What does it mean to set a goal. How to set a goal in life and achieve it. We determine the strategy for achieving

Painting 18.07.2020

Start big, go big, and never look back. We must always go beyond. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

This article is a continuation of the article “How to set goals correctly and achieve them. Why you need to be able to set goals ”, where we examined the main reasons why people do not achieve their goals and what it means to set goals correctly.

In order to independently and CORRECTLY set goals for yourself and, accordingly, achieve them, I will reveal to you 10 rules (or you can call it secrets, chips) for achieving the goal.
Even if you use at least some of them, you will significantly change the difference between "you BEFORE" and "you AFTER".

Proper goal setting includes 10 rules:

1. Break down your life into its component areas

Career, business, family, communication, self-development and others that you have.

Determine which of these areas are the most significant and valuable.

Here is a great opportunity to see what your personal life is filled with ...

2. Identify the areas of life that make the most sense to you

If you find it difficult to determine from the first time which area provides the greatest significance - think about what you will always find time for, no matter how busy and tired you are.

For example, even if you return tired from work, you will always find the time and energy to talk with your child or put him on your lap (if the child's age, of course, allows).

3. Create yourself two time charts:

The first is what you have enough time for, what you spend it on.

The second is what you would like to devote more time to, what less. Such a diagram of the ideal use of your time.

Compare these two charts.

You will get an answer for yourself what is taking your time now and what you should change in your life in order to get closer to the second diagram.

4. Dream! Yes, yes, dream!

Think about what you are striving for, what you want to achieve, what will make your life truly filled and happy?

I usually have such dreams during internal dialogues with myself: a bunch of options for what I want to be or what to be able to do in my head, and as a result, the brightest image is chosen.

5. Many of your desires can become your life goals.

How is a desire different from a goal?

Desire is just a dream, an idea, a thought.

And the goal has its own criteria and guidelines by which you can determine how much you have already done and how much you still have left.

Take yourself mentally into the future.

What needs to change in your life and how?

Set yourself benchmarks for the goals you will move towards.

6. Your goals must be specific.

You must clearly understand what you want, so your goals should be formed as specifically as possible.

“Becoming a businessman” is an example of a non-specific goal. Absolutely nothing is clear:

  • In what area (what do you want to do)
  • Whereby
  • What does it mean for you to be a businessman: for some it is to open a company with a multimillion-dollar income, and for someone it is enough to cover their life minimum with the help of “bought and sold” ...

Maximum specifics:

  • When?
  • With whom?
  • How?

7. Define your quantitative criteria for achieving goals

A question to check the correctness of the definition of criteria: “How will I understand that the goal has been achieved? »

  • Don't get strong, do 100 pushups.
  • Not to become rich, but to earn 978564.00 money.
  • Not to lose weight, but to lose -20 kg of weight.

8. Set a time frame for your goal when it needs to be achieved

This will encourage you to achieve it as soon as possible and put you in a clear time frame.

Set a time range for your goal

Do you know the state when you rewrite some goal from year to year? Do you know why? Because you didn't set a time frame for it!

  • Earn 978564.00 money by the end of this year.
  • Do 100 pushups in 1 minute.
  • Lose -20 kg of weight in 4 months.

9. Set yourself realistic goals

Real goals are those goals that you can accept in your mind that do not make you feel that you and your goal are completely different parts of the world.
For example, the goal of flying into space for an ordinary man in the street, who saw space only on TV, is not realistic.
But for a professional pilot who has dreamed of space since childhood, this goal is much more realistic.
Although ... Now for "many millions of dollars" you can fly into space and without preparation right from the couch. This greatly increases the reality of this dream for ordinary citizens. It remains only to find many millions)))

10. Your goals should be ambitious and challenging!

Only overcoming obstacles makes the goal more valuable to you:

  • Force yourself to wake up early every morning and go for a run
  • Limit yourself in food in order to be in shape
  • Making another cold call to close a new deal

So do not set yourself simple goals that you can achieve without much effort!

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Goal setting is a person's definition of what he needs, and the formulation of this understanding into a clear, precise picture or motivating formulation.

How high should your goals be?

