Dream Interpretation: why childbirth is dreaming. Why dream of childbirth Who had bad dreams before childbirth

Batteries, radiators 06.11.2021
Batteries, radiators

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second - your real pregnancy is a PUSH EVENT and sets its certain content.

Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age barriers.

Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require further interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the initial transition stage to a new stage of introspection.

One of the YUNGU ARCHETYPES is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct to preserve the family.

To see oneself engaged in activity in this position is to observe one's exit from the CHILD stage and transition to the adult level.

If you are active in a sexual sense, but have no intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle.

In connection with such a dream, ALARMS of the "what if" type may arise, which require reflection and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question.

Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be.

Sleep acts as a compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their PERSONALITY.

Pregnant men give birth not only to children, but also to something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams.

By their nature, these events can be anything from the most cruel to the ludicrous.

This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, the DEATH of a partner, chronic health problems, pregnancy loss due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams of infidelity or the death of a partner often occur as a response to feelings of insecurity due to a change in appearance or frequency and character. sexual relations during pregnancy.

Dreams of chronic health problems and defects in the child belong to the category of negative WILL-BEING, and are also the result of the excitement experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult.

Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of fears about the ability to properly cope with the role of MOTHER.

Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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As you know, all people dream. In night dreams, events, impressions, anxieties and aspirations of day life are whimsically and confusedly reflected. It is not enough for people to see in dreams only a reflection of the past and the present; for a long time they have tried to discern the future in them. To what extent this is possible is debatable. Oneirocriticism - the art of interpreting dreams - has existed for more than one millennium, already one antiquity testifies in its favor - for such a long time, mankind has not been disappointed in this occupation. However, let's leave alone visionary, prophetic dreams that can predict the future: I do not question the very possibility of their existence, but they are rare enough, not to say unique; meanwhile, no less interesting and useful is the analysis and interpretation of our ordinary, nightly dreams. With their help, it is also possible to foresee the future to some extent - insofar as the future depends on the person himself. Attention to seemingly ordinary dreams will make it possible to understand what really worries a person, to bring to the level of consciousness those emotions that a person for some reason displaces into the subconscious, and will help highlight those points that need correction: it is easier to treat when you know the disease, and it's easier to help when you understand what's wrong.

Sofia Onishchenko

Dreams of pregnant women

I will try to illustrate how these provisions apply to the dreams of pregnant women. It is known that during pregnancy dreams become brighter, richer, more emotional. Consider what events become the plots of these dreams and what feelings are reflected in them.

Pregnancy announcement. There are many stories of dreams that women have on early term pregnancy, still unaware of their condition. Moreover, the message about the onset of pregnancy is rarely direct (a woman sees herself pregnant), more often a woman sees / picks up a baby, some small creature (fish, bird, kitten, etc.), she may dream of some other pregnancy women, discovery of a small valuable object (a ring in a box, etc.). From the point of view of psychology, all these “prophetic” dreams are quite understandable: a huge restructuring begins in a woman’s body with the onset of pregnancy, all these processes are not initially recorded by consciousness, and now the subconscious mind “gives us a sign”. It is characteristic that dreams of this kind are more often seen by women for whom pregnancy is, if not planned, then desired.

Erotic experiences. Many pregnant women experience an increase in the number and intensity of erotic dreams. I will not go into a description of examples, I will only try to satisfy the legitimate curiosity (and sometimes anxiety) of dreamers who are trying to find an explanation for this phenomenon. In most cases, it is based on the compensatory function of dreams - pregnancy usually imposes certain sexual restrictions, and in a dream a person can receive what he lacks in reality. In addition, increased attention to the sexual sphere during this period is generally absolutely natural - after all, both pregnancy and erotic experiences are part of sexual experience, and not only every individual experiences the need to comprehend the birth of a new person as a result of sexual intimacy - this stage has passed in its development and all of humanity (this may seem incredible, but primitive man did not connect the onset of pregnancy with sexual relations for a long time, explaining it by other - supernatural - reasons).

Child. However, the largest place in the dreams of pregnant women is occupied by a child. Expectant mothers have special hopes for sleep: they would really like to perceive a dream as a kind of means of communication - communication between two beings who still live in the same body, but have already become different people. It is difficult to say how true this approach is - after all, dreams are still an insufficiently studied phenomenon, so let's turn to what a child is like in a dream. The expectant mother usually wants to know the sex of the child - and these desires fulfill the corresponding dreams. It is difficult to call them prophetic, because usually they do not reflect reality, but the expectations of a pregnant woman. In addition, quite often women who are passionate about predicting the external features and the name of the unborn child have dreams in which a boy or girl has a memorable appearance, they say what their name is. A woman, waking up, can confidently describe the child from her dream (“Such a white girl, and her eyes are dark, small, a bow in a pigtail is so white, I call her:“ Olya, Olechka! ”- and she only laughs”).

But all these, so to speak, private expectations recede before the global need of a woman to make sure that the child she carries in herself is alive, healthy, that everything will be fine with him - fear for the child and impatient expectation are intertwined here, and self-doubt - whether she is ready for such responsibility, whether she can become a good mother. Most often, it is precisely this need that is satisfied by dreams about future children - both those where an incredibly beautiful child appears, and those where the child turns out to be ugly, where he is lost, he is kidnapped, etc. In the latter, maternal fears are more expressed, but such dreams are useful - they seem to reduce conscious and unconscious fears, acting as a kind of protective mechanism. And, by the way, the phenomenon that children are often dreamed of not as newborns, but as adults, is also quite interesting - it reflects women's fear of childbirth, the subconscious desire to bypass ("sleep") everything that seems scary and painful.

