What kind of exercise is needed for newborns. Charging for babies: light exercises and gymnastics Charging for children for children 1 2 years old

For earthworks 06.02.2022
For earthworks

Here is the long-awaited miracle quietly snoring in the crib, and you cannot believe that what you dreamed about has happened. Each parent already imagines who their baby will grow up with, what it will be like. Dreams are good, but in order for them to come true, for this we adults need to help the little man achieve his goal. Gymnastics for a child in 1 month of life will be the start in his physical and psychological development.

Many will say: how is gymnastics already, because he is still so small? Yes, dear parents, fear aside and start taking care of your child. Of course, we do not give the load as for a professional gymnast, however, a kind of passive gymnastic exercises will help the work of a small organism.

We will analyze everything in detail in order to understand the whole principle of the benefits of gymnastics at such a young age.

Why do you need gymnastics in 1 month of life

Disputes of experts have long divided opinions into two parts, some argue that massage and gymnastics should be started from 1.5 months, others argue that classes should be started immediately after birth. I will say one thing, charging has never been harmful to anyone! Judge for yourself, we adults cannot be in one position for a long time, and a small lump that is not yet able to change positions on its own, what does it feel like? Of course, you can’t do heavy loads, but passive exercises will help the baby in the development of psychomotor status.

Gymnastics helps the child in the work of many biochemical processes of the body, improves blood circulation, lymph flow, immunity, positively affects the work of all organs and systems.

Even the great physiologist Sechenov wrote: “Movement is life!”

The first months of a child's life, gymnastics will not last long due to the short period of wakefulness, but this period increases with age.

How to do gymnastics in 1 month

Before you get over your insecurities, read the article carefully and prepare everything you need for this:

  • the room should be clean and ventilated, fresh air is needed not only for adults, but also for the children's body;
  • air temperature should be + 22- + 23 ° С, relative humidity 50-70%;
  • the surface where you are going to do gymnastic exercises should not be soft or too hard;
  • gymnastics is best done in a good mood, both for the baby and for the mother;
  • communicate with the baby during classes, this helps the child in the development of psychological status, despite his young age;
  • mothers do not forget about the cleanliness of hands, because the baby is very susceptible to bacteria;
  • you can not make sudden movements;
  • gymnastics must be done before feeding, but if the baby has eaten, wait 30 minutes and start exercising;
  • the duration should be several minutes, the child may not be able to withstand more;
  • it is better to do gymnastics a month before bathing, this will help your baby relax and get the most out of water procedures.

What not to do

To avoid mistakes, you need to know what you can’t do during gymnastics.

  • You can not do gymnastics when the baby is worried about something.
  • In case of high body temperature.
  • If your baby suffers from a persistent convulsive syndrome in the acute period, gymnastics should be postponed.
  • If the baby was born ahead of schedule, then gymnastics and massage are postponed for a period of stable condition, after consulting a doctor.
  • You can not supercool the baby, it is known that during the first month of life, the thermoregulation of the child is not yet perfect, so hypothermia can develop very easily. If you notice that the color of the skin has changed, the arms and legs have become cold, hiccups have appeared, then it's time to finish the gymnastics and urgently warm the baby.
  • Children at this age have preserved physiological hypertonicity of the limbs, so do not make sudden movements that can lead to injury and negative emotions of the baby.
  • You can not leave the baby unattended even for a few seconds!
  • Do not skip daily gymnastics, 5 minutes will bring into your child's life the basis for proper development.

Several gymnastic exercises in 1 month

We lay the child on his back, straighten the legs, then gently bend at the knees and bring him to the stomach. We unbend our legs. We repeat this 2-3 times. Such a movement helps the baby with the stagnation of gas in the intestines, thereby relieving pain.

The baby is lying on his back, we straighten the left leg, and bend the right one at the knee, leading to the tummy. Then we repeat the exercise with the other leg. We do 2-3 times. Such a gymnastic exercise is reminiscent of taking large steps.

The kid, lying on his back, straighten the arms to the sides, then bring them to the chest, slightly crossing, the movement resembles "scissors". We repeat 2-3 times.

Exercise 4

It is a variation of the previous exercise, the difference is that the arms are spread not to the sides, but the right one up, the left one down, changing the movement. Repeat 2-3 times.

