Why can't we see the subtle world!? The subtle world is the posthumous existence of a person. Does the subtle world see us

Electricity 11.11.2021


The basis of the talent that allows you to see auras lies in each of us. In fact, we see auras all the time, we just don't realize it.

auras- this is the physical manifestation of the soul, and a person is able to see them. There is nothing supernatural in this - just ordinary physics and normal vision.

Seeing an aura is not difficult, and by reading the guidelines, you will learn how to do it in one minute. Auras differ in color, the color of the aura is associated with the state of your body and your character traits. Moreover, you can learn to change the color of your aura, thereby maintaining good health, identify your illnesses even before the appearance of their signs, and help heal ailments. By mastering the art of seeing auras, you will also gain the ability to recognize the attitude of others around you.


The two exercises below will help you learn to see auras, both your own and those of others, using ten simple guidelines. The first, ethereal, layer of the aura can be seen by everyone, since it is close to the body and, as a rule, is the brightest. The second, astral, shell of the aura is located farther from the body, it is more scattered. Take into account that these layers can change colors and blend, and are rarely separated by a clear line.


1) Place the object of observation at a distance of 45 to 60 cm in front of a white wall. At first, it is advisable to avoid painted walls and walls with a pattern.
2) Use indirect lighting - natural diffused daylight if possible. Avoid neon lights and direct sunlight.
3) View the object from a distance of at least 2.5 - 3 meters.
4) Ask the subject to relax, breathe deeply and sway slightly from side to side with the arms relaxed and the palms open.
5) Look past the subject's head and shoulders, focusing on the wall behind the subject.
6) Try not to look at the subject, focusing on the texture of the plaster or the background behind the subject.
7) Looking along the outlines of the body, at the border of the body and air, you will notice a band of diffuse light around the object, about 1 cm wide. This is an ethereal aura.
8) Keep looking "through" the object and you will see it as if it is backlit, sometimes bright yellow or silver. One side may be brighter or pulsate slowly. Auras are rarely homogeneous.
9) All people are different. Some objects will have a less distinct aura than others, and not every observer sees colors the first time. An indistinct shell, or halo, around the body becomes noticeable rather soon, usually after a minute or even earlier.
10) Try working with different objects and experiment with lighting and backgrounds. Soon you will see a second, wider band of light spreading around the body to a width of 10 to 50 cm. This is the astral aura. It is usually darker and more diffuse.


1) Stand in front of a mirror, half a meter away from it or further if possible.
2) Have a white or neutral background visible in the mirror behind you.
3) Relax, breathe deeply and sway slightly from side to side.
4) Focus your eyes on the surface texture of the wall behind you.
5) Looking past the outline of your head and shoulders, you will see a sheath of light around your body that will move with you as you sway lightly.
6) Remember to watch your breath as you are now the observer and the object at the same time.
7) Lighting should be subdued, neither too bright nor too dim. Experiment. The aura cannot be seen in complete darkness, and bright light blurs even the most iridescent aura.
8) The color of the clothes doesn't matter. When you learn to distinguish the color of your aura, you may find that it does not harmonize with certain items in your wardrobe, but, nevertheless, you will understand that clothing does not affect the true color of your aura.
9) Do some experiments with color projection. Pick a color and try to visualize it. With this exercise, you can temporarily change the basic color of the aura, and this change will be noticeable.
10) As you exhale, the aura will increase. Listing numbers from one to thirty will help you release energy. Take a breath after every two numbers. After the number twenty, hold your breath, increasing the speed of counting, and you will see how the size and vibration of your aura changes. When you restore calm breathing, the aura will return to its previous size, but may add in brightness.


Colors have certain emotional characteristics that have been known in most cultures of the world for centuries. This explanation can be used as a basis for analyzing the relationship between emotions and colors, and also provides information about the main organs of the body that these colors affect.



Achievements in the spiritual sphere, connection with the divine, mystical penetration, cosmic self-consciousness. Located in the region of the pituitary gland.


Inspiration or deep wisdom. May indicate spirituality or piety of nature. Artistry and harmony with nature. The ability to control yourself. Located in the region of the pineal gland.


Powerful psyche, intellect, logical thinking. Pure blue color demonstrates the ability to intuition. Dark shades indicate a suspicious, overthinking personality or a dreamy mindset. Focused on the brain.


Balance, harmony, a tendency to heal, the ability to bring peace. Clean green color indicates adaptability, versatility. Dark shades mean deceit, jealousy. Located in the thyroid gland and neck.


Love and kindness, compassion, optimism, "breath of life". Dark, lifeless shades of yellow show suspicion, envy, or greed. Focused on the heart and solar plexus.


Energy and health, physical endurance, activity. Pride can come from too much orange in the aura. A dark or hazy hue indicates low intelligence. Located in the region of the stomach and spleen.


Physical vitality, vigor, ambition, sexual power. A dark or hazy red shows a tendency to be passionate or angry. Focused on the genital area.


SCARLET - lust, base passions, materialism.

PINK - selfless love, tenderness, modesty.

BROWN - greed, selfishness.

GOLDEN - the higher "I", good qualities, harmony.

SILVER - versatility, high energy, constant change.

GRAY - depression, low energy, fear.

BLACK - bad thoughts, anger, evil intentions.

Place the person you are working with half a meter in front of a flat, white, vertical surface. Ask him to relax and breathe deeply. For better perception, you need to be no closer than three meters from it, and the light should not be bright and directed directly at the object. Natural lighting is best. The aura technique requires you to look past the head and shoulders. Focus on the wall behind the human figure. Looking through his silhouette, you will very soon notice an indistinct white or grayish silvery halo surrounding the body, as if there was an upward light source behind the person.

Soon the glow will most likely disappear.

This is due to the natural reaction of most people who, upon first seeing a halo, involuntarily look at the person himself, and do not continue to peer at the wall. As soon as you refocus your eyes on the background, the halo will appear again. You have to train your eyes so that they do not return to normal focus - this is the main difficulty of training. Once you have mastered the technique of holding the “peer-to-peer gaze”, you will notice that you can easily see colors, shapes, rays, and even minor fields of the aura.


This will most likely take some time. Despite the fact that I learned to see the aura, almost immediately, it took three whole days before I could distinguish colors - but what! Most beginners first see pink or yellow, then blue, green, purple. Some of you will be lucky enough to see the colors right away.

Of those I taught, there were a few people who could not distinguish colors (only occasionally yellow), but there was no one who would not see a halo. If you wear glasses, you should probably take them off, although some choose not to. Lighting is also an important factor. Fluorescent light is the least suitable; natural diffused lighting will be ideal. The direct rays of the sun are too intense, they suppress and blur the aura. Candlelight works well, but care must be taken that the candle does not cast a shadow on the background on which you are concentrating your eyes.

Try to work with different people. They need to take a deep breath and exhale completely. One tip: ask them to slowly recite the alphabet, taking a breath every two letters. After the letter "m" you need to increase the speed of listing letters and, if possible, finish the alphabet on one exhalation.

You will notice how the aura changes as the breathing pattern changes. In some people, when accelerating, the aura expands. If you breathe incorrectly, that is, shallowly, it shrinks. Deep breathing with a full chest is the single most powerful energy exercise you can think of. When a person inhales, the aura begins to decrease slightly, and when exhaling, it increases. When the subject's breathing rhythm changes to a more rapid one, the aura may manifest very faintly and close to the body.

Another useful advice: Make the object sway slightly from side to side. You will see how the aura will move with the person. Sometimes it moves in sync with the object, in other cases it moves with a delay. You might see a colored orb over one shoulder, or a clear, bright line of light along the arm. They may pulsate and then disappear.


An aura cannot be right or wrong, and one color cannot be better than another. Some shades of colors may indicate not entirely desirable aspects, but the brightness and transparency of the aura indicate the degree of goodwill, peace of mind and happiness. A clear and bright aura is better than a cloudy and dull one.

Although the body is completely surrounded by aura, it is easiest to see it in the head and shoulder girdle. Most often, auras have one main color, which is located close to the body, and moves away from the head and shoulders by no more than 3-10 centimeters. This color can be mixed with another, usually adjacent in the spectrum.

A yellow base, for example, will mix with a green or orange color and may become "chartreuse" for a moment, then, as you observe, return to a yellow coloration, then turn into an orange-pink and stabilize again, staying closer to yellow.

