Why is the brownie shown. What the brownie comes to is the meaning of different situations. How to determine that you have a brownie

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Belief that some entity protects the house and owners for many millennia. The ancient Egyptians worshiped Bes. A dwarf with a beard, standing on short thick legs, ugly, his tongue hanging out. His name is associated with the Nubian word "besa", which means cat. The Egyptians deified cats, as you know. It was a farming people, and cats saved the crop by destroying mice and rats. Bes was a favorite god for the common people. He was depicted on the walls of houses, amulets, amulets. In general, ancient peoples had many such dwarf gods, but over time they merged into one image. The cat-god guarded the house from evil and misfortune, patronized pregnant women and small children. True, similar to our brownie? No matter how technology develops, consciousness remains the same. We live, like our ancestors, in the world of mysterious spirits, because they help. For example, warning signs about changes in fate. Follow the link to find readers of our site on this topic. Here is one of hundreds of such stories:

“We moved into an apartment, it was a very old house. And they could not decide on a place for the bed. Almost a day later they were moved from place to place. And somehow my husband stayed at work until the very night, and I fell asleep. I hear a call through a dream, I jump out of bed to open the door for my husband. The room is dark, you can't see anything. I stretched out my hands forward and slowly walk, I want to feel for the switch. And I feel: someone tall and shaggy takes me by the hand, turns me around and leads me in the opposite direction. I didn’t sleep anymore, I was very frightened, I couldn’t pull my hand away from fear, or scream. How constrained I was, literally after 5-6 steps I feel the wall and the switch. I quickly flip the switch, but there is no one, neither shaggy nor bald. I looked around and with tears went to open the door for my husband. It turns out that she went in the wrong direction, there was an open window (summer, heat) and a very low window sill. Another 2 steps and waking up would fall out the window.

What to do if the brownie sends signs

Every day, hundreds of people visit the site to understand the meaning of inexplicable phenomena: footsteps are heard in the apartment at night, spoons, knives, shoes, etc. disappear in a strange way, they saw how someone flashed, ran down the corridor, at night someone pushes, touches, jumps on the legs, pulls off the blanket, they see a cat in the apartment, although there is no cat, the carpet in the middle of the room swelled by itself, at night there is a loud creak and more. Our great-grandparents were closer to this side of life, they knew what to do, how to interpret, how to react. It is much harder for us now, because, faced with the other world, we are very frightened.

“My mother-in-law taught me to ask the brownie “for better or worse?” She said, if in response you get blown over like a breeze, then for worse. If you don't feel anything, it's good."

“My grandmother, God bless her and long life, when I was little, she told me different stories from her life. The brownie came to her, however, in the form of a kitten. Everything climbed into the ear with a shaggy muzzle, at first she threw it off herself. I guessed to ask: “for worse or for better?” I heard in response three times “to huuuu.” The next day I found out about the death of my grandmother. At first I thought that she was entertaining me with little fairy tales, but now I understand that she was telling the truth.

We have posted several characteristic stories related to signs of fate and frightening encounters with the mysterious. It is important to understand that there is no unambiguous interpretation for them. Mysticism is strongly connected with the personality of a person, the fate of his ancestors, his health (mental and moral in the first place). If this happens, then you need to look at yourself, ask: how prosperous and happy am I, how successfully I solve life problems, to what extent I am useful to others and how much I realize my talents? There is only one remedy for fear and vulnerability before the other world - the fullness of life.

Brownie sighs, laughs, cries

I had this already when I heard laughter. At the end of May, on the 25th, approximately. I was already going to bed and turned off the light. I saw a silhouette near the window, I thought it seemed. Then she heard muffled laughter. I don’t know how to explain it correctly, but it was laughter with sighs or something, like: “ho-ho-ho ho-ho-ho.” husky male voice. Needless to say, I didn't sleep that night. Then I asked knowledgeable people, they told me that it was a brownie and he laughs only to the death of loved ones. I didn’t betray much importance to this then, BUT 2 weeks after this incident, my father dies from a massive stroke. And it turns out that the brownie warned me about trouble.