High goals are difficult goals. People who value comfort more than accomplishment are more likely to choose simpler goals that are realistic without undue stress. Another part of people is not afraid of tension, it is more important for them to achieve what is important for them, no matter how difficult it is, because only such a life is worthy for them. As a choice of the philosophy of life, it does not have the only correct solution, whether it can be stated that the choice of comfort is more often the choice of women, the focus on achievement attracts men to a greater extent.

For a man, a good motivation for development is a goal that goes beyond his current lifestyle. It may be a desire to create your own business, to realize big life plans. Or the image of the beloved woman whom he so dreams of meeting. And for the sake of such a goal, a man will be ready to move mountains, work day and night, actively changing himself and the life around him. Such a goal allows you to move much further than the goal that lies in the zone of proximal development.

Goal setting is inextricably linked to available resources. It's foolish to set the goal of flying to the sun if you don't have a starship or even feather wax. At the same time, the question always remains open: set goals based on the available resources, or pull up resources to the goals that we decide to achieve?

Supporters of moderate tension more often choose the path "From resources to tasks": in achieving the goal, one must proceed from the available opportunities, acting according to existing standards. First, we inventory the resources (time, people, material resources, knowledge and skills), and then, based on the base, we decide what can be done with it and set a goal. Supporters of high achievements more often choose the strategy "If there is a goal - there will be a resource." With a certain experience and independence, a person can find additional resources that he did not have at the time of setting the goal (money - to earn or borrow, people - to find, get to know and attract to work, skills - to master himself or delegate to a specialist, etc.) . It is better for a person without much experience to use the first path, it is more reliable. Strong, courageous and experienced people often choose the second path, it requires a non-standard approach, but opens up great opportunities.

Process and result goals

Goals can be process and result. Process goal: do exercises every day, attend training 2 times a week. Result goal: to be vigorous, to lose weight by 2 kg. The resulting goal is more “tasty”. But! If the process is written inaccurately, there is always a danger of not achieving the result “due to other circumstances”. It is best to write down the goal in a double way: I want to be cheerful (result), for this I will douse myself and do exercises every morning (process), eat right, go to bed no later than 12.00, attend training 2 times a week.


SMART (SMART) - the principle according to which a well-set goal should be specific, measurable, achievable, result-oriented, limited in time. Cm.

Hello! Julia Kel is with you. And today I will share my experience in the implementation of plans. I will help you figure out how to set goals correctly and achieve them in a shorter time. Do you want to avoid mistakes in this case? I will give 7 common examples and teach you how to avoid them. We will talk about the algorithm for constructing tasks, consisting of five points. And we will discuss additional tools that will help you.

After reading this article, you will learn how to set goals correctly different types, you will use additional assistants in this matter and do not make mistakes again.

A goal is a real or unreal object that a person is trying to achieve. Yes, friends, have you ever thought that each of us has our own plans for life and sets our own goals? Simply, they are somewhat different and have different significance. For some, the goal is to have a delicious lunch (seriously, there are such people). And for someone - to find an occupation to their liking, which would bring a good income.

I am a great fan of making plans for every day and constantly setting goals for myself, this habit appeared by itself and is only gaining momentum every year. And I can’t complain about it, on the contrary, such a habit helps me achieve results. The main thing is not to forget what is important to me. I always have an imaginary list in my head, in which there are a lot of items. As they are completed, they are deleted.

And as some kind of experienced person with goals, I will help you train yourself to make and fulfill them as well.

What are the goals

So, there are many items on my huge list, but they all have some differences. Now let's figure it out.

  1. Long term goals. For example, moving to a specific country or city, purchasing a two-room apartment in a new building, higher education in the specialty you are interested in. I gave examples similar to my intentions. That is, a long-term goal requires more than six months and much more effort, but the result will be more significant. If you know how to wait and achieve, then this is for you. I have set goals for myself and have been going to them for years, but I know what result awaits me in the end for my efforts.
  2. Short term goals. Such tasks will take you much less time, but the result will not be so chic. However, short-term intentions can be a stage to something more global. In order not to lose motivation, do not forget about such goals.
  3. Unrealistic goals. It's more like a dream. Something that you cannot achieve, but you think “What if?” And it's great if you are trying to implement such a plan! After all, on the way to it, you can achieve much more.
  4. Lightweight or difficult. This variety is up to you. If you are lazy, then you will go the simplest way of less resistance, but the result will be, let's say, so-so. And if you are a hard worker and not afraid of difficulties, you will be ready for obstacles in your path and will not go astray. I respect such people!
  5. Wrong goals. Those that can not be called goals. Do you want to become popular? Do you want to be the favorite of the public? Dreaming of being the center of attention? I assure you, this is absolutely not the goal.