The human aura is unstable by nature, it changes depending on both internal and external stimuli. Everything we do, say or think affects our energy field. The color we emit is affected by our physical environment, as well as the people we interact with and the energy fields they emit. What we eat and drink, and what we think also contributes to the overall picture. Even the rhythm of breathing changes the aura, as became evident from the previous exercise.

We all talk about vibrations or the chemical compatibility of people. The first impression is formed under the influence of the moment. To a large extent it depends on external signs: general charm, facial expressions, manner of dressing, posture and gestures. In the very first seconds of acquaintance, we analyze and evaluate people at the level of consciousness - positively or negatively. Subconsciously, we do the same: vibrations or chemistry may go unnoticed, but the interaction of energy fields makes us instinctively feel that in addition to verbal communication, there may be a subtler, higher level of mutual compatibility.

That is why you sometimes do not like some people who are drawn to others, or, conversely, at first sight you like a person who is not very attractive outwardly. There is simply something about others that attracts or repels you, which you cannot point a finger at. This "something" is perhaps a normal electromagnetic field, which we perceive as an aura when light passes through it, and which can be felt if the right sensitivity is achieved, like biofield healers.

The color we see is determined by the frequency of the light waves. The red color underlying the rainbow spectrum is characterized by long and slow waves. As you move to orange, and then yellow and green, the waves become shorter, faster and easier to read. Blue and violet have the highest vibration frequency; they are difficult to see, as they usually refer to the manifestation of the outer (astral) aura, which should not be confused with the brighter inner (etheric) aura - this is what we learn to perceive in the first place. In some people, the inner aura is dominated by purple, indicating their outstanding spiritual knowledge. Its presence in the outer aura indicates great potential for spiritual growth. The color of high development is also golden - it shows great inner strength. It can appear in the form of an energy clot above the head or over one of the shoulders.

In the classes I taught, the students saw with their own eyes golden rays emanating from some of the subjects, or geometric figures- a triangle, for example - around others. Some subjects were wearing a "clown's cap" hanging 5-10 cm above their heads. It happened that such phenomena were witnessed by sixty people at the same time, and when they were asked to describe what they saw on paper, most of the descriptions coincided in many details.


So, now you know the basic technique, thanks to which you can see the aura! Now you need to train in order to develop and consolidate the strength of the newly acquired ability in the way that you "pump" the muscles. Try to work with different people in different environments, keeping in mind the basic conditions: white or neutral background, diffused lighting, the distance from the object to the wall - half a meter, to you - three meters. Most importantly, focus on the wall, not the object.

How, now don't you think that you have gained a long-lost sixth sense? You can even see your own aura in the mirror. Simply move your focal point to a wall or other background behind your reflection, and by peering carefully (don't forget to breathe properly), you'll find it.

Don't be discouraged if you can't see the colors right away. Relax and keep trying. When you do see the colors, you are likely to open your mouth in amazement or exclaim something, because these colors, although barely visible at first, are actually quite saturated. With practice, you will begin to perceive auras in different situations, under different lighting, on a far from optimal background. And with any luck, your new talent will become second nature.


In my aura classes, when it was clear that the energy of one of the students was depleted or polluted, we did a little experiment. While the rest of the class continued to observe his aura, he (or she), at my direction, would rub his hands together and stretch them out in front of him, palms up. When I placed my palms at a distance of ten or fifteen centimeters above him and began to drive them, the object began to feel warm and slightly prickly. Since I was kneeling in front of him, the entire class could still see the aura around his head and shoulders.

After a few moments, the effect of such recharging became obvious. The aura grew in size, became brighter; the changes were often dramatic. The dominant color usually intensified and often passed into another, standing in the spectrum at a higher level - for example, a green aura could begin to cast blue or purple. Sometimes the aura "monkeyed" and took on the color that I radiated at that moment. Even after I removed my hands, the aura continued to recover before my eyes and, once recharged, increased further on its own.

You can try this yourself. Begin with a preliminary study of the aura and note its qualities and characteristics. Even if you have not yet learned to perceive colors, pay attention to the shape, size and brightness of the aura. If the color is distinguishable, after recharging, observe the changes in the shades and intensity of the color of the aura, not forgetting its transparency and iridescence.

If there are several people around you, you can record the results of individual experiences and then compare them. This will give you a richer opportunity for observation, and comparing changes in the aura of different people will serve as an excellent exercise.

To observe recharging in several people, the objects should stand facing each other on either side of the observer and lightly rub their palms for a few seconds. When some place their open palms over the palms of others without touching them, some changes will take place in the aura of each of these people.

In some cases, the aura of one may be "frightened" by the aura of the other and deviate from it; in others, on the contrary, they begin to mix and merge. If both participants are asked to think about love or the person they love – even if it is not the person opposite – the changes, sometimes quite spectacular, will become visible immediately. With the same success, you can observe the reaction to other emotions: hatred, fear, anxiety, jealousy, and so on; the results will also be instant, but different every time. From now on, you will be able to see in the outer aura of the physical body the changes caused by thoughts and emotions.

When you have enough practice in observing the aura to detect the halo in a matter of seconds, you can experiment. There is another way to change a person's aura: place an object in the region of his parietal chakra. You can use a variety of things, such as magnets, crystal, watches, necklaces, gems, by placing them above the head of the observed object.


What energy you release, the same energy you attract. If you radiate a positive vibration, then you will attract people with a similar mindset and positive vibration to your environment.

What if you could control your health constantly, day after day, based not only on how you feel, but also on what you saw with your own eyes? Not just how we physically look in the mirror, but how we see ourselves and how we feel? What if you use your state in a whole new way? Until now, you have not paid attention to one of the most essential aspects of your physical condition - the color and brilliance of your aura.

Looking at your aura in the mirror, you can see how others feel about you. People around you may not be aware of what exactly they feel, but this is precisely the so-called good or bad vibrations. And since you now know this little secret, it is in your power to change the appearance of your aura with kind thoughts, positive emotions and meditation.


What energy you release, the same energy you attract. This truism is always true and extends beyond the energy of the aura. If you radiate a positive vibration, then you will attract people with a similar mindset and positive vibration to your environment. People with negative energy, pessimists and cynics attract energy of the same type, creating for themselves, if you like, something like a curse that cannot but come true. Therefore, the energy shell that you are surrounded by throughout your life serves as a reliable bait for an aura with a similar energy. When meeting a person, you feel it instinctively, and both the electric current that you surround yourself with and the chemical composition of your body are involved in this.

When I was traveling around the country, talking to different people, I noticed a book by Carol Jackson, published several years ago, called "Colour Me Prettier." It advised to dress according to your "seasonal" type. Some women, according to the color of their hair, eyes and skin, belong to the "summer" type of personality, others - to the "autumn", "winter" or "spring". This principle applies to some people, however, as I found, the vast majority of those who read the book said that it was not suitable for them. This most likely happened because the author did not take into account the most important color that characterizes a person: the color of the aura.

Those people who have taken the time to learn this or simply have a natural inclination to match color combinations and surrounding materials to suit their luminous energy field are often among the happiest, most creatively prolific and harmonious individuals we know. When women tell me that they don't feel comfortable at the time of year to which their type belongs, but, on the contrary, as a rule, look better and feel better in clothes of completely different colors from those recommended by the book, they are often surprised when they first see in the mirror the color of their aura and realizing that they have many items of clothing that match - if not identical - the color they radiate.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of daily monitoring of your aura. You will notice a change as the color moves up or down the frequency spectrum; you can also see changes in your health and well-being by the aura - if you just look at it! To look at your aura once and forget about it will not bring any benefit. It is good if the study of the aura in the morning, in preparation for the coming day, becomes a daily habit.

You will be able to recognize the disease before it manifests in the body, and in a happier scenario, you can use the aura check to make it easier for you to choose your wardrobe for the whole day! If daily observation of the aura becomes a habit and you dress accordingly, you will experience peace and harmony in your daily activities, as you will not violate the color boundaries established by the aura field.

Some, however, go to extremes with regard to color. I know several women who almost always wear only black. Others consistently prefer neutral colors, and some women are particularly attracted to white, though usually not all year round. From a practical point of view, it is true that white, due to its reflective properties, as cooler, is good to wear in summer, but I increasingly notice men and women dressing in black even in the hottest months of the year. I asked some of them why they prefer such a heat-absorbing color even during the summer months, and all the answers, although slightly different, revolved around a certain sense of comfort, ease and confidence that black clothing gives. This is probably just a defense mechanism and a way to hide your energy field. On a subconscious level, this may be an attempt to exert greater influence and pressure on others with the help of some mysterious qualities imparted by black.