Lay the baby on the stomach, the right leg is straightened, the left leg is bent at the knee and hip joint, then we change the legs. The movement is reminiscent of a rock climber. Repeat 2-3 times.

As children grow older, there are more exercises, with varying degrees of difficulty. However, I hasten to warn you, before you start gymnastic exercises, discuss this point with your doctor. He will advise which movements are useful for the child, and which ones he should not do yet.

Each kid is individual, so the approach to his physical education should be a separate story. The expanses of the World Wide Web provide a lot of information, many people think why contact a specialist if you can pick everything up yourself.

Make no mistake, a small body requires special attention and approach. The child is not a toy! Responsibility for his health and life lies with you dear parents. Be healthy!

Movement is the basis of all our life. Even light physical activity is very useful for every person for normal well-being.

For the correct and timely development of the child, parents should study the theoretical material about special exercises for babies well and use the knowledge gained in practice every day.

How useful is gymnastics for infants?

In the first months of life, the baby spends most of his time in a dream: while he is only gaining strength in order to actively explore the world around him. Therefore, gymnastics in conjunction with is a great way to keep your child's muscles in good shape.

Consider what else is useful in gymnastics:

1 Development of coordination of movements. By about 1-2 months, the baby already begins to make coordinated movements with the arms, by 3 months - consciously and with interest to feel objects around him. And by 6-7 months, you can already notice how the baby keeps his balance in a sitting position, without your help.

Thus, the child confidently overcomes many stages in order to take his first independent steps. The correct formation of the musculoskeletal system occurs precisely thanks to a set of exercises for the development of balance (for example, exercises on a ball - fitball).

2 Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Physical exercise has a beneficial effect not only on the muscles, but also on the functioning of internal organs. In particular, movement provides a healthy appetite, better digestion of food, and reduces the likelihood of stomach upset and colic.

3 Speech development. As a rule, during gymnastics, the mother voices her actions, communicates with the child, praises him and encourages him in every possible way.

Auditory perception of sounds helps the baby to form his own idea of ​​speech. The child imitates the mother, thereby acquiring the very first speech skills.

4 Improving blood circulation and metabolism. Any movement contributes to the proper circulation of blood throughout the body and, as a result, the normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels. Gymnastics at an early age will avoid the development of diseases and abnormalities associated with blood pressure. Also, a rush of blood to the soft tissues has a positive effect on growth.

5 Communication, development of tactile sensations. During gymnastics, there is direct contact between mom or dad and the child: both tactile and visual. Joint classes provide an opportunity to get to know each other better, to feel the baby that he is important to parents. It calms the child, has a beneficial effect on sleep and the nervous system as a whole.

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At what age can you start doing gymnastics for children?

You can start introducing the first elements of gymnastics from the age of a few weeks.
These are gentle stroking of the limbs and tummy, which, in fact, are part of the massage complex, but also play the role of preparing for gymnastics.

If the baby does not have appropriate contraindications, then you can start reflex exercises (flexion and extension of the limbs, "walking", etc.) from 1-1.5 months.

Curiously, the best first gymnastic experience for a child is swimming. Having come to our world from a humid environment, babies retain the instinctive ability to swim for up to three months. Carefully observing the baby, you can conduct swimming sessions in a home bath from the moment the umbilical wound is completely healed. If you are not confident in your abilities, since swimming is a rather traumatic procedure, consult a pediatrician for help.

Basic rules of gymnastics for infants

Naturally, a newborn baby needs a more delicate approach in absolutely everything. In order for gymnastics to bring only benefits, this process must be treated carefully and carefully. There are a few simple rules, thanks to which you can achieve the maximum effect from the exercises:

1 Assess the child's abilities realistically. The main goal of gymnastics is still stimulation and development of skills, and not serious sports training. Do not rush, choose exercises that are available for the age of your baby. If you see that the child is not coping with the load, reduce the amount of time allotted for training, weaken the intensity of the actions performed.

2 Do not start gymnastics if you are not in the mood. Exercises with a child should be interesting and desirable, and not a routine boring procedure.

If you feel that you are tired enough for today, then it is better to take a day off than once again spoil the mood for yourself and the crumbs.

Approach the exercises with an exclusively positive attitude, and the child, as the best unbiased psychologist, will definitely reciprocate. The same applies to the child - if the baby wants to relax and is naughty, you should not force him.

