Red Hulk against the abomination. Red Hulk. Fall of the Hulks and World War Hulks

Marble 10.02.2021

Skills: Thaddeus Ross has excellent shooting skills due to his long service in the military, and he is also good at hand-to-hand combat.
Capabilities: The Red Hulk has the same powers and abilities as the Hulk, except that the Red Hulk is more tactical and reconnaissance. Red has great physical strength and impenetrability. Its strength is so great that it can easily lift over 100 tons, and its impenetrability is large enough to withstand large calibers of bullets and other extreme force impacts. Another of the differences between the Red Hulk and the Savage Hulk is that the Red Hulk's powers do not increase based on his emotional state. Red in a face-to-face fight with the Hulk was able to defeat him. Savage fought other heavyweights as well, such as She-Hulk, Atomic Bomb, Thor, and Uatu.

Also, unlike the Hulk, the Red Hulk emits an excessive amount of gamma radiation. But this can become his own inconvenience, as when too much heat is generated within his body, the Red Hulk begins to feel dizzy, thus becoming vulnerable to attack. The Savage once told the Silver Surfer that his Red's power was to absorb energy, especially gamma, but when Ross absorbed the Silver Surfer's Cosmic energy, he mastered it quite easily. The Savage tried to absorb the negative energy, but it hurt him and made him weak. This ability was eventually removed from General Ross and Betty Ross by Bruce Banner as it could have killed them.

Biography:General Thaddeus Ross ( General Thaddeus Rossworked in the US Air Force, where he was responsible for the Gamma Bomb project ) , which was managed by Bruce Banner (Hulk) . Ross's daughter, Betty Ross ) fell in love with Bruce despite the fact that her father was against this flirtation with a scientist for whom he had no respect. Since Dr. Banner was transformed into the Hulk ( hulk), General Ross spent many years trying to capture the Green Goliath ( Green Goliath, despite the committed high treason and alliance with the enemies of the Hulk: Leader (Leader), (M.O.D.O.C.)and Abomination, Emil Blonsky ( Abomination).

During a battle between Bruce and a deadly mutant, Ross sacrificed himself and gave his blessing to Betty and Bruce. His body was stolen by the Leader and revived to replace the Redeemer. Ultimately, the General returned to normal and returned to the Air Force. He also made peace with Banner, and everything seemed to be fine until Betty died of gamma poisoning. Ross started hunting the Hulk again. But after he found out that the Abomination was guilty of the death of his daughter, he began to help Bruce.

Planet Hulk / World War Hulk

The Hulk was considered a threat on Earth and, to prevent further destruction, the Illuminati superhero group ) decided to exile Bruce into space (the Hulk was tricked into being sent there). After being tested in space, Banner returned to Earth, wanting to bring the Illuminati to justice. After defeating Iron Man ) , Fantastic Four (Fantastic Four)and the Avengers ) , General Ross appeared with the armed forces.

General Ross regretted that people always apologized to the Hulk (Earth's superheroes built a statue of Adamantium in honor of the Hulk) because he believed that he was a threat to humanity.

Ross attacked the Hulk, but he easily defeated the general and his army.

After the battle between the Hulk and the Sentinel ( Sentry) General Ross caught and sent Banner to rehab at Gamma Base ( Gamma Base), (located three miles underground). In fact, Banner was under the control of the Intelligentsia ( intelligentsia).

Red Hulk


Red Hulk ( redhulk) was created by the Intelligentsia after the World War Hulk event ( World War Hulk. The satellites that Iron Man used to take down and deplete the Hulk were hacked, and all the power drained from Bruce, along with Cosmic Force (power cosmic) was used to create the Red Hulk.

The satellites tracked a lot of seismic activity in Canada, owned by Krasnoy. There he set up camp. During this time, Ross battled the Abomination and was attacked by the Wendigo. He tore off the last one's head as a warning to the others. This was the first indication that another Hulk existed.

First Appearance: Red Hulk vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.

Members of SHIELD, Maria Hilland Iron Man, along with She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk , jennifer walters) , General Ross and Leonard Samson (Leonard Samson ) , discovered the body of the Abomination in Russia riddled with fairly large bullet holes. Following the trail of the Hulk and the remaining gamma radiation, Leonard explained to the group what happened at the crime scene. He found it odd that the Hulk left footprints that had glass in them. And also that the Hulk resorted to killing with weapons, and even extremely large ones - stolen from S.H.I.E.L.D.. After a short fight with the Winter Guard (Winter Guard) General Ross discovered a small child, a witness to that fight, who only repeated one word in Russian - Red.

When Maria, Tony Stark and Jennifer discussed the events aboard the (SHIELD Helicopter) Helicarier, the latter was attacked by the Red Hulk. During the fight, he revealed to her that he was not Bruce Banner and that he could kill her any time he wanted. He then threw Walters, leaving her unconscious. Believing that everyone was in danger, Stark ordered Samson and Ross to go to a more secure compartment, as he himself prepared to fight the Red Hulk. Thaddeus deflected the uni-beams ( unibeam) and crashed Iron Man, eventually destroying the Helicopter's stabilizer in the engine room. On the surface of the ship, Red Hulk hit Iron Man ( Iron Man ), sending him into the pilot's cabin. Tony's armor began to malfunction, but Iron Man was rescued by She-Hulk, who told him that the Airline had been infected by a virus that had erased all S.H.I.E.L.D. files. on Red. The Helicopter itself fell on New York, but Iron Man forwarded the trajectory of the ship's fall to the area in New Jersey ( New Jersey).

The strongest among all

Red Hulk followed Rick Jones ) at Gamma Base in Death Valley, Nevada ( Death Valley, Nevada trying to kill him. The General hit Rick, but it only caused Jones to transform into an Atomic Bomb ( a-bomb). During the fight, the two destroyed most of the Gamma Base. The Red Hulk tried to kill Rick, but realized that he could do much more harm to him than the Abominations. Ross' impacts were strong enough to cause a magnitude 10 earthquake, shattering the base of Gamma Base. There, underground, in a chamber, Bruce Banner was held since the World War Hulk. Due to the gases released, Bruce began to transform.

Atomic Bomb and Red continued to fight while Gamma Base unleashed robotic Harpies ( Harpies(with the face of Betty Ross), to attack these two. Rick and Thunderbolt destroyed the Harpies, and while Red continued to fight, the original Hulk appeared. At that moment the Watcher appeared. ) , apparently to follow the fight between the two Hulks. But Thaddeus quickly punched the Watcher in the face, knocking Uatu to the ground. While Rulk attacked Watcher, Hulk grabbed Red and the two started fighting again. As Bruce seemed to have the upper hand, Ross was behind Banner in a lightning move and broke his arm. Red Hulk brought Bruce to the top Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco) where he wanted to kill him with the same weapon that the Abomination had. The Hulk bit the barrel of the cannon, breaking it, and after a short struggle fell into the water.

Before the Thunderer chased the Hulk, Thor, the Norse god, confronted Thaddeus. During the fight, Red easily repulsed all the blows, and, grabbing the top of Thor's hammer, jumped into orbit. There he defeated the Scandinavian with the same hammer, arguing that the rules for lifting the hammer did not apply to him. Rulk defeated the god and left him on the moon, while he himself went back to Earth. His landing in San Francisco, namely in San Andreas, caused the formation of large waves, thereby putting the city in danger.

After the Atomic Bomb brought the Hulk back to land, She-Hulk, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four were waiting for him. They offered to team up, but Bruce went off to fight the Red Hulk again (he was able to locate him instinctively). Returning Thor began to fight with Thaddeus. Just as the Scandinavian was about to deliver the final blow to his opponent, the Hulk appeared and began to fight Red himself. The Scandinavian god wanted to take revenge on his opponent, but the Atomic Bomb stopped him, saying that the Hulk should do it. Banner outwitted Red Hulk, angering him to the point where he ended up overheating. Bruce quickly landed a few more blows, thus confirming his victory. Tired of fighting, Banner went to the desert, while, Atomic Bomb, returned to human form, tried to tell the Hulk about Ross' real identity, but before he could say those words, Leonard Samson shot Jones. Samson dragged Rick away, telling Red that he was a failure and that he was on his own now.

Red Hulk vs Lady Liberators She-Hulk

She-Hulk has assembled a team seeking revenge on Red Hulk. The new incarnation of the Lady Liberators ) included Valkyrie and Thundra. The trio found the General in a bar on Mount Rushmore (Mt. Rushmore) after three days of tracking his gamma trail. After crushing Abe Lincoln's head, stabbing, choking and destroying, and being shot in the face with a shotgun, Red Hulk was never defeated. But soon came Tigra, Sue Storm ) , Black Widow ) , Spider-Woman, Hellcat (Hellcat) and Storm (Storm ) (all those whom the She-Hulk offered to join the Lady Liberators), and brought victory over Red, chaining him. Xandra wanted to behead Ross to restore him to human form, but no one agreed. When dawn broke, Red never changed, but instead broke the chains, knocked out Storm and Jennifer, and, grabbing Zandra, jumped off the mountain. After escaping, he offered Xandra a secret job.

Outlaws vs Defenders

Grandmaster (Grandmaster ) and Collectormade a bet: everyone creates a super-team for the fight. The Grandmaster chose the original Defenders as his champions. ) , and the Collector - Red Hulk, Tiger Shark (Tiger Shark ) , Terrax and Baron Mordo. Thaddeus became the leader of his team and named it the Outlaws ( offenders). The Grandmaster and the Collector, fearing that the opponents were equal in strength, introduced several more participants: Galactus, Dormammu, and The Psycho-Man ) . During a fight between the two teams, Red emerged victorious by killing the Hulk.

The Grandmaster sent the Red Hulk back into the game, and he began to kill everyone, including teammates. Thunderbolt killed Psycho-Man and then cut off Terrax's head with his own axe. Rulk managed to steal the Silver Surfer's board.) and his cosmic power. Before Ross traveled to Dormammu's dimension, he roasted the Tiger Shark, executed Namor, and rode the Surfer's board over Dormammu's head. The General brought Silver's lifeless body to Galactus, wanting to fight, but he simply took away Red Hulk's Cosmic Power and sent him back to Earth. The grandmaster revived all those who were involved in the game and returned them to their rightful places. But after being attacked, he was killed by an angry Red Hulk. During the fight with the Grandmaster, Thaddeus stopped him by hitting the mountaintop.

