Quest for transformation into graces. Transformation Quest Lineage 2 Transformation Quest

Country house 03.10.2022
Country house

The quest is needed in order to be able to study transformations, of which there are 8 types. The quest is taken in Hardin's Academy from level 50 Hardin(located inside the cave).

Passage of the quest

  1. Let's take a quest. chatting with Hardin in dragon valley. We are sent to hunters village.
  2. We arrive at hunters village we were sent here to receive errickin. It is located in the hut of the Dark Elves from the entrance on the left side. We talk with him ... He sends us to The Forest of Mirrors. Kill monsters under the name Forest of Mirrors Ghost (Ghost of the Looking Glass) (Level 46). Note: The easiest way to find monsters is to focus on the map, or rather like this: open the map, we see a beacon (yellow) on it, to the left of this beacon, an oblong oval of pale yellow color (the low is indicated on the maps) we are in this low because the main accumulation of the necessary mobs in her. These monsters need 35 ectoplasm, items drop from almost every mob.
  3. After you have filled the required number ectoplasm, we return to the NPC in the hut at the Dark elves. He sends you back to Hardin in Hardin's Academy. Talk to him and go to complete the second part of his task.
  4. This time Hardin sends you to Town of Dion to the dark elves to the NPC by name Clayton. We talk with him. He sends you to get 5 Glass Jaguar Crystal. Items drop from the mob of the same name Glass Jaguar (Glass Jaguar) (Level 27), he is in the location Plains of Dion, which can be accessed through Gatekeeper.
  5. We stuff 5 quest items from it. After receiving the required quantity, we return to Town of Dion to Clayton in the hut of the Dark Elves. He sends us back to Hardin's Academy to Hardin.
  6. We arrive at Hardin's Academy to Hardin. Let's do the quest. We get the Book of Transformation in our hands.
  7. We fly to Ivory Tower to the floor to human, there is an NPC Avant Garde which allows you to teach transformations. We teach. Now you can transform into a cat (this is the 1st, free transformation, you need scrolls to learn the rest).
Ruof version of the quest:

Quest name: More than meets the eye
Passing conditions: No requirements
Level: 50+
Repeatability: Disposable
Quest NPC: Hardin (Hardin Academy, Giran)
Reward: 67,550 Adena, Tome of Transformation: Onyx Beast
Summary: Necromancer Hardin has found a way to change the appearance of living beings. However, this raises some difficulties. Hardin continues his research and is looking for a brave traveler who could help him with this.

The Great Necromancer Hardin discovered transformation magic, which can be used to change the appearance of a creature. However, there is a danger of losing the soul. Listen to his story and try to help him.

1. Talk to hardin at the Hardin Academy

For research, Hardin needs Stabilized Ectoplasm. It can be obtained from Magister Erikin from the Hunter's Village. Go to him.

2. Teleport to the Hunter Village. Talk with Magister Erikin in the Dark Elf Guild.

Erikin asks you to get a simple Ectoplasm for him. The monsters that live in the Forest of Mirrors have it.

3. Go to the Forest of Mirrors. Kill monsters Mirror and Ghost Through the Looking Glass

Until you receive Ectoplasm (35 pcs.)

You have collected Ectoplasm. Now return to Magister Erikin.

4. Return to the Hunter's Village. Talk with Magister Erikin

Get Stabilized Ectoplasm

Erikin gives you Stabilized Ectoplasm. Now return to Hardin.

5. Return to Hardin Academy. Talk with hardin

Get Hardin's instructions

According to Hardin, transformation magic requires the magic symbols to be entered into the Blank Book of Spells. It can be obtained from Magister Clayton in the City of Dion.

6. Teleport to Dion. Talk with Master Clayton at the Dark Elf Guild

The Spellbook can only be crafted with 5 Glass Jaguar Crystals. They can be obtained from monsters that are found in the vicinity of Dion Castle.

7. Go to the Outskirts of Castle Dion. Kill monsters Glass Jaguar

Until you receive Glass Jaguar Crystal x5

You have collected Glass Jaguar Crystals. Now return to Master Clayton.

