How to disguise a massage ad. How to attract clients for massage. So the decision has been made. Where to begin

Finishing 06.09.2020

If you work by yourself, your money will be enough for you and your family. To leave your fortune to the future generation, people must work for you (Karl Marx)

Already in bygone times, there was a history of the emergence of such a useful and pleasant effect on the body as massage. It was used at that time, as in our hours, in cosmetic procedures and for the purpose of treatment.

Now the service of providing any massage can be found everywhere. It is provided by salons both with a specialized purpose and auxiliary ones. You can meet with massage in the hairdressing salon, in the clinic and beauty salon, in sports clubs. Many enterprising people have already made the massage service their form of profit.

This is explained both by relatively small investments and their very quick payback, and with the great popularity of any type of massage among the population. And among other things, only for massage according to medical indications, permits from the Ministry of Health and special specialized training are required.

Whereas massage with aroma oils, massage for relaxation, massage with cups, cosmetic and energy massages do not need any special permission. Thus, anyone who has mastered the skills and has such a desire can provide services for these types of massage.

Choice of room and location

Before proceeding with the selection of a suitable room for massage parlor, it is worth choosing a place where this room will be located. If this is a medical massage parlor, then there will be no problems with the location, since a person with health problems will go to any place. Especially if he knows that the specialists who work there will provide the highest level of their skills.

The same person who needs massage sessions primarily for a cosmetic or soothing process will look for a salon located as close as possible. Moreover, there is no shortage of such salons, especially in large cities. Based on such reflections, the best place to find a new massage parlor would be a prestigious sleeping area. And this is the place that an experienced entrepreneur will choose.

A massage salon can be successfully placed on the first floors of any of the residential buildings. The main thing is to comply with all the norms of SES. According to the rules, one massage specialist should have at least 8 square meters, although two massage therapists can use 12-16 square meters.

Here we will focus on the fact that when planning a massage parlor, it will be best to take into account a small number of working massage therapists (about 2-5 people). With such a decision, everyone will benefit, and the masseurs will not have much competition among themselves, there will be no downtime in sessions, and in a material sense, both the owner of the salon and the working masseurs will benefit.

If you approach planning in this way, then starting with the planning of one small salon, you can gradually open the same ones in other areas of the city, which will bring greater material benefits than opening one large salon, which is most likely not to be filled with customers, in one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city.

Massage parlor equipment

In order for the salon to quickly begin to flourish and not tow on the spot, you need to think carefully about its equipment, while not forgetting that everything must be in accordance with the requirements of the SES. The massage parlor must have a toilet and shower.

A room with a shower must be tiled. The shower must be treated disinfectants once a week.

A massage parlor will not do without special-purpose furniture:

  • sunbeds,
  • massage tables,
  • couches.

Need for work and furniture in the form of:

  • cabinets,
  • various shelving,
  • sofa,
  • there should be a convenient hanger for customers' outerwear.

For the massage process itself, it is necessary to purchase a variety of aromatic and base oils, as well as antiseptics. Such ingredients will be consumed very quickly, so it is more expedient to buy them, as well as towels, in bulk at specialized bases.

Also, the massage parlor will not do without an automatic washing machine, as sheets and towels will require constant washing.


In order for the new salon to quickly occupy its niche and begin to make a profit, it will be mandatory for the entrepreneur to hire good specialists with experience. In no case should we forget about the great competition in this type of business, so you should equip your salon with all the necessary specialists and workers.

These should be both master masseurs who own various massage techniques, and all the other people needed in such a place, namely an administrator, an accountant, a cleaning lady. It is also necessary to think over the organization of the working day in advance.

The schemes of work can be in two versions:

  1. work under the order;
  2. shift work.

You need to actively start looking for masseurs who will work in the salon long before it opens. It is worth looking through the lists from employment centers, it is possible to invite employees from a competing salon (here it is worth being careful not to accidentally violate the norms of ethics in relation to another businessman).

The necessary personnel is recruited on the basis of a competition, since there is no place for random people in this area of ​​​​work. Everyone knows that a salon in which there is a constant turnover and replacement of workers will never have either customers or, accordingly, earnings. So it matters in time to think about the authority of your salon.

Be sure to think ahead and pay employees. Usually it is calculated as follows: the master massage therapist receives a percentage of the earnings for the services provided (usually 30-50%) and the number of visitors to the salon who can be served by the masseur in one shift of work (usually from 3-4 to 7-8 clients) .

The accumulation and increase in the number of people is an indicator for business and depends on the type of services provided by the salon and the physical capabilities of the massage therapist.

That is why there is a selection of employees on a competitive basis, since with this approach you can choose the most productive specialists.