Domino Chase

Later, Domino (Domino) managed to see how the Red Hulk turned into General Ross. Rulk persistently searched for her after this incident, but she ran away and claimed that she had not seen anything. Then the Thunderer created a team consisting of the Punisher (Punisher), Zandra (Thundra), Deadpool (Deadpool), Elektra (Elektra) and Crimson Dynamo (Crimson Dynamo), calling them ‘Red Code’ (Code Red). Elektra located Domino and Code Red, also learning that Domino had his own team doing the dirty work, X-Force. During the ensuing battle, Wolverine blinded Red. Logan ( Logan ) was about to finish off Ross, but Red She-Hulk shot down Wolverine, thereby saving the General. The remnants of Code Red were left behind when Red led Red Hulk into the sewers, avoiding a fight. The General saw many things similar to himself in the Red She-Hulk. Deep in the sewers, Red jabbed Elektra's sai into a vital artery in Rulk's neck, and soon Samson appeared with the Punisher, Deadpool, and Zandra to confront Red.

Thunderbolt tried to talk to Leonard to convince the group that the others couldn't be trusted. Xandra said she never betrayed the Red Hulk by trapping Samson. When Ross recovered, he joined the fight. Zandra fought Samson while the Punisher and Deadpool, realizing they had been tricked, fled. Red She-Hulk was pursued by Thaddeus. Eventually, after catching her, he climbed up a skyscraper with her. The General wanted to throw off the Red, but decided to try to reason with her. Red She-Hulk turned insane, throwing Thunderbolt back down the drain, where he was found by Elektra. She led him to Domino (who wore the Silver Sable costume). Red learned that Domino was following the leader of the A.I.M. to avenge her husband and had no idea Red would be there. Ross found out that everyone was against him and formed an unofficial alliance with Elektra, Deadpool, Dynamo, and the Punisher. It also became known that the government was working on a plan to get rid of all mutants after learning that this race could eventually outnumber all humans.

Fall of the Hulks/World War Hulks

The Red Hulk was later seen fighting against the armored Thunderbolt Ross. He had an advantage at the beginning of the fight, but when Ross revealed who he was, he was killed by Red. It was later revealed that Rulk was in league with Bruce Banner, and that killing Ross was part of their plan. But the collaboration with Banner was shaky, and only existed because both needed each other to complete their mission to end the Intelligentsia (the team that Red Hulk once worked with). Red continued to carry out missions in alliance with Banner - including a trip to the base of the secret C..I.I., which not only cloned the body of MODOK (M.O.D.O.K.), but also created the Space Hulk. After a bit of a fight, the Atomic Bomb and the General returned to Banner, reporting the events that had happened to them, after which the Red Hulk revealed to Bruce that he had a daughter, Lyra (Lyra).

Rulk went to the Baxter Building to ensure that no one was harmed during the kidnapping of Reed Richards by the Intelligence. Red went to the Thing, Ben Grimm, to warn him of the impending threat he would soon face, but Ben didn't trust Ross and continued his attacks. The Red Hulk finally convinced Grimm that together they should re-seal the portal to the Negative Zone that the Trapster had pierced through Grimm. The general tried to absorb the negative energy, but only burned himself, becoming weaker. And so, when the Creature was in danger, the Thunderer saved him.

While trying to save T'Challa from being kidnapped by the Red Ghost and his minions, Ross was attacked by members of the X-Men who thought Red was the enemy, thus thwarting his rescue operation. Rulk received some help from the Red Ghost's ape-like companions, but was later attacked as well. The Red Hulk killed one of the great apes, Mikhlo, infuriating the owner, for which the Red Ghost crushed the insolent heart. When the Thunderbolt woke up, he learned that the Ghost not only ran away with T "Challa, but also kidnapped Hank McCoy (Hank McCoy). Red returned to report everything to Banner, the field of which Bruce tried to convince the General that the Intelligentsia was using him in the same way as old green Hulk.

Thaddeus soon attacked the Intelligentsia's lair - stolen from S.H.I.E.L.D. A helicopter renamed the Hellcarrier that hovered over the state of Washington, D.C. Red destroyed the gamma android Mad Thinker, but was captured by the Space Hulk. Ross was then connected to a machine that transformed, with his help, a small army of C.I.I. into hulk-like monsters. Several superheroes of the Hulk version were also created. After that, the heroes decided to attack the Thunderer. By defeating "hulked out" heroes (Thor, Ms. Marvel, Captain America, Cyclops, Storm, Spider-Man, Wolverine, etc.) ) Red She-Hulk appeared and attacked Red. Completely exhausted by that time, Thaudeus attempted to fight her, but his strength failed him. Since Red had the same ability to absorb energy, she decided to use it against Rulk. After receiving all the energy, Red Hulk's real identity was revealed - General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. Red She-Hulk was originally going to kill Ross, but after discovering his true identity, she revealed hers. It turned out that she was his daughter, Betty Ross. Betty left Ross on the floor as the Space Hulk showed up. He grabbed a capable Ross, but Thaddeus began to release energy, regaining his power. The General quickly turned into the Hulk and tore the Cosmic in two.

The helicopter, breaking down from the battles of the "Hulk-like" heroes and Banner's Avengers, was doomed to fall, and in the meantime, Red reached the flight deck, finding the Leader. Ross captured him and absorbed all of his gamma radiation, thereby returning to his human form, after which he left the Leader, as he would spend the rest of his life as an ordinary person. After that, Red went to the White House, to the Oval Office. He destroyed Glenn Talbot (who was in live during an attack by the Hulked AIMarines), informing everyone that he had taken control.

Last Standing Hulk

As Rulk was about to take control and "save this country," the Hulk ripped off the wall of the Oval Office to stop him, forcing the General to fight him. Red She-Hulk, She-Hulk, Lyra, and Atomic Bomb accompanied the Hulk. The Hulk and Ross fought for a short amount of time, and Bruce had already started to win, but when Banner knocked Ross into the ground, Betty was called out. When Red also tried to intervene, she was stopped by Jennifer, who believed that Bruce and Thaddeus should be allowed to finish their battle on their own. This infuriated Betty, and she attacked Jen. Seeing that his daughter was in danger, Ross got a second wind, but he was thrown across the city by the Hulk, who assured that he would "put an end to this."

Banner and the General continued to fight from the other side of town, stopping the Wizard, Ghost and Trapster during their bank robbery. The Red Hulk charged at the Hulk with a crushing blow, thus creating an atomic explosion. Thinking he had won, Ross climbed out of the resulting crater, claiming he was now the strongest. But then the Hulk came up, asking, "Is that all you got?" and finished with the General with one thunderous pop. Afterwards, the Hulk revealed that he knew Ross' true identity from the beginning. The fake death and funeral was Banner's way of luring the General into a trap - if he revealed himself as the Red Hulk in public, he would be hanged for treason.

Scorched earth

Later, Ross was introduced to Steve Rogers. Thaddeus was in the restored underground Gamma base, locked up under high security. The Hulk told Rogers that Ross could be a good addition to his various missions due to his skills. After all, Thaddeus is a patriot who will "sacrifice even himself for his country", just like Captain America. As such, Banner recommended that Red Hulk be accepted into the Avengers. But Steve decided that Ross wasn't ready yet. Banner, for greater security, turned on the anti-gravity mechanism in the General's cell. Three days later Rogers returned to see if Thaddeus had calmed down. Meeting with him in person, Steve insisted that the Red Hulk return to human form. He did it, but only out of respect for Cap. Banner immediately injected something into Ross and he hung up. While he was unconscious, Bruce worked on removing the General's ability to absorb energy, claiming that this power could soon kill him. Disagreeing, Ross understood that Banner was right, and also took care of Betty, in order to then do this procedure for her. Rogers told the General what plans he had for him, and also that he did not trust him (nor did the public). Ross was exposed to the Intelligentsia's plan, called Scorched Earth. The plan took effect as soon as the Leader and MODOK lost their power. A series of cataclysmic events around the world would then occur, eventually destroying the Earth.

When the experimental facility in Santa Clara, California went out of control, Banner and Rogers sent the Red Hulk there as his first mission. Rogers attempted to get in touch with Iron Man, Tony Stark, and report Thaddeus' presence in their plans, but there was great interference in Santa Clara. Therefore, as soon as Stark's armor detected the presence of the Red Hulk, he immediately attacked the General. Ignoring the actual problem, Iron Man devoted all his attention to fighting the Red Hulk, who seemed to have infected his armor with a biological program, due to which Tony remotely controlled the suit until he figured out the techno-morphs (technomorphs ). Finally, after realizing that their conflict was a misunderstanding, Ross and Stark teamed up. Iron Man sent the General to the central grid, which Red destroyed in order to get rid of the techno-morphs.

Red's next mission was to stop two comets heading for Earth thanks to a black hole created by MODOK and the Leader. Although the black hole was closed, the comets still needed to be destroyed. Banner and Rogers sent Thaddeus and Thor to solve this problem. Upon seeing the Red Hulk, Thor flew into a rage and attacked him. Banner stopped the fight with a sharp hologram of Galactus, drawing their attention. After the fight, Thor opened a portal for the comets. In space, the General and the Scandinavian separated, after which Red collided with the Observer.

The observer informed him that the black hole was still open and that it could harm other areas of the universe, but Uatu was obligated not to interfere. When Red broke loose and began to fall into a black hole, Thor saved him, returning them both to Earth. There, Banner reported that the black hole had been closed, suggesting that the Observer may have opened the hole as some kind of revenge on Red Hulk for punching him.

Later, at Gamma Base, Ross asked Banner about his daughter. At this point, Bruce was notified of another Scorched Earth event and sent Ross along with Steve Rogers to Namor. During the trip, Rogers told Ross that if they closed the Scorched Earth program, Thaddeus would have another chance to continue working. Together, Namor and Red teamed up to shut down a drilling that threatened to expose the methane under the sea floor, mixing with magma and destroying not only the atmosphere of Atlantis, but the entire planet. The "drill" turned out to be Klaw's sonic construct, in the form of a giant glowing eel. After identifying the source of the energy, Red and Namor closed all the holes that had been created.

Red Hulk (Red Hulk) his real name General Thaddeus I. "Thunderbolt" Ross- a character that appears in the universe, first appears as an enemy, and then as an ally of the Hulk. First appeared in a comic called Hulk vol.2 #1 (January 2008), and the character was created by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness.



