How to stop loving someone who doesn't love you. How to stop loving a guy who will never be yours. Change of social circle

Jigsaws and circular saws 10.09.2022
Jigsaws and circular saws

In life, there are situations when a woman needs to stop loving and let go of her husband, and live on with her life. The state when one loves and the other does not, psychologists call codependency. If a man stopped loving his wife and left, you should not try to return him, humiliating yourself and causing self-pity. A folk proverb says: “You won’t be forced to be nice,” and its meaning is relevant for all time.

What to do, how to fall out of love with a husband with whom so many things are connected: both good and bad. Is it possible to erase all this from life. Probably not. You just need to learn how to live in a new way, without looking back!

Let's take 10 steps to recover from codependency. If you manage to do at least a few steps out of 10 - know that everything is not at all hopeless! You are on your way to recovery.

We start to recover

The first thing to do is let go of the loved one inside of you! Let go completely and without any conditions and unnecessary clarification of the relationship. One psychologist said: “Yes, hope dies last. But I would have killed her first!" Why? Since some hope still glimmers in our souls, we constantly think: “maybe he will return again?”, We simply do not live a normal, comfortable, “own” life. It is better to let the husband go, without hatred and malice. And even more so, it is not necessary to inspire children, if they exist, that their father is a “traitor”.

The word "love" is often called passion, excitement - something that has nothing to do with love. Joy, suffering, greed, jealousy, seduction, submission, revenge, pride, running away from boredom and loneliness - all this is covered by the stamp "love", although she did not stand close here.

We ladies sometimes love so uncontrollably that we often just enjoy our role as the main character in the melodramas that life throws at us. Compared to the exhausting melodrama, healing will seem boring to you.

What are the principles of "true, strong love" do we know? First of all, it is always a strong codependence. That is, in other words, it is a sick attachment to a person, which is given as a sign of a strong feeling.

Relationship addiction is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. It's certainly not a broken arm or leg or something worse, but it's also a disease. And codependency causes severe stress, and it has long been known how dangerous stress is for the body. Take any measures, get rid of codependency - you save your life and health.

As for alcohol, it only exacerbates the situation. First, a woman drinks, and then she justifies her actions and decisions with alcohol, and this vicious circle closes.

Love yourself so that you can get rid of codependency. Show love and generosity to yourself, and those around you will feel it. Do not wait in devastation for a caring and loving man to appear in your new life, surround yourself with love and care.

As you know, nature does not tolerate emptiness, and therefore you cannot stop loving your husband without replacing these emotions with others. And remember: they wipe their feet on a person only in those cases when he himself lies on the floor.

Here are 10 steps to help you get the job done:

  • The first step to healing from love begins with the fact that you understand and realize that you need to recover from this addiction.
  • You must accept yourself for who you are, even if you don't want to change anything about yourself. You feel love and respect for yourself.
  • You accept other people as they are and do not try to remake and change them the way you need.
  • You like your personality. And also your character, tastes, principles, appearance, body - in a word, everything! You have realized your worth and will not seek relationships just to boost your self-esteem.
  • You allow yourself to believe and trust decent people and are not afraid that they will know the depth of your soul. But at the same time, you do not allow your openness to be used.
  • When interacting with other people, try to honestly answer yourself the question: “Does this relationship allow me to become who I am going to be?”
  • In no case do not get used to finding pleasure in memories, anguish and suffering. Just forbid yourself to fall into these feelings. At the slightest impulse to return to the abyss of memories, find some problem and switch to it.
  • You must be sure that if a new relationship has become destructive, then they can be ended without falling into depression. You should have your own hobbies and interests, native people who can support you.
  • Your peace of mind is above all else. You protect yourself, quarrels, screams, scandals are in the past.
  • You deserve all the best - remember this! And also about the fact that the strongest relationships are between people who have common interests and views.
  • Think over your days one step ahead: change your lifestyle, hobbies, environment. Do not stop, do not feel sorry for yourself, act actively, and luck will not keep you waiting.

Why you need to fall in love

You should not save love for a person who is indifferent to you. Having fallen out of love with him, a woman will cease to experience despair, resentment and disappointment. She will once again enjoy life, feel freedom and independence, be able to find a new destiny and family happiness. To learn not to love your husband means to love yourself. This also needs to be learned.

