What is zucchini - a detailed description, types, features of care and cultivation. Zucchini and ordinary zucchini: what is the difference Transplanting seedlings into the ground

Sheet glass 10.09.2022
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Despite the difference in shape, size and appearance of pumpkins, squash, zucchini and zucchini belong to the same gourd family. But if it is hardly possible to confuse pumpkin with squash, then the difference between zucchini and zucchini is obviously not for everyone.

Origin story

The homeland of zucchini is considered to be Northern Mexico. It was there that this vegetable was bred about 5 thousand years ago. On the European continent, zucchini became known in the 16th century after the expedition of Columbus. The pleasant taste of zucchini was appreciated by the Italians in the 17th century. In Russia, the zucchini appeared later - only in the 19th century, coming from Greece and Turkey. According to one version, the name comes from the Turkish "kabak", which means "pumpkin".

Zucchini is a kind of zucchini, the existence of which the inhabitants of Russia learned relatively recently - about 30-40 years ago. Italian breeders bred a vegetable culture by crossing a zucchini with a crookneck, a kind of hard-skinned pumpkin. The name of the vegetable comes from the Italian word "zucchino" (pl. "zucchini"), which means "small pumpkin".

Differences in composition and nutritional value

Despite the difference in names, both vegetables are extremely healthy and contain:

  • alimentary fiber,
  • folic acid,
  • pantothenic acid,
  • pectin, iron,
  • potassium,
  • sodium,
  • proteins, etc.

Also in the composition there is a significant amount of vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, C, PP. There are almost no differences in composition. Almost 93% of zucchini is water. About 5% - sugars, mainly glucose.

Unlike many foods, squash and zucchini are low in calories. That is why they are the best suited for dietary nutrition. There is a difference in nutritional value. In zucchini, it is about 30 kcal, and zucchini is even less - about 20 kcal.

Advice! Those who decide to lose extra pounds are recommended to include dishes from these vegetable crops in their diet. The difference in application for the diet is negligible.

Both vegetables stimulate digestion, remove excess cholesterol and act as excellent choleretic agents. There is practically no difference between plants in the manifestation of these properties.

Pediatricians agree that cultures are well suited for baby food, including for the first vegetable food. There is almost no difference, but zucchini is preferable. This is due to differences in the texture of vegetables.

Differences in characteristics

With external similarities, zucchini and zucchini have a lot of differences. They appear, first of all, in growing conditions. The difference between zucchini is that they do not belong to early ripening vegetables and have a long fruiting period. The difference in care is of great importance: with appropriate processing, the late varieties of this vegetable crop can be harvested before the first September frosts.

Despite the fact that seedlings are planted in open ground at the same time, fruiting of zucchini begins in June. Unlike zucchini, it gives 2-4 times more fruit. At first, the crop is harvested every 7-10 days, and in the middle of the season even more often. So, zucchini ripens every 4–5 days, zucchini, unlike them, after 1–2 days. This is a significant difference.

Many gardeners are faced with the problem of plant diseases that cause viral or fungal pathologies or pests. The disease affects the leaves, stems or fruits of a vegetable crop - the difference is justified by conditions and soil.

At high humidity and low temperatures, the leaves of the plant are affected by powdery mildew. In this case, there are no differences. It will also be useful to observe crop rotation: the time difference for restoring soil properties is recommended to be at least 5–6 years.

In addition to diseases, pests can interfere with the normal growth of plants. The most unpleasant are scoop caterpillars, penetrating the stem and eating it from the inside. Differences in varieties for pests do not matter. In general, the difference between zucchini and zucchini is that the latter are more resistant to garden diseases and external factors.

The difference between zucchini and zucchini in appearance

If we consider zucchini and zucchini, then, from the point of view of botanists, these vegetables are similar only at first glance. Their main difference is in color. If the skin of zucchini is usually light green or pale yellow, then the skin of zucchini has a dark green color, sometimes with stripes or a mottled pattern.

There is also a difference in the size of the fruit. A mature zucchini has a cylindrical shape and can reach a very impressive size, although not too large vegetables are usually eaten, up to 35 cm long. Zucchini, despite a similar shape, unlike them, have more compact fruits, the length of which does not exceed 20– 25 cm.

Zucchini seeds are large. And they need to be cleaned when cooking a vegetable. In contrast, zucchini seeds are small, practically invisible even in overripe fruits.

A wide squash bush with many shoots requires quite a lot of space for normal growth and fruiting. Zucchini, in contrast, looks more neat. On average, it occupies an area of ​​70–120 cm, the lashes do not spread along the ground, and the large saturated green leaves of the plant rise to the top. The difference is also that the leaves of zucchini are smaller, lighter and also prickly, which requires care when harvesting.

Is there a difference in growing conditions

As for growing conditions, each of the annual vegetables of the pumpkin family has its own characteristics. Light-loving zucchini is planted in a well-lit area in loamy and sandy soil. Vegetables do not tolerate frost, so if the seeds stay in the cooled ground for a long time, they will give a poor-quality crop or die altogether. The optimum daytime temperature for the growth of zucchini is 20–25 °C, and at night it is not lower than 12 °C.

The method of planting depends on climatic conditions and how quickly you plan to get a crop. If there is time and opportunity, then you can prepare seedlings by planting seeds a month before planting in open ground (approximately in the first half of April).

In warm and good weather, seeds can be planted directly into the soil from mid-May, when night frosts are almost impossible, and the soil has warmed up sufficiently. The difference is that seedlings are shown in a week, and after 1.5-2 months you can harvest the first crop.

Unlike zucchini, mid-ripening and early-ripening varieties predominate among zucchini. Plants are more demanding of light and heat, so they can be planted in open ground only when the threat of frost has passed. For planting, experienced gardeners recommend choosing an open area on a hill so that the sun's rays fall on the leaves for at least 6 hours a day.

Advice! If the weather is not good enough, then the zucchini can be planted in a greenhouse for a while.

Unlike zucchini, light chernozem soil, fed with humus, is preferable for zucchini. The plant will not take root if the soil is acidic or oversaturated with fertilizers.

How do zucchini differ from zucchini in taste

Both vegetables are popular in cooking. Zucchini and zucchini are fried, baked, stewed, marinated, boiled, stuffed. The fruits practically do not add any difference to the taste of the dish, so they go well with other ingredients of the dish.

There is a difference in cooking time for vegetables. If zucchini is not recommended to be cooked for more than 3-5 minutes, as their pulp will turn into porridge, then zucchini is cooked several times longer.

