Poor Lisa - analysis of the work. Analysis of "Poor Liza" Karamzin Analysis of the story poor Liza Karamzin

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The story "Poor Lisa", written by Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, became one of the first works of sentimentalism in Russia. The love story of a poor girl and a young nobleman won the hearts of many of the writer's contemporaries and was received with great enthusiasm. The work brought unprecedented popularity to the then completely unknown 25-year-old writer. However, with what descriptions does the story “Poor Liza” begin?

History of creation

N. M. Karamzin was distinguished by his love for Western culture and actively preached its principles. His role in the life of Russia was enormous and invaluable. This progressive and active man traveled extensively in Europe in 1789-1790, and upon his return he published the story "Poor Lisa" in the Moscow Journal.

Analysis of the story indicates that the work has a sentimental aesthetic orientation, which is expressed in interest in, regardless of their social status.

While writing the story, Karamzin lived in a dacha with his friends, not far from which he was located. It is believed that he served as the basis for the beginning of the work. Thanks to this, the love story and the characters themselves were perceived by readers as completely real. And the pond near the monastery began to be called "Lizina Pond".

"Poor Lisa" by Karamzin as a sentimentalist story

“Poor Liza” is, in fact, a short story, in the genre of which no one wrote in Russia before Karamzin. But the writer's innovation is not only in the choice of genre, but also in the direction. It was behind this story that the title of the first work of Russian sentimentalism was entrenched.

Sentimentalism arose in Europe in the 17th century and focused on the sensual side of human life. Questions of reason and society went by the wayside for this direction, but emotions, relationships between people became a priority.

Sentimentalism has always sought to idealize what is happening, to embellish. Answering the question about what descriptions the story “Poor Liza” begins with, we can talk about the idyllic landscape that Karamzin paints for readers.

Theme and idea

One of the main themes of the story is social, and it is connected with the problem of the attitude of the nobility towards the peasants. It is not for nothing that Karamzin chooses a peasant girl for the role of the bearer of innocence and morality.

Contrasting the images of Lisa and Erast, the writer is one of the first to raise the problem of contradictions between the city and the countryside. If we turn to what descriptions the story "Poor Lisa" begins with, then we will see a quiet, cozy and natural world that exists in harmony with nature. The city, on the other hand, frightens, terrifies with its “mass of houses”, “golden domes”. Lisa becomes a reflection of nature, she is natural and naive, there is no falsehood and pretense in her.

The author speaks in the story from the position of a humanist. Karamzin depicts all the charm of love, its beauty and strength. But reason and pragmatism can easily destroy this wonderful feeling. The story owes its success to the incredible attention to the personality of a person, his experiences. "Poor Lisa" evoked sympathy from her readers thanks to Karamzin's amazing ability to portray all the spiritual subtleties, experiences, aspirations and thoughts of the heroine.


A complete analysis of the story "Poor Liza" is impossible without a detailed examination of the images of the main characters of the work. Liza and Erast, as noted above, embodied different ideals and principles.

Lisa is an ordinary peasant girl whose main feature is the ability to feel. She acts according to the dictates of her heart and feelings, which ultimately led her to death, although her morality remained intact. However, in the image of Lisa there is little peasant: her speech and thoughts are closer to the language of the book, however, the feelings of the girl who fell in love for the first time are conveyed with incredible truthfulness. So, despite the external idealization of the heroine, her inner experiences are conveyed very realistically. In this regard, the story "Poor Lisa" does not lose its innovation.

What descriptions begin the work? First of all, consonant with the character of the heroine, helping the reader to recognize her. This is a natural idyllic world.

Erast appears completely different to readers. He is an officer who is only puzzled by the search for new entertainment, life in the world tires and bores him. He is not stupid, kind, but weak in character and changeable in his affections. Erast truly falls in love, but does not think about the future at all, because Lisa is not his circle, and he will never be able to marry her.

Karamzin complicated the image of Erast. Usually such a hero in Russian literature was simpler and endowed with certain characteristics. But the writer does not make him an insidious seducer, but a sincerely fallen in love man who, due to weakness of character, could not pass the test and keep his love. This type of hero was new to Russian literature, but he immediately took root and later received the name "superfluous person."

Plot and originality

The plot of the story is pretty straightforward. This is the story of the tragic love of a peasant woman and a nobleman, the result of which was the death of Lisa.