A little time for tears and resentment

It is impossible to forget a person immediately. To let go of resentment and begin to enjoy life, you need to give some time for tears and sadness. But then tell yourself: that's enough! I forgive and let go. Go in peace and I will live on too. I don't need a person who doesn't love me.

A woman must understand that her husband fell out of love not because she is bad. It just happened and no one is to blame. We must live and move on.

Just because one person doesn't love you doesn't mean no one loves you. Such thoughts should be driven away. Delete all contacts from social networks networks that are connected with the ex-husband, cancel his phone number, change his email address. No contacts and memories! For a woman to stop loving, she must first forget.

Don't blame anyone

There is no need to go from one extreme to another. No wonder they say that from love to hate is one step. But hatred sharpens the heart and oppresses a person. Hatred is bad for yourself first of all. It's not his fault that he lost interest in her. Lawless Heart.

Commemorative gifts

Shared photographs and gifts must be disposed of. This is the path to healing. Sending gifts to your spouse is a bad idea. War will not benefit anyone. It is better to distribute what you can to those in need, if the thing is valuable - sell it. Well, just burn the rest. Let this be the funeral pyre for old relationships and the beginning of a new life. If mutual acquaintances remain, they should be asked not to ask questions, not to tell anything about the ex-husband and his new chosen one.

Few women like to keep experiences to themselves. Some definitely need to cry "in the vest." And that's not bad. This behavior relieves stress, relieves emotional stress. It is impossible to live with a heavy heart. Only the "vest" must be chosen correctly. It is better to share your experiences with your mother, if not live, then by phone, Skype - now there are so many opportunities for communication.

If there is no trusting relationship with your mother, or you just don’t want to upset her, you should be like psychotherapist sessions. But not everyone has this opportunity. Then there is a third option: to start a diary. It can describe all the grievances and experiences. You can write without embarrassment in expressions. It's even good. As if the husband is in front of you, and you say it to his face.

It is imperative to find a hobby that will captivate you and make you not think about your past life, for example:

  1. When knitting, you need to count the loops and there is no time to think about extraneous things.
  2. Crocheting a napkin requires reading the pattern and strictly following it.
  3. A funny movie that distracts and entertains.
  4. Gardening gives physical fatigue and heals wounds of the heart.
  5. Scanwords and crosswords are also a good activity for the mind. Solving them, you will not think about anything else.

The good things about a breakup

If you can’t get thoughts of your husband out of your head for a long time, you should remember his bad habits and remind yourself that he: snores at night, doesn’t wash dishes, scatters clothes, doesn’t give flowers on March 8, forgets to wish happy birthday. But now the apartment is clean, you can go to the cinema, take care of yourself. Nobody takes away the TV remote control, it is not necessary to rush after work to cook dinner for a hungry husband.

How to fall out of love with a tyrant husband

It happens that the husband does not seem to stop loving, but it is impossible to live with him. He constantly humiliates and insults a woman, raises his hand to her. There are manipulative men, energy vampire men, possessive men, jealous men who torment their wives with constant jealousy, and so on.

But she continues to live with him and endure, because she loves and believes that he will improve. This is a big and very common misconception! Women are patient, and for those who are inclined to decide to break such “sick” relationships, everything that is in this article is suitable.

  • Think about why such a husband is needed. Humiliation and beatings bring pleasure only to mosaicists.
  • A woman is afraid to part with her husband, afraid of responsibility for herself and her loved ones. We must learn to make decisions and not be afraid of responsibility.
  • Increasing self-esteem and cultivating self-esteem is very important for any person. A self-respecting woman will not allow her husband to offend her and will not forgive insults.
  • It is impossible to fix a tyrant, and patience will eventually run out. Don't wait and hope for the best. During such a “sweet life”, the health and psyche of a woman will be completely undermined. It is necessary to file for divorce and forget about pity for a tyrant husband and other feelings. Love is above all respect. And why respect a despot and a tyrant?

Loving someone who doesn't reciprocate can affect self-esteem and self-confidence. There is no single correct and quick way that will tell you how to stop loving a person. Proven psychological tricks can help ease pain and speed up the healing of mental wounds.