Unlike zucchini, zucchini is consumed even raw, for example, in vegetable salads. The difference is that the tender crispy flesh of young vegetables does not require additional heat treatment. In addition, it contains a sufficient amount of vitamin C, which is very useful for the body.

Important! Gourmets say that the taste of fried zucchini pulp has almost no difference with fried mushrooms. Italians appreciate this quality by adding vegetables to many national dishes.

In zucchini, the flesh is more dense, harsh and needs to be cooked before eating. Unlike zucchini, they are great for conservation and winter harvesting.

The peel of zucchini is so tender and soft that it can not be peeled off before cooking. In contrast, zucchini has a thicker skin, which must be removed, especially in mature fruits.

For many recipes, the properties of these vegetables do not make much difference and are unlikely to affect the taste of the finished dish.

Shelf life of zucchini and zucchini

With proper organization of storage places, zucchini can lie for a long time without losing their properties. A good option for these purposes would be a cellar or basement with a temperature of 0-10 ° C.

Given the high yield of vegetables, many housewives have to decide what to do with a large amount of products that they did not have time to consume. Pluck zucchini for later storage is required before the onset of frost. Otherwise, the vegetables will be hopelessly spoiled and begin to rot almost immediately after harvest.

  • medium size;
  • with unripe seeds;
  • with a fairly thick skin;
  • smooth, without visible damage and defects.

The difference is that during storage, the fruits continue to ripen, and seed germination is also possible in zucchini already plucked from the garden. Vegetables are cut, leaving a small, up to 4-5 cm, stalk, which protects them from the penetration of microorganisms that cause decay. Also, by the difference in its condition, it is possible to determine whether the fetus has begun to deteriorate.

The difference in the storage conditions of zucchini and zucchini is very significant. Young vegetables with thin and tender skins are not intended for long-term storage. After harvesting or buying zucchini from the market, do not keep them in the refrigerator for more than a week. Such varieties as Zebra, Tsukesha, Genovee, Bumblebee, unlike others, are stored longer than others and can lie in a cool place for some time. The main thing is that the fruits are not overripe, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate from the inside.

You can store zucchini for the winter in the refrigerator. Unlike zucchini, the product is frozen in the form in which it is supposed to be further used in cooking: circles, semi-circles, cubes. Washed and well-dried vegetables are put in bags or containers. After that, they are placed in the freezer. Without loss of taste and useful properties, zucchini is stored in this way for 6-7 months.


Zucchini and zucchini are melon plants of the gourd family, which are very popular for growing in the summer cottages of amateur gardeners. Unlike zucchini, zucchini are early maturing. Each owner of a household plot can choose a variety suitable for himself. The difference also manifests itself in cooking: zucchini is more tender and does not need to be peeled.

Very often lately one has heard about such a vegetable as zucchini. Today we will figure out what kind of vegetable, whether it can be grown at home, what kind of care it needs and how it is used in cooking.

What it is?

Zucchini is a product popular in the West. Refers to squash varieties, a variety of Pumpkin. It is oblong in shape and green in color. One of the obvious advantages that is worth noting is that the vegetable ripens within 3-7 days after flowering and is already ready for use. There are only 16 kcal per 100 grams of this product.

In terms of taste, young zucchini will be the best. Due to the fact that they are quickly digested, they are even added to the menu for children and people who are on a diet, recover from illness and go to recovery. The vegetable is also suitable for those who have any digestive problems. And, of course, as mentioned above, zucchini is often used by people who are on diets and want to lose weight, and all because the product is easily digestible and low in calories. The optimal size of the fruit reaches 15 cm, it can be consumed both raw and cooked according to any favorite recipe: fry, stew, use in salads. The vegetable goes well with various herbs and seasonings.

The vegetable also found application in cosmetics. Its seeds are added to creams to regulate the sebaceous glands. If you wish, you can grow a plant right at home, just remember that it loves warmth and even a positive temperature of up to +2 degrees is considered frost for the plant and can lead to death. The main recommendations include storage at room temperature and washing the product only before eating.

How is it different from zucchini?

Zucchini is a vegetable that is not easy to confuse with zucchini, because outwardly they do not look very similar. The taste, storage conditions, care and principles of their growth are also completely different.

You can find the difference between these two vegetables by the following features:

  • Zucchinis ripen much faster than zucchini. Already for 4-7 days you can collect ripe fruits. During this period, zucchini has a thin skin and excellent taste.
  • Even a novice can tell the two vegetables apart by color. Zucchini has a dark green color, and there are many variations of it. In zucchini, on the contrary, the color is rarely green, more often there are variations of yellow and white.

A noticeable difference can be seen based on the size of the vegetable. Zucchini grow small and do not exceed 25 cm in length, which cannot be said about zucchini. You can grow a large squash, but in doing so, you will lose other ovaries that will appear on the bush.

As for the seeds, compared to squash, zucchini seeds will be difficult to see, as they are so small that it is difficult to see them in the pulp.

as mentioned earlier, zucchini ripen faster compared to zucchini, but care for them should be more scrupulous, because the vegetable requires a lot of heat and sunlight.

Zucchinis grow in the form of bushes and will not take up much space in your garden, and the zucchini, in turn, shoots out and they diverge in different directions.

In terms of storage, zucchini can be stored at home at room temperature for only 4-5 days, while zucchini can last quite a long time.

Zucchini also wins in taste, as it has a delicate, slightly sweet taste and a decent aroma. And the pulp of zucchini is quite rough and therefore it is better to eat it only in processed form.

Having understood what kind of vegetable disappeared under the interesting name of zucchini, it is worth talking about which varieties are the most popular today.

Popular varieties

There are such varieties of zucchini as "Tsukesha", "Diamond", "Yellow-fruited", "Zebra", "Jade", "Starling", "Pharaoh", "Banana", "Ronde", "Golden", "Black Handsome" , "Negro", "Tiger". Let's talk about the most popular next.

Let's start with the variety that got its name from the color: skin "Yellow-fruited" When ripe, the vegetable has a dark yellow color. The variety has a high yield and does not require special care. You can get a good harvest already after 40 days after planting the seeds, of course, observing comfortable conditions for its growth. Inside the fruit of a dense structure, juicy and has a light yellow color. Keeps a worthy trade dress at movement and long storage. Gardeners advise planting it in the ground in late May and early June. It is worth eating the fetus carefully, as people who suffer from kidney disease can develop a disease such as hyperkalemia (increased levels of potassium in the blood) when it is abused, which can be life-threatening.

If you do not have any health problems and you just want to lose weight or switch to proper nutrition, then use zucchini as the basis for meals, and you will get the most necessary trace elements for your body.