Childbirth. However, women themselves dream of childbirth quite often, and as this event approaches, the frequency of such dreams increases. Among such dreams, there are quite a few, so to speak, realistic ones, similar to how childbirth actually takes place. Dreams are generally characterized by a craving for extremes - incredibly beautiful and infinitely terrible dreams more often than something ordinary. Of the positive dreams of such a topic, a fairly common plot can be noted. easy delivery. A woman sees the birth of a child in a dream, but does not feel pain. Dreaming often enough the birth of a beautiful, healthy baby (sometimes twins). However, much more often, a dream about childbirth in women turns into a nightmare: childbirth takes place with unbearable pain, ends with the birth of an ugly child, the child may die, the woman is persecuted, etc. premature birth : a woman dreams that she is giving birth right now, at the moment of a dream, before the due date, and the child is born prematurely. Often a woman sees childbirth in so-called symbolic dreams - she may dream that she is swallowed up by the open earth or sucked in by a whirlpool (by the way, the water element in culture - and dreams - of mankind is traditionally associated with childbirth), dream of a volcanic eruption, etc. About what such disturbing dreams testify and how to treat them? This will be discussed below.

Terrible dreams and bad omens

The anxiety of dreams increases with the duration of pregnancy, and this is due, among other things, to purely physiological reasons- an enlarged uterus puts more pressure on everything internal organs. It is also necessary to take into account the psychological factor: the state of emotional elation that a woman had with the news of pregnancy became habitual in a few months, the joyful sharpness of this feeling dulled, and with the approach of childbirth, the fear of them also grows. (By the way, some psychologists note the following pattern: the more a woman has nightmares about childbirth, the easier it is for her to give birth - experiencing these dreams, she tunes in to something much more painful and terrible than what actually happens. )

AT this case, as in many others, both good and bad dreams speak about the same thing: we hope for the best and fear the worst, these feelings are inseparable, their combination is absolutely natural for a normal person. And if you dream scary dreams, this suggests that, experiencing your fears (including those that you do not even suspect about) in a dream, you get rid of them, win. A dreaming nightmare is not proof that you have a reason to worry (by the way, absolutely everyone always has such reasons, as well as reasons for hope), but evidence of getting rid of subconscious fear.

In this regard, a quote from the ancient dream book of Artemidorus will be very instructive:

The midwife means the disclosure of a secret; trouble and death for those who are sick; for the forcibly detained, the midwife means release; a woman, if she is not pregnant, a dreaming midwife often portends an illness, and for pregnant women, it does not portend anything other than childbirth (highlighted by me. - S. O.).

The ancient author (many of our contemporaries will agree with him) in interpreting a dream proceeds from who and what dreamed: the same dream can portend different things to different people, but if a person dreams of the subject of his constant thoughts and worries, such a dream is meaningless to interpret, it is just a nightly continuation of daytime reflections. So, if you are pregnant and you dream of giving birth (regardless of what is more in your dream - hope or fear), this first of all means that you will give birth soon. Do not give in to fear, everything will be fine!

I recently dreamed that I was holding several pigeons in my hands and choosing which one was bigger. In a couple of days I will find out: I am pregnant!

Fish, birds, angels Each couple has their own secret associated with the birth of their baby. After the role of the future father of the family is played with dignity, the man quickly fades into the background. We, by nature, gentle and defenseless creatures, for the whole 9 months every night valiantly fight monsters, catch fish with our hands, talk with angels and meet with an unborn child. And our “second half”, having fulfilled its duty of procreation, only resignedly wraps our legs, straightens a stray pillow, comforts us during an anxious dream and listens with tenderness to the incredible stories that happened to us during an eight-hour dream.

So, dreams ... Everyone dreams of them, but the dreams of pregnant women are special dreams. Bright and unique, which are remembered for a lifetime, are included in the story of the appearance of a new family member and are remembered with bated breath. Almost any “position” dream in one form or another expresses anxiety and a sense of responsibility for the child, manifested at a subconscious level. But! Dreams are also different. It was possible to lift the veil over the kingdom of Morpheus thanks to the painstaking joint work of scientific psychotherapists and specialists in the interpretation of dreams. It turns out that there is a certain pattern between the intrauterine development of the fetus and the theme of dreams of the expectant mother.

A dream is exactly what you thought about it the first minute you woke up. True, do not forget that the "special position" makes us suspicious.

What is in your dream? Very often, even before the official confirmation of pregnancy, messages come to us in a dream that we are no longer alone. These are the so-called dreams-predictions, or dreams-hints. There are usually not so many options, but always after waking up there is a trail of light joy. How to explain it? Intuitively, we feel the changes taking place in us, but for some reason we rely more on laboratory diagnostics than on our own feelings. And the body is already aware of the birth of a new life! It instantly sends signals to the brain caused by hormonal changes. This information goes through a difficult path, transforming into a mysterious and little-studied structure of the unconscious. And the unconscious, as you know, can express itself only in dreams, clothed in symbols and signs that are understandable to those to whom they are intended. Probably, at the genetic level, women of all times and peoples have an associative connection between the birth of a new life and the natural world. The unconscious at this stage does not philosophize: someone in dreams catches huge carps in the backwaters with his hands, someone is circling in a flock of pigeons, choosing the most beautiful for himself, someone bakes bread. In addition to future mothers, girls who are psychologically ready for motherhood can see prediction dreams. Waking up after such a dream, a woman does not need to look for an interpretation in the dream book. In some miraculous way, she immediately understands what the dream brought her, and with bated breath she waits for the time when the tests for beta-hCG, the main pregnancy hormone synthesized by placental syncytio-trophoblast cells, are confirmed.