3 It is desirable to develop a training regimen. The ideal time to practice with the baby is noon. By this time, the child should be full, set to exercise, but at least 20-30 minutes should have passed since the last feeding.

Postpone gymnastics if the child is not healthy. Also, exercises should not be performed for several days after vaccinations.

5 Ventilate the room well before gymnastics, but also monitor the air temperature in the room. Exercises will be much more effective if the baby is naked during them, so temperatures below 22-23 degrees are not acceptable for classes.

Gymnastics for children 1-3 months

During this period, all exercises are reflex in nature. The main principle is irritation of the baby's skin in order to obtain a response. All movements are done only with the help of adults. The workout lasts no more than 15 minutes. It is worth remembering that any gymnastics begins with a light massage, stroking.

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1 Laying out on the stomach. Perhaps the easiest exercise. When laying a child on his stomach, for example, for a back massage, one of his interesting instinctive features manifests itself: the baby immediately puts his head to one side. This exercise helps develop the muscles of the neck and back.

2 Responses to touch, flexion and extension of the fingers. Gently hold the child's leg by the ankle joint and run the pads of your fingers along his foot. The baby will bend and unbend his toes.

3 "Crawl". Starting position - lying on your stomach. The legs are bent to the sides. With one hand, gently hold the baby under the breast, with the other touch the feet. The child reflexively straightens the legs, pushing off and, as it were, “crawling” forward.

4 "Walking". Firmly, but carefully holding the baby in the armpits, put him on his feet. The heel should touch the surface of the table or couch. Feeling a solid foundation, the child will reflexively touch with his feet.

5 Spinal extension. Starting position - lying on your side. With one hand, hold the baby's legs, with the thumb and forefinger of the other, draw a line along the spine. This exercise is aimed at developing the flexors and extensors of the back.

Gymnastics for children 4, 5 and 6 months

In addition to the previous ones, exercises that provoke the child to independent actions, as well as exercises with the ball, can be added to the complex.

1 "Boxer". This exercise consists in performing rhythmic flexion and extension of the child's arms. Gently wrap your arms around his wrists, placing your thumbs in his palm. Raise the handles one by one: if the left one is raised, then the right one is in a bent position, and vice versa.

2 Put the child on the ball(it should not cause discomfort in the child, for example, be cold). The baby should slightly spread his knees, providing a more stable position. Holding it behind your back, slowly swing the ball from side to side. The same exercise can be performed while lying on your back.

3 Flexion and extension of the legs. In the supine position, grasp the child's shins with your hands. First, bend the legs one by one, then perform bending synchronously. The knees should touch the stomach.

If your child is 1 year old, but you forgot about daily children's gymnastics, then this is a disadvantage for the physical development of the child's body. Practicing simple exercises helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system. During physical education, you can use a fitball.

Some mothers underestimate the benefits of gymnastics for one-year-old children. But gymnastics for children from 1 year old are of great importance for their physical development. Morning exercises help in strengthening the muscles and spine. From an early age, kids are accustomed to sports activities, which in the future will favorably affect their health. Charging for one-year-old babies includes simple exercises. Arching the torso, tilting, squatting, walking on a ribbed board or other irregularities - all this can be done by a child at the age of 1 year under the strict control of his mother. The kid will love doing the activities in the form of a game. Even chasing after or from your mom is a form of exercise. The main thing is to follow a straight and non-slip surface to avoid unnecessary falls. You can place an obstacle course in the room with the help of chairs and pillows, and the baby must overcome the obstacles. All exercises should be performed several times, but do not overdo it. If the baby does not like any exercise, do not insist, but you can repeat it another time.

Exercises on the ball for children 1 year old

A large rubber ball or fitball is an excellent exercise aid for children in their second year of life. The simplest exercise is jumping on the ball. Mom fixes the fitball between the wall and legs, holds the baby by the body and helps him move up and down. To develop the balance of the baby, put the booty on the ball and lightly hold it by the hips. Mom bounces the ball, and the baby must stay on it. Thanks to this exercise, the small muscles of the back and the press are trained. Another useful fitball exercise for a one-year-old baby is tapping the ball with your feet. The fitball should be motionless, and the mother with straight legs, as it were, “drums” on it. Over time, the child himself will happily knock the ball with his legs. If you put the baby on the stomach and hold him by the sides, and at the same time swing the ball in different directions, the child will experience a feeling of delight. The exercise is simple, but brings many benefits to the child's body. Circular movements should be repeated 2-3 times in different directions.