Sam Elliot played the role of General Ross in the film " Hulk"released in 2003.

William Hurt played the role of Ross in the film " The incredible Hulk" released in 2008.

William Hurt reprises his role as Ross in Captain America: Civil War, Ross serving as United States Secretary of State.


General Ross makes a cameo appearance in the game" Hulk" released in 2003.
Thunderbolt Ross appears in " The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, voiced by Dave Thomas.
Thunderbolt Ross appears in the 2008 game " The incredible Hulk", voiced by William Hurt. The Red Hulk is also a playable character in the Xbox 360 game.
The Red Hulk is available as an additional costume for the Hulk in " Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2", "Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds" and " Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet".
Red Hulk seems like a playable character in " Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, voiced by Tom Kenny.
The Red Hulk appears as an unlockable character in " Marvel: Avengers Alliance".
Thunderbolt Ross and Red Hulk appear as playable characters in " Lego Marvel Super Heroes", Ross is voiced by John DiMaggio and Red Hulk is voiced by Fred Tatasciore.
Red Hulk is a playable character in the game" Marvel: Future Fight".
Red Hulk and Thunderbolt Ross appear as playable characters in " Lego Marvel's Avengers".


  • 1 Character biography
    • 1.1 General Ross
    • 1.2 Red Hulk
  • 2 Abilities
  • 3 Interesting Facts
  • 4 Bibliography
  • 5 General Ross outside the comics
    • 5.1 Films
  • Notes


General Thaddeus I. "Thunderbolt" Ross(English) General Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross ), later Red Hulk(English) Red Hulk) is a character in Marvel Comics, first an enemy, and then an ally of the Hulk. First appeared in a comic Incredible Hulk#1 (May 1962) as General Ross.

1. Biography of the character

1.1. General Ross

General Ross is a brave warrior and longtime enemy of the Hulk. It was Thaddeus Ross who ran the science center where they tested the gamma bomb that turned Bruce Banner into the green giant Hulk. Ross is obsessed with capturing the Hulk and has no sympathy for Banner. The general leads the special forces unit - "Anti-Hulk". In the arsenal of the detachment - the most modern technology and powerful weapons. For his explosive temperament, Ross was given the nickname - "Thunderer" (or simply "Thunder"). Since no prison can hold the Hulk, Ross founded the "Gamma Base" - the headquarters of his squad, intended for the green monster. In addition to all this, Ross has a daughter - Betty, whom he dreams of marrying his assistant - Major Glenn Talbot. However, Betty is in love with Bruce Banner, and the idea of ​​intermarrying with the Hulk drove Ross crazy. But still, his plan did not come true and Betty married Bruce. After that, Ross became even more angry with the giant and even asked for help from the villains so that they defeated the Hulk. Even MODOK helped him, but still Ross could not catch the Hulk.

1.2. Red Hulk

Ross in Red Hulk.

For the first time Red Hulk (or Rulk) appeared in 2008 in the comic strip Hulk #1.

After one experiment, Ross, under unknown circumstances, became the Red Hulk. He first appeared as the Hulk in Russia, where he beat and shot the Abomination while the real Hulk was imprisoned in an underground military base in Death Valley after a failed war against Earth's superheroes. Iron Man, She-Hulk, Doc Samson and Maria Hill went to investigate this murder. After that, the Red Hulk unexpectedly made his way to the flying aircraft carrier S.H.I.E.L.D., hacked into the database and deleted all files relating to the Hulk, defeated Iron Man and She-Hulk and shot down the aircraft carrier itself. The Red Hulk then traveled to Death Valley and defeated the A-Bomb (the new Muck that Rick Jones suddenly turned into).

At this time, the real Hulk broke free and fought with his red counterpart, but Thor intervened in their duel. The Red Hulk defeated Thor in space and, upon his return to Earth, set off a massive earthquake in San Francisco. Then the Hulk, A-Bomb and Thor himself opposed him. And She-Hulk, the Avengers, the Fantastic Four and Namor went to save the city from destruction. The Red Hulk was defeated, after which it turns out that Dr. Samson and General Ross himself, who turned into him, were behind his creation.

After that, She-Hulk decided to take revenge on the Hulk and gathered a small squad consisting of Thundra, Valkyrie and herself. After a short battle, the Invisible Lady, Tigger, Black Widow, Storm, Red Lynx and Spider Woman came to the aid of the girls. Hulk soon lost and passed out. The Hulk managed to escape and kidnap Tundra to offer her an unknown deal.

After some time, Domino accidentally learned the secret of the identity of the Red Hulk. The Hulk began to pursue her, but Domino was able to escape. But Doctor Samson ordered him to find and kill Domino. And that for this he will need help, the Hulk gathered a squad consisting of Tundra, Elektra, Deadpool, Red Dynamo and the Punisher. Domino, in turn, gathered the X-Force. During the fight with Wolverine, the Hulk went blind. In the midst of the battle, the Red She-Hulk appears and convinces the Hulk to come with her. A few minutes later, the sight returned to the Hulk and he realized that it was all a trap set by the Doctors Samson, who bought his team. Hulk miraculously manages to escape with the help of Tundra. The Hulk soon found Domino and Wolverine at Silver Sable's home. She told him that Samson arranged all this and that he was connected with Ts.I.I. (Center for Interesting Ideas), and therefore with Modoc.

It turned out that Modoc and the Leader assembled a team consisting of the Red Ghost, the Wizard and the Mad Thinker, and General Ross (Red Hulk), Samson, the Fearsome Four and the Red She-Hulk were allied with them. The Red Hulk realized that he could not cope on his own and decided to make an alliance with Bruce Banner. Soon, General Ross made an attempt to kill the Red Hulk, but was killed (this was a set-up), after which it turned out that Betty Ross (the general's daughter) and Major Glenn Talbot were alive (previously considered dead).

Red Hulk and A-Bomb's first mission was to destroy the Space Hulk, who was stationed at Modoc's base. But it was the Leader and Modoc's plan to use the Red Hulk's power to activate the Space Hulk. A-Bomb managed to take the disk with information. It turned out that the Space Hulk was created by the Mad Thinker using Galactus' technology, making his powers comparable to those of the Silver Surfer. The second task was to save Mister Fantastic from the Wizard and his Fearsome Four, but he failed. Shortly thereafter, the Space Hulk attacked Latveria and took Doctor Doom away.

The Intelligentsia's plan is revealed - to kidnap eight of the smartest people - Mister Fantastic, Iron Man, Doctor Doom, Bruce Banner, Black Panther, Amadeus Cho, Beast and Henry Pym. While the Space Hulk was capturing Doctor Doom, the Red She-Hulk attacked the Mighty Avengers, and although Bruce Banner and Skaar came to their aid, she still managed to capture Pym.

Meanwhile, the Red Hulk arrived in Wakanda and tried to save the Black Panther and the Beast from the Red Ghost and his gamma monkeys, but the X-Men mistook him for an ally of the Ghost and attacked, the Red Ghost managed to do what he came for.

Later, the Red Hulk infiltrated the Intelligentsia Carrier but was stopped by the Space Hulk. The intelligentsia used it as an energy source for Samson's Cathexis Ray. Then Red Hulk's backup plan, Deadpool, was activated. He broke the tank in which the Red Hulk was. Deadpool doused himself with irradiated water and turned into a Hulk-like monster and named himself Hulkpool. He began to attack the Red Hulk, after which he pushed the Hulkpool out of the ship.

Immediately afterwards, the Red Hulk was attacked by the irradiated Avengers, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men. Since their minds were the same as the Green Hulk's, Red Hulk was able to cunningly turn them against each other and destroyed the room with Cyclops' beams. The true goals of the Intelligentsia were revealed - to create an army of two hundred Red Hulks.

After fighting the irradiated heroes, the Red Hulk was greatly weakened. Soon he was attacked by the Red She-Hulk, she beat him to a pulp, after which the Red Hulk turned into his alter ego - General Ross, and found out that his opponent was Betty Ross. She left him thinking she had killed him. The General is attacked by the Space Hulk, Ross decided that he could not defeat him and tried to hide, but eventually turned into the Red Hulk and tore the Space Hulk apart.

After all that happened, the general again turned into the Red Hulk and, at the request of Bruce Banner and with the help of Steve Rogers, joined the Avengers Army. He was caught by Namor and was supposed to be executed, but was saved. Steve Rogers welcomed him as a member of the Avengers. Will be included in the Avengers in the future.

2. Ability

At first, Ross did not have powers, but gained them when he turned into the Red Hulk. They differ from the abilities of the original Hulk in that they do not increase due to anger, but the Red Hulk is much stronger than the calm Green Hulk and can absorb various types of energy (including cosmic) and become stronger due to it. In addition, he is smarter than the Hulk, is able to fully control his actions, speaks clearly, uses weapons, and even hacked the S.H.I.E.L.D. security system.

3. Interesting facts

  • AT Hulk #05 When the Hulk fought Thor, he took Mjolnir from him. And Thor's hammer can only be lifted (and even more so used) by a worthy one. However, it is subsequently explained that the Red Hulk used a state of weightlessness in which the weight of the hammer does not work. Besides, the hammer was in Thor's hand.
  • AT Hulk #01, the action takes place in Odessa, and the characters claim that everything is agreed with Moscow. But Odessa is on the territory of Ukraine.

4. Bibliography

  • Hulk #01- to the present
  • King Size Hulk #01
  • Fall Of The Hulks: Gamma #01
  • Incredible Hulk #600
  • Mighty Avengers #25
  • Wolverine Vol. 3#73

5. General Ross outside the comics

5.1. Movies

  • Hulk (2003) - Sam Elliott.
  • Incredible Hulk (2008) - William Hurt.