Personal experience of Ira, 24 years old:“I really wanted a child, but for some reason for a long time couldn't get pregnant. And now I dream that I am standing naked, knee-deep in a pond, and a flock of huge fish is circling around me! I'm confused because I don't know which one to choose. Then from the shore I hear the voice of my husband: “Catch only the most beautiful!”. I caught it. After 40 weeks, the most beautiful girl in the world".

Luda, 28 years old:“On the eve of pregnancy, I dreamed that I was in a village hut, barefoot, baking many loaves of bread. I have never been to the village, and I don’t even know how to bake bread, but in my dream everything worked out so well! The dough just popped out of the pan. Bake - bake, but it does not end. She filled up the whole table with bread, the smell is all over the hut, she woke up with pleasure. Turns out we have twins. So I baked myself happiness!

I trimester of dreams From week 1 to week 12, you begin to adapt to your new state. It is at this time that significant physiological changes occur in your body. Symptoms such as nausea, pain in the legs, lethargy, drowsiness and body aches appear. In the first trimester, the organs and systems of the child are being formed, so be especially attentive to yourself. At this time, any psychological and physical overload can lead to undesirable consequences. Toxicosis and the constant threat of miscarriage in the first weeks play an important role in the occurrence of heavy dreams. Physiological changes entail emotional ones: causeless depression, anxiety, mood swings, tearfulness appear. While you are sleeping, your brain is actively adjusting to the new state. For this reason, you may be disturbed by disturbing dreams.

Interpretation If you see such dreams, do not be afraid of them. They do not portend you a difficult pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage. Try to get around the "pitfalls" of the night world. Perform in the evening light gymnastics: for example, the cat exercise will help you take the load off your back. Ask someone close to give you a light foot massage. At bedtime, take a comfortable shower or a relaxing bath, drink a cup of herbal tea that regulates the functioning of the kidneys. Make sure your bed is as comfortable as possible. The room you sleep in must be well ventilated! Read thematic literature, communicate with friends who already have experience of motherhood. Very often, the reason for our fears lies, first of all, in the lack of information on exciting issues. Start solving them during the day, not at night.

Personal experience Oksana, 8 weeks pregnant:“I have the same nightmare. I'm walking through the city, and suddenly the ground under my feet begins to crack, forming a huge hole into which I fall rapidly. At that moment, I realize that I am pregnant. I try my best to call for help, but I can't."

Victoria, 4 weeks pregnant:“Since my pregnancy, I have been repeating one awkward dream: I see myself at school with braided braids and bows. The teacher calls me to the blackboard, I go out to answer and understand that I am pregnant. I'm ashamed because all the guys see it."

Expert opinion Mikhail Poluektov, somnologist, candidate of medical sciences:“The symbolism of dreams is determined, first of all, by the psychological and cultural characteristics of the individual, and not by the physiological state. Therefore, it is quite controversial to try to single out dream symbols that are universal for pregnancy.

II trimester of dreams From the 12th to the 24th week of the "interesting position" nausea and fatigue usually go away, you feel much better. At this stage, the dream, as a projection of daytime experiences, fully reflects your mood. No nightmares, dreams are not as vivid as in the first trimester, and are mainly devoted to pleasant care for yourself and the baby. For example, you can see your child as a baby, and then follow the process of his growing up. Such dreams are a sign that you are psychologically ready for motherhood, they are a direct consequence of your pleasant expectations, thoughts, and preparations for the birth of a baby. They allow you to look into the future and bring the long-awaited time of motherhood closer. Dreams in which you dream of your charming baby have a similar meaning. Such dreams can occur if you are preoccupied with something and are worried about the unborn child. In this case, the subconscious is trying to show you that everything will be fine with the baby, and thereby return to you good mood. Most often, the subconscious mind tries to calm you down, so in a dream, you may dream of a husband with your baby.

Interpretation If you still have restless sleep, analyze how you sleep. As the uterus continues to grow and takes up more space in abdominal cavity, the position on the stomach or on the back is not suitable for you. Try to find the best sleeping position by placing pillows under your knees. Thus, you will improve blood flow with nutrients to the placenta, facilitate the work of the kidneys, and, accordingly, prevent the occurrence of edema of the legs and arms.

Personal experience Vika, 25 weeks:“I saw my son in a dream. It struck me that he is an exact copy of my husband, only a baby: beautiful blue eyes and long, long eyelashes. I woke up because I was crying with emotion.

Zlata, 20 weeks:“I remember the most pleasant dreams only in the middle of pregnancy. I either walked with an already born baby, played with him or drew something for him. It was a pleasure to chat with him and answer his questions.”

Kira, 20 weeks:“I dreamed that my baby stuck out a leg from my navel. And it’s too early for me to give birth, but in a dream I understand that I can’t take it back, I urgently need to do something, for example, call my husband. He woke me up."

Opinion of the expert Victoria Popova, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, IMC "On Clinic":“During this period, the expectant mother may feel the movement of the fetus, while feeling a slight tapping or trembling. At 20 weeks, the uterus sometimes comes into tone, muscle contractions are felt, and training is underway before childbirth. These are the so-called Braxton-Hicks contractions (false contractions). But still, the second trimester is quite calm.