What descriptions begin the story "Poor Lisa"? Karamzin draws a natural panorama, the bulk of the monastery, a pond - it is here, surrounded by nature, that the main character lives. But the main thing in the story is not the plot and not the descriptions, the main thing is feelings. And the narrator must awaken these feelings in the audience. For the first time in Russian literature, where the image of the narrator has always remained outside the work, the hero-author appears. This sentimental narrator learns the love story from Erast and retells the reader with sadness and sympathy.

Thus, there are three main characters in the story: Lisa, Erast and the author-narrator. Karamzin also introduces the technique of landscape descriptions and somewhat lightens the ponderous style of the Russian literary language.

Significance for Russian literature of the story "Poor Lisa"

An analysis of the story thus shows Karamzin's incredible contribution to the development of Russian literature. In addition to describing the relationship between the city and the countryside, the appearance of an “extra person”, many researchers note the birth of a “little person” - in the image of Liza. This work influenced the work of A. S. Pushkin, F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy, who developed the themes, ideas and images of Karamzin.

The incredible psychologism that brought world fame to Russian literature also gave rise to the story "Poor Liza". With what descriptions does this work begin! How much beauty, originality and incredible stylistic lightness are in them! One cannot overestimate Karamzin's contribution to the development of Russian literature.

Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa" became a key work of its time. The introduction of sentimentalism into the work and the presence of many themes and problems allowed the 25-year-old author to become extremely popular and famous. Readers were absorbed in the images of the main characters of the story - the story of the events of their lives became an occasion to rethink the features of humanistic theory.

History of writing

In most cases, unusual works of literature have unusual stories of creation, however, if Poor Lisa had such a story, then it was not provided to the public and was lost somewhere in the wilds of history. It is known that the story was written as an experiment at the dacha of Peter Beketov, which was located near the Simonov Monastery.

Information about the publication of the story is also rather scarce. For the first time, "Poor Liza" saw the light in the "Moscow Journal" in 1792. At that time, N. Karamzin himself was its editor, and 4 years later the story was published as a separate book.

Heroes of the story

Lisa is the main character of the story. The girl belongs to the peasant class. After her father's death, she lives with her mother and earns money by selling knitwear and flowers in the city.

Erasmus is the main character of the story. The young man has a gentle character, he is not able to defend his position in life, which makes both himself and Lisa in love with him unhappy.

Lisa's mother is a peasant woman by birth. She loves her daughter and wants the girl to live her future life without difficulties and sorrows.

We propose to trace which was written by N. Karamzin.

The plot of the story

The action of the story takes place in the vicinity of Moscow. The young girl Lisa lost her father. Because of this, her family, consisting of her and her mother, began to gradually become poorer - her mother was constantly sick and therefore could not work fully. Liza represented the main labor force in the family - the girl actively wove carpets, knitted stockings for sale, and also collected and sold flowers. Once a young aristocrat, Erasmus, approached the girl, he fell in love with the girl and therefore decided to buy flowers from Lisa every day.

However, Erasmus did not come the next day. Disappointed, Lisa returns home, but fate presents the girl with a new gift - Erasmus comes to Lisa's home and says that he can come for flowers himself.

From this moment, a new stage in the girl's life begins - she is completely captivated by love. However, despite everything, this love adheres to the framework of platonic love. Erasmus is captivated by the spiritual purity of the girl. Unfortunately, this utopia did not last long. The mother decides to marry Lisa - a rich peasant decided to woo Lisa. Erasmus, despite his love and admiration for the girl, cannot claim her hand - social norms strictly regulate their relationship. Erasmus belongs to the nobility, and Lisa belongs to ordinary peasants, so their marriage is a priori impossible. In the evening, Liza comes on a date to Erast as usual and tells the young man about the upcoming event in the hope of support.

The romantic and devoted Erast decides to take Lisa to his house, but the girl cools his ardor, noting that in this case he will not be her husband. This evening the girl loses her purity.

Dear readers! We offer you to get acquainted with Nikolai Karamzin.

After this, the relationship between Lisa and Erasmus was no longer the same - the image of the immaculate and holy girl faded away in the eyes of Erasmus. The young man begins military service, and the lovers part. Lisa sincerely believes that their relationship will retain its former ardor, but the girl will be greatly disappointed: Erasmus is addicted to playing cards and does not become a successful player - marriage to a rich old woman helps him avoid poverty, but does not bring happiness. Lisa, having learned about the wedding, committed suicide (drowned in the river), and Erasmus forever acquired a sense of guilt for her death.