This abstract is based on

Hero characteristics

  • Real name: Thaddeus E. Ross (Thaddeus E. Ross)
  • Nicknames: General Ross, Thunderbolt, Zzzax, Redeemer, Rulk, Hulk
  • Current Nickname: Red Hulk
  • Personality: Hidden
  • Universe: Earth-616 (Mainstream)
  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Welcome
  • Height: 182 cm (6 feet) - Ross; 210-300 cm (7ft - 10ft) - Rulk
  • Weight: 98 kg (254 lbs) - Ross; 480-800 kg (1200 - 2000 pounds) - Rulk
  • Hair Color: Gray (Ross); Black (Rulk)
  • Relatives: Karen Lee Ross - wife; Elizabeth Ross Banner (Elizabeth Ross Banner) - daughter; Glenn Talbot - son-in-law Robert Bruce Banner - brother-in-law.
  • Group Affiliation: Avengers (Avengers); formerly: Center for Interesting Ideas (Advanced Idea Mechanics); Offenders; Red Code (Code Red); US Air Force (U.S. Air Force); Hulkbusters (the Hulkbusters); ally of the Intelligentsia (Intelligencia)
  • Friends: Clay Quartermein; Jack D. Ambruster
  • Enemies: Hulk (Hulk), Abomination (Abomination).
  • Citizenship: USA
  • Family status: Widower

General Ross

General Ross worked for the US Air Force, where he was in charge of the Gamma Bomb project led by Bruce Banner. Ross's daughter, Betty, fell in love with Banner, but her father was interested in her marrying a military man. From the moment Dr. Banner transformed into the Hulk, Ross began to hunt him down. He even had to cooperate with the enemies of the Hulk: the Leader (Leader), (M.O.D.O.K.) and Abomination (Abomination).


General Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross, the man who would become the most frequent threat to the superhuman monster known as the Incredible Hulk, was born into a military family. Ross' grandfather served heroically under General Sherman in the Union Army during the Civil War; Ross's father became a general during the Battle of the Argons in World War I. At a young age, Ross immersed himself in the study of military history. He later learned the basics of flying by watching kites at country fairs. Ross soon finished his high school at West Point. He married Karen Lee, daughter of the captain who was his commander at the time. Ross quickly rose in rank and was a captain when he went to fight in the Pacific during World War II. It was during the war that Ross made his reputation as a leader in combat. His soldiers gave him the nickname "Thunderbolt" because, according to them, "he struck like lightning" when he led them during the fighting. Ross also served briefly in Europe and was present at the release of prisoners from the infamous Auschwitz camp. By the end of World War II, Ross had become a major. Between World War II and the Korean War, Ross was stationed at the nuclear research facility at Los Alamos, New Mexico. It was here that he met nuclear physicist Brian Banner, the father of Bruce Banner, with whom Ross would work years later. Ross rose to the rank of colonel when he was sent to fight in Korea. It was in Korea that Ross became a brigadier general in the US Air Force. "Thunderbolt" Ross enjoyed the war effort, as he was unhappy about being assigned paperwork before and after the Korean War. He eventually received the rank of lieutenant general. Ross's wife, Karen, bore him only one child, a daughter, Elizabeth "Betty" Ross (Betty Ross). Karen Ross died when Betty was in her early teens. General Ross at the time commanded the Desert Base in New Mexico, a complex that included a missile base and a nuclear research facility. He believed that this place was not suitable for raising a little girl, and sent her to a boarding school. After graduating, Betty, devoted to her only parent, returned to the Desert Base to live next to her father.

Encounter with the Hulk

Some time later, Bruce Banner, a genius in nuclear physics, was sent by the US government to Desert Base to oversee the construction and testing of his invention, the Gamma-Bomb, a nuclear weapon that produced a large burst of gamma radiation. General Ross resented the fact that Banner, a civilian, was in charge of the project. In addition, the General held contempt for the unathletic, intellectual Banner for failing to live up to Ross's hopes for true courage. Even worse for Ross was the growing attraction between Banner and Betty, whom he wanted to marry to an officer. During the first test of the Gamma Bomb, Banner was exposed to intense gamma radiation, which, for an unknown genetic reason, did not kill him, but allowed him to accidentally transform into a superhumanly strong monster known as the Hulk. Initially, the Hulk had little of Banner's memories and intellect, and was easily enraged. Consequently, the Hulk was considered a threat, and Ross began his long hunt for the Gray and then the Green Giant. Initially, Banner was able to hide the fact that he and the Hulk were the same person; the only one who knew the truth was Rick Jones, his young friend. Indeed, since the Hulk was radically different from Banner, no one had any reason to believe that Banner could physically transform into the Hulk. However, Banner's mysterious disappearances due to his constant transformations led Ross to suspect Banner of treachery and a possible alliance with Warsaw Pact intelligence. To confirm his suspicions about Banner, Ross accepted Major Glenn Talbot to Desert Base as the new head of security. Talbot soon began to take as intense a dislike for Banner as the general. He also became interested in Betty, and the general hoped that this would help her choose an officer for her husband, not Banner. Soon the Pentagon appointed Ross as head of Operation Hulk, a project to find, destroy or capture such a powerful threat.

Ultimately, mistakenly convinced that the Hulk was dead, Rick Jones told Talbot and Betty that Banner and the Hulk were the same person. Shortly thereafter, Betty and Talbot witnessed Banner's transformation, and Ross and the base staff learned of his second identity.

Hunting the Hulk

Ross, however, continued to pursue the Hulk, and Banner became a fugitive. Ross claimed that he could not be completely sure if Banner was in control of the Hulk's actions or not; therefore, this fact made him a potential national security threat (in fact, Banner had little to no control over his transformations or actions as the Hulk).

Ross also went on the hunt, as it reminded him fighting in Korea when he tried to avoid the paperwork he was assigned to. During these years, Ross managed to capture both the Hulk and Banner, but more often than not, the Hulk thwarted the general's attempts to capture or kill him, and even the Hulk captured by Ross soon managed to escape. Embittered by these setbacks, Ross became even more determined to eliminate the threat from the Hulk. The general's ambition soon became a fanatical obsession.

In addition, over the years, Ross found himself in conflict with two other superhuman enemies, most notably the Leader and the Abomination. Invariably, Banner defeated them, both in his human form and as the Hulk. Although Ross continued to view the Hulk as a threat, he unwittingly showed respect for Banner.

At some point, Banner learned to turn into the Hulk without losing his intelligence and control over his actions. Since he was no longer considered a threat, Banner managed to get the general's consent to marry his daughter, Betty.

However, the wedding ceremony, held in the house where Betty was born, was disrupted by the Leader and his ally, the Rhino. Before Bruce and Betty could be called husband and wife, the Leader used his technology to transform Banner into his former, Wild Hulk.

Subsequently, the US government built a special place for operations to capture or destroy the Hulk - Hulkbuster Base, located in the New Mexico desert. As the most experienced man in the field of hunting the Hulk, General Ross was given command of this base and the US Air Force Anti-Hulk Mobile Forces, known as the Hulkbusters. The overall military operation to capture the Hulk was now known as Operation: Greenskin, after the color of the Hulk's body. Neither Ross nor the US government now wanted to kill the Hulk unless the need arose; Operation: Greenskin involved capturing the subject and treating him to restore Banner to his normal human form. Ross argued that by capturing the Hulk, scientists would be able to better understand the effects of radiation on humans, leading to big breakthroughs in the realm of normal human existence.

Although Ross stated that he only wanted to cure Banner as his son-in-law, he was overjoyed when Betty married Glenn Talbot, as she thought she could never marry Banner.

Around this time, General Ross made an illegal deal with the Abomination to capture the Hulk in exchange for a cure. The Abomination failed the mission, but Ross returned to this scheme two more times in the future.

With the permission of the Canadian government, Ross and the Hulkbusters pursued the Hulk in this country as well. In the Arctic Circle, Ross was captured by Gremlin, a Soviet agent who ran a secret base on Canadian soil. Major Talbot and Vietnam War veteran US Air Force Colonel Jack D. Ambruster led the Air Force to rescue the general from prison. However, the major was captured by Soviet soldiers and everyone thought he was dead.

Shocked by her husband's death, Betty blamed her father for everything. Also, partly due to his capture by the Soviets and partly because he punched a journalist, Ross was relieved of his command of Operation: Greenskin. Colonel Ambruster successfully replaced Ross as commander of Hulkbuster Base. Ross was now officially retired, but often accompanied Ambruster on Hulkbuster missions. Ambruster was ultimately killed while saving Ross and the President from an assassination attempt. The Hulkbuster base was destroyed by the so-called Devastator, and General Ross and an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (S.H.I.E.L.D.) Clay Quatermain led the team that freed Talbot from Soviet captivity.

Together, Ross, Quatermain, and Doc Samson sent the Abomination to defeat the Hulk, but he again failed in his mission.

The Hulkbuster base was reconstructed and Ross was given command of the base again. The Gamma Base was more intended to study the effects of gamma radiation and heal the superhuman beings that radiation created; capturing the Hulk was now a secondary goal. However, Ross was still obsessed with the idea of ​​capturing the Hulk. This obsession and Ross's continued failures drove him to the point of a nervous breakdown. He was admitted to the hospital and placed in the care of Samson; meanwhile, Betty Ross and Glenn Talbot divorced, as Betty realized she was still in love with Bruce Banner.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff promoted Talbot to the rank of colonel and made him the new commander of Gamma Base. Talbot was determined to kill the Hulk, in particular due to his divorce from Betty, which Banner was involved in; but soon, due to numerous failures in this area, the US Congress closed all operations conducted by the Gamma Base. Refusing to end his hunt for the Hulk, Talbot disobeyed orders and, moreover, stole a "War Wagon", a heavily armed flying machine, which he then used to track down the Hulk personally. Shortly after, Talbot was killed during a fight with the Hulk.

Seemingly fully recovered, General Ross returned to active duty, seeking revenge on the Hulk for the death of his protégé Talbot, as well as his nervous breakdown. The President of the United States was unable to persuade Congress to provide Ross with the manpower and means to capture the Hulk, but made him an adviser to the Pentagon on matters related to the Hulk threat.

Banner was once again able to take control of his actions while being the Hulk. As a result, the President forgave the Hulk for all of his previous crimes.

General Ross was now in command of the military project Earthfall, a research operation involving cryogenic facilities, one of which imprisoned the Abomination in a state of suspended animation. Realizing that Betty was still in love with Banner and refusing to accept that the Hulk was no longer a threat, Ross planned to commit treason by freeing the Abomination and sending him back to kill the Hulk. Before Ross could do that, the project was taken over by M.O.D.O.K. / Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, the former head of the terrorist organization CII / Center for Interesting Ideas ( AIM / Advanced Idea Mechanics) who wanted to free the Abomination to be used as an ally. Ross and M.O.D.O.K. came to an agreement and freed the Abomination. The Abomination subsequently attacked the Hulk but did not defeat him. The Hulk realized that Ross allowed M.O.D.O.K. to release the Abomination. Hearing her father's confession, Betty was shocked. She reaffirmed her love for Banner and accused her father of treason. A shocked Ross nearly killed himself in his Pentagon office. But he chose not to kill himself, but instead to disappear from view. In his absence, he was dishonorably discharged from the armed forces. Ross became a drifter, sinking deeper and deeper into madness.