8. Return to Dion. Talk with Master Clayton

Get Blank Book of Transformation

You now have an Empty Spellbook. Return to Hardin.

9. Return to Hardin Academy. Talk with hardin

Reward 67,550 Adena and Tome of Transformation: Onyx Beast

Note: You can learn transformation in the Ivory Tower, on the second floor from the Master of Transformation Vanguard. To learn other transformations you need to complete this task.

English version of the quest:

The quest is needed in order to be able to study transformations, of which there are 8 types.

The quest is taken in Hardin's Academy with 50 lvl at NPC by name Hardin(located inside the cave)

1. Let's take a quest. We chat with the NPC. We are sent to Hunter's Village

2. We arrive at Hunter's Village here we were sent to receive an NPC by name errickin. He is in a hut at dark elves from the entrance on the left side.

We talk to him... He sends us to Forest of Mirror. Kill monsters under the name Forest of Mirrors Ghost...

Note: The easiest way to find monsters is to focus on the map, or rather like this: open the map, we see a beacon (yellow) on it, to the left of this beacon, an oblong oval of pale yellow color (the low is indicated on the maps) we are in this low because. the main accumulation of the necessary mobs in it.

From these monsters you get ectoplasm(something along those lines). We need 35 of them (fall from each mob).

3. After you have filled the required number of quest item, we return to the NPC in the hut at dark elves. He sends you back to the NPC Hardin in Hardin's Academy. Talk to him and go to complete the second part of his task.

4. This time Hardin sends you to Dion into the hut to Dark elves to an NPC by name Clayton We talk with him. He sends you to get 5 quest items entitled Mordeo Crystals(I don’t remember the exact name) Items fall from the mob of the same name Mordeo he is in Cruma Tower on the 1st floor.

This mob is easiest to find on this map.

Red marks the path and location to the mob Mordeo

We stuff 5 quest item from it
Attention: items do not drop from every mob! The chance is about 30-50% After receiving the required amount, we return to Dion to the NPC in the hut of the Dark Elves. He sends us back to Hardin's Academy to Hardin.

5. We arrive at Hardin's Academy to Hardin. We hand over the quest. Naruki get the Book of Transformation. What to do with her?

So in total there are 8 types of transformation, therefore 8 books are needed.

The two starting books that are easiest to get are:

1. 1st book - Beast Onyx, obtained by quest.
2. Book 2 - Death Blade, can be bought from the Black Marketeer of Mammon for Ancient Adena - 660,000 AA

Other books:

Tome of Transformation - Onyx Beast: Available from Avant-Garde for Adena - Book 1
- Tome of Transformation - Death Blader: Available from Black Marketeer of Mammon for Ancient Adena - Book 2
- Tome of Transformation - Apostle Grail: Available from Guild Adventurer in Gludin Village
- Tome of Transformation - Unicorn: Available from Guild Adventurer in Oren Castle Village
- Tome of Transformation - Lilim Knight: Available from Guild Adventurer in Oren Castle Village
- Tome of Transformation - Golem Guardian: Available from Guild Adventurer in Schuttgart Castle Village
- Tome of Transformation - Inferno Drake: Available from Guild Adventurer in Schuttgart Castle Village
- Tome of Transformation - Dragon Bomber: Available from Guild Adventurer in Aden Castle Village
Acquiring Tome of Transformation from Guild Adventurer requires Crystal of Life and Adena. Non-combat transformation can be achieved by attaching the talisman to the bracelet. Talismans for non-combat transformations can be obtained from Rainbow Clan Hall or Wild Beast Reserve.

Where to get Crystal of Life / Crystals of Life?
Life Crystals In addition to expanding the list of rewards for defeating raid bosses, a new system of rewards for successful raids has been introduced. When defeating raid bosses of level 40 and above, the characters receive special Life Crystals of various types.

With the help of these crystals, players can craft any C, B and A-class items - weapons, armor, accessories, hairpins. You can craft items through the NPC Adventure Guild.

If the clan that owns the castle defeats a certain raid boss in their territory, an NPC Adventure Guild Manager will appear in the city of this castle, which can help craft A-class items. To craft an A-class item, you need to exchange Life Crystals of a certain type for other crystals.