The next variety of zucchini worth talking about is "Negro". Like the previous variety, it ripens quite quickly - for only 43 days. The bushes look compact, and the color of the zucchini becomes dark green, which is why the variety got its name. The pulp inside is also dense, quite tender and light in taste. The vegetable is suitable for transportation, despite the fact that it has a fairly soft outer crust.

As for such species as bush varieties, this is an excellent option for growing zucchini in open ground. Despite the fact that the bush looks compact, its leaves grow quite widely. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant such species close, their roots do not go deep into the ground, but try to take a place under the foliage. If you leave not enough space, then the zucchini will start to fight for a “place in the sun”, and not only will they lack nutrients, the vegetable will simply slowly begin to die.


As for the composition of the vegetable, both zucchini and zucchini are almost identical in terms of the content of nutrients, only the former are absorbed much easier and faster. Zucchini consists of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, as well as acids, albeit in small quantities. Among the mineral components in the composition, you can find a lot of calcium, as well as sodium, magnesium and iron.

After eating such a vegetable, you will be able to notice how digestion has improved, thanks to which the metabolism will speed up, which will help you get rid of extra pounds faster. Another secret of zucchini is that the smaller it is, the less time you spend on cooking it. The vegetable is good in any form and with any side dish that you prefer. Cooking it for a long time is not worth it, as it can simply boil soft and become tasteless.

Calorie content and nutritional value

Now let's move on to the question that worries many of the fair sex - this is the calorie content and nutritional value of this product. To a greater extent, the product consists of water - 92.7%. Proteins are contained per 100 g of product 2.7 g, fiber and carbohydrates - 1.1-2 g.

In terms of vitamins, here you can find vitamins A, B1, B2, B5 and, as mentioned earlier, magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium.

If you eat 100 g of zucchini, then the body will receive only 21 kcal.


Like any product, zucchini has not only good qualities, but bad ones are also present.

The product can negatively affect those people who have diseases associated with the gallbladder or kidneys. The composition of zucchini includes a large amount of oxalate, it is he who can provoke the development of urolithiasis. If you know that your calcium output is impaired, you should also give up this vegetable. In addition, teeth can also suffer, since zucchini contains seeds that are harmful to them, so tooth enamel can be at risk.

Can you eat it raw?

Zucchini belong to the genus Zucchini, but differ from them in that they can be safely eaten raw. However, you should be careful, since not all types of this vegetable are beneficial for our body. Zucchini is a species that is able to defend itself against environmental influences by releasing toxic substances on the surface of its peel. For example, cucurbitacin can cause complex food poisoning, which can even lead to death. Therefore, if you grow zucchini in your garden, do not plant them next to other vegetable and berry crops, as the poison can spread to them.

In appearance, it is extremely difficult to determine whether a vegetable is poisonous or not, but as for taste, it will be so bitter in affected fruits that you won’t even be able to swallow it, and, sadly, this dose is already enough for body damage. But, fortunately, it is almost impossible to get poisoned from zucchini grown on your own plot or bought in a store, only those products that have been on the bush for a long time and are simply overripe are dangerous. It is in them that a toxic substance can be produced.


Many people deny themselves the purchase of certain fruits or vegetables in the market. After all, no one knows how these plants were fed and protected at the stage of their maturation. It is much safer to grow food on your own plot with your own hands. If you are going to start growing a vegetable such as zucchini, then it is worth remembering that there are two ways to plant it - seedling and seed.

So, the first way is seedlings. Zucchini is a thermophilic plant, so if you live in a fairly cool climate, it is better to refrain from planting seedlings in open ground. A favorable period for planting seeds will be April, more precisely, the end of the month, however, the seedlings should be planted in the ground after 25-30 days.

This option is suitable for those who have their own plot and the ability to grow more than one bush. If you want to grow zucchini on the windowsill, then here is a slightly different principle. Before planting plants, it is necessary to sort out all the seeds, discard the empty ones and dry well suitable for planting. This can be done either on a battery, wrapping the seeds in paper, or for 4 hours in the oven at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. After such drying, it is worth doing a number of procedures.

The first step is to wash the seeds. This can be done with a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. Boric acid at a concentration of 0.002% will help increase germination and yield. If you do not want to prepare such a solution, there are special stimulants on sale that provoke the rapid growth of the plant.

Next, the seeds begin a period of so-called hardening. To do this, place the seeds in a damp cloth and leave at an average room temperature for 6 hours, after this time, move the package to the refrigerator for a day on the lower shelf.

While the planting material is going through the hardening stage, it is necessary to prepare the soil. To do this, mix turfy soil, humus, coarse sand and peat in equal proportions. If you do not have such components, then you can purchase soil for seedlings in the store, but sand will still need to be added to it.

The container in which you will grow the seeds can be completely different, ranging from a plastic cup to special tablets that must first be soaked in water. Now consider the principle of planting seeds in the soil step by step.

First of all, collect the soil in the container prepared for seedlings, make a small depression for the seeds and water the soil well. It is worth spreading 1-2 seeds in each hole, after which you need to cover the container with a plastic bag and put it in sunlight. The approximate temperature should vary in the range of 20-22 degrees Celsius. When the seeds begin to germinate, the bag can be removed.

If you live in a region where there are rather difficult weather conditions or clay soil, then it is better to plant zucchini on high beds. So your vegetables can warm up well for fast and comfortable growth. When choosing a site where zucchini will grow, you should give preference to where cabbage or peas used to grow.


One of the basic rules for growing zucchini, which is worth remembering, is the constant monitoring of soil moisture levels. The vegetable will bloom well in the presence of a pollinator - a bee or a bumblebee. To attract it, prepare a honey-based solution and spray the future crop in the morning. To do this, take 1 tsp. honey and stir in 1 cup of water. If you do not do this, then there will be no pollination, which will cause the plant to start to hurt, turn yellow and eventually dry out. It happens that there are no insects, for example, when grown on a windowsill, then you can pollinate the flowers yourself. To do this, you will need to take a male flower and gently lean it against the female ones. This action will allow the pollen to move and fertilize the pistil.

When the zucchini begins the growing season, the bush may become overgrown with leaves that will interfere with the airing of the fruits and their further pollination. This happens even though the vegetable itself looks quite compact. To get rid of excess greens, cut 2-3 leaves. So the plant will begin to grow and develop better. If you suddenly notice that the growing fruits have begun to touch the ground, then place a plank or plywood under them, in which case your crop will not start to mold and rot.