Hardening of children up to 1 year

Physical education of children in the first year of life has a great influence on the development of the child's body. But hardening also helps in this process. Tempering a baby can be done not only by wiping and dousing with cool water after bathing. Long daily walks in the fresh air, including in winter, help in healing the body. It is impossible to overheat the baby, so dress him according to weather conditions. At home, you should also monitor the room temperature, air humidity. Ventilate the child's room regularly (first in his absence, and then with him), use humidifiers and air purifiers. Give your little one air baths every day. To do this is quite simple: leave the baby undressed for a short time. And we must not forget about daily water procedures and games in the water.

Olga Katunina
A set of physical exercises from 1 to 2 years.

A set of physical exercises from 1 year to 2 years.

Care for physical child development is of particular importance at an early age. During this period of life, the baby only masters the basic movements, acquires the necessary motor skills, learns control your body to coordinate actions.

At the end of the first and the beginning of the second of the year life the child begins to walk. At first, his actions are uncertain, he often falls, does not know how to maintain balance, overcome even small obstacles. It is difficult for him to simultaneously move his legs and arms.

By one and a half years the child usually already knows how not only to walk, but also to squat, turn, step over a low obstacle.

Motor activity plays an important role in ensuring the full mental development of the child, as it stimulates positive emotions, increases the overall vitality of the baby.

In the field physical development of the main pedagogical tasks are:

a) the development of different types of physical activity in children (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing)

b) development of coordination of movements.

For a successful physical development of children it is necessary to create special conditions. In children's institutions there should be sports equipment that promotes the development of physical activity children: ladders, slides, benches, paths with an obstacle, balls, hoops, gymnastic ladders, etc. Sports equipment, inventory and toys should be not only in the gym, but also in the group room, as well as on the site. At the same time, the group space should be organized in such a way that children can move freely around the room and have access to sports equipment and toys.

It is desirable that physical education and outdoor games be accompanied by music, songs, poetry reading.

The duration of physical education classes with children from 1 of the year up to 2 years is 5-6 minutes.

A set of physical exercises.

Target: Toddlers learn to walk in a certain direction, on an inclined plane, overcome obstacles, coordinate their movements, coordinate their actions with the words of the poem.

The game "Train".

The teacher offers kids: “Let me be the locomotives, and you are the wagons. Stand one after another, like this (the teacher shows how to take on the child in front, then begins to slowly move around the group, reading a poem):

“Here our train is going, the wheels are knocking, and the guys are sitting in this train.

Knock-knock, knock-knock."

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

The game "On a flat path".

The teacher lays the track on the floor, at the end we put the hoop. Then he takes the baby by the hand, walks along the path, reading poems:

“Our legs walk along a flat path,


When they reach the end of the track with words "boom in the hole", sit down in a hoop.

Repeat 2-3 times.

The game "Inflate the balloon".

To teach a child to push a balloon with one and two hands, to expand a passive vocabulary with words (flew-arrived). To evoke a sense of joy from the actions performed. Encourage independent action.

Material: a balloon with a ribbon tied to it.

The teacher shows the child the ball, gives it to touch. Then he gently pushes the ball away and invites the child to do the same.

First, he acts with the baby’s hand, making sure that he pushes the ball away.

Pushing away the ball, educator He speaks: "The ball flew away" when the ball returns to place: "The ball has arrived".

Repeat the game 2-3 times.

Outdoor games.


Children learn to jump ways: on two legs, on one leg, moving forward, through objects.

"Jump-jump, top-top"

The teacher reads the poem and shows the actions, encouraging the kids to repeat them ...

“Girls and boys, clap, clap, clap!

Jump like balls, jump-jump-jump,

They stomp their feet, top-top-top

They laugh merrily ha-ha-ha.

Then the teacher says: “Probably our arms and legs are tired. Let's sit down and put our hands on our knees, let them rest."

Everyone sits on the carpet and rest.

The game can be repeated.

"Catch the ball".

The teacher brings a basket of balls (according to the number of children) and invites children to play.