I helped you understand the varieties of intentions. Do you already have a list in your head? Do not hurry. Move on.

Mistakes in goal setting

I am always honest with myself about my intentions and try to plan what I can. But the mistake of many is the wrong approach to planning.

  1. Impossible Goals. I clearly understood that with my education, but without work experience, I would not be hired for the desired serious position, which means that I need to go to it gradually. And my goal was to find Good work and an average position, but to which I can be accepted without experience, but with the desire to learn and grow up. If you have just graduated from a university, do not set yourself the task of getting a director's position with a salary of 150 thousand rubles.
  2. Narrow range. Think globally. My goals relate to many areas: family, work, personal growth, society. If you are fixated on one thing and move forward in this direction, then there will be no shifts in other areas of life.
  3. Wrong dates. Look at the situation realistically and try to calculate the timing correctly. I understand that on this moment I can not buy own apartment. But I will do my best to have it in 5-10 years. Do not dream of getting everything at once, remember, this is life. Your desires should be achieved with work and time.
  4. Fear of failure. Do you want to become a manicurist, but are afraid of condemnation from the outside or failure in this matter? Have you forgotten that the one who does not take risks has nothing? Within reason, think about the consequences and do not wind yourself up from scratch.
  5. The goals of others. A favorite example is when parents force their child to study or work where they dreamed, but they failed. And children out of a sense of duty obey this.
  6. Everything must be perfect. Of course, in some way this is a plus, because even if you do not achieve perfection, you will bring your result close to it. But there can also be severe disturbances. This mistake still haunts me sometimes when I want everything to turn out exactly as it was intended. But people and life have their own plans for this. Accept this turn of events.
  7. Inaction. It is foolish to set goals if you will only sit and wait to achieve them. Everything you need to achieve, nothing will come to you by itself.

Have you already seen yourself in some mistakes? If yes, then it's not scary. After all, the main thing is to recognize them and correct them. I also used to make mistakes and set tasks for myself a little differently, and then despaired when everything went wrong.

Why do we need goals

As I wrote above, dear readers, I love it when there are a lot of plans in my head, and I cannot live without it. This brings many benefits:

  • Control. I am simply not carried by the flow of life, and I will not put up with the place where I was suddenly brought, and I will not rejoice in it. It is important for me to control the process of movement, to know what I will swim on, in which direction, to build the route myself and mark the destination. It is better to want to achieve something and change your life for this than to put up with the fact that you got it and “You can live,” as they say.
  • Meaning. You probably yourself understand that a great goal can become the meaning of life. It is important for someone to feed children in Africa by delivering food to them on their own. For some, the meaning is to have a child. For someone - to build their own strong and profitable business, and for someone - to travel around the world. It's great when there is something to live for and something to strive for! Then your life will not be empty.
  • Productivity. This is your path to the main task, when you start to act, make some attempts and take the first steps towards your dream, you will get the first results.
  • Self-confidence. I do not like to tell everyone about my plans and their achievements. But inside of me everything rejoices when I move in the right direction. You can start a blog or share your successes on social networks and be an example for your followers. This will give you more confidence in your abilities and charge you with optimism.
  • Self development. As soon as I expanded my range of goals and tried myself in many ways, I realized how much I can do. Something that I didn't think about before. Thanks to goals, you can find a new circle of friends, learn how to get out of the most difficult tasks and replenish your knowledge. Read the article: "".

Goal setting guide

I went to the algorithm for building goals in my head by trial and error. Sometimes in the end I was expected to be disappointed, and often - success. I began to think about how to correctly set goals for myself so that success prevails? And I made a few rules for myself, which I will share with you.