Remember that you attract the same energy that you radiate. Animals use their natural coloration to blend into their environment when they want to be invisible, both for protection from predators and for stalking prey. Perhaps there is something from this ingrained animal instinct in the play of colors that we choose for our outfits: both in order to attract the opposite sex, and to protect against those who encroach on our energy, and to change the main color of our auras.

This exercise is based on the previous exercise where you contemplated the corpuscles of cosmic energy in the sky. We continue the same exercise, but go to a deeper stage. Now you will see spirits...

You will see that lines and stains appear in it, some fuzzy shapes and outlines, balls, ovals and zigzags. They can be transparent or slightly colored. These forms can also take the form of people or animals, birds, plants, and other objects.

Know for sure!

What you see is not an optical illusion! These are subtle beings and objects; ordinary people do not notice them due to distraction of attention and blinking of their eyes. In addition to the physical reality visible to the eyes, there is a more subtle world woven from ethereal matter or astral.

The subtle world is full of objects and various creatures!

In some cases, it is possible to fix objects woven from ethereal matter in photo and video shooting.

In ancient cultures, these creatures were called elementals, ghosts, spirits, and apparitions. In extrasensory perception they are called energy entities.

Develop an unblinking look!

Today, throughout the day and on other days, learn to look unblinking in order to see a more subtle world. At first, this exercise may seem quite difficult, but with practice it will get easier!

Our eyes are used to blinking to maintain our illusory reality!

As you progress in the practice of non-blinking gaze, you will be able to do without blinking movements. for a long time. Then you will be able to clearly see the more subtle beings and objects that fill the ethereal or astral world.

This exercise can be done in any environment, anywhere!

Just look and hold back blinking eye movements. If you feel like blinking, try to squint your eyes slightly without closing them completely, lubricating the mucous membrane of the eyes and continuing to look.


Increase the time of non-blinking staring gradually, look longer and longer every day, you can make several such approaches throughout the day. If your eyes are watery or sore, buy any eye drops at the pharmacy and use them as needed. You can also rinse your eyes with a slightly warm black tea solution. Also try to close your eyes after exercise and relax their muscles. So you will learn to see energies and subtle matter, which you can later control and play. And this, in turn, can help you achieve various life goals.


Man is the creator of two worlds: dense and subtle. Dense he creates with his hands, Thin with thought.

There are two biggest events in a person's life - this is Birth and Death. If birth causes emotions of joy and happiness, then death for our consciousness is the greatest grief, suffering and loss. Why so? For example, the first Christians rejoiced at death, because they believed that a person after death returns Home. They considered life on Earth a torment. In the East, death is also not considered terrible. And only the West, with a thinking that denies everything Higher, grows cold with horror at the word "death" and goes crazy with the thought that death is inevitable.
This cup did not bypass the author of these thoughts. From early childhood, I was tormented by a constant fear of death. Because of this incessant horror, I had to do a lot of meanness, fill my head with shameful entertainment, only to forget and not think. This continued until the age of 25, when life path met the Teaching of Agni Yoga. Since then, my life began a period without fear. It is an incredible happiness to get rid of fear!

I. Transition

A moment ago, I said goodbye to all my family and friends. And here I am already here - in the Subtle World. Was I scared? Absolutely not! Only joy and a feeling of trembling excitement and solemnity filled me. I can't understand why people are afraid of death. Because of obscurity, ignorance, your vices and crimes? From the fact that you have to answer for your atrocities? It's probably different for everyone. And yet during my lifetime, every night during my sleep I visited the Subtle World. Although everyone does this, only the majority is unconscious, and they wander in the wilds and on the dumps of the Subtle World. That is why they see the horrors and outrages of the Subtle World, mistaking them for dreams.
In the last moments of life, all life is reflected in our memory, and events emerge from all the forgotten nooks and crannies, picture after picture, one after another. That impression and thought, which were the strongest, are manifested in the most vivid images. No man dies insane or in a state of unconsciousness, as some physiologists claim. Even a madman will have his moment of perfect clarity at the moment of death, although he will not be able to tell those present about it. A person can often seem dead, however, from the last beat of the pulse, and between the last heartbeat and the moment when the last spark of living warmth leaves the body - the brain thinks, and the Ego relives its whole life again in these short seconds. Speak in whispers at the deathbed and be aware of yourself in the solemn presence of Death. Especially should you remain calm immediately after death has laid its demanding hand on the body. Speak in a whisper so as not to disturb the calm flow of thought and not to impede the active work of the Past, which casts its reflections on the Veil of the Future.
The subtle world is often described in literature as a kind of foggy, cold realm of wandering shadows. Do such descriptions come from superstition? But perhaps they stem from ignorance and inability to use the qualities of this excellent subtle state?
Even in the earthly state, a person sees only what he wants and nothing more. Therefore, prejudice and distrust prevent us from seeing the Subtle World in its entirety. In this world, all ideas are formed by thought. Here the inhabitants can see the Subtle World only by the degree of their thinking.
Agni Yoga opened my eyes to the fact that the Subtle World is real and diverse, therefore, before going to bed, I constantly directed my thought consciously to a meeting with my most best friend- My teacher. In the Subtle World, while still alive, I mentally built a house for myself, planted a garden in which magnificent trees and flowers grow; thought about how I would dress there.
Even on Earth, we must imagine where we want to continue our work and prosperity. We ourselves must intensify our free will so that our thought becomes the messenger of our future life in the Subtle World.
In the Subtle World, only clarity of thought is valuable. But one must think about the quality of one's thought both for the Earth and for the Subtle World. Everything here is communicated by thought, therefore the ability to think is the most important quality. Imagine an inhabitant accustomed to thinking intricately and at length, he experiences great difficulty in communicating with those around him in the Subtle World. In addition, he will not be able to perceive the lightning of a brief mental transmission. In addition, he will have to learn what he could not comprehend in earthly life - the discipline of thought. But for many this is no longer possible in the Subtle World.
It is a pity to look at such tongue-tied, they get confused in the labyrinth of their dark, weak thoughts. Their radiations are insignificant and they do not illuminate their path. It can be said that such thoughts represent an unnecessary burden for the Subtle World, instead of being luminous co-workers. Many people will regret that in the days of earthly existence they did not find time to engage in their mental improvement.
The thinker Plato said: "Let your thought fly before you and prepare your next beautiful home."
One should learn as much as possible about this vast Subtle World during one's lifetime. My mother taught me: “Learn always, son, not to carry knowledge behind your shoulders,” how this expression turned out to be true in the Subtle World!
The future state in the Subtle World depends on the last posthumous desire of a person. But this posthumous desire inevitably depends on the images that a person gave to his desires, passions and thoughts during his earthly life. For this very reason, lest our very last desire be unfavorable to our future progress, we must watch our actions and control our passions and desires throughout our earthly life.

Even while living in a physical body, I faced the choice of the source of spiritual knowledge. I began my spiritual ascent from the New Testament. How I loved Christ! I studied the Bible for several years. Went to church. But he did not find satisfaction and answers to a lot of life's questions inside. And then, by chance, on vacation in the Crimea, I bought two books "Mosaic of Agni Yoga", where wise expressions from Agni Yoga were chosen. And then he acquired the entire Teaching of Agni Yoga. From then until the very transition, Agni Yoga remained my only and true source of spiritual knowledge.

Why Agni Yoga?

Namely, there was knowledge and answers to all the burning questions that interested me so much. But most importantly, in this Teaching I learned so much new and valuable about the Subtle World and the posthumous state of man. There is no such information anywhere else! Nowhere is the Subtle World revealed in all its fullness in such detail, simply, vividly and understandably. When I studied Agni Yoga, it seemed that I was physically present in the Subtle World. How now knowledge was useful after death! The transition for me turned out to be a simple and painless thing: I actually returned Home.
Looking ahead, I’ll say that while flying through the lower layers of the Subtle World, I heard terrible, heartbreaking cries and groans out of the corner of my ear, I knew whose they were - atheists, sorcerers, witches, criminals and debauchees. I knew that I should not stop for a moment in these gloomy layers, but cries for help slowed down my striving... a moment more and these gloomy places would have sucked me in... Now I understand why everyone who passes into the Subtle World is always met by Accompanying... My The Teacher, sent by the Great Lord Maitreya, literally pulled me out of these dead places, not allowing me to linger there. As my Teacher later said, - I was still very weak to help others after the earthly school of life, first you need to rest and gain strength in the Subtle World.

