, the seeds spoil very quickly and become bitter due to their high oil content. Therefore, they should be stored in a dark place, having dried well beforehand and not stocked up for a long time. It is for this reason that they are processed into oil, which can be stored for a long time.

sesame leaves

Sesame leaves are used much less frequently than seeds. Fresh leaves are served with vegetables with various sauces or fried in batter. In addition, rice and vegetables are wrapped in them, and it turns out something like Japanese sushi. Pickled sesame leaves are added to the stew, and this should be done at the very end of cooking so that they do not lose their flavor. A decoction of sesame leaves will give smoothness to the hair, relieve the scalp from eczema and dandruff. Hair will become thicker, their growth will increase.

In some countries, leaves are a common product and are highly valued due to such properties as:

  1. High content of mineral elements so necessary for human health.
  2. They have a strong pleasant nutty smell.
  3. Dishes prepared using sesame leaves have not only an exotic taste, but also an unusual look that can impress any picky guest.

Unfortunately, sesame leaves are not so easy to find in stores in our country.

The use of sesame

Sesame seeds can often be found as a great addition to pastries and for making gozinaki. Oil has also found wide application. All this, of course, is due to the beneficial substances that it contains. Sesame goes well with almost any product. And in order for its aroma to become brighter and more saturated, before adding sesame to food, it should be slightly calcined in a frying pan. Ground grains can be sprinkled on porridge, salad or sushi. Sesame is used to make tahini paste (tahini, tahina, tahina), which is popular in oriental cuisine. It is served with a wide range of dishes.

In Arabic cooking, tahini is a gravy for a variety of dishes, and in Cyprus, pies are baked with this paste.

The Japanese sprinkle salted seeds on rice, and the Africans consider sesame seeds to be the main ingredient for making soups. In India, sesame is an excellent seasoning for salads, and in Southeast Asia, it is the basis for making crunchy sweets. In France and Italy, fragrant bread is baked with seeds, which is in great demand. Americans prefer to bake sesame cookies and waffles, which can be both savory and sweet.

Unfortunately, the beneficial properties of sesame in Slavic countries are not in great demand, and therefore the seeds are mainly used to prepare such delicacies as halva or as a topping for loaves, buns or bread. HozOboz offers original solutions for the use of this product.

Sesame for children

The use of sesame in the children's diet will undoubtedly bring great benefits due to the large number of substances useful for the growing body. Half a glass of grains contains three times more calcium than the same amount of milk. The constituent substances help protect the liver and normalize blood pressure. Cold-pressed oil is considered the most useful. The daily norm for a child is one teaspoon of oil. Although there are no strict restrictions on the use, because sesame does not cause allergies at all. However, lately one can meet the manifestation of allergic reactions to sesame seeds or, possibly, to the products with which it is prepared (peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews). In any case, the main thing is a sense of proportion. Sesame oil is a very good antibacterial agent for nails and skin. In addition, it has a warming effect. Not without reason in India, a newborn is given a ten-minute massage using sesame oil. It has been scientifically proven that children at the same time develop more actively than their peers, get sick much less often and have a sound restful sleep.

Is it possible for breastfeeding?

Sesame during breastfeeding is not only possible, but even necessary. It significantly reduces the risk of mastopathy. In addition, sesame helps to cope with constipation, which often occurs after childbirth. And vitamins and microelements will be useful for both mother and newborn.

Sesame for pregnant women

In ancient times, women used to eat a handful of seeds a day. In addition to all the positive properties, sesame enhances the outflow of blood during menstruation. It is this property, which is so valued in ordinary life, that can become dangerous during pregnancy. On the one hand, the high content of calcium contributes to the proper formation of the skeletal system of the unborn baby, and on the other hand, it provokes the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, sesame during pregnancy is still unacceptable, no matter how much you want.

Sesame contraindications

However, it should be understood that even with so many virtues, sesame has qualities that can harm the body. Here's what to look out for:

  1. When eaten raw on an empty stomach, grains can cause nausea and even vomiting. This happens because the gastric mucosa is very susceptible to this product.
  2. Individual intolerance.
  3. Given that sesame improves blood clotting, in no case should it be used by people with thrombosis and thrombosis, so as not to worsen the course of the disease.
  4. Sesame should also be discarded by those who suffer from urolithiasis.
  5. Sesame is a high-calorie product and therefore is contraindicated for those who follow various diets.

