A detailed description, walkthrough and codes for the game Captain America and the avengers (Captain America). Achievement guide

Laminate 13.01.2021

On Dandy - a fascinating action movie with RPG elements.

An exciting action movie with RPG elements challenges your heroes, popular Marvel Comics characters Captain America and the Hawk, with a series of difficult tasks to free the cities and prisoners captured by villains.

At the beginning of the game, a map of the United States will appear on the screen with two dozen cities marked on it, in each of which all sorts of obstacles await you. Particularly important points, where the leaders of the secret organization have settled, are circled in a double line. In such cities, after battles with bandits, you will have difficult fights that must be won at any cost, because the life and death of other people depend on your skill.

But Captain America is not alone, in this unequal battle with the mafia he will be helped by a well-aimed archer Hawk. Although their first routes Miami - Tampa and New Orleans - the Mississippi River they will have to go alone, when friends and associates meet, you can change the active hero at any time during the journey.

ADVICE on the passage of the game Captain America and the avengers on Dendy:

1. In addition to hordes of common enemies settlements are controlled by serious opponents, so unite both heroes into a team as soon as possible - and it will be easier to collect prizes and deal with bosses.

2. On the first level, collect diamonds, and when you reach the end, press START... An inscription will appear RETURN... Install an arrow on it and start the stage over again, and again collect diamonds. You will have an increase in the force of impact, energy, arrows with a bomb tip will appear. Your shield will begin to fly around you and cover you from both sides. To do this, you will have to go through the first level many times, it's pretty boring, but if you want to survive ...

3. In the battle with Viltron, fight on the left edge of the highest platform.

4. To destroy a monster with a barrel, you must first shoot down the barrel three times, and then finish it off, dodging shots.

5. The upper containers are best opened with a jump kick.

6. If the captain or archer is blinking slowly on the map, then for their further advance it is necessary to find the first letter of the name of the blinking hero.

7. In the version of the game “ Battle Mode"You can arrange a small fighting game between all the characters.

CONTROL in Game Captain America and the avengers on Dendy:

A- jump;

V- throw a shield or shoot an arrow;

A + B- kick.

SECRETS in Game Captain America and the avengers on Dendy:

1. If you make a jump without releasing the joystick pressed "up", The captain will spin, and in this state he cannot be killed.

2. If you press the joystick while jumping "way down", then it will be possible to crush someone with a shield.

3. If, while playing the Captain, you jump into the water and press "way down", The captain will swim while sitting on the shield.

4. If the Captain fires the shield and then jumps, the shield will rise after him.

5. Find a city where you can take life. Taking it, select from the menu RETURN and go back to this city. Repeat this until you gain 9 lives, and then boldly move on.

6. The most convenient way to connect the Captain and the Hawk is in the city of Charleston. There, it is easier for both heroes to take figures from containers with the letters “ H" or " A". Now, instead of letters on the map, there will be a large letter in the square " A". After that, if the Captain, for example, died, then the archer starts from this city. Such figures come across in other cities, but rarely.

7. If the Captain and the archer met, the archer will be able to get prizes on the islands. To do this, select the Captain and stand on the island, then select the archer - and he has a prize!

8. If your progress is hindered by rotating stars on the map (" Red alert", Ambush), then move to a place free from them, and then return (point RETURN in the " Pause"). The stars will move!

9. In the " Battle Mode", Playing as villains, press V together with the clamped arrow "way down"- you will shoot in bursts.

General information:

Average difficulty of achievements: 3/10

Offline: 50 (1000 )

Online: 0 (0 )

Estimated time to get 1000 points: 8-10 hours

Minimum number of passes: 1

Achievements that can be accidentally missed: No

Are cheats blocking achievements ?: No known cheat codes

Does difficulty affect achievements ?: No

Glitchy achievements: No

Unreachable achievements: No

Additional conditions ?: No


Captain America: Super Soldier is not a bad game, unlike many expectations. Gameplay she looks like X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Prince of Persia jumps and Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Step 1:Walkthrough on an easy difficulty level

On an easy difficulty, it will be easiest to earn whatever you want. Most of the achievements will be unlocked as the game progresses. What you should focus on during your first playthrough is the destruction of anti-aircraft guns and collecting. You will find maps of all locations of antiaircraft guns. It is best to just print them out or remember them so that you do not miss anything during the passage of the game, because when you replay it, it will take the most time.