Bruce Banner, who believed that he was cured of the Hulk, proposed to Betty, and she agreed. But in the midst of their wedding ceremony, former General Ross appeared with a gun and demanded that the ceremony be cancelled. When best friend Banner, Rick Jones tried to talk to Ross, who shot him. Full of courage, Betty stood in front of her father and convinced him not to interfere with the wedding ceremony. Bruce Banner and Betty Ross are finally married; Jones soon recovered from the gunshot wound, and Thaddeus Ross was hospitalized and sent to a psychiatric hospital.

Ross's old ally, Clay Quatermain, allowed Ross to take part in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s experiment to transform a former general into a superhuman being by infusing him with some of the "live" electricity that the creature named Zzzax consisted of. But the experiment went awry and Ross's consciousness was consumed by Zzzax, who then broke free. Strangely, perhaps due to Ross's hatred of the Hulk, he was able to take control of Zzzax by putting his own personality into Zzax's mind. Meanwhile, Ross's body did not die, but all conscious processes ceased, only those that did not depend on consciousness remained the same - for example, the heartbeat. Mind-controlled by Ross, Zzzax tried unsuccessfully to kill both Bruce Banner and Rick Jones, who had recently become a Hulk-like monster himself. Ross's personality apparently became unstable again due to Zzzax's absorption, and when Banner forced Ross to admit that his mind was in the monster's body, he was horrified. Still controlled by Ross, Zzzax escaped.

Eventually Ross's mind returned to his original body, causing most of Zzzax's energy to transfer into his body. But now a new threat was approaching Gamma Base: a monster, an unknown mutant that grabbed people and sucked them out vital energy by killing them. Ross saw Rick Jones, in his Hulk-like form, try to stop a mutant that was threatening Betty. Then, saving Betty, Bruce Banner rushed to the mutant, and also became his victim. After seeing the courage of the Hulk and the self-sacrifice of Bruce Banner, Ross realized how wrong he was about them. The mutant did not begin to pump out energy from Banner's unconscious body, but went to Betty. Ross blocked the path of the mutant, and he began to pump out energy from him, but since the energy from Zzzax remained in Ross's body, the mutant was destroyed by electricity. But the tension for Ross's already middle-aged body turned out to be huge. After telling Betty that he was wrong about Bruce and that he loved her, Thaddeus Ross died in the arms of his crying daughter.

Back to life

Ross's body was later stolen by the Leader, who used the powers of one of his followers to resurrect Ross, turning him into a mindless replacement for his fallen soldier, the Redeemer. Ross was eventually resurrected and revived by the Troyjans' alien agents, and was even able to return to the Air Force.

He later discovered more effective method confronting the Hulk when he looked like an unintelligent child - active non-resistance. He and his people just didn't attack the Hulk and piss him off. The Hulk, in confusion, did not destroy anything, but simply walked away. What's more, Ross befriended the human side of the Hulk after Bruce saved Betty from death. But everything changed the moment Betty died from gamma radiation, and Ross began hunting the Hulk again. After he learned that the Abomination was responsible for his daughter's death, Ross let the Hulk escape.

World War Hulk

The general could not recover for a long time after the loss of his daughter. He was deeply depressed, and although he did not leave the service, Ross was rarely seen outside the Pentagon. This went on until the very Civil War, after which almost the only superhero was killed, whom Tadeus himself considered an example to follow - Captain America. Now that he had not only the meaning of life, but also the moral guide, Ross went to one of the Washington bars to get drunk. But unexpectedly, those whom he least expected to see appeared in the bar - the Leader and M.O.D.O.K .. The villains offered the general cooperation. Of course, he immediately refused, but the Leader stated that he could revive Betty. After much hesitation, Ross accepted the offer.

Shortly after this incident, the Hulk, who had been sent into space by the Illuminati before the Civil War, returned to Earth to take revenge on this organization, which, in his opinion, was responsible for the destruction of the planet Sakaar (Sakaar), where he found a home, peace and family. Ross personally entered the battle with the Green Giant, but neither his participation nor the most high-tech weapons helped, and the general's troops were defeated. After the Hulk's fight with the Sentry, Iron Man managed to attack the crazed World Destroyer from several satellites. However, the beam that was fired was not attacking at all. Stark had no idea that M.O.D.O.K. and the Leader installed a cathexis ray generator on the satellites, which absorbed some of the Hulk's gamma radiation, and he went into the form of Bruce Banner. He was taken into custody by General Ross at Gamma Base, which was now actually under the control of the ACI, with androids acting as personnel. There, he was periodically immersed in a catatonic state in order to study his genes. This data, as well as the gamma radiation received by the satellites, was used to create the mysterious and unpredictable Red Hulk.

Red Hulk

General Ross was irradiated with a cathexis ray and turned into a being comparable in strength to the Green Giant himself. Together with his military skills and amazing strategic thinking, this force, in his opinion, should have been enough to restore order in the country he loved so much. So although Ross began to act according to plans devised by the Leader and M.O.D.O.K. your goals. He had to cooperate with Doc Samson, who, because of the Intelligentsia, had a second, evil personality. Also, in order not to arouse suspicion due to the frequent absence of General Ross, an android was created that looked like an exact copy of him.

Ross often asked the Leader when he would be allowed to see his daughter. The villain played for time, hiding that he turned Betty into the Red She-Hulk (Red She-Hulk).

Satellites have picked up a lot of seismic activity in Canada; it was the Red Hulk. He made a stop on his way to the Abomination and was attacked by a Wendigo. Rulk cut off the Wendigo's head as a warning to everyone else before heading off in an unknown direction. This was the first time that another Hulk existed.

First Appearance: Red Hulk vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D. members Maria Hill and Iron Man, along with Ross (the android mentioned above), She-Hulk, and Leonard Samson, studied the dead body of the Abomination while in Russia. Another fact that perplexed them: several huge bullets were put into the body of the Abomination, which turned out to be fatal to him. Leonard began to tell the group about what had happened here, using an analysis of the scene of the battle. So, someone the size of the Hulk fought the Abomination. He also left traces under which the sand turned into glass from excess energy. And then he… shot the Abomination with a huge gun recently stolen from S.H.I.E.L.D. After a brief skirmish with the Winter Guard, a Russian superhero team, Ross discovered a small child who had witnessed the Abomination's murder. He kept repeating one word in Russian: “Red”.

While Maria, Iron Man, and She-Hulk discussed what had happened aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. Transporter, She-Hulk was captured by Red Hulk. He told her that he was not Banner and that he could kill her at any moment. Believing that everyone was in danger, Iron Man ordered Samson and Ross to go to a fortified room aboard the Transporter, while he confronted the Hulk. The Red Hulk deflected the uni-beams that Iron Man fired at him, and in return hit the latter with a piece of a huge machine. He then destroyed the carrier's stabilizers. Afterwards, Red Hulk continued to hit Iron Man, this time using a plane from the landing pad. Iron Man's armor began to fail, but then She-Hulk rushed to his aid, who told him that Red had hit the Transporter's computers with some kind of virus that erased all SHIELD files about the Hulk, and also deduced failure of all systems. Therefore, the ship fell like a stone down to New York. Iron Man and his autonomous armor were able to change the trajectory of the aircraft carrier's fall; he fell in New Jersey.

There is only one of the strongest

The Red Hulk pursued Rick Jones to the Gamma Base in Death Valley, Nevada. There he tried to kill him. But by hitting him, he only started the process of Rick's transformation into an A-Bomb (A-Bomb). They began to fight, destroying most of the Gamma Base. The Red Hulk tried to kill A-Bomb, but realized that he could withstand much more than the old Abomination. He then hit Jones with a force that caused a magnitude ten earthquake that opened up the underground cage where Bruce Banner had been kept since the World War Hulk. Bruce began to turn into the Hulk when the defense system activated, turning on the supply of sleeping gas.

A-Bomb and Red Hulk continued to fight, and Gamma Base released metal harpies with the face of Betty Ross (once they were designed specifically so that the Hulk would not dare to fight them). The Gamma Monsters quickly destroyed them, but when the Red Hulk prepared to fight Rick, he found the original Hulk (in Wild incarnation) instead. At that moment, the Watcher appeared, apparently to watch the fight between the two Hulks (and the Watchers are only openly present during events that change the course of history). The Red Giant quickly struck Uatu in the face; from the blow, Uatu fell to the ground. But then the Hulk intervened, and a fight began between him and Red. Just as Banner seemed to be gaining the upper hand, Red Hulk ran behind the Hulk in a series of quick moves and broke his arm. Meanwhile, the fight has moved to the top of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, where Rulk (as he was nicknamed by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, short for Red Hulk) was attempting to shoot Banner with the same gun he used to kill Abomination. . The Hulk was able to bite off part of the gun, and after that, the Red Hulk and Banner again grappled for a while, after which Banner fell off the bridge into the water.

Before the Red Hulk could go after Banner, Thor appeared. The two began to fight, and soon the Red Hulk grabbed Thor's hammer (while Thor himself did not let go of the hammer) and went with him into space. While in Earth orbit, Rulk began beating Thor with his own hammer, stating that zero gravity apparently overrides the rules for lifting the hammer. After beating Thor, the Hulk left him on the surface of the moon, and he returned to Earth, landing on the edge of the Rift in San Francisco. Because of this, the city began to sink into the Pacific Ocean.

After A-Bomb pulled the Hulk to the surface, the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, and She-Hulk appeared before them. Iron Man offered to help the Green Giant, but he refused and went to the Red Hulk, guided in his search only by instinct. At this time, Thor returned and began to beat the Rulk, but the Wild Hulk intervened and prevented Thor from delivering the final blow. A-Bomb told Thor that it was up to the Hulk to defeat the Rulk. Hulk outwitted Rulk by allowing him to beat himself up, which angered Rulk and caused him to overheat. After that, it took several hits from the Hulk to defeat the Rulk. While the Hulk, tired of the fight, was about to go into the desert, A-Bomb again became Rick and wanted to tell Bruce the true name of Rulk, but Samson knocked him out. Samson dragged Rick away while Ross stood over Rulk's body and said he was on his own now.