As you can see, there are not so many contraindications, and yet they should be taken into account so that a useful product does not cause serious health problems.

Recently, more and more people are turning their attention to food, which not only has a distinctive taste, but also has healing and preventive properties. Therefore, all the listed positive properties of sesame should be of interest to any person for whom their own health is not indifferent. And it’s not at all necessary to immediately run and buy a whole bag of sesame seeds, but it’s quite possible to treat yourself to a spoonful of butter or a fragrant bun.

Sesame ordinary or Oriental sesame is a plant whose seeds are widely used in cooking, and it is also one of the most ancient oilseed crops. The cultivation of sesame in Asia began several thousand years before our era.

Sesame is consumed in the form of seeds, and oil is also produced from it. More than 60% of the grown sesame raw materials are directed to the production of oil. Sesame oil has found wide application in medicine and cosmetology, and it is also eaten.

It is believed that sesame is the champion among food products in terms of calcium content. There are some subtleties in this matter, not every sesame contains a lot of calcium.

Sesame or Sesame

The Greeks called sesame "sesame", in Latin it is "sesamum", and in Arabic "simsim". "Simsim, open up!" - a spell known to us that opens the entrance to the cave from the fairy tale "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", which actually should have sounded in Russian "Sesame, open!".

In French, for example, this was translated as "Sesame, ouvre-toi!" Why didn't our translators translate the spell for us verbatim? Maybe because they didn’t understand why we are talking about sesame at all ...

The question is really interesting. According to one version, the author of the fairy tale wanted to liken the sound of the plowing of the cave to the cod bursting from the ripeness of a box with sesame seeds. According to another version, the spell with the name of sesame arose by chance, and initially it was about the name of God in Hebrew.

How it really happened, we will never know for sure, but we will definitely remember how sesame is translated into Arabic.

The use of sesame in Arab countries

In Arab countries, sesame is consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is so common that it is difficult to imagine their diet without sesame.

Sesame is consumed mainly in the form of a sauce called tahina. Tahini is made from ground sesame seeds with water, lemon juice, olive oil and spices.

In Egypt, for example, bread, falafel, greens, shrimp, fish, chicken, vegetables are dipped in tahina, in general, everything that is served on the table. I lived there for several years and I can say that not a single meal there is complete without tahina - it is always on the table.

Everyone cooks tahina a little differently, different amounts of water, olive oil, various spices or herbs are added, but sesame paste is always taken as the basis, which is sold ready-made in jars, that is, they themselves do not grind sesame seeds.

Cup with tahina

I tried to make tahina in Russia from sesame seeds according to a recipe that I spied on in Egyptian cuisine, but it just doesn’t work like that.

Apparently because the oil is different, the lemons are different, and the sesame mass itself, when you make it yourself from seeds, is different from what they sell in jars.

However, it still makes a pretty tasty sesame sauce. It is delicious to dip sweet peppers or tomatoes into it, and you can also season salads with it instead of mayonnaise - it turns out both healthier and tastier.

In addition to tahina, sesame seeds are used in Arab countries to make halva and gozinaki, and they are also sprinkled on pastries.

Sesame halva differs from sunflower halva both in appearance and taste, and, like any halva, it is not for everyone.

The myth about the benefits of sesame

It is believed that sesame contains more calcium than most foods, and therefore it is extremely useful for strengthening bones. But here you need to understand what kind of sesame is meant.

Calcium is rich in unpeeled sesame seeds: 100 grams of such seeds contain more than 1000 mg of calcium.

The white sesame that is most often seen on sale is peeled. In such a peeled white sesame, the calcium content is only 60 mg per 100 grams of the product.

For comparison, 100 grams of almonds contain 276 mg of calcium, dried apricots - 160 mg, kefir - 125 mg, oatmeal - 60 mg.

That is, in a standard glass of kefir or fermented baked milk there will be 250 mg of calcium. To get the same amount of calcium from white sesame, you need to eat 416 grams, which, of course, is absolutely unacceptable, since sesame is high in calories - 570 kcal per 100 grams. The same 250 mg of calcium can be obtained from 50 grams of ordinary Adyghe cheese.

