Pisces Lenormand in a love relationship. Lenormand fish. Work, career and finance

Interior Design 29.11.2020
Interior Design

Main meaning:

To feel the spirit of the card - remember the feeling when someone took the bait…. And you drag and anticipate) Or how people watch fishes in water with sinking.

Pisces is also a card of creativity and inspiration, because Neptune rules music, and the patroness of artists and poets Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces. Water is a symbol of the subconscious. Therefore, the Pisces card can be interpreted as the movement of the soul, the emergence of new images and ideas from the depths of the subconscious.

The connection of the Pisces card with water associates them with intuition and increased sensitivity, sensitivity and kindness, sacrifice. But also with all places where there is water: lakes, rivers, beaches, swimming pools, water parks.

When it comes to pregnancy, the Pisces cards will definitely be spinning somewhere, this is a symbol of fertility in every sense of the word. In addition, according to the old belief, if you dreamed of a fish, then this is for pregnancy. And the child swims in the mother's belly like a fish.

Pisces is a map of feelings and emotions, they are also associated with the element of water.

Negative meaning:

Shadow card

Surrounded by negative cards, Pisces say that you have fallen into the clutches of swindlers, it can be both financial manipulations and scams, and sectarian organizations that fool your brain and shake everything from you as if it were sticky. New projects are not feasible. In the negative version, the water on this card is poisoned and destructive to life. On a psychological level, these are mania, passion and addiction to alcohol or drugs, psychiatric illness, mental confusion and insanity. Despite its seemingly calm surface, the water is very dangerous underwater hidden currents, whirlpools and whirlpools, as well as sea reptiles that swarm in its depths. It can be a swamp, bogged down in which you will gradually sink, as you yourself understand, with such an associative array, the map is quite dangerous.

A waste of money, flowing through your fingers.

In matters of personal relationships:

Harmony, unity, kindred spirits, complete understanding. The couple is very comfortable next to each other. A fountain of emotions.

In matters of business and finance:

Your plans are being realized in excess of expectations, the invested funds and efforts will pay off handsomely, success in a large number of enterprises. Successful completion of the business started. Receiving a profit. Enjoy your work and get a good reward. The influx of customers, new contacts, expansion of the scope of activities, career advancement. Financial independence. Because fish are associated with freedom, then they are often the significators of people who work for themselves, set up their own business, are engaged in entrepreneurial or advisory activities.

In medical matters:

Well-being, cheerfulness and a state of fullness of energy.

With unfavorable cards in the neighborhood, current chronic diseases, diseases of the blood and blood vessels are sluggish, the general condition is depressed, and the immune system is weak. Hangover, vomiting, poisoning, dizziness.

As a map tip - go to the sea, go swimming or any water sport.

As a personality card:

It is difficult to describe the Pisces type, the appearance can be very different, as a full, portly prominent person, and completely inconspicuous gray. Easily passes from one state to another when he needs it. They have in common - dreaminess, love of travel and movement, these are people active in their field, but due to the fact that their sign refers to a mutable cross, they are too restless and may not bring what they started to the end. Also, all people under the Pisces card are united by increased sensitivity, daydreaming, and susceptibility. They are generous to such an extent that the same trait can be attributed to negative qualities as well. often go over the edge to extravagance. Which leads to another problem - constant money loans and loans.

In the negative version, the person under the Pisces card is slippery, cold, resourceful, on his own mind. Emotions are unbalanced, there is no opinion, he can easily expose him not to meanness, but because it was so convenient for him. Selfish, all actions are motivated by calculation. Pisces provides emotional coldness and lack of temperament, which is why a frigid woman is said to be "as cold as a fish."

In the worked out version, a Pisces person is a source of wisdom, experience, support for other people.

Fortune-telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. On 40 cards, 40 symbols were depicted, which had a classical decoding, but for a specific situation they could have direct meaning and denote exactly what is depicted on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were chosen and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. try this fortune telling to predict fate or clarify a question of interest to you.

Tarot spread "When will I meet my forehead?" used to predict a new acquaintance, which can develop into true love and strong relationships. For this fortune-telling, they usually ask the questions "Will I meet a boyfriend / girlfriend in the near future?", "Will I get married / get married in the next year?" In the map, symbolizing the place of acquaintance - carefully study what is shown on the map - this is a direct indication of the place of acquaintance. Focus and select cards from the deck.

Love fortune telling gypsy cards Tarot will tell you how the hidden person treats you and what the hidden person thinks of you. Also, this alignment shows what feelings the person you are interested in is experiencing towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what plans about you in the future tense and what is the result of communication with this person. Think about your question and choose cards from the deck.