As the game progresses, try to collect all the collectibles. You can find the guide. All items (except for ceramic eggs) are shown on the map, so in each new location, click more oftento check if nothing is missing. Clickto highlight hidden ledges.

Another reason why collectables are worth collecting is because they open up certain challenges in Challenge Mode. They are also useful for unlocking all abilities in trials.

If you miss an antiaircraft gun or a collectible in campaign mode during the first playthrough, you can enter Free Roam, click “Continue game” (NOT “ New game”) And collect everything you missed.

Step 2:Playing Challenge Mode

Play all 10 levels until you get gold on each one. To open all levels, you need to collect 50 Ceramic Eggs and Ceramic Rooster (on the laboratory floor and at the bottom of the ramp, where the Enigma code is located).

If you get stuck at some point, watch the video tutorial in the description of the achievement.

Step 3:Finishing off

All the remaining achievements (Who's the Bully Now ?, And They All Fall Down, Grace Under Pressure, etc.) that require you to do something a certain number of times can be easily obtained in the challenge mode.


It is extremely easy to get 1000 in this game. , it does not take a lot of time. It's pretty fun and I would say definitely worth a few days of playing.

To Your Credit 13

Watch the credits until the end.

At the end of the game, do not miss the credits and this will unlock the achievement. If you skip it or decide to review it later, you can do it in the additional menu at any time.

Science and spirit 10

Completed 17 Chapter: The First of the Few

Tank me later 10

Completed 16 Chapter: Church On Time.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Window shopper 15

Unlock all challenge modes.

Cm . "Can "t Stand Any Higher".

Tourist 25

Complete all Challenge Modes.

Cm . "Can "t Stand Any Higher".

Testing Waters 5

Complete one challenge mode.

Cm . "Can "t Stand Any Higher".

Train to Catch 10

Completed Chapter 12: Red Ball Express.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Pleasant stroll 10

Completed 11 Chapter: They Were Expendable.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Taming of the Shrew 25

Completed 10 Chapter: Keep Your Powder Dry.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Holding the high note 10

Completed 15 Chapter: When Trumpets Fade.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

High and Low 25

Completed Chapter 14: Hell is for Heroes.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Unnatural Resources 10

Completed 13 Chapter: The Small Back Room.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Begin a Trend 15

Get one gold medal in test mode.

Cm . “Can "t Stand Any Higher".

Who "s the Bully Now? 50

Defeat 101 advanced units.

It's actually not as hard as it looks, the superior fighter is just one of the bigger guys. You probably won't get it at the end of the game, but you can get the achievement by completing the Ballroom Blitz challenge. Just walk up to the cannon and shoot them all as they walk out the doors. The main thing is not to die, because the murders will not count. The achievement can be obtained both in the campaign and in the challenge mode.

And They All Fall Down 7

Knock out 4 opponents with a single focused shield throw.

Upon entering the building in Chapter 3, they will explain to you how to do this. In principle, this can be done anywhere in Challenge Mode or Story Mode.

1. You must have full focus.

2. Find a place with 4 or more people.

3. Click for aiming.

4. Move the cursor over one target and pressto secure the goal.

5. Without holding, secure 3 more targets. (4 in total)

6. After you have marked all the goals, click.

The easiest way to get the achievement is Testedai Ballroom Blitz ... Use the cannon to blast until you have full focus, and then secure targets on 4 small opponents.

Also available from the Prisoners of War challenge. At one point there will be 4 snipers shooting at you, use the algorithm described above. By this time, your focus should be complete.