III trimester of dreams Negative dreams about childbirth from the 24th to the 38th week of pregnancy are still rare and are primarily characteristic of neurotic natures. If you see such dreams, then you are very afraid of the birth process itself. In order to calmly and fully rest at night, try to free yourself from negative emotions. Psychologists recommend devoting the remaining time before childbirth to psychological and physical preparation for this difficult, but such a joyful event - the birth of your baby. Attend childbirth preparation courses, go in for fitness - gymnastics, yoga, swimming, learn how to breathe correctly: it is your breath that will become yours faithful assistant in the relief of childbirth. To get rid of the fear of childbirth, and in the process - and from pain, master the technique of relaxation (relaxation). Try not to be nervous and not to "wind up" yourself: this activity is absolutely meaningless and unpromising. Learn to control your emotions and get rid of fears. Try to speak your thoughts, and then determine what changes have occurred, whether the anxiety has decreased. Be sure to say a positive result out loud. If you can't manage your anxiety on your own, see a psychologist. Luckily, fear isn't the only feeling creeping into moms-to-be's dreams. When a woman has a positive psychological attitude, she is calm, balanced and happily expecting a baby, this also manifests itself in her dreams. Very often, such dreams create an additional setting for a successful outcome of childbirth.

Interpretation Child in a dream. Many women dream of a child already born, but quite mature and completely independent. Such dreams are usually unemotional, but quite vivid and well remembered. They say that you are not yet psychologically ready for childbirth and in a dream you are trying to get rid of the fear of childbirth with the help of a kind of “montage”: you are already offered the role of a mother, but there is no period of childbirth itself. Oddly enough, your clear decision on where to give birth to your baby can help. Depending on your views on life, the place of birth can be either your own home or a maternity hospital. At the same time, decide whether it will be childbirth under an agreement with or without a husband. Decide on these important details and you will notice that fear will go into concrete actions and preparation.

Personal experience Karina, 29 weeks:“I dreamed about my own birth a couple of times. One dream was so real that I even physically felt the passage of the child through the birth canal. By the way, in a dream it didn’t hurt at all. ”

Olga, 37 weeks:“I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy. And it didn't hurt at all in my dream. Extraordinarily easy. I didn’t even have to push, he himself easily and simply slipped out ... He immediately smiled and began to suck on his breast. ”

Advice! If you cannot interpret the message, refer to the dream book, read the meaning of the symbols, and then add them together.

Expert opinion Yana Datiyeva, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, Health Lux Medical Center:“Uterine pressure and high progesterone levels in the last trimester of pregnancy can cause frequent heartburn, shortness of breath and pain in the lower ribs. About two weeks before delivery, the profile of the abdomen changes as the fetus descends into the pelvic cavity. The expectant mother may feel a decrease in pressure on the diaphragm, it becomes easier to breathe. However, the fetal head begins to put pressure on bladder, causing even more frequent desire to go to the toilet. Toward the end of pregnancy, uterine contractions become more and more noticeable and frequent. Sleep becomes ragged, heavy and erratic. A woman is physically and emotionally preparing for the most important task - childbirth. It is the dream that now broadcasts your most important fears: the animal fear of the birth process itself and the fear of responsibility for the child born.

Marina Kalinkina, neurologist, City Clinical Hospital No. 55:“Creativity will help you get rid of strong and persistent fears. Take colored pencils or paints and draw your fear on paper. Just before that, try to fully feel your attitude towards him. What associations do you have? It can be something concrete, abstract or completely shapeless color blots. Try to analyze less during creativity, draw intuitively. Take a close look at what you've got. Set the drawing aside for a few minutes and do something else, then take a sheet of paper and think about what details you need to add to the composition so that the fear disappears. Maybe paint everything with different colors or completely redraw the picture. You should have a feeling of complete completion of the work. After this exercise, experiences fade and become less painful. If after the creative process you feel relieved, the goal has been achieved.”

Nightmares, stop! For good sleep, follow the advice of obstetricians:

  • Try to sleep on your left side in order to improve blood flow to the fetus, kidneys and uterus.
  • Give up fatty foods, semi-finished meats and sandwiches, coffee, strong tea, sparkling water.
  • Avoid spicy, fried, and acidic foods (such as citrus fruits, tomatoes), as well as chocolate and mint-containing foods to avoid heartburn.
  • Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly: this will ease the work of the stomach.
  • Try not to eat after 8pm.
  • Try not to drink with meals and before bed.
  • To prevent swelling and prevent varicose veins, wear supportive stockings that promote circulation and avoid tight clothing.
  • Exercise regularly with your doctor's permission.
  • Take a walk before bed every day.

Dreams of the "second half" Andrey, 24 years old:“I remember that I changed winter tires for summer tires for a car. I woke up and feverishly began to remember what it really is, because it's winter outside! True, the wife should give birth just in the summer.

Kirill, 28 years old:“When I found out that my wife was pregnant, I dreamed of some kind of kaleidoscope. Either they were chasing me, then I was chasing someone, chasing them. Almost fought. In a dream for a week, probably, he was warlike, brave, he felt like a superman! And in my life I wouldn't hurt a fly."

Igor, 26 years old:“Unlike my wife, I am not fond of fishing at night. I don't attach much importance to sleep. True, only pleasant ones are remembered. And what could be nicer than a young and beautiful woman? So while my wife was fishing, I was whipping some girl. And I remember I was very upset when my beloved wife began to wake me up for work.