Red Hulk vs Lady Liberators

She-Hulk authorized the gathering of a team called the Lady Liberators in order to get revenge on Rulk and find out his "civilian" identity. The new team consisted of She-Hulk, Thundra and Valkyrie. They found Rulk atop Mount Rushmore after three days of searching for gamma signatures. A battle ensued, with Rulk gaining the upper hand, adding fuel to the fire with his Shivinist jokes. Capturing She-Hulk and hanging her by the neck over the abyss, he was already celebrating victory, but the girls freed their friend and rushed into battle with renewed vigor. It eventually got to the point where the team crushed Abraham Lincoln's head and Rulk got shot in the face with a shotgun, which only pissed him off even more. And then the rest of the Lady Liberators appeared: Sue Storm (Sue Storm), Tigra (Tigra), Hellcat (Hellcat), Spider-Woman (Spider-Woman), Black Widow (Black Widow) and Storm (Storm), which allowed them to win Ralk and shackle him in chains. Tandra wanted to behead him with the Valkyrie sword, but She-Hulk was against it, stating that she had to wait until he calmed down and returned to his normal, human state. At dawn, Rulk not only did not turn back into a man, but also broke the chains and, grabbing Tandra, set off in an unknown direction. He then offered her a secret job.

Defenders vs. Offenders

The Elder (Grandmaster) and the Collector (Collector) made a bet: both will create super-creatures on command and force them to fight. The Elder chose the original Defenders, while the Collector recruited Rulk, Tiger Shark, Terrax, and Baron Mordo into his team. Rulk became the leader of his team, which he named the Offenders. The Elder and the Gatherer feared that the teams would be equal in strength, and therefore introduced several additional members: Galactus (Galactus), Dormammu (Dormammu) and Psycho-Man (Psycho-Man). While the battle between the two teams was going on, Rulk emerged victorious by killing the Hulk.

The elder brought Rulk back into the game, and he began to kill his allies and not only. He destroyed Psycho-Man, cut off Terrax's head with his own axe, drained all of the Cosmic Energy from the Silver Surfer, and took his board. He then traveled to Dormammu's dimension and burned the Tiger Shark and beheaded Namor. After he took the lifeless body of the Surfer to Galactus and wanted to fight with him, but he only siphoned the energy of the Surfer from Rulk and sent him back to Earth. There, at this time, the Elder resurrected everyone who was involved in this game and returned them to their rightful places in space and time, but was attacked and killed by Rulk. While Rulk was beating the Elder, the Hulk appeared and kicked Rulk up the mountain.

Somewhat later, the Hulk was captured by the Intelligentsia. She-Hulk and Spider-Man went to the secret base to free him, and in the ensuing fight, Rulk absorbed all of the Green Giant's gamma radiation, thus healing Bruce Banner and rendering him unable to transform again.

Chasing Dominoes

When Ross, in his human form, was talking to Samson, this meeting was accidentally seen by Domino, who was on some kind of mission of her own and happened to be nearby. Rulk chased after her, but Domino was able to escape. Rulk then formed a team including himself, Deadpool, Punisher, Elektra, Tandra, and Crimson Dynamo, and named it Code Red. Each of the team members was selected by Samson. Elektra found Domino, and Rulk and his crew went to her. But when they arrived, they found that Domino had called her friends X-Force. During the fight, Wolverine blinded Rulk before Rulk threw him into the East River. During the battle, Code Red was defeated. Wolverine returned and was almost done with Rulk when the mysterious Red She-Hulk appeared and knocked out Wolverine with the weapon Domino was using. In addition, she held Elektra's sais and claimed to have killed both. She also stated that Jennifer Walters is also dead. The remnants of Code Red were left behind as Red She-Hulk took the blind Rulk down the drain. At this time, Leonard Samson appeared before the team and stated that Rulk was not going to fulfill his promises to the team, unlike him.

Meanwhile, much to his surprise, Rulk noticed many similarities between him and the Red She-Hulk. Climbing far enough into the sewers, Red She-Hulk stuck Electra's sai into Rulk's carotid artery. Then Samson appeared along with the Punisher, Deadpool and Tandra. The Red Hulk realized that it was Samson who set up the case with Domino, forced him to collect the Red Code, and now led this team against him. Rulk tried to talk to Leonard, but Leonard stated that "The Good Doctor is gone" (his evil personality has taken over). Rulk then tried to convince the others that he could be trusted. It turned out that Tandra did not betray Rulk, which she proved by grappling with Samson. Rulk decided to run away, and Red She-Hulk chased after him. And Deadpool and the Punisher realized that this did not concern them, and left. Meanwhile, Rulk and Red She-Hulk began to fight again, and Rulk jumped with her onto the roof of the Empire State skyscraper. At first, he threatened to throw her off the roof, but then changed his mind, deciding that she would answer his questions. But she didn't listen to him and pushed him down. Elektra was waiting for him there, who went with him to Domino. The latter ended up in Silver Sable's quarters. Domino told Rulk that she was taking revenge on the AIC for her husband's death and that she didn't expect to find Rulk there. She was never able to prove that she did not see Rulk's face in human form, but hinted that if she did, then in the event of her death this information would become public knowledge. Then Rulk said that the government had been looking for a reason to exterminate mutants for a long time, and the existence of such a team as X-Force, especially under the leadership of Avenger Wolverine, could well be just that reason. He promised to keep information about X-Force secret if Domino did not reveal the secret of his identity to anyone. Rulk then discussed the incident with Elektra. He realized that the Intelligentsia did not trust him, and all his plans would have to be reconsidered.

Fall of the Hulks and World War Hulks

Later, Rulk was seen fighting General Ross (remember, the latter was actually a copy robot), who used special armor. The fake Ross began to gain the upper hand, but was killed when he opened up to his opponent. In reality, Rulk now teamed up with Bruce Banner and killing Ross was part of their plan. Their partnership was shaky at best, as they didn't trust each other, but both needed each other to complete their mission of defeating the Intelligentsia.

He continued on missions, including a visit to the CII's secret base, which housed not only M.O.D.O.K.'s clones, but also the Space Hulk, a robot found by the Intelligentsia. In an attempt to destroy the Hulk, Rulk accidentally activated him, giving him a bit of his own energy. The Space Hulk quickly dealt with Rulk and A-Bomb, but was called off by the Leader. Rulk and Rick then returned to Banner and told him what had happened, and Rulk told Bruce that he had a daughter, Lyra.

Rulk then proceeded to the Baxter Building to prevent the Intelligentsia from capturing Reed Richards. Rulk tried to convince the Thing that he was on his side, but the Thing didn't listen. But Rulk was still able to convince Ben that they should seal the portal to the Negative Zone that Trapster had lured Ben into. Rulk tried to absorb energy from the Negative Zone to give the Thing some time, but was unable to do so; moreover, this energy weakened him. Therefore, he almost lost the Thing, but was able to save it at the last minute.

While trying to save T'Challa from being kidnapped by the Red Ghost and his minions, Rulk was attacked by the X-Men, who mistook him for an enemy. But then Rulk received unexpected help from the monkeys of the Red Ghost, who, however, soon attacked him. By killing one of them, Mikhlo, he angered the Red Ghost, who stopped his heart. Upon recovering, Rulk discovered that the Intelligentsia had kidnapped not only T'Challa, but Hank McCoy as well. Rulk returned to Banner and told him what had happened. A quarrel broke out between them: Banner tried to convince Rulk that the Intelligentsia was playing with them and making them behave like an old green Hulk.

Rulk soon attacked the Intelligentsia's lair, the Hellcarier, a stolen S.H.I.E.L.D. Carrier over Washington DC. He destroyed the Gamma android Mad Thinker, but was defeated by the Space Hulk. He was then connected to a cathexis machine, which was used to turn a small army of ACI agents into Hulk-like monsters. She also turned some of the heroes into Hulk-like versions of themselves. These heroes (Captain America, Thor, Ms. Marvel / Ms. Marvel and others) decided to attack Rulk. After defeating them, Rulk was attacked by the Red She-Hulk. Having completely exhausted his energy, Rulk was unable to resist. In addition, Rulk Woman showed exactly the same ability as his - energy absorption. She turned Rulk into a human and saw who he really was - General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. Upon learning this, Red She-Hulk did not kill him and revealed to him that she was his daughter, Betty Ross. Betty left him, but Ross was quickly discovered by the Space Hulk. Ross began to drain energy from the Hulk, transforming back into the Rulk, and tore the robot in two.

Hulk's last frontier

Bruce Banner and his allies stopped the Intelligentsia, and Banner himself absorbed the radiation from the cathexis machine and became the Hulk again. Meanwhile, Ross began to carry out the decisive part of his plan, because now the Intelligentsia could not interfere with him. He burst into the White House (there was an android pretending to be Glenn Talbot, who, according to the plan of the Intelligentsia, was supposed to let them finish what they started, but Rulk tore off his head) and announced that he had taken control of everything and was going to save the country.

The Hulk broke into the Oval Office and forced Ross to attack him. Red She-Hulk, She-Hulk, Lyra, and A-Bomb accompanied the Hulk on this mission. The Hulk began to take over when Betty tried to stop him by calling him Bruce. She-Hulk, Jen, tried to hold her back, stating that it was a private matter between Bruce and Ross. This infuriated Betty and she lashed out at Jen. Seeing this, Ross gained a second wind, but was immediately thrown across the city by the Hulk, who declared that he was "going to put an end to this."

The Hulk and Rulk continued to fight on the other side of the city, and their fight prevented the Wizard, Ghost, and Trapster from escaping. Rulk again tried to absorb the Hulk's gamma radiation, but it turned out to be too much, and a small gamma explosion occurred. Thinking he had won, Rulk climbed out of the crater, claiming he was the strongest. Behind him, the Hulk appeared and with the words: "And this is all you have?", dealt an unimaginable blow to Ross, knocking him out. The Hulk then revealed that he had been following Ross since the beginning. The fake death and funeral was all done to make sure Rulk could never be Ross again. In addition, if Ross revealed to everyone that he is Rulk, he would immediately be hanged for treason.

