Water based propolis application. How to take propolis water solution. The composition and benefits of propolis water

Wood boards and products 26.08.2020
Wood boards and products

What you need to know about the drug

Many drugs containing alcohol have certain contraindications, especially when it comes to those cases when they need to be given to children. That is why they are often replaced by their aqueous counterparts. So, propolis tincture on water can be one of the components of other drugs (creams, medicinal ointments, etc.).

At the same time, its independent use is quite widespread. It is she who is recommended to use as medicinal product children, pregnant and lactating women. In addition, this option is permissible for those who suffer from alcohol dependence.

It is necessary to consider! Leading doctors have long proved that it is the water tincture of propolis that retains more nutrients, compared to alcohol. In essence, this natural material is a product of the vital activity of bees, being an organic glue and a kind of "building material".

By the way, speaking of propolis water tincture, one should remember the following. The fact is that by its properties this substance is rather poorly soluble in water. As in alcohol, by the way. Therefore, it would be correct to talk about an aqueous extract, since it is in this process that useful substances are extracted from propolis into water.

It should be noted that the use of aqueous propolis tincture is quite common. This remedy can be used both for oral administration and as an external medicine, or as part of other drugs. Very often, it is this bee product that represents the only possible treatment option (for example, in the form of drops for some types of eye diseases).

Of course, you can buy such an aqueous solution at a pharmacy. However, many people prefer to make it themselves at home. For such a house making, you must have a minimum set of information, as well as know the basic recipes. Let's look at several of these recipes in more detail and focus on their features.

Water tincture of propolis: preparation

There are several main recipes for making this drug at home. Below we will look at two of the most common and popular ones. So, the instructions are as follows.

First recipe

It is necessary to carry out some preparatory actions... In particular, the substance must be placed in the freezer. After that, you need to grind propolis to a fraction of no more than a few millimeters in size. You can use a sharp knife or a regular kitchen vegetable grater.

  1. Add crushed propolis in a ratio of 1/10 to previously prepared boiled or distilled warm water. For example, for 500 ml of water - 50 g of propolis.
  2. As a dish, you can use a thermos or a bottle of the appropriate volume. It is advisable to infuse the composition for about 1 day, periodically shaking the container. In cases where an aqueous tincture is required immediately, it is allowed to reduce its infusion time to half a day.
  3. As a result, you should have a liquid with a high level of transparency, slightly greenish tint, with a characteristic light propolis aroma.
  4. Further. The resulting solution is drained, preferably through a filter (you can use ordinary gauze folded several times). Pour the extract slowly so that the sediment remaining closer to the bottom of the bottle or thermos does not rise, since it can be used in the future, which we will discuss in the description of the second recipe.
  5. The solution is stored in dark glassware, preferably in a cool and dark place. The period during which the suspension can be stored is about a week.

Second recipe

As mentioned above, the sediment from the lower layer of the liquid, which remains in the container, can be used for further preparation of the tincture. At the same time, recipe # 2 is also suitable for fresh propolis. The ratio of water to basic substance remains the same: 1/10. As for the temperature, instead of about 50 degrees for the first recipe, in this case it is necessary to use hot water, practically boiling water. However, you cannot bring it to a boil, since the temperature should be 90–95 degrees.

In addition, you will need to use a so-called "water bath", which will require either an appropriate container specially designed for such tasks, or two pots: a large and a small one, which can be placed inside a large one. Here is the sequence of your actions:

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan and place inside a large small saucepan filled with water (say 200 ml) and covered with a lid.
  2. Add to these 200 ml of water 20 g of propolis or its remains (from recipe No. 1). Put a large saucepan on the fire and bring it to a near boil (90–95 degrees).
  3. Keep this temperature for 1 hour, then remove the small saucepan from the large one. Allow the resulting aqueous extract to cool and transfer to a storage vessel. Storage conditions and terms are approximately similar to recipe No. 1.

At the same time, a tincture on water prepared in this way may have a slight sediment, and its color may be more yellowish.

The use of aqueous propolis tincture

Propolis tincture on water has the following indications and can be used for:

  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract... Treatment in the form of inhalation is allowed.
  • 2 tablespoons of water tincture, diluted in half a glass of water, are effective as a rinse for periodontal disease and stomatitis. In addition, you can gargle with sore throat, both for children and adults.
  • In the case of female ailments, douching is performed using a solution (20-30 ml of propolis tincture in water for half a liter of liquid). The duration of the procedures is up to one and a half weeks.
  • For conjunctivitis and cataracts, it is recommended to use an aqueous propolis tincture as drops 3-4 times a day. If you feel discomfort or burning, dilute it with additional boiled water.
  • Ingestion of 10 ml of infusion per 100 ml of water will help with heart disease and gastrointestinal tract... Take your medicine in the morning before breakfast.
  • In addition, do not forget about the general disinfecting property of propolis tincture. With the help of a cotton swab, it can be used to treat wounds, bruises, calluses, burns and other skin injuries.

So, now you have learned in more detail about the preparation and use of an aqueous propolis tincture. In any case, we advise you not to self-medicate and consult your doctor first.