  1. Be specific. Don't think vaguely: "I want a job." Tell yourself this: "I will work in Moscow as a director of a large bank." Of course, the goal is long-term and very serious, but it looks completely different than a simple desire to find any job.
  2. Measure your intentions in numbers. "I want a big house" and "I want a 200-square house", notice the difference?
  3. Ability to achieve results. Do you dream that all children grow up in families and be healthy? Set yourself the task of becoming a volunteer and helping abandoned babies.
  4. Meaning. Make the right emphasis in your plans. Never make money your goal. After all, it is just a tool that allows you to acquire something. “I want to earn a lot so that I can go on vacation in the summer” is not true. “I will go to the Seychelles in the summer” - right.
  5. Execution time. Clearly set specific deadlines for completing tasks: “Move to Italy in two years”, “By January 1, buy a car.”

These five rules help me build specific tasks in which I invest my strength. But there are also minor helpers.

Additional Tools

I'll tell you a few more important points, which I use:

  • Target in front of your eyes. You have probably heard about such motivational methods somewhere. I also started with this. On a piece of paper, cut out color pictures from magazines or draw them yourself and put your own meaning into them. Car, house, family and so on. You can hang this sheet on the refrigerator, and then your tasks will always be in front of you and will push you to achieve them.
  • Stages. Mark the main task and the secondary ones on the way to it. Ask yourself, “What do I need to do to…?” and refer to each step. So you build a whole plan of action.

Dear friends! The tips in the article are really powerful, but you have even more effective method pump yourself up. Have you heard of Wikium? If not, then this is a huge company of professional people who teach people to train their brain, memory, attention, charisma and much more. On their website, you can take online tests absolutely free of charge and upgrade yourself every day. I myself constantly train with them and even purchased several courses.

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Dear friends, setting goals is very useful and even better when there are many of them and they concern different areas life. Come up with short-term tasks for yourself, completing which will give you the mood and strength for long-term plans.

I advise you to realistically evaluate your strengths and deadlines for completing tasks, this is what will help you avoid disappointment.

When I made a plan of tasks in my head, I began to control my life, filled it with meaning, began to develop and became more confident in my abilities.

If you are just learning how to plan properly, then remember to specify your intentions, use exact numbers, determine the meaning of your desires and exact dates.

As your tasks gradually move into the completed section, you will experience an incredible surge of strength and pride and notice how much you can do.

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This article will discuss how to set goals correctly, and then successfully achieve them. We build our lives ourselves or others do it for us, so it is important to learn how to set goals and achieve them.

A person, by definition, cannot achieve anything significant in life if he does not have specific goals and a definite plan for achieving them. If we live without a goal, then such a life is deprived of meaningfulness, and we lose the taste for it.

I hope you understand that in such a situation a person cannot be happy, successful and healthy. It is not for nothing that many “success coaches”, lecturers, and psychologists talk about the importance of setting goals correctly.

What is the right goal?

The ultimate goal can only be achieved if it is clearly and correctly formulated. It is then that all the visible and invisible resources of a person are turned on, which helps to achieve what you want.

Every sane person needs to have goals in life. In other words, it is necessary to understand what I want from life, and also what I should strive for from the standpoint of reason and wisdom.

It is important not only to feel your desires, but also to understand where they came from. I may disappoint you, but most of the goals and desires that a person has end up causing harm and suffering.

Many desires arise in us under the influence of the environment: parents, friends, TV, our own imperfect life experience. But in view of the fact that it is not we, not the surrounding society, that is not ideal, then our goals and desires are far from perfect.

In addition to that article, I will say that the right goal, at least, does not harm others, but at the maximum, is absolutely harmonious with the surrounding world and the Universe.

A person is able to live life with enthusiasm and for the benefit of the whole world only when he has great goals in life.

Do you have a goal that makes you get up every morning? Does it inspire you so much that many things fade into the background?

Great happiness and luck to have such a goal in life. But such a goal in life is always inextricably linked with the fact that we think less about ourselves and more about others. Think about these words.

Let's say that you have previously defined goals that are really yours, as well as useful for you and others. Now we need to arrange all this as correctly and efficiently as possible.