Scorched earth

We later see the Hulk leading Steve Rogers (Steve Rogers, by now Operational Commander of Law Enforcement) to the newly rebuilt Gamma Base where Rulk was imprisoned. The Hulk told Rogers that he believed Ross could be a good addition to missions where his skills and experience might be required. “Ross is a patriot who will sacrifice himself for the sake of the country,” that is how the Hulk described him. When they appeared in front of the camera, Rulk immediately stated that he had been waiting for a long time for them to come. Then Rogers decided that he was not ready yet. Banner activated the anti-gravity mechanism inside Ross' cell, causing him to calm down. Three days later, Rogers returned to find that Ross had calmed down and was ready to work. Steve asked Ross to return to his human form, which he did out of respect for the Super Soldier. Banner immediately injected something into Ross's system, which immediately knocked him out. While he was unconscious, Banner worked to remove Ross's ability to absorb energy from others, stating that this ability would soon kill him. Bruce and Ross began to argue, but Ross soon agreed with Banner; in addition, Bruce took care of Betty and used Ross to improve the same procedure for her. Then Rogers entered; he said that no one trusts Ross now, including the public. Therefore, he will have to work with those whom Steve personally trusts. They also told Ross about the Intelligentsia's plan called Scorched Earth. This plan went into effect as soon as the Leader and M.O.D.O.K. failed. A series of cataclysmic cataclysms will begin to occur throughout the globe until it completely destroys the Earth.

A project at a research and development facility in Santa Clara, California got out of hand, and Banner and Rogers sent Ross there. Steve tried to contact Iron Man to warn them that Ross was now on their side, but was thwarted by interference from the Santa Clara base. As soon as Rulk was within the field of view of Iron Man's armor sensors, he immediately attacked Ross, forgetting about pressing problems. Due to the loss of attention, Iron Man's armor was able to be infected with a biological virus created in this research project. Afterwards, Stark shed the armor like scales and controlled it from a distance until he was able to remove all traces of the technomorphs. Rulk and Stark teamed up when they realized their initial conflict was a misunderstanding. Stark then sent Rulk to the base and led him to the central grid, which Ross destroyed, freeing everyone who had been infected by the technomorphic implants.

Rulk's next mission was to stop two wandering comets heading towards Earth via an artificial black hole created by M.O.D.O.K. and the Leader. Although the black hole was sealed, the comets still needed to be destroyed. Banner and Rogers decide to send Thor and Rulk on a mission. Thor, as soon as he saw Rulk, immediately became enraged and attacked him. Rogers decided that Thor didn't hear some specific aspects of the mission (although Thor later admitted to Bruce that he heard everything). Bruce had to turn on Galactus' hologram to get their attention and force them to stop fighting. Thor then opened a portal to the comets, leading Rulk along with him. Then they split up and each "took" a comet for himself. As Ross destroyed his target, he was thrown into an asteroid where he met the Watcher. He told him that the black hole is still open and that this black hole does not send the object that has fallen into it to the other end of the universe, but simply destroys it. He also told Ross that he would soon be beyond the event horizon and there would be no going back. After that, Rulk could not resist and almost fell into a black hole, but Thor came to the rescue and saved him; both returned to Earth. There, Banner insisted that the black hole had been closed after all, suggesting that Uatu had opened it himself in order to get revenge on Rulk for nearly killing him.

Back at Gamma Base, Ross asked Banner when he was going to let him see his daughter. In response, he learned that Bruce "is not responsible for this." At this point, Bruce was informed of yet another Scorched Earth cataclysm. Ross was sent along with Rogers to Namor. On the way there, Steve informed Ross that if Scorched Earth was stopped, he might offer Ross another job. Namor and Rulk soon teamed up to shut down an unknown type of drilling rig that discovered methane deposits under the seafloor. Mixing with magma, methane destroyed oxygen in the atmosphere over the Atlantic, and soon could destroy all oxygen on Earth. The "drill" consisted of two sound designs Klaw (Klaw), in the form of electric eels. After finding and destroying the power source of these structures, Rulk and Namor closed the holes in the methane deposits and sealed the holes in the volcano. Once this was completed, Namor attacked Rulk, stating that it was his involvement that helped the Intelligentsia nearly destroy the Earth. He also said that now Rulk will meet "the justice of the deep." Namor then "knocked" Rulk to the surface of the sea, where Rogers was waiting.

He told Ross that he should go to Monster Island, the last known location of Rick Jones, A-Bomb. Rulk found the A-Bomb on the back of another monster heading into the whirlpool. Rick muttered to go East, destroy civilization. And then Ross noticed that on the back of Rick and on the head of the monster there were incomprehensible growths that were slowly growing. Rulk tried to talk to Rick, but he attacked him, and then attached one of those "growths" to Ross's body. Under his influence, Rulk began to see pictures of the destruction of human civilization, but was able to resist this when he saw that the threat hung over America as well. He began to get angry and overheat, destroying the "growth". Then he managed to free Rick, but he himself became Ross again due to overheating. Rick and Ross contacted Banner as Ross couldn't turn back into Rulk. Bruce stated that the volcano on the Island was the source of the Scorched Earth program and that it was from there that the signal came that controlled those "growths". While the two were trying to break through to the volcano, A-Bomb was disabled. Then Ross tried to become Rulk again, but could not, and the monsters began to approach. And then there was ... the Hulk, who teleported to them with the help of Banner's technology. He told Ross that if the monsters couldn't "charge" him, then the Hulk could. This turned out to be true when, after absorbing some of the Hulk's energy, Ross turned into the Rulk.

Two Hulks were breaking through to the volcano. Rulk stated that if he could absorb energy, they would be able to win, to which Hulk replied that "Banner lied" and did not disable his energy absorption ability. Afterwards, they found that Rick had regained consciousness and ordered him to stay where they were while they sorted out the problems. Inside the volcano, they found the machines that controlled the Scorched Earth program. The cloned brains of M.O.D.O.K.A. were imprisoned in these machines. It was because of this that Banner could not hack into the computers that he thought were running the program. The Hulk then rushed towards them, but was hit by a beam that caused him to transform back into Banner. After that, he fell into the tanker with brains. Rulk was able to destroy the tanker, and the recovered Rick pulled Bruce out of it. After getting out of the volcano, Banner told Ross that he did not operate on him, as he had little experience in operations of this kind, and he could kill Ross. He also said that if Ross continued to absorb energy, he would soon burn out all his cells and lose either Ross or Rulk. Ross stated that he wanted to keep both. To this, Bruce replied that everything was in his (Ross's) hands and thanked for the destruction of the Scorched Earth program.

Two Hulks in one

Rulk was in Death Valley, inside Gamma Base, and was looking at what Banner thought was a teleportation bridge. Banner warned Ross to be careful, as he believed the bridge could be used to capture the Hulk. When Rulk looked inside, he was attacked by the Woodgod. He stated that he returned in order to kill the Hulk (for whom he mistook Ross). Bruce announced that he was heading towards them. During this time, Rulk, calling the Wood God a hippie, started beating him until he backed off. Ross thought he had won until he saw a Hulk-like figure who stated that he had not yet won. Ross thought it was Banner, but it turned out to be the Impossible Man. He said he was here to broadcast the rematch of the century. When Rulk asked who the rematch would be between, Xemnu answered his question as he exited the portal. He realized that the Rulk is not the same Hulk he fought before. Rulk tried to attack but fell because Xemnu took control of his body. Rulk started beating himself up. Xemnu, in turn, told Rulk that he did not have the ability to resist his control like the previous Hulk. He also added that if Rulk is no longer the protector of the Earth, then he (Xemnu) will attack the inhabitants of the planet. At that moment, the real Hulk appeared and landed directly on Xemna.

Since the Hulk was able to protect his mind from Xemnu's control, the latter summoned his henchmen. Impossible Man couldn't afford to destroy the Earth, so he fired an unknown beam at Rulk, claiming it would help him resist Xemnu's psychic waves. As a result, the beam produced the fusion of Rulk and Hulk into one body of red and green halves, with each controlling only their own half. At first, both of them couldn't get used to their new position, but they were still able to defeat the monsters. Then Xemnu released another monster named Klah (Kluh, the word "Hulk", written backwards). He looked like the Gray Hulk, but spoke in a lofty, outdated style. Klah was able to defeat the Hulks and send them flying into the air. Then the Hulk suggested that Rulk find something in common and thus defeat Klah. This common thing turned out to be love for Betty. The Hulks managed to defeat Klah and Xemna and send them into the portal. After some bickering with Impossible Man, the Hulks split up and agreed never to speak on the subject again.

Rulk - Avenger?

Rulk informed the Avengers of what he had seen. Upon learning that someone had received the power to beat Rulk, the Avengers decided they needed to find out who it was immediately. Stark immediately went to "check his files" and the rest of the Avengers, along with Rulk, began their own investigation. Meanwhile, Iron Man gathered the Illuminati to investigate, but in the Himalayas they encountered a mixed group of Avengers, joined by Iron Fist (Iron Fist), Luke Cage, Ms. Marvel, Mockingbird, and the Secret Avengers. (Secret Avengers): Beast, War Machine (War Machine), Creature and Moon Knight (Moon Knight). After a lengthy skirmish that released the pent-up tension, it was decided that they needed to get to the Stones before Robbins did. Professor Xavier led one of the groups to his ruined school where he hid his stone. Iron Man led the group to Area 51 (Stark claimed to be the owner of the area). And the third group, consisting of Rulk, Thor and Namor, plunged into such depths of the ocean, where other creatures could not reach. The Time Stone was kept there. Thor took him to himself, since he, most likely, could not abuse this power. The Iron Man group was late and Robbins teleported them using a new Stone, the Cosmic. Robbins then teleported to the next Stone and thus appeared in front of Thor, Rulk, and Namor, who had just begun to land. Immediately, Rulk performed a diversion by getting the Power Stone at his disposal. The Avengers then gathered all their forces and tried to attack the Hood, but he disappeared and soon met with Thanos / Thanos (in fact, it was Doctor Strange who used the illusion spell). Rulk seized the moment and punched Kolpak in the face; this caused Robbins to release the Stones from his hand, allowing the Avengers to take most of the Stones for themselves. But the Hood still had the Reality Stone, with which he made Iron Man disappear. Rulk chased after Robbins, and due to the power of the Stones, they crossed several universes, including Earth-1610 (Ultimate Universe), Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme Universe), Earth-58163 (M-Day), and Earth-2149 (Marvel Zombies). Finally, Robbins decided to negotiate with Rulk, asking him to give the Stone, but he showed only empty hands and replied: “You just had it in your hands. Now there is no. Guess who has it." Robbins turned around and saw Stark with the Infinity Gauntlet and the Stones. The latter used the combined power of the Stones to take the last one from the Hood, send him back to prison and restore everything that had been destroyed. He then erased the Infinity Gauntlet from reality (as it turned out later, this was actually a ploy designed to mislead everyone present in order to exclude the possibility of information about the Gauntlet being leaked. The Infinity Stones were again divided among the Illuminati). After this incident, Steve Rogers offered Rulk a place on the team.