The question of death is of great concern to mankind. It is precisely the transition into the Subtle World that so frightens people. One can point out how miraculously the spirit rushes into the Subtle World, which has understood its transient existence on Earth. It is necessary to consciously prepare the spirit for separation from the Earth. Thus, the Threshold, approved in its consciousness, reveals to the newcomer the Supermundane World in all its grandeur. So on the way to Higher World you have to get used to getting off the ground.
How miraculously and instantly the consciousness of a thinking person is transformed during the transition to the Supermundane World. Clearly there is an increase in some events of life and a decrease in others - the whole life flashes in the twinkling of an eye before the inner gaze of the dying. What used to be important in life: the housing problem, luxury, business, the pursuit of pleasure, now instantly becomes insignificant. And what a person did not attach importance to: the search for the meaning of life, self-improvement, selfless work for the Common Good, spiritual aspirations and savings, become fundamental. And everyone is always very sorry that they attached so little importance to these radiant short impulses of their soul during life and did not turn them into their permanent qualities. It is a pity that they forgot these valuable achievements and their wonderful impulses were drowned in the noise of the bazaar.

To be able to pass correctly into the Subtle World is a whole science, and therefore one must take this question seriously, and not lightly. After all, our future will depend on it for many centuries.
Many people pass into the Subtle World in the wrong way of thinking. Some pass in fear and horror, others in anger and irritation, others in earthly attachment, and still others imagine that there is nothing behind the bodily shell.
The most important thing is that during the transition to the Supermundane World, you need to evoke the most joyful memories in yourself. Many times mankind has been told about this joyful bridge, but people listen little, even to the best advice. Some will say - our life was dark and bleak. But they forget that every person had moments of joy. It is they who need to be called from the storage of the "chalice". And even better, during your lifetime, constantly evoke such joyful memories, accustoming yourself to joyful thinking. Then, at the moment of transition, they themselves will flare up with bright light and carry us to the most beautiful spheres of the Subtle World.
But there is no need to tie your thoughts to gloomy and difficult memories, otherwise they, like leeches, will suck out life. You need to forget about failures, because they happen in the life of every leader. Why drag a tail of unnecessary blows behind you? Let them be the payment of Karma. But joy will be the key to future prosperity. Then the Supermundane Leader can help better where there is a spark of joy.

Many unhelpful thoughts during the transition harm the future subtle existence. Among those who pass, there are people who have a kind nature, but irreconcilable. Thus, some promise to appear after death to those left on earth, but with such a promise they bind themselves and disappoint those to whom they promised. A man sets himself a task that is not useful and is rarely feasible. A person does not know what is destined for him by Karma and, thus, his desires may not coincide with his destiny. His free will tries to compete with Providence, creating torment and torment for such a person.
A person must cross the threshold of the Subtle World free, striving for perfection. Maybe later he will set such a task for himself and be able to appear in a subtle body on earth, but let such an assumption occur naturally among other future experiences and cognitions.
In addition, a person cannot predict to whom and when he may appear. It may be that the vibrations of the face he assumed have not changed and do not allow communication with the Subtle inhabitants, but they have increased in the other; such changes can emerge only from the Subtle World, and it is not wise to anticipate reality. Let everything flow naturally, without prejudice. It is very possible that such a spirit will appear in a subtle body and thereby benefit people, but it will not be a frightening ghost, but will come as a messenger of light. Perhaps, if a person appears after death to whom he wants, he will thereby frighten his acquaintance or relative to death, if he is not ready and is afraid of ghosts. This will only cause harm. But the main thing is that one must prepare for the experience of the post-mortem phenomenon with the help of one's Supermundane Guide.

Each person who crosses is met by the Accompanying Persons, whom the person knew very well during his lifetime. These may be relatives, good acquaintances, friends who have earlier passed into the Subtle World. Well, if they are highly spiritual personalities! But it is better to aspire to the Highest while living in a dense body, then we will be met by the Accompanying Ones from the Highest Layers of the Subtle World. Here's where to go!
I was met by my Supermundane Guide-Mentor. What a joyful meeting it was! Two feelings mingled in me: the greatest joy and the same shame. Although I tried to do more good deeds during my life in the earthly body and worked to eradicate my bad habits, there was still something to blush for before the Teacher and Friends. After all, nothing can be hidden in the Subtle World: neither thoughts, nor emotions, nor our earthly deeds. All this is recorded on the "video recorder" of the Subtle World called Akasha. How many times have I heard about it, and then I had a chance to see, - God, did I really do all this?... My advice to those who remained in dense bodies: to improve without delaying even for a second. The feeling of shame in the Subtle World is incredibly stronger than the earthly one... But my Teacher said that the analysis of earthly lessons would be later, but for now He and my Friends took me to my house for rest. Falling asleep in the Subtle World, I again felt an indescribable feeling of love, benevolence, security emanating from the Bright Faces of my Friends.

How to say goodbye to the departed

Analyzing the time immediately after the last breath of the physical body, we can say that my loved ones, who remained on earth, helped me a lot. Even during our lifetime, we often talked about death, and I managed to convince them that there was no need to cry and sob for me, that people mostly cry not from grief over someone who has passed into the Subtle World, but more for themselves: “Whom did you leave me for? "," What am I going to do now? ", egoism is clearly visible here. During his lifetime, he even witnessed almost insults and accusations against the one who crossed over: "Oh, you, such a rabble, took and died," - and this happens.
Unfortunately, most people do not know how to treat the dead with dignity and thus violate their ascent. They sometimes slander them about them, and this is bad. It is also not uncommon for people to completely forget those who have departed, and this is bad. It is necessary to understand what attitude towards the dead will be the most harmonious.
Imagine that the departed close person busy with important work, being behind the next wall. Our first desire will be to protect his peace in every possible way. We will take all measures so that no one and nothing disturbs his work. We take care of best means necessary for his speedy completion of his work. We will think about the work going on and send him our best thoughts. We know that a loved one is here in the neighborhood. We want to see him, but can we disturb his concentration? Shall we hinder his work? Therefore, we stock up on patience, knowing that we will see each other when the appointed hour comes.
There are many things I would like to tell him, but let us muster all caution so as not to harm him. We will do this because we love our loved ones. We will stop any slander against him, so that the waves of disharmony do not interfere with the successful work of our beloved person. We will treat the person we love the way we should. We will not grieve for an illusory loss, for we know that a loved one lives and is nearby. Also, we will not insist that someone close to us manifests bodily. If the conditions are harmonious and circumstances permit, he will not hesitate to do so.
Harmony will be needed for both worlds. If important work is being done nearby, we should not make noise and quarrel. Even in earthly life, people try to do something joyful in the name of the absent. They try to protect the things that a loved one owned. If in relation to the departed we do everything as for the absent, we will do the right thing.
Send a smile of love to those who have passed away. Send encouragement to all these travelers. Let them rest at the crossroads. And then let them tell you about the wonderful worlds.

My relatives did not cry, the feast was a mountain - I strictly forbade the commemoration for them: especially, so that not a drop of alcohol, only our own gathered, sat for a while, remembered me with a kind word and that's it. Once, in my childhood, my grandmother (a very religious person) told me: “You, granddaughters, don’t go to my grave, I’m not there, you will remember me, which means I will be next to you.” That's how it all happened. Her grave ended up in the Chernobyl zone and I did not have the opportunity to go there. But all my earthly life I remembered her and she always dreamed of me when trials were coming on my life path, she warned.
He asked me very much not to bury my body, but to burn it in a crematorium, why become a breeding ground for infection and the low energy of decomposition of my corpse? Moreover, I was always very squeamish when I imagined that my body was being devoured by worms. Fire is another matter, it cleans everything, and there is no need to produce cemeteries. In general, cemeteries are very dull and very harmful places for the planet, perhaps a little later I will talk about this.
So, none of my relatives stopped me with their lamentations, I easily and instantly crossed the line of two Worlds. And how, - they will ask, to be with three days, during which a person supposedly says goodbye to everyone, with his entire earthly life?
Yes, it's true, there is such a moment, but not for everyone. This is for those who did not know anything about the Subtle World, who were in a spiritual hibernation. Such mole rats barely left their physical body in three days, they came out dumbfounded, literally shocked. They didn't even know how to move. Like babies, they were carried under the arms by two Guardians. A pitiful sight, I tell you. I didn't need those three days. I said goodbye to everyone while still in my dense body, completed all my affairs, paid off all my debts, knew where I was going and what to do, therefore I was completely free.