Brownie shakes the stroller

There was an incident with my cousin. Their family lived in an ordinary rented apartment. Mother, father and son (the little one was not yet a year old). The stroller with the child was constantly left in the kitchen, there was a large area, free. Mother walked around the apartment, doing household chores and all that. It was like that from day to day. Once she looks into the kitchen to check on the child, and the stroller is rocking ... The brownie, apparently, rocked the little one, although he did not cry. This went on for quite a long time, more than a week. The alarm was sounded when, probably, the same entity began to choke the mother herself in a dream. There were fingerprints on my neck since morning. They moved out of the apartment, there was nothing else in the new place.

brownie strangles

I was then 30 years old. I didn’t have my own apartment, I lived with my parents. We slept with my husband on the former parental bed. And then one night I feel that someone is strangling me, and so seriously that I lose my voice and suffocate. I open my eyes and see: an old man with a long white beard is leaning over me. I want to scream, but my voice is gone... I don't remember how long it lasted. I told my parents in the morning. They say: “I should have asked “for worse or for better.” What is there to ask when speechless lost! Mom said that he drove us away from a strange place like that. We soon moved into our apartment. I am skeptical about many things, many things can be explained, but here I believe everyone, because it happened to me.

The brownie appeared to my mother and strangled her, she asked: “for worse or for good?” Having doused her with cold, he replied: "For worse!". And in the morning a telegram came, her mother, my grandmother, died.

see brownie

My husband and I were already practically falling asleep, suddenly both jumped up with wild cries. We had the same vision: a large bearded head with burning eyes swayed from the corner. After that we went through some big troubles.

I also saw a brownie about 17 years ago. Before that, I knew that he lives with us, it is always felt. And then one day I lay down and just settled in more comfortably, and someone jumped at my feet on the bed. I thought that the cat, he slept on my legs all the time. I wanted to throw it off, I had already raised my leg, I opened my eyes, and there was a shaggy little man standing there. He is about 60-80cm tall. The eyes are round black, and the fur is straw-colored. I was frightened, closed my eyes, and he ran around me on the bed and sat on the edge. I open my eyes, he looks and says something in an incomprehensible language. I was afraid to move, I think, if only I didn’t touch it. And he suddenly turned to front door, jumped off the bed and went into the wall. And then I heard my husband opening the front door with a key. I didn’t say anything to him, I thought, he would decide that I had a dream. But two months later, our life changed dramatically, and we arrived in Yekaterinburg. And when we bought an apartment and finally moved here, I took it with me, as my grandmother taught me. We live together with him. And my cats play with it all the time.

I saw it twice before big problems, just a hairy little man, in appearance - about 50 years old, under half a meter tall. I cried both times. Once - either a dream, or a reality, he hung on the wall and said something, said, and I take it and start reading "Our Father" aloud, he was terribly offended and disappeared. Grandmother taught that one should address him: “Father-domozhyrushko”, then the house will be strong and the owners will live in abundance.

Brownie jumps on the bed

I dated one guy. And so I think he was not at court: either my brownie did not dislike him, or this boy was not "my destiny." At first, the brownie came to me at night, leaned on me. Sometimes I walked around the room, and I heard the floorboards creaking, as if under the weight of an adult .. I told my friends about my brownie, and they decided to help me, advised me to make friends with him, leave food and water for him. Once my girlfriends and I gathered at my place, discussed the brownie, laughed, poured vodka into his glass, put a piece of bread, told all sorts of stories to each other. Suddenly, in broad daylight, we all overcame, we decided to lie down a little, relax. When we woke up in the evening, all the clocks in the house had stopped, and my friends' wristwatches were also on. Here was a commotion! Girls my legs in my hands and run. Well, of course, I follow them. Then, after some time, I broke up with this young man. The brownie came to me for the last time. It was during the day, I was sleeping after a night shift and suddenly woke up from the fact that someone small was jumping on my bed behind me. He sings a tune in a cartoonish voice, then asks me: “Who will be next?” And laughed. I tried to turn around and look at him (it was somehow not scary during the day), but I could neither move nor open my eyes. Only after he stopped talking did I manage to turn around, but there was no one there. And I didn’t see or hear my brownie again, he didn’t show any signs.