  • It is necessary to develop a desire to achieve a certain goal

We must want something passionately, that is where inspiration and enthusiasm come from. Without it, we will not achieve anything, and most of the goals will remain just dreams and illusions.

  • Goal must be written down on paper

Goals must be written down on paper. That's when dreams become goals.

But you can say that the goals are in your head and at any moment you can remember and formulate them. The problem is that it doesn't work.

About 50,000 thoughts rush through the human brain per day (according to scientists). When we write down goals on paper, we distinguish them from tens of thousands of other thoughts, most of which we safely forget.

Thus, we give a signal to our mind, for which the goals become a certain beacon, to which it begins to strive.

  • The goal should be as specific as possible.

The goal should be as specific and clear as possible. Vague goals are usually achieved in 2-5% of cases.

For example, the wrong target:

I want to learn several foreign languages

Right Aim:

By January 2020 I am fluent in English and German, my lexicon 5000 words in each language.

  • Having a clear and precise understanding of the path to the goal

It is not enough to write down goals, you still need to know how we will achieve them. When we have specific steps to take to achieve a goal, the goal becomes clearer and there is additional enthusiasm after overcoming each intermediate stage.

If we return to the example with foreign languages, then we can plan the following:

  1. Choose a method for achieving the goal (with a tutor, among native speakers or on your own);
  2. What vocabulary and level of proficiency in it will be considered the achievement of the goal;
  3. How much time each week and how many days a week should be devoted to this;
  4. What financial costs will be needed for this;
  5. Do this for each language separately.

This is in short. If desired, the goal can be prescribed even more carefully and the higher the likelihood that it will be achieved.

How to achieve the set goals?

Of course, it is not enough to learn how to set goals correctly. You also need to achieve your goals, otherwise, why waste time on all this.

By this point, you should already have clear and specific goals in all four areas of your life, written down on paper. Also, do not forget to write down the main goal of your life (more on this in the article, the link to which is above).

Below you will learn a very simple and very effective methodology achieving goals.

  • Write a detailed plan to achieve a specific goal

This has already been discussed above, but many people still miss this point or do not attach much importance to it. See, this is really important.

I myself, for several years, simply wrote down the desired goals, but did not make detailed plans for achieving them. As a result, many of them were not achieved and safely forgotten.

It is important to break the main goal into smaller goals or intermediate stages. We need to clearly and clearly understand what we want to achieve as a result. We must clearly see ourselves and the realization of our goal in 5 years, 1 year, month, week, 1 day.

  • Take Action Every Day

We constantly need to do something that brings us closer to the goal. Take at least an hour a day to achieve your goal.

For example, if you want to have a beautiful inflated body, then you need to regularly do physical exercise, study literature and videos on this topic, eat right, follow the regime and much more.

  • Find a role model

Find someone who has already achieved a similar goal, who is the best in this area or area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity. Read and study his experience, if possible, talk to him personally.

As the saying goes, what we think about is what we become. Therefore, it is logical to take an example from that person who has already reached the highest level in the direction you want.

  • Decisively give up desires that prevent you from achieving your goal.

Know how to give up secondary goals and desires that interfere with the achievement of the main goal. On the way to the goal, there are always some obstacles or temptations that must be resolutely avoided.

Focus on the main goal, think about how you will feel when you achieve your goal. This will help to overcome obstacles on the way to achieving the goal.

  • Check yourself regularly

Check yourself every day. Have you forgotten about your goal? Are you going the wrong way? What did you do today to reach your goal?

It will pull you out of the illusions and sleepy state in which most people spend their entire lives. Many learn how to set goals the right way, but then do nothing and sink into their daily routine.

Just always ask yourself unexpected questions:

What do I want in 1 year, 5 years? What exactly needs to be done in order to achieve this? Do I do it?

  • Remember that life doesn't always go the way we want it to.

We can plan a lot of things, strive to achieve, but in one moment everything can change dramatically. Therefore, it is important to live in harmony with the surrounding world and trust the flow of life.

Many of us have problems in life only because we do not know how to live in harmony with nature and consider ourselves smarter than it. We are a small part of a single whole. A reasonable person goes to the intended goal, but does not become attached to the result.