There was another instructive case. A few weeks before the transition to the Subtle World, my spirit had already begun to prepare for this. I very often fell into oblivion, or rather my body, and I traveled in spirit to different places. He himself was originally from Ukraine, but he met a similar brother from Russia who was preparing for the Transition. Why brother? Because all of us, people, are brothers and sisters, only in a dense body we forget about it, but in the Subtle World it is so clearly realized. So, my Russian brother, like me, knew about the Subtle World, so we often talked about it, even agreed to cross over together. We were not afraid of death, so the terms of our Transition were revealed to us. But we knew about it only in the spirit, after returning to the physical body we forgot the terms of the Transition. Of course, there were good reasons for this.
And so, when the moment of the Transition came, we joyfully met. Here our Leaders were already waiting for us. We had just begun to move, as some powerful and gloomy force pulled my friend back. Some terrible tornado swirled him and there was no power to bring him back. What was it? Our Leaders just shook their heads bitterly. Looking "down" I saw how my friend's wife was bitterly hurting over his lifeless body, and her energy of longing and despair was so strong that this gloomy spiral was sucking my friend into a funnel, no matter how much he tried, he could not escape. Our Leaders said that no one has the right to interfere with the free will of a person, that is why They could not do anything.
We left, but he remained... and his Leader remained, helping him and encouraging him. But, if people were not so ignorant and selfish, they would know what incredible suffering they bring to the departed by such actions!
My friend suffered for almost a year, his wife did not want to let him go. As a result, she almost went blind from constant sobbing, and the Leader delivered my friend to the Subtle World almost lifeless, he was so exhausted. Yes, even in the Subtle World, where there is no need for lungs and no need to breathe, there can be such a terrible state! His wife, due to her ignorance and selfishness, has turned into a terrible energy vampire. With her sense of hopeless grief, she literally drank all the energy out of my friend. It took the leaders a lot of effort and time to bring him back to life.
Therefore, the last hours of your stay on Earth should be taken very seriously. Often the last striving can predetermine the next life in the Subtle World, and what layers of this world the spirit will dwell in. It is unacceptable for relatives and friends to call the spirit back to the Earthly spheres when it has already broken away from the earthly body. Its energy tissues have already been freed from earthly gravity, but returning, they strain in a terrible effort to assimilate again with the earthly atmosphere. What suffering and horror for the deceased!

Fear of death

The fear of death is the main obstacle that prevents the full and happy life on the ground. There is no more powerful and more paralyzing feeling in a person. But the most paradoxical thing is that this is an unfounded fear. This fear is inspired by the concepts of our ancestors. From the cradle we hear mourning funeral marches, heartbreaking stories and horrors associated with death. But there is no Death as a state of non-existence! Man is eternal. But immortality must be earned. It takes a lot of work to become immortal.
So how to overcome the animal and unreasonable fear of death? In general, all this work is designed to destroy the false fear of death, but there are specific tips on how to learn to live without fear.
So, first of all, you need to learn to think about Eternity. You need to understand eternity. The thought of eternity is not a gloomy reminder of death. A bee flies into a dwelling, and a person tries to release it into the wild. So they say - let it go free, let it fly free. Isn't it the same with man? He is there in a physical body in captivity, but here, in the Subtle World, in freedom, which means that joy is here. But the thought of eternity also gives joy on earth. Whoever thinks about the meaning of life, about flying over earthly obstacles, knows how to rejoice.
The ignorant believe that an elevated thought is a symbol of sadness and boredom, but a person who has joined the knowledge of the Supermundane will be cheerful. Even if he remembers his mistakes in the past, he will rejoice, realizing that the realization of mistakes is already the right way to get rid of delusions.
To overcome the fear of death, one must also fall in love with the Supermundane World. After all, the Supermundane World is our Home. Here are all our Friends, here we spend most of Eternity.
With what feeling should one approach the Supermundane World? Fear is a bad conductor; reason will not lead to the Heights, therefore, I repeat, you need to love the Supermundane World.
Let skeptics not be surprised that instead of complex scientific and religious formulas, prayers and spells, we are talking about the universal human feeling of love as the best guide to the Supermundane World. But in any subject, the best success is achieved if the researcher loves his subject. Only love creates the highest attraction.
Only it is necessary that in the heart of a person live not separate, soon fading, flashes of love; such mirages do not matter, but so that lasting love and devotion settle there forever, which burns inextinguishably in all life's trials. Such love will lead to the Motherland of the heart - the Supermundane World - to the beloved Motherland, where everything is familiar, everything is sweet, everything is beautiful. Such love will not be stopped by earthly cares and earthly life, on the contrary, it will strengthen the spirit in order to overcome the most difficult difficulties.
In addition, the attraction of love will help to receive the most active help from the Supermundane World. Such communication between our consciousness and the Subtle World will be true cooperation. This is how it should be in our earthly life, but people too rarely realize space law Attraction and its basis - Love. But even the most imperfect love already contains a particle of goodness. Thus, after any rational piling up, a person must come to the most beautiful natural feeling that all the kingdoms of Nature live in - Love.
It is never too late to start bringing your consciousness closer to the Supermundane World. What kind of attraction achieves such a rapprochement? Petitions and orders will not help; tears and praise will not help if the heart is closed. An ancient psalm wisely exclaims: "My heart is open!" - The one who said knew the main magnet.
Therefore, only an open heart and knowledge of the Supermundane World will bring victory over the earthly fear of death. At the same time, some will say: "It is too late for us to regenerate the heart." By this remark they prove complete ignorance. They don't understand that the word "late" should be stricken from the vocabulary of humanity. When life is infinite and uninterrupted, it will not be too late for any achievement.
Overcoming the fear of death did not happen overnight. It took months of daily work on myself. Every day I imagined my transition, my future life in the Subtle World.
At first it was very scary. A nasty feeling of fear constantly arose in the region of the solar plexus and caused great excitement. But gradually, as we delved deeper into this question, the fear passed. As a result, I replaced the fear of death with a feeling of joy, and after that I lived the rest of my life on earth joyfully.
Every day I woke up filled with life and energy. I was in no hurry to leave my dense body, for I knew that much work still needed to be done in the earthly world. But my life was already of a completely different quality. Having overcome the feeling of fear of death, he began to treat all life's hardships calmly. Decisions were taken in a balanced and correct way, because advice was constantly coming from the Subtle World. In addition, having got rid of the fear of death, he stopped wasting his life energy. Instead, the accumulation of energy began, which led to the elimination of my diseases - my health was restored.
I became fearless. I stopped being afraid of hooligans, ghosts, the dead, cemeteries. This, by the way, was immediately noticed by others. At work, they began to listen to my opinion, began to respect me. Family relationships are in harmony. After all, women are very sensitive. Most of all, they do not respect weakness in a man. And fearlessness returned self-confidence, inner and outer strength.


I cannot say how much I slept, because in the Subtle World there is no such thing as "time". Here they just live, create, here the well-known proverb: "Happy hours do not notice" is real. Everyone is happy here, what time can we talk about?
When I left the house, my leader was already waiting for me. I won't say His name, I was told not to say it. The fact is that each person has his own Spiritual Guide or Teacher, and if I now name the Name of my Teacher, say, Ivan Ivanovich, people will begin to call their Teachers that way. Therefore, it is necessary not to burden the consciousness of people by pronouncing the Names. Let each person establish a connection with his Leader, and He will reveal to him personally His Name.

Hierarchy of Spiritual Masters

It is very important to understand on what principles the relationship between people and their Supermundane Leaders is made.
This can be imagined by the example of the earthly school. It has a Director, Deputy Directors, Teachers and students. Director - this is the Great Lord or the Great Teacher. Now - this is the Great Lord Maitreya, under whose Name the whole future era of human development will pass, as the past era was directed by Christ.
For each direction in the school, the Deputy Directors are responsible. Teachers of different directions unite under their leadership. And since earthly life is like a big school, then in the Supermundane School there is a direction of Folk Education, Agriculture, Science, Arts, etc. In a word, everything that is on Earth.
But there is only one Director, and there are many of us, so the Teacher-Leaders fulfill His instructions. These are Those Who directly teach us a specific business and skill, Who protect us at any time for a day and a day, Who will immediately come to our aid, Who are the first to meet us after death.
Teachers are our Spiritual Guides, and we are students.
Teachers teach us, with all pressing problems we turn to our Them. But there are very difficult cases when the Teacher is not able to cope with the problem, then Zauchi comes to the rescue first. If the issue cannot be resolved here, then they turn to the Director.
Everyone in the school (students, teachers, Zauchi) knows that the Principal is the most revered Personality. Everyone knows that if they have problems and they will turn to the Director, - He will not leave anyone in trouble, he will definitely delve into their problems and will definitely help. That is, we turn all thoughts, all hopes and aspirations to Him. How can we not love our Director? Yes, we are for Him in fire and water!
So, the Great Lord Maiteriya is the Director of the Solar System.
I hope I explained clearly?