Brownie howls

We lived in our house, and, of course, there were all sorts of sounds at night (mice, the house creaks, the stove is heated). Nobody paid any attention to these sounds. Somehow I sleep and hear a plaintive howl. I woke up and started listening. It seemed quiet, but the howl was repeated again. I went to my mother and looked into every room along the way. There was silence everywhere. I woke up my mom and told her everything. She sent me to bed and said that I dreamed everything. I went to sleep further, but the howl was repeated and repeated. I got scared and cried. Mom calmed me down for a long time. An hour and a half later, the neighbors' sauna caught fire, and our house began to burn too. Firefighters arrived, our house was saved, and the neighbor's bathhouse burned to the ground. A man burned to death in this bath. When my mother found out about this, she was shocked, because at that very time I did not let her sleep.

brownie scares

I lived in Kazakhstan. Once with my neighbor started a conversation about brownies. She told me that at night someone walks around the room all the time. Once she even woke up from the fact that someone was lying next to her. Turning around, she didn’t see anyone, but the presence of the person lying next to her remained, she decided to push the invisible person and felt a rebuff and something hairy. She lived alone, her husband served in the army, she was in the first months of pregnancy. And the mother-in-law and the father-in-law slept in a completely different room, in order to get to her, you had to open the lock first, since it was locked. She didn't feel well at home. All the time she said that she always had something torn or dirty. She could not be in the apartment, everyone else did not believe her. As a result, she moved to her parents, then she had a girl, and she again moved to her mother-in-law. The girl constantly screamed at night and was very shy. She took the girl all the time for grandmas, many said that she offended the brownie, and from this he survives her from home. Then it turned out that she was walking from her husband when he went into the army. So, it was not in vain that the brownie treated her like that. The husband returned from the army and divorced her after learning about her campaigns.

Brownie dreams

We did not live in Israel then, but I was 15 years old. Life was more or less measured, without much upheaval - and thank God. And somehow we started a renovation in the apartment. The floors were re-laid, the walls were re-plastered, new wallpapers were pasted, new linoleum was laid in the corridor - in general, everything was as it should be. And after a few days, my mother comes out some strange in the morning to the kitchen. I ask what happened, what, a bad dream? She tells me: “I’m sleeping. I hear the doorbell ring. I get up, go to the door and do not understand who it was in the middle of the night. I look out the peephole - and there is a huge cat's muzzle !!! And he's looking right at me! I bounced off the door, I stand in the corridor, I don’t turn on the light, I’m shaking all over. The bell rang a couple more times and that was it, silence. I creep up to the peephole - the stairs are empty. I turn around to go back into the room and…… almost fall out of bed!”
We then laughed that, they say, what not to dream, but both remembered it. And then life suddenly twisted us in some incredible whirlpool! I suddenly lost my temper and left for Israel to finish school, my mother began to hastily sell things, then an apartment, then my great-grandmother died two weeks before departure (although she also had to go and she already had a ticket). Then, knowledgeable people explained that we had disturbed the brownie with our repairs, and he left, well, sort of moved out for a while. And when he wanted to return, his mother did not let him. So the mess began in life - there was no security guard!

Strangles brownie, which by nature is a peace-loving and kind being, is a very frequent occurrence. If he loves the owners of the house, then we will help them in everything, and protect the house. And if you live with a brownie in the same house for several decades, then he already becomes a member of your family. But there are times when the brownie at night begins to choke either the owner himself or his guests. Skeptical people attribute such attacks of suffocation to heart failure, bad dreams and hallucinations. These reasons also have a place to be, but in most cases, the brownie still strangles.

Why is the brownie strangling?