The reality of the events described

The features of the artistic construction of the plot and the description of the background of the work suggest the reality of the events taking place and the literary reminiscence of Karamzin. After the publication of the story, the surroundings of the Simonov Monastery became especially popular among young people, near which, based on Karamzin's story, Liza lived. Readers also took a fancy to the pond, in which the girl allegedly drowned, and even cutely renamed it "Lizin". However, there is no data on the real basis of the story; it is believed that its characters, as well as the plot, were the fruit of the author's imagination.


The story as a genre does not imply the presence of a huge number of themes. Karamzin fully complies with this requirement and is actually limited to only two topics.

The theme of peasant life

Using the example of Lisa's family, the reader can get acquainted with the peculiarities of the life of peasants. Readers are presented with a non-generalized image. From the story you can learn about the details of the life of the peasants, their everyday and not only everyday difficulties.

Peasants are people too

In literature, one can often find the image of peasants as a generalized one, devoid of individual qualities.

Karamzin, on the other hand, shows that the peasants, despite their lack of education and lack of involvement in art, are not devoid of intelligence, wisdom, or moral character.

Lisa is a girl who can keep up the conversation, of course, these are not topics about innovations in the field of science or art, but her speech is logical, and her content makes her associate the girl as an intelligent and talented interlocutor.


The Problem of Finding Happiness

Every person wants to be happy. Lisa and Erasmus are also no exception. The platonic love that arose between young people allowed them to realize how it is to be happy and at the same time how it is to be deeply unhappy. The author in the story raises an important question: is it always possible to become happy and what is needed for this.

The problem of social inequality

One way or another, but our real life is subject to some unspoken rules and social stereotypes. Most of them arose on the principle of social distribution into layers or castes. It is this moment that Karamzin acutely personifies in the work - Erasmus is an aristocrat, a nobleman by origin, and Lisa is a poor girl, a peasant woman. A marriage between an aristocrat and a peasant woman was unthinkable.

Loyalty in relationships

When reading the story, you understand that such exalted relations between young people, if they were transferred to the plane of real time, would not exist forever - sooner or later the love ardor between Erasmus and Lisa would fade away - the public position prevented further development, and the resulting stable uncertainty provoked the degradation of romance.

Guided by the possibility of material improvement of his position, Erasmus decides to marry a rich widow, although he himself gave Lisa a promise to always love her. While the girl faithfully awaits the return of her lover, Erasmus cruelly betrays her feelings and hopes.

The problem of urban orientation

Another global problem that found its reflection in Karamzin's story is the comparison of the city and the countryside. In the understanding of urban residents, the city is the engine of progress, newfangled trends and education. The village is always presented as something backward in its development. The inhabitants of the village, respectively, are also backward in every sense of the word.

The villagers also note the differences between the inhabitants of cities and villages. In their concept, the city is the engine of evil and danger, while the village is a safe place that preserves the moral character of the nation.


The main idea of ​​the story is to denounce sensuality, morality and the influence of the emotions that have arisen on the fate of a person. Karamzin brings readers to the concept: empathy is an important part of life. Don't deliberately renounce compassion and humanity.

Karamzin argues that human morality is a factor that does not depend on class and position in society. Very often people with aristocratic ranks are lower in their moral development than ordinary peasants.

Direction in culture and literature

The story "Poor Lisa" is marked by the peculiarities of the direction in literature - sentimentalism successfully embodied in the work, which was successfully embodied in the image of Lisa's father, who, according to Karamzin's description, was an ideal person within his social cell.

Lisa's mother also has multiple features of sentimentalism - she experiences significant mental anguish after the departure of her husband, sincerely worries about the fate of her daughter.

The main array of sentimentalism falls on the image of Lisa. She is depicted as a sensual person who is so absorbed in her emotions that she is unable to be guided by critical thinking - after meeting Erasmus. Liza is so absorbed in new romantic experiences that, apart from these feelings, she does not take any other feelings seriously - the girl is not able to sensibly assess her life situation, she is little worried about her mother's feelings and her love.

Instead of love for her mother (which used to be inherent in Lisa), now the girl's thoughts are occupied by love for Erasmus, which reaches a critical egoistic climax - Lisa perceives the tragic events in a relationship with a young man as an irrevocable tragedy of her whole life. The girl does not try to find a "golden mean" between the sensual and the logical - she completely surrenders to emotions.