Bonus: rough goals for the year that will make you better

So you have studied another article and learned how to set goals correctly, and then achieve them. But this is all theory. I want you to do something practical and meaningful for your life. Reading about the right setting of goals and achieving them is not enough, you need to do something else.

For example, at the beginning of self-development, it is important to set specific goals that will make you better after a while. And since the main goal of this blog is to help you change and become happier, then accept the bonus in the form of recommended goals for self-development.

If you really set these goals in your life and begin to achieve them, then you will purify your character, raise the level of consciousness and quality of life.

Here is a list of goals for the year to improve yourself and your life:

  1. Take responsibility for your life. Learn in every moment not to blame others, but to look for reasons in yourself or benefit from the lesson that life gives us;
  2. Learn to get up early in the morning and go to bed early. It is optimal to fall asleep at 21-22 hours, and get up at 4-6 in the morning every day, regardless of the day of the week and the calendar;
  3. Learn to do breathing exercises and do them at least 10 minutes a day, it greatly calms and sobers the mind;
  4. Develop in yourself non-attachment to money, compliments, results of activities, other people's opinions, cars and others, this will make you more and more free and peaceful;
  5. Learn to live in the present moment rather than dreaming about the future or regretting the past;
  6. Watch your emotions and live them consciously (for example, catch yourself when you start to get angry and calm down, as this will only lead to bad things);
  7. Do not fuss and do not rush to live, be calm, then your efficiency will increase;
  8. Choose your communication very carefully and filter your surroundings (including movies, music, the Internet, etc.): read - signs of a toxic friendship;
  9. Control your speech - idle chatter takes a lot of energy from us;
  10. Live with humor and smile more, gloomy people are unhappy themselves and do not like others;
  11. And of course, set specific and clear goals in all important areas of life for 1, 5 and 10 years.

Implement, set goals correctly and improve your life! Be happy!

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https://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/kak-pravilno-stavit-celi.jpg 320 641 Sergei Yuriev https://website/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/logotip.pngSergei Yuriev 2017-06-05 05:00:30 2019-08-19 23:49:38 How to Set and Achieve Goals: The Secret Guide

Dream, cherished desire, life goal- at first glance, these are similar concepts. In fact, these words mean completely different things. A dream may be unrealistic, and a desire may be impossible. In order for what you dream of to come true, you need to move from wishes to goal setting. However, the goal can also remain unattained if you formulate it incorrectly. Correct setting of goals and their achievement. This logical chain is the path to success.

How to set goals correctly

Goal setting is the process of setting a goal. This concept is devoted to many popular science books. According to psychologists, a correctly formulated task is a 50% guarantee of its achievement. Many do not know how to set goals correctly. Therefore, it is not surprising that trainings have become popular, where professional psychologists teach the basic principles of goal setting. Unlike desires and dreams, the goal is a definite, clear concept, since there is a specific result behind it. This result must be seen. You have to believe in reaching your goal. Only then can it really be achieved.

Wordings: “I want to expand my business”, “I want to increase my income” are examples of desires. To translate them into the category of goals, you need to specifically define what it means for you to expand the business. Open new branches? Expand your range of services? Attract more customers? Increase production? How much to increase or expand: by 20% or 2 times? The result you are striving for must be measurable.

The result you are striving for must be measurable.

It is best to write down a specific goal in a diary. To formulate it, use active verbs, such as "make", "earn", "achieve". Do not use the words “must”, “necessary”, “necessary”, “should”, as they carry a semantic connotation of coercion, overcoming internal barriers. This is your goal. You want to achieve it, no one is forcing you to do it.

Achieving too simple goals is not interesting. The task must be difficult, so that on the way to it you have to overcome difficulties, only in this way you can develop. But the goal must be real. Therefore, before formulating it, it is necessary to analyze the current state of affairs and assess the available resources and opportunities. Opening 5 new branches at once or increasing income by 10 times is unlikely to succeed. Achieve more modest goals first. Over time, you will come to what you did not even dare to dream of at the beginning of the journey.

The correct setting of the goal necessarily contains an indication of the time of its achievement. For example, goals to expand the customer base or increase production volume should be specified in terms of percentages (by 30%) and a period (1 year).