As for harvesting and directly storing the crop, in order to enjoy a good and high-quality crop, it must be harvested on time. When the fruits reach a size of 10-15 cm, they can be safely harvested, it is at this stage of growth that the fruits are most delicious. The skin of zucchini is so thin that you can safely eat it, the flesh is also very soft. If you harvest on time, you will create an opportunity for new ovaries to appear and re-harvest, especially since you can harvest vegetables almost every week in summer.

Fruits harvested with a thin peel can be eaten immediately, which cannot be said about zucchini. They have a slightly thicker skin and can be stored for quite a long time. During storage, it is worth adhering to a temperature of 3 to 10 degrees above zero, humidity of at least 60%, but not more than 70%. Constantly ventilate the room where vegetables are stored. In this case, it is better to cover the fruits with a cloth so that the light does not fall on them. When storing zucchini in the refrigerator, put them in a bag. In this form, they can be stored for about a month. Best of all, the properties of a vegetable are preserved in a frozen form. You can pre-cut it the way you like and fold it in this form in the freezer.

Use in cooking

As mentioned earlier, it is better to eat young fruits and an early harvest. You can do whatever your heart desires with them: bake, fry, boil, just pickle or preserve. Soup, mashed potatoes, stews, or even smoothies and zucchini jam are a great solution. For the winter, you can even cook caviar. There is squash caviar, the same can be made from zucchini, it will be a good option as a snack. If your diet contains a fairly heavy protein food, then a side dish of zucchini will be a great addition to such a dinner or lunch. In this case, you can add baked zucchini to the main dish and lightly sprinkle them with cheese on top, this will make them even juicier.

You can also pickle this vegetable. The taste of the dish will be delicious, because the zucchini itself is sweetish, and the marinade can be made sourer.

Gourmets will love the zucchini dish, which will be stuffed with meat and garnished with rice. The combination is simply amazing. In this case, the zucchini is cut into thin layers, after which the minced meat is wrapped in them like a roll.

Mediterranean cuisine is simply impossible to imagine without such a vegetable as zucchini. But before sending the product to the pan, the Italians make a marinade from lime juice and olive oil. The combination of these components helps to feel the whole range of flavors of this pickled vegetable.

Zucchini can also be eaten raw. To do this, simply salt them, add pepper or sauce to taste. Also, zucchini is often added to summer salads, as it perfectly complements the first summer vegetables - cucumbers, radishes, cherry tomatoes.

If you subject the vegetable to heat treatment, it will not take much time. For example, in order to boil zucchini, just one minute is enough. The peel is also a controversial issue. Someone prefers to eat zucchini with her, and someone cleans the vegetable before cooking.

Try battered zucchini with herbs, parmesan cheese and butter. Even on the festive table, a dish of these components will look very dignified and will be an excellent light snack for the main holiday menu. You can also use a recipe such as zucchini rolls with the addition of soft cheese and herbs. Such an appetizer will definitely not leave guests indifferent.

Perfect product for those who play sports and adhere to the rules of proper nutrition. After all, there are only 16 kcal per 100 grams. However, those people who suffer from kidney disease should be careful when eating this vegetable, as zucchini is mostly water.

What is the difference between regular zucchini and zucchini, see the video below.

If twenty years ago, few Russians could clearly answer the question of what zucchini is, now the Italian vegetable has steadily settled into our main dishes and salads. Soups and desserts are made with it, it is eaten fresh and frozen. Why do we love zucchini so much?

From the article you will learn what zucchini squash is from the point of view of biology, what are the beneficial properties of the vegetable and how to cook tasty and healthy dishes from zucchini.

The affectionate Italian word "zucchini", which means "pumpkin", will mislead anyone, especially when applied to an elongated and oblong dark green vegetable. Well, it has nothing to do with pumpkin!

However, from the point of view of botany, such a name is quite correct, since a zucchini is nothing more than a variety of common pumpkin.

Zucchini is a variety of zucchini: is it really so?

History is silent when exactly zucchini was born, but it happened thanks to the Italians, who, earlier than other Europeans (back in the 18th century), appreciated the taste of zucchini. They loved to add it to different dishes so much that they transferred their experiments to the garden, crossing zucchini and crookneck squash, shaped like an elongated pear. The root, stems, leaves and flowers of this pumpkin are identical to the zucchini.

The vegetable obtained as a result of selection was called zucchini. Although his "mother" is a pumpkin, he belongs to a variety of zucchini. Therefore, the vegetable is called just like that: "zucchini zucchini."

Description of zucchini

Like zucchini, zucchini is an annual plant in the gourd family. It is healthy, has an unobtrusive pleasant taste, goes well with other ingredients. However, there are undoubtedly differences between "dad" and "son".

Application in cooking

We come to the most delicious section - recipes with descriptions. Of course, our man is able to cook a wide variety of dishes from this friendly vegetable. But it is curious how things are with the preparation of zucchini in his homeland - in Italy?

Original zucchini dishes

Zucchini flowers in batter

Italians are imaginative people. They don’t just love “pumpkin”, they VERY love it, so not only the fruit itself, but also its flowers are used for cooking. This appetizer will wow your guests.

  • zucchini flowers - 8-12 pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - half a cup;
  • yogurt or sour cream - half a glass;
  • salt and sugar (to taste), soda (on the tip of a knife);
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • tomato - 1 pc., greens - to taste;
  • paprika - 1-2 pcs.

We prepare the batter: beat the egg, add yogurt or sour cream, flour. Mix well by adding salt, sugar, soda.

Holding the zucchini flower by the pedicel, dip it into the batter and immediately into the already heated oil - for frying. Fry on both sides.

Decorate the finished dish with herbs and thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcircles of tomatoes. Delicious, healthy and unusual!

Soup-puree "Puglia"

To prepare the soup-puree "Puglia" we need:

  • zucchini - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs. medium size;
  • shallots, but you can use any one that is in the house - 2 heads;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • lime - 2 pcs.;
  • curry powder - 0.5 tsp;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • cream (thick) - 100 ml;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • seasoning: coriander, turmeric, dried mint - ½ tsp each. Thyme sprigs.

Peel the onion, chop finely. Heat the butter in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until translucent. Add minced garlic and peeled and diced potatoes. Simmer for 5-7 minutes and then add the chopped zucchini - peeling is optional. Remove from heat after 3 minutes and transfer to a bowl.

Remove the zest from the lime and squeeze the juice from the pulp. Pour half of a serving of milk, half of a serving of lime juice into a saucepan, add curry and bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover with a lid. Cook for 10-12 minutes, then remove from heat and let cool slightly. Beat the mass in puree with a mixer, add the rest of the milk and bring to a boil. Salt, pepper, add the zest and the rest of the juice. Pour seasoning from coriander, mint and turmeric.