Valera, 37 years old:“My wife could not get pregnant for a long time, we traveled to many clinics and all to no avail. The mood was depressed. Literally a month before my wife's pregnancy, she had some nightmares: either I fall somewhere, then she flies into the abyss, and I cannot save her. I even began to take valerian before going to bed. I was afraid to go to sleep! And now (laughs) I walk with a stroller and only think about how to sleep. And after all, nothing is dreaming!

Alexander, 34 years old:“Wife at 38 weeks pregnant. At home, only talk about our son. Well, what can you dream about? It is clear that not sexy beauties. But there are more than enough aunts in white coats!

Slava, 25 years old:“My wife is 39 weeks pregnant, during the day I only call home from work to find out how she is there. I am so exhausted during the day, and even this expectation of childbirth is oppressive, that at night I don’t dream of anything. I fall and pass out. I'd rather have nightmares than my wife."

Vitaly, 31 years old:“I dreamed that something unpleasant was happening to my body - either with my arm or with my leg. I woke up in pain and felt that my arm or leg was simply numb. I'm afraid of accidentally hitting my wife's stomach, she's 22 weeks pregnant."

It is difficult to interpret a dream about childbirth unambiguously. The meaning of sleep will depend on the many nuances that need to be remembered for a complete interpretation of sleep.

Dreaming of childbirth

If you had a dream about childbirth that went well, this means that soon you will have a business in which you will not be completely sure of the success, but in the end everything will go very well. If you dreamed of childbirth that ended in complications, or the dream seemed to you a nightmare - the things that you planned to start or complete in the near future should be postponed, as they may not end in success for you.

Dream about childbirth in a pregnant woman

A dream about your childbirth means that in reality the childbirth will take place without complications and you will quickly recover from childbirth. It is worth noting that sometimes dreams about childbirth for pregnant women are only your experiences and thoughts about the upcoming process transferred to a dream. Most likely, you think too much about your condition and this is reflected in your dreams.

Taking birth in a dream - what does it mean

If you are giving birth in a dream, it means in reality that a business awaits you that you pay too little attention to, but it can further affect your life. The birth that you took in a dream was successful - this good sign. Soon you will have a person to whom you can entrust your affairs, and be calm that he will cope with them. If the woman in labor with whom you took birth died, this may mean that you will not be able to reconcile with loved ones, or a quarrel awaits you.

I dreamed that you were giving birth to a woman you don’t know, this dream will lead you to new acquaintances.
The dream where you give birth to a man is unfavorable. Your plans may be unsuccessful or destroyed.

Dream about giving birth to a boy

A woman who dreams of giving birth to a boy should expect replenishment in the family. This may apply to both your family and relatives. This is the interpretation of sleep for a woman who is not pregnant.

But if you are pregnant and you dream about the birth of a boy, then this may mean that you will have a girl. However, there are many disagreements and inconsistencies regarding the interpretation of this dream. Another option for the meaning of this dream may be a big financial profit in the near future.

If the birth of a girl is filmed

This dream, for a woman who is not pregnant, means that she will soon make a new acquaintance, which can develop into a long-term relationship.
A dream about the birth of a girl for a pregnant woman can mean the birth of a boy.

It is also believed that if you see the birth of a girl in a dream, then this is surprising.

Dreams about the birth of children for a woman who is not pregnant are also interpreted as futile attempts to solve something in reality. Perhaps you should radically change your attitude to the affairs that you currently have.

Why dream of your own childbirth

If in a dream you saw how you give birth, this dream promises you a change in life. And most likely, the changes will be global. Perhaps you will change jobs, or find a new occupation for yourself that will radically change your life. Definitely a dream in which you give birth can be considered good.

What dreams before childbirth

In anticipation of a child, women become superstitious, and especially sensitive. Before giving birth, a woman tries to understand how the birth of a child will go, and looks for answers in her dreams. And often dreams about childbirth in a pregnant woman are only experiences transferred to your dreams.

Do not accept the interpretation of a dream as an accurate interpretation of your reality.

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about how you took birth, then this promises an acquaintance with a person who will make up for you perfect couple. You will not take it seriously, because you imagine your other half differently. However, he will be persistent enough to make you believe in yourself and in your possible relationship. If you had a childbirth in a dream, this promises you pregnancy (in case a woman had a dream). If suddenly a man dreamed that he was giving birth, this warns him of the future consequences of his extramarital affair with his partner.

Why dream about childbirth

according to Vanga's dream book

This symbol is associated with important life changes, solving cases, liberation from something. In a dream, your birth was painful, but everything went well - this dream portends difficulties in solving your affairs, but, in spite of everything, everything will end well. The dream in which you are giving birth predicts your participation in an event that you consider insignificant, but its consequences will be a big surprise for you. Seeing in a dream how someone close dies during childbirth is a sign that your attempts to improve relations with relatives are unlikely to be successful. You dreamed of easy and quick childbirth, which caused a feeling of great relief in your soul - this dream indicates that you can shift things onto other people's shoulders, and you yourself will breathe a sigh of relief. If in a dream you saw your own childbirth, this dream predicts that fate gives you a chance to start your life anew. Perhaps the mystery of the reincarnation of souls is connected with this, and you once lived in another dimension and body. You need to reconsider your life values ​​and try to comprehend your purpose.