You can watch the video guide.

Unfriendly fire 15

Kill 10 opponents with their own weapon.

When facing a Scorcher (big red guy) or any other opponent with a firearm, hold and press to take their weapons. In doing so, you should have two blue focus bars. It is possible to get an achievement in any of the modes.

Grace Under Pressure 10

Perform 5 perfect jumps in a row on beams

You can watch the video guide.

Back to Basics 30

Kill the 101st Infantry.

Infantrymen are the weakest opponents. Just kill them to unlock the achievement. You will most likely receive it before the end of the game. If you don't have time, you can get it all in the same Ballroom Blitz challenge mode, since you will have a cannon and a bunch of opponents. The achievement can be obtained both in the campaign and in the challenge mode.

Snipe hunt 25

Kill 25 snipers.

An easy achievement, which you will most likely get at the beginning of the playthrough. Just kill 25 snipers in absolutely any way.

Pow, Right in the Kisser! 15

Perform 50 Warp Strikes.

If you have 1 focus bar, you can use crippling blows on the enemy. This can be achieved by holding and clicking ... Each time will be accompanied by a cut-scene. The achievement can be obtained both in the campaign and in the challenge mode. If you decide to open it in a campaign, do so before completing it.

Can "t Stand Any Higher 50

Get 100% gold medals in Challenge Mode.

To fully pass all the challenges, you must first open them (this can be done by collecting all the collectibles). All tests are based on speed, i.e. it is necessary to kill a certain number of enemies in 4 minutes or 2 minutes. 30 sec. and so on. There are 10 trials in total, all of them can be completed in an hour. If you have any problems, use the video tutorial:

Freedom on a Roll 35

Collect 50% of all gold medals in Challenge Mode.

Cm . "Can" t Stand Any Higher ".

There goes the neighborhood 50

Destroy all anti-aircraft guns.

There are 12 antiaircraft guns in total (3 of them will be destroyed during the game). As you progress through the story mode, look at where they are located on the map - this will save a lot of time, possibly spent looking for them on subsequent playthroughs. They are marked with a small black circle on the map. To destroy them, go to the large computer next to it and press.

You can find maps.

You can only get it in the campaign mode, but if you miss something during the first playthrough, you can enter Free Roam, click “Continue game” (NOT “New game”) and destroy anything you missed.

Snap together soldiers 10

Find the 1st Enemy Blueprint.

Cm . "Two Hands and a Sword".

The big sleepover 50

Completed Chapter 18: Went the Day Well?

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Beautiful mind 25

Decipher 13 Enigma Codes.

Received about halfway through the first playthrough. You need to add together 2 sequences of numbers. There are a lot more of them in the game than 13, so this should be easy. It is probably impossible not to get it.

He Hates These Cans! 15

Blow up 500 items.

Just blow up 500 objects. This will give you fast progress (in increments of 10) each time you detonate something. (i.e. 100/500). There is a place where there are a lot of red barrels, so just be sure to blow them up when the game comes to an end. In any case, the barrels will respawn when you re-enter the location. So go to Orchard and blast everything you can, because there are the most barrels there.

Slide Show Symphony 35

Collect all Zola coils.

Cm . "Two Hands and a Sword".

Calling the Folks 15

Find and use 5 radio stations.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Put a ring on it 25

Successfully direct 3 mortar attacks.

As the game progresses, you will be able to use some kind of companions to mark targets that will attack after your allies. There will be 5 or 6 of them in total, so it will be difficult to miss this achievement.

Peaches "n Cream 15

Successfully place C3 5 times

Cm . "There Goes The Neighborhood".

Need a Head? 35

Destroy 50 Stutui

There are many more statues in the game than 50, and a large concentration of them inOrchard, Estate and Sewers. In Estate, these are busts on tables - destroy them. You will know that you are destroying the correct statues when a notification about the remaining number of statues appears in the middle (right) of the screen.