Whip the cream separately.

When serving, decorate the plate with Puglia puree soup with a spoonful of whipped cream and thyme leaves.

Muffins with zucchini

For cooking we need:

  • small zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • low-fat kefir or yogurt - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa powder - half a glass;
  • instant coffee - 1 tsp;
  • walnuts - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • ground cloves and allspice - a mixture - 0.5 tsp;
  • chocolate chip.

To knead the dough, prepare a large bowl. Beat eggs, mix them with kefir / yogurt and vegetable oil. Pour flour, cocoa powder, coffee, add sugar and baking powder. Then add grated zucchini and medium chopped nuts.

Forms for muffins are filled with the prepared mass by ¾. You need to bake in a well-heated oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. After 25 minutes, take out the finished muffins and sprinkle them with chocolate chips.

More about zucchini

Many people say why this "foreigner" should be given so much attention: after all, we have a zucchini - a valuable vegetable in all respects.

Perhaps this is so, but it is not without reason that zucchini has taken root with us so much. Its early ripeness and productivity are to the liking of gardeners. The low calorie content of the "Italian" (17 kcal) breaks the records of the zucchini and is to the liking of all followers of a healthy lifestyle. There are also victories in cooking: zucchini does not require peeling, it is eaten raw, many tasty, original and healthy dishes are prepared, even sweet pastries.

This morning, while cooking a delicious omelette with zucchini and tomatoes, I thought: is it zucchini? Or is it zucchini (such a fashionable word lately)? How are they different or are they the same thing?

It turns out that zucchini is a type of zucchini. Both of these representatives belong to the pumpkin family. Zucchini was brought to Europe from America several centuries ago, and Italian breeders brought zucchini.

What is the difference between zucchini and regular zucchini?

1. First of all color. Zucchini usually has a light/white or yellow skin color. Zucchini is most often green, but it can also be black, and yellow, and striped, and speckled.

2. The size. Zucchini can reach huge sizes. Zucchini, on the other hand, is a smaller species. Usually they are plucked when they reach 15 centimeters in length. So they taste better.

3. Taste. Zucchini pulp is more tender and soft. It can be eaten raw in salads and appetizers. Zucchini is denser, it is good to stew and boil them.

4. Peel. Zucchini can not be peeled, it is soft and tasty. And besides, it contains vitamin C. When cooking, the hard peel is cut off from the zucchini.

5. seeds. There are a lot of large seeds in the zucchini; during cooking, the entire middle of the vegetable is cleaned. Zucchini seeds are so small that they are almost invisible in the pulp, it is cooked whole.

6. A little about cultivation. Zucchini ripens much faster than zucchini, but it needs a lot of heat and light. From any frost (colder than +5) dies. But the green congener of the zucchini continuously bears fruit (subject to temperature conditions), which is important in agriculture.

7. Storage. Zucchini keeps well until next year's harvest. Fresh zucchini is desirable to eat quickly.

And now a little in common.

1. Both zucchini and zucchini low-calorie. Zucchini has only 27 kcal, while zucchini has less than 16 kcal. They are ideal for dieting. Zucchini

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2. Both representatives are rich in vitamin C, carotene, folic acid and potassium.

3. Well absorbed body, so all pediatricians recommend using them as the first complementary foods for babies.

4. Improve digestion and contribute removal of harmful substances from the body. Doctors recommend eating them for diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys and stomach.

5. Light and fast in cooking. Any dish is unforgettably delicious!

After learning about all this, I realized that this morning I had :) Breakfast was a success!

P.S. And to all fans of Plants vs Zombies… This cutie is sold in online stores :)

The trendy variety of zucchini is competing with ordinary zucchini - it is increasingly appearing in recipes and on tables. These two vegetables are close relatives, and therefore very similar. But there is also a difference between zucchini and zucchini, which is useful for everyone who grows these vegetables to know about.

The main differences between zucchini and zucchini


Mexico is considered the birthplace of zucchini, from where they came to Europe in the 16th century. At that time, the nutritional and taste properties of these fruits were not yet appreciated. Only seeds were eaten (as in other pumpkin species).

The Italians were the first to guess to try the pulp of an unripe zucchini, after which they gladly included it in the list of culinary products.

They soon developed a new variety of pumpkin vegetable, crossing an ordinary zucchini with a pumpkin crookneck. This is how the first zucchini appeared. From zucchini, they adopted the appearance, and from crooknecks - taste and nutritional properties. Both vegetables arrived in Russia only in the 19th century.

Beneficial features

Both vegetables are rich in vitamins and microelements (potassium, sodium, iron), carotene and organic acids. However, zucchini has much more vitamin C. Fiber and easy-to-digest carbohydrates contribute to digestion, normal metabolism, and cleansing the body of toxins.

Vegetables are low-calorie, and therefore welcome with any diet.

Calorie content of 100 g of zucchini is 24-26 kcal, and 100 g of zucchini is 17-20 kcal.

The fruits do not cause allergies, therefore they are indicated for the first baby food, as well as for pregnant women. They are recommended to be included in the diet for diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, heart, circulatory system.

Vegetables create a good prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension. Their regular use improves vision, teeth, hair and skin structure.

Appearance and taste

First of all, these vegetables differ in appearance. Zucchini has a green skin with or without dark stripes, but can also be yellowish. Its counterpart is usually pale green and much lighter in color.

A zucchini can be as big as a good squash if it is allowed to ripen and overripe. It has thin and delicate skin. The pulp has a higher density.

Zucchini has a tougher skin, and the pulp is juicy and tender, the fruit does not exceed 25 cm in length, and it is recommended to pick them even earlier - when they reach 15-18 cm. In addition, it looks very elegant, and its fellow has a more rounded shape .

Both of them are similar in taste, but, and squash - The seeds of the first are small, which allows you not to choose them when cooking. Squash seeds are much larger, which is especially evident in ripened fruits.

Agricultural technology

There are no differences in the cultivation of crops

In terms of cultivation, there is not much difference between zucchini and zucchini - you will have to do the same thing. Both species are thermophilic, prefer fertile soil, need abundant watering and good lighting. Sudden frosts, acidic soils and lack of light can destroy them.