The basis for the preparation of medicinal preparations (ointments, creams, emulsions, tampons, turundas, suppositories) is an aqueous propolis tincture. Unlike alcoholic infusion, propolis dissolved in water can be consumed by people of all ages. Water tincture of propolis does not harm children, pregnant women, lactating women, is not a provoking factor for persons suffering from alcohol dependence.

How to prepare a solution with water

water tincture of propolis

At home, for the preparation of the solution, native or natural propolis is used, which is a gray-brown plastic substance with the aroma of incense. Propolis may contain natural blotches that must be removed by hand (dry leaves, sand, insect legs, etc.). Then you should grind the propolis. To do this, you need to place it in the refrigerator for several hours. Physical properties resins are like plasticine: at low temperatures it becomes hard, brittle, and easily crumbles. After cooling, you should grate the propolis on a fine grater.

To prepare water-based propolis, you need melted filtered or distilled water. Prepare the dishes: a saucepan is suitable for a water bath, and a clean enamel cup is suitable for preparing the solution. For storage, you need a bottle or jar made of dark glass with a tight lid. To make a 10% solution, you should take 10 g of resin per 100 ml of water, 20% - 20 g per 100 ml, 30% - 30 g per 100 ml.

Dip the propolis into water, mix. Place the cup in a water bath to heat up. Stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, dissolve the substance in water for an hour. If mechanical impurities and wax float to the surface, carefully collect them with a spoon and discard. The solution has a yellowish color, pleasant smell, tastes slightly bitter and causes a barely noticeable numbness of the tongue. The resulting aqueous infusion of propolis should be cooled, filtered and drained into a storage container. Remove the bottle in a cool, dark place. Shake every 2-3 days.

As a basis for cooking, you can use positively charged water with stones, minerals, a magnet. Structured water has special properties for the body, carries the energy of life and order. For example, propolis on shungite water is very popular. Shungite is a mineral formed from organic bottom sediments (sapropel) in the Precambrian rock strata, which has the property of affecting the human biofield. The charged water has the ability to restore physical health. Unique properties due to chemical composition stone: it contains fullerenes - molecular chains formed by tens of carbon atoms. Shungite is used as a sorbent in filters, as a result of which the purified liquid becomes similar to spring water. Shungite water heals wounds, burns, skin diseases, stomach diseases, diabetes mellitus, oral cavity diseases, allergies.

How to use propolis on water

water tincture of propolis can bury the nose

Propolis tincture on water is used both inside and outside. For internal use, propolis is used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, genitourinary systems, respiratory infections, to raise immunity and strengthen the body. Indications for external use are fungal skin lesions, inflammation, irritation, purulent wounds, burns, trauma, frostbite, acne and more. Depending on the disease, the dosage of the infusion is different.

For adults, the daily dose of an aqueous tincture is determined in the amount of:

  • no more than 120 drops, but no less than 20 for a 30% solution;
  • not more than 180 drops, but not less than 30 for a 20% solution;
  • not more than 360 drops, but not less than 60 for a 10% solution.
  • up to 1 year - 1/20 of the daily allowance for an adult;
  • from 1 to 6 years old - 1/10 of the daily requirement;
  • 6-10 years old - 1/5 of the daily requirement;
  • 10-14 years old - ½ part of the daily requirement;
  • from 14 years old - full dose.

1 full teaspoon holds approximately 2 ml of tincture or 80 drops. An aqueous solution of propolis 30% in 1 ml contains about 0.15 g of resin, 20% - 0.1 g; 10% - 0.05 g. Unlike alcoholic infusion, propolis in water is stored for no more than 7 days from the date of preparation.

Infusion of propolis on water can be mixed with decoctions of medicinal herbs for oral administration, instilled into the eyes, ears, nasal passages for the treatment of eye ailments and diseases of ENT organs. A good effect in the treatment of ear inflammations is the use of turunda. Tampons are used to treat sinusitis, rhinitis, nasal polyps. Vaginal tampons are used to treat inflammation of the female genital organs. Propolis in solution is used to rinse the mouth for dental diseases, sore throat, pharyngitis, chemical burns of the throat. Lotions and compresses are used to tighten wounds, burns, treat purulent tissue infections, psoriasis, eczema, ulcers, neurodermatitis, skin fungus.

Propolis is recognized as a leader among others biological substances by the speed of impact on any skin ailments, inflammation internal organs... In combination with medicinal herbs, structured water has unique healing properties for the human body, it is recommended for the prevention and treatment of ailments.

  • 1. Useful properties
  • 2. Indications for use
  • 3. Dosage
  • 4. Special cases - ophthalmology
  • 5. Contraindications
  • 6. Types: form of release
  • 7. Cooking at home

Propolis has a wide range of indications for use. Apitherapists insist on using it in its pure form. In traditional and folk medicine, fat and alcohol extracts have become widespread in the very in different ways: from oils and tinctures to suppositories and ointments. However, water propolis extract is no less effective. It is used less often, however, in a situation where it is absolutely impossible to use alcohol or it is not possible to apply ointment or rub in oil, the aqueous extract has the necessary therapeutic effect.

Beneficial features

Natural disinfectant- propolis has a powerful biological potential. It contains about 16 classes of organic compounds, among which resins have an advantage, essential oils and alcohols, amino acids and vitamins.