The question of what constitutes love has troubled the minds of scientists for centuries. Love is not a mathematical equation, so it is impossible to clearly define what it is. Its three essential features are:

  1. Trust, sincerity, understanding. Only true love allows partners to be what they are alone with themselves. This does not mean that you must approve every action of a loved one, but it is necessary to accept his shortcomings and weaknesses.
  2. Desire and physical attraction. These factors are inherent in both love and falling in love. There can be no relationship between people if they are not physically attracted to each other (there are exceptions, but such couples, as a rule, quickly part).
  3. Loyalty, devotion, the desire to share the future are the prerequisites for a strong relationship. A loving couple tries to keep the union, no matter what. Sooner or later, a thought will appear in my head: I can’t leave or stop loving this person. This will be true love.

Boys and girls experience a breakup equally painful, but the science of human emotions comes to the rescue. There are no ways to stop loving a person in psychology, and the methods are built on increasing self-esteem and distracting from sad thoughts. This will help to survive the first strongest impulse to return. Subsequent ones will be less noticeable, so it will be easy to overcome them.

The main reasons for the desire to get rid of feelings

Breaking up is a natural process in a relationship. The two were together, considering each other worthy partners, but over time, emotions cooled down, and shortcomings became obvious. Realizing the impossibility of continuing the relationship, they decide to break up. However, this rarely happens on a reciprocal basis. Someone from the couple either continues to idealize the partner, or is ready to put up with shortcomings. However, there are objective reasons for terminating communication.

Love that is not reciprocated is one of the most exhausting feelings. She drives into a depressive state, contributes to the loss of a taste for life, interferes with career achievements, since the thoughts of a lover are focused not on work issues, but around their own negative experiences. The question of how to stop loving a person who does not share warm feelings worries many people who find themselves in a similar situation. Their position is not hopeless. Effective advice from psychologists will help to deal with the problem.

How to stop loving a person who does not love you: identifying your own feelings

In search of an answer to the question of whether it is possible to stop loving a person, one must first make sure that these are feelings, and not fiction. It does not hurt to find out if we ourselves did not invent what we supposedly feel for the object of love. Some people come up with unrequited love from a subconscious reluctance to commit to a serious relationship. These supposedly unrequited feelings serve as a good screen for them, which manages to cover up a non-existent personal life and the lack of desire to arrange it. Someone invents an imaginary attraction to someone who a priori does not share it, solely out of a desire to diversify their own lives, add drama to it. Some people like to be unhappy. If so, you will have to adjust your attitudes.

How to stop loving a person you love very much: experiencing the stages of grief

Often, worries about non-reciprocal feelings resemble suffering for the deceased: in both cases, the object of sadness is the one who cannot be returned. It is worth recalling the stages of mourning identified by psychologists:

  1. shock, inability to accept loss;
  2. denial, when the brain still refuses to accept what happened;
  3. bargaining: in lovers it sometimes results in promises, humiliation in front of the object of their feelings;
  4. acceptance of the loss;
  5. gradual retreat of bitterness and pain.

A healthy assessment of where you are yourself speeds up the process of healing from unnecessary attachment.

How to quickly stop loving a person: getting rid of reminders of him

Those who have to solve the problem of how to stop loving a loved one often deprive themselves of such a chance due to constant involvement in situations where everything reminds them of the feelings experienced. We must get rid of things that invariably evoke such memories. Delete joint pictures from social networks, from a smartphone, remove their printed versions from your apartment. Completely stop or reduce to a minimum communication with the object of love. Ask loved ones not to start talking about him or her. Not interested in the life of a loved one. This does not mean that in the future it will not be possible to communicate. Such restrictions are needed until feelings subside, the acuteness of experiences passes.

How to fall out of love with a person you see every day

In this case, the eradication of feelings will require great effort. Moreover, you will have to act rationally, without involving esoteric methods: in order to stop loving a person, you should not resort to conspiracies or other magical rituals. We must convince ourselves of the absence of hope for reciprocity. An additional measure, in addition to self-hypnosis, will be the search for shortcomings in the object of one's feelings. It is necessary to debunk his or her idealized image, to thoroughly reflect on what annoys in the behavior or words of the counterpart, to warm up this negativity in oneself. It is worth mentally exaggerating the found unattractive character traits of a lover or beloved.

How to fall out of love with a person: the search for interesting activities.