The Subtle World is full of all sorts of difficulties, but this does not mean that one should hide one's head in the sand, avoiding an honest cognition of this World. After all, life on earth is no less difficult. Even in earthly life, if we are not lucky enough to meet a good teacher, we will achieve little. But how much more we need such a Teacher-Leader in the Subtle World. Therefore, that the Supermundane Leader is a reality, one must begin to think during one's lifetime; then it might be too late.
After all, death can come at any moment and, like an instant, the transition to the Subtle World will flash. Even a resting person in a dream can die and, waking up, find himself in new conditions of the Subtle World. How can he call upon Someone for help if he has never thought of Him? Therefore, if the person who has crossed over does not learn about the Leaders during his lifetime, then the closest connection with Them remains unused.
Even departed loved ones can be of little help if they are rejected by the dying. When repulsed, a significant part of the assistance is sprayed. Violent help can break a hand. But great is the happiness of man to enter the Subtle World, which is known to him. Energy will not be expended on adaptation, but will be expressed in an onslaught upward, like a balloon filled with the lightest and most luminous gas, the liberated and free spirit of one who has passed into the Highest and Most Beautiful strata of the Subtle World will fly up. It was said long ago that high spheres are taken by force and they will belong to the one who can contain them.
The great sages escorted those departing to the other world with such words: "Gather all your strength to immediately rush upward."

Earth life analysis

First, my Teacher took me to a house where we were to make an analysis of my earthly life. In the Subtle World everyone is very tactful and caring towards each other. Therefore, the analysis was "behind closed doors", me and my Teacher.
So, I was shown the entire "video recording" of my life, from birth to the Transition. I remembered what task I was assigned in the Subtle World before being born in a dense body 80 years ago. And step by step I watched how successfully I implemented this task.
Until the age of thirteen he was an inquisitive sweet boy. I loved to study, read, everything was interesting to me. He studied well at school. Dreamed of exploits and travel. Then the transitional age came, the conditions of life and upbringing gradually turned me into a "dirty person" and a rebel. I watched this period of my life with difficulty, it would be better if it did not exist. But I still made the main conclusion from what I saw: if I hold some responsible state post in my next life, I will do everything so that the transition period in the life of adolescents is under special control of the state. Namely, at this time, young people lose themselves in many ways, waste and spoil them for later adult life. And then how hard it is to overcome the acquired bad inclinations and habits, and to renew the stock of wasted psychic energy, which earthlings call "health" in dense bodies.
Then I saw my adult life, marriage, the birth of children. I was ashamed of our family quarrels, here they seem so insignificant; and it is pleasant when harmony reigned in the family. The main thing is that the consequences of every perfect act, every thought and motivation were immediately visible.
I saw the meaning and results of my professional work. He worked as a teacher, so in the Subtle World it becomes not only clear, but one can see with one's own eyes how important and responsible a teacher's work is.
I saw the future of my students: I was very happy for those who heeded my teachings, and it was bitter from the unenviable share of negligent students.
Somewhere at the age of 45, a real spiritual ascent and insight began. Up to this time there was an accumulation of experience and knowledge. The children grew up, went into an independent life, freed up time for self-improvement. Now I see that the time spent on this good deed: on acquiring spiritual knowledge and skills, was the most valuable thing in life. Thanks to spiritual work, I got to the Highest Layer of the Subtle World, where the best human aspirations and aspirations are realized: Justice and Brotherhood.

What is the main thing in the Subtle World?

In the Subtle World everything is based on thought, imagination and discipline of thought. What does it mean? Everyone knows the fairy tale about the Self-Assembly Tablecloth? This tale is nothing but the story of an event seen from the Subtle World. In this World, our thought commands everything. Let's want, for example, to dress in a special way today - you need to imagine this and that's it - we are dressed. But the most difficult thing is to PRESENT! Our thought must be extremely clear, everything must be presented to the smallest detail, otherwise the clothes will be exactly the way they are in the imagination. Therefore, one can see how the inhabitants of the Lower and Middle layers of the Subtle World, who have little developed imagination and no discipline of thought, are tastelessly and ugly dressed. The discipline of thought is needed so that the image we have created is permanent.
For example, the Great Sister Urusvati (whom you earthlings know as Helena Roerich) usually wears a Hellenic purple robe. The reason for this dressing is simple: the color of the robe usually corresponds to the color of the aura, but the robe itself is borrowed from the era closest to the spirit. This era is closest to our Great Sister.
In this World of Thought, the inhabitants usually don their past earthly clothes or the clothes of their favorite incarnations. In the Subtle World, people who have not retained the memory of past lives have difficulty with the ability to dress. They remember only certain parts of the robes different eras, and therefore the most diverse mixture is obtained. They feel the need to immediately create a robe for themselves, but the undisciplined imagination presents only some scraps of robes. Seeing various garments on those around them, the newcomers begin to hastily wander in their thoughts, and each stroke of thought brings them an unexpected element in clothing. One can only pity such inhabitants.
Therefore, the main advice to the living is to comprehend the science of thinking and understand the feeling of harmony. Positively, each spiritual knowledge and accumulation will be useful in the Subtle World.
In the Subtle World, simple garments are welcomed that do not interfere with work. It would be better if in life each one would choose the most comfortable attire, it would be useful to him in the Subtle World. It is very sad when, even during life, unsuccessful earthly dresses are put on. Unfortunately, earthly fashion greatly spoils the taste and deprives a person of the perception of harmony, accustoming him to vulgarity. Of course, the Leader will try to explain the ugliness and inconvenience of clothing, but some are so stupid that they do not even understand the meaning of these tips. In addition, such inhabitants can communicate only in words and cannot perceive a mental message.

Movement in the Supermundane World

We also move in the Subtle World with the help of thought, our spirit flies after our thought, so we need to think constantly in one direction until an action is completed. At first, due to inexperience, I was constantly distracted by various objects, but very soon I learned to see and notice everything, while constantly keeping the main idea in my mind without being distracted by the secondary. The Teacher said that my studies and thought training during my life in the Solid World helped me quickly master this process.
Those who come to the Subtle World unprepared find it practically impossible to master the ability to think clearly—there are too many distracting factors here. In the Solid World, if we are mentally distracted, our body remains in place, while in the Subtle World, our thought takes us to those places that we think about. And if the person who has passed

Everything that surrounds us is energy! How to see the energy and absorb it? Learn the special technique here!

Scientific research in the field of quantum physics brings amazing results. According to them, we live in a void!

At the heart of all things and materials are atoms, which are void in their structure: most of the atom is occupied by empty space. It was previously believed that only a tiny nucleus is dense in it, but in the end it turned out that protons and neutrons (of which the atomic nucleus consists) also have a structure, and they also consist of tiny subatomic particles.

It turned out that they also consist of emptiness. It can be said that everything around us is energy, no matter how solid this or that thing is.

This article shows a way to see energy with your own eyes! Namely, to see prana¹ - a special life-giving energy that is contained in the air.

As the ancient Vedas say, humanity and all living organisms exist only because they “feed” on prana, breathe this energy. It is infinite, it is renewed every night, and people can inhale it every day.

The ability to see energy develops extrasensory perception: it allows you to see accumulations of vital energy and purposefully absorb it.

As already mentioned, prana is the source of life and health, and in this way you can improve your health in a completely natural way!

How to learn to see energy: a simple technique!

This psychic development exercise can be done anywhere. It is better to do this where there is access to fresh air and the ability to see the sky. The exercise is performed during daylight hours.

1. The practitioner goes to a window or a balcony and focuses his eyes on the sky. It can be clear, or it can be cloudy.

2. The person looks with an absent-minded and unblinking gaze for several minutes.

This look contains the secret of technology! An unblinking gaze is used in many techniques when you need to go beyond the usual visible.

People blink for two reasons:

  • physiological.