It is believed that with such an unusual method, the brownie warns of the changes that will occur in this house. When you come to your senses, you need to quickly ask him: “For better or worse?” and wait for a response. The brownie can quietly answer in human language. It is not clear why the brownie chooses such an extravagant method. But most of those who received such confirmation, on their own personal experience were convinced of the correctness of the brownie's predictions. No need to be offended and afraid of the brownie because of this choice of warning method. The brownie will never harm a good owner. Moreover, people, waking up, often abruptly dump him on the floor - the brownie is never offended by this, he can only grunt displeasedly. But whatever he predicts, thank him.

But if you do not receive an answer to your question, and the brownie continues to come every night, then think about whether you have offended the brownie? With brownies just need to be supported a good relationship treat him kindly and respectfully. Periodically, the brownie should be treated to something tasty. For example, brownie loves milk very much. Pour the milk in a saucer and put it in a secluded place so that no one bothers to feast on it. He loves brownies and sweets. And to finally appease him and make him forgive the offense - bake a pie especially for him. Then the choking at night will stop.

Or maybe your brownie is just bored. And keeping you awake at night is nice fun for him. It would be nice to have a cat - she will become his partner in night games. If a cat is not included in your plans, then put in a secluded corner a box or basket with many small and bright items - beads, coins, small toys. This will amuse the brownie and distract from you.

If the brownie strangles guests, then this is no accident, here you need to take a closer look at these people. Surely, the brownie warns you that communication with these people can harm you, that these people cannot be trusted. The main task of the brownie is to prevent energy pollution at home. Feeling the evil and dirt coming from your guests, he wants to scare them and force them to leave your house.

Do not offend the brownie

Brownie does not tolerate tobacco smoke. Cigarette smoke spoils the air, settles on furniture, dishes. It does not weather and makes the home dirty. Therefore, smoking is not allowed in the house.

If people come to you with a negative attitude towards you, with evil intentions, the brownie will try to survive them from the house in every possible way, for example, strangle them.

The brownie feels if someone wants to spoil. If this person came to visit you, the brownie will immediately begin to give you warnings. With this person, everything will fall out of his hands, dishes will break, food will fall, and tea will spill. In the same way, the brownie will warn the owner.

The belief claims that it is impossible to leave piercing and cutting objects on the table, for example, knives, forks, etc. They prevent the brownie from moving freely to the house, cleaning it and protecting it from evil forces.

Communicate with the brownie

In the old days, people believed that a conversation with a brownie would lead to numbness or stuttering, which would be impossible to cure. Therefore, it is not necessary to contact the brownie, but it is necessary to carefully listen to his signals and warnings.

For example, if dishes rattle - to a fire, if you "accidentally" doused yourself with water - to illness, if you hear sighs and crying - this brownie portends trouble, and he howls and slams doors - to someone's death.

If you need help, you can ask for it to the brownie. For example, from time immemorial, girls who were not sure of the desire to marry her lover turned to him for help, were worried about the possibility of deception. In order to attract the brownie to your side, you need to perform the following rite: on Thursday, just not on a holiday, you need to go to the middle of the room, cross yourself three times and say quietly, referring to the brownie: , sexes and undergrounds, domestic people, livestock and poultry, intercessor of deceived girls, help me, help me, call out, cry out, lure me into husbands married servant of God (name), so that he would be drawn to my house, on my road, to my doorstep, to my door, help me, a servant of God (name), give me a narrowed, mummered servant of God (name). Send his matchmakers to my doorstep. Amen." Then live in the hem of a candy or a small piece of sugar.

If sometimes strangles brownie, then you can turn to him if you need to find a loss in the house. Turning to the brownie, you need to say: "Owner-father, help, tell me where (the name of the thing) is?" Or another way: stand in the corner of the room and say: "Brownie, brownie, play and give back."

If the brownie is offended, he can become angry and harm the owner with all his might. Your task is to make amends and make friends with him. Feed him, caress him, show your love and respect. You can scold a little for intrigues and scold. If you can't find it at all mutual language, then the brownie can be expelled. But remember that without a brownie, your home is left without protection. You can drive out the brownie who is strangling in this way: sweep the floors throughout the apartment with a broom, and especially carefully in the corners. At the same time, say: "I'm sweeping you out, a stranger, a harmful brownie, I'm kicking you out." Revenge is necessary throughout the week, with the exception of Friday.