Thus, Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa" became a breakthrough of its time. For the first time, readers were given an image of the characters as close to life as possible. The characters do not have a clear division into positive and negative. Every character has good and bad qualities. The work reflects the main social themes and problems, which in their essence are philosophical problems outside of time - their relevance is not regulated by the framework of chronology.

The history of the creation of "Poor Liza"

karamzin liza story literature

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin is one of the most educated people of his time. He preached advanced educational views, widely promoted Western European culture in Russia. The personality of the writer, multifacetedly gifted in various fields, played a significant role in the cultural life of Russia in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Karamzin traveled a lot, translated, wrote original works of art, and was engaged in publishing activities. His name is associated with the formation of professional literary activity.

In 1789-1790. Karamzin traveled abroad (to Germany, Switzerland, France and England). Upon the return of N.M. Karamzin began publishing the Moscow Journal, in which he published the story Poor Liza (1792), Letters from a Russian Traveler (1791-92), which placed Karamzin among the first Russian writers. In these works, as well as in literary critical articles, the aesthetic program of sentimentalism was expressed with its interest in a person, regardless of class, his feelings and experiences. In the 1890s, the writer's interest in the history of Russia increased; he gets acquainted with historical works, the main published sources: chronicle monuments, notes of foreigners, etc.

According to the memoirs of contemporaries, in the 1790s the writer lived in a dacha near Beketov near the Simonov Monastery. The environment played a decisive role in the concept of the story "Poor Lisa". The literary plot of the story was perceived by the Russian reader as vital and real, and the characters as real people. After the publication of the story, walks in the vicinity of the Simonov Monastery, where Karamzin settled his heroine, and to the pond, into which she rushed and later received the name "Lizina Pond", became fashionable. As the researcher V.N. Toporov, defining the place of Karamzin's story in the evolutionary series of Russian literature: "For the first time in Russian literature, fiction created such an image of true life, which was perceived as stronger, sharper and more convincing than life itself."

"Poor Liza" twenty-five-year-old Karamzin brought real fame. A young and previously unknown writer suddenly became a celebrity. "Poor Lisa" was the first and most talented Russian sentimental story.

The writing

Words and tastes contrary

And contrary to wishes

On us from a faded line

Suddenly, there is charm.

What a strange thing for our days

It's not a secret for us.

But there is merit in it:

She's sentimental!

Lines from the first performance "Poor Liza",

libretto by Yuri Ryashentsev

In the era of Byron, Schiller and Goethe, on the eve of the French Revolution, in the intensity of feelings characteristic of those years for Europe, but with the ceremonial and pomp of the Baroque still preserved, the leading trends in literature were sensual and sensitive romanticism and sentimentalism. If the emergence of romanticism in Russia was due to translations of the works of these poets, and later it was developed by its own Russian writings, then sentimentalism became popular thanks to the works of Russian writers, one of which is “Poor Lisa” by Karamzin.

In the words of Karamzin himself, the story "Poor Lisa" is "a very uncomplicated fairy tale." The story of the fate of the heroine begins with a description of Moscow and the author's admission that he often comes to the "deserted monastery" where Lisa is buried, and "listens to the muffled groan of times swallowed up by the abyss of the past." With this technique, the author indicates his presence in the story, showing that any value judgment in the text is his personal opinion. The coexistence of the author and his hero in the same narrative space before Karamzin was not familiar to Russian literature. The title of the story is built on the combination of the heroine's own name with an epithet characterizing the sympathetic attitude of the narrator towards her, who at the same time constantly repeats that he has no power to change the course of events ("Ah! Why am I writing not a novel, but a sad story?").