Massage parlor advertisement

In order to properly advertise the salon, you must use all available types of advertising. These are announcements in the local media and print, television advertising, leaflets and more. After the massage parlor has opened and a lot of clients have been brought in by a stream of advertising activities, a new question is raised about how to keep these clients in your salon.

It is necessary to bet on the constant improvement of the salon, on the fact that the skills of specialists are developed in various advanced training courses. It is worth having a special book for guests, in which reviews will be left about the work in general and specialists in particular.
Do not forget about various promotions for frequent clients (for example, in the form of a free session after a certain number of previous ones), discounts, small pleasant signs of attention (a cup of aromatic tea or coffee before or after the session). Advertising should never stop.

Provision of services

Services in the massage parlor should be varied. As all kinds and types of massage, and additional types of services.

In the list of services of a massage parlor there are:

  • general body massage,
  • classical type of massage,
  • sports massage,
  • to fight cellulite,
  • with cans,
  • reflex type,
  • massage with aroma oils,
  • energetic.

It is advisable to carry out manual therapy as an additional service, people need after 35 years, when the main problems with the spine appear.

The cost of opening a massage parlor

In order to be able to open a massage parlor up to 70 square meters, you will have to spend:

Name Initial costs in e. Name Fixed expenses in e.
repair 8000 rent 2800
massage tables 1200 wage 6400
furniture 1200 public Utilities 100
computer and telephone communications 60 other payments 1500
additional expenses 100

The average income is 14500 USD. e.


The cost of opening a massage parlor will pay off within a year from the date of opening, if its profitability is 20-30%. Given these figures, it becomes clear that a massage parlor is quite real, as a business project, the main possibility of which is payback and demand.

Low costs and high profits are the dream of every novice businessman. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in the masseur's business: work with your hands, rake in money. However, newcomers to this field of activity expect a lot of difficulties. True, there are many positive aspects.

Pros and cons of the massage business

Why are experienced people in this business skeptical about the prospect of those who only think about it? First, the art of massage should be learned. Or you need to find someone who owns it well, which means paying a lot of money. Secondly, it is also important to be able to sell this service. Thirdly, the problem of positioning a massage parlor or salon will be relevant: what it will be like, what to include in the services and what equipment to stock up.

Important: naturally, prospects good earnings only available in medium and large cities. And one more thing: you should be careful with the services therapeutic massage, manual therapy, etc.

Of course, these are solvable problems. If you are a cool specialist, have a good room, as well as a team of assistants, you can try. Among the advantages of the idea of ​​​​opening a massage parlor are the following:

  • relatively small current expenses to support the business;
  • constant demand;
  • high profitability;
  • demand and, as a rule, low competition in a niche.

How to open a massage parlor from scratch?

Before we discuss how to open a massage parlor from scratch, we note the following. Although theoretically without honey. education can be engaged in the sale of such services, you must understand that people with high incomes are not ready to entrust their backs to just anyone. But they will be your main target audience. It is permissible to count on people with an average income, although they also need to be convinced of their professionalism.

Advice: if you plan to provide a massage service yourself, but do not have experience, invest in obtaining a qualification first. Do a massage at home and fill your client base. If you want to use hired specialists, think in advance what requirements you will place on their skills, experience and education. Sometimes you can just hire a familiar person, after sending him to the appropriate courses.

And further. The very first thing to do is to formulate an idea for yourself. This means answering the following questions:

  • What type of massage will be offered?
  • Who is expected to be the user of the service?
  • What legal form to choose?

If the answers are ready, proceed to registration.

Business registration

For this business, you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur. Opening a whole LLC is hardly advisable. Among all the possible taxation systems in our case, it is best to choose the "simplified". A simplified taxation system is implied, in which you can pay either up to 6% of income, or up to 15% from the “income minus expenses” item. Why is it said "to" and not 6 and 15 respectively? In certain cases, in the regions, the rate may be reduced to 1 and 5 percent. Experience shows that it is more profitable to choose a rate of 6% on income.

Room search

At the initial stage, many decide to do without an office at all. Such massage masters simply offer sessions at home or in the office. This helps build a customer base. But still, at some point, the need to create an office is brewing. And then it is useful to know that it is best to open it in already existing sports clubs, bath complexes, medical centers or beauty salons.

The owners already have a sanitary and fire certificate. If we are talking about medical (medical or health) institutions, then they obviously have a license. All you have to do is draw up a proper lease agreement. It is also important that people already know the place well. They will notice something new, and some of the visitors will be interested in the new service.