In the old days, the Slavs believed that every house has its own spirit - a brownie. Previously, he was respectfully called the Host or Batyushko.

It was believed that the brownie brings happiness to the house, as he is the keeper of the hearth and an assistant to the zealous owner. And he will look after the cattle - so that the offspring is good, and correct the mistake - he will not let the hostess lose the needle. He loves the hard-working, but he does not favor the lazy. Sometimes they even torment them at night - they press on their chest or throw them out of bed. And it does not help them in their work, but only harms them. - angry at lazy people

It is difficult to see a brownie - he does not like to be seen. You can only see it by chance. Those who managed to see the brownie describe him as follows: a gray-haired old man in folk clothes, barefoot and without a hat. But everyone can hear the brownie. He either cries softly or taps on the wall to make people aware of his presence in the house.

It was believed that the brownie attracts wealth to the house. Therefore, he was treated with courtesy and respect. The place where this creature lived, bowed to the ground, left food, saying: "To you, master".

Brownie disliked someone from the household

Most often, the brownie behaves neutrally and does not show his presence or sometimes helps the owners in household chores. But if the brownie is dissatisfied with something or dislikes one of the household members, then there will be no quiet life in the house. Here is an eyewitness account:

“We lived in the same apartment for many years, there were never any special problems in the household, until our son got married and brought his daughter-in-law Lisa into the house - a good, kind and respectful girl. My husband and I adopted her as our own. Only now she was very young, 20 years old, so she turned out to be the hostess, to be honest, not at all, and she was a little lazy. I taught her to the best of my ability, knowing that skills come with experience. Only with the advent of the daughter-in-law in our house began a uniform mess. Everything that could break fell and broke, even if it was fixed. Almost all the flowers that I had bred for many years withered on the windowsill, the food in the refrigerator spoiled in a day, pastries in the oven burned, no matter how you look after it, the equipment broke down, and our cat began to get sick.

Having suffered so for several months, I came to the conclusion that it was the brownie who was rowdy, because he was dissatisfied with the appearance of a new person. Decided to appease him. To do this, she left a saucer of milk, sweets, and cookies on the refrigerator overnight. Asked:

“Father, help yourself, calm down, don’t be angry with us” .

But either the brownie did not like the treat, or something else, but our domestic troubles did not stop. I talked with one friend, and she suggested that the matter was not in the brownie, but in the daughter-in-law - she violated our well-established household energy with her inability to manage the household. And you don’t have to ask for a brownie, but to conduct a ceremony to turn the daughter-in-law into a good housewife. Gotta take some of her clothes, wrap in it a raw egg and whisper:

“A woman in the house is the mistress of everything. Everything is arguing with her, everything will turn out. So it is with (name) so that everything can be argued and done. I break the clumsy and lazy, I leave a good hostess.

Take this egg, break it and throw it away, and return the clothes to their place.

I did just that and in a month I felt changes in Lisa. She suddenly became enthusiastic about household chores, asking me for advice on how to do this and that, and at the same time she learned quickly. And all our everyday troubles gradually faded away.

Brownie is naughty at a new place of residence

Very often you can hear that after moving to another place of residence (especially if someone has already lived in an apartment or house before), the new guests are not going smoothly. It happens that they liked the apartment, and they were lucky with the neighbors. But for some reason, the housing itself causes a feeling of anxiety. Plus - strange troubles happen. The picture itself will fall from the wall. That electric kettle will explode. Then only an hour ago the boiled soup will turn sour.

It is not difficult to guess that this is a buzzing brownie. Apparently, the former tenants somehow greatly annoyed this home energy entity. And now he is taking revenge on the new owners, testing their strength. In this case, it is worth appeasing the brownie with the help of St. Ephraim.