Liza, forced to work hard to feed her old mother, one day comes to Moscow with lilies of the valley and meets a young man on the street who expresses his desire to always buy lilies of the valley from Lisa and finds out where she lives. The next day, Lisa is waiting for the appearance of a new acquaintance - Erast, without selling her lilies of the valley to anyone, but he only comes the next day to Lisa's house. The next day, Erast tells Lisa that he loves her, but asks to keep their feelings secret from her mother. For a long time, “their embraces were pure and immaculate,” and to Erast, “all the brilliant amusements of the great world” seem “insignificant in comparison with the pleasures with which the passionate friendship of an innocent soul fed his heart.” However, soon the son of a wealthy peasant from a neighboring village woo Lisa. Erast objects to their wedding, and says that, despite the difference between them, for him in Lisa "the most important thing is the soul, a sensitive and innocent soul." Their dates continue, but now Erast "could not be satisfied with being just innocent caresses." “He wanted more, more, and finally, he could not wish for anything ... Platonic love gave way to such feelings that he could not be proud of and which were no longer new to him.” After some time, Erast informs Lisa that his regiment is going on a military campaign. He says goodbye, gives Lisa's mother money. Two months later, Liza, having arrived in Moscow, sees Erast, follows his carriage to a huge mansion, where Erast, freeing himself from Lisa's embrace, says that he still loves her, but circumstances have changed: on the campaign he lost almost all of his estate, and is now forced to marry a rich widow. Erast gives Liza a hundred rubles and asks the servant to escort the girl out of the yard. Lisa, having reached the pond, under the canopy of those oaks, which just "a few weeks before had witnessed her delights", meets the neighbor's daughter, gives her the money and asks her to tell her mother with the words that she loved the man, and he cheated on her. After that, he jumps into the water. The neighbor's daughter calls for help, Lisa is pulled out, but too late. Lisa was buried near the pond, Lisa's mother died of grief. Erast until the end of his life "could not be consoled and considered himself a murderer." The author met him a year before his death, and learned the whole story from him.

The story made a complete revolution in the public consciousness of the XVIII century. Karamzin, for the first time in the history of Russian prose, turned to a heroine endowed with emphatically mundane features. His words "and peasant women know how to love" became winged. Not surprisingly, the story was very popular. In the noble lists, many Erasts appear at once - the name was previously infrequent. The pond, located under the walls of the Simonov Monastery (a 14th-century monastery, preserved on the territory of the Dynamo plant on Leninskaya Sloboda Street, 26), was called Lisiny Pond, but thanks to Karamzin's story, it was popularly renamed Lizin and became a place of constant pilgrimage. According to eyewitnesses, the bark of the trees around the pond was cut with inscriptions, both serious (“Poor Liza died in these streams for days; / If you are sensitive, passerby, take a breath”), and satirical, hostile to the heroine and author (“Erastov died in these streams bride. / Drown yourself, girls, there is enough room in the pond”).

"Poor Lisa" has become one of the pinnacles of Russian sentimentalism. It is in it that the refined psychologism of Russian artistic prose, recognized throughout the world, is born. Of great importance was the artistic discovery of Karamzin - the creation of a special emotional atmosphere corresponding to the theme of the work. The picture of a pure first love is drawn very touchingly: “Now I think,” Liza says to Erast, “that without you life is not life, but sadness and boredom. Without your dark eyes, a bright month; the singing nightingale is boring without your voice…” Sensuality – the highest value of sentimentalism – pushes the heroes into each other’s arms, gives them a moment of happiness. The main characters are also characteristically drawn: chaste, naive, joyfully trusting people, Liza appears as a beautiful shepherdess, least of all like a peasant woman, rather like a sweet secular young lady, brought up on sentimental novels; Erast, despite the dishonest act, reproaches himself for him until the end of his life.

In addition to sentimentalism, Karamzin gave Russia a new name. The name Elizabeth is translated as "honoring God." In biblical texts, this is the name of the wife of the high priest Aaron and the mother of John the Baptist. Later, the literary heroine Eloise, a friend of Abelard, appears. After her, the name is associated with a love theme: the story of the "noble maiden" Julie d "Entage, who fell in love with her modest teacher Saint-Pre, Jean-Jacques Rousseau calls "Julia, or New Eloise" (1761). Until the early 80s of the XVIII century, the name "Lisa" was almost never found in Russian literature. By choosing this name for his heroine, Karamzin broke the strict canon of European literature of the 17th-18th centuries, in which the image of Lisa, Lisette was associated primarily with comedy and with the image of a maid-maid, who usually quite frivolous and understands everything connected with a love affair at a glance.The gap between the name and its usual meaning meant going beyond classicism, weakening the ties between the name and its bearer in a literary work. new: character - behavior, which was a significant achievement of Karamzin on the way to the "psychologism" of Russian prose.