You can play a mini-game on Life Crystals. You can play for crystals with any NPC Adventure Guild.

Necromancer Hardin found a way to change the appearance of living beings. However, this raises some difficulties. Hardin continues his research and is looking for a brave traveler who could help him with this.
  1. Hardin's study
    • Target: hardin
    • The Great Necromancer Hardin discovered transformation magic, which can be used to change the appearance of a creature. However, there is a danger of losing the soul. Listen to his story and try to help him.
  2. Ectoplasm
    • Target: Magister Erikin
    • For research, Hardin needs Stabilized Ectoplasm. It can be obtained from Magister Erikin from the Hunter's Village. Go to him.
  3. Ectoplasm
    • Target: Forest of Mirrors
    • Erikin asks you to get some simple Ectoplasm for him. The monsters that live in the Forest of Mirrors have it.

      Hunting targets: Ghost of the Forest of Mirrors, Mirror.

  4. Conversation with Erikin
    • Target: Magister Erikin
    • You have collected Ectoplasm. Now return to Magister Erikin.
  5. Ectoplasm
    • Target: hardin
    • Erikin gives you Stabilized Ectoplasm. Now return to Hardin.
  6. Blank Book
    • Target: Master Clayton
    • According to Hardin, for transformation magic, it is necessary to enter the magic symbols in the Blank Book of Transformation. It can be obtained from Magister Clayton of Dion.
  7. Glass Jaguar Crystal
    • Target: Surroundings of Castle Dion
    • It takes 5 Glass Jaguar Crystals to craft a Blank Book of Transformation. They can be obtained from monsters that are found in the plains of Dion.

      Purpose of hunting: Glass Jaguar.

  8. Conversation with Clayton
    • Target: Master Clayton
    • You have collected Glass Jaguar Crystals. Now return to Master Clayton.
  9. Conversation with Hardin
    • Target: hardin
    • You now have a Blank Book of Transformation. Return to Hardin.
  1. Hardin's Research
    • target: Hardin
    • Hardin, a Necromancer Grand Master heavily involved in researching Necromancy Magic, has discovered polymorph magic, the ability to transform someone's appearance. However, he is having difficulty stabilizing the soul of the subject of the magic. Listen to his story and find a way to help.
  2. Stabilized Ectoplasm
    • target: Dark Elf Errickin
    • To create a structure appropriate for the polymorphed soul, Hardin requires Stabilized Ectoplasm. It can be obtained from Dark Elf Magister Errickin in Hunters Village. Go find him.
  3. ectoplasm
    • target: Forest of Mirrors
    • In order to produce Stabilized Ectoplasm, ectoplasm is obviously required. Ectoplasm can be obtained from the Mirrors and Forest of Mirrors Ghosts in the Forest of Mirrors. Collect the 35 Ectoplasms needed by Errickin.

      Monsters to be hunted - Forest of Mirrors Ghost, Mirror

  4. Ectoplasm Collected
    • target: Magister Errickin:
    • You have collected the 35 Ectoplasms needed. Return to Errickin in Hunters Village.
  5. Stabilized Ectoplasm Acquired
    • target: Hardin
    • You have obtained Stabilized Ectoplasm from Errickin. Return to Hardin's Academy and give them to Hardin to continue his research.
  6. Blank Sealbook
    • target: Magister Clayton
    • According to Hardin, polymorph information must be engraved on the polymorpher. A Blank Sealbook is required in order to transfer information about Hardin's polymorph magic energy and engrave the polymorpher. Find Magister Clayton in Dion Town to obtain a Blank Sealbook.
  7. Glass Jaguar Crystal
    • target: Plains of Dion
    • According to Magister Clayton, it will require 5 Glass Jaguar Crystals to make a Blank Sealbook as Hardin has requested. You can obtain Glass Jaguar Crystals from the Glass Jaguars who live on the Plains of Dion.