Often the solution to the problem lies on the surface. Lovers are too immersed in their own feelings, they cease to be interested in what is happening around. It is necessary to overcome this trend by doing those things for which there was not enough time before. Start learning a foreign language, master a new type of needlework, join extreme entertainment, other hobbies that you have a soul for. Psychologists advise to get out more often "into the light", to meet interesting people, to attend fun events. At the same time, promiscuity, passion for psychotropic substances should not be allowed - such behavior will lead to the destruction of health and the psyche.

What to do if you can’t stop loving a person: involvement in violent activity

The following method is especially effective for the stronger sex, who are active by nature. He will also help girls who are too mired in feelings about the lack of reciprocity. Sad thoughts roll in moments of idleness. They must be limited for their own good. Need to work or study. If the chosen profession, no matter how profitable it may be, does not please, it makes sense to switch to something else that promises more prospects if there are certain inclinations. Instead of regularly asking yourself a rhetorical question, is it possible to stop loving the person you love, it’s not a sin to load your brain with interesting ideas that require projects to be implemented. This will help to eradicate unnecessary feelings, and at the same time improve career prospects.

Not every one of us is able to love a person, comprehending our life in a sensual connection, in love. As Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology explains, such feelings are familiar only to a person who naturally has a visual vector.

Foolish heart, don't beat.
We are all deceived by happiness...

Sergey Yesenin

The pain of unrequited love for a person cuts the heart like a knife. A piercing longing torments the soul. How many times do you turn to the silent heavens the same question: how to stop loving that person who does not need you? And why should I even be able to love a person if I'm not destined to be with him? Heaven is silent, and you are left alone with your love, more like a serious illness.

Perhaps you never had anything but your love. And it happens differently - a person dear to you betrayed everything that was between you, and simply left forever. And you remained standing as a pillar of salt, in vain attempts to understand how to stop loving a person now, who repaid for your devotion, care and love with black ingratitude. And no matter what you do, annoying memories of a person who has long received the status of an ex, do not go out of your head. Is it really possible to stop thinking about the person you love?

How to stop loving if the meaning of life is in love

Not every one of us is able to love a person with such power of emotions. As Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology explains, such feelings are familiar only to a person who naturally possesses. This is an emotional and sensitive extrovert, aimed at building emotional bonds.

It is no coincidence that it is so hard for a visual person to lose love in a relationship. Or experience a feeling of unrequited love for a guy or girl. After all, a person with a visual vector comprehends his whole life precisely in love and sensual connection with a partner. So why suffer all your life? How to stop loving a person for whom your feelings do not matter?

The recipe that will help the visual person to get rid of hopeless longing in a short distance is compassion and empathy for those who are in distress. A huge emotional amplitude is given to the viewer by nature for the realization of these properties in society.

A person with such qualities perfectly manifests himself as a volunteer, can work with the seriously ill, the elderly, and the disabled. But you can start small: switch your emotions to compassion and help an elderly neighbor, or support a friend. Then your own hopeless feeling of longing will gradually be replaced by a light and bright sadness.

Emotional well-being for a long time is achievable only when a person is aware of all the properties of his psyche and implements them among other people. For training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, building happiness in paired relationships and realizing oneself has become absolutely real:

How to stop loving when love is like a disease

Often a person with a visual vector calls love a completely different state - emotional dependence. In this case, he does not so much give away a deep emotional connection to a loved one as he demands and longs for manifestations of love for himself. He experiences a kind of emotional hunger, which he tries to satiate with the help of another person. Of course, this does not contribute to harmony in the pair.

Being in this state, a person with a visual vector can endlessly bully his boyfriend or girlfriend, be afraid of his betrayal or departure. Thinking that he continues to love a person, in fact, he experiences a painful dependence on him, is afraid to be left without a source that gives the desired emotions.

The reason for such states is the lack of realization of one's innate talents and properties. The emotional range of the viewer is too great to focus only on the loved one. Often the partner cannot withstand the emotional pressure, and the couple breaks up.

Also, visual people are distinguished by a rich imagination and fantasy. They are quite capable of loving not the person himself, but some invented image.

The situation is aggravated when, in addition to the visual, a person also has properties. He asks his carrier aspiration to the past and a phenomenal memory. Such people cannot forget their former partner for a long time, they are tormented by painful memories and painful grievances.

They have already managed to get rid of emotional dependence and painful memories of the past, to remove the burden of resentment, who have been trained in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan:

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

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