Give birth to a boy in a dream

according to the general dream book

The process of childbirth is a symbol of renewal, change, because with the birth of a child, the whole way of life of a woman changes. A dream in which a baby is born in a dream can have both positive and negative meanings. We will find out why the birth of a boy is dreaming, what interpretation of this plot is given by the most popular dream books. The subconscious Childbirth, especially the first, frightens the expectant mother. It is fixed in the mind that giving birth is painful, tormented by fear, how the process will go, whether everything will be fine with the mother and the newborn. The interpretation of the plot largely depends on how the process itself went. If you are tormented by the birth of a baby, you are hurt and scared, this may be a reflection of the fact that in reality you are not going through the best period. Perhaps someone makes you suffer mentally.

Why dream about the birth of a boy

according to Miller's dream book

According to this interpreter, giving birth to a boy in a dream is a signal of upcoming changes in reality, and they will be very positive. This may be a promotion at work, an increase in salary, a meeting of the second half. The real birth of the long-awaited heir is not excluded. A young unmarried girl sees a dream - for her, this is a warning that you should pay attention to your behavior, otherwise your reputation may suffer. If a man dreams that he gave birth to a boy, this means his attempts to avoid some obligations.

To give birth to a boy in a dream according to Wangi's dream book

according to Vanga's dream book

The Bulgarian soothsayer associated this plot in a dream with positive changes in life. For the woman who saw him, this could mean getting rid of problems that could not be resolved for a long time. The dream also portends an improvement in the financial aspect. According to Vanga's dream book, the circumstances in which the child was born are also important: if the birth was easy and without pain, you should count on help in solving some new business; a long and painful process, but with a happy ending, means that serious obstacles are possible in some way, but in the end everything will be resolved in a positive way; giving birth to twins in night dreams is a good sign. This can mean sudden profit, good news, and for a married lady, a dream suggests that everything will be smooth and prosperous in her relationship with her husband; giving birth to Siamese twins in a dream to a lonely girl is a harbinger that she is waiting for a wedding with her loved one; for a married woman, a dream means pregnancy, during which complications are possible; to see how your girlfriend gave birth to a boy - to the good news; the baby appeared with one of your relatives - their money affairs will go uphill; if in a dream you become a grandmother, that is, your daughter gave birth to a son, a prosperous life awaits her.

To give birth to a boy in a dream according to Freud's dream book

according to Freud's dream book

The founder of psychoanalysis believed that the appearance of a male baby in night dreams symbolizes for a lady a romantic acquaintance with an interesting gentleman. It is likely that the meeting will lead to a happy union for life. At the same time, initially, she may not pay attention to this person at all. If a young unmarried person dreams of the birth of a baby, it is a harbinger of an upcoming pregnancy. For a man, such a plot serves as a warning that you need to be more careful in sexual relationships, otherwise a woman may become pregnant from him.

Dream about the birth of a boy

according to Loff's dream book

This interpreter noted that such plots are caused by the subconscious for a reason and have a bright color for a woman. Most likely, psychologically and emotionally, she is already ready for motherhood, even if she has not yet formed this idea for herself. To more accurately understand the meaning of the dream, remember how the birth process went. If it is easy and painless, then this can really be a confirmation that the time has come to think about the heir. Otherwise, a dream may simply symbolize some kind of change in life.

Give birth to a boy in a dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

This interpreter of dreams indicates that giving birth to a son in a dream for a woman is a symbol of the upcoming carefree and prosperous life. If during childbirth a husband or another man is present nearby - to the successful resolution of current problems in reality. The birth of a baby was undesirable - such a plot predicts empty chores, vain, fruitless efforts. If the baby can immediately speak and walk after birth, this is a signal that you will come out of all the troubles with honor.

Give birth to a boy in a dream

For many centuries, there have been many interpretations of sleep in which a woman sees how she gives birth to a boy. The appearance of a beautiful child promises a meeting and acquaintance with a man younger than the dreamer in age. The birth of two babies at the same time (two boys or a boy and a girl) is a signal that pregnancy is possible in reality, especially if the woman does not have children yet. Dreaming about the birth of twins also means a salary increase or an increase in the career ladder. If a healthy, strong baby was born to a woman - an auspicious dream, indicating calmness in family life and promotion. On the contrary, the birth of a sickly and weak baby is a sign that some of your actions or behavior may cause a negative reaction from others, as they will be misinterpreted. To give birth to a dead child - a dream does not have a bad meaning, as it might seem. This means that soon you will need help, and you will receive it. To give birth to a red-haired baby is a sign that soon the dreamer can successfully marry, if in this moment Unmarried. If you dream that you are being told about the birth of a child, then someone from your environment is playing a dishonest game, and this may be a fairly close person. The baby is born already with teeth - a good sign, portending positive changes, renewal. Immediately after childbirth, breastfeeding a baby is a hint that health will be strong, and there will be enough energy for both work and leisure. What do interpreters say about the plot in which a man dreams of giving birth? According to many dream books, this means good luck in business, so you should use all the chances that fate provides for making a profit. If a child in a dream has already begun to speak or went on his own - a sign of a very good deal. Also, giving birth to a man means that he is ready for a lot in order to achieve his goal. If a man in a dream takes birth from his wife, it is a reflection of the harmony and mutual understanding that reigns in the family. The process takes place in an unfamiliar house - a sign that the man shows little initiative in order to achieve something. You have to be active to get what you want.