Many readers were struck by the audacity of the author in the style of presentation. One of the critics from the Novikov circle, which once included Karamzin himself, wrote: “I don’t know if Mr. Karamzin made an era in the history of the Russian language: but if he did, it’s very bad.” Further, the author of these lines writes that in "Poor Liza" "bad morals are called good manners"

The plot of "Poor Lisa" is maximally generalized and compressed. Possible lines of development are only outlined, often the text is replaced by dots and dashes, which become its “significant minus”. The image of Lisa is also only outlined, each feature of her character is a topic for a story, but not yet the story itself.

Karamzin was one of the first to introduce the opposition of the city and the countryside into Russian literature. In world folklore and myth, heroes are often able to act actively only in the space allotted to them and are completely powerless outside of it. In accordance with this tradition, in Karamzin's story, a village man - a man of nature - turns out to be defenseless, falling into an urban space, where laws operate that are different from the laws of nature. No wonder Lisa's mother tells her: "My heart is always in the wrong place when you go to the city."

The central feature of Liza's character is sensitivity - this is how the main merit of Karamzin's stories was defined, meaning by this the ability to sympathize, to discover "tender feelings" in the "bends of the heart", as well as the ability to enjoy the contemplation of one's own emotions. Liza trusts the movements of her heart, lives "gentle passions." Ultimately, it is ardor and fervor that lead her to death, but morally she is justified. The idea consistently pursued by Karamzin that it is natural for a spiritually rich, sensitive person to do good deeds removes the need for normative morality.

Many perceive the novel as a confrontation between honesty and windiness, kindness and negativity, poverty and wealth. In fact, everything is more complicated: this is a clash of characters: strong - and accustomed to go with the flow. The novel emphasizes that Erast is a young man "with a fair mind and a kind heart, kind by nature, but weak and windy." It was Erast, who, from the point of view of the Lisa social stratum, is the “darling of fate”, was constantly bored and “complained about his fate.” Erast is represented by an egoist who thinks that he is ready to change for the sake of a new life, but as soon as he gets bored, he, without looking back, changes his life again, without thinking about the fate of those whom he abandoned. In other words, he thinks only about his own pleasure, and his desire to live, not burdened by the rules of civilization, in the bosom of nature, is caused only by reading idyllic novels and oversaturation with social life.

In this light, falling in love with Lisa is only a necessary addition to the idyllic picture being created - it’s not for nothing that Erast calls her his shepherdess. Having read novels in which “all people carelessly walked along the rays, bathed in clean springs, kissed like turtledoves, rested under roses and myrtle”, he decided that he “found in Liza what his heart had been looking for for a long time.” Therefore, he dreams that he will “live with Lisa, like brother and sister, I will not use her love for evil and I will always be happy!”, And when Lisa gives herself to him, the satiated young man begins to grow cold in his feelings.

At the same time, Erast, being, as the author emphasizes, "kind by nature", cannot just leave: he is trying to find a compromise with his conscience, and his decision comes down to paying off. The first time he gives money to Liza's mother, when he no longer wants to meet with Lisa and goes on a campaign with the regiment; the second time - when Lisa finds him in the city and he informs her about his upcoming marriage.

The story "Rich Lisa" in Russian literature opens the theme of the "little man", although the social aspect in relation to Lisa and Erast is somewhat muffled.

The story caused a lot of frank imitations: 1801. A.E. Izmailov "Poor Masha", I. Svechinsky "Seduced Henrietta", 1803 "Unfortunate Margaret". Along with this, the theme of "Poor Liza" can be traced in many works of high artistic value, and plays a variety of roles in them. So, Pushkin, moving to realism in prose works and wanting to emphasize both his rejection of sentimentalism and its irrelevance for contemporary Russia, took the plot of "Poor Lisa" and turned the "sad reality" into a story with a happy ending "The Young Lady - Peasant Woman" . Nevertheless, the same Pushkin in The Queen of Spades shows the line of the future life of the Karamzin Lisa: the fate that would have awaited her if she had not committed suicide. An echo of the theme of a sentimental work also sounds in the novel “Sunday” written in the spirit of realism by L.T. Tolstoy. Seduced by Nekhlyudov, Katyusha Maslova decides to throw herself under a train.

Thus, the plot, which existed in literature before and became popular after, was transferred to Russian soil, while acquiring a special national flavor and becoming the basis for the development of Russian sentimentalism. Russian psychological, portrait prose and contributed to the gradual departure of Russian literature from the norms of classicism to more modern literary trends.