An aqueous solution of propolis, of course, has a not so serious concentration. active substance like all other extracts: no more than 5%. Its use is justified for the treatment of children and pregnant women, it helps well with painful injuries and burns, when it is simply impossible to apply an alcoholic tincture or a fatty extract to the skin surface. This form is less traumatic when exposed to mucous membranes, and is sometimes even used in ophthalmology.

Despite the low concentration of propolis, it does not lose its properties and gently helps:

  • cope with inflammatory processes;
  • relieve puffiness and pain;
  • improve blood supply;
  • suppress the growth and stop the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • stimulate tissue regeneration and healing.

Aqueous extract of propolis

Indications for use

Such a wide arsenal of useful properties of propolis is used externally in the treatment of:

  • dermatitis;
  • mycoses;
  • frostbite;
  • burns.

A water tincture is used for rinsing with manifestations:

  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • sore throats;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • other inflammatory processes of the oral cavity.

Internal use is advisable for:

  • intoxication;
  • poisoning;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastritis.

It will remove toxins, speed up metabolism and help restore the body's protective functions.

Propolis, being a natural antibiotic and antiseptic of a wide spectrum of action, will help with the manifestations of colds and respiratory diseases:

  • temperature;
  • cough;
  • intoxication;
  • weakness.


Depending on the concentration (1-5%), the dose should be prescribed by a specialist. This is especially true for use for the treatment of children under 3 years of age. In addition, the use for pregnant women and nursing mothers is also limited. Do not use traditional medicine without the supervision of a supervising specialist. This can lead to negative consequences.

For older children and adults who do not have allergies and contraindications, the following use is recommended:

  • runny nose: 3-6 drops, about 3-4 times a day;
  • otitis media: 10-12 drops of water tincture, heated to body temperature, three times a day;
  • mechanical damage to the skin, burns and frostbite - in the form of lotions or applications.

Internal use is prescribed based on the standard prescription: three times a day, depending on the severity of the disease, 1 tsp. 1 tbsp. about 30-40 minutes before meals. Such treatment is prescribed for:

  • viral infections, colds, diseases respiratory system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic (non-acute) pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus;
  • problems with blood vessels and the circulatory system.

Such treatment is most effective with a seasonal decrease in immunity: in spring and autumn. It should be carried out annually, each course should take 1-3 months.

Propolis extract

Special cases - ophthalmology

If all other extracts of bee glue for eye diseases are categorically not recommended, then aqueous propolis extract has found its supporters in ophthalmology. Of course, provided:

  • consent of the attending physician;
  • lack of contraindications;
  • the reliability of the manufacturer or the absolute sterility of the process of preparing the product at home.
  • conjunctivitis;
  • symptoms of myopia;
  • cataract;
  • corneal problems such as mechanical damage, burns, ulcers;
  • blepharitis;
  • diabetic retinopathy.

Water infusion relieves swelling, inflammation, restores blood supply, relieves pain, reduces irritation.

The course of treatment is quite long. It is 1-3 months and must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.


Even a low concentration of propolis in its water preparations does not guarantee the absence of contraindications. Beekeeping products have only one serious drawback: they are aggressive allergens. As a result of their careless use, swelling, hyperemia and itching of tissues may appear. The worst of all is with the manifestation of such a reaction on mucous membranes.

Congenital allergies occur in no more than 3% of cases. However, the unfavorable ecological situation artificially provokes intolerance.

The aqueous extract can only be used after the test. It is quite simple to make it at home: just apply the hood on your wrist and stand for 2-3 hours. If allergy symptoms do not appear, it can be used as directed.

In this case, it is necessary to note the presence of side effect from contact of propolis with mucous membranes: a slight burning or tingling sensation may be felt.

Types: release form

An aqueous solution of propolis goes on sale in two forms, which differ significantly from each other:

  • cooked on whole peeled bee glue. It is a direct aqueous propolis extract. It contains all the compounds characteristic of the active substance in a minimum concentration. In appearance, it is a clear liquid of light amber or Brown color with a pleasant balsamic scent, slightly pungent in taste;
  • obtained as a result of repeated extraction of the sediment of alcoholic tinctures. In fact, on waste. In appearance, it is a cloudy liquid with a pungent strong odor and a very bitter taste. Such a base has already given up its beneficial properties during alcohol extraction, and in an aqueous solution it is less effective.

Both drugs are marketed under the same name, packaged in sealed dark glass containers. Therefore, it is impossible to determine which raw materials were used in the preparation. To prevent possible misunderstandings, it is better to prepare an aqueous solution of propolis at home. All the necessary ingredients are available and the recipe is straightforward.

How to make an aqueous propolis extract

When extracting propolis, the first step in every recipe is its purification.

To do this, freeze a piece of bee glue, grate it and fill it with water. The fraction that will be on the surface after settling is not needed. You can delete it. The sediment must be separated and thoroughly dried - this is pure propolis.

To prepare an aqueous extract, take 1 part of propolis 19 parts of distilled water. Just 10 g of dry powder requires 190 ml of water. In this case, you get a 5% concentration of the active substance.

The water is boiled, then put aside in a hot water bath and propolis powder is added to it at a temperature of 50 degrees. They continue to heat at a stable thermal regime for another 30-40 minutes, while constantly stirring. Then the mixture is poured into a thermos and insisted, shaking regularly, for 3-4 days. If there is no thermos, you can pour it into an airtight dark glass dish and leave it on a hot central heating battery for the same period, remembering to stir.