At the beginning of the 9th chapter, you will have one statue in front of you, but not the only one. Make sure to check every corner before going outside the mansion (chapter 10), where there are plenty of statues.

Sewer Rat 10

Use all 12 sewer entrances.

You do not need to use all the sewer entrances to complete the game. You can do it in the campaign or Free roam after. How do you get into the sewer, check the card by acquiringand systematically use each exit, then re-enter the sewer and move to the next entrance. So don't worry if you miss something.

Deconstruction 35

Collect all enemy blueprints.

Cm . "Two Hands and a Sword".

24 Frames a Second 10

Find the Zola coil.

Cm . "Two Hands and a Sword".

Two hands and a sword 35

Find all of Zemo's Diaries.

All collectibles (except ceramic eggs) are shown on the map. Collect them when passing on an easy level of difficulty, so as not to waste time on it later. Clickto view the map. Progress can be viewed by clicking on

Collecting Guide can be found

1. There are more collectibles in the game than necessary. So when you collect, for example, 50 eggs, the rest will disappear from the map.

2. For each collectible there is a pointer - a triangle (pointer up or down), which shows the position of the item relative to the player (bottom, top). the absence of a triangle means that the thing is on the same level with you.

3. You can also clickto activate super vision. This will make the exits / ledges light up if you are not sure how to get to a certain location. This will help avoid a couple of ridiculous things.

Hello God? It "s Me, Zemo 10

Find Zemo's first diary.

Cm . "Two Hands and a Sword".

Eggman 15

Collect 50 Ceramic Eggs.

Cm . "Two Hands and a Sword".

Existential Dilemma 10

Completed 6 Chapter: Camus and the Fly.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Fully Operational 25

Completed 5 Chapter: The Big Red One

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Send a Post Card 10

Completed Chapter 4: Secret Journey.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Touchdown 10

Completed Chapter 9: The Longest Yard.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Down in the lab 15

Completed Chapter 8: To Have and Have Not.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Real men read ulysses 10

Completed Chapter 7: Icarus and Daedalus.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Trench foot 10

Complete Prologue: Come and See.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Star spangled superhero 50
Collect 25,000 Intelligence Points.

By collecting collectibles and killing enemies, you earn points. In the pause menu (press) you can view them. It is impossible to get this achievement in the campaign, but playing with the challenge mode it is possible to collect points. Don't worry about getting the achievement.

Four score and seven 15

Accumulate 1,776 Intelligence Points.

Most likely to get it in Chapter 3. In the pause menu (press) you can view them.

Trojan Splinters 15

Completed Chapter 3: The Wooden Horse.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Overdue notice 10

Completed Chapter 2: The Flemish Farm.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Just stood there 10

Completed 1 Chapter: Stand Alone Together.

This is a story achievement and you can get it just by playing the game.

Translation - CORN. Editing - Madnfs

In this game, you will meet with the popular comic book hero, the threat of the entire underworld, Captain America. A fantastic world, a distant future, but there is still evil on the planet that needs to be fought. The game is extremely addicting, with many different obstacles and a wide variety of situations. There is an opportunity to play both against the console and against each other.
Heroes of the popular comics Captain America and the Hawk in a dynamic plot, with excellent graphics and music, go in search of their friends - Iron Man and the Ghost, captured by the Mandarin gang. Traveling around the cities of America, the heroes cleanse them of the forces of evil ...
Captain America. The shield can be thrown forward and
back. Bullets bounce off of him. - put up a shield over your head (if shooting from trees)
A - throw of the shield; B (hold) - somersault; B - jump; somersault + ↓ - sit on the shield ↓ + A - punch; A + B - kick ← + → (fast twice in a row) - super speed.
Hawk: Can shoot a bow in different directions and jumps very high A - bow shot; B - jump. The "Battle Mode" mode will allow you to arrange a small battle between all the heroes.
If the Captain meets Luchinka, then Luchinka can be used to get prizes from the islands. To do this, select the Captain and stand on the island, and then select the Archer - and he has a prize.

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