In any case, the location is very important. Sometimes, for the sake of high traffic, it is worth finding a room next to residential areas. Do not forget also about the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station:

  • Location on the 1st floor.
  • The room for waiting patients should be separate.
  • The total area cannot be less than 12 sq. m (previously called the figure 20 sq. m). And it is important to calculate it depending on the number of working staff: in such a way that for one massage therapist there is at least 8 square meters. m.

Some more rules will be discussed below.

Purchase of equipment

What should be the equipment for a massage room? It is directly related to its positioning and the direction you came up with in the first place. But there are also universal items:

  • a massage table;
  • an additional folding table in case you need to go to the client's house;
  • locker for things;
  • screen for visitors;
  • racks;
  • several chairs;
  • sofa;
  • equipment for the room where the reception of visitors will take place;
  • washing machine and bathroom.

These are the largest pieces of equipment. However, the little things are important:

  • oils, creams and lotions,
  • disposable slippers,
  • towels,
  • bathrobes.

For specialized massage techniques, additional equipment will be required.


The minimum number of working staff is 3-4 people. We need at least 2 massage therapists. It also requires an administrator and an accountant. If you work as an administrator at first, you will save money. As for massage therapists, you can immediately set the criteria for professionalism for yourself, and then adhere to them when selecting personnel.

Important: if a person suits you and agrees to the proposed conditions, further stimulate and appreciate him. In order not to increase through your own fault, try to show employees the benefits of working for you.

If you prefer people with medical education, then partly immediately solve the issue of image. In addition, such people usually know how to quickly serve people, which will save time and earn more. You can do it the other way: post job advertisements for massage therapists on a competitive basis. Compose a questionnaire in which there will be important questions for you about the qualifications of candidates. Choose ones that are easy to check answers for. To do this, you need to master the art, but this is a topic for a separate discussion.

Massage parlor business plan

Requirements for a massage room according to SanPiN

To understand the requirements of SanPiN, you need to sort of get into the shoes of your customers. For quality service, you will need to put in order the following areas:

  1. Area. We spoke about the norms of this paragraph above in the section “Choice of premises”. They are evaluated even before the conclusion of a lease or purchase of premises, and the rest of the points can be influenced.
  2. Ventilation and heating. Need supply and exhaust ventilation, which provides ventilation of the workplace. In the cold season, the temperature should be maintained from 20 degrees Celsius.
  3. Bathroom with washbasin: except cold water in the tap, hot must be without fail. Shower cabin - if possible.
  4. Lighting. The bottom line is that the office should be light, natural light is taken into account. At hours when it is dark, artificial light should be directed at the person being massaged at an angle.
  5. The walls of the massage parlor can be covered with tiles or washable wallpaper. It is recommended to use linoleum for the floor. This will facilitate regular wet cleaning.
  6. Availability of a first aid kit if needed medical care. It is desirable to put a thermometer and a tonometer, bandages, gauze, cotton wool, valerian drops, an alcohol solution of iodine, hydrogen peroxide and 3 percent water solution ammonia.
  7. Specialized furniture. It was discussed above in the section “Procurement of equipment”. SanPiN allows a certain freedom, but regulates minimal amount special equipment that will provide your customers with comfort and safety.

Massage advertisement - text (example)

  • The headline draws attention.
  • The first words stir up interest.
  • A person receives in a compressed form all the information of interest to him at first.
  • The result encourages action.

Specific advice will be related to the characteristics of your target audience. If these are people with medium and high incomes who want to maintain a high standard of living, they have a need for a place where all the conditions are created in order to relax:

  • It is important to evoke pleasant and relaxing associations.
  • The design of a sign or leaflet should be related to the direction of the salon.
  • You can even use humor.
  • Stick to a sophisticated, almost aristocratic style.

Here is an example of a fairly effective text on a billboard or pillar:

And the layout of the leaflet ideally looks something like this:

Massage room - interior photo

As for the interior and possible design features, there are many options, and look at the photo for good examples.


Let's take a look at a few more important questions for starting a business.

What is the name of the massage parlor?

It is important that the name is not too hackneyed, original, ideally unique. Even the approach to choosing a name matters. For example, if even the name of the owner goes for a store, then for a massage parlor, as a rule, something more impressive is needed.

The key point will not be the ability to “encrypt” the direction of activity or the name of the co-owners, but the ability to evoke the necessary associations:

  • You can directly use the words "massage" or "body" (body). Such a name will not be catchy, but it will directly indicate the type of activity.
  • Alternatively, include words in Russian or English that mean beauty (beauty), health (health) or relaxation (relax).
  • If there are special services, hint at them. So, if Thai massage is supposed, then it is usually impossible to avoid the direct use of the word "Thai" or part of it.
  • If you use names, then at least choose a beautiful and sophisticated one. It may be possible to use the well-known name of a person who has helped others maintain or improve their health.
  • You can use other original, but beautiful words, including well-known, but slightly modified.