After the mixture is infused, it is filtered and poured into an airtight container. The tincture is ready to use. You can store it for no more than 10 days in the refrigerator.

It is quite easy to make an aqueous extract, however, during the preparation process, it is necessary to adhere to absolute sterility and, if possible, not exceed the shelf life.

Propolis is an almost universal antiseptic and anesthetic. Its bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties have been known and used for several thousand years. However, you should always remember about precautions when using traditional medicine. To begin with, obtain consent to their use from the attending physician, and then precisely observe the concentration and dosage. Only in this way, with patience, you can achieve a good therapeutic effect and result in good health.


How to prepare an aqueous propolis solution? Several cooking options. Instructions for use

Dear friends, I am very glad to see you on my page. As you already know, I have been doing beekeeping for over 13 years. And that's why friends and acquaintances often turn to me with a request to tell me about an aqueous solution of propolis. As it turns out, many people confuse it with propolis water.

But this is not the same thing, and, accordingly, the recipes and areas of application are different. Today I will tell you what an aqueous solution of propolis is, how it differs from propolis water, what useful properties possesses how to apply it in life and a lot of other useful information.

Medicine will not be able, propolis will help

First, let's see what propolis is useful for.

  • Propolis has a huge number of useful properties. The ways of its entry into the body are varied: you can use it orally, rectally, vaginally. At the same time, it is worth noting that when using propolis internally, the intestinal microflora does not suffer, which means that dysbiosis does not threaten you. So what propolis can do:
  • Reduces pain syndrome. Its effect is not as strong as that of antibiotics, but together with its disinfecting effect, it is a good addition to the treatment of inflammation and wounds;
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties. Propolis is an inborn natural antibiotic that allows the body to cope with a large number of harmful microorganisms known to science;
  • Enhances the action of antibiotics. With the parallel use of antibiotics and propolis, the positive result from the use of the former is achieved faster. In addition, it protects the human body from the toxic effects of medications;
  • Promotes tissue regeneration, wound healing;
  • Slows down the growth of cancer cells, helping cancer patients fight the disease. Propolis is involved in the purification of cell membranes and stabilizes the process of cell reproduction;
  • Helps the body get rid of toxins.

For the most part, propolis is well absorbed by the human body. But, as with any rule, there are exceptions.

Propolis has a number of both useful properties and a number, albeit small, but still contraindications. In small quantities and with a low concentration, its use is recommended for people with individual intolerance to beekeeping products and with infectious-allergic bronchial asthma.

But this does not mean that others can use it in any quantities, because there are frequent cases of an overdose on them. Most often it is expressed in:

  • an increase in body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • severe itching;
  • headache.

If you feel these symptoms, you must immediately stop using products containing propolis.

When using alcohol tincture, its pure use inside is excluded; it is required to dilute it with either water or milk.

What is the difference between propolis water solution and propolis water?

Many people ask the question "Isn't it the same water solution and propolis water?" No, not the same thing. And their difference is this:

Aqueous solution is made from whole propolis, and propolis water is made from meal. In the manufacture of an aqueous tincture, the last stage is the settling of the product. After it is infused, we can see the sediment. This very sediment is the meal. In other words, meal in this case is a by-product of the preparation of propolis solution.

In contrast to the aqueous extract, propolis water has a bitter taste, cloudy color and has a more irritating effect on mucous membranes.

Aqueous propolis extract - an assistant in the treatment of dozens of diseases

Aqueous propolis extract has found application and has gained a reputation as a remedy that helps a person fight many diseases. If you think that it can be used only in one direction, then I hasten to please - no, it can be used in the treatment of a fairly wide range of diseases, for example, in the treatment of:

  • runny nose, sinusitis;
  • otitis media;
  • myopia;
  • cataract;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • thrush;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • sore throat;
  • abrasions, bruises and bruises;
  • furunculosis.

This is an incomplete list of diseases in which the water extract is ready to help. Immediately, I note that when using it as a medicine, a doctor's consultation is necessary, because the dosage and duration of the course of treatment depend on the diagnosis, especially if children are undergoing treatment.

Traditional medicine has long been using propolis as a remedy. Its forms are varied: these are solutions, and plasters, and biological dressings and much more. Of course, you can go to the nearest pharmacy and buy products that include propolis, but why? It is not difficult to make the same drugs at home, the main thing is to follow all the rules.

Today I will share with you my recipes for making an aqueous solution of propolis.

Option number 1.

It is quite simple to prepare it: for this we need water and propolis.

  1. We put 10 g of propolis in the freezer and leave until it is frozen.
  2. Put the resulting mixture in a thermos and pour 100 g of boiled water, the temperature of which is 50 ° C.
  3. We leave the thermos on the battery and insist for 12-24 hours.
  4. After insisting, carefully drain the solution without "disturbing" the sediment.

Nothing more is required from us, the aqueous extract is ready and you can start using it.

Option number 2.

There is another recipe that I use the most.

True, before starting the preparation of the solution, it is worth deciding what concentration the solution would like to receive:

  • for a 10% solution: 10 g of propolis + 100 ml of water;
  • for a 20% solution: 20 g of propolis + 100 ml of water;
  • for a 30% solution: 30 g of propolis + 100 ml of water.