Unpeeled is black and brown sesame. You can buy them at health food stores.

Thus, if your goal is to replenish your diet with calcium, then you should eat unpeeled black or brown sesame seeds.

Black and brown sesame - taste, sprouting

The taste of unpeeled black and brown sesame is different from white, it is not as soft, but if we are talking about health, then this is probably not important anymore.

There are people who like the taste of black sesame more than white, so you need to try and determine for yourself.

To make sure that the sesame you bought is definitely unpeeled, you can germinate its seeds. Only a whole, unprocessed seed can give a living sprout.

Some people have already done this and on some sites on the Internet you can find photos confirming that black and brown sesame seeds germinate well. Incidentally, the germinated seed becomes even more useful.

Useful properties of white sesame

Although calcium in white sesame is not enough, it undoubtedly has advantages and beneficial properties for our nutrition.

This is primarily a vegetable protein, as well as omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids contained in sesame oil.

Omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the sexual, nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Sesame also contains antioxidants - vitamin E and lignans, which normalize lipid metabolism in the body and slow down aging.

Sesame also contains magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, phosphorus.

Well, in addition to the benefits, white sesame has a special spicy taste that can complement and diversify many dishes.

Fresh sesame flour and sesame seeds

Grinding Sesame Seeds for More Benefits

Sesame seed differs from other edible seeds in that it is very small and chewing such seeds so that they are well digested is quite difficult. Therefore, they are recommended to grind before use.

It is clear that it is better to use a whole sesame seed for sprinkling pastries, and for everything else it will be much more useful to grind it beforehand.

Sesame in coffee grinder

It is better to store sesame seeds in a cool place, in an airtight, moisture-proof container. And this is especially true for ground sesame.

It is believed that it is better to grind sesame for one meal, as ground sesame quickly becomes bitter. I usually grind 0.5 kilograms of sesame at a time, after which I put it in an airtight plastic container and use it for 2-4 weeks. During this time, sesame never started to taste bitter in me.

Grinding sesame is very easy with a regular coffee grinder, it grinds faster than coffee. After grinding sesame seeds, the grinder must be washed with soap and water, as sesame seeds are very oily.

"Flour" from ground sesame is also oily, not crumbly.

Sesame flour in a coffee grinder

How to use ground sesame - cereals, pastries, salads

I add ground sesame when baking pancakes, especially vegetable ones, I add it to ready-made oatmeal and similar cereals.

An original and healthy dressing is obtained by adding ground sesame, which is usually served with butter or mayonnaise.

sesame milk

You can also make vegetable milk from white sesame, like almond or oat milk.

To prepare sesame milk, you need to soak sesame seeds in water for a couple of hours at the rate of 1 to 5. Then grind them in a blender and pass the milk through a strainer.

If you prefer sweet milk, you can also add a few pitted dates before chopping in a blender.

In this way, protein-rich vegetable milk is obtained, which is especially useful in a vegetarian diet or during fasting.

For a long time it was used rather limitedly, its seeds are famous all over the world for their miraculous properties and therefore are recommended by nutritionists and doctors with might and main to maintain the health of the body. ELLE has considered all the beneficial properties and contraindications of sesame.

Sesame, which came from the East, is also called "sesame" - grains with a pronounced taste are actively used in the preparation of salads, pastries and desserts, being considered quite a delicacy. In addition to the original taste, sesame seeds contain a lot of useful substances.

In order for the beneficial properties of sesame to work to the maximum, it is recommended to buy grains dry, and use them soaked or heated, but in no case do not fry the seeds, because when roasted, they simply turn into seasoning.

The most valuable substance contained in sesame seeds is sesamin, which is a powerful antioxidant. Sesamin is an excellent tool for the prevention of cancer, it lowers blood cholesterol levels and improves the condition of nails and hair.

