What unusual and beautiful names are suitable for a girl born in April. Name day in April for boys and girls according to the church calendar Name day on April 22

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Names April 22 to church calendar(saints)

April 22 / May 5

Vitaly - vital (lat.).
Vsevolod - owning everything, all-powerful (glory);
Gavril - the fortress of God; my help is God; man of God (Heb.);
Demetrius (Dmitry) - related to Demeter; high lands(Greek).
Evstafiy (Evstafey, Astafiy) - stable, solid (Greek); even, quiet, soft, meek, calm (lat.).
Clement (Klim, Clement) - vine (Greek); merciful (lat.);
Luke - from Lucania; born at sunrise (lat.).
Nathanael (Bartholomew) - given by God, a gift of God; son of Tolomei (Heb.).
Theodore (Fyodor) - God's gift (Greek).

Do you know that...

April 22 (May 5) is the day of the transfer of the holy relics of the Apostle and Evangelist Luke. Luke, a native of Syrian Antioch, was a doctor from a noble Greek family. Arrived in Palestine to get acquainted with the teachings of Christ from himself. He was an associate of St. apostle Paul. He himself preached the Christian doctrine in different countries. He is the author of the Holy Gospel and the work "Acts of the Holy Apostles".

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Women's names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.


Men's name day on April 22 according to the church calendar

  • - from the old Russian vaditi - “argue, sow confusion” or “tame” from the old Russian word volod - “ruler” short form name Vadimir - "to argue."
  • - from the Hebrew name Gabriel - " strong man God, God's warrior."

Name of the day April 22 - Vadim

The origins of the name are lost in the mists of time. Most often, the origin of the name is associated with the Slavic word Vadimir, which meant “disputer”, “sowing confusion”. There are versions according to which the name is translated as "attractive".

Vadimov is often not understood by others, in order to earn their piece of luck, they have to work hard. Ultimately, Vadim succeeds through sacrifice. It is no coincidence that another almost forgotten translation of this name is "like an angel."

Meditation on a name day with the help of the constellation Virgo will help Vadim get rid of tense situations.

To gain strength through meditation, you need to imagine the constellation. For a sample, you can take the constellation from the atlas of Jan Hevelius. Vadim can feel how the constellation sends rays that destroy bad energies and give good powers. With inhalation, light rays penetrate into the soul; with exhalation, dark rays leave.

After a 15-minute presentation of the constellation, you need to return from space to earth.

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The birth of a child always brings joy. What could be better than looking at a little miracle that is an extension of its parents. It is this baby that bears the traits of both mom and dad. But besides all this, there are certain character traits and a set of qualities that are unique to him. Over the course of a lifetime, they can either change, disappear, or become more firmly established in his personality. Everything will depend on the circumstances and life situations meet him on the way. But parents can initially correct a little and lay some traits in the character of the newborn. This can be done with a name. You can choose the necessary name for a girl or boy on a name day in April according to the church calendar on your own or with the help of a clergyman. To choose the right name, you should know what qualities will be inherent in children in certain months of their birth.

Basically, the church calendar includes men's name day April and other months. The custom of naming a child in honor of the saints appeared after the adoption of Christianity and the baptism of the people. Our ancestors were sure that the saint, whose name the baby bears, will protect him throughout his life. Also, the child will take over from him all his positive qualities.

This also protects the child and drives away evil spirits from him. If the child was named after the saint, then the day when it is remembered in the church calendar and is called the name day of the boys in April.

Name days of male names according to the church calendar in April mainly consist of church or Old Slavonic names. It happens that parents name the baby modern name which is not on the list. IN this case it is worth turning to the priest and he will help you find consonant with him.

List of male names for April:

  • 01 - Ivan, Dmitry, Innokenty;
  • 02 - Victor, Vasily, Vissarion, Ivan, German, Maxim, Miron, Sergey, Nikita, Sevastyan;
  • 03 - Yakov, Vladimir, Kirill;
  • 04 - Vasily, Isaac;
  • 05 - Alexey, Vasily, Ilya, George, Makar, Sergey;
  • 06 - Zakhar, Vladimir, Martin, Stepan, Peter, Yakov;
  • 07 - Tikhon;
  • 08 - Abraham, Vasily, Stepan, Gabriel;
  • 09 - Ephraim, Alexander, Ivan, Pavel, Makar;
  • 10 - Ivan, Vasily, Hilarion, Nikolai, Ilya, Stepan;
  • 11 - Isaac, Ivan, Cyril, Mark, Cornelius, Philip, Michael;
  • 12 - Ivan, Zakhar;
  • 13 - Ivan, Benjamin, Innokenty, Joseph;
  • 14 - Ivan, Efim, Makar, Sergey;
  • 15 - Gregory, George, Efim;
  • 16 - Nikita;
  • 17 - George, Adrian, Ivan, Benjamin, Joseph, Nikolai, Nikita, Fedor;
  • 18 - George, Alexei, Mark, Plato, Nikolai, Semyon;
  • 19 - Ivan, Grigory, Pavel, Sevastyan, Peter, Yakov;
  • 20 - Arkady, Daniel, George, Peter;
  • 21 - Ivan, Sergey;
  • 22 - Gabriel, Vadim;
  • 23 - Grigory, Alexander, Dmitry, Terenty, Maxim, Fedor, Yakov;
  • 24 - Ivan, Efim, Nikolai, Prokhor, Peter, Yakov;
  • 25 - David, Vasily, Ivan, Sergey;
  • 26 - Dmitry, George;
  • 27 - Anton, Alexander, Valentin, Martin, Ivan;
  • 28 - Alexander, Andrey, Victor, Aristarkh, Kondrat, Lukyan, Leonid, Sevastyan, Fedor, Trofim;
  • 29 - Leonid, Pavel, Mikhail;
  • 30 - Alexander, Adrian, Ephraim, Mikhail, Ivan, Semyon, Fedor.