So, the recipe itself:

  1. We put a piece of propolis in the freezer and leave it until it is frozen.
  2. When it freezes, we take it out and grate it until a powder.
  3. Put the resulting mixture in a cup and heat it in a water bath for 40-60 minutes. If you see any impurities or wax on the surface, pick them up with a spoon and throw them away.
  4. Cool and strain the resulting aqueous solution of propolis, and then pour into a container in which it will be stored.
  5. Place the container in a cool, dark place and shake it periodically (once every 2-3 days).

I advise you to start using it in small portions with a minimum concentration in order to avoid the appearance of allergic reactions, for example, 1-2 tablespoons of a 10% solution. If, after consuming, allergies do not arise, you can increase both the amount and concentration of the solution to the optimum: 3 tablespoons of a 10% -20% solution for 1 dose, maximum 3 times a day.

I have another recipe for cooking, which is rightfully considered a favorite among the rest: an aqueous solution in shungite water.

Shungite helps to enhance all the beneficial properties of the solution, suppresses the development of tuberculosis, fights cholesterol and hepatitis viruses. And here it is - my easy way of "transforming" plain water into healing water:

  1. We take a three-liter jar and put shungite, weighing 300 g. It can be 1 stone, or maybe several, it all depends on the size.
  2. Fill the jar with filtered water to the brim and leave for 72 hours.
  3. After 3 days, pour the contents of the jar into another container, leaving shungite and 500-600 ml in it. water. This should be done very carefully so as not to shake up the sediment.
  4. We take out the shungite from the jar and dry it. After settling, it did not lose its properties and therefore it can be used in the future.
  5. We don't need the rest of the water in the jar, so you can pour it out.

Shungite water is ready for further use. To prepare propolis extract on shungite water, we do the following:

  1. Fill in the previously crushed propolis in proportions of 1/10.
  2. We keep the resulting composition in a water bath for 35-40 minutes.
  3. We take it out and let it cool.
  4. We filter and pour the solution into a dark glass bottle.

Store the bottle in a dark place for 2 weeks. After the solution is ready for use.

Where to store an aqueous solution of propolis

Its shelf life should not exceed 45 days. Store the finished product in a refrigerator in a glass container.

Instructions for use

Many people ask the question "How to take it?" and how long?". The answer is simple: depending on the diagnosis, the dosage and duration of treatment are different, but for "simple" diseases, it can be used according to the following scheme.

  • In the treatment of inflammatory processes in the nose: 2-3 drops are dripped into each nostril three times a day. The duration of treatment is no more than 10 days, then you need to take a break for 21 days. After a break, the course can be repeated.
  • For ear diseases: 2-3 drops drip into each ear three times a day. As with the treatment of inflammation in the nose, after 10 days you need to take a break.
  • For throat and mouth infections: Rinse mouth with solution after every meal. It is necessary to stop rinsing at the moment of disappearance of symptoms or their mitigation.

An aqueous solution of propolis will also help in the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye, but here a doctor's consultation is necessary.

I want to warn you against self-medication and self-prescribing dosage: using an aqueous propolis extract with a high concentration for the eyes, you can easily get a corneal burn. Therefore, do not neglect going to the doctor, be sure to use the services of a professional.

Instructions for using an aqueous solution with shungite water

An aqueous solution of shungite water will help with ARVI, flu and others infectious diseases... How much you need to drink it and how often depends on the diagnosis and the stage of the disease.

The way of using it is generally simple: it can be used as a gargle or as an inhalation.

  • With lesions of the lungs and bronchi, you need to drink it 10-15 g three times a day for a month. With tuberculosis, the duration of admission is increased to 3 months.
  • For disorders of the thyroid gland, diseases of the gastrointestinal and for treatment diabetes mellitus it is necessary to consume 10-15 g. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, then a mandatory break for six months.

If you are thinking about treating a child with an aqueous solution of propolis in shungite water, then you should tell me about the "child" dosage:

  • 1-3 years: a quarter teaspoon three times a day;
  • 3-8 years: a third of a teaspoon three times a day;
  • 8-14 years old: half a teaspoon three times a day.

Before giving the child the solution in the above amount, make sure that he is not allergic to bee products.


So my little story about an aqueous solution of propolis has come to an end. I told you about the benefits and contraindications, I shared the recipes, now it's up to you. Reviews of the aqueous solution are as diverse as the diseases that it treats.

Many people point out that the achievement of positive results can be accelerated by using it in parallel with other beekeeping products, and here I completely agree with them. For the sake of truth, it is worth saying that the praise was received by the solution prepared with his own hand, and not bought at the pharmacy.

Perhaps some of you have already prepared an aqueous solution, and someone, after reading my article, seriously thought about preparing it in the near future. I would be glad to receive your comments and questions, to which I will be happy to answer.

At the end of the material, I want you to watch a short video tutorial that tells you how to prepare an aqueous solution of propolis. From experience I will say that I liked this recipe the most for the simplicity and economy of using propolis:


Aqueous extract of propolis

Propolis (bee glue) is a gummy, gummy substance that ranges in color from yellowish green to dark green to brown, with a bitter taste and characteristic odor. It is produced by bees from their own saliva, pollen, wax and adhesives secreted by some conifers and deciduous trees. On the basis of propolis, water and alcohol extracts, ointments, balms, tinctures, candles are made.