However, there are also small differences that gardeners need to know:

  • Zucchini fruits are small and compact. Therefore, the distance between the bushes can be saved. However, for zucchini, you can do the same if you pick them young. But if you plan to leave the fruits for full ripening, the distance between the holes should be at least a meter.
  • Both vegetables love heat. For zucchini, a temperature of 20-25 ° C is acceptable, and for zucchini - 22-25 ° C. With a decrease of a few degrees, the former will rise faster, and the latter will lag behind in growth. Therefore, they will not interfere with additional heating of the soil - they can be planted on high beds or on heaps with a high content of compost.
  • Zucchini is different in that it ripens faster. On the 8th day of aging, it can already be plucked. In any case, the fruits should not outgrow the size of 15-17 cm. Young zucchini are harvested when they reach 15-20 cm, and specimens for storage or seeds are left in the garden until fully ripened.
  • If you compare zucchini and zucchini of the same size, then the keeping quality of the first will be better - it can be stored for a week in a cool and ventilated room. A young zucchini will last only a few days, but fully ripened can be stored for months.

How to use

The main difference is that zucchini can be eaten raw with the skin on. They are added to salads or eaten individually, chopped on a grater. Otherwise, the cooking methods for both fruits are the same: they can be fried, stewed, boiled, pickled, baked. These vegetables go well with most foods and can add health to any meal.

As for fully ripened and overripe zucchini, they are not so tasty in fried and baked form, but they are quite suitable for making caviar. At the same time, their hard peel must be cut off, and large grains must be selected.

In addition, dried zucchini seeds are eaten, as well as zucchini flowers (for example, fried in breadcrumbs).

What is the difference between zucchini and zucchini?

In addition to ordinary zucchini, zucchini have firmly established themselves in our gardens. And many do not understand the difference between zucchini and zucchini? They think it's the same thing, just different varieties. It turns out that in these brothers there are as many differences as there are similarities. All of them belong to varieties of pumpkin, only they become edible much earlier than the orange relative.

Origin story

The homeland of zucchini is Mexico, where only seeds were originally consumed. The vegetable came to Europe from Mexico in the 17th century, along with other "curiosities" from the New World. Later, the Italians began to use unripe zucchini.

The name zucchini comes from "kabak". This is how the word "pumpkin" sounds in the Turkic language.

Zucchini is our overseas guest, or rather Italian, so it appeared on our beds a little later than the zucchini. This is a common type of zucchini. Recently, zucchini is gaining more popularity than its relative.

And zucchini, whose name in translation from Italian sounds like “green pumpkin”. Approximately thirty years ago, this multi-colored family came to us. And all the family, unlike the usual zucchini, began to be called "zucca". That's what "little pumpkin" sounds like in Italian.

What is the difference between zucchini and zucchini?

It is difficult to confuse zucchini, pumpkin and squash. What can not be said about zucchini and zucchini, young fruits are especially confused. So what is the difference between zucchini and zucchini?


  • Zucchini grows as a bush. Its leaves have a rich green color, sometimes with a pattern. The fruits of both representatives are oblong, but will not grow more than 20-25 cm. The seeds are small, in young fruits they are barely noticeable.
  • The stems of zucchini creep along the ground, their fruits are light green in color, they can grow much longer in length, unlike their dark green counterparts. Provided that one ovary is left on the whip. The seeds are large, especially in overripe ones; before preparing large fruits, the seeds will have to be removed.


More whimsical in growing zucchini, he loves moisture and sun, needs frequent weeding. Zucchini, on the other hand, perfectly tolerates temperature changes, and there is nowhere for weeds to grow under wide leaves.

Zucchini, in contrast to zucchini, ripens earlier, they are harvested in the middle of summer. Zucchini can be harvested until the first frost.

Application in cooking

Surprisingly, zucchini is consumed even raw. Its peel is much more tender, which cannot be said in appearance, so the peel is not cut off before cooking. Preparing quickly, a five-minute heat treatment is enough. If you overexposed the zucchini on the fire, it becomes not so tasty and tender.

Zucchini are good stewed, baked, fried. The longer you keep them on fire, the softer they become.

Can zucchini be substituted for zucchini? When you see zucchini in the recipe, and you only have zucchini on hand, take the latter for cooking. But be sure to remove the skin from it, and also increase the cooking time by a few minutes.

Beneficial features

Zucchini has even fewer calories - 16 kcal per 100 g of product. But this vegetable contains more carotene than carrots. Take note!


How to store zucchini at home? And there are differences. Thick-skinned zucchini are stored for quite a long time in a basement or apartment. Zucchini with their delicate skin can be stored at home for no more than 5 days.

In conclusion, watch the video, which also talks about the differences between zucchini and zucchini.

How to spell zucchini or zucchini correctly?

This is the answer I found on the internet.

The only correct spelling of the word zucchini (vegetable marrow such) - there will be a spelling of this word with one letter k. If doubts still overcome you - to the question of how to spell zucchini or zucchini You can look up the answer in a dictionary. Correctly word zucchini spelled with one "k."

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What is the difference between zucchini and zucchini in appearance, taste and other properties: we understand in detail and do not confuse anymore

Everyone is well acquainted with such a plant as zucchini. Store shelves also sell a vegetable that looks like it - zucchini. Both were brought to Europe in the 17th century, but they ended up in Russia only in the 19th century. Many are interested in the question, are these plants the same or are they different? What is the difference and similarity between them? You will find the answers to these questions in our article.

What is a zucchini

Zucchini belongs to the gourd family - common pumpkin. He came to Russia from Turkey. It is characterized by oblong fruits. They can be yellow, white, light green. It is eaten mainly after heat treatment.

Grows well both in greenhouses and outdoors.

What is zucchini

Zucchini is a type of squash with green fruits.. They can also be yellow, sometimes striped.

They were originally grown as an ornamental plant in Italy.. It was only in the 18th century that zucchini began to be used as food. The name comes from the Italian word zucca, which means "little pumpkin". They came to Russia only in the second half of the 20th century.

Eaten in processed and raw form.

This vegetable is sensitive to temperature and sunlight.. Even 2ºС is enough for the plant to freeze, while its relative, the zucchini, can withstand even slight sub-zero temperatures.

Read also:

What is the difference between zucchini and zucchini

Despite the fact that these are two different plants, they have much in common and are very useful.. They contain such useful components as vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, B6, carotene, iron, potassium. Zucchini contains a lot of vitamin C.

Composition and properties of fruits

Appearance of plants and fruits

Zucchini grows in the form of a bush with raised leaves. They are larger than zucchini, and more saturated in color. Their flowers are also brighter and larger than those of their counterpart. The fruits are often dark green, sometimes striped or speckled. In both vegetables, they are oblong, but in zucchini, they grow to a maximum of 25 cm.