On February 10, one hour before midnight, take the most beautiful and largest dish in the house and put in it a small piece of everything that is in the refrigerator and in the kitchen cabinets. Meat, cheese, sausage, sweets, fruit - everything will do. Putting each piece on a dish, say:

“Ephraim-Ephraim, help a little, make friends with the brownie, show the love of the servants of God (your name and the name of your spouse) for him. What we eat, we give it to him. As we live ourselves, so he will live with us. The brownie will not be naughty, mischievous - there will always be tasty food! Ephraim heard - Ephraim will do it!

Put a dish of goodies at midnight under the kitchen table. And no one else comes into the kitchen until morning. And in the morning, she pour all the treats into a linen bag and put it on the balcony, then feed it to the birds or throw it away. The atmosphere in the house should improve.

It is believed that on the day of St. Ephraim (February 10) the name day of the Brownie. And even if everything is in order in your house, do not forget to treat the brownie on this day.

To understand why and why a brownie comes to you, you need to plunge into the history of the appearance of this creature from the other world. Brownies are carefully hidden from human eyes, respectively, their appearance has a deep meaning. There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of a brownie, and they all depend on the methods of arrival of the brownie.

If you want to know why the brownie comes to you in one way or another, then you should remember that usually brownies are secretive creatures, and their obvious appearance in your life means, first of all, that they want to tell you something important.

Very often brownies come in a dream - a separate article on our website is devoted to such cases.

One way or another, but regardless of the circumstances in which you saw the brownie, many recommend asking him if this meeting will lead to good or bad.

If this otherworldly entity wanted to tell you something important, it will definitely give an answer in one way or another. However, there are situations when brownies appear just like that, and their appearance does not promise any changes.

Most often this happens when new tenants appear in the house or move to a new apartment - in this way, the defender of the hearth seeks to simply get to know the new tenants better.

Remember that this applies not only to people, but also to pets - residents subtle world they always perceive them as full-fledged members of the family, which means that they will definitely want to get to know them.

There are also situations when the brownie simply shows his concern or other emotions in this way. Often catches the eye of a brownie after a long absence of tenants in the apartment - in this way he wants to show that they are dear to him and that he kept the house safe and sound in their absence.

Many people note that they feel the presence of a brownie at night, and not at any other time of the day. Speaking about the popularity of such situations, it is worth noting several additional factors.

First, at night, a person's senses are more intense, and he can notice more details. In addition, often for a brownie, some impressionable individuals can take just ordinary interior items in the dark and get scared.

We should not forget that at night all evil spirits and other otherworldly creatures are especially active - it is far from necessary that the dark spot that you saw sitting on your bed is a brownie.

Also, situations sometimes occur when the brownie not only comes to a person at night or in a dream, but also begins to choke him. Some scientists and psychologists call this sensation sleep paralysis, however, in almost all world traditions, this phenomenon was primarily associated with a special creature responsible for housing.

It is worth noting that the aggression of this home inhabitant often has a good reason. He may be offended by a new uninvited tenant with whom he was not introduced, he may be angry at the mess, or he may resort to this method as a last resort when the owner of the house does not notice any other signals of the brownie warning of danger.

In any of these situations, when you notice a brownie, you should not be afraid. If you don’t know what to do, if a brownie comes at night, remember that almost always he is on your side and wants to either just talk to you or help you in something. However, we must not forget that he should be regularly pampered with sweets and other pleasant things.

Why does a brownie come to a person and hug

Some people do not know what the brownie comes to at night and hugs, however, such appearances of this entity, especially if they are not associated with any aggression, should not be interpreted as negative. They are only positive.

In this way, the brownie can show his gratitude for a tasty treat, for the order in the apartment, or to comfort in a difficult time.

Of course, not everyone will be delighted with such hugs, and many can even be very frightened, but the brownies do not really know that they can cause trouble with their gratitude.

Often in the form of brownies in such situations, recently deceased relatives and close people who lived for a long time in the same place as you.

They want to say goodbye with the help of a brownie, who, thanks to an established magical connection, will never refuse them such a small service.