Other writings on this work

"Poor Lisa" by Karamzin as a sentimentalist story The image of Lisa in the story "Poor Lisa" by N. M. Karamzin The image of Liza in the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Liza" The story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" through the eyes of a modern reader Review of the work of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" Characteristics of Lisa and Erast (based on the novel by N. M. Karamzin "Poor Liza") Features of sentimentalism in the story "Poor Lisa" The role of the landscape in N. M. Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa" N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza". Characters of the main characters. The main idea of ​​the story. The story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" as an example of a sentimental work

Plot of this lyrical work is built on a love story between a poor peasant girl Lisa and a wealthy nobleman Erast. To get acquainted with the beauty he likes, he buys lilies of the valley from her, which she collected in the forest for sale. Liza charmed the guy with her naturalness, purity and kindness. They began dating, but, unfortunately, happiness was short-lived. Soon Erast got bored with the girl and he found a more profitable match for himself. The young man regretted his rash act for the rest of his life. After all, Lisa, unable to bear parting with her beloved, drowned herself in the river.

main theme this sad story, of course, is love. It serves as a test for the main characters. Lisa is devoted and faithful to her beloved, literally dissolves in him, completely surrenders to feelings, cannot live without him. While Erast turns out to be a miserable, petty and narrow-minded person, for whom material wealth is much more important than feelings. For him, a position in society is more precious than love, which quickly bored him. Lisa cannot live after such a betrayal. She cannot imagine her future without love and is ready to say goodbye to life. So strong is her attachment to her beloved. He is even more important to her than life itself.

main idea"Poor Lisa" is that you must completely surrender to your feelings and not be afraid of them. After all, only in this way is it possible to defeat selfishness and immorality in oneself. In his work, Nikolai Mikhailovich shows that sometimes poor people are much kinder than wealthy gentlemen.

Surprisingly, Karamzin does not blame Erast for Lisa's death at all, but explains to the reader that the big city had such a negative impact on the young man, making him more cruel and depraved. The village brought up simplicity and naivety in the main character, which played a cruel joke on her. But not only the fate of Lisa, but also Erast was tragic, because he never became really happy and for the rest of his life experienced a strong sense of guilt for his fateful act for the girl.

Own the work of the author builds on opposition. Erast is the exact opposite of an honest, pure, naive and kind girl from the lower class. He is a selfish, cowardly, spoiled young man belonging to a noble family. Their feelings are also different. Liza's love is sincere and real, she cannot live a day without her lover. While Erast, as soon as he received his own, on the contrary, begins to move away and his feelings quickly cool down, as if nothing had happened.

Thanks to "Poor Lisa" you can learn from the mistakes made by the main characters. After reading this story, I want to become at least a little more humane and sympathetic. Nikolai Mikhailovich tries to teach the reader to be kinder, more attentive to others, to think better about his words and deeds. Also, this story awakens a sense of compassion for other people, makes you reconsider your behavior and attitude towards the world around you.

Option 2

Karamzin, with his stories, made a great contribution to the development of Russian literature, including prose. He decided to apply new techniques in narrative prose. He abandoned the traditional plots of works taken from the mythology of ancient states. He applied an innovative technique, that is, he began to write about modern events, and even stories about ordinary people. And so the story was written about a simple girl Liza, who was called "Poor Lisa."

The author worked on the story for two years from 1789-1790. Karamzin did not try to write a story with a happy ending. As I said, he was an innovator in Russian prose. In this work, the main character died and there was no happy ending.

While reading this work, several sub-themes are highlighted that form the main theme of the story. One of the topics is when the author begins to describe the life of the peasants in full swing. He repeatedly emphasizes the relationship between the peasant and wildlife. According to the author, the main character, who grew up in communication with nature, cannot act as a negative character. She grew up on the observance of centuries-old traditions. She is cheerful and kind. In general, Karamzin expressed in Lisa all the best qualities of a person. She is perfect from all sides, and the formation of the beauty and meaning of the work "Poor Lisa" begins with this character.

The main thought can safely be called true love. Lisa fell in love with a rich nobleman. The girl immediately forgot about social inequality and plunged headlong into the dark pool of love. He girl did not expect betrayal from her beloved. When she found out that she had been betrayed, out of grief she threw herself into the lake and drowned. The theory of the little man was also touched upon here, that is, there can be no full-fledged love between people who belong to different strata of society. Most likely, such a relationship does not need to be started, because initially they will not last long. All this because they were born and accustomed to their special life. And if other layers fell, then they felt out of place.