By blinking, a person wets the cornea of ​​​​the eye with liquid, ensuring the normal functioning of vision;

  • esoteric.

The instincts of the body make it blink often enough to maintain the familiar forms of the material world. The longer a person does not blink, the more it changes the world, the wider the visible range for a person becomes!

3. Soon the practitioner will see that luminous dots are flying in the air like small midges.

This is prana - the cosmic energy of life, enclosed in the form of special corpuscles.

With the development of this vision, you will be able to see energy and its types: black dots meet - this is the energy of the opposite charge, or anti-energy.

With experience, you will be able to develop, you will distinguish between ethereal forms and beings, some egregors of the astral plane, etc.

This vision provides great opportunities! You can:

  • consciously be charged with the energy of prana, filled with health;
  • avoid the energy of the anti-world;
  • work with beings from the subtle plane;
  • manage reality.

Rice. 1 where:

1 - corpuscles of cosmic energy - luminous points.

2 - anti-energy from the anti-world - black dots.

3 - ethereal objects - transparent lines of form and stains.

What is the skill of vision?

Perhaps most of all it depends on the awareness of what you want to do, where to direct your gaze, on what object and what type of energy to see there. If you know what you want to do, then you are more likely to fully see. This is almost the same as going for a walk around the city, and knowing where you are going, you will reach the desired object, and not knowing where you are going, you will wander along the paths and you will end up no one knows where. Similarly, a person’s unconcentrated gaze can walk anywhere, but still not tune in to the desired range of visual sensations.
Well, then - this is the sensitivity of ajna + training.
By developing the purity of the channels and the receptivity of ajna, one can become more sensitive. The purity of the channels depends on the perception of a person, and if there is neglect or contempt for people, for the world, for situations, then negative accumulates on the ajna channels, which makes it difficult to receive information, to receive subtle sensations.

The practice of seeing allows you to gradually delve into the sensations. It is difficult to catch subtle vibrations of energy right off the bat, and even more so to distinguish them visually. But little by little, ajna seems to build up additional receptors, and its sensitivity increases and the ability to distinguish colors also increases.

Therefore, training should be treated very carefully. If you practice several times a day, the results will be worthy. But if you practice vision twice a week, it’s so small that it’s better not to practice at all.

Purity of mind

It is very important to keep the mind clear. If there are any thoughts in the head, then the chances of catching extrasensory impulses are small. Therefore, it is very important to keep the mind clear and follow this frequency as closely as possible. During any practice with vision, ajna, you must definitely bring yourself into harmony and remove all problems from your head and all feelings. If you can’t concentrate clearly at home, practice somewhere outside, or in the bathroom if you can create peace and quiet for yourself. It happens that they try to practice simultaneously with a computer or at the same time with a talking TV or talking relatives. It's one thing when you pump flows - lead energy - it doesn't bother you. And another thing is extrasensory development, the ability to capture subtle energy things - here you need, if possible, complete peace and a pure mind.

The loss of extrasensory abilities can come when the body is littered with low-frequency energies. It can be both negative emotions and stressful thoughts. In addition, alcohol is very harmful - it violates not only the state nervous system, but it still harms energetically, therefore, after a regular gathering with alcohol, the negative consequences affect another week or two. And then there is the issue of resource generation.
This is when a person begins to use his abilities too much and look at people, let's say, diagnose them daily, many times a day. Life force is spent on focusing and perception, on comprehension and transmission of information, and it may turn out that a person simply exhausts his reserves of vitality, and will no longer be able to fully see, his extrasensory sensitivity will go away.

Development of energy vision

If you want to develop energy vision, then first of all you should decide why you need it. I can safely say that at a certain stage this skill turns into a real torture, into a hell that is almost impossible to overcome without losing vision forever.

Decide if you're ready really see people and things around you as they really are? Are you ready to plunge into the bottomless ocean filled with suffering, torment, loneliness?

If yes, then first I will tell you how it happens with most people. At first you think that you need to learn to see auras, energies and go to study. At first, you see only vague outlines of auras, their shape. Gradually, vision develops and you are already able to distinguish colors, density, quality. And at this time you will understand which parts of the aura are responsible for what, you will literally see what a person thinks about, what he wants, what he is. At first, it will be problematic to cause a vision, but at some point it will take over and you will constantly see all the auras. I want to immediately note that someone achieves this stage in just six months, and someone does not reach it even in 30-40 years. Of course, this depends entirely on the person.

And it is this stage that I call the verification stage. This is the moment when you either prove to yourself that you can control yourself, your emotions, your vision and learn to accept the world as it is, and then the vision becomes fully conscious and under your control. Either you can't cope and all the horror of the world around you will crush you and you will hardly ever be able to see auras again.

Still, if you want to try and are ready to go from beginning to end, then I can recommend the vision technique classes for 3-5 minutes 1-3 times a day. Later it will be possible to increase the time of the exercise and their number, but start the beam from 1 time per day for 3 minutes, the next day, you can try 2 times for 3 minutes, on the 3rd day - 2 times for 4 minutes, and then incrementally.

Vision Exercises

In order to learn to see through the eyes of a person's aura, frequency flows, you need to properly adjust your gaze. Our eyes, as an optical instrument, perceive only objects and processes that reflect light. If you learn to adjust your gaze so that it does not focus on objects that reflect light, then you can see the aura, frequency flows, and other energy processes.

It should be remembered that not all visual effects observed during training are auras. Sometimes it will be pure hallucinations, an optical illusion of the eye.

Sometimes something else can be mistaken for an aura, such as an imprint of an image on the retina or diffuse light reflected from a surface. But these are only special cases that do not change the fact that the aura can be seen, and without much effort. If after six months, after the start of training, you do not see the aura - this is from laziness.

There is one important point which is often misleading. “Clairvoyant” and “A person who sees the aura” are far from the same thing. The term "clairvoyant" should usually be understood as people who see the energy, the structure of any field interactions and the processes in them. But for this it is already required to activate higher energy centers, to be able to control them, to be able to control consciousness and much more. (Teacher's clarification required.)

Aura, as a residual effect of fluctuations in the structure and energy of an object, we perceive with our eyes. And we perceive the structure and energy itself, as if by ourselves, making contact, and then we can arbitrarily use what we have received, either visualizing the image, or transforming it into sensations, etc. This description shows that in order to "see" one must be able to sense, perceive and interpret. Theoretically, this skill can be developed by anyone.

Exercise should be stopped as soon as you feel tired. Otherwise, you will not be able to fully engage.

Exercise 1.

We raise our hand and on a light uniform background we look through our fingers until a white haze appears around them.

To begin with, it is best to take not just a uniform light background, but use a light gray or white backlit coating. You can take a large white sheet of paper and put it in front of the lamp so that the light passes through it. The light should not blind the eyes and should be soft and even after passing through the sheet. If necessary, fold several sheets together for greater density.

Almost ideally, this design is replaced by a conventional monitor with a white window expanded to full screen. Sit down in front of the constructed background at 30-50 centimeters so that you can sit comfortably and at the same time the field remains in height directly in front of your face. Raise your hand and place it in the middle of the field at a distance of about 5-10 cm from it, turning your palm towards you, fingers looking up.

Now relax, relax the lower jaw, cheekbones, and then the forehead. Try to get rid of thoughts and concentrate on the lesson. Try to maintain this state throughout the exercise.

Relax your eyes and start looking at your hand, spreading your fingers a little so that there is about 1 cm between them. You need to see all the fingers and the background at the same time. The eyes will defocus and must remain relaxed. Look freely, without peering at anything in particular. Sit like this for a few seconds, if desired. Perhaps already at this stage you will see a glow near the fingers and a small haze 1-5 millimeters thick or a little more.

Now begin to slowly move your hand to the right and to the left within 5-10 cm, continuing to look. The haze will become clearer and more noticeable. If you didn’t see it with a motionless hand, now you will notice that when you move, a train stretches behind your fingers or that you see some kind of movement in the background next to your fingers. In this case, you can also slowly turn your hand in the plane of the palm (leaving it with your palm facing you). The easiest way is to put your hand on the table on your elbow and slowly tilt it along the background to the right and left.

Continue to move your hand and look until you see a clear glow around your fingers and a dense fog 5-10 mm wide. Work with it, realize at what focus the haze is visible, and at what it is not. Learn to quickly get into the right focus.