Hunted Beast

Shortly thereafter, Rulk began to be hunted by General Fortin. Here we present a brief history this person. Reginald Fortean was one of the soldiers who was under Ross's command during the latter's hunt for the Hulk. He became one of the most faithful helpers Ross, learning from him everything he could. When Ross was killed (although it turned out to be just a copy of him), Fortin swore revenge on the Red Hulk. Promoted to General and taking Ross's place, he teamed up with his allies and together they built the Thunderbolt, a huge aircraft that was used as a mobile base to track Rulk's movements.

Fortin eventually found Rulk crossing the Colorado border. He ordered his subordinates to attack Rulk and they managed to hit him while jumping. Enraged, Rulk jumped onto the roof of the Thunderbolt, where he was personally greeted by the general himself, who managed to defeat Ross and throw him off the plane while injecting him with nanobots. Finding Rulk some time later, Fortin was away from his soldiers, and during this time Rulk tried to tell him about his true identity. But due to the Redeemer's upgraded armor, whose systems had malfunctioned at that moment, the general did not hear him. At this point, Fortin informed Rulk about the nanobots he had injected into him upon their first meeting. Now that Rulk has turned back into a human, the nanobots have received concrete data on his transformation and will fry Rulk's brains the next time he transforms. Afterwards, he ejected from the Redeemer armor, leaving Ross unconscious.

After tracking Rulk to Llano, Texas, Fortin launched special rockets that, on contact with the ground, created stone creatures. After Rulk destroyed them, the general thanked him for testing them. He also suggested that Rulk sleep, which added to Ross's fears about the possibility of sleep, because he could accidentally turn back into Ross, which would allow Fortin to kill him.

While chasing Rulk into the town of Beebe, Fortin was disappointed to see Rulk save the town's residents from a tornado. He believed it was all a ruse that allowed him to be among the civilians, and not a sincere attempt to save them. He later witnessed a fight between Rulk and Black Fog, who then fled. Fortin went abroad for unknown reasons.

Planet of the Red Hulk

After all these events, Rogers contacted Ross and gave him the order to go into space to help the astronauts. A damaged Russian spacecraft was located in Earth orbit, which was at the center of an unknown phenomenon. Ross was supposed to get on the ship and, if possible, save the pilots. But the unexpected happened: when he was on the ship, the engines turned on and Ross flew inside this “gap”. Flying through it, Rulk found himself in an unknown solar system, and by that time the ship had completely used up the remaining fuel reserves. Rulk decided to land on the nearest red planet. Landing on the surface of the planet, Rulk found himself in the webs of some kind of web; it was in this state that the inhabitants of the planet discovered him. Seeing him, one of the natives attacked him with a spear, which Rulk easily swept aside. The native's girlfriend threw a piece of fruit into Rulk's face, causing him to pass out. Waking up, Rulk found himself entangled in an incomprehensible plant, and around him were the natives. Because of this plant, he could not move, but at the same time he could talk to the natives. From the conversation, he realized that they needed him only as a source of information, because if he was not from their planet, then it means that he was sent from a neighboring one. At that moment, King Warka appeared. Rulk was not overly impressed and called the king a weakling. He, in a fit of rage, attacked Rulk, declaring that the right comes from strength, and only he, Warka, has strength.

After that, while unconscious, Ross pondered who might benefit from his exile to this planet. He had two options: it was Banner, who had previously gone through the same ordeal. Although even if it wasn't him, he could have done it. The second option is the Avengers, who, according to Ross, "everyone hated him." But he decided to prove to them that if the Hulk came back, so could he. Recovering, Rulk saw Alturi next to him, local resident who helped him recover. After that, Rulk was taken to the arena, where he was supposed to fight against Kargus the Deadly (Kargus the Deadly); Rulk called him "handsome". Warca controlled Kargus through the mindroot, and was supposed to take control of Rulk as well, but this did not happen, thanks to Alturi. In a short and furious fight, Rulk killed Warka, and immediately Alturi loudly proclaimed Rulk the new king.

A little later, another tribe of yellow-skinned natives from a neighboring planet attacked the inhabitants of the red planet. Rulk and his subjects killed the invaders, but did not burn them, as their tradition required; Ross ordered them to examine their bodies and prepare to attack at dawn. The next day, the king of the yellowskins, Bellusk, was brought the worm that had been used in the attack on Rulk the previous day. Then Rulk got out of his mouth and, together with his people, disguised as yellowskins, attacked the king and his troops. Bellasque shouted in Rulk's face that he was "the strongest here"; to which Ross replied that he had heard it somewhere before, and that he, the Red Hulk, was the strongest here.

After the fight, Rulk declared to both peoples that the time of the legends of their worlds, when their kings flew to the planets from heaven and killed all enemies, was over. Now they must unite and choose a leader for themselves, for example Altars. Rulk took Bellask with him and flew with him to the portal. On the way, he told the former king that both peoples differ only in skin color and nothing more. Flying through the gap, Rulk saw Bellask disappear and replace

Always and everywhere the green Hulk was considered the strongest, most enduring and, of course, invincible. But how to answer the question, who is the strongest of the characters, if another superhero appeared in the film industry - the Red Hulk? And in order to find out who is the strongest character - you need to know them both better.

History of the Green Hulk

The Hulk is a Marvel comic book superhero. Its creators are Jack Kirby and Stan Lee. Thus, the hero of animated and feature films is already 54 years old. The Hulk is Bruce Banner, a physicist. As a result of one of the experiments, an explosion occurred, and the physicist received strong radiation from a gamma ray.

As a result of this, a simple person gained the ability to turn into a superhero. Very often, the Hulk has to hide from the police, who are looking for him for the destruction, but the superhero always manages to get out of even the most difficult situations. For 54 years, the Hulk fought all the superheroes of Marvel comics and at the same time remained invincible.

Superpowers of the Green Hulk

Since the green Hulk is the strongest of the Marvel characters, it is worth paying attention to his abilities. What if there is a stronger character?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the Hulk's superpower, which grows exponentially from the level of his anger. Moreover, the harder the character is hit, the more strength he gets, which gives reason to call him stronger than Thor or even Hercules.

It is also surprising that the Hulk has the ability to self-heal, so any damage inflicted on him becomes only an excuse for the Hulk's wrath. The character has incredible speed, despite the huge legs. As planned by the authors, this character can move faster than the speed of sound. His no less mesmerizing ability is jumping. As you know, the Hulk was able to jump the orbit of the Earth.

This character has the ability to live without air, and he is absolutely not amenable to magic or other supernatural actions. If they try to act on the Hulk with the help of evil dark forces, he feeds on this energy, and his power becomes even greater.

Also, if the Hulk is cut off a part of the body, it will certainly grow or regenerate. The character is endowed with incredible strength and resistance to any external factor, in addition, we can safely say that he can be reborn from molecules.

Is it possible that someone with such superpower can defeat him?

Who is the Red Hulk?

No matter how strange and surprising it may sound, the green Hulk has a strong rival - the red Hulk. Initially, before obtaining super strength, it was a simple man who was very fond of martial arts. He was a descendant of the military, so being in this area is his life's work. Starting from the bottom and becoming a general, Ross received the title of "Thunderer". During the gamma ray, Ross was exposed to a beam that contained cathexis with the green Hulk's genes.

And as a result, his prototype appears before the fans of the green Hulk - the Red Hulk. But, unlike the first, the second Hulk also has military training. Strategic thinking and an irresistible desire to restore order in the country leads to the obligatory fight against the green Hulk, who constantly violates this order.

Therefore, the red Hulk against the green is an exciting story.

How did the Hulks meet?

General Ross was at the laboratory station where gamma radiation was being investigated. Bruce Bennett was put in charge of this project. General Ross could not accept the fact that a simple resident was appointed commander, and he, the general, was subordinate.

After some time, Ross began to suspect that Bennet and the Hulk are the same person. Moreover, his hatred for the green Hulk was fueled by the feelings of his only daughter, Betty, for the physicist. Therefore, Ross did everything in order to find confirmation of the connection between the Hulk and the physicist and uncover this deception. He hoped that when everything was revealed, his daughter would stop loving this monster. Therefore, Ross has always been at the head of those who are looking for the Hulk to kill him.

So who is stronger?

Red Hulk and Green Hulk have almost the same abilities. They are both incredibly strong, fast characters. In addition, both have the ability to regenerate, which makes their fight more exciting. While the red Hulk has thermal radiation, the green one has a suggestive sense and is resistant to telepathic effects.

The only major difference between the green Hulk and the red one is that the latter has military training, which helps him a lot. The fight between the red and green Hulk very often leads to the fact that one of them is temporarily defeated. So, in one of the episodes, the red Hulk attacks the green one, breaks his arm and throws him into the river. But all viewers know that the green Hulk will definitely get out and fight back, because he has the ability to live without air and will easily endure being in the water.

In addition, the green Hulk initially had to independently learn to maintain the thinking and intelligence of Bruce Bennet when turning into the Hulk. And the Red Hulk originally had this ability. But this does not give reason to immediately award the victory to General Ross.

Hulks on screen

When the Hulk was singular- there were films and cartoons about him that attracted to the screens. Now, fans of this character will be able to watch the cartoon "Red Hulk vs Green", which is full of confrontation between both characters. The most important question for all viewers is who is stronger. The cartoon is filled with many vivid pictures in which both heroes show their strength and desire to become the strongest on the planet, because the two of them are cramped on Earth.

More than once the red Hulk will perform against the green Hulk. The cartoon will still show the viewer who is stronger, so all fans of films about the Marvel universe will be able to cheer for their favorite hero. And it will be an unforgettable sight.

Red Hulk is a new character, and he introduced another obstacle into the life of the green Hulk, which not only develops the plot, but also fuels the interest of the audience. The Hulk has always been able to defeat any character, but now he will have to defeat himself. Can he survive this fight?

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