The useful composition of sesame seeds also includes carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and vitamins A, B, C and E. Sesame also contains a lot of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, phytin, which is responsible for the mineral balance of the body, riboflavin and thiamine. The latter helps to normalize metabolism and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

The calcium in sesame is important for joints and bones, so sesame cookies are highly recommended by doctors for the prevention of osteoporosis, especially for women aged 45 and over. In addition, women who regularly eat sesame seeds will find their libido at a height - the reason for this is the phytoestrogen contained in the seeds - a substitute for female sex hormones.

Another valuable component of sesame is the oil it contains, which consists of acids of organic origin, saturated fatty acids, triglycerides and glycerol esters.

Sesame oil is especially popular in medicine and cosmetology - it is added to various recipes, and masks are prepared from it for the face, body and hair, and they treat skin diseases and joint pain, and they also drink it to normalize the digestive system and increase the overall tone of the body. In addition, sesame oil is an excellent laxative, and is also used for hemorrhagic diathesis.

Some are not averse to using sesame oil as a make-up remover - at the same time, it perfectly tones and regenerates the skin, as well as for massages.

Sesame seeds are quite high in calories, so they should be eaten with caution. The optimal daily intake of sesame seeds for a healthy person is 2-3 teaspoons.

As with all natural remedies used for medicinal purposes, sesame seeds also have contraindications that can harm people with certain medical conditions. Basically, this applies to people suffering from thrombosis and increased blood clotting, as well as those who have been diagnosed with urolithiasis.

Although sesame seeds are recommended for pregnant women due to their high calcium content, the amount should be strictly limited to one teaspoon per day.

The ancient Assyrians believed that before starting to create the world, the gods drank sesame nectar. And there is something in this: small seeds can restore strength and health. But first things first.


Otherwise, sesame is called the magic word sesame. It belongs to the lucid flowers, the pedal family. The name sesame itself has Semitic roots, but it came to us through Greek. One way or another, but in Greek, and in Assyrian, and in Arabic, this word is translated as an oil plant.

Sesame can be of several varieties and colors. Most species can be found exclusively in Africa, but a species such as Sesamum indicum grows in all subtropical countries and is a cultivated plant. And when it comes to sesame as a food product, it is usually Indian sesame that is meant. By the way, depending on the variety, these seeds can be not only white or black, but also yellow, red, brown.

Most of their useful properties (we will talk about them later), these seeds lose when processed with heat, but the oil from them (produced by cold pressing) can retain all its properties for about nine years. It tastes like olive oil, but not as bitter, and is in no way inferior to pistachio or almond in its benefits, and it is cheaper. True, this oil cannot be used for frying: it burns and becomes harmful.

By the way, this plant is very fragile and capricious. So, the air temperature for its full growth should be about 30 degrees, and the earth should warm up to 16. Even if these figures fall by half a degree, the plant may die. The soil for sesame should be thoroughly fertilized and without a hint of weeds. Yes, and you need to harvest very carefully: the pods with seeds are very fragile. Nevertheless, agronomists believe that sesame is one of the most ancient cultivated plants. Sesame and oil from it are an indispensable element of Arabic cuisine, and Central Asian, and Israeli, and Indian, and Japanese, and Chinese, and Korean.

By the way, in cooking it is used not only for sprinkling muffins or as a seasoning. So, it is from it that tahini white halva is made, and this is one of the richest sources of calcium in the world. And this is not all the useful properties of small seeds.

Collection and preparation

The sesame seeds themselves do not store very long. To somehow prolong their freshness, sesame seeds are often fried. But in this process, many useful properties of the product are lost. That is why it is more expedient to use oil from these seeds in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology.

In addition, they must be properly selected and stored. Be sure to try sesame before buying: it should not be bitter. "Correct" seeds should be crumbly.

It is best to choose unpeeled seeds. It is best to store them in the refrigerator, and if you freeze them, then the shelf life is up to a year. Not frozen and not peeled seeds can be stored in a dry place for about three months, and in the refrigerator for about six months. Peeled seeds are stored for about three months. Whether peeled or not, don't forget to place them in a container. Oil can be stored for many years - this is also possible thanks to antioxidants, which allow it to remain fresh indefinitely. Ground sesame (flour) can be stored for a maximum of a week.

Chemical composition

First, let's deal with the chemical composition.