You can turn the palm so that the fingers look sideways and, moving the brush up and down, observe the glow emanating from the fingertips. In this case, only the hand moves, and not the whole arm. If you move quickly, then a light ball is visible in front of each finger. Slowing down the movement, it is clear that this is the same haze and rays are still visible from it.

The rays look either like something dark, or vice versa, like light coming from the fingertips - depending on the focus. At the same time, for each finger, there was one light ray in the center and went straight. And there can be two dark ones on the sides, and they come out at an angle of 30-40 degrees to each other to the sides. In general, real rays are light, but sometimes, in contrast with them, the surrounding background is perceived darker and this can be seen as dark lines that also come out of the fingers a little to the side.

In order to better see and, moreover, feel the rays coming out of the fingers, after a couple of minutes, bring the second hand to the first, placing them so that there are three centimeters between the fingertips. Now move both hands in opposite directions. You will see rays coming from each hand. At the same time, they will be seen more clearly and will stretch towards each other, even stronger. And when the fingers are opposite, you can feel a light soft touch in the tips - just in places where the rays of both hands intersect with each other. Work with this for a couple of minutes.

Then try decreasing and increasing the distance between your hands. When approaching, the rays will enter each other and unite with one glow, and then, with the hands slowly moving away, they will stretch for some time, maintaining integrity, but then they will again break into two. At the same time, you can feel this gap in your fingertips. Work with this for a couple of minutes.

Then you should change the background from white to black or dark blue and repeat everything in random order. The haze will be visible even more clearly than before. After the background can be changed to other colors. In this case, the color of the haze will change somewhat.

Moving the hands in all parts of the exercise, the movement should be gradually slowed down, ensuring that over time, even after stopping the movement, the haze is clearly visible and retains its thickness. In the future, you yourself will find the right rhythm and alternation of stages for yourself.

If after the whole exercise you managed to see only a small glow around the fingers with a thickness of 1 mm, then most likely this is an optical illusion caused by the refraction of light at the border of the fingers. The effect of the exercise should give the appearance of a dense haze 5-10 mm wide, the opacity of space in this place. After a certain time, the haze can turn into a single nebula for the whole hand, especially clear near the fingers. You will see around the hand, as it were, a gaseous cloud-film that will move along with it.

As you progress, you should abandon the backlight and exercise only on a uniform background, which is somewhat more difficult.

Exercise 2.

Take colored thick paper and a large piece of white paper, about 60 cm by 1 meter in size. You will see a phenomenon of vision that has nothing to do with the aura, but thanks to this technique, you can learn to see the human aura.

Place white paper on the floor under a dimmer lamp. Place a sheet of red thick paper in the middle. Now fix your eyes on the middle of the colored paper and don't blink. Wait 30 seconds.

While continuing to look at the red sheet, quickly remove it and look at the same place on the white sheet. For a fraction of a second, you will see a complementary color to the color you were looking at before. If you had red, then you will see green. The afterbirth is always different from the original color, but their shape is the same.

The resulting placenta, luminous, transparent, will look as if floating. If you do this experiment on four or five sheets of paper in a row, which takes only a few minutes, by the time the experiment is completed you will have a certain sensitivity to seeing these kinds of color images - luminous, transparent and floating in space.

These colors are very similar to the auric field, except that they are more perfect, since only a few people have pure and clear auric colors.

For the next stage of training, you will need a partner; it is desirable that both of you be in white clothes. This is the easiest way to see colors. Of course, clothing will not drown out the aura, but its colors can make it difficult or easier to see the aura. Stand your partner against a white wall, take a dimmer lamp, turn it on full blast and light your partner.

Now take a sheet of colored paper and have your partner hold it 2.5cm from their face under their nose. Step back and look at the color as you did before; fix your eyes on this sheet, count to 30 and ask your partner to remove it. You will see an additional color hovering in space in front of your partner. By alternating sheets of colored paper, you will get used to the colors of the afterbirths around your partner, and your mind will adjust to the idea.

Then you can place colored paper behind the head or behind the shoulders, at a distance of 30-60 cm from the partner. Do this four or five times until you get used to seeing colors floating around his body. Now remove the colored paper and continue looking at your partner while dimming the lamp very, very slowly.

You will come to the point where the human body becomes completely dark - then, bang! - all colors will suddenly flash and you will see an aura. The whole thing. You will know that these are the real colors of the aura, and not additional ones that you have seen before, because many changing colors will appear in front of you.

Exercise 2. Second option

If you do not have an assistant, then you can do the following.

Find or create a vertical surface area in the room with a uniform neutral color. For example, gray wallpaper without a pattern is quite suitable. Put a one-color three-dimensional object, for example, a red ball, in front of this background at 50 centimeters. Sit at a distance of 1-2 meters from the ball and look at it for 20 centimeters and slightly to the side. Soon you will see how a colored spot begins to form around it. Achieve clear visibility and stable spot size. Work like this with objects of different colors.

Exercise 3

Once you've gotten a little comfortable with exercises 1 and 2, you can move on to this exercise. Its essence is simple - you go into the forest and look at the tree trunk 3-5 cm from the edge, as if clasping it with your eyes and seeing around it from both sides by 5-10 cm. Gradually you will see a haze or a film of opacity in this place. This will be the aura of the tree. Having learned to see it, you can begin to look at people 3-5 cm above your head. The same haze should appear.

The second way is to look not next to the tree, but behind it, to a place that is 20 centimeters further. So, however, it is more convenient to see the aura of any object. It is necessary to look, as it were, through the place where the aura is visible, but a little behind it and slightly to the side. This achieves optimal focus and slightly peripheral vision, where the eyes are most sensitive.

Do not be alarmed if in two months you will not be able to move a single step. It only means that you need more time to accept and realize the multidimensionality of the aura.

Exercise 3 practice in parallel with exercise 1. It doesn’t matter whose aura you are looking at, everything around you has it, but let’s say in an office or store you can hardly stretch out your hand and look at it for 10 minutes. But it is quite possible to examine the auras of colleagues, furniture and everything that catches your eye. No one will judge you if you stare at a beautiful trinket in the far corner of your desk.

Do not overdo it. The development of vision requires a balanced approach, since it is essentially brain trauma.

Rest. Rest will not let your mind go off the rails and will allow you to sensibly assess what is happening.

Keep track of your condition. The slightest discomfort requires your intervention, because the world of energies is very complex and dynamic.

Meditate. Meditation will give you the necessary reserve of strength, teach you to concentrate and give rest to your body.

Immersion meditation.

Find a time and place where it will be quiet enough, and no one will distract you. Take a comfortable position for you, close your eyes. Look into the darkness in front of your eyes, feel that your eyes are closed and you cannot see anything (for comfort during the day I use a bandage so that it is really dark). Sit for a while, try to just look into the darkness and not think about anything. Now feel your eyelids, eyes, face, head. Pay enough attention to each part of your body, feel it. Now feel your whole body. Just pay attention to your body. Now you can look into the darkness before your eyes again. Stretch out your hand so that under normal conditions you can see it, at least partially. Do this slowly and smoothly, all the while continuing to feel your body. Then extend the other hand as well. Feel this movement. Now join your hands with your palms together and hold in front of you for about a minute. Now gently bring your palms to your eyes and close your eyes with them, blink a couple of times and close your eyes again. Now again feel your body from head to toe and gather attention in your eyes. Gently open your eyes, blink. Do not rush to get up immediately, let the body get used to the environment and the light again.

At the initial stage, this meditation has almost no effect. But after 3-4 times you will be able to see your hands through your closed eyes. If you practice it even several times a week, then you can not only accelerate the development of vision, but you can also noticeably increase the control of your body. But keep in mind that there will be no quick effect, to really see the movement of the hands and the clot of energy between the palms is beyond the power of the first time, or even the tenth, to almost anyone. Although you will see some kind of echoes of these movements almost immediately

Vision develops through the work of ajna and the development of the ability to concentrate on different sensations. The energy can be seen at the etheric level - it will be a grayish or whitish haze around the object. You can see on the astral level - then there will be color perception in the form of energy formations, spheres, flows, clouds, clots, silhouettes.

It can be seen on the mental level - then these will be images that are not similar to things in our ordinary world, most often these are energy spheres, clots or impulses. But when you perceive a mental image, then our mental sphere gives out the whole complex of sensations and all the brightness of this image. And there is the so-called information reading, when a person makes a request for information, say, to a person's biofield, and receives something like a snapshot, an imprint, which he then analyzes. This method is good to use for photo diagnostics.

(partial information taken from the Thin World website)

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