The zucchini shoots whips that spread along the ground. Their color is light green. Fruits are white, light green, yellow. Large ones grow in length, especially if you remove other ovaries, which will not work with zucchini. Even with the removal of all the ovaries, they will not grow more than usual.

Reference. Unlike ordinary zucchini, zucchini is an early ripening fruit. They collect it in June. Zucchini ripen until September.

Availability of seeds

Zucchini and zucchini can be distinguished by their seeds. The first has a lot of large seeds that should be removed before cooking. In the second, they are small and invisible, so it is cooked with them without taking it out.

Taste qualities

In zucchini, especially in adults, the flesh is dense and does not have a pronounced taste. and also has a tough skin. Therefore, they are consumed only after heat treatment. During the cooking process, the product becomes tasty due to the interaction with other vegetables or meat.

Zucchini has a thin skin and a delicate taste., so they can be eaten raw along with the skin. Often they are added to various salads. Also, the vegetable can be subjected to heat treatment, but minimal, because. with prolonged exposure, they will boil into porridge.

Storage and transportation

These vegetables differ from each other in keeping quality.

Zucchini, due to its thick skin, can be stored until spring in a cool and darkened room. without losing nutritional and taste qualities. It is advisable to store it at a temperature of 3-10ºС and a relative humidity of 60-70%.

Zucchini, on the contrary, are stored raw for up to 5 days.. They retain their flavor best when frozen.

Clean, fresh, free of mechanical damage and damage by diseases and pests, fruits are allowed for transportation. Sorted by maturity. Vegetables are transported in closed containers, folded at the level of the edges so that they do not beat or rub against each other. In the case of transportation in a wagon, the floor and walls are covered with straw in a layer of 10 cm.

Note. Zucchini and zucchini cannot be transported together due to differences in shelf life and softness of the skin.

The benefits and harms of zucchini and zucchini

Given their identical composition, the positive effect on the body of these vegetables is also similar.. Juice and pulp are used in cosmetology - they have a rejuvenating effect. The juice is also used in hair masks to slow down the aging process.

The presence of folic acid makes them useful during pregnancy. Eating these vegetables reduces pain in rheumatoid arthritis.

Due to the high content of manganese, plants have a strengthening effect on the bones.. Low-calorie content and the presence of fiber make them a dietary product: the calorie content of zucchini is 23 kcal per 100 g, zucchini is even less - 16 kcal per 100 g.

Regular consumption of these vegetables supports eye health and helps fight aging.

Zucchini and zucchini lower cholesterol levels, have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, and are useful for cancer prevention. Manganese and vitamin C contained in them have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Vegetables remove toxins and toxins, have a positive effect on the urinary and cardiovascular systems.

Carefully! Given the presence of acids, these vegetables are undesirable for people with kidney failure and gallbladder disease. They can lead to urinary tract infections. In diseases with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to use them in boiled form. In their raw form, they can cause an exacerbation of stomach diseases.

Application in cooking

Both vegetables can be consumed boiled, stewed, fried and baked.. They do not have a pronounced taste, therefore, when cooked, they absorb the aromas of other products and complement them.

Zucchini is more suitable for canning, in this case they reveal their taste better. They make wonderful pancakes and well-known zucchini caviar. They can be stuffed with meat, cottage cheese and even fish, stewed with vegetables as a side dish and main dish.

Zucchini, due to its delicate pulp and pleasant taste, are used fresh.. Salads and light meals are prepared from them. Young fruits up to 15 cm long are suitable for this. They also make a wonderful soup. In addition, zucchini can be baked with meat, vegetables, cheese, they are also used in the preparation of desserts.

It can be useful:


Zucchini and zucchini are different plants, but they belong to the same gourd family. They are similar in fruit shape and plant appearance. Useful components are also almost identical, so vegetables have a similar effect on the body. The differences are in the size, color and keeping quality of ripe fruits, skin thickness, number of seeds and preferential use.

In cooking, squash and zucchini are interchangeable, but there are dishes where only a certain vegetable is desired. Young zucchini weighing no more than 700 g and less than 25 cm long can successfully replace raw zucchini.

What is the difference between zucchini and zucchini

We think that each of you at least once in your life ate zucchini. In salad, soup, stew, stewed or fried, as well as the famous marrow caviar.

In our country, this is a fairly popular vegetable that is found in every garden, summer cottage or land plot. Zucchini belongs to the gourd family. He has a close relative - zucchini.

A variety of zucchini with a clearly Italian name is also now actively grown in our country. Let's talk about whether there are distinctive properties between these vegetable brothers? Both externally and internally they are different.

The peculiarity of these two types of vegetables is that they do not require long ripening, like a pumpkin. You can eat, and even more tasty, eat young fruits.

Zucchini and its Italian relative are quite close in composition and many properties. But you can tell them apart by their appearance.

Zucchini has a light green, white, yellow color. At the same time, zucchini is dark: green, black, green with dark stripes or polka dots, green with yellow spots is also possible.

Both fruits are oblong in shape. Only a zucchini can grow to gigantic sizes, both in length and in volume. Zucchini, on the other hand, are more compact and neat. Both vegetables grow in the bush method.

In zucchini, the bush is wider and sprouts many shoots, while occupying enough space. The zucchini bush is compact, grows neatly, beautifully raising the leaves up, not spreading wide on the ground.

The leaves of the zucchini bush are light in color and medium in size. Green zucchini lobes are large and have a beautiful rich color. Regarding the flowers, the same story: squash is lighter and smaller, at the same time, the flowers of the dark relative are large and bright.

Thanks to these characteristics, it is zucchini that is more attractive and accessible to insects that pollinate it. In this regard, zucchini bushes are not deprived of attention, but they are significantly inferior in terms of these indicators.

Regarding growing conditions, each of these vegetables also has its own characteristics. For example, zucchini is less picky. They have enough average humidity, good black soil and a lot of solar heat and light.

In this case, they will spread over a wide area and will soon produce a good harvest. They occupy the ground so much that even weeds will not be able to break through. As a result, you won’t have to weed and especially care for the area where zucchini grows.

Zucchini will not grow on any land. If the soil is acidic or oversaturated with fertilizers, the plant will not take root. Also, this vegetable does not tolerate cold weather. Therefore, planting it in early spring in the ground is dangerous.

It is better to wait for the final heat or pre-plant in a greenhouse, and only then transplant in an open area. At the same time, zucchini is more prone to temperature changes.

It is also not advisable to fry zucchini bushes in the sun. It is more moisture-loving, therefore it often requires additional watering.
The skin and pulp of these fruits is also different. The flesh of the dark fruit is more tender and soft.