What to do if the brownie causes inconvenience

If you are tired of the constant visits of the brownie, and also if you feel aggression clearly emanating from him, you should change something in your life as soon as possible. Perhaps you should do a general cleaning and, of course, do not forget about feeding this entity with treats.

Nevertheless, situations sometimes occur when the brownie has certain violations of character and psyche - even among them there are quarrelsome, evil and unpleasant creatures incapable of a peaceful existence.

In such a situation, the brownie may simply leave you no choice but to expel him from the house. This is a rather complicated and cruel rite in relation to such a creature, so the decision to conduct it should be really responsibly and carefully weighing all the pros and cons, since by doing this you will not only say goodbye to your hearth keeper forever, but also cause the initial the discontent of all his people.

If a brownie comes to you, then signs of his appearance can be interpreted in different ways. The main thing is not to be afraid of him and always remember his small and simple needs. If your brownie is satisfied, then your house will always have real world and order.

Perhaps the first place among the stories of the supernatural passed from mouth to mouth is occupied by stories about brownies. What are they not doing! And they make noise at night, frightening the owners, and make a mess, and hide things ...

Centuries-old experience of coexistence with such "guests" helped to develop a kind of etiquette for communicating with these otherworldly creatures. But no one really knows anything about their nature. Someone claims that these are restless souls who, due to sins, cannot get into the afterlife, someone considers them to be entities from the lower astral dimension, an evil spirit. And someone is convinced that these are representatives of some parallel civilization, capable of becoming invisible.

"Bloody hell!"

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As you know, brownies often prophesy some events, most often misfortunes. A young woman, Elena, from the Trans-Baikal village of Kharanor, says:

“My troubles began in February 2004. We then moved into a two-room comfortable apartment. One evening, when my husband Andrei was away, I, as always, put the children to bed and went to bed by myself. As I fell asleep, I felt that someone was standing next to me. I ask through a dream: who is here? When I heard the ominous "Ah?" - numb. And then someone heavy fell on me, began to choke. I remember his tightly compressed lips, hooked bird nose. I started losing consciousness...

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Still, she jumped out of bed, barely overpowering her fear. Turned on the light - no one. My neck hurt terribly. She went to the mirror to look, and saw a long, bright red scratch, such as a cat's paw can leave. But we don't have a cat.

Once the husband, waking up in the middle of the night, saw a human figure at the table. Remembering the instructions of the old people, he asked: “Is this for worse or for good?” The brownie answered in a deaf voice, as if coming from under the ground: “For worse!”

And then on Youth Day at a mass festivities where we went with the whole family, tipsy guys stuck to my girlfriend's husband. And Andrei interceded, as a result he received a knife wound in the chest.

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Play - and give again!

Even brownies like to hide, and then again “put” in place various items. Raisa S. recalls: “I had a beautiful beaded purse. I always carried it with me. Once I received a salary, at home before going to bed I began to sort through things in my purse and found out that there was no wallet with money!

I searched, I searched, I didn't find it. In the afternoon I interviewed all my colleagues at work, but no one saw my wallet. On that I calmed down.

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True, I had one assumption: I secretly sinned against my son-in-law. With this thought, I went to bed. And before dawn I see a dream. It’s as if someone’s hand is holding out a wallet to me, and a male voice is heard: “Here, take it, open it, but don’t think badly of others.” I woke up from this voice, jumped up, rushed to my purse, opened it, and the wallet was lying on top , and all my salary is intact to the penny!”

Alyosha the healer

In some cases, brownies are kind to people: they even treat human diseases! Tamara P. had a similar experience: “Once I realized that some invisible creature lives in my apartment. Before making contact with me, it emits a garlicky smell. I lie down for a minute or two and feel someone's heart beating on my hand. If I feel hot, I feel pleasantly cool, and vice versa.

The care of Alyosha (as I call my uninvited lodger) was most fully manifested during the period when I was conducting a healing procedure to cleanse the liver - I drank a mixture consisting of vegetable oil and lemon juice. Once, after taking this medicine, I felt nauseous. Then Alyosha gently scratched my hand with his claws, lay down on my chest, and the nausea stopped.

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