100 g of seeds contains 560 kcal. This is a lot, but not so much for oilseeds. The seeds also contain 19.5 g of protein (also a lot) and 49 g of fat. But most of the fatty acids in its composition are useful and polyunsaturated, that is, they are good antioxidants.

In terms of vitamins and other antioxidants, there is a lot of vitamin E (the best remedy for aging), vitamin A, as well as vitamins from the B group.

But the main element that makes sesame valuable is calcium. It is 1470 mg here, which is only 30 mg less than the daily dose of calcium that people need for healthy bones, teeth, hair, and nails. All this calcium is organic, so it is absorbed perfectly. So, after injuries or with osteoporosis, eat sesame seeds and indulge in these small seeds. Do not forget that we need this element to alkalize the blood, which means preventing cancer and improving immunity.

There are many other elements here as well. So, the same 100 g contains almost a daily norm of iron, without which blood health is impossible.

But in both cases we are talking about unpeeled and raw sesame, which is not easy to find in our latitudes. In this case, oil can again become a compromise.

There is also a lot of potassium (almost 500 mg), magnesium (530 mg), more than 700 mg of phosphorus and 75 mg of sodium.

Among the useful substances that do not belong to micro and macro elements, it is worth noting lime. There is enough of it in 100 g of seeds to satisfy our need for it for a day. We need lime in a small amount to normalize mineral metabolism in the body.

Calcium, iron and other elements that are in these seeds are perfectly absorbed due to the fact that sesame also contains phytic acid and oxalates.

There are also unique components here. These include the lignans sesamolin and sesamin, which are excellent antioxidants that slow down aging, prevent the development of fatty liver and improve lipid metabolism in the body. In addition, these lignans enhance the work of vitamin E, prolonging its antioxidant effect. All this endowed sesame (and oil from it) with a lot of useful properties.

There is also thiamine, which not only puts the metabolism in order, but also the nervous system. Thanks to vitamin PP, digestion also improves. But vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is most needed by children, because it stimulates the growth and proper development of all internal organs, as well as their systems.

Useful properties of sesame

First of all, sesame seeds cleanse the body of any toxins, including those in the liver and bile, and also help to become slimmer (if not abused: oilseed after all). In addition, this product improves blood clotting, so it is needed in the diet of people with hemorrhagic diathesis.

Sesame, as a source of calcium, strengthens both gums and teeth, besides, it prevents diseases of the oral cavity. No, going to the dentist is not canceled, but prevention can be like that.

This product is very good for building muscle mass, because the protein in it is easily digested, and due to its plant origin, the body does not lose minerals, including calcium, during this process. So, sesame also minimizes the risk of injury in sports and bodybuilding.

Sesame can be a substitute for dairy if you have an intolerance, and a substitute for meat if you are a vegetarian.

Despite the high amount of fat, sesame seeds do an excellent job with an excess of cholesterol. It not only removes its excess, but also eliminates cholesterol plaques that you have already acquired. Thus, magic seeds will allow you to live without atherosclerosis and hypertension. By the way, such a “powder” neutralizes the harm from baking and other unhealthy pastries: it’s not only about getting rid of cholesterol, but also that there are so many plant fibers in sesame seeds that an extra bun with it will not hurt either the waist or the stomach.

Due to the large amount of antioxidants, sesame can be called the elixir of youth, but the same substances are actively fighting cancer cells, preventing their occurrence and destroying those that have barely appeared.

The oil from these seeds saves from constipation no worse than ricin or even linseed, besides, it is useful for gastritis and many other ailments of the intestines and stomach. However, there are many other problems that both sesame seeds and sesame oil can help with. You can apply it for:

  • joint diseases;
  • dry cough;
  • asthma;
  • diseases of blood vessels and the cardiovascular system in general;
  • ailments of the pancreas, liver and gall;
  • kidney ailments;
  • bronchitis;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • helminthiases;
  • increased acidity of the blood and gastric juice.

The product improves metabolism and rejuvenates. Since there are a lot of phytoestrogens (analogues of female hormones), this oil and its seeds put in order the reproductive system in women, treats “female” diseases and, as a result, helps to get pregnant. For older ladies, this product will allow you to survive menopause without any difficulties and even slow down its onset: it is not without reason that this is an elixir of youth. Yes, and during pregnancy, it will be very useful, especially if used in moderation: after all, there is a lot of calcium here, which will help in the formation of the skeleton in the baby and minimize the loss of this element in the mother. In addition, this product prevents mastopathy and inflammation of the breast when feeding a child or infections.