Give birth to a boy in a dream

according to the big modern dream book

The birth of a boy in this dream book is interpreted in a positive way. There will be some positive changes: an improvement in your financial situation, meeting the person you have been dreaming of for so long, a promotion at work, or something else. In the near future, there will be nothing to worry about. The plot, in which a newborn baby can talk, symbolizes prosperity and well-being. If in a dream a baby was born to your mother, she probably needs your help, even if she does not ask for it. You should show your own care and attention. Seeing in a dream that a child was born by her own daughter is a harbinger that everything will be smooth and calm in her family life. In general, the appearance of a boy according to Loff's dream book means that you should expect help in business from any side: from relatives, husband, colleagues, or strangers in general.

Why dream of giving birth to a girl

according to the general dream book

The birth of a child for every woman is a very significant and important event. With his appearance, the usual order of life changes. This plot in a dream indicates a real pregnancy and childbirth, or significant changes coming in the near future. This may be the beginning of a new activity, the long-awaited meeting of your soulmate, moving to another city or country, and other metamorphoses. We have collected interpretations about the birth of a girl from the most popular dream books. In order to more accurately interpret the dream, read the different interpretations of this plot. Subconscious At the subconscious level, in our perception, the daughter is always more connected with the mother than the son. Such a scenario in a dream may indicate to the dreamer a lack of attention, care, and friendly participation. For a lady who does not have children and a husband, a dream reflects her desire to actually have a child, so as not to feel lonely, to give him her love and affection.

Miller's dream book: the birth of a girl

according to Miller's dream book

In this dream book, the plot of the birth of a baby is interpreted as a warning about something or serves as a sign of favorable changes. If childbirth in a dream went quickly and without pain - expect in reality a good outcome in difficult situation. But the kind of painful and long - to the appearance of a secret ill-wisher. Giving birth from a former spouse is a hint to a woman about her too free behavior. If a married lady saw such a plot - to a successful solution to her complicated affairs. In a dream, to give birth to a daughter who looks like a mother like two drops - to take up a new business. If the baby was born with long hair - in reality, your children will have good health. A young unmarried person saw a dream about the birth of her daughter - she should think about her behavior, as her reputation may suffer. A man dreams that he himself gave birth to a daughter - a signal of accumulated fatigue. It is worth taking a break from work, having a short rest, otherwise health may suffer.

Wangi's dream interpretation: what does it mean to give birth to a girl in a dream?

according to Vanga's dream book

The clairvoyant believed that for a woman, the birth of a baby in a dream is a sign that portends pleasant chores. Perhaps it is also a direct allusion to pregnancy and the birth of a daughter. In any case, Vanga was sure that such dreams had a positive and bright message, since the child in itself is a source of happiness for every mother. Vanga attached great importance to the very process of childbirth. If they passed quickly and painlessly in a dream, then soon the woman will have the opportunity to relieve herself of responsibility for some difficult task, to get rid of the hassle. If the birth of a child was long and painful, but ended well, some obstacles and troubles may arise. To see such a plot for a woman who has adult children - a second honeymoon will come in relations with partners.

To give birth to a girl in a dream according to Freud's dream book

according to Freud's dream book

The founder of psychoanalysis believed that seeing the birth of a girl in a dream - to material well-being, unexpected profits, wealth. If at the moment a woman is engaged in some kind of project, then she will be lucky in this: soon the business will begin to make a profit, and she will only receive dividends. Another meaning of such a plot, according to Freud, is a romantic acquaintance with an interesting gentleman, which can result in a serious relationship.

Dream about the birth of a girl

according to Hasse's dream book

This interpreter gives both negative and positive interpretations sleep with the birth of a girl, but most often it has a favorable color. To see the birth of female twins is to receive one piece of news from two different sources. To give birth to two babies at the same time - a son and a daughter, means that the news that you will learn will be unexpected, but pleasant. The birth of a dead baby is a sign that not all of your hopes are destined to come true. The red-haired baby symbolizes unexpected, stunning news, and the baby with black hair is a sign to beware of deception. If a girl is born in a shirt, expect some interesting surprise. The blue-eyed baby symbolizes the help that a woman will receive from the outside, and quite unexpectedly. Breastfeeding a baby is the beginning of a new, successful business.

Give birth to a girl in a dream

according to the esoteric dream book

The birth of a girl is interpreted in this dream book in the same way as in most others - to future changes in life. Give birth to a dead baby - the plot indicates a woman's health problems and loneliness. If she dreams that one of the surrounding relatives died during childbirth, this is a signal that she needs to improve relations with them. The birth of an unplanned child is a reward for your labors.

Give birth to a girl in a dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

This interpreter indicates: if a woman dreamed that she gave birth to a little daughter, then subconsciously she is ready to create a family, pregnancy and raising children. But Tsvetkov pointed out that the meaning of sleep can vary depending on the personality of the dreamer. For a married lady, this means joy, good news, prosperous changes. If a young woman sees a dream, unmarried girl- a hint that she should think about her behavior, otherwise her reputation may suffer. The birth of a baby was dreamed of by a pregnant woman in reality - a sign that the birth process will not cause her difficulties, and the child will be healthy. The birth of a dead baby is a harbinger of a lonely life and sadness.