The seeds are small and not hard, almost imperceptible in food. Given these properties, they do not require pretentious and lengthy cooking. Some recipes even call for raw zucchini.

Zucchini must be cooked: stew, boil, fry. In more mature fruits, the seeds are large and hard, so it is better to remove them when cooking.

For winter harvesting and conservation, zucchini is more suitable. Zucchini is good to freeze fresh.

As for the skin, in zucchini it is also soft and almost imperceptible in food. The skin of zucchini, especially mature ones (in young ones it is soft), must be peeled. This also affects the storage of vegetables.

Zucchini without any external damage can lie in the cool for a long time. Zucchini after cutting is best cooked in a day or two. On the fifth day, they will begin to deteriorate.

Both zucchini and zucchini are low-calorie, therefore they are welcome during diets. They are easily digested by the stomach, help to improve the work of the digestive tract, remove harmful accumulations. In addition, they are rich in vitamins, folic acid, carotene.

Having studied all the characteristics of both fellow fruits, we can summarize and list the distinctive features of zucchini and zucchini:

External characteristics

The color scheme of zucchini in dark shades (green, black, striped and polka dots), zucchini is light. The bushes of the second are more sweeping, with a large number of shoots.

Zucchini are compact and stretch in height. The leaves and flowers of zucchini are smaller and lighter, in zucchini they are large and rich in color.

Fruits, their sizes

Both vegetables are oblong in shape. Only in length, a zucchini can reach up to 40 cm, a dark relative - no more than a quarter of a meter.

Taste qualities

Zucchini pulp is harsh, tasteless. They are eaten only in finished form or after preservation.

Zucchini have soft, tender flesh with a pleasant aroma and taste. Therefore, they can be subjected to only minimal culinary processing. It can even be eaten raw.


In zucchini, it is tough. For very ripe fruits, it is best to peel it before cooking. The skin of the dark vegetable is soft and tasty.


Zucchini seeds are large and tough, so they are noticeable in food. It is best to remove them before cooking. In a relative, they are soft and do not require cleaning.

Growing conditions

Zucchini love moisture, enough heat, do not tolerate frost - picky. The fruits ripen much faster. The light relative is not so capricious, he has enough sun and good black soil.


Zucchini, if they are not damaged, can be stored for a long time in the cold and dark. Dark fruits spoil quickly.


Zucchini have a minimum number of calories - a dozen and a half. In zucchini, this limit is a little more - about thirty.

Both zucchini and zucchini are healthy vegetables. Therefore, eat them for pleasure, with benefits for the figure and an excellent effect on health.

What is the difference between zucchini and zucchini?

There is an opinion that zucchini and zucchini are one and the same product. Often these names are used as synonyms, but in fact this is not quite the correct use. There is a difference between these vegetables that must be considered when buying and preparing these products.

Description and features

Many people are interested in what zucchini is - a separate vegetable or another name for zucchini. In fact, this product is a type of zucchini, which, in turn, is recognized as a variety of pumpkin. These two vegetables have a very similar appearance, however their descriptions will differ.


Zucchini is a small vegetable, most often oblong in shape. It has a thin peel of green, black or yellow. They are considered green squash. Often do not grow more than 15 cm in length.


Zucchini - fruits of predominantly elongated yellow, green or white color. The rind is tough, becoming softer when mature. The size of individual specimens can reach more than 30 cm in length.

There are also various varietal forms that have their own distinctive features. For example, there are round varieties characterized by a small fruit size.

What is the difference between zucchini and zucchini?

Products that are so often confused with each other have quite significant differences. Since zucchini is more popular in our latitudes, not everyone knows how to distinguish zucchini from a vegetable that is common to us.


At first glance, both types of vegetables are very similar, but there is a certain difference in their appearance.

You can distinguish one species from another by color, peel, size and quality of seeds inside the fruit:

Composition and calories

These products have almost the same composition.
Among the main useful components are:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin B1;
  • vitamin B2;
  • vitamin B6;
  • carotene;
  • iron;
  • potassium.

The only difference between zucchini is the presence of more vitamin C. The calorie content of zucchini is 23 kcal per 100 g. Zucchini has even less energy value - 16 kcal per 100 g.

Taste qualities

Products differ in taste. Raw zucchini is almost never eaten. Due to the dense pulp, this product is best subjected to heat treatment.

Zucchini is quite often used raw. The reason for this is the unusually delicate taste of the vegetable. At the same time, the pulp is not as hard as that of a zucchini, so it does not have to be fried, boiled or stewed.

Beneficial features

  • Both types of vegetables have many useful properties:
  • low calorie content allows you to use them on a diet and with proper nutrition;
  • both vegetables have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract;
  • thanks to useful trace elements and a gentle effect on the body, these products are useful for almost all diseases;
  • the pulp of their fruits can be used as the first complementary foods for babies.

Growing conditions

The required growing conditions are different for both vegetables.

Zucchini is an unpretentious plant that does not need special care in the form of weeding and fertilizing. Irrigation of the soil is carried out only on demand, for example, in extreme heat. At the same time, the fruits can ripen by the end of September, if a late-ripening variety is planted.

Zucchinis are very demanding. Their cultivation cannot be left to chance. The list of plant care procedures includes regular watering, fertilizing and weed removal. Also, they do not tolerate cold snaps and cannot be on the bush if the temperature drops below + 5 ° С.


There is a difference in the keeping quality of vegetables, on which their shelf life depends. Zucchini do not lie long and require either freezing or quick eating. Zucchini is a long-term product. Often it can be preserved in almost original form until next year.

In general, both vegetables are interchangeable and can be used in the same dishes. Cooking instructions, however, will vary.

Regarding zucchini, you should pay attention to the following tips from experienced chefs:

  • young fruits will have the most delicate taste;
  • fried rings, stew, casserole and squash caviar will be a win-win option;
  • less common, but extremely tasty dishes are stuffed zucchini slices, deep-fried sticks and risotto with this vegetable.

It is better to cook zucchini, paying attention to the following recommendations:

  • for this product, all the recipes listed above are suitable, including stuffing and deep-frying;
  • they can be added to salads raw - the dish will have an unusual and pleasant taste;
  • the raw product, cut into sticks, can be served with carrots, celery and hot sauce - such an appetizer is called pincimonio and is a great option for parties.

Zucchini and zucchini are foods that have many different traits. However, these vegetables belong to the same species and have many positive characteristics. With proper preparation, dishes from these products will take pride of place on your table.

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