The main problem of the story can be called that Lisa succumbed to a fit of feelings, and not reason. We can safely say that her momentary weakness ruined her.

Poor Lisa - Analysis 3

N.M. Karamzin wrote the work "Poor Liza" very beautifully. The main acting characters were sent by a simple peasant woman and a young rich nobleman. Having created this work, the young writer receives great fame. The idea of ​​​​writing this story by the author was the Simonov Monastery, which was located not far from the house where Karamzin spent time with close friends. With this story, Karamzin wanted to show that there are huge misunderstandings between the relations between peasants and nobles. It was with this thought that the heroine Lisa was created.

Karamzin described Lisa as a very spiritual and pure-minded person, she embodies her own image of principles and ideals, which was not entirely clear to Erast. Although she was an ordinary peasant woman, she lived as her heart told her. Liza was a very well-read girl, so it was difficult to determine from her conversation that she was of peasant origin.

Erast, Liza's lover, was an officer who lived a secular life. I thought only about how you can brighten up your life with entertainment, so as not to get bored. Despite the fact that he was very smart, his character was very changeable. He did not think that Lisa would never be able to become his wife, because they were from different classes. Truly in love with Erast. Having a wayward weak character, he could not resist and carry their love with Lisa to the end. He preferred a lady from his society, did not think about the feelings of poor Lisa. This, of course, did not surprise anyone, because money for high society has always been in the foreground, rather than real, sincere feelings. Therefore, the ending of this story was very tragic.

Despite the fact that the work is written very interesting. The end of the sentimental love story ended with the tragedy of the main character Lisa. The reader is literally imbued with the events described. Nikolai Mikhailovich was able to describe the once heard story in such a way that the reader literally carries through himself, all the sensuality of the work. Each new line is filled with the depth of feelings of the main characters. In some moments you involuntarily feel the harmony of nature. The author was so accurately able to describe the place where Lisa committed suicide that the reader is left with no doubt about the veracity of this story.

Thanks to the uniqueness of the work, Nikolai Karamzin added his masterpiece to Russian literature. Thus, making a huge step in its development. Due to the inherent sentimentality and tragedy, the work became a model for many writers of that time.

Essence, meaning, idea and thought. For grade 8

The story "Poor Lisa" was first published in 1792. Its publication is handled by the author himself. At that moment, Nikolai Mikhailovich was the owner of the Moscow Journal. It is on its pages that the story appears. A simple story with an unpretentious plot brought the writer extraordinary fame.

In the story, the narrator is the author. The story tells about the life of a young peasant woman. She works tirelessly. To earn extra money go to the city girl. He sells berries and flowers there. In the city, Lisa meets a young man, Erast. Erast nobleman. Has some wealth. He is described as a frivolous person who lives for fun. But at the same time, he was already bored.

Liza, on the other hand, is described as pure, trusting, kind, unsophisticated. However, two opposite characters - Liza and Erast - fall in love with each other. They are happy. They think that happiness will last forever.

However, everything changes after intimacy. Erast begins to lose interest in the girl. And at some point disappears from her life. But Lisa loves him still. She is trying to find a lover. And it soon turns out that Erast lost all his wealth in cards. And in order to save his position, he is forced to marry.

Lisa cannot survive the betrayal. Without telling anyone about her experiences, she decides to die. The pond near the Simonov Monastery became her last refuge.

The author sympathizes with his heroine. He is bitter from the immoral act of Erast. The author condemns the hero. But he softens, knowing that Erast himself cannot forgive himself. He is in pain. According to the writer, Erast's torment is justified.

The work “Poor Liza” Karamzin wrote, guided by foreign literature. From it he took a stylistic direction. "Poor Lisa" is written in the style of classical sentimentalism.

Classicism flourished during Karamzin's time. The works of many writers were published in several volumes. But N.M. Karamzin is considered the author of short stories. And the work about a peasant girl is also written in the genre of a short story. But it is also called a little voluminous story. Despite the small volume, "poor Lisa" did not belong to any cycle of stories. After being published in the Moscow magazine, the story gained wide popularity and recognition. Subsequently, the Work was published as a separate book.

the story raises questions of morality, social inequality, betrayal, the theme of the “little man” is touched a little.

The themes of immorality and betrayal are still relevant today. Very often people do things without thinking that they can hurt.

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