Examples of names that are already taken:"ProstoMassage", "Byutikl", "Doctor of the Body", "Asia relax", "Wai Tai", "Avicenna", "Laguna", "Eden", "Exodus".

How to find massage clients?

To find clients, it is useful to work on your own even before opening an office. You can look for them among friends, former colleagues, and so on. It is better for them, as well as any new customers, to immediately offer discounts. This will help to effectively overcome the first stage - acquaintance with the service performed by certain specialists. In the future, such people, if they like it, will want to pay the regular price.

Advice: come up with an affiliate program for colleagues from related fields of activity. For example, offer a hairdresser or doctor you know to recommend you in exchange for recommending him.

Do I need a license to open a massage parlor?

Restorative and cosmetic massage does not require a license. But if you plan to perform manual therapy or provide other therapeutic services, as well as therapeutic massage, you need to take care of getting it.

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This type of business is good for massage specialists or those who know how to promote wellness services in a quality manner. It is better if you manage to occupy a new niche in your city or come up with a significant competitive advantage. Starting investments will not be so great, but you cannot save on equipment and salaries of employees. If you win the recognition of your target audience, then in the future it will remain to keep the bar taken and make a profit.

In contact with

Today we will talk about how to attract clients for a massage, whether it is a procedure in a specialized salon or the service of a private master. In a crisis, finding and maintaining a customer base often becomes a difficult task. Let's talk about ways to attract and retain an audience for a massage therapist.

How to start?

At the start of practice, many novice masters have a hard time - a lot of competition, lack of experience and other factors that prevent them from earning a lot do not make life easier. The following 5 ways will help you jumpstart a career in this highly competitive business, or at least understand how to get clients to a massage parlor quickly and reliably.

1. Gain experience in a specialized salon

Today, massage services are offered by many organizations in any city. It's about not only about salons - it also includes yoga clubs, spa centers and so on. The advantages here are obvious - you immediately get customers, you can earn a reputation and accumulate your own base.

In addition, working in the salon, you will receive relatively decent money for your work. Having gained experience and formed the backbone of loyal clients, you can move to a more interesting salon or open your own practice and think about how to find clients for massage at home.

2. Look for your first customers among your acquaintances

It sounds doubtful, but this is where many people start - and not only in the field of massage. Just tell your friends about your new activity, immediately indicate the price of the session and give a discount. Be sure to ask to leave a response - this is how you earn the first money, again - experience, and accumulate social proof.

3. Ask colleagues and partners for help

The point is this. If you have a hairdresser friend, for example, ask him to recommend you to his clients who are expressing interest in a massage or who could potentially come for a session. This kind of “affiliate program” offline can bring a lot of orders.

How to keep?

Having mastered the new business and received the first loyal customers, it is worth thinking about retaining them. Of course, the main advice here is first-class service and honest work. But there is more.

1. Increase Enrollment and Remind Customers of Free Hours

The fact that you have to collect the email addresses of all your customers is not even worth talking about. Let's say you do it. Then, at the beginning of each week, view the salon/office schedule and send information about free hours to the database. Surely someone will use this data.

2. Always Offer Extra Sessions

Suppose a new person came to you and he liked the massage. Tell us how many more sessions will be needed to fix problems, offer a tentative schedule, etc. Remember, clients come to solve health problems - and the initiative should come from the master.

3. Call the contact database

People who stop going to classes should be attracted by discounts or special offers. You can send them a letter, but it's better to call and offer in person. This is how you get the most out of your customer base.

Of course, in order to promote massage services, attract new customers and build a contact base, you need a landing page. Internet marketing tools are extremely effective for small and medium businesses. There is one template in our Sales Landing Shop that is perfect for a massage parlor or private practice. You can buy it

Your brand, company name, will become more recognizable and well-known, which will increase credibility in the eyes of a potential client.

In what areas is advertising carried out:

You can order a comprehensive promotion of your services, which includes all of the above items, or you can order promotion only for individual items of interest. The price for services is formed depending on the selected items and your individual wishes.

1. Site creation.

Development of a professional and modern website with the ability to sign up for a master, view services and information.

The site will include all modern features, namely:
- SEO optimization;
- Adaptive design;
- Integration with CRM systems;
- The system of online recording to the selected master.

5. Adding reviews.

We organize the addition of reviews about your massage parlor to all popular thematic sites - reviewers. Also, reviews will be posted in thematic groups on social networks.

Addendum positive feedback helps to increase the level of customer confidence and motivate him to contact you.