Online fortune telling "Lenormand Council" is a single-card layout of Lenormand cards, each card of which gives a specific advice for you. This fortune-telling can be used as a daily to plan the day or as an assistant in a difficult situation. Questions suitable for this fortune-telling are "What to do?" and "What does this situation teach me?" Concentrate and choose a card from the deck and read the advice it gives.

The layout of Lenormand's "Chains of Fortune" cards is a universal fortune-telling for any life situation in the aspect of the future. The layout, consisting of 4 cards, is very simple, but at the same time very informative and gives a forecast for the near and distant future, how this situation will end. Before starting fortune-telling, concentrate and ask your question, then select cards from the deck.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin "One rune" is the simplest and at the same time accurate layout of the runes. You can ask a question and get an instant answer to it by pulling out just one rune. If the question implies an unambiguous answer, then upright position runes means "Yes", the inverted position of the runes - "No", the empty rune of Odin - the answer is indefinite ..

Decoding of the Lenormand "Pisces" card

(King of tambourine)

Decoding cards Lenormand »Card Lenormand" Fish "

Overall value:

Catch. Wealth. Welfare. A well-deserved reward. The Pisces card is a symbol of good luck, prosperity, prosperity, wealth, both in a physical and spiritual sense. Success in all enterprises, successful completion of the started business. If you use the opportunities presented, then hopes and plans will come true, you will receive a reward, everything you wanted and even more. Fish is a symbol of water, life, fertility, health, wealth, material wealth. Next to bad cards, it warns that your plans are utopian, or you trusted the wrong people.

Work, business, affairs:

Health, well-being:

Bladder or kidney. Mental illness. water procedures are recommended, rest by the water, an optimistic mood for recovery, but the likelihood of alcoholism may arise.

Relationships, questions about love:

Catch. Success. Your lover takes a relationship with you as a reward and loves you more than you think. You are dear to him, his feelings are deep. With it, you feel like a fish in water. But material calculation and increased attention to physical benefits are not excluded.

Personality characteristic:

People: Slender, strong, attach great importance to formalities and a well-groomed appearance. Aesthetic appearance, confident, complacent gait and demeanor. Pisces, extremely self-confident people, willingly put themselves in the foreground, and are extremely active and love to travel. Due to lack of concentration, it is rare for any of them to focus on any topic and rather do not complete certain things. Don't allow yourself to dominate others. Elusive, sensitive, dreamy, impressionable, imaginative, sympathetic, generous, open-minded, sincere, persuasive, charming, adventurous. The card has to do with practical people, connected to work, smart and constructive. Temperament, big plans, organizational skills.

In big water, the fish is big. Make big plans, seize opportunities, the catch will exceed your expectations.

The Pisces card is money and lucrative contracts. This also includes an increase in cash, gifts and other income, depending on the fortune-telling cards that come up next. This card is associated with trade, sales, purchase and exchange of goods, business operations, transactions, imports, exports, as well as the process of creating and implementing various projects. The Pisces card can mean water. If you have other good cards falling around her, you can be sure that everything will go smoothly. At the same time, Pisces needs a favorable atmosphere to work successfully, so you need to carefully look at the surrounding cards and the position in which they fall out.

The main meaning in fortune telling: Financial, volatile, exchange, fluid.

Keywords: Money, income, luxury, indulgent, professional success, prosperity, finance, liquidity, founding a business, flow, circulation, elements in a chain, independent means, livelihood, wage, generosity, funds, movement, debts, obligations, industry, flexibility, cash flow, constant movement, good quality, drink, alcohol, thirst, river, investment, trade, sale, purchase, swimming, transactions, trade, expenses, payment, water.

People. Fisherman, financier, entrepreneur, money lender, employer, merchant, trader, online seller.

Love. Matchmaking, compatibility, joint bank account.

Job. Honorable work, livelihood, work book.

Finance and business. Cash out your assets, trade exchange.

Well-being. Hydrotherapy, seaside, sports.

Comparison. Bear (10 clubs) - goods that bring money, and Pisces - money itself; Ship (10 spades) - foreign countries; Anchor (9 peaks) - sea; while Pisces is related to river or fresh water.

Playing card. The King of Diamonds is a business person's card. The King of Diamonds has a lot of coins in stock. The number of points is 13.

Connection with myths and legends. In the tale of the Fisherman, the goldfish consistently fulfills the wishes of the fastidious old woman, until, finally, the ingratitude and greed of the old woman returns her to the same poverty with which she began.

Pisces combined with other Lenormand cards:

= a good investment, the ability to trade, the risk of issuing securities.

Hangovers, unnecessary spending, financial problems.

Funeral fund, bankruptcy, lack of funds.

Money for repairs, money as a gift, huge funds.

Owner with money, stock trader, wealthy banker.

Clean water, welcome exchange, successful trade.

A new type of trade, strengthening of monetary circulation, business migration.

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