      Monsters to be hunted - Glass Jaguar

  8. Completed collecting the Glass Jaguar Crystal
    • target: Magister Clayton
    • All the necessary Glass Jaguar Crystals have been collected. Give them to Magister Clayton.
  9. Blank Sealbook Acquisition
    • target: Hardin
    • You have acquired the Blank Sealbook from Magister Clayton. Hurry to Hardin.
More Than Meets the Eye (New spirit, new look)
Restrictions: Must be at least level 50
Description of the quest is relevant for all updates from Interlude to High Five.

1. The transformation quest starts at Hardin's Academy (Hardin Academy)

at Hardin (Hardin)

you can find which you can use the services of a gatekeeper in the Town of Giran (City of Giran), and after teleportation go south, to a cozy cave.

2. Will be sent to the village of Hunters Village (Hunters Village)

talk to Errickin (Erikin) in the Dark Elf Guild (Dark Elf Guild)

3. Long-eared, after the conversation, will send to The Forest of Mirrors (Forest of Mirrors)

where you will need to kill the Forest of Mirrors Ghost (Ghost of the Forest of Mirrors)

and Mirror (Mirror)

and collect Ectoplasm (Ectoplasm) from them in the amount of 35 pieces, then return with a full set of necessary things, get Stabilized Ectoplasm (Stabilized Ectoplasm), stomp to Hardin with the resulting bottle, exchange it for Hardin's Instructions (Hardin's Instructions) and get a new direction.

4. You will need to go to the Town of Dion (City of Dion)

and bring paperwork Clayton (Clayton) in the Dark Elf Guild (Dark Elf Guild)

5. The description of this item is relevant only BEFORE Gracia Part 1: Will be sent to visit the Cruma Tower (Cruma Tower)

After moving inside, go down from the gatekeeper to the T-junction and turn right (west) there. In the first room, crouch against the wall, pretend to be a hose and in such a simple way get to the exit from the room to your left (in the south). Then we will go straight, without turning anywhere, until we come across another T-shaped intersection, where we will need to turn right again (again to the damned west). At the end of the corridor there will be another large corridor, turn left (south) in it and go into the only possible room where Mordeo will actually hang out (Mordeo)

from which it will be necessary to knock out Mordeo Crystal (before Gracia Part 1 there was no official Russian translation, so figurines, not the Russian name of the item) in the amount of 5 pieces.
The itinerary is attached.

if you're too lazy to read.
From the Gracia Part 1 update, they will send to Plains of Dion (Plains of Dion)

kill there Glass Jaguar (Glass Jaguar)

(which, the funniest thing, will be 20 levels lower) and collect Glass Jaguar Crystal from them in an amount of 5 pieces.

6. After collecting the required number of items, you will need to return to Clayton, and get from him Blank Sealbook (Clean Book of Transformation), with which you need to return to Hardin, from whom this quest was taken, and receive as a reward Transformation Sealbook: Onyx Beast (Book Transformation into Onyx Beast). This completes the transformation quest.

Completion Reward:

The resulting book of transformation (and all other books including) can be studied on the second floor of the Ivory Tower (Ivory Tower)

at Avant-Garde (Vanguard)

from which it will also be possible to learn sub-class skills.

(31 voice, average: 4.8 out of 5)

Transform Quest will give you the opportunity to learn sub skills, as well as learn the transformations you need. There are a large number transformations which give a cool buff for pvp as well as transforms for mega farm.
Start: Hardin | Race: Any | Level: 50+ | Reward: Sealbook: Onyx Beast (As well as the ability to learn skills from Sub-skills)


1. With the onset of level 50, we can start quest for transformation. We fly to Hardin Academy, go down into the cave and talk to Hardin.

For transformation

2. We fly to Hunter Village, Errickin is waiting for us here.

For transformation

3. We head to the Forest of Miror to kill mobs, you need to collect 35 Ectoplas from them (items drop from each mob in the clearing)

4. After collecting items, we head back to Errickin, talk to him and fly back to Hardin.

5. After talking with Hardin, do tp to Dion.

6. We run to the dark elves to meet with Clayton.

7. We head to farm mobs in Plains of Dion, kill jaguars: Glass Jaguar (you need to fill 5 quest items)

8. When we have collected items in our hands, we return to Clayton, talk to him and fly back to Hardin.

We hand over the quest for the transformation Hardin and we get the book of transformation for our use.

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