Gathers children around him and with words "get the balls" throws them in different directions. Children run after the balls, take them and put them back in the basket.

Respiratory exercises.

Games-classes are aimed at strengthening the respiratory muscles.

Exercises can be included in the complex of morning exercises, warm-up after sleep, during a walk (at least 2 times a day)

"Cow Mooing"

The teacher invites the kids to portray how the cow lows.

Children inhale and exhale say "Mu Mu".


The teacher invites the kids to depict how the breeze blows. Pull out the lips with a tube and exhale air through the mouth.

Games are repeated 2-3 times.

Similar an exercise"Inflate the Ball".


The teacher offers to stand up straight, spread your legs, lower your hands. Wave back and forth with straight arms, saying "tic-tock".

Repeat the game 2-3 times.


The teacher invites the children to slowly walk around the room, raising and lowering their hands to the sides. Lower your hands as you exhale with a long sound "g-u-u-u".

Repeat the game 3-4 times.

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At the age of two or three, children like to imitate adults. Use this quality for useful purposes. You will have to do exercises together. Just show the kid a good example, and he will definitely do everything like mom or dad. "Do as we do, do better than us"! - let these words become the motto of your family.

Gymnastics for kids should not turn into complex strength exercises, push-ups, press swings or acrobatic stunts. It must be carried out within 5-10 minutes, and only in a playful way. Otherwise, it won't work. At this age, it is difficult to keep the attention of the child, it is necessary to captivate him with something. Use and play with topics that are close and understandable to the baby. Do not give all the exercises at once. Two or three is enough for the baby to play and at the same time learn some new motor skills.


Get the sun. Tell the baby that the sun is shining directly over his head (you can hold a yellow balloon in your hands). Ask him to get the sun. He will stretch his arms up and rise on his toes. Here is exercise number 1.

On toes and heels. Ask your child: how does he know how to walk on toes and heels? Show me how to do it. Have a doll or favorite soft toy join in and show off their skills.

Squats. How to teach a child to squat? Scatter different objects (or toys) around the room and ask your baby to bring them to you one at a time and put them in a box, for example. The conditions of the game will "force" him to squat.

Bridge. This bridge is different from the adult, because it is done in reverse. The baby should stand on his hands and feet, but not with his stomach, but with his back up. Make sure he straightens his knees. Look into the baby’s face and ask: “And who became our bridge?”

locomotive. Let the kid get on all fours and show how the locomotive rides. You can accompany the movements with sounds: “choo-choo”. Designate the trajectory of the movement of the “engine”, let him try to reverse.

Airplane. Spread your arms out to the sides and fly around the room. Accompany your movements with the sounds of a flying plane: "oooo".

Scissors. This is a classic exercise that we all know well. The abdominal muscles of the child are not yet strong enough to keep the legs on weight for a long time. He will have his own "scissors". The main thing is effort!

Kitty. Let the baby get on all fours and bend the back up and down like a cat. Don't forget to purr!

bear clumsy. Ask the child: “How does the bear walk?” Let him show. Demonstrate the clumsy movements of the clubfoot.

Running and jumping. Sprinting for a two-year-old toddler is likely to end in a fall. Learn to run fast gradually. For good coordination of movements and balance, invite the baby to run between spaced objects. Jump after running. It will not be difficult: ask the baby to show how the hare jumps.

PREVENTION OF FLATFOOT. For the prevention of flat feet, do gymnastics for the feet.

◈ Sit the baby on the floor and invite him to be a monkey. Scatter various (small) objects around and ask the baby to collect them with her toes. Show me how to do it. The task will not be easy!

◈ Sit on the floor (on a soft surface) opposite each other, hold a towel (or clothes) between your legs and play tug of war.

◈ Sit on the floor, pass the ball to each other, pushing it with your feet.

◈ Let the baby raise his hands up, stand on his toes and walk a few circles around the room. This exercise well trains the muscles of the lower leg and foot.

We move to the songs

If desired, any children's song can be used as musical accompaniment, as well as tips for action when charging. Here, for example, is this:

Ah, in Africa, the mountains are so high, (raise your hands up)

Ah, in Africa, the rivers are this wide, (raise our hands to the sides)

Ah, crocodiles, hippos, (clap hands)

Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,

Ah, and a green parrot (we wave our hands like birds)

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