Aqueous propolis extract - application

Aqueous extract of propolis is a brown, most often cloudy, coffee-with-milk-colored liquid. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

On sale most often there is a 1% solution, less often a 5% solution. When preparing an aqueous propolis extract at home, you can get any required concentration, which depends on the purpose for which the solution will be used.

Aqueous propolis extract is used as an external antiseptic and antibacterial agent:

  • for the treatment of difficult healing wounds and ulcers, as a lotion;
  • for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis;
  • for gargling with sore throat, tonsillitis;
  • for instilling eyes with conjunctivitis;
  • for washing the sinuses with sinusitis;
  • for douching with cervical erosion, vaginal inflammation;
  • as an antifungal agent, in particular for candidiasis.

Inside, an aqueous extract of propolis is usually used in folk medicine to strengthen the immune system, fight diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

This drug has no obvious contraindications, with the exception of an individual allergic reaction.

How to prepare an aqueous propolis extract?

As with any home remedy, there is no single instruction for preparing an aqueous propolis extract; there are many options. But in all cases, it is recommended to freeze propolis before cooking, so that later it would be fashionable to crush it into powder, since at room temperature it is a rather viscous substance.

Let's look at some of the most common recipes for making an aqueous propolis extract:

  1. Pour in propolis powder (10 grams) warm water(100 ml) and soak in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, stirring regularly. The temperature of the mixture when heated should not exceed 80 degrees. The resulting mixture is filtered and poured into an opaque vessel or dark glass container. The resulting solution is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 10 days.
  2. Crushed propolis is poured into a thermos, poured with boiling water and insisted for a day. For long-term storage, a solution prepared by a similar method is not intended.
  3. Crushed propolis is poured with warm water in a ratio of 1: 2 and kept in a water bath for about an hour, after which it is filtered. The thus obtained aqueous propolis extract can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months, but since it is very concentrated, it must be diluted with boiled water to the desired concentration before use.

How to take propolis water extract?

Most often, propolis extract must be diluted before use, especially in the case of home cooking, where the concentration of propolis in the solution can be very high.

  1. For rinsing, a tablespoon of the extract is added to half a glass of water.
  2. For washing the maxillary sinuses, the extract is diluted in a 1: 2 ratio.
  3. For the treatment of eyes, given the sensitivity of the mucous membrane, it is best to use an aqueous extract of propolis with a minimum concentration, purchased from a pharmacy. It is also advisable to dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2. The solution is instilled in 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.
  4. For douching, add 3 tablespoons of the extract to 0.5 liters of water.
  5. When taken orally, the drug is usually diluted in a glass of warm water or milk and taken twice a day. The amount of the drug differs depending on the concentration and form of release and can vary from 30-40 drops to a teaspoon.

Aqueous propolis extract very often gives a sediment, so it must be shaken before use.

Propolis has wide indications for use. Apitherapists recommend using it only in its pure form, but traditional and ethnoscience applies it in divorced.

Differs in great efficiency aqueous propolis extract... Usually it is used in cases where alcohol tincture is contraindicated or it is not possible to rub in oil or apply ointment.

It is interesting that you can prepare an aqueous extract of propolis yourself.

This tool has a lot of useful properties. It can be used orally, vaginally, rectally. When it is ingested, the intestinal microflora does not suffer, so a person is not afraid of dysbiosis.

Propolis possesses complex chemical composition and is a gummy substance that is sticky to the touch. Its color is different - from light green with a yellowish tint to dark green and even brown. The substance has a characteristic peculiar smell, it tastes bitter. Such a beekeeping product is able to retain its beneficial qualities when heated. On its basis, extracts, tinctures, candles, ointments are made.

Aqueous infusion of propolis is a cloudy brown liquid that does not harm small children, pregnant and lactating women... Propolis extract can be purchased over the counter, but it is best to make your own. There are 1%, sometimes 5% solutions on sale. At home, you can prepare a solution of any concentration.

Despite the fact that the aqueous solution has a low concentration of propolis, it has many useful properties and helps:

  • improve blood supply;
  • relieve pain and swelling;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • stimulate tissue regeneration and healing;
  • suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Indications for use

Externally, the extract of aqueous propolis is used in the treatment of:

  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • mycoses;
  • dermatitis.

A water rinse tincture is used in the following cases:

  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • other inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Internal use expedient:

  • with gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • poisoning;
  • intoxication.

Propolis has practically no contraindications. People with individual intolerance to beekeeping products, as well as those suffering from bronchial asthma, can use the drug in small quantities and with a low concentration. In case of an overdose, the body temperature may rise, nausea, severe itching, and headache may appear.

Preparing the solution at home

There is no single strict instruction for the preparation of such a product. There are many options for how to dissolve propolis in liquid. But be sure to adhere to the following recommendation: before using propolis should be frozen. This makes it much easier to grind into powder.

Before cooking, you need to decide what concentration the solution will need. If it is ten percent, then take 100 ml of water and 10 g of propolis. For the preparation of 20% tincture, it is recommended to take 20 g of the product.