6. Publication of articles and announcements.

To attract as many customers as possible, you can order from us the publication of articles and announcements on popular news resources. News resources have a huge number of visitors per day, thanks to which, publications about your services will not go unnoticed by thousands of website visitors.

In addition, publishing articles and announcements on other sites allows you to increase the level of trust of search engines in your site, which will increase your position in search results and get more visitors, in case you are promoting the site.

Leave a request for promotion

Order advertising massage

Advertising a massage parlor is a task, the optimal solution of which is possible only with the use of a competent and professional approach. First of all, when advertising a massage studio, it is necessary to take into account several main factors, including specialization, city population, target audience and, of course, the appropriateness of a particular type of advertising.

Point decoration


In general, the design of a massage parlor does not require any special measures or the application of certain rules. However, you will need to take into account the direction of the salon, for example, if Thai massage is done in the rooms, it is better to decorate the facade in the appropriate color scheme, for example, red and black, if the emphasis is on therapeutic massage, soft, pastel shades are better suited.


Outdoor advertising


If you can afford to install a billboard, you should carefully consider what kind of inscriptions and images on it will be able to attract the maximum number of customers. At the same time, you need to try to make the poster itself original and memorable. So, for advertising erotic massage parlors, humor or inviting pictures are often used, for Thai massage - colorful images, for therapeutic massage - pictures that evoke pleasant and relaxing associations.


Groups in social networks

It is also worth creating a salon group in the most popular social networks. However, in order for as many potential customers as possible to visit the community or your salon page, you should advertise your profile on larger sites with a large number of subscribers from the city where the salon is located. Groups in social networks, like the site, can be used to publish information about the salon, services provided, masters, promotions, discounts and special offers. If you can’t wind up the desired initial number of subscribers, you can turn to special exchanges where, for a very small fee, you can attract people who will join your group and repost on their page (you must make sure that the pages of such group members are not fake and have a sufficient number of friends and subscribers, from 100 people).

Printable advertisement

Leaflets and flyers

The distribution of leaflets is especially relevant at the time of opening, when you need to create a basic client base, inform the residents of a particular city (if the salon is located in a small locality) or metropolitan area about the start of your massage studio. However, when choosing information for leaflets, it is worth considering the specifics of this business. Unlike flyers for restaurants, clubs, gyms, flyers for a massage parlor should be more informative, contain information about the effect of a particular type of massage and in what cases massage is necessary for medical reasons.

business cards

Be sure to distribute business cards to clients and visitors who are simply interested, mentioning the address of the salon, contact phone number and website. This will serve as a small but factual reminder of your massage studio.


It is worth offering visitors booklets with detailed description services, procedures and their specific benefits. Such “guidelines” are likely to be read while traveling on the subway, buses and while waiting and will increase the likelihood that the client will remember to return to the salon. You can also make a special promotion to attract new visitors. So, you can offer the client to distribute several booklets to friends and relatives, and upon their presentation, make a discount, both for new visitors and for the person who brought new people to your salon. And whether new customers become permanent will depend on the quality of the services provided and, of course, your price list.

Publications in journals

The appropriateness of such advertising will depend on many factors. So, if you pay for the promotion of an article about massage with a link to your salon in a serious publication, your salon must have a more than solid advertising budget and be located in the capital. It makes no sense to advertise a salon located in a city with a population of 100 thousand people in Cosmopolitan, moreover, such advertising will cost you almost more than renting a room, repairing it and purchasing equipment. Publications in local publications are worthwhile if you are sure that they have a sufficient number of readers from your potential target audience.


Carrying out price promotions

Run various promotions, give discounts when ordering and paying for several massage sessions at once, make discounts in the “bring a friend” format, as described above, and this is guaranteed to keep old and attract new customers. Be sure to inform as many people as possible about this: for example, if you are holding a large-scale campaign, it would be advisable to pay for advertising in large communities on social networks, organize the distribution of flyers. If the action is regular and not so large-scale, post information about it on your website, in the VKontakte group and on, etc.

What advertising methods do not work for a massage parlor

  1. Advertising on radio and TV. Such advertising will be at least somewhat justified only if your salon opens in a small town, and is advertised on city resources that do not charge huge fees for an announcer's ad or a ticker. Otherwise, you run the risk of spending a lot of money on creating videos, radio texts, and their regular scrolling in the media. The likelihood that these investments will pay off is practically zero.
  2. Some large-scale outdoor advertising tools: luminous boards, video billboards, transport advertising, banners. If the budget of your salon allows you to design a billboard layout and “publish” it, this will be enough. The rest of the measures require significant investments, but bring little benefit.

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