Names for girls

Choosing a name for a girl is also not too easy. Many parents want their baby to always be a princess and choose quite rare names. But it also happens that parents come up with names on their own. Sometimes they are quite unique.

Name days of female names in April according to the church calendar consist of the following:

  • 01 - Sophia, Daria;
  • 02 - Claudia, Alexandra, Praskovya, Maria, Ulyana, Svetlana;
  • 04 - Daria, Vasilisa, Taisiya;
  • 05 - Barbara, Pelageya, Anastasia, Lydia;
  • 08 - Alla, Larisa, Anna, Praskovya;
  • 13 - Anna;
  • 14 - Mary;
  • 17 - Mary;
  • 20 - Evdokia, Akulina;
  • 21 - Mary;
  • 25 - Martha, Mary;
  • 26 - Martha;
  • 28 - Vasilisa, Anastasia;
  • 29 - Nika, Vasilisa, Irina, Galina.

Based on the women's name day in April, you can choose the one you like the most, but this is not necessary. You can simply look at the meaning of each name and choose the one whose characteristics will best suit your baby.

Features of choosing a name for a child

There are certain tips for choosing a name for a newborn. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them first:

Choose a name that will sound good with a middle name. Sometimes parents do not give enough attention to this moment, and the child suffers in adulthood.

Be careful if you want to name a child after someone. It is advisable to familiarize yourself well with the biography of this person. It is generally accepted that the name leaves a certain imprint on the fate of a person. But there are also cases when the character traits of one person can be transferred to another. Moreover, the child can repeat some episodes of the life of his namesake. So be careful and especially carefully approach this issue.

How to determine the name day of a child if he was not named on the day of the saint's name day

It happens that the name of the saint was liked, but it occurs on a different day, and not on the birthday of the child. In this case, the priests recommend looking through the church calendar and finding the name of the saint after the birthday. The first one that will meet and will be the name day. And if the name is not found in the calendar, then you need to seek help from a priest who will help you choose a consonant one.

Name day or namesake day is called one of the main and important in the life of every Christian. This day is considered the day of the heavenly patron of the child, after whom he was named. Priests recommend coming to church on such holidays and reading thanksgiving prayers to their guardian angels for protecting you.

Name of the child at baptism

It happens that at baptism the priest calls the child a different name. This is explained by the fact that when pointing damage or other magical rituals use church name child. That is why parents are forbidden to tell it to anyone. It is believed that the saint patronizes the baby and protects him from negative influences.

Remember that choosing a name is serious enough for every person. You need to think carefully before making a decision. After all, a child is given a name once and for all his life.

The Lord is always with you!

On April 22, the name day is celebrated only by the owners of the name Vadim. Women's names are not presented today.

The Orthodox calendar for 2020 tells us that on April 22 it is customary to honor the Cypriot icon of the Mother of God.

Previously, name days were celebrated on a larger scale than birthdays. However, those who had these two holidays coincided were considered especially lucky.

Birthday people set the table with various dishes, gathered guests and celebrated joyfully, thanks to their Guardian Angel.

Name days still remain a popular holiday, although they are not celebrated on such a scale. Holders of the names of patron saints pray to the protector, asking him for mercy and help.

The patron never leaves the wards of girls and boys, always looking after them and guiding them in a difficult situation.

The icon was found in Cyprus in 392, where Lazarus was buried. Now it is kept in a monastery erected on this site.

The icon depicts a seated Virgin Mary with her son in her arms, on the right and left of her are angels. Her power to heal people is known throughout the world.

Once a man passing by the church decided to laugh at the icon and fired an arrow at it. The blood that came out spilled to the ground, and the blasphemer died before he could reach the house.

Even copies made from this unique icon can work wonders. All of them are kept in churches, where to this day a huge number of people strive to get.

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