Instructions for preparing a tincture for external use, rinsing, inhalation and ingestion:

  • Take filtered or distilled water, two enamelled containers, a spoon or wooden spatula.
  • The crushed propolis is placed in a container with water, heated to 80 degrees in a water bath, stirring continuously, and boiled for 15 - 20 minutes. If there are particles of possible impurities, then they must be collected with a slotted spoon and discarded.
  • The solution becomes light brown or yellowish, and a slight bitterness is felt on the taste.

The preparation of propolis tincture in water is considered complete when all particles of the substance are completely dissolved. The container is removed from the heat and cooled at room temperature for six hours. The resulting extract is filtered and poured into a dark glass vessel. It is recommended to store it in a cool place, stirring vigorously every two days.

An aqueous solution for treating wounds or internal intake for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract is prepared as follows:

  • Crushed bee glue is poured into a saucepan and poured with purified water in a ratio of 1: 5.
  • The container is placed in a water bath and boiled for three hours at a temperature of 80 degrees, stirring regularly.
  • After that, the broth is filtered and poured into a bottle.

An aqueous solution of propolis, which is prepared according to this recipe, is used to treat bronchial tuberculosis:

  • The water needs to be boiled and cooled.
  • Propolis is cleaned, cut into small particles or ground in a mortar.
  • In a refractory flask, pour 100 ml of prepared water and dissolve 10 g of bee glue in it.
  • The vessel is placed on water bath and heated to 100 degrees.
  • The process of extracting nutrients takes one hour, and it is recommended to stir the mixture from time to time. Then the solution is filtered off.

Maximum healing effect from the use of aqueous propolis tincture is achieved if this substance is insisted on shungite water (infused with minerals). To prepare the tincture, heated water is poured into a thermos and crushed beekeeping product is added in a ratio of 1:10. The resulting extract insist during the day, periodically shaking the container, then it is filtered and used for its intended purpose.

Medicinal use

Propolis solution is used to treat the following diseases:

  • For rinsing for chronic tonsillitis, flushing of the oral mucosa, irrigation of the gums and teeth, one tablespoon of propolis is diluted in a glass of water.
  • For rinsing for skin inflammations and wounds, an undiluted aqueous extract is used.
  • Inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses are treated with washings of propolis, which is diluted in two parts of water.
  • With conjunctivitis propolis solution is instilled into the eyes four times a day, a few drops. If there is a burning sensation, then the product must be diluted with boiled water in a 1: 2 ratio.
  • Get rid of it quickly from runny nose instillation into the nose of an aqueous infusion of 3 - 5 drops three times a day helps.
  • For gynecological problems(bacteria and fungi in the vagina, Trichomonas, erosion of the cervix) helps douching with propolis water. For this, two tablespoons of the extract are combined with 0.5 liters of boiled water. Tampons, which are moistened in a diluted solution of propolis (1: 2), also help well. They need to be injected into the vagina for 8 to 12 hours for 10 days.
  • Lotions from propolis extract, which is diluted in a 1: 2 ratio, are used for the treatment of hemorrhoids or rectal fissures.

A solution of this substance is also used to treat the eyes. In the pharmacy, you can buy the product both in the form of a spray and in the form of drops. It is especially effective for treating:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • corneal ulcers;
  • developing cornea;
  • eye infections or injuries;
  • the initial stage of myopia.

In these cases, the application of the beekeeping product is carried out as follows: the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and instilled into the eyes 1 - 2 drops in the morning and evening. Treatment is carried out within 10 days, after which a break is taken, and if necessary, therapy is resumed. Propolis helps relieve eye fatigue and pain during strenuous work.

Thus, propolis is a universal anesthetic and antiseptic. Its bacteriostatic and bactericidal qualities have been known since ancient times. But it is necessary to observe precautions when using this remedy, since it also has contraindications. Before using it, you need to consult a doctor.

Left - water propolis, right - propolis water

I was prompted to write this article by the obvious dishonesty (or ignorance) of many beekeepers, who very often give out one product after another, not caring about the consequences of its use.

In apitherapy (the science of treating bee products), the aqueous fractions of propolis are divided into aqueous solutions and propolis water. The scientific literature also uses the term aqueous propolis extract, which basically means a dry aqueous extract (i.e., an aqueous solution from which moisture has been evaporated). In the popular lexicon, an aqueous propolis extract and an aqueous propolis solution can be considered identical concepts.

So what is the difference between propolis water solution and propolis water?

The main significant difference is that an aqueous solution prepared from whole (native) propolis, a propolis water - from meal(by-product of oil extraction production. Wikipedia). Meal in this case is a by-product of the production of alcoholic propolis tincture, this is the sediment that remains after infusion. It is poured with water and heated in a water bath (or boiled).

For the manufacture of an aqueous solution of propolis whole (native) propolis is used. A piece of such propolis is frozen in the freezer and ground on a fine grater, then placed in a thermos and filled with water heated to 50 ° C. It is infused in a warm room (on a battery) or heated daily to 50 ° for 1-3 days with constant shaking.

The result is a very soft extract that does not violate the natural balance of the elements of the original substance.

In terms of its antimicrobial properties, an aqueous solution of propolis surpasses all known propolis extracts and whole propolis in its pure form.