Give birth to a girl in a dream

according to the modern women's dream book

In this interpreter of dreams, importance is attached to the circumstances in which a woman is at the birth of a child. It depends on the details of sleep whether it carries a positive or negative color. If childbirth takes place in your own home, this is a good sign: all your problems and difficulties will soon be safely resolved. The birth process takes place in water - to unexpected income and even wealth, for example, it can be an increase in salary or winning the lottery. To give birth to a very beautiful baby - good luck and luck will accompany the dreamer in all matters. If the girl looks like her mother or has blue eyes - to happy life. To see how another woman gives birth to a female baby - to the fulfillment of a cherished desire. A dream in which a lady dreams that her baby was born inanimate may be a harbinger of a serious illness. In this case, deal with health problems, if they exist, undergo an examination. Another meaning of such a plot is loneliness, the absence of personal relationships with the opposite sex. If the process of giving birth in a dream was painful and lengthy, you experienced torment - in reality, well-being will come in family life. But the reluctance of childbirth in the night story in reality will turn into a reward for your efforts and efforts in work. Taking part in the birth process, helping the child to be born, is a signal that you will soon have to take on a new, difficult task that will require the investment of effort and money. But these costs will turn into a good profit. To see how your close friend gave birth - she will have a quiet life with her legal spouse. A man sees how he gives birth to a girl - to the realization of his plans, to achieve success in work, although this will take a lot of effort. If an elderly woman saw a dream, who in reality can no longer have children - a sign of the likelihood of her health problems. She should see a doctor to check her condition. In a dream, giving birth to a daughter for a young, unmarried person is a sign that a young man will soon propose to her.

Dream of a birth

according to Loff's dream book

Birth is a sacred event that has ritual significance in all cultures of the world. And it is not surprising that it is closely related to one of Jung's archetypes - the Self, which gives life to another. Since this is an archetypal image, there are many accompanying symbols associated with birth and life. The most significant are water and the ocean. In many cultures, water is given life importance. So, many women who guess about their or someone else's pregnancy dream of water. Here you can see the connection with the waters that depart during childbirth. The emergence of a new self from a cave or any closed space - this is how Jung's theory draws the moment of birth. In this sense, birth is not reduced to a purely biological act - it involves the emergence of additional facets of personality or self-knowledge in real life. According to Freud, dreams in which you return to a small room or cave symbolize the mother's womb. They can express your underlying desire to return to your mother, to be fed by her, to hide under her wing in a difficult situation. Since we were all once born, everyone has some opinion about this event. Life for us is a happy positive or unhappy negative being. In any case, our attitude to life leaves its mark on dreams about birth. How does birth appear to the sleeper? A woman may have such a dream, either because she strongly desires it, or, on the contrary, is very afraid. In this case, medical, social and sexual factors play an important role. Perhaps there are some moral, religious or medical indications, according to which pregnancy for a woman is desirable or, on the contrary, dangerous. Let's compare two examples: a young sexually active woman suppresses her desires for moral and religious reasons, and a woman who wants to, but cannot become pregnant. In this case, the cause of childbirth - or lack thereof - may be an act that caused a feeling of guilt. Women who dream of childbirth with a favorable outcome affirm not only the fact of birth, but also their archetype of a woman. They meet the requirements of their gender and are able to perform the function of childbearing, traditionally inherent in the female gender. Afraid of appearing discriminatory, I would like to point out the fact that, to some extent, we all perceive both men and women as representatives of different sexes with their strong and weaknesses and potentially different possibilities. This is what makes an archetype an archetype.


according to the Ayurvedic dream book

If an unmarried woman dreams that she has given birth to a child, then this indicates the inevitable promiscuity. For a married girl, such a dream prophesies a successful birth.

Dreamed of birth

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that a child is born to you, this dream portends a happy improvement in your life circumstances, and it is possible that a beautiful child is really waiting for you. If a young lady sees a dream about the birth of a baby even before the wedding, the dream warns her of the need to take care of her reputation and protect her dignity. A dream can portend good news, an inheritance.

I dreamed of triplets

according to Miller's dream book

If you see triplets in a dream, it means that the business, for the success of which you feared, will end very successfully. If a man dreams that his wife has triplets, it means that his proposed solution to the problem, which has been under discussion by the boss for a very long time, will be accepted. Listening to the crying of newborn triplets in a dream means that disagreements, to your pleasure, will soon end in peace. When a girl dreams that she has triplets, it means that she will be rich, but unhappy in love.


Deception (for a girl); pride, joy (for a woman); make plans (for a man); see a pregnant woman - trouble; if she gave birth (for a girl) - a fun life; mother's grief; for a man to give birth is the completion of affairs; son - quick profit, gain; girl - a new unexpected relationship to happiness.

Dream about pregnancy

according to Loff's dream book

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second - your real pregnancy is a “push event” and sets its certain content. Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age barriers. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation. If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the initial transition stage to a new stage of introspection. One of the archetypes according to Jung is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct for the preservation of the family. To see oneself engaged in activity in this position is to observe one's exit from the stage of a child and the transition to an adult level. If you are sexually active but have no intention of getting pregnant, this dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, anxieties of the “what if” type may arise, which require reflection and resolution. A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question. Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. Sleep acts as a compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their personality. Pregnant men give birth not only to children, but also to something that somehow justifies their mission in this world. The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most cruel to the ludicrous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria. Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may be related to adultery, the death of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a child, twins, triplets, as well as increased fertility, where conceptions and gestation occurs more often and regardless of protection. Dreams of infidelity or the death of a partner often occur as a response to feelings of insecurity due to a change in the appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams of chronic health problems and defects in the child belong to the category of negative volition, and are also the result of the excitement experienced by women in this position. Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of fears about the ability to properly cope with the role of mother. Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

The meaning of sleep about pregnancy

according to Freud's dream book

If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, then in real life this event would not be long in coming. For a man, a dream of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his partner.

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