If you learn to correctly and specifically formulate goals for yourself, you will be able to clearly and clearly set them for others. The head of the organization must know the basic principles of goal setting. Then he will require his managers to correctly formulate the goals of their work. And this is a guarantee that they will actually fulfill their tasks.

How to achieve goals

The methods for achieving the goals are as follows:

  1. The goal leads to a result. If it is very important to you, then it will be easier to achieve it. Imagine all the benefits of achieving the end result. Anticipate in advance the sensations of joy and success that you will experience in that moment. Then no fears and doubts will interfere on the way to your goal. Psychologists call this technique the visualization method. It helps to update all external and internal resources to achieve the goal, attracts the necessary ideas, people, and means. For example, think about the benefits you would get if you increased your income by 50%. You will be able to afford more expensive real estate, a car, vacation, gifts to loved ones. Raise your social status. Which of these benefits do you most desire? Imagine that you have already achieved it. And let this picture inspire you. When you set goals for your employees, help them see the positives in their overall accomplishments. Salary increase, bonuses, career growth, obtaining additional funds to the company's budget for corporate events.
  2. To go a long way to achieve a big and important goal, you need to divide it into stages. To do this, the global goal is broken down into smaller goals. These, in turn, can also be broken down into smaller tasks. If all this is schematically depicted on paper, then we get a real system of goals and subgoals. Try to formulate each of them clearly with an indication of the timing of achievement, and then this scheme can be easily turned into a step-by-step plan for moving towards the main global goal. Such planning will become the basis for compiling a clear instruction for action for your subordinates. For example, the goal to expand the range of services can be divided into subgoals: to study the specifics of new services, purchase the equipment necessary for their provision, select specialists or train your employees, find an additional job.
  3. Close people can help you achieve your personal goals. And when we are talking business-related tasks cannot be done without the help of employees and partners. After breaking the global goal into specific sub-goals, consider which of the subordinates can cope with each of them most successfully. But remember, you set the initial goal for yourself, it is important for you, therefore, the responsibility for achieving it also lies, first of all, on you. If you do not reach your goal because one of the employees did not complete the task assigned to him, then the blame for this will lie with you. It means that you overestimated the resources of this worker. Perhaps he needs more time to solve his problem or needs to improve his skills. Or maybe a completely different specialist is needed to achieve this subgoal.
  4. Try to assess in advance the obstacles that will arise on the way to achieving the goal. Think about how you can overcome or eliminate them. Not all at once, but gradually, one at a time. Of course, it is impossible to predict all problems. But you will have a plan to eliminate at least some of them.
  5. Look for additional resources. New information, new knowledge and skills will help overcome obstacles that at first may seem the biggest. You may have to hire new specialists (marketers, analysts, content managers, business coaches) or your old employees will need to take training courses, trainings, seminars.
  6. Make a general plan of action for the period of time that you have given yourself to achieve the goal. It reflects who and in what terms will solve intermediate tasks, what resources and additional investments will be attracted to overcome obstacles. Based on the overall plan, make more detailed plans for each quarter, month, and even week. Of course, during the execution you will have to adjust a lot in the plan. After all, on the way to the goal you will have new knowledge, experience, and circumstances may change. Most likely, during the implementation of the plan, you will see mistakes made in the preparation. So along the way, you will need to work on the bugs. You may even have to adjust your goals if you realize that so far your resources are not enough to achieve the original ones. But it's not scary. Anyway, you will already go part of the way, gain new knowledge and experience that will help you adjust your goals and move on.
  7. Periodically review your goals, methods to achieve them, and resources. This is useful for further rational planning of your path.
  8. Consider the price you will have to pay to reach your goal. Financial investments will be required to train employees and purchase equipment. Additional time is needed to supervise the work of the new branch. You may need to cut back on your private time or spend less time with your family. It takes time and effort to complete the training. And involving a partner in business will make you give up the habit of solving everything yourself. Assess your willingness to sacrifice all of this and get out of your comfort zone.

The goal always leads to action, because if you do nothing, then you will not achieve the goal. And vice versa, in order to start acting, you need to set a goal for yourself. There is no better motivation for action.

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