According to the State Scientific Research Institute of Beekeeping of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, aqueous solutions contain, in comparison with alcoholic ones, more biologically active unsaturated compounds (iodine number 73.6-121) and show a higher oxidizability (oxidizability indicator - instantly), which characterizes the high antioxidant properties of the aqueous fraction. Aqueous solutions and extracts of propolis have a variety of biological properties and a wide range of applications.

Studies have established (T.V. Vakhonina, R.N. Rebrova et al., 1969) that the aqueous fractions of propolis showed a wider spectrum of action in comparison with alcohol ones, showing antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi (candida, etc. ), viruses (herpes, flu, hepatitis).

Aqueous solutions and extracts of propolis are characterized by a high content of biologically active compounds. Each component possesses biological properties, but their natural combination, nature, manifests a physiological effect. Aqueous solutions are recommended for use as a biologically active food supplement.

Vakhonina E.A.

State Research Institute of Beekeeping RAAS

I would like to warn consumers against buying obviously low-grade beekeeping products.

Do you know that:

A 30% aqueous solution of propolis does not exist in nature, since the percentage of an aqueous solution of propolis is not higher than 5%, it is more DOES NOT DISSOLVE.

Only a person who absolutely does not know the properties of propolis can issue such a recipe. This has long been scientifically and experimentally proven. There is no need to take more, 10 grams per 100 ml of water, only a very high degree of wax contamination. I see no other reason. (Olga Osetrova: pediatrician, apitherapist, phytotherapist)

Propolis water, which is mostly issued by beekeepers as water propolis (based on my research on Internet proposals), is a water extract from waste from the production of alcoholic tincture.

It is beneficial for the beekeeper, because he can use the same raw material to make two products. But for the consumer, the difference in the properties of these products is very significant and can cause serious health risks.

Propolis water is made from waste alcohol tincture production by heating in a water bath for one hour. It is more cloudy in appearance (compared to an aqueous solution), significantly more bitter in taste and more irritating to mucous membranes (compared to an aqueous solution).

In the publicly available literature (especially in the Internet zone), the areas of application of propolis water and propolis aqueous solution practically do not differ. But, based on our practice,

  • do not use propolis water for nasal instillation for children(difference in pain sensation compared to propolis water solution or honey propolis VERY SIGNIFICANT).
    Even I, an adult, had tears from my eyes during a trial session with propolis water. But with an aqueous solution, we very effectively treated the runny nose of our one-year-old daughter. She, of course, frowned and was indignant, but the pain effect is quite bearable (slight tingling).
    The runny nose goes away so quickly that it is difficult to decide to write it in the instructions, because most people have already developed immunity from “pills for all occasions”, which solve all problems in record time.
    A week ago, my youngest daughter had a terrible runny nose, and in 3 days we were on the road. I began to drip her an aqueous solution of propolis, and the next day the snot stopped flowing. I was shocked! This is not the first child, and I know what snot is…. But they were not there, and I stopped dripping propolis. As a result, after 2 days, the snot returned and lasted another 3-4 days in a latent state.
    Even if the painful symptoms have left you, it is imperative to complete the entire course of treatment (7-10 days with a runny nose, but no more than 30-40 days (with any symptoms), because side effects may occur).
    With a good therapeutic effect and the need to prolong the treatment, you can replace propolis preparations with wax moth preparations, which contain propolis and are suitable for long-term use without negative consequences for the body.

    From my experience no pharmaceutical drug can guarantee you such an effect against a child's (and even an adult's) rhinitis, like natural honey with propolis or an aqueous extract of propolis.

    At one time, I was looking for healing agents for my children for a very long time, which would not only constrict blood vessels, but would have antibacterial and antimicrobial effects, that is, they would CURE, and not just make breathing easier. Unfortunately, our pharmaceutical industry today is very poor in such drugs. At best, you will be offered protargol (which promotes the accumulation of heavy metals in the body), otherwise nothing ... (my personal experience).

  • We recommend do not use propolis water for eye drops!
    The mucous membrane of our eyes is one of the most sensitive areas in human body... Therefore, the use of any medications for the eyes should be done with great care. In the specialized literature on apitherapy, you can find guidance on instilling an aqueous solution of propolis into the eyes. But it should be borne in mind that this applies only to an aqueous solution, and not to propolis water, which has much stronger irritating properties. Yes, and aqueous solutions (both pharmacy and from a beekeeper), without fail, should be diluted with boiled or distilled water, and before instilling in the child's eyes - check for yourself.

In terms of antiviral and antimicrobial properties, an aqueous solution of propolis is superior to propolis water and alcoholic propolis tincture, but, despite this, propolis water has a wide range of applications, such as:

- gargling with sore throat,

- external use for dermatitis, burns, frostbite, fungi on the skin and nails,

- inflammation of the oral cavity and caries,

- inside:

  • with peptic ulcer and other disorders and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (relieves pain, nausea, heartburn),
  • for colds and flu (reduces fever, pain and intoxication),
  • relieves menstrual syndrome
  • poisoning and foodborne infections, etc.

Summarizing all of the above, we advise you, before purchasing this or that drug, to make sure that YOU ARE BUYING, an aqueous solution or propolis water, and to purchase medicinal products only from trusted manufacturers.

All the best to you and be healthy!

Best regards, Galina

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