The interesting thing is that sesame and its oil are good even if you just add them to your culinary experiments. But traditional medicine offers its own ways to get rid of any ailments with the help of these seeds.

Sesame oil is actively used in dermatology. Ointments, emulsions, and plasters are made from it, which treat various skin ailments.

Folk recipes and methods of application

Youth elixir

First of all, let's talk about the elixir of youth from sesame. To prepare it, we will need the following ingredients:

  • ground ginger (5g);
  • sesame seeds (the same amount);
  • powdered sugar (the same amount).

Mix and take a teaspoon in the morning.

For colds and lung diseases

You can take both oil and seeds, and both external use and ingestion will be useful.

You can use it externally like this: just warm it up in a water bath (temperature 36-39 degrees). We rub it into the chest in the evening, we definitely warm it up. We put the patient on his stomach and cover him with warm blankets. Inside, oil or seeds are used from once a day to three times, and from half a teaspoon to a whole.

If a child (or you) has pharyngitis or tonsillitis, you can add oil (5-6 drops) to warm milk. Drink twice or thrice a day. If desired, honey can also be added to the same milk. If you have developed otitis, the oil can be instilled a couple of drops into sore ears.

If immunity is lowered during a cold, sesame seed powder can also be used. We dry them and grind them in a coffee grinder. We eat every 8-12 hours, one teaspoonful, drink ginger tea. The same remedy will be effective for joint or muscle pain, as well as for recovery from any illness, when immunity tends to zero.

For teeth and gums

Sesame and oil from it will help to keep strong teeth and gums. Firstly, they need calcium, and even easily digestible, of which there is a lot. So, eat and do not deny yourself this pleasure. Even tahini halva or sesame gozinaki will be useful, despite the fact that these are sweets.

Oil can be rubbed into the gums, making a massage. This will not only nourish them with calcium and vitamins, but also improve blood circulation, like any massage. Good remedy for periodontal disease.

You can also rinse your mouth. Take a tablespoon of oil in your mouth and hold for a couple of minutes. Then rinse for a couple more minutes. The procedure is done every day.

To combat gastrointestinal diseases

Sesame seeds and oil from it will also be appropriate. For gastritis, ulcers and constipation, it is best to take oil. You need to drink it in an amount from a teaspoon to a tablespoon. Take three times a day. The temperature of the oil should be room temperature.

Seeds will be more effective for diarrhea. Boil them and mix with honey, preferably flower. In case of diarrhea or poisoning, you can not even boil them, but simply grind them, dilute them with a little boiled water and add a little honey. Eat a little once an hour.

If you want to lose some weight and remove toxins from the intestines, grind the seeds (a teaspoon) in a coffee grinder and eat three times a day before each meal. Don't forget to drink plenty of water afterwards. In addition, you can lose weight with sesame seeds due to the fact that a small pinch of grains satisfies hunger if mixed with a little honey.

Hemorrhoids can also be attributed to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and sesame copes with this disease perfectly. You can drink the oil inside, or you can use an external remedy. To prepare it, we need the actual sesame seeds (a couple of teaspoons) and half a glass of boiling water. Pour in the seeds and cover with a lid. We insist 30 minutes, filter. We lubricate the anus with a cooled infusion several times a day.

Sesame is an aphrodisiac

Did you know that sesame is a great aphrodisiac. For a great aphrodisiac, mix sesame seeds with an equal amount of poppy and flax seeds. We eat a teaspoonful or add to the dishes of a loved one: such a remedy also works on men.

When mastitis, sesame seeds are best used externally. We dry the seeds and grind in the already familiar coffee grinder. Fill with vegetable oil and use as a compress for the mammary glands.

For the treatment of women's diseases, we also use oil inside (a tablespoon three times a day), or we chew the seeds. It is also good for men's health.

sesame milk

Fortifying and vitamin sesame milk, which not only tastes as good as real, but also supplies calcium, is prepared from the following products: 100 g of fresh (not fried and unpeeled) sesame, a liter of boiled water and honey (a couple of tablespoons). Pour the seeds into a bowl and pour water for 2 hours. Now drain the water and rinse a little sesame. Now again fill with water (100 ml) and add honey (whole). Mix with a blender and pour all the remaining water. It remains to strain the milk. It is better not to throw away the cake: it can be used in further culinary experiments. Such milk will be useful for anemia, and for pancreatitis, and for problems with the thyroid gland, and simply with reduced immunity or overwork.

For insomnia

If you have insomnia, try lubricating your feet with sesame oil. Its pleasant aroma also soothes, and the legs relax.

For skin health

This product is also used in dermatology, but only in the form of oil. They can lubricate all cracks, wounds, skin injuries. It fights dermatitis and other skin problems, relieves pain from burns. May have an unexpected but pleasant effect on eczema and psoriasis.

Sprouted seeds for bones

You will get the most calcium and other substances if you germinate sesame seeds. Rinse the seeds (unpeeled and not roasted, of course) with cold water and place in a flat bowl. Cover with gauze and fill with water (room water) so that it barely covers the sesame seeds. We leave it warm for a couple of days and all this time we make sure that the water does not evaporate and the gauze does not dry out. Before use, the seeds should be washed thoroughly. This remedy is effective for osteoporosis, after fractures, for caries and for any other problems caused by a lack of calcium. We eat 50-100 g of sprouts per day.

Sesame in other fields

In addition to medicine and cooking, there is another area where sesame oil would be appropriate. This is cosmetology. This also includes hair care.

Massage oil

First of all, it can be used as a base oil for massage. Firstly, it has a light texture and excellent penetrating ability, so it is perfectly absorbed, and it will be easier to wash off the residue. Secondly, along with such a massage, the skin will receive a lot of vitamins and all the same calcium. And finally, it has a pleasant aroma, and it costs less than the same almond. Simply add aromatic oils to a light base and treat cellulite, stretch marks, sagging or sore joints.

Facial care

It is also suitable for facial skin, especially aging, dry or with a weak tone. It has excellent moisturizing and nourishing properties, and is also rich in magnesium, which gives it the ability to fight stress: apply it at night and in the morning the face will look fresh, even mimic wrinkles will become less noticeable. In addition, it contains natural UV filters, so it can be used instead of sunscreen. It also perfectly evens out the skin of the face if it has acne marks or other scars. In addition, you can use it instead of makeup removers, incl. from the eyes.

Baby skin care

The next area of ​​​​application of oil in cosmetology is skin care for children and too sensitive. It copes with redness, and with irritation, and with itching. If the skin is thin, sesame oil will strengthen it and prevent damage.

Skin around the eyes

Sesame oil moisturizes and strengthens it. In addition, it relieves both mimic wrinkles and wrinkles under the eyes. It is unlikely to be able to radically remove them, but it will completely reduce, refresh the fragile skin of the eyelids and nourish it. It will also help to cope with small swelling and bruising under the eyes. Just do not apply it all night: the texture is light, but it can still get into the eye and make it red.

hair care

Sesame oil can be added both to masks and used separately. You can try mixing with other oils (with the same almond and coconut), or just apply a little bit on the ends of your hair after washing your hair. Due to its lightness, it is washed off much easier than other oils. You can try to apply it on eyebrows with eyelashes (in this case, mix it with aloe juice).

Harm, contraindications

This product is useful exclusively, but you should not abuse it in some cases. So, too many of these seeds or oils will not benefit those who are losing weight: after all, fats and calories are present here in a rather large amount.

Sesame is also contraindicated in large quantities for pregnant women: a lot of phytoestrogens consumed at a time are quite capable of provoking a miscarriage. Sesame also promotes the outflow of menstrual blood.

Sesame seeds also contribute to active blood clotting, which is not always good. The product is contraindicated for those who have thrombosis and a tendency to thrombosis, or simply for people with good blood clotting. Another contraindication can be called urolithiasis. Well, do not forget that the daily norm of this product is three to four teaspoons.

Many perceive sesame only as a powder for buns. In fact, it is an excellent source of calcium and a real elixir of youth. This is